The Survey of London (1633): Castle Baynard Ward

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Castle Baynard Ward.
THen next is Castle
, so
named of an old
Castle there. This
Ward beginneth in
the East, on the
Thames side, at an
House called Huntington House, and run-
neth West by Pauls Wharfe, by Baynards
, Puddle Wharfe, and by the South
side of Blacke Friers. Then turning by
the East wall of the said Friers, to the
South-west end of Creed lane. Then on
the North side of Thames street, over a-
gainst Huntington House, by Saint Peters
and lane, called Peter Hill, a-
long till over against Puddle Wharfe;
and then North up by the great Ward-
, to the West end of Carter lane.
Then up Creed lane, Ave Mary lane, and
a piece of Pater noster Row, to the signe
of the Golden Lion
, and backe againe up
Warwicke lane, all the East side thereof,
to the signe of the Crowne by Newgate
: and this is the farthest North
part of this Ward.
Then out of Thames street bee Lanes
ascending North to Knight-riders street:
The first is Peter Hill Lane, all of that
Ward, (two houses excepted, adjoy-
ning to S. Peters Church.) The next
is Pauls Wharfe Hill, which thwarting
Knight-riders street and Carter lane, goeth
up to the South Chain of Pauls Church-
Then is Adle street, over against the
West part of Baynards Castle, going up
by the West end of Knight-riders street,
and to Carter lane.
Thus much for Lanes out of Thames
. The one halfe of the West side
of Lambard Hill lane being of this ward,
at the North-west end thereof, on the
South side, and at the West end of S.
Mary Magdalens
Church: on the North
side, beginneth Knight-riders street to be
of this Ward, and runneth West, on
both sides, to the Parish Church of S.
Andrew by the Wardrobe
Then at the said East end of Saint
Mary Magdalens Church
, goeth up the
Old Exchange, all the West side where-
of, up to the South-east gate of Pauls
, and by S. Austens Church,
is of this Ward.
About the midst of this Old Exchange,
on the West side thereof, is Carter lane,
which runneth West, to the East entry
of the Black Friers, and the South end of
Creed lane; out of the which Carter lane
descendeth a Lane, called Do little lane,
and commeth into Knight-riders street,
by the Bores-bead Taverne: and more
West is Sermon lane, by an Inne called
the Powle-head. Then out of Carter
, on the North side thereof, the
South Chaine of Pauls Church-yard,
and the Church-yard it selfe, on that
South side of Pauls Church, and the
Church of Saint Gregorie, the Bishops
, and the Deanes lodging, bee all
of this VVard: and such be the bounds
The Ornaments in this VVard, be,
Parish Churches, foure; of old time, a
Castle; divers Noble-mens houses;
Halls of Companies, twaine; and such
others, as shall be shewed.
In Thames streete, at the South-east
end, is an ancient Messuage, of old time
called Beaumonts Inne, as belonging to
that Family of Noble-men of this
Realme, in the fourth of Edward the 3.
Edward the fourth, in the fifth of his

Castle Baynard Ward.

reigne, gave it to W. Hastings, Lord
Chamberlaine, Master of his Mints. It
is now called Huntington house, as belon-
ging to the Earles of Huntington.
Next is Pauls Wharfe, a large landing-place,
with a common Stayre upon the
River of Thames, at the end of a Street
called Pauls Wharfe Hill, which runneth
downe from Pauls Chaine.
Next is a great Messuage, called
Scroopes Inne, sometimes belonging to the
Scroopes, in the 31. of Henry the sixth.
Then is one other great Messuage,
sometime belonging to the Abbey of
Fiscampe, beyond the Sea: and by rea-
son of the Warres, it comming to the
hands of King Edward the third, the
same was given to Sir Simon Burley,
Knight of the Garter, and therefore
called Burley house in Thames street, be-
tweene Baynards Castle & Pauls Wharfe.
Then have you Baynards Castle, wher-
of this whole Ward taketh name. This
Castle banketh on the River Thames, and
was called Baynards Castle, of Baynard, a
Nobleman, that came in with William
the Conquerour
: Of the which Castle,
and of Baynard himselfe, I have spoken
in another place.
There was also another Tower by
Baynards Castle, builded by King Edward
the second
, Edward the third, in the
second of his reigne
, gave it to William
Duke of Hamelake, in the County of
Yorke, and his heires, for one Rose yeere-
ly to be paid for all service. The same
Place (as seemeth to me) was since cal-
led Legates Inne, in the seventh of Ed-
the fourth
, where bee now divers
VVood-wharfes in place.
Then is there a great Brew-house,
and Puddle Wharfe, a VVater-gate into
the Thames, where Horses use to be wa-
tered, and therefore being filled with
their trampling, and made puddle-like,
as also of one Puddle dwelling there, it
is called Puddle Wharfe.
Then is there a Lane betweene the
Blacke Friers and the Thames, called in
the 26. of Edward the 3. Castle lane.
In this Lane also, is one great Mes-
suage, of old time belonging to the Pri-
orie of Okeborne in Wiltshire, and was the
Priors lodging when hee repaired to
London. This Prior being of the French
Order, was suppressed by Henry the 5.
and with other Lands and Tenements
pertaining to the said Priorie, was by
Henry the 6. given to his Colledge in
Cambridge, called now the Kings Colledge.
About this Castle Lane was sometime
a Mill or Mils,
A Mill or Mils by Baynards Castle.
belonging to the Tem-
plers of the New Temple, as appeareth
of Record: for King Iohn, in the first
yeere of his reigne
, granted a place in
the Fleet, neere unto Baynards Castle , to
make a Mill, and the whole course of
water of the Fleet, to serve the said Mill.
I read also, that in the yeere 1274.
the second of Edward the first, Rich. Rai-
and Atheline his wife, did give to
Nicho. de Musely, Clerke, ten shillings
of yeerely free and quiet rent, out of all
his tenements, with the houses there-
upon built, and their appurtenances,
which they had of the demise of the
Master and Brethren of Knights Tem-
plars in England, next unto their Mill of
Fleet, over against the houses of Lau-
rence de Brooke
, in the Parish of Saint
, next to Baynards Castle: which
tenements lye betweene the way lea-
ding to the said Mill on the VVest part.
Also in the Rights belonging to Robert
Soke, Court or Ward be-
longing to Robert Fitzwater.
and to his heires, in the Ci-
tie of London
, in the time of peace, it
was declared in the yeere 1303. that
the said Robert, Castillon of London, and
Banner-bearer, had a Soke (or VVard)
in the Citie, that was by the wall of S.
, as men goe downe the street be-
fore the Brewhouse of S. Paul, unto the
Thames, and so to the side of the Mill,
which is in the water that commeth
downe from Fleet bridge, and goeth by
London walls, betwixt the Friers Prea-
chers Church
and Ludgate; and so that
Ward turned backe by the House of the
said Friers, unto the said common wall
of the said Chanonrie of S. Paul: that
is all of the Parish of S. Andrew; which
is the gift of his Ancestors by Seniority,
as more I have shewed in the Castles.
Now here is to bee noted, that the
VVall of London, at that time, went
straight South from Ludgate, downe
to the River of Thames: But for buil-
ding of the Blacke Friers Church, the
said VVall in that place was by com-
mandement taken downe, and a new
VVall made, straight VVest from Lud-
to Fleet bridge, and then by the

water of Fleet, to the River of Thames,
In the yeere 1307. the 35. of Edward
the first
, in a Parliament at Carlile, Hen-
ry Lacie
, Earle of Lincolne, complained
of annoyances done to the water of the
Mill by Baynards Castle de-
whereupon it was granted, that
the said Mill should bee removed and
This Ward ascendeth up by the East
wall of the Blacke Friers, to the South-
west end of Creed lane, where it endeth
on that side.
Then to begin againe on the North
side of Thames street, over against Hun-
tington house
, by Saint Peters Church
and lane, called Peter Hill, and so to S.
Bennet Hude (or Hith) over against Pauls
, is a proper Parish Church,
which hath the Monuments of Sir Wil-
liam Cheyny
, Knight, and Margaret his
wife, 1442. buried there.
Doctor Chadwell, Physician.
Sir Gilbert Dethicke, alias Garter, King
at Armes.
A comely Monu-
ment in the South Ile of the Quire.
Mariæ Martin, Iohannis Roissei filiæ,
lectissimæ feminæ, uxori optimè
meritæ 4. liberorum incolumium
Matri, ex longa infirmitate, quam
ex puerperio contraxit, defunctæ
ad perpetuam federis nostri conju-
galis memoriam, simul ut fidei, pie-
tatis, & in omni vita probitatis ejus
aliquod Monumentū extaret: Tho-
mas Martinus Jurisconsultus mœ-
stissimus Conjunx posui.
Obiit Calendas Maii, 1565.
Vixit Annos 32.
David Smith,
Another faire Mo-
nument in the same wall.
Embroyderer to Queene
, &c. deceased the tenth day
of Auguſt, 1587
. aged 63. yeeres, and
lyeth here-under buried: whose honest,
vertuous, and compassionate care for the
needy, both in soule and body, is expres-
sed by his benevolence that way exten-
ded, like a good Steward, making others
partakers of his well-imployed Talent.
Who had to wife Katharine, (by whom
he had eight sonnes and eight daughters)
at whose proper charges (in memory of
her said loving husband) is erected this
Monument, the 25. of March, in An.
. Who living his faithfull wid-
dow till the fourth day of February,
. aged 78. yeeres, lyeth also here-under buried.
The Tombe of Master James Austen,
A faire grave-
stone in the Chan-
good Benefactor of this Parish, who dyed
Anno 1602. and of Joyce his wife, and
of William their onely sonne: which
Ioyce married after with Sir Robert
, Knight, one of the Barons of
the Kings Majesties Court of Exche-
quer, who caused this Tomb to be erected.
Here lyeth the body of Ellis Hilton, Es-
quire, who deceased the 12. day of De-
cember, in the yeere of our Lord God,
. &c.
Hic sepultus Griffinus LLoyd, Legum
A very faire pla-
ted stone by the Commu-
nion Ta-
Qui obiit in Christo, No-
vemb. 26. An. Dom. 1586
Hic discas morti
dominari, spernere fatum,
Diram morborum
vim superare mori.
Nam jacet hic legum
Doctor virtutibus olim
Insignis, veræ
Relligionis amans.
Qui moriens docuit
vivos benè vivere, vivus,
Afflictos docuit
pro pietate mori.
Divitias justus
cumulavit, dives amavit
Iustitiam, voluit
sic memor esse boni.
Divitias moriens
Musis donavit, ut illos
Qui Musas colerent
emoriendo juvat.
Sic vivus moriens{que};
fuit propensus ad omne
Legis opus, voluit
tam memor esse Dei.
Relligio vigilem,
Lex lumen, Cambria patrem,
Oxonia eximium
perdidit alma decus.
Cum fera mors illum
violento perdidit ictu,
Quem nollet virtus
inclita posse mori.
Postquam per denos
professor Regius annos
Vixerat, hoc gelido
condidit ossa thoro.

Here lyeth buried the bodies of Iohn Par,
A faire Monumēt in the South wall of the Quire.

and Mary his wife, who were married
together 34. yeeres, and had issue one
onely daughter betweene them, named
Anne, who after married Thomas
, of the Inner Temple in Lon-
, Esquire, who had fruitfully borne
him sixe sons and one daughter: which
said Mr. Par was Embroyderer to our
late Queene Elizabeth, and to the
Kings Majestie that now is, 25. yeeres.
He was a man of good respect in the Ci-
tie, liberall to the Company whereof hee
was free, a good benefactor to the poore
of this Parish, and bountifull to all men.
He departed this life the 17. day of Iu-
ly, 1607
. being aged 72. yeeres, and
Mary his wife dyed a yeere and an halfe
before him.
This Tombe was erected and made
by Thomas Gough, and Anne his
wife, appointed by the last Will
of Iohn Par, who made the said
Anne his full Executrix: And it
was finished the 29. day of Iune,
West from this Church, by the South
end of Adle street, almost against Puddle
, there is one ancient building of
stone and timber, builded by the Lords
of Barkley, and therefore called Barkleys
. This house is now all in ruine, and
letten out in severall tenements, yet the
Armes of the Lord Barkley remaine in
the stone-worke of an arched gate, and
is betweene a Cheveron, Crosses ten,
three, three, and foure.
Richard Beauchampe, Earle of War-
, was lodged in this house, then
called Barkleys Inne, in the Parish of S.
, in the reigne of Henry the 6.
Then turning up towards the North,
is the Parish Church of S. Andrew in
the Wardrobe
, a proper Church, but few
Monuments hath it. Iohn Parnt founded
a Chauntry there.
Hic jacet Ioannes Ley,
A plated stone un-
der the Commu-
nion Ta-
Armig. de Co-
mitatu Wiltz. Qui obiit 7. die Iu-
nii, An. Dom. 1604
. Ætat. suæ 54.
Hic jacet Ioannes Barnard, nuper Civis
& Sciffor Lond. ac Ælinora & Ali-
The like stone ly-
ing by the other.
uxores ejus. Qui quidem Ioan-
nes obiit 21. die Novemb. An. Dom.
A faire plated in-
graven plate with Armes on a pillar in the Chan-
29. day of October, An. Dom. 1573.
deceased Thomasine, the wife of Tho-
mas Butler
, of Bewsen, in the County
of Lancaster, Esquire, and lyeth buried
before this Pillar.
Via omnis carnis: hodie mihi,
cras tibi.
Marmoreum decus
hoc consortis munere grato,
Non vita verum
nomine, Longus habet.
Here lyeth Henry Long of Shingay,
A comely Monu-
ment in the East end of the Chancell.
squire, sonne and heire of Sir Richard
, Knight, Gentleman of the Privie
Chamber to King Henry the eighth, the
third son of Sir Thomas Long, Knight,
of Wiltshire: who married Dorothie,
the daughter of Nicholas Clarke of
Weston, Esquire, and Elizabeth Ram-
his wife, sole heire of Thomas Ram-
of Hicham, Esquire, her Father: By
whom he had issue one sonne and three
daughters: Hee dyed the 15. day of A-
pril, An. Dom. 1573
. leaving alive at
that time of his death, Elizabeth, his
sole daughter and heire.
Dorothea uxor, conjugis amore posuit.
Nomine Longus, vita
brevis, inclitus ortu,
Ingenio præstans,
& pietatis amans.
Nere to this place lyeth interred the corps
of William Nicholson, sometime of
Walton, in the County of Buck, Gent.
and Citizen and Draper of London. He
had to wife Ioane, the eldest daughter,
and one of the heires of William Com-
, Gent. By whom he had issue (a-
mong divers other) these which survived,
namely, Helen, first the wife of Iohn
, of London, Draper, and after-
ward of Sir Iohn Branch, Knight, Lord
Maior of London, An. Dom. 1580.
And Beniamin, who deceased at Bram-
, in the County of Surrey, where hee
hath also left issue 2. sonnes, Robert and
George. The said William Nicholson
departed this life in September, An. Do.
. Being a benefactor to this Church,
and to other charitable uses: whose soule
(we doubt not) resteth with the Lord.

Qui genere at{que}; opibus
quondam florebat honestis,
Nicholson, jacet hac
parvus in æde civis.
Quod mortale fuit
fluxit: sed fama perennis
Mens{que}; manet; nihil
hic funera juris habent.
Spiritus in Cœlis
divino splendet honore,
In terris memori
nomen amore viget.
Then is the Kings great Wardrobe.
Sir Iohn Beauchamp, Knight of the Gar-
ter, Constable of Dover, Warden of
the Cinque Ports, (sonne to Guido de
, Earle of Warwicke) builded
this house, was lodged there, deceased
in the yeere 1359. and was buried on
the South side of the middle Ile of Pauls
. His Executors sold the house
to King Edward the third, unto whom
the Parson of S. Andrews complaining,
that the said Beauchampe had pulled
downe divers houses, in their places to
build the same house, whereby he was
hindred of his accustomed Tithes paid
by the Tenants of old time; granted
him 40. s. by the yeere out of that house
for ever. King Richard the third was
lodged there in the second of his reign.
In this house of late yeeres was lod-
ged Sir Iohn Fortescue, Knight, Master
of the Wardrobe, Chancellour and un-
der-Treasurer of the Exchequer, and
one of her Majesties most Honourable
Privie Councell. The secret Letters
and writings, touching the estate of the
Realme, were wont to be inrolled in the
Kings Wardrobe, and not in the Chan-
cerie, as appeareth by the Records.
Claus. 18. E. 4. 1. Memb. 13. Claus. 33.
E. 1. Memb. 3. Et liberat. 1. E. 2. Memb.
. &c.
From this Wardrobe, by the West end
of Carter lane, then up Creed lane, Ave
Mary lane
, and a piece of Pater noster
, up Warwicke lane, all the East side,
to the Brewhouse called the Crowne, as
I said, is of this Ward.
Touching Lanes ascending out of
Thames street, to Knight-riders street, the
first is Peters Hill,
Almes-houses for 6. poore viddowes.
wherein I finde no
matter of note, more than certaine
Almes-houses, lately founded on the
West side thereof, by Dauid Smith Em-
broyderer, for sixe poore widdowes,
whereof each to have 20. s. by the yeere.
On the East side of this lane standeth
a large house, of ancient building, some-
time belonging to the Abbot of S. Mary
in York, and was his abiding house when
he came to London, Thomas Randolph E-
squire hath lately augmented and re-
paired it.
At the upper end of this Lane, to-
wards the North, the corner houses
there, be called Peter Key, but the rea-
son thereof I have not heard.
Then is Pauls Wharfe Hill, on the East
side whereof is Wood-mongers Hall.
And next adjoyning is Darby House,
sometime belonging to the Stanleys, for
Thomas Stanley, first Earle of Darby, of
that name, who married the Lady Mar-
, Countesse of Richmond, mother
to Henry the seventh, in his time buil-
ded it.
Queene Mary gave it to Gilbert De-
, then Garter, Principall King of
Armes of Englishmen, Thomas Hauley
, King of Armes of the South
parts, William Harvy, alias Norroy, King
of Armes of the North parts, and the
other Heralds and Pursevants of Armes
and to their successors, all the Capitall
messuage or house, called Darby house,
with the appurtenances, situate in the
Parish of Saint Bennet, and Saint Peter,
and then being in the tenure of Sir Ri-
chard Sackvile
I have the Copie of the said Patent de-
livered me by Hum. Dyson.
Knight, and lately par-
cell of the Lands of Edward Earle of
Darby, &c. to the end that the said
Kings of Armes, Heraults, and Purse-
vaunts of Armes, and their successors
might (at their liking) dwell together,
and at meet times to congregate, speak,
conferre, and agree among themselves,
for the good government of their fa-
culty, and their Records might bee
more safely kept, &c. Dated the eigh-
teenth day of Iuly 1555
. Philip and Ma-
the first and third yeere.
Then higher up, neere the South
Chaine of Pauls Church-yard
, is the
Powle head Taverne, which house with
the appurtenances, was (of old time)
called Pauls Brewhouse, for that the same
was so imployed, but being since left
off, and letten out.
On the VVest side of this streete is

one other great house builded of stone,
which belongeth to Pauls Church, and
was sometime letten to the Blunts, Lord
Mountjoy; but of later time to a Col-
ledge in Cambridge, and from them to
the Doctors of the Civill Law and Ar-
ches, who keep a Commons there, and
many of them being there lodged, it is
called the Doctors Commons. Above this,
on the same side, was one other great
building over-against Pauls Brewhouse,
and this was called Pauls Bakehouse, and
was imployed in baking of Bread for
the Church of Pauls.
In Addle street or Lane I find no Mo-
In Lambart hill lane, on the West side
thereof, is the Blacksmiths Hall, and ad-
joyning to the North side thereof have
ye one plot of ground, inclosed with a
Bricke wall for a Church-yard,
yard of S. Mary Magdalen.
or bu-
rying plot, for the dead of Saint Mary
by Old Fishstreet
, which was
given to that use by Iohn Iwarby, an Of-
ficer in the receit of the Exchequer, in
the sixe and twentieth of King Henry
the sixth
, as appeareth by Patent.
Iohn Iwarby, &c. gave a peece of Land
lying voide in the Parish of Saint Mary
, nigh to Old Fishstreet, be-
tweene the Tenement of John Phipot on
the South, and the Tenement of Bartholo-
mew Burwash
on the West, and the Tene-
ment pertaining to the Covent of the Holy
VVell on the North, and the way upon
Lambarts Hill, on the East, for a Church-yard
to the Parson and Church-wardens,
Over-against the North-west end of
this Lambart hill lane in Knight-riders
, is the Parish Church of St. Mary
, a small Church, having but
few Monuments.
Richard Woodroffe, Merchant-Taylor,
Barnard Randalph, Esquire, 1583.
Ioannes Sugar,
A very ancient Tombe in the North Ile of the Quire.
Civis & Piscenarius
London: Qui obiit 29. die Decemb.
An. Dom. 1455
. & Margareta uxor
ejus, quae obiit 13. die Novemb. An.
Dom. 1485
. Quorum animarum, &c.
Here lieth buried the body of Barnard
A faire Monumēt in the east end of the Chancell.
Esquire, while hee lived,
Commons Sergeant of this City of Lon-
. He died the seventh day of August,
An. Dom. 1583
. And of his liberality
hath been beneficiall to the City, as for-
merly hath been declared.
Here lieth buried the body of Herbert
A comely Monumēt in the South Ile of the Quire.
of Wardis, in the County
of Sussex, Esquire, Cousin and next
heire to Barnard Randolph, Esquire,
&c. He tooke to wife Judith, the eldest
daughter of Anthony Shirley, of Fre-
, in the said County of Sussex, E-
squire, and departed this life (without
issue) on the 9. day of April, 1604.
In Obitum lectissimae feminae Marga-
retae Serle,
A Monu-
ment neere to the other.
nuper uxoris Alexandri
Serle, Reg. Majest. Procuratoris, &c.
Quae obiit 8. die Mens. Martii, Anno
Salutis humanae (qua nunc beatissi-
ma fruitur) iuxta stilum Angliae,
Virgo decem & septem vixi
intaminata per annos,
Deme duos totidem
tum pia nuptafui.
Funera gnatorum vidi
lugubria quinque,
Deque nevem, reliqui
his duo, nostra vident.
Casta domi vixi, invigilans
prolique larique,
Sara viro, mundo
Martha, Maria Deo.
Memoriae Sacrum.
Selectissimae feminae Ioannae,
Another Monumēt beneath the for-
Gilberti Dethick, sil. 2. Domini Gu-
lielmi Dethick, Mtis filiae Alexandri
Serle, Regiae Maiestatis Procuratoris
Genti, & Margaretae uxoris suae.
Quae quidem Ioanna 10. Martii, An.
1607 stilo Angliae, sub certa spe ven-
turae in Christo Resurrectionis, Spi-
ritum Deo, corpus terrae commenda-
Vt semel partu geminas eodem,
Tristis, enixa est tacitas, sorores,
Languido tandem placidè quievit.
Quindecem virge pia vixit annos,
Quindecem menses pia nupta facis
Tum piè cedens, pia mens fit alti,
Tabida Incola Coeli
Virgo dum, spes haec & amorparentum,

Nupta dum, lux haec & honor mariti,
Vxor & virgo, decor haec, propinquis,
Et decus omnes.
George Coleman,
A comely Monumēt with arms in the same South Ile.
Gent. a free-man of
this City of London, was born in Rich-
, and afterward inhabited at
Callis, in the time of the first surprize
thereof by the French, An. Dom. 1558.
where he lost all his lands and substance;
and at the age of 95. yeers he died, the 16.
of September, 1600. and lyeth interred
on the North side of the Communion Ta-
ble. By him is buried Alice his wife,
the onely daughter of George Gains-
, Esquire, a younger sonne of Sir
Iohn Gainsford of Crohurst, in the
County of Surrey, Knight, and brother
to the last Sir Iohn Gainsford, of the
same place, Knight. Which Alice was
sole heire to her Mother Elizabeth,
daughter and coheire to Iohn Alphew,
of Boare Place, in the County of Kent,
Shee dyed the fourth of March,
Anno Domini, 1581.
On the West side of this Church,
Conduit of Thames water.
the Porch thereof, is placed a Conduit
or Cesterne of Lead, castellated with
Stone, for receit of Thames water, con-
veyed at the charges of the forenamed
Barnard Randolph, Esquire.
By the East end of Saint Mary Mag-
Church, runneth up the Old Ex-
change lane
, by the West end of Carter
, to the South-east gate or Chaine
of Pauls Church yard, as is before shew-
ed. And in this part was the Exchange
kept, and Bullion was received for coy-
nage, as is noted in Faringdon Ward
In this Parish Church of Saint Mary
, out of Knight-riders street, up
to Carter lane, be two small Lanes: the
one of them called Do little Lane,
Doe little lane.
as a
place not inhabited by Artificers, or o-
pen Shop-keepers, but serving for
a neere passage from Knight-riders street,
to Carter lane.
The other, corruptly called Sermon
niers lane.
for Sheremoniers Lane. For I find
it by that name recorded in the foure-
teenth of Edward the first: And in that
Lane, a place to be called the Blacke
Blacke Loft of Silver melting.
(or melting Silver,) with foure
Shops adjoyning.
It may therefore bee well supposed,
that lane to take name of Sheremoniers,
such as cut and rounded the Plates, to
bee coyned or stamped into Estarsing
pence, for the place of Coyning was
the Old Exchange, neere unto the said
Sheremoniers lane. Also I finde, that in
the thirteenth of Richard the second,
VVilliam de la Pole had an House
In Knight-riders street is the Colledge
of Physicians,
Colledge of Physi-
wherein was founded, in
the yeere 1582. a publike Lecture in
Lecture in Chirurge-
ry to be read.
to be read twice every weeke,
&c. as is shewed else-where.
In the South Church-yard of Pauls,
is the South side and West end of the
said Church: In the which West end,
be three stately Gates,
West gates of Pauls Church.
or entries, curi-
ously wrought of stone, namely the mid-
dle Gate, in the midst whereof is placed
a massie pillar of Brasse, whereunto the
Leaves of the said great Gate are clo-
sed, and fastened with Lockes, Bolts,
and Barres of Iron: All which notwith-
standing, on the 24. of December, in the
yeere 1565. by a Tempest of Wind
then rising from the West,
Gates of Pauls Church blowne open.
these Gates
were blowne open, the Barres, Bolts,
and Lockes broken in sunder, or greatly
Also, on the fifth of Ianuary, in the
yeere 1589. by a like tempest of Wind,
then in the South-west, the lesser West
Gate of the said Church, next to the
Bishops Palace, was broken, both Bolts,
Barres, and Lockes, so that the same
was blowne over.
At either corner of this West end, is
also of ancient building, a strong Tower
of stone, made for Bell-Towers: the
one of them, to wit, next to the Palace is
at this present to the use of the same Pa-
lace; the other, towards the South, is
called the Lollards Tower,
For Lol-
lards Tower reade M. Foxe.
and hath
beene used as the Bishops Prison, for
such as were detected for Opinions in
Religion, contrary to the faith of the
The last prisoner which I have
knowne committed thereto, was in the
yeere 1573. one Peter Burcher,
Pet. Burcher.
of the middle Temple, for having de-
sperately wounded, and minding to have

Castle Baynard Ward.

murdered a serviceable Gentleman,
named Iohn Hawkins, Esquire, in the
high street, neere unto the Strand, who
being taken and examined, was found
to hold certain Opinions erroneous, and
therefore committed thither, and con-
victed: but in the end, by perswasion,
he promised to abjure his Heresies; and
was, by commandement of the Coun-
cell, removed from thence to the Tower
of London, &c. where he committed, as
in my Annales I have expressed.
Adjoyning to this Lowlards Tower,
Parish Church of S. Gregory.

is the Parish Church of Saint Gregory,
appointed to the Pettie Chanons of
Monuments of note, these I find there:
Alcia Barwis,
A plated stone by the Com-
munion Table.
Relicta Iohannis Bar-
wis, Civis ac Minutarii Londinensis,
posuit defuncto.
Debita peccati
solvens terrestria linquo,
Visurus patriam
quam mihi Christe dabis.
Da patriam, Rex Christe
Iesu, spes unica vitae,
Da feuti veniam
Rex bone Christe Iesu.
Virtus post Fata.
Thomas Redman,
The like Stone ly-
ing by the other.
Almae Curiae Cantuar.
de Arcubus London Procuratorum gene-
ralium unus, qui officium Registrariatus
principalis Sedis Archiepiscopalis Cantu-
ar. per nonnullos Annos laudabiliter ex-
ercuit, hic inhumatur. In uxorem duxit
Annam Miliner, quacum piè & aman-
tissimè vixit. Ex ea unam sibi filiam no-
mine Elizabetham procreavit: mortem
obiit 12. die Novemb. An. Dom. 1601.
Aluredus Copeley,
Another Stone in the Chan-
de Botley, in Com.
Ebor. Armig. quondam Socius Lin-
colniensis Hospitii, Obiit 5. die Feb.
An. Dom. 1598. & aetatis suae, 37.
Memoriae Sacrum.
Sanctissimae & chariffimae Conjugi,
A very goodly Monu-
ment in the South Ile of the Quire, vp-
lisonae Heriot, Iacobi Primrosii, Re-
giae Majestatis in sanctiori Concilio
Regni Scotiae amanuensis filiae, fe-
minae omnibus tum animi tum cor-
poris dotibus, ac pio cultu instructis-
simae; Moestissimus ipsius Maritus,
Georgius Heriot, Armiger, Regis,
Reginae, Principum Henrici & Ca-
roli Gemmarius, bene merenti, non
sine lachrymis hoc Monumentum pi-
è posuit.
Obiit Mensis Aprilis, die 16. Anno
Salut. M. D. C. XII. aetatis 20.
in ipso flore juventae, & mihi pa-
rentibus amicis tristissimum sui
desiderium reliquit.
Hic Alisis Primrosa
jacet crudo obruta fato▪
ut Rosa passa manus.
Nondum bis denos
annorum impleverat orbes,
Pulchra, pudica,
Patris delicium at{que} viri:
Quum gravida, heu nunquam
Mater, discessit in inde
Cura dolor{que} Patri,
cura dolorq viro:
Non sublata tamen,
tantum translata recessit,
Nunc Rosa prima Poli
quae fuit ante Soli.
Here lyeth Martha Forthe,
A faire Monu-
ment close by the o-
ther in the same end of the Church.
sometime wife
to Robert Forthe, Doctor of Law, with
whom she lived very comfortably in true
marriage, a most faithfull and loving
wife, the space of 24. yeeres and 5. mo-
neths. She lived vertuously and modest-
ly, and beloved of all that did know her,
and dyed in sound faith, and in the feare
of God, the 26. day of November, Ann.
Dom. 1589
. in the 45. yeere of her age,
in constant hope of a joyfull resurrection,
with the elect children of Almightie
Memoriae Sacrum.
Edwardo Baker,
Another Monu-
ment close adjoyning
Armig. Regiae Maje-
statis ad causas Ecclesiasticas Regi-
strario principali, viro eximia erudi-
tione, prudentia singulari, moribus
probatissimis, & in publicis negotiis
plurimum versato. Qui longo mor-
bo intabescens, certa spe in Christo
resurgendi, piè placideque animam
Deo reddidit, die 26. Maii, Anno
Domini, M. D. C. II.

Castle Baynard Ward.

Here lyeth intombed the body of Mary,
A faire Monumēt in the South wal of the Chancell.

late wife of Thomas Sandys, Esquire,
and onely daughter to Sir Stephen
, Knight, and Dame Sy-
his wife: Whose soule departed this
life unto Christ, the last day of Iuly,
in the yeere of our Redemption, 1598.
and in the one and twentieth yeere of
her age. In remembrance of whose pi-
ety and singular vertues, the eternall
love of her Husband hath caused this
Monument to be erected.
In Heaven her soule,
In me her love,
her body resteth here,
Which is to God,
Was to the World,
to me her Husband, deare.
Here-under resteth Arthur Medlycote,
A faire Monu-
ment in the East end of the Chancell.

Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of Lon-
, sonne of Richard Medlycote of
Shrewsbury, Gentleman, with Eliza-
his wife, daughter of John Phi-
. The said Arthur, in assured hope
to be with Christ, ended this transitory
life the seven and twentieth day of Iuly,
Anno Domini, 1605. And the said
Elizabeth, the eighteenth day of Octo-
ber, 1605.
Here lyeth Dorothie,
A comely Monu-
ment in the East end of the Chancell.
Daughter of John
, the elder, of Shepie, in the
County of Kent, Esquire. She first mar-
ried John Crooke, Doctor of Law;
by whom, shee had onely Dorothie,
first wife to Robert Honywood, E-
squire. Secondly, to Ralph Allen,
Alderman of London. Thirdly, to
that most Reverend, excellent, and
learned Iudge, Sir Roger Manwood,
Knight, Lord chiefe Baron of the Ex-
chequer; by whom she had issue, Iohn
and Thomas, who dyed young. Mar-
, the first wife of Sir John Lew-
, Knight; and Anne, first wife
to Sir Percivall Hart, Knight, and
Sir Peter Manwood, Knight of the
Shee dyed the fourteenth day of Septem-
ber, Anno Domini, 1575. To
whose reverend Memory, the said Sir
Peter Manwood hath dutifully ere-
cted this Monument, Anno Dom.
Gulielmi Coci hoc Tumulo
parvo ossa quiescunt,
A comely small Mo-
nument by the o-
Illius ast virtus
non ita parva cubit:
Plura nam ut omittam,
Civili Iure secundus
Nulli, nec vera
dexteritate fuit.
Cui pia, ne merito
careat post funera virtus,
Hoc uxor Maria
nobile struxit opus.
Moritur 25. Augusti, Anno Do-
mini 1558. & Mariae Regi-
nae, 6.
12. Septemb. An. Dom. 1587. obiit.
A faire plated stone in the South Ile.
filia Nich. Wallron, relicta
Thomae Yale, Legū Doctoris, Can-
cellarius Archiepiscopalis Sedis
Catuarien. & sepelitur sub spe sutu-
rae Resurrectionis.
The rest of that South side of Saint
Pauls Church, with the Chapter-house,
(a beautifull piece of VVorke, builded
about the reigne of Edward the third)
is now defaced, by meanes of Licences
granted to Cutlers, Budget-makers, and
other, first to build low Sheds, but now
high houses, which doe hide that beau-
tifull side of the Church, save onely the
toppe and South gate.
On the North-west side of this
Church-yard, is the Bishops Palace,
The Bi-
shops Pa-

a large thing for Receit, wherein di-
vers Kings have beene lodged, and great
House-hold hath beene kept, as appea-
reth by the great Hall, which of late
yeeres, since the rebatement of Bishops
Livings, hath not beene furnished with
House-hold Meynie and Guests, as was
meant by the builders thereof, and was
of old time used.
The Deanes Lodging, on the other
side, directly against the Palace, is
a faire old House, and also divers large
Houses are on the same side builded,
which yet remaine, and (of old time)
were the Lodgings of Prebendaries
and Residenciaries, which kept great
House-holds, and liberall Hospitalitie;
but now either decayed, or otherwise

Castle Baynard Ward.

Then was there the Stationers Hall,
The Stati-
oners Hall in former dayes, but now it is in Amen lane, at the end of Pater noster Row.

on the same side, lately builded for
them, in the place of Peter Colledge:
Where, in the yeere, one thousand,
five hundred, forty, and nine, the fourth
day of Ianuary, six men were slaine by
the fall of Earth upon them, digging
for a Well.
And let this bee an end of Baynards
Ward: which hath an Alderman,
his Deputy; Common Counsell, nine;
Constable, tenne; Scavengers, seven;
Wardmote Inquest, foureteene, and a
Beadle: And to the Fifteene, it is taxed
at twelve pounds, in the Exchequer,
eleven pounds, thirteene shillings.


  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Castle Baynard Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
  • Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Castle Baynard Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,

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MLA citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Castle Baynard Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,

Chicago citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Castle Baynard Ward. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 26, 2020.

APA citation

Stow, J., Munday, A., Munday, A., & Dyson, H. 2020. The Survey of London (1633): Castle Baynard Ward. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Dyson, Humphrey
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - The Survey of London (1633): Castle Baynard Ward
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/06/26
CY  - Victoria
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SR Electronic(1)
A1 Stow, John
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Dyson, Humphrey
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 The Survey of London (1633): Castle Baynard Ward
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/06/26
RD 2020/06/26
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
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TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">The Survey of London (1633): Castle Baynard Ward</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-06-26">26 Jun. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>


