Londini Status Pecatus: or, London’s Peacable Estate

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Londini Status Pacatus:
LONDONS Peacable Eſtate.

Expreſt in ſundry Triumphs, Pageants, and
Shewes, at the Innitiation of the right HonourablThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph is not clear, out-of-focus, etc. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)e
Henry Garvvay, into the Majoralty of the Fa-
mous and farre Renowned City London.

All the Charge and Expence, of the laborious
Projects both by Water and Land, being the ſole un-
dertakings of the Right Worſhipfull Society of Drapers.
Horizontal rule

Three crests, each containing the three annulets of the Drapers’ coat of arms

Horizontal rule
Printed at London, by Iohn Okes. 1639.

Printer’s Ornament
To the Right Honorable
Henry Garway, Lord Maior of
this Famous Metropolis; London.
Right Honourable,
TO whom for your long Travell, varie-
ty of Language, and knowne Wiſe-
dome, I cannot but give a precedence
due to your Perſon, as a priority be-
longing to your place; ſince laboured
lines onely comply with judicious
eares. I muſt ingeniouſly confeſſe
your worth ſo farre to tranſcend my
weakeneſſe, that I am almoſt ſilent in the Proem ere I
enter on the Epitaſis: yet preſuming on your generous
diſpoſition, which ever waiteth on ſollid Judgement, I
thus proceede.
Your breeding (Right Honourable) next to a Scholler
hath beene chiefly in Mercature, and of your ſufficiency
therein, you have not onely given to this City ample ſa-
tisfaction; but to the ſeverall parts of this Chriſtian
World: your perſonall Travell in your youth acquain-
ting you with the paſſages and proceedings in other for-
raigne regions, have bettered your conceptions (now
growing towards Age) in the management of State Ma-
giſtracy in your native Realme: of which ſince the time
that you were firſt choſen Alderman, you have given rare
Preſident; none having decided more differences, ended

The Epiſtle Dedicatory:
more doubtfull Cauſes; or beene a greater Peace-maker
than your honoured ſelfe.
And for the multiplicity of your Commerce, it is moſt
manifeſt, that you have long Traded (to begin with the
neareſt firſt) in the Low Countries, France, Spaine, Italy,
Venice, Eaſt India;
and moreover in Greene-land, Muſco-
, and Turkey, of which three noble ſocieties laſt named
you are at this preſent Governour. Hiſtory tells us that
divers Prætors and Tribunes during the time of their
Authority, have bin ſo indulgent over the people com-
mitted to their charge; that they have not onely ratified
the good Edicts of others, but deviſed wholſome Ordi-
nances of themſelves: when Solon ſwayed the Senate no
Creditor had power over the Debters bodies, but their
goods onely. In Platoes Common-weale all exceſſe was
prohibited, which amongſt the Romans was cald Lex
. Acilius glabrio made an Edict De pecuniis
, Commanding all mony taken by bribery, ex-
tortion, or other indirect meanes to bee reſtored, cald
Lex Acilia: Another compelled the Plebe to a liberall
contribution towards all publicke Showes, and Tri-
umphs; which was Titled Lex fannia.
But not to indanger the juſt reproofe of a preſumptious
arrogance, in prompting your Lordſhips in the ſtudied
Duties of your ſucceeding charge, I conclude with that
Spaniſh Refran: Embia al ſabio a la embaxada, Y no le
degat nada
; ſtill remembring that of Cato, Imperium gero
non mihi ſed Civitati et ſocijs.
Your Honours moſt obſequious Tho. Heywood.

Printers’ Ornament
Londini Status
Pacatus: or
Londons Peaceable Eſtate.

NOt to inſiſt upon the Antiquity,
Nobility, nor the firſt foundati-
on and ſcituation of this glori-
ous City, comparing it with
others (of old) rarely remarka-
ble; now demoliſht and ruin’d:
neither with thoſe contemporary
or at this preſent in greateſt proſperity, either for
Magnificent ſtructure, or Grave and godly Go-
vernment; becauſe it hath bin the Annuall argu-
ment, ſuiting with the occaſion now in agitation:
let them therefore paſſe as concluſions granted, &
principles againſt which there is no diſputation to
be held; ſince for beautifull Architectures, Pallaces,
Rialtoes, Guilds, Arcenalls, Temples, Cathedralls,

Londini Status Pacatus, or
Aquæducts &c. and further for cõmerce in al Coun-
tries, Chriſtian or Heathen; diſcoveries, plantati-
ons, (as in Ireland, Virginia, Bromoothos, or Sum-
Iſlands, St. Chriſtophers, New England, Harber-
in new-found Land &c. In which the moſt
famous Cities of the World, Athens, Thebes, Lace-
, nor Rome it ſelfe the Metropolis of the Ro-
Empire, could in her moſt flouriſhing eſtate
and Potency, (though ſhe Tyranniz’d over the
whole World,) in the leaſt compare with London.
And in the way of Competitor-ſhip, the Spartan
, the Athenian Areopagitæ, with Romes pur-
ple Optimates, may ſubſcribe to her ſcarlet Senate;
no Pretor in any City whatſoever being graced
with the like Sollemne and ſumptuous Inau-
But from the City, I come now to the particular
Company of the Drapers, one of the prime mem-
bers thereof; which may claime one ſpeciall prio-
rity above the reſt: in regard that Sir Henry Fitz-
was of that Fraternity, and the firſt Lord
Major, who might bee rather cald a perpetuall
Dictator than an one yeares Prætor; continuing
his Majoralty from foure and twenty yeares and
upwards together: not Anno completo but vita du-
; from his Initiation, to his Expiration: which
hath not hapned in any other of the eleven Wor-
ſhipfull Societies. After him within a little ſpace,
Sir William Powltney foure yeares together Lord
Major, Iohn Hind, Sir Iohn New-man, Sir Richard

Londons peacable Eſtate.
Hardell, before whom the Sword was borne for the
ſpace of ſixe ſeverall yeares without intermiſſion.
Simon Eyre who built Leaden Hall, or Sir Richard
, George Monox, Sir Iohn Milborne, Sir Richard
, Sir Thomas Hayes, Sir Iohn Iolls, Sir Ed-
ward Barkham
, Sir Martin Lumley, Sir Allen
, Sir Cutbert Hacket, and Sir Maurice Abbot,
whom the Right Honourable Henry Garway now
ſucceedeth: the right Worſhipfull Mr. Thomas A-
, being this yeare Sheriffe, and of the Drapers
And although before the laſt Lord Major precee-
ding This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph is not clear, out-of-focus, etc. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)this, there hath not bin any for the ſpace of
ten yeares of that Worſhipfull fraternity, yet in the
Annuall viceſſitude of twelue yeares before, ſixe of
thoſe before named were elected into the Prætori-
an dignity: and all, or moſt of theſe from the firſt
being builders of Churches, and Chappels; Foun-
ders of Schooles, Almeſ-houſes, and Hoſpitalls, re-
payrers of decayed Temples, and Oratories; Bene-
factors to Halls, and liberall contributors to the
maintaining of Arts, and all Pious and Charitable
acts whatſoever. Beſides your Coate of Armes, No-
bilitated by ancient Heraldry, being three imperiall
Crownes ſupported by two golden pelleted Li-
ons; your Creſt Aries, the firſt of the twelue Zodi-
ack ſignes; your inſcript, To God alone be all honour
and glory
: your Patroneſſe, the bleſſed Virgin; all
theſe approve your antiquity and dignity: I have
nominated theſe amongſt many, &c. but I come
now to the firſt ſhew by water.

Londini Status pacatus, or
The firſt Shew by water.
IS a perſon repreſenting the ancient River Nilus,
mounted in a Sea-Chariot, and ſeated upon a ſil-
ver Scallop (the plat-forme decored with Marine
Nimphs and Goddeſſes) his habit ſuiting with the
nature of the river, in his right hand a ſeven-forked
Scepter, alluding to the ſeven heads, or as many
Channells through which he runnes; and there-
fore by Ovid, cald Septem-fluus: he is drawne by
two Crocadiles, which may be reckoned amongſt
the Amphibiæ, as living in, and pertaking of the
two Elements, Earth and Water: the river This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph is not clear, out-of-focus, etc. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)it ſelfe
by ſundry Inundations watereth the whole Land of
Ægypt, leaving behind it a ſlime, or moiſt Clay,
which ſerveth for a maThis text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)rle or manuring, to make the
ſoyle more fertill. The originall head from which
it flowes is uncertaine, which Claudian thus expreſ-
ſeth: Et Arcanos Nili deprendite fontes. The Eccle-
ſiaſticall Writers hold it for one of the foure rivers
that floweth from the earthly Paradiſe; in divers
places it changeth name, according to the ſcituati-
on of the ſhores through which it runnes: it brings
forth Reedes, whoſe filmes or inward rinds are
much like our Paper, and for a need may be writ
upon; and therefore the Poets cald Nilus papyri-
: of all other rivers it onely breedeth Crocadiles,
and Hippotami, Æqui fluviales, Sea Horſes.
The Crocadile is a Serpent that from a ſmall Egge,
growes in ſhort time to a mighty length and big-

Londons Peaceable Eſtate.
neſſe, for ſome of them have bin 22 Cubits long, it hath This text has been supplied. Reason: Type not (sufficiently) inked. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)four
feet, with which he runnes as ſwiftly on land as hee ſwims
by water; he is bold over thoſe that fly him, but fearefull of
thoſe that purſue him; the foure winter moneths, Novem-
ber, December, Ianuary
and February, he eats not at all; hee
hath no tongue, but teeth ſharpe and long; neither in fee-
ding doth he move his lower jaw: briefly, hee is terrible to
man and beaſt, and preyes on both; but I leave them and
come to the ſpeaker.
NIlus an ancient River, knowne to excell
Amongſt thoſe foure, (which before Adam fell
Watred the earthly Paradiſe) now claimes
A new alliance with his brother Thames.
Martia, ſo cald of Marſius, who to win
The praiſe from great Apollo, loſt his skin:
Amphriſus, who his name ſhall ever keepe,
Since there Apollo kept Admetus Sheepe.
Nor yet Cremera, by whoſe firtile ſide
Three hundred and ſixe Fabij at once dide.
Xantus, and Simois, thoſe too famous floods,
So often ſtain’d in Greeke and Trojan bloods:
Nor let Pharſalian Enepeus boaſt
In Cæſars triumph, o’re great Pompies hoaſt:
Deucalion bragge not of Cephiſus for’d,
Becauſe neere it loſt man-kind he reſtor’d:
Caiſter of her Swans, Permeſſus cleere,
Proud that the Muſes were delighted there.
Pactolus, nor Idaſpes, fam’d of old
For glittering Channells, pav’d with pearle and gold.
Let none of theſe compare with aged Nile,
Who onely breeds the weeping Crocodile:

Londini Status Pacatus, or
Who drew me hither to the Celebration,
Of this your great loud voyc’d inauguration.
Grave and judicious Prætor, O make me
Your happy Embleame; ſince as I foreſee
By reaſon, that in Ægypt falls no raine,
There needs muſt bee a dearth of graſſe and graine;
Therefore, by frequent Inundations, I
In my great care, that needfull want ſupply:
So Magiſtrates (of which you prime and beſt
We muſt acknowledge) ought to the diſtreſt:
In your known gravity and goodneſſe caſt
The future to provide for, ſalve what’s paſt.
My ſeven-fold Scepters Hierogliphick, tels
Seven heads, from which (my mighty river ſwels,
Seven liberall arts (by you maintaind) expreſſe
Your Cities magnitude and worthineſſe.
And as you ſee my Crocodiles I ſway,
(Monſters, which both by land and water prey)
If any ſuch here breed? as ſome no doubt,
In place and Office may be; ſearch them out:
And then, what greater honour can you claime,
Then ſuch rude beaſts like me to curbe and tame?
But y’are too long detain’d; I next commend you,
Unto thoſe Triumphs that on Land attend you.

The ſecond Shew, but the firſt by Land
IS Ianus, plac’d upon an Artificiall Structure, built in a
ſquare modell, at the foure corners whereof ſit foure Per-
ſons repreſenting the foure ſeaſons; Spring, Summer, Au-
tume, Winter
; every one habited agreeable to his propriety
and condition. The name Ianus is borrowed from the He-
word Iain, which implyeth Vinum, wine, being held

Londons peaceable Eſtate.
to bee the firſt that planted the Vine. Some report him to
have bin an ancient King of Italy amongſt the Aborigines,
An. mun. 2629. & before Chriſt 1319. who received Saturne
flying from his Son Iupiter, & taught him the uſe of Agri-
culture and Tillage. Hiſtorians report him to have bin the
wiſeſt King in his dayes; remembring things paſt, and pre-
dicting what was futurely to come; & therefore they figu-
red him with two faces: he was Deified after his death, to
whom Numa dedicated a Temple, ſhut in the time of peace,
open in the time of warre; from which he had the denomi-
nation of Ianus Patuleius, and Clauſius: ſome thinke him to
have bin Ogyges, others Noah, with one face looking back-
ward upon the world before the Flood, the other forward
on that ſince the Flood: they alſo called the one the face of
Government, the other of Labour. His ſtanding upon ſuch
fixt baſes admoniſheth all Magiſtrates, and men of Honour,
to be conſtant in all their courſes; but eſpecially in the eſta-
bliſhing and maintenance of true Religion: He holdeth in
his right hand a golden Key to ſhut up the yeare paſt, as ne-
ver more to come; and open to the yeare future: it may alſo
be an Embleme of noble policy to unboſome and bring to
light their trecherous deviſes and ſtratagems, who ſeeke to
undermine and ſupplant the proſperity of a faire & flouriſh-
ing Common-weale. Upon the Key are two Greeke letters
ingraven, ξ and ε and on a bar in his left hand the letter τ
all being numerall, and make up 365, the number of the
dayes in our ſolary yeare; of which by ſome hee is ſtil’d the
Father: the bar in his left hand implyeth the Fortitude re-
quired in every good Magiſtrate, in the incouragement of
vertue, and ſuppreſſing of vice &c. Ianus the ſpeaker:

Londini Status Pacatus, or
His ſpeech as followeth.
I Janus, the yeares Father, in my prime
Almoſt as ſoone as either light, or time;
Hither my ſervants the foure Seaſons bring
Cold Winter, Autumne, Summer, and the Spring.
Eleven Moneths are my Sonnes, my Daughter May
Makes up the twelft: her Siſters Night, and Day
Acknowledge me their Father: Girles of ſpleene
So oppoſ’d, they never will at once bee ſeene.
The Houres my Hand-maids are, which imploy’d well,
Shall make you in your Prætor-ſhip excell
(As all the reſt fore-nam’d:) Behold this Key,
With which I o’pe the gates of Land and Sea
To the time future; being made by me
To all your Trade, commerce, and Trafficke free.
Proceede and proſper, whilſt the yeare fore-paſt
(As never more to come) I ſhut up faſt;
One face ſtill looking backe, leaſt good Acts done
Might be obſcur’d in darke oblivion:
As th’other forward, to ſee what’s to doe;
Both for Gods Honour, and your Contryes to.
From Janus this uſe may it pleaſe you gather,
You for one yeare are made the Cities Father;
Theſe foure ſucceeding Seaſons, I reſigne
Unto your charge; (which I before cald mine:
To the twelue Moneths, moſt aptly may comply
Your twelue chiefe Companies: who can deny
My Daughter Day for your imployment preſt?
The blacke-brow’d Night, ſequeſtred for your reſt?
So ſpend the Houres to inrich future ſtory,
Both for your owne grace and the Cities gloryThis text is the corrected text. The original is .. (MK).

Londons Peaceable Eſtate
My golden Key make uſe off, to ſet wide
Thoſe Priſon gates, where many a ſoule hath dide,
Starv’d by th’Oppreſſors cruelty; thoſe Gaild
For Capitall crimes, unpittied, and unbaild,
Reſerve for publicke Triall: Iuſtice is bound
To cut of Gangreenes, to preſerue the ſound:
But none knowes better than your ſelfe (Grave Lord)
What Mercy is; or when to uſe the Sword.

The third Show
IS Orpheus with his Harpe, ſeated in a faire Plat-forme,
beautified with pleaſant Trees, upon which are pearcht
ſeverall Birds, and below Beaſts of all ſorts, who notwith-
ſtanding being of ſeverall conditions, and oppoſite natures,
yet all imagined to be attentive to his Muſick. This Show
hath reference to the title of the whole Triumph, Status pa-
A peaceable and bleſt eſtate, in which our Soveraigns
Royalty hath a correſpondence with Saturnes Reigne,
which was cald the golden world. There were foure moſt
excellent of the Harpe, remembred unto us by the ancient
Poets, who are likewiſe the Emblemes of the foure Ele-
ments: Apollo the Son of Iupiter and Latona, (killing the
Dragon Pithon) of fire. Amphion the Son of Iupiter and An-
, figured with a Camelion of Ayre. Arion the Methimni-
riding upon a Dolphin, of water: and Orpheus the Thra-
(thus accomodated) of the Earth: and theſe attributes
were confer’d on them for their ſeverall Ayres, and ſtraines
in Muſick: this Orpheus was the Sonne of Apollo, who in-
ſtructed him on the Harpe, upon which he grew ſo excellent
that the Woods and Mountaines followed him; the Rivers
ſtaid their courſe, and the wild beaſts, and birds their prey,
with Trees, and ſtones were ſaid to be attentive to his Mu-

Londini Status Pacatus, or
ſick: of him much more might be ſpoken, but to ſhorten
circumſtance I come to his Speech.

INquire from all antiquity, ’tis ſaid
That when Apolloes Son, (I Orpheus) plaid
Upon my Harpe: the rivers if they ſwel’d
Above their bankes or Torrents that rebeld;
Grew ſmooth to heare my muſicke: and forbore
To vexe the Channels, or moleſt the Shore.
The Panther, Tyger, the wild Boare, the Beare,
Forget their rage, to give me attentive eare,
Lions with Lambs together coucht in love,
As dreadleſſe by the Falcon pearcht the Dove:
The Hounds their purſuite did leave off, and there
Sate Hart, and Hare, cloſe by them without feare:
The ſad predicting Raven, from the Oake
(Hollowed with age) was not once heard to croake,
Nor any Bird of harſh throate: onely then
The Nightingale, the Robin, and the Wren
With all their muſicall quire, in ſilent groanes,
(Affraide to ſing out) cherrupt to my Tones.
The very Trees I did ſo much intrance,
They ſhooke their bowes becauſe they could not dance:
But, Stones not rooted, but above the ground
Mov’d in rare poſtures to my Harps ſweet ſound:
I the foure bluſtering Brothers rage make calme,
And ’ſtead of violent guſts to breath ſoft balme.
Yet there’s an Harmony which doth rejoyce
Mans heart, more than the Jnſtrument, or Voyce;
The Gitterne, Harpe, the Viol, and the Lute,
When that is heard to ſound may all ſtand mute;

Londons peaceable Eſtate.
Whoſe happy Symptoms more contentment brings
Than any Conſort, made by breath or ſtrings:
And ſends a ſweeter rapture to the eares
Than that above; made by th’orbicular Spheares.
May it your grave Pretorian wiſedome pleaſe,
You are that Orpheus who can doe all theſe:
If any ſtreame beyond its bounds ſhall ſwell,
You beare the Trident that ſuch rage can quell.
When beaſts of Rapine (truſting to their power)
Would any of your harmeleſſe flocks devoure:
Yours is the ſword that can ſuch violence ſtay,
To keepe the Rich from rigour, Poore from prey;
Neither from any harſh ill-boading beake,
Leaſt diſcord ſhall be heard, when you but ſpeake;
Whilſt in Harmonious quire the reſt contend,
Which in your praiſe each other ſhall tranſcend.
Trees rooted in ſelfe-will, and (which ſeemes ſtrange)
Even ſenceleſſe ſtones you into life may change.
This Wiſedome can; yet there’s a more Devine
Concordancy, which farre exceedeth mine:
That’s of unanimous hearts; plenty, increaſe;
With all Terreſtriall bleſſings waite on peace:
Which whilſt maintain’d in your Commerce and Trade,
Proves ſweeter Muſicke than e’re Orpheus made.

The fourth show
IS a Chariot drawne by two Cammells, upon eithers back
an Indian mounted, and habited according to the man-
ner of their Country: of Cammells there be two ſorts, the
Bactrian, and Arabian; and differ thus: The Bactrians have
two bunches of ſwellings on the backe, and are called Dro-
: the Arabians but one, and another on the breaſt,

Londini Status pacatus, or
on which they leane when they lye downe to reſt: They
want the upper order of teeth, and are ſome times uſed in
War, in velocity exceeding horſes; but moſt commonly for
burdens, every one being acquainted with his owne lading
according to his ſtrength; leſſe weight they deſire not, and
more they will not beare: they are taught to kneele till they
have their load, and then they riſe of themſelves. Neither
in their journey will they change their pace; they can ab-
ſtaine from water foure dayes together, but then they
drinke as well for the time paſt, as that to come; yet not
before with their feet they have troubled the ſtreame: they
live to fifty yeares, and ſome to an hundred; and though
the pelleted Lyons might have ſerv’d more properly to this
place, as being ſupporters of the Armes belonging to the
Right Worſhipfull Company of the Drapers; yet theſe are
as genuine to the purpoſe: to ſhow his Lord-ſhips generall
negotiation in all kinds of Merchandiſe whatſoever.
I cannot ſtand to ſpeake much of the Fleece, but of Iaſon,
and Medea, (thus briefly;) Jaſon ſignifieth ſanans, or hea-
ling, Medea conſilium, or Counſell: he was the Son of Æta,
his Father was no ſooner dead but he left the Kingdome to
his brother Pelias, who ſet him upon an adventure to fetch
the golden Fleece from Colchos: to which purpoſe hee cau-
ſed the Argoe to be built, in which ſixty of the prime Prin-
ces of Greece accompanied him; whom Medea the Daugh-
ter of Æta King of Colchos courteouſly entertained with all
the reſt of the Argonauts: and being greatly inamoured
of him, and affraide leaſt he ſhould periſh in the attempt;
knowing the danger he was to undergoe, upon promiſe of
Marriage, ſhe taught him how he ſhould tame the Brazen-
footed Bulls, & to caſt the Dragon that watched the Fleece
into a dead ſleepe: which hee did, and by ſlaying him

Londons Peaceable Eſtate.
bore away the prize. The reſt I leave to the Speaker,
which is

THus doth the daughter of the Colchian King,
Her Husband Jaſon home in Triumph bring,
After his mighty Conqueſt of the Fleece;
The Auream vellus brought from thence to Greece.
And waſt not a brave priſe? for who ſo dull
Cannot conceive the worth of golden wool?
The mornings Sun upon their Fleeces ſhines,
Making the fields appeare like richeſt Mines.
One of the firſt we reade of was the Ram,
Upon whoſe back Phrixus and Helle ſwam
The Helleſpont: ſhe to her laſting fame
(By being drown’d there, gave the Sea that name:)
But Phrixus ſafely did to Colchos ſteere,
And on Joves Alter ſacrificed there
The golden Beaſt, whoſe faithfull ſervice done,
With the Celeſtiall gods ſuch favour won;
That ſtriving ’mongſt themſelves to have him grac’d,
Him firſt of all the Zodiak ſignes they plac’d.
And worthily, ſearch the vaſt earth or deep,
No beaſt to man, ſo uſefull as the ſheep:
How many poore men doth it keepe in pay,
Of ſeveral Trades and faculties; elſe they
Might ſtarve for want of lively-hood: but their charge bearing
By Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, Shearing.
How with her fleſh we are ſatisfi’d within,
Cloath’d with her Wooll without; in whoſe ſhorne skin
Thoſe reverent antiquities are kept,
Which elſe long ſince had in oblivion ſlept:

Londini Status Pacatus, or
And for the Fleece it ſelfe, it is an honour;
Firſt Nature, and ſince Time, hath caſt upon her,
So great, ſo eminent, ſo meriting praiſe,
Even Emperours were it on their Feaſtivall dayes:
And none that ever her true vertue knew,
But rated her with Ophir, and Peru.
Theſe Cammels though amongſt us rarely ſeene,
Yet frequent where your Lordſhip oft hath beene
In your long Travells: may the world perſwade
The rich Commerce and nobleneſſe of your Trade.
Time ſo contracts us, that we cannot dwell
On all in which you Merchants moſt excell:
Yet honor’d Sir, what’s in this place deny’d
Shall in Pacatus Status bee ſupply’d.

The fifth Show
AS the laſt had a relation to the Company in generall, ſo
this hath reference to his Lordſhip in particular, as he
is a noble Merchant; having it hereditary from his worthy
Father Mr. William Garway, who was not onely a great
Benefactor to the Right Worſhipfull Society of the Dra-
, but an indulgent Educator of divers yong men, who
have ſince prov’d great and Eminent adventurers; ſome
attaining even to the prime Magiſtracy of this our
The next Modell preſented to the publick view is a Ship,
which as it hath all accomodatings and ornaments belong-
ing to ſuch a Veſſell; ſo it is alſo decored with the Armes of
the nine Companies of Merchant-adventurers, of which
his Lordſhip hath bin, and is at this preſent free: the trou-
ble of the place, the preſſe of ſo mighty a confluence, witThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)h
the neceſſity of time, in the ſolemnity of ſuch a Feaſtivall

Londons peaceable Eſtate.
Day (then limited) will not afford it a ſpeech: wThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)hich I
the rather omit; becauſe in the laſt repreſentation of the
like, the excellency of Merchandiſe, the commodity of
ſhipping, with the antiquity and profit of Navigation was
delivered at large: I therefore come to the ſixt and laſt.
which is
AN artificiall Architecture beſt able (for the Worke-
man-ſhip) to commend it ſelfe, and being apparent to
the publick view, leſſe needeth my deſcription. It preſen-
teth the calamities of War, & the bleſſedneſſe of peace, Sta-
tus Pacatus
; bearing the Title of the whole Triumph: In
one part thereof are expreſt to the life, the figures of Death,
Famine, Sickneſſe, ſtrage,
&c. in the other Proſperity, Plen-
ty, Health, Wealth,
but eſpecially the free and frequent
Preaching of the Word and Goſpell. I deſire not to ſwell
theſe few pages to ſmall purpoſe, therefore thus briefly of
both. Peace is the Tranquility, and calme quiet of King-
domes, free from Section, tumult, uproares and faction; a
Plantation of reſt, eaſe and ſecurity; with all the flouriſhing
ornaments of earthly felicity: peace is the end at which
War aimeth: Honour the fruits of peace; and good Gover-
ment the ground of either, aſking no leſſe wiſedome to
preſerve it, then valour to obtain it: for Concord and Unity
maketh a mite to increaſe to a Magazin, when diſcord
and debate in any publick Weale, or private ſociety, leſſe-
neth a mountaine to a Mole-hill; and therefore Pacem te
poſcimus omnes.
Now of the contrary, War is of two ſorts, Civill, or For-
raigne. Domeſticke War is the over-throw and ruine of all
Eſtates, and Monarchies, and the incendiary of whatſoe-
ver is moſt execrable, begetting contempt of God, corrup-
tion of manners, and diſobedience to Magiſtrates: change

Londini Status Pacatus, or
of Lawes, neglect of Juſtice, and diſ-eſtimation of Lear-
ning and liberall Arts: But forraigne Warre is that) by
Plato, cald a more gentle and generous contention) onely
lawfull, being undertooke to propagate true Religion; or
to procure a continuance of Peace. Any War may be begun
with great facility, but is ended with much difficulty; nei-
ther is it in his power to end it who begins it: to raiſe a
combuſtion is in the power of any Coward, but to appeaſe
it lyes onely in the mercy of the Conquerour: & therefore
much ſafer and better is certaine peace, than hoped for
Victory: the firſt is in our Will, the latter in the Will
of the Gods.
Ergo Fames, peſtis, Bellum graſſantur in omnes,
Vivere ſi vultis, vivite jam melius.
By War, Plague, Famine, (loe) the people fall;
Then better live: if you will live at all.
The more to illuſtrate this Tryumph, it is graced by the
Company of Artillery men compleatly armed, to expreſſe
Warre: and the Livery and gown-men being the Embleme
of Peace. I come now to the Speech, delivered by The
Genius of the City.
VVAr, to the unexperienc’d, pleaſant ſhowes,
But they who in the Progreſſe and the Cloſe
Shall trace it, know it horrid; ’Tis a time
Deſtin’d, to the revenge, and ſcourge of Crime:
A time, when numerous armies, with the ſtreſſe
Of mailed men, and harneſt Horſes, preſſe
Grones from the trembling Earth (with feare aſſounded)
And with the reeking gore of ſlaine and wounded
Drencht her in ſtead of Raine: when like ſhooting Comets
It’s lightning bolts the thundring Cannon vomets;

Londons Peaceable Eſtate.
Quaking the bellowing Ayre: when ſhrill alarmes,
Ruſhing of rowted Troopes, claſhing of Armes
Render a noiſe; as hidious and as loude,
As a tumultuous ſea in Tempeſt plow’d:
When ſlaughter ſtrowes the crimſon plaine with Courſes,
Men coThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)mbat men, inraged HorſThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)es, Horſes:
When Maſſacre, (all quarter quite denying)
Revells amidſt the flying, crying, dying.
It is a Time when Stratagem ſurrounds,
And the beleagured City cloſe impounds:
When mounted Ordnance with their ſtreporous peale
(Warrs Dialect) on both ſides raile; and deale
Death at each dire diſcharge: When pinching need
Of food, hath forc’d the famiſh’d Mother feed
On her ’fore-ſtarved Babe; and Hunger raves
So fiercely, Men eate men out of their Graves:
When Plague makes friend, the friend; brother, the brother;
The Harmleſſe, armeleſſe; murder on another:
As lately in
When in the Huſbands and ſad Parents ſight,
The Wife, and Virgins raviſht, in deſpight
Of helpeleſſe ſuccour; when without all ruth,
The Honourable Aged, lovely Youth
And Infant, in promiſcuous heapes are throwne
(By indifferent havock) like a medow mowne.
It is a time, when forrage, pillage, ſtrage,
What witty cruelty, or barbarous rage
Can or invent or execute; deſigne
To utter deſolation: when in fine
Whole Troy is but one Bone-fire, that devours
Houſe, Pallace, Temple, and kicks downe thoſe Towers
That with the Clouds did late alliance boaſt;
Which in aſpiring ſmoke give up the ghoſt.

Londini Status Pacatus, or
LaſThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)t him (who Exit, in theſe Tragick Scenes,
Of ſword, fire, famine, plagues find; thraldome gleanes.
And ſuch a time is War, and ſuch the throwes
Our neighbour Nations travell now in; woes
Quite deſperate of delivery: whilſt calme Peace,
Proſperity, and Plenty, with increaſe
Of all concatinated Bleſſings ſmile
With cheerefull face on this ſole-happy Iſle.
Let then our gratitudes and Pious cares
Strive to entaile them to Us, and our Heires:
Leſt that too late, (having ſterne Warre accited)
We wiſh that Peace; which (whilſt we had) we ſlighted.

One thing that I cannot omit, concerning the Wardens and
Committies of this Worſhipful Society of the Drapers; that
howſoever in all my writing I labour to avoyd what is
Abtruſe or obſolete: ſo withall I ſtudy not to meddle with
what is too frequent and common: yet in all my expreſ-
ſions either of Poeticall fancie, or (more grave Hiſtory,)
their apprehenſions went equally along with my reading:
neither, had I travel’d in the leaſt deviating path, could I
have eſcapt without a juſt taxation: but I come now to the
laſt Speech at night.
The laſt Speech.
THe Sun is ſet, Day doth that now appeare
(As ſome few houres late) in our Hemiſphere;
Heſperus the Captaine of the Watch, hath tane
Charge of the Starrs; and now about Charles-waine
Hath plac’d his Centinels to’ attend the Moone,
If poſſible to make of mid-night noone.

Londons peaceable Eſtate.
May’t pleaThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)ſe you to remember from old Nile,
The dangThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)er of th’ Amphibian Crocadile;
How from This text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)old Janus, you tThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)his yeare have power
Over each SeaſThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)on, Moneth, each This text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)day and houre.
From Orpheus that ſweet muſick This text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph is not clear, out-of-focus, etc. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)of twoparts,
The civilThis text has been supplied. Reason: Smudging dating from the original print process. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)l Harmony of tongues aThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph is not clear, out-of-focus, etc. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH)nd hearts.
The Fleece of Aries Trumpets to eteThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph is not clear, out-of-focus, etc. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.).rnity,
The Drapers Honour, due to that FraThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph is not clear, out-of-focus, etc. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.).ternity.
We by the Sheep and Camels underſtand,
Your Lordſhips Travells both by Sea and Land:
Status Pacatus laſt doth intimate,
The happineſſe of this your peacefull ſtate.
Long may it laſt (of all Earths bleſſings beſt,)
Whilſt we this night commend you to your reſt.

Concerning theſe two excellent Artiſts, Maſter Iohn,
and Maſter Mathias Chriſtmas, brothers; the exquiſite con-
trivers of theſe Triumphall Models; I can onely ſay thus
much: their workeman-ſhip exceeds what I can expreſſe in
words, and in my opinion their performance of what they
undertake, is equall at leaſtThis text has been supplied. Reason: The facsimile photograph is not clear, out-of-focus, etc. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on an external source. (CH), if not tranſcendent over any’s
who in the like kind ſhall ſtrive to parralell them.
Horizontal rule


Horizontal rule

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MLA citation

Heywood, Thomas. Londini Status Pecatus: or, London’s Peacable Estate. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020, mapoflondon.uvic.ca/PECA1.htm.

Chicago citation

Heywood, Thomas. Londini Status Pecatus: or, London’s Peacable Estate. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 26, 2020. https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/PECA1.htm.

APA citation

Heywood, T. 2020. Londini Status Pecatus: or, London’s Peacable Estate. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/PECA1.htm.

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A1  - Heywood, Thomas
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Londini Status Pecatus: or, London’s Peacable Estate
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/06/26
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
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SR Electronic(1)
A1 Heywood, Thomas
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Londini Status Pecatus: or, London’s Peacable Estate
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/06/26
RD 2020/06/26
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English
LK https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/PECA1.htm

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#HEYW1"><surname>Heywood</surname>, <forename>Thomas</forename></name></author>. <title level="m">Londini Status Pecatus: or, London’s Peacable Estate</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-06-26">26 Jun. 2020</date>, <ref target="https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/PECA1.htm">mapoflondon.uvic.ca/PECA1.htm</ref>.</bibl>


