Survey of London: Vintry Ward

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Wardes on the west side of Walbrooke, and
first of Vintry warde.
NOw I am to speake of the other wards, twelue
in number, all lying on the west side of the course
of Walbrooke: and first of the Vintry ward,
Wards on the
West of Wal-
and first of
Vintry warde.
called of Uintners, and of the Uintrie, a part of
the banke of the Riuer of Thames, where the
merchantes of Burdeaux craned their wines,
out of Lighters, and other vesselles, and there
landed and made sale of them within fortie daies after, vntill the
28. of Edward the firſt, at which time the saide merchantes com-
plained that they could not sell their wines, paying poundage, nei-

This text is the corrected text. The original is 186 190 1
ther hire houses or sellers to lay them in, and it was redressed by
vertue of the kings writ, directed to the Mayor and Sheriffes of
London, dated at Carla Veroke (or Carlile) since the which
time many fair & large houses with vaults & sellers for stowage of
wines and lodging of the Burdeaux merchants haue been builded
in place, where before time were Cookes houses: for Fitzstephen
in the raigne of Henry the 2. writeth, that vpon the riuers side,
betwéene the wine in shippes, and the wine to be sold in tauernes,
was a common cookerie or cookes row. &c. as in another place I
haue set downe: whereby it appeareth that in those daies (and till
of late time) euery man liued by his professed trade, not any one
interrupting an other. The cookes dressed meate, and sold no wine,
and the
Euery man li-
ued by his se-
uerall profes-
sed trade.
Tauerner sold wine, and dressed no meat for sale &c. This
warde beginneth in the East, at the west end of Downgate ward,
as the water course of Walbrooke parteth them, to wit at Gran-
thams lane
, on the Thames side, and at Elbow lane on the lande
side: it runneth along in Thames stréete west, some thrée houses
beyond the old Swan, a Brewhouse on the Thames side, and on
the land side some thrée houses west, beyond S. Iames at Garlicke
. In breadth this ward stretcheth from the Uintrie North
to the wall of the West gate of the Tower Royall: the other
North part is of Cordwayner stréete Warde. Out of this Roy-
all streete
by the South gate of Tower Royall runneth a small
stréete, east to S. Iohns vpon Walbrooke, which stréete is called
Horshewbridge, of such a bridge sometime ouer the brooke there,
which is now vaulted ouer. Then from the said south gate west,
runneth one other stréete, called Knightriders stréete, by S. Tho-
mas Apostles
, on the north side, and Wringwren lane, by
the said church, at the west end thereof, and to the East end of the
Trinitie Church, in the said Knightriders street, where this ward
endeth, on that south side the stréet: but on the north side it runneth
no farther then the corner against the new builded Tauerne, and
other houses, in a plot of ground, where somtime stoode Ormond
, yet haue yee one other lane lower downe in Royall stréete,
stretching from ouer against S. Michæls church, to, and by the
North side of S. Iames Church by Garlike Hith, this is called Ke-
rion lane
, and thus much for the boundes of Uintrie ward. Now
on the Thames side west from Granthams lane, haue ye Herber

This text is the corrected text. The original is 187 191 2
or Brikels lane, so called of Iohn Brikels, sometime owner
thereof. Then is Simpsons lane of one Simpson, or Emperors
head lane
of such a signe: then the thrée Cranes lane, so called not
onely of a signe of 3. Cranes, at a Tauerne dore, but rather of 3.
strong Cranes of timber, placed on the Uintrie wharfe by the
Thames side, to crane vp wines there, as is afore shewed: this
lane was of old time, to wit, the 9. of Richard the 2. called pain-
ted Tauerne lane
, of the Tauerne being
The Vintrie.
painted. Then next ouer
against S. Martins church, is a large house builded of stone, and
timber with vaults for the stowage of wines, & is called the Uin-
. There dwelled Iohn Gisers Uintner, Mayor of London and
Constable of the Tower, and then was Henry Picard Uintner,
Mayor. In this house Henry Picard feasted 4. kinges in one day
(as in my Summarie I haue shewed.) Then next is Uanners
, so called of one Vannar that was owner thereof, it is now
called church lane, of the comming vp from the wharfe to S. Mar-
. Next is Brode lane for that the same is broder for
the passage of carts, from the Uintry wharfe, then bee the other
lanes. At the Northwest corner of this lane, is the parish clearks
, lately by them purchased, since they lost their old hall in Bi-
shopsgate stréet
. Next is Spittle lane of old time so called, since
Stodies lane of the owner thereof, named Stodie. Sir Iohn Sto-
Uintner Mayor in the yeare 1357. gaue it with all the Qua-
drant, wherein Uintners hall now standeth, with the tenements
round about vnto the Uintners: the Uintners builded for them-
selues a faire hall there, and also 13. Almes houses, for
Gascoin wine
4. pence the
13. poore
people, which are kept of charitie, rent frée. These Uintners as
well Englishmen as strangers borne, were of old time great Bur-
merchants, of Gascoyne & French wines, diuers of them
were Mayors of this cittie, namely Iohn Adrian Uintner, Re-
at Conduct, Iohn Oxenford, Henry Picard that feasted
the kings of England, France, Scotland, & Ciprus. Iohn Studie
that gaue Stodios lane to the Uintners: the foure last were May-
ors in the raigne of Edwarde the thirde, and yet Gascoine
The kings
sons supped
in the Vintrie
were then to be sold at London, not aboue iiij.pence, nor Reynish
wine aboue sixe pence the gallon. William More Uintner May-
or, in the raigne of Richard the ſecond. In the raigne of Henry
the fourth
, the young prince Henry, Thomas Duke of Clarence,

Iohn Duke of Bedford, and Humfrey Duke of Glocester, the
kings sonnes, being at supper amongst the merchants of London
in the vintrie, in the house of Lewes Iohn, Henry Schogan sent
to them a ballad beginning thus.
My noble sonnes and eke my Lords deare,
I your father, called vnworthely,
Send vnto you, this ballad following here,
Written with mine owne hande full rudely,
Although it be that I not reuerently
Haue written to your estates, I you pray
Mine vncunning, taketh benignely,
For Gods sake, and hearken what I say.
Then follow of verse 23. staues, containing a persuasion from
losing of time, follily in lust, & vice, but to spend the same in vertue
and in godlines, as ye may reade in Geffrey Chawcer
Chaucer, fol.
334. & 335
his works
lately printed. The successors of those Uintners and wine Draw-
ers that retailed by the gallons, pottell, quart, and pynte, were all
incorporated by the name of wine tunners,
Wine tunners
the 15. of H.
the ſixt
in the 15. of Henry
the ſixt
. Hauing thus much not without trauaile, & some charges
noted for the antiquitie of these Uintners, about two yeares
since or more I repayred to the common hall of that company, and
there shewed, and read it in
The Vintoners
one of the 12.
The readiest
to speake not
alwaies the
wisest men.
a court of Assistance, requiring them
as being one of the principall companies in this cittie (of whome I
meant therfore to write the more at large) if they knew any more
which might sound to their worship or commendation, at their
leysure to send it me, and I wold ioyne it to my former collection:
at which time I was answered by some that tooke vpon them the
speech, that they were none of the principall, but of the inferiour
companies, and so willing me to leaue them I departed, and neuer
since heard from them, which hath somewhat discouraged me any
farther to trauail amongst the companies to learne ought at their
hands. Next is Palmers lane nowe called Anchor lane: the
plummers haue their hal there, but are tennants to the Uintners.
Then is Worcester house, sometimes belonging to the Earles of
Worcester, nowe diuided into many tenementes. Then is the
Old swanne, a great Brewhouse: And this is all on the Thames
side, that I can note in this ward.
On the land side in the royall stréete is Pater noster lane, and

the faire parish church of S. Michæl called Pater noster church in
the Royal
: this church was new builded and made a colledge of S.
Parish church
of S. Michæls
pater noster
Colledge one
or Hospitall.
, and S. Mary, founded by Richard Whittington Mercer,
4. times Mayor, for a maister, 4. fellowes maisters of Art, clearks,
conducts, chorists, &c. and an almes house called Gods house, or
hospitall for thirtéene poore men, one of them to be Tutor, and to
haue xvj.ď.the wéek the other twelue each of them to haue xiiij.ď.
the wéeke for euer, with other necessary prouisions, an hutch with
thrée lockes, a common seale &c.
These were (as the manner was then) bound to pray for the
good estate of Richard Whitington, and Alice his wife their
founders, and for Sir William Whitington knight, and Dame
his wife, and for Hugh Fitzwaren, and Dame Molde his
wife, the fathers and mothers of the saide Richard Whitington,
and Alice his wife, for king Richarde the second, and Thomas
of Wodstocke
Duke of Glocester, speciall Lordes and Promo-
ters of the saide Richarde Whitington, &c. The licence for this
foundation was granted by king Henry the fourth the eleuenth of
his raigne
, and in The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified twelfth of the ſame kings raigne, the Maior
and Commonalty of London, granted to Richarde Whitington
a vacant peece of ground, thereon to builde his Colledge in the
Royall, all which was confirmed by Henry the sixt, the thirde of
his raigne
, to Iohn Couentrie, Ienkin Carpenter, and William
Executors to Richard VVhitington. This foundation
was againe confirmed by Parliament, the tenth of Henry the 6
and was suppressed by the statute of Edwarde the 6.
The Almsehouses with the poore men do remaine, and are
paide by the Mercers, this Richarde Whitington,
Richarde whi-
was in this
Church three times buried first by his Executors vnder a fayre
monument, then in the raigne of Edwarde the 6. the Parson of
that Church thinking some great riches (as he saide) to be buried
with him, caused his monument to be broken, his body to bee spoi-
led of his Leaden sheete, and againe the second time to bee buried:
and in the raign of Queene Mary, the parishioners were forced
to take him vp to lap him in leade as afore to bury him the thirde
time, and to place his monument, or the like ouer him againe,
which remaineth and so hee resteth. Thomas Windford Alder-
man, was buried in this Church, 1448. Arnold Macknam

Uintener, a merchant of Burdious. 1457. Sir Hacre Tanke,
or Hartancleux knight of the Garter, Sir Edmond Mulshew
knight, neare to Thomas Cokham Recorder of London, the
Lady Kyme, Sir William Oldhall knight, 1460. William
, Sir Iohn Yong Grocer Maier, 1466. Agnes daugh-
ter to Sir Iohu Yong,3 first maried to Robert Sherington,
after to Robert Mulleneux, then to VVilliam CheynThis text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (SM)ey4 Esqui-
er, Iohn Hauing Gentleman, William Roswel Esquier, Wil-
liam Postar
Clarke of the Crowne, 1520. Sir William Bayly
Draper Maior, 1533. with Dame Katheren his wife, leauing
xvi. children. Iohn Heydon mercer, Sheriffe 1582. who gaue
Legacies to the thirteene Almes men, and otherwise for a Lecture
At the vpper end of this streete, is the Tower Royall,
Tower Royall
builded about
Henry the I
as may be sup-
of that streete taketh name, this Tower and great place was so
called of pertayning to the kinges of this Realme, but by whome
the same was first builded, or of what antiquity the same hath con-
tinued, I haue not read more then that in the raigne of Edwarde
the firſt
, the 2. 4. and 7. yeares, it was the Tenement of Symon
, also that in the 36. of Edwarde the 3. the same was
called the Royall in the parish of S. Michæll de pater noster, &
that in
the 43. of his raigne, he gaue it by the name of his Inne,
called the Royall, in the citie of London, in value yeare,
vnto his Colledge of S. Stephen at Westminster: notwithstan-
ding in the raigne of Richarde the 2. it was called the Queenes
, as
The Lady
ged in the
Tower Royal.
appeareth by this that followeth: king Richarde
hauing in Smithfielde ouercome and dispersed his Rebels, hee, his
Lordes and all his Companie, entred the Citie of London, with
great ioy, and went to the Lady Princesse his mother, who was
then lodged in the Tower Royall, called the Queenes Wardrope
where shee had remained three daies, and two nightes, right sore
abashed: but when shee saw the king her sonne, shee was greatlie
reioyced and saide. Ah sonne, what greate sorrow haue I suffe-
red for you this day. The king answered and saide, certainely
Madam, I know it well, but now reioyce and thanke God, for I
haue this day, recouered mine heritage, and the Realme of Eng-
which I had neare hand lost.
This Tower seemeth to haue beene at that time of good de-
fence, for when the Rebels had beset the Tower of Loudon5, and
got possession thereof, taking from thence whome they listed, as

in mine Anales I haue shewed, the princesse being forced to flye
came to this Tower Royall, where shee was lodged and remai-
ned safe as yee haue heard: and it may bee also supposed that the
king himselfe was at that time lodged there. I read that in the
yeare 1386. Lyon king of Armonie, being chased out of his
Realme, by the Tartarians, receiued innumerable giftes of the
King, and of his Nobles, the king then lying in the Royall: where
hee also granted to the said king of Armonie, a Charter of a thou-
sand poundes by yeare during his life, this for proofe may suffice,
that kinges of England haue beene lodged in this Tower, though
the same of later time hath beene neglected, and turned into sta-
bling, for the kinges horses, and now letten out to diuers men,
and deuided into Tenementes. In Horsebridge streete, is the
Cutlers hall, which sometime belonged to Simon Dolesley Gro-
cer Maior, in the yeare 1359, they of this Company, were of olde
time deuided into three artes, or sortes of Workemen, to wit,
the first were Smithes, Forgers of Blades, and therefore called
Bladers, and diuers of them prooued welthie men, as namelie,
Walter Nele, Blader,
Bladers or
one of the Sheriffes, the 12, of Edwarde
the thirde
, deceased 1352. and buried in S. Iames Garlicke hith:
hee left landes to the mending of high waies, aboute London, be-
twixt Newgate and Wicombe, Aldgate and Chelmessorde, Bi-
and Ware, Southwarke and Rochester, &c. The secōd,
were makers of Haftes,
and otherwise garnishers of Blades, the
thirde sort, were sheathmakers,
for swordes, Daggers and
kniues. In the 10. of Henry the 4. certaine ordinances were
made betwixt the Bladers, and the other Cutlars, and in the
4. of Henry the 6. they were all three Companies, drawne into
one Fraternitie, or Brotherhoode, by the name of Cutlars.
Then is Knight ridars streete, so called (as is supposed) of
Knightes well armed and mounted, at the Tower Royall, riding
from thence through that streete, west, to Creede lane, and so out
at Ludgate, towardes Smithfield, when they were there to tur-
ney, Iust, or otherwise to shew their ActiuThis text has been supplied. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (SM)i6ties before the king &
states of the Realme. In this streete is the Parish church of S.
Thomas Thapostle
, by Wringwren lane, a proper church, but
monumentes of antiquity bee there none, left vndefaced, except
some Armes in the Windowes, as also in the stone worke, which

some suppose to be the Armes of Iohn Barnes Mercer, Maior of
London, in the yeare 1371. Henry Causton Marchant, was a
Benefactor, and had a Chantry, there about 1396. Thomas Ro-
, had also a Chantry there, about 1396. Fitzwilliams al-
so a Benefactor, had a Chantry there, more Sir William Littles-
, alias Horne, (for king Edwarde the fourth so named him)
because he was a most excellent Blower in a horne, hee was a
Salter, and Marchant of the staple, Mayor of London in the yeare
1487 and was buried in this church hauing appointed by his testa-
ment the bels to be changed for 4. new bels of good tune and sound,
but that was not performed: he gaue 500. marks to the repairing
of high waies, betwixt London and Cambridge, his dwelling
house, with the garden, and appurtenances in the saide parish, hee
deuised to be solde, and bestowed in charitable actions, as his exe-
cutors, would answere before God: his house called the George
in Bredstreete
, hee gaue to the Saltars, they to finde a Priest in
the saide Church, to haue six pound thirteen shillinges foure pence
the yeare, to euery Preacher at Paules Crosse, and at the Spittle
foure pence, for euer, to the Prisoners of Newgate, Ludgate,
Marshalsey, and kinges Bench, in victuailes ten shillinges at
Christmas, and ten shillinges at Easter for euer which are not
performed. Iohn Martin Butcher, one of the Sheriffes was
buried there, 1533. &c. Then west from the saide Church on the
same side, was one great messuage, sometime called Ipris Inne, so
called of William of Ipres a Flemming the first builder thereof.
This William was called out of Flanders, with a number of
Flemminges to the aide of king Stephen, against Maude the
Empresse, in the yeare 1138. and grew in fauour with the saide
king, for his seruice, so farre that he builded this his house, neare
vnto Towre royal,
King Stephen
lodgee in the
Tower Royall.
in the which Tower it seemeth the king was
then lodged, as in the hart of the City, for his more safety.
Robert Earle of Glocester brother to the Empresse being ta-
ken was committed to the custody of this VVilliam to bee kept
in the Castle of Rochester, till king Stephen was also taken, and
then the one was deliuered in exchange for the other, and both set
free: this William of Ipres gaue Edredes Hith, now called the
Queenes Hith, to the Prior and Chanons of the Holy Trinitie
in London: hee founded the Abbey of Boxley, in Kent, &c. In

the first of Henry the second, the said William with all the other
Flemminges, fearing the indignation of the new king departed
the land, but it seemeth that the saide William was shortly called
backe againe, and restored both to the kinges fauour, and to his
olde possessions here, so that the name and family continued long
after in this realme, as may appeare by this which followeth. In
the yeare 1377, the 51 of Edwarde the thirde, the Citizens of
London, minding to haue destroyed Iohn of Gaunt D. of Lan-
, and Henry Percy Marshall, (for causes shewed in my
Annales) sought vp and downe, and could not finde them, for they
were that day to dine with Iohn of Ipris at his Inne, which the
Londoners wist not of, but thought the Duke and Marshall had
beene at the Sauoy, and therefore, poasted thether: but one of the
Dukes knightes seeing these thinges, came in great hast to the
place where the Duke was, and after that hee had knocked and
could not be let in, hee saide to Haueland the Porter, if thou loue
my Lorde and thy life, open the gate, with which words hee got
entry, and with great feare he tels the Duke, that without the
gate were infinite numbers of armed men, and vnlesse he tooke
greate heede, that day would be his last, with which wordes the
Duke leapt so hastily from his Oisters, that he hurt both his legs
against the forme: wine was offered, but he could not drinke for
hast and so fled with his fellow Henry Persie out at a backe gate,
and entering the Thames, neuer stayed rowing, vntill they came
to a house neare the Mannor of KeningtonMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.

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besides Lamb
where at that time
the princesse lay, with Richarde the yong Prince, before whome
hee made his complaint, &c.
Ouer against Ipres Inne in Knightriders streete, at the cor-
ner towardes S, Iames, at Garlicke Hith, was sometime a great
house builded of stone, and called Ormond place, for that it some-
times belonged to the Earles of Ormonde, king Edwarde the
in the fift of his raigne, gaue to Elizabeth his wife, the
Mannor of Greenewitch, with the Towne and Parke in the
County of Kent, hee also gaue this Tenement called Ormonde
with all the appurtenances to the same, situate in the parish
of S. Trinítie
, in Knightridars streete in London, this house is
now lately taken downe and diuers fayre Tenementes are buil-
ded there, the corner house whereof is a Tauerne. Then low-

This text is the corrected text. The original is 194 198 7
er downe in Royall streete, is Kerion lane, of one Kerion som-
time dwelling there. In this lane bee diuers fayre houses for
Marchants, and amongst others is the Glasiars hall. At the south
corner of Royall streete, is the fayre parish church of S. Martin,
called in the Uintry, this Church was new builded about the yere
. by the Executors of Mathew Columbars a stranger born,
a Burdieur marchant, of Gascoyne, and French wines, his
Armes remaine yet in the East Window, and is betweene a
Cheueron, 3. Columbins: there lye buried in this church,
Sir Iohn Gisors Maior, 1311. Henry Gisors his sonne, 1343.
and Iohn Gisors his brother 1350. hee gaue to his sonne Tho-
his great mansion house,
Gisors hall
corruptly cal-
led Sopars hal
called Gisors hall in the parish of
S. Mildred in Bredstreete, this Thomas had issue Iohn, and
Thomas, Iohn made a Feofment, and solde Gisors hall, and o-
ther his landes in London, about the yeare 1386. Thomas de-
ceased 1395. Henry Venner, Bartilmew de la vauch, Tho-
mas Cornwalles
one of the Sheriffes 1384. Iohn Cornwalles
Esquier, 1436 Iohn Mustrell Uintner, 1424. William Hod-
, William Castleton, Iohn Grey, Robert Dalusle
in the raign of Edward the 4, with this Epitaph.
As flowers in fielde thus passeth life,
Naked then clothed fable in the end.
It sheweth by Robert Dalusse, and Alison his wife.
Christ them saue from power of the fiende.
Sir Ralph Austrie Fishmonger Maior, new roofed this
Church with timber, couered it with lead, and beutifully glased it,
he deceased, 1494. and was there buried, with his two wiues,
Ralph Austrye his son gentleman William Austrye and other of
that name, Bartrand wife to Grimond Descure Esquire, a Gas-
coyne, and marchant of wines 1494, Thomas Batson, Allice
, Daughter and heire to Iohn Howton, wife to Iohn
, Iames Bartlet
, and Alice his wife, VVilliam Fennor,
Roger Cotton, Robert Stockar, Iohn Pemberton, Philip de
, Iohn Stapleton, Iohn Mortimor, VVilliam Lee, Wil-
liam Hamstede
, &c
Then is the parish Church of S. Iames, called at Garlicke hith
or Garlicke hiue, for that of olde time on the banke, of the riuer
of Thames, neare to this Church Garlicke was vsually solde, this

This text is the corrected text. The original is 195 199 8
is a proper church, whereof Richarde Rothing, one of the She-
riffes, 1326. is saide to be the builder: and lieth buried in the
same, so was VValter Nele Blader one of the Sheriffes, 1337.
Iohn of Oxenforde Uintenar Maior, 1341, Richarde Good-
, Iohn de Crissingham
, and Iohn VVithers. Monu-
mentes remaining there, Robert Gabeter Esquier, Mayor of
Newcastle vpon Tine, 1310. Iohn Grisors, VVilliam Tilin-
, Iohn Stanley, Nicholas Staha, Robert de Luton
, 1361.
Richarde Lions a famous marchant of wines, and a Lapidary,
sometime one of the Sheriffes, beheaded in Cheape, by VVat
, and other rebels in the yeare 1381. his picture on his
graue stone very fayre and large, is with his hayre rounded by his
eares, and curled, a little bearde forked, a gowne girt to him down
to his feete, of branched damaske wrought with the likenes of
flowers, a large purse on his right side hanging in a belt, from his
left shoulder, a plaine whoode about his necke, kiuering his shoul-
ders, and hanging backe behinde him. Sir Iohn Wrotch, Fish-
monger Maior, 1361. deceased 1407. Thomas Stonarde of
Oxfordshire, Iohn Bromar Fishmonger, Alderman, 1474.
the lady Stanley, mother to the Lorde Strange, the Countise of
Huntington, the Lady Harbart, the Lord Strange, Sir George
, Gilbert Bouet, 1398. a Countis of Glocester , and
one of her children, VVilliā More, Uintener Maior, 1395. VV.
Grocer Maior, 1389. Robert Chichley Maior, 1421.
Iames Spencer Uintonar Maior 1543. &c. And thus an ende of
Uintry warde, which hath an Alderman with a deputy, common
Councellors nine, Constables nine, Scauengers foure, Ward-
mote inquest foureteene and a Beadle. It is taxed to the fifteene,
in London, at six and thirty pound, and in the Exchequer at
thirty fiue pound, fiue shillinges.


  1. Page number reads 186. (NAP)
  2. Page number reads 187. (NAP)
  3. I.e. John. (KL)
  4. Unclear. (SM)
  5. I.e. London. (SM)
  6. Letter missing; context obvious. (SM)
  7. Page number reads 194. (NAP)
  8. Page number reads 195. (NAP)


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MLA citation

Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Vintry Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,

Chicago citation

Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Vintry Ward. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 26, 2020.

APA citation

Stow, J., & fitz-Stephen, W. 2020. Survey of London: Vintry Ward. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)

Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

A1  - Stow, John
A1  - fitz-Stephen, William
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Survey of London: Vintry Ward
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/06/26
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
UR  -
UR  -
ER  - 


RT Web Page
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Stow, John
A1 fitz-Stephen, William
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Survey of London: Vintry Ward
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/06/26
RD 2020/06/26
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#FITZ1"><forename>William</forename> <surname>fitz-Stephen</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London: Vintry Ward</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-06-26">26 Jun. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>


