The Survey of London (1633): Limestreet Ward

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THe next is Limestreet
, and taketh
the name of Lime
, of making or
selling of lime there
(as is supposed:) the
East side of this
Limestreet, from the North corner ther
of, to the middest of Ealdgate Ward, as
is aforesaid: the West side, for the most
part, from the said North corner, south
ward, is of this Limestreet Ward: the
South end on both sides is of Langbourn
: the body of this Limestreet
, is of the high street called Corn
, which stretcheth from Lime
on the South side, to the West
corner of Leaden-hall: and on the North
side, from the South-west corner, to S.
Mary street
, to another corner over a
gainst Leaden-hall.
Now for Saint Mary street, the west
side thereof is this Limestreet Ward,
and also the street which runneth by the
North end of this S. Mary street, on both
sides; frō thence west to an house called
the Wrestlers, a signe so called, almost to
Bishopsgate. And these are the bounds
of this small Ward.
Monuments or places notable in this
Ward, bee these: In Limestreet are
divers faire houses for Merchants and
others: there was sometime a mansion
house of the Kings,
An house in Lime
, cal
led the Kings Ar
called the Kings Ar
, whereof I finde record in the 14.
of Edward the first
, but now growne
out of knowledge. I read also of ano
ther great house in the West side of
Limestreet, having a Chappell on the
South, and a Garden on the West, then
belonging to the Lord Nevill, which
Garden is now called the Greene yard of
the Leaden hall.
This house, in the ninth of Richard
the second
, pertained to Sir Simon Bur
, and Sir Iohn Burley his brother: and
of late the said house was taken downe,
and the fore-front thereof new builded
of timber, by Hugh Offley, Alderman.
At the North-west corner of Lime
, was (of old time) one great Mes
suage, called Benbridges Inne: Raph Hol
, Draper, about the yeere 1452.
gave it to Iohn Gill, Master, and to the
Wardens and Fraternity of Taylors,
and Linnen Armorers of Saint Iohn
in London, and to their successors
for ever. They did set up in place ther
of a faire large frame of Timber, con
taining in the high street one great
house, and before it, to the corner of
Limestreet, three other tenements, the
corner house being the largest: and then
downe Limestreet divers proper Tene
ments. All which the Merchant-taylors
in the reigne of Edward the sixth, sold
to Stephen Kirton, Merchant-taylor and
Alderman: he gave with his daughter
Grisild, to Nicholas Woodroffe, the said
great house, with two tenements before
it, in lieu of an hundred pounds, and
made it up in money, three hundred six
ty six pounds, thirteene shillings, foure
pence. This worshipfull man, and the
Gentlewoman his widdow after him,
kept those houses downe Limestreet in
good reparations, never put out but one
Tenant, tooke no fines, nor raised
rents for them, which was tenne shil
lings the piece yeerely: But whether
that favour did over-live her Funerall,
the Tenants now can best declare the
Next unto this on the high street was
the Lord Sowches messuage or tenement,
Messuage of the L. Sowch.

and other. In place whereof, Richard
, Merchant-Taylor, builded a
faire house, with an high Tower,

the second in number, the first of tim
ber that ever I learned to have beene
builded, to overlooke neighbours in
this Citie.
This Richard, then a yong man, be
came in short time so tormented with
gouts in his joynts, of his hands and
legs, that he could neither feed him
selfe, nor goe further than he was led,
much lesse was he able to climbe, and
take the pleasure of the heighth of his
Then is there another faire house,
builded by Stephen Kirton, Alderman:
Alderman Lee did then possesse it, and
againe new builded it: but now it is in
the custodie of Sir William Cravon.
Then is there a faire house,
Messuage called the Green-gate.
of old
time called the Greene-gate, by which
name one Michael Pistoy, a Lumbard,
held it, with a tenement and nine shops,
in the reigne of Richard the second, who
in the 15. of his reigne, gave it to Roger
and Tho. Bromester, Esquires,
by the name of the Greene-gate, in the
Parish of S. Andrew upon Cornehill, in
Limestreet Ward: since the which time,
Philip Malpas, sometime Alderman, and
one of the Sheriffes, dwelled therein,
and was there robbed and spoiled of his
goods, to a great value, by Iacke Cade,
and other Rebels, in the yeere 1449.
Afterwards, in the reigne of Henrie
the seventh
, it was seased into the Kings
hands, and then granted first unto Iohn
, after that, unto William de la Ri
, and since by Henry the eighth, to
Iohn Mutas, a Pickard, or Frenchman,
who dwelled there, and harboured in
his House many Frenchmen, that kalen
dred wolsteds, and did other things,
contrary to the Franchises of the Citi
zens. Wherefore on evill May day,
which was in the yeere 1517. the Pren
tises and other spoiled his house, and if
they could have found Mutas,
Mutas house spoiled.
would have stricken off his head. Sir
Peter Mutas
, sonne to the said Iohn Mu
, sold this house to David Woodroofe,
Alderman, whose sonne, Sir Nicholas
, Alderman, sold it over to
Iohn Moore, Alderman, that then pos
sessed it.
Next is a house called the Leaden
, lately divided into two tene
ments, whereof one is a Taverne, and
then one other house for a Merchant,
likewise called the Leaden Porch, but
now turned to a Cookes house.
Next is a faire house and a large,
wherein divers Maioralties have beene
kept, whereof twaine in my remem
brance; to wit, Sir William Bowyer, and
Sir Henry Huberthorne.
The next is Leaden-Hall,
Mannor of Leaden Hall.
of which I
read, that in the yeere 1309. it belon
ged to Sir Hugh Nevill, Knight, and
that the Lady Alice his wife, made a
Feoffment thereof, by the name of Lea
den Hall
, with the advousions of S. Peter
on Cornehill
, & other Churches, to Rich.
Earle of Arundell and Surrey
, 1362.
More, in the yeere 1380. Alice Nevil,
widdow to Sir Iohn Nevill, Knight, of
Essex, confirmed to Thomas Cogshall, and
others, the said Mannor of Leaden Hall,
and the advousions, &c.
In the yeere 1384. Humfrey de Bohun,
Earle of Hereford, had the said Mannor.
And in the yeere 1408. Robert Rikeden
of Essex, and Margaret his wife, confir
med to Richard Whittington, and other
Citizens of London, the said Mannor of
Leaden Hall
, with the Appurtenances,
the advousion of S. Peters Church, S.
Margaret Pattens
, &c.
And in the yeere 1411. the said
Whittington and other confirmed the
same to the Maior and Communalty of
London, whereby it came to the posses
sion of the Citie.
Then in the yeere 1443. the 21. of
Henry the sixth
, Iohn Hatherley, Maior,
purchased licence of the said King to
take up 200.
Licence to take up Lead to the buil
ding of a common granary.
fodder of Lead, for the
building of water Conduits, a common
Granarie, and the Crosse in West
, more richly, for the honour of
the Citie.
In the yeere next following, the Par
son and Parish of Saint Dunstane in the
East of London, seeing the famous and
mighty man (for the words bee in the
Grant; Cum nobilis & potens vir,) Simon
, Citizen of London, among other
his workes of Piety, effectually deter
mined to erect and build a certain Gra
narie, upon the soile of the same Citie
at Leaden-Hall, of his owne charges, for
the common utility of the said Citie; to
the amplifying and inlarging of the said
Granarie, granted to Henry Frowicke,

then Maior, the Aldermen and Com
munalty and their successors for ever, all
their tenements, with the appurtenan
ces, sometime called the Horse-mill in
Grasse-street, for the annuall rent of foure
pounds, &c.
Also, certaine Evidences of an Alley
and Tenements pertaining to the Horse-mill, adjoyning to the said Leaden-Hall
in Grasse-street, given by William King
, Fishmonger, unto the parish
Church of St. Peter upon Cornehill, doe
specifie the said Granary, to be builded
by the said honourable and famous Mer
Simon Eyre sometime an Vphol
ster, then by chan
ging of his Copy a Draper. Leaden-hall new buil
ded to bee a common Garner.
Simon Eyre, sometime an Vphol
ster, and then a Draper, in the yeere,
1419. He builded it of squared stone in
forme as now it sheweth, with a faire
and large Chappell in the East side of
the Quadrant, over the porch of which
hee caused to be written, Dextra Domi
ni exaltavit me
, The Lords right hand
exalted me.
Within the said Church,
A Chap
pell buil
ded in Lea
den hall
on the north
wall was written, Honorandus famosus
Simon Eyre, hujus operis, &c.
In English thus: The honourable and fa
mous Merchant Simon Eyre, founder of this
, once Maior of this City, Citizen
and Draper of the same, departed out
of this life the 18. day of September, the
yeere from the incarnation of Christ,
1459. and the 38. yeere of the reigne of
King Henry the 6
. He was buried in the
Parish Church of St. Mary Wolnoth in
Lumbard street: hee gave by his Testa
ment, which I have read, to be distribu
ted to all Prisons in London, or within a
mile of that City, somewhat to relieve
Legacies given by Simon Eyre. Daily Ser
vice by note, &c. and three free schooles in the Lea
den Hall
hee gave 2000. Markes upon
a condition, which not performed, was
then to be distributed to maids marria
ges, and other deeds of charity: he also
gave 3000. Markes to the Drapers, up
on condition, that they should within
one yeere after his decease, establish
perpetually a Master or Warden, five se
cular Priests, sixe Clarkes, and two
Queristers, to sing daily Divine Service
by note for ever, in his Chappell of
the Leaden-Hall: Also, one Master, with
an Vsher for Grammer, one Master for
Writing, and the third for Song, with
houses there newly builded for them for
ever, the Master to have for his Salary,
tenne pounds, and every other Priest 8.
pounds, every other Clerke, 5-pounds,
6. shillings, 8. pence, and every other
Chorister, five Markes. And if the
Drapers refused this to doe, within one
yeere after his decease; then the three
thousand Markes to remaine to the Pri
or and Covent of Christs-church in Lon
, with condition to establish as is a
foresaid, within two yeeres after his
decease. And if they refused, then the
three thousand Markes to bee disposed
by his Executors, as they best could de
vise in workes of charity.
Thus much for his Testament, not
performed by establishing of divine ser
vice in his Chappell or Free Schooles
for Scholars;
Liber albus.
neither how the stocke
of three thousand Markes (or rather five
thousand Markes) was imployed by his
Executors, could I ever learne: he left
issue Thomas, who had issue Thomas, &c.
True it is, that in the yeere 1464. the
third of Edward the fourth
, it was agreed
by the Maior,
Beame for Tronage of wools at Leaden-hall.
Aldermen and Cōmunal
ty of London, that notwithstanding the
King Letters patents, lately before gran
ted unto them, touching the Tronage or
weighing of Wares to be holden at the
Leaden-Hall; yet suit should be made
to the King for new letters patents, to
be granted to the Maior of the Staple,
for the Tronage of Wools to bee holden
there, and order to be taken by the dis
cretion of Thomas Cooke, then Maior, the
Counsell of the City, Geffrey Filding
then Maior of the Staple at Westminster,
and of the Kings Councell, what should
be paid to the Maior and Aldermen of
the City, for the laying and housing of
the Wools there, that so they might be
brought forth and weighed, &c.
Touching the Chappell there,
A brother
hood of 60 Priests in the Chap
pell of Leaden hall.
I find,
that in the yeere 1466. by licence obtai
ned of King Edward the fourth in the 6.
of his reigne
, a Fraternity of the Trini
ty of 60. Priests (beside other brethren
and sisters) in the same Chappell, was
founded by William Rouse, Iohn Risby,
and Thomas Ashby Priests, some of the
which 60. Priests, every Market-day in
the fore-noone, did celebrate Divine
Service there, to such Market people as
repaired to prayer, and once every yeere
they met all together, and had solemne
Service, with Procession of all the Bre

and Sisters. This foundation was
in the yeere 1512. by a common Coun
cell confirmed to the 60. Trinity Priests
and to their successors, at the will of the
Maior and Communalty.
In the yeere 1484. a great fire hap
ned upon the Leaden-Hall,
Leaden-hall burned.
by what ca
sualty I know not, but much housing
was there destroyed, with all the stocks
for Guns, and other provision belonging
to the City, which was a great losse,
and no lesse charge to bee repaired by
In the yeere 1503. the eighteenth of
Henry the seventh
Rich. Arol.
a request was made
by the Commons of the City, concer
ning the usage of the said Leaden-hall, in
forme as followeth:
Please it the Lord Maior, Aldermen,
and Common Councell,
A request of the Ci
tizens to the Maior and Alder
to enact, that all
Frenchmen bringing Canvas, Linnen cloth,
and other wares to be sold, and all Forreins
bringing Wolsteds, Sayes, Stamins, Kive
rings, Nayles, Iron worke, or any other
wares, and also all manner Forreins, bring
ing Lead to the City to be sold; Shall bring
all such their wares aforesaid, to the open
Market of the Leaden-Hall,
Leaden hall Market for Can
vas and linnen cloth.
and no where
else to be shewed, sold, and uttered, like as
of old time it hath been used, upon paine of
forfeiture of all the said wares, shewed or
sold in any other place than aforesaid: And
the shew of the said wares to bee made three
dayes in a weeke, that is to say, Munday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday. It is also thought
reasonable, that the common Beame be kept
from henceforth in the Leaden-hall, and
the Farmer to pay therefore reasonable rent
to the Chamber: for better it is that the
Chamber have advantage thereby, than a
forraine person. And also the said Leaden-hall,
which is more chargeable now by halfe
than profitable, shall better beare out the
charges thereof. Also the common Beame
for Wool at Leadenhall,
Common Beame to be kept in Leaden hall. Leaden hall pertai
ning to the Com
may pay yeerely a
rent to the Chamber of London, toward
the supportation and charges of the same
place: for reason it is, that a common Office
occupied upon a common ground, beare a
charge to the use of the Communalty. Also
that Forraines bringing Wools, Fels, or any
other Merchandizes or wares to Leaden-hall,
Wools, Fels, and other Mer
chandizes to be sold in Leaden-hall.
to be kept there for the sale and Mar
ket; may pay more largely for keeping of their
goods, than freemen. Thus much for the
request of the Commons at that time
Now to set downe some proofe,
Leaden hall used as a Garner.
the said Hall hath been imployed and u
sed as a Granary for Corne and graine
(as the same was first appointed) lea
ving all former examples,
Roger Ach
Maior made good pro
vision for the City.
this one may
suffice: Roger Acheley Maior of London
in the yeere 1512. the third of Henry
the 8
. when the said Maior entred the
Maioralty, there was not found 100.
quarters of Wheat in all the Garners of
this City,
Bread Carts of Stratford the Bow.
either within the liberties, or
neere adjoyning. Through the which
scarcity, when the Carts of Stratford
came laden with Bread to the City (as
they had been accustomed) there was
such presse about them, that one man
was ready to destroy another, in stri
ving to be served for their mony. But
this scarcity lasted not long: for the
Maior (in short time) made such provi
sion for Wheat, that the Bakers both
of London, and of Stratford, were weary
of taking it up, and were forced to take
much more than they would, and for
the rest the Maior laid out the money
and stored it up in Leaden-hall, and o
ther Garners of the City. This Maior
also kept the Market so well, that hee
would be at the Leaden-hall, by foure a
clocke in the Summers mornings, and
from thence he went to other Markets,
to the great comfort of the Citizens.
I read also, that in the yeere, 1528.
the 20. of Henry the 8. Surveyors were
appointed to view the Garners of the
City, namely, the Bridgehouse and the
Leaden-hall, how they were stored of
Graine for the service of the City. And
because I have here before spoken of
the bread Carts comming from Strat
at the Bow, ye shall understand, that
of old time, the Bakers of bread at Strat
were allowed to bring daily (ex
cept the Sabbath and principall Feasts)
divers long Carts laden with bread, the
same being two ounces in the penny
wheaten loafe heavier than the penny
wheaten loafe baked in the City, the
same to be sold in Cheape, three or foure
Carts standing there, betweene Guthe
and Fausters lane end, one cart
on Corne-hill, by the Conduit, and one
other in Grasse-street. And I have read,
that in the fourth yeere of Edward the
, Richard Reffeham being Maior,
a Baker named Iohn of Stratford, for

making Bread lesser than the Assise;
Liber. D. A Baker of Stratford punished in London for baking bread un
der the Assize.

was with a fooles hood on his head, and
loaves of bread about his necke, drawn
on a Hurdle through the streets of this
City. Moreover, in the 44. of Edward
the third
, Iohn Chichester being Maior
of London, I read in the visions of Pierce
, a Booke so called, as follow
There was a carefull commune, when no
Cart came to towne with Basket bread from
Bread Carts frō Stratford missed in this City in time of scarcity.
tho gan beggers weepe, and
workemen were agast, a little this will bee
thought long in the date of our Dirte, in a
dry Averell a thousand and three hundred,
twice thirty and ten, &c.
I read also in the 20. of Henry the 8.
Sir Iames Spencer being Maior, sixe Ba
kers of Stratford were merced in the
Guild-hall of London, for baking under
the size appointed. These Bakers of
Stratford left serving this City, I know
not upon what occasion, above forty
yeeres since.
In the yeere 1519. a petition was ex
hibited by the Commons to the Com
mon Councell
A Petition of the Commons concer
ning the use of the Leaden hall.
and was by them allow
ed, concerning the Leaden-hall, how they
would have it used, viz.
Meekely beseeching, sheweth unto your
good Lordship, and Masterships, divers Ci
tizens of this City, which (under correction)
thinke, that the great place called the Lea
, should nor ought not to be letten
out to farme, to any person or persons, and
in especiall, to any fellowship or company in
corporate, to have and hold the same Hall
for terme of yeeres, for such inconveniences
as thereby may ensue, and come to the hurt
of the Common weale of the said City in
time to come, as somewhat more largely may
appeare in the Articles following.
First, if any assembly, or hasty gathering
of the Commons of the said City, for sup
pressing or sub duing of misruled people with
in the said City, hereafter shall happen to
be called or commanded by the Maior, Al
dermen and other Governours and Counsel
lors of the said City for the time being;
there is none so convenient, meet and neces
sary a place to assemble them in, within the
said City, as the said Leaden-hall, both for
largenesse of roome, and for their sure de
fence in time of their counselling together a
bout the premises. Also, in that place hath
beene used the Artillery, Guns, and other
Armors of the said City, to be safely kept in
a readinesse, for the safeguard, wealth and
defence of the said City, to be had and occu
piedat times when need required. As also the
store of timber, for the necessary reparations
of the tenements belonging to the Chamber of
the said City, there commonly hath beene
Item, if any Triumph or Noblenesse were
to be done, or shewed by the Communalty of
the City, for the honour of our Soveraigne
Lord the King, and Realme, and for the
worship of the said City: the said Leaden-hall
is the most meet and convenient place,
to prepare and order the said Triumph there
in, and from thence to issue forth to the pla
ces thereof appointed.
Item, at any largesse or dole of any mo
ney, made unto the poore people of this City;
it hath been used, to bee done and given in
the said Leaden-hall, for that the said place
is most meet therefore.
Leaden hall, a free mar
ketplace for victu
allers, and the people to stand drie.
the honourable Father, that was
maker of the said Hall, had a speciall will,
intent and mind, that (as it is comonly said)
the Market men and women, that came to
the City with victuals and other things,
should have their free standing within the
said Leaden-hall in wet weather, to keepe
themselves and their wares dry, and there
by to encourage them, and all other, to have
the better will and desire, the more plenti
ously to resort to the said City, to victuall
the same. And if the said Hall should bee
letten to farme, the will of the said honoura
ble Father should never be fulfilled, nor take
Item, if the said place, which is the chiefe
fortresse and most necessary place within all
the City, for the tuition and safegard of the
same, should bee letten out to farme, out of
the hands of the chiefe heads of the same Ci
ty, and especially to any other body politike,
it might at length (by likelihood) be an oc
casion of discord and debate betweene the
said bodies politike, which God defend.
For these and many other great and rea
sonable causes, which hereafter shall be shew
ed to this honouoable Court, your said besee
chors thinke it much necessary, that the said
Hall bee still in the hands of this City, and
to be surely kept by sad and discreet Officers
in such wise, that it might alway be ready
to bee used and occupied, for the common
weale of the said City when need shall re
quire, and in no wise to be letten to any body

politike. Thus much for the petition.
About the yeere 1534. great meanes
was made about the Leaden Hall,
Leaden Hall, meant to have been made a Burse for Mer
have the same made a Burse for the As
sembly of Merchants, as they had been
accustomed in Lumbard-street: many
Common Councels were called to that
end but in the yeere 1535. Iohn Champ
being Maior, it was fully concluded,
that the Burse should remaine in Lum
, as afore, and Leaden Hall no
more to be spoken of concerning that
The use of Leaden Hall in my youth
was thus: In a part of the North Qua
drant, on the East side of the North
gate, were the common beames, for
weighing of Wooll and other Wares,
as had been accustomed: On the West
side of the gate was the Scales to weigh
meale: the other three sides were reser
ved (for the most part) to the making
and resting of the Pageants shewed at
Midsummer in the watch: the remnant
of the sides & Quadrāts were imployed
for the stowage of Woolsacks, but not
closed up: the lofts above were partly
used by the Painters, in working for the
decking of Pageants and other devices,
for beautifying of the Watch and
Watch-men, the residue of the lofts
were letten out to Merchants, the
Wool-winders and Packers therein to
winde and packe their Wools. And
thus much for Leaden-hall may suffice.
Now on the North of Limestreet
, in the high street are divers faire
houses for Merchants, and proper tene
ments for Artificers, with an Alley also
called Shaft Alley, of the Shaft or May-pole
sometime resting over the gate
thereof, as I have declared in Ealdgate
In the yeere 1576. partly at the char
ges of the parish of S. Andrew,
A Pumpe in the high street of Lime-street Ward.
and partly
at the charges of the Chamber of Lond.
a water-Pumpe was raised in the high
street of Limestreet Ward,
Cornehill street in some place raised two fadome higher than of old time, as appea
red by buildines found so deepe.
neere unto
Limestreet corner: for the placing of the
which Pumpe, having broken up the
ground, they were forced to digge more
than two fadome deepe, before they
came to any maine ground, where they
found a Harth made of Britaine, or ra
ther Roman Tile, every Tile halfe yard
square, and about two inches thicke:
they found Coale lying there also (for
that lying whole will never consume)
then digging one fadome in the maine,
they found water sufficient, made their
prall, and set up the Pumpe, which
Pumpe, with oft repairing and great
charges to the parish, continued not 24.
yeeres, but being rotted, was taken up,
and a new set in the place, in the yeere
1600. Thus much for the high street.
In Saint Mary street had yee (of old
time) a parish Church of Saint Mary
the Virgin
St. Mary street Pa
rish Church of Mary, St. Vrsula, and 11000. Virgins, called at the Axe, letten out of a ware
St. Vrsula, and the 11000.
Virgins, which Church was common
ly called Saint Mary at the Axe, of the
signe of an Axe, over against the East
end thereof, or Saint Mary Pellipar, of
a plot of ground lying on the North side
thereof, pertaining to the Skinners in
London. This parish about the yeere,
1565. was united to the parish Church
of Saint Andrew Vndershaft
, and so was
Saint Mary at the Axe suppressed, and
letten out to be a warehouse for a Mer
chant. Against the East end of this
Church, was sometime a faire wall, now
turned to a pumpe. Also against the
North end of this St. Mary street, was
sometime one other parish Church of
Saint Augustine
Parish Church of S. Augu
in the wall, made a Chappel to the Pa
, and since pul
led downe and made a stable.
called Saint Augustine
in the wall
, for that it stood adjoyning
to the wall of the City, and otherwise
called Saint Augustines Papey, or the
Poore, as I have read in the reigne of
Edward the 3
. About the yeere, 1430.
in the reigne of Henry the sixt, the same
Church was allowed to the brethren of
the Papey, the house of poore Priests,
wherof I have spoken in Ealdgate Ward.
The Parishioners of this Church were
appointed to the Parish Church of Al
in the wall
, which is in Broad
: and this brotherhood cal
led Papey, being suppressed, the Church
of Saint Augustine
was pulled downe,
and in place thereof one Grey, Apothe
cary, builded a Stable, a Hay-loft, &c.
It is now a dwelling house. Those two
Parish Churches, both lying in the
Ward of Limestreet, being thus suppres
sed, there is not any one parish Church
or place for Divine Service in that
Ward, but the inhabitants thereof re
paire to Saint Peter in Corne-hill Ward,
Saint Andrew in Ealdgate Ward, Al
in the wall
, in Broadstreet Ward,

and some to Saint Dennis in Langbourne
Now because of late there hath been
some question, to what Ward this
Church of S. Augustine Papey should
of right belong; for the same hath been
challenged by them of Ealdgate Ward,
and (without reason) taken into Bishops
, from Limestreet VVard, I
am somewhat to touch it.
About thirty yeeres since,
Houses by London wall in the ward of Limestreet.
the Cham
ber of London
granted a Lease of ground
(in these words) Lying neere London
, in the Ward of Limestreet, from the
West of the said Church or Chappell of
Augustine Papey
, towards Bishopsgate,
&c. On the which plot of ground, the
Leasee builded three faire tenements,
and placed Tenants there: these were
charged to beare scot and lot, and some
of them to beare office in Limestreet
: all which they did willingly
without grudging. And when any sus
pected or disordered persons were by
the Landlord placed there, the Officers
of Limestreet VVard fetched them out
of their houses, committed them to
ward, procured their due punishments,
and banished them from thence: wher
by in short time that place was refor
med, and brought into good order:
which thing being noted by them of
Ealdgate VVard, they moved their Al
derman, Sir Thomas Offley, to call in
those houses to be of his VVard. But I
my selfe shewing a faire Ledgier booke,
sometime pertaining to the late dissol
ved Priory of the holy Trinity within
Ealdgate, wherein were set downe the
just bounds of Ealdgate VVard, before
Sir Thomas Offley, Sir Rowland Hayward,
the Common Counsell, and VVard.
mote Inquest of the said Limestreet
; Sir Thomas Offley gave over
his challenge, and so that matter rested
in good quiet, untill the yeere 1579.
that Sir Richard Pype (being Maior, and
Alderman of Bishopsgate VVard) chal
lenged those houses to be of his ward,
A part of Limestreet ward un
justly withheld by Bishops

whereunto (without reason shewed)
Sir Rowland Hayward yeelded: and thus
is that side of the street, from the North
corner of S. Mary street, almost to Bi
, (wherein is one plot of ground,
letten by the Chamberlaine of London,
to the parish of S. Martins Oteswich, to
be a Churchyard or burying-place for
the dead of that Parish, &c.) unjustly
drawne and with-holden from the
ward of Limestret.
Dives other proofes I could set
downe, but this one following may suf
fice. The Maior and Aldermen of Lon
made a grant to the Fraternity of
the Papey, in these words:
Be it remembred, that where now of late
the Master and Wardens of the Fraternity of
the Papey, have made a bricke wall, clo
sing in the Chappell of S. Augustine, called
Papey Chappell, situate in the Parish of
All Saints in the Wall, in the Ward of
of the City of London: from
the South-east corner of the bricke wall, is a
Scutcheon of 12. foot of assize from the said
corner Eastward: And from the said Scut
cheon there, to a Messuage of 55. foot and
an halfe Westward: the said Scutcheon brea
keth out of line right Southward, betwixt
the measures aforesaid, three foot and five
inches of assise, upon the common ground of
the Citie aforesaid: Ralph Verney, Mai
or, and the Aldermen of the same Citie,
the 22. day of October, the 6. yeere of Ed
the 4
. granted to John Hod, Priest,
M. John Bolt, and Tho. Patchet, Priests,
wardens of the Fraterniey of Papey afore
said, and to their successors for ever, &c.
yeelding 4. d. sterling yeerely at Michael
Lib. Papey.
And this is (saith my booke) in
rolled in the
Guild-hall of London: which
is a sufficient proofe, the same plot of
ground to be of
Limestreet ward, and ne
ver otherwise accounted or challenged
On the South side of this street, stret
ching west from Saint Mary street, to
wards Bishopsgate street, there was (of
old time) one large Messuage builded
of stone and timber, in the parish of S.
in the wall, now in the parish
of Alhallowes
in the same wall, belon
ging to the Earle of Oxford;
Patent. Oxford Place.
(for Rich.
de Vere
, Earle of Oxford
, possessed it in
the 4. of Henry the 5.) but in processe of
time, the Lands of the Earle fell to Fe
males; amongst the which, one being
married to Wingfield of Suffolke, this
house with the appurtenances, fell to
his lot, and was by his heire, Sir Robert
, sold to Mr. Edward Cooke, at
the time when this was written, the
Queenes Attourney Generall. This
house being greatly ruinated, of late

time, for the most part hath beene let
out to Poulters, for stabling of Horses
and stowage of Poultrie, but now lately
new builded into a number of small te
nements, letten out to strangers, and o
ther meane people.
It was ordered by the Lord Maior
and Aldermen,
Hum. Dyson
at a Court holden on
Thursday, the 24. of April, in the 4.
yeere of Edward the 6
. That the Cham
berlaine of London should yeerely pay
unto the Scavenger of Limestreet ward,
twenty shillings by even portions, out
of the profit comming by the Butchers
stalles in Leaden-hall, toward the cle
sing and sweet keeping of the same
One note more of this Ward, and so
an end: I finde of record, that in the
yeere 1371. the 45. of Edward the 3. a
great Subsidie of 100000. pounds was
granted towards the Kings warres in
France, whereof the Cleargie payed
50000. pounds, and the Laitie 50000.
pounds, to bee levied in 39. shires of
England, containing Parishes 8600. of
every parish, 5. l. 16. s. the greater to
helpe the lesser. This Citie (as one of
the Shires) then containing 24. wards,
and in them 110.
Subsidy of parishes, Limestreet ward, in the yeere 1371.
was therfore
assessed to 635. l. 12. s. whereof Lime
did beare 34. s. and no
more; so small a Ward it was, and so
accounted, as having no one whole pa
rish therein, but small portions onely,
of two parishes in that Ward.
This Ward hath an Alderman, his
Deputy, common Counsellours, foure;
Constables, foure; Seavengers, two;
VVard-mote Inquest, sixteene, and a
Beadle. It is taxed to the Fifteene at
1. l. 19. s. 2. d. ob. q.


  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Lime Street Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,