The Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Within
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ON the South side of Al-
dersgate Ward, lyeth Fa-
ringdon Ward, called in-
fra, or within, for a diffe-
rence from another ward
of that name, which lyeth without the
wals of the Citie,
led Faringdon extra. These two Wards
(of old time) were but one, and had al-
so but one Alderman, till the 17. of Ri-
chard the second, at which time, the
said Ward (for the greatnesse thereof)
was divided into twaine, and by Parlia-
ment ordered to have two Aldermen,
and so it continueth till this day. The
whole great Ward of Faringdon, both
infra and extra,
don, Goldsmith, Alderman of that
Ward, and one of the Sheriffes of Lon-
don, in the yeere 1281. the 9. of Edward
the first: He purchased the Alderman-
rie of this Ward, as by the abstract of
Deeds which I have read thereof, may
dersgate Ward, lyeth Fa-
ringdon Ward, called in-
fra, or within, for a diffe-
rence from another ward
of that name, which lyeth without the
wals of the Citie,
Faringdon extra. and Faringdon infra, all one Ward, and then divided into 2 by Parliamēt.
and is therefore cal-led Faringdon extra. These two Wards
(of old time) were but one, and had al-
so but one Alderman, till the 17. of Ri-
chard the second, at which time, the
said Ward (for the greatnesse thereof)
was divided into twaine, and by Parlia-
ment ordered to have two Aldermen,
and so it continueth till this day. The
whole great Ward of Faringdon, both
infra and extra,
Faringdon Ward tooke that name of W. Farendon.
took name of W. Faren-don, Goldsmith, Alderman of that
Ward, and one of the Sheriffes of Lon-
don, in the yeere 1281. the 9. of Edward
the first: He purchased the Alderman-
rie of this Ward, as by the abstract of
Deeds which I have read thereof, may
Thomas de Arderne,
sonne and heire
to Sir Ralph Arderne, Knight, granted to
Ralph le Feure, Citizen of London, one
of the Sheriffes in the yeere 1277. all the
Aldermanrie, with the appurtenances, with-
in the Citie of London, and the Suburbs of
the same, betweene Ludgate and New-gate,
and also without the same Gates:
which Aldermanrie, Ankerinus de Aver-
ne held during his life, by the Grant of the
said Thomas de Arderne, to have and to
hold to the said Ralph, and to his heires,
freely without all challenge, yeelding there-
fore yeerely to the said Thomas and his
heires, one Clove or Slip of Gilli flowers, at
the Feast of Easter, for all secular service
and customes, with warrantie unto the said
Ralphle Feure, and his heires, against all
people, Christians and Iewes, in considera-
tion of twenty Markes, which the said
Ralph de Feure did give before-hand, in
name of a Gersum, or Fine, to the said Tho-
mas, &c. Dated the fifth of Edward the
first. Witnesse, G. de Rokesley, Maior,
R. Arrar, one of the Shriffes. H. Wales,
P. le Taylor, T. de Basing, I. Horne, N.
Blackthorn, Aldermen of London.
to Sir Ralph Arderne, Knight, granted to
Ralph le Feure, Citizen of London, one
of the Sheriffes in the yeere 1277. all the
Aldermanrie, with the appurtenances, with-
in the Citie of London, and the Suburbs of
the same, betweene Ludgate and New-gate,
and also without the same Gates:
which Aldermanrie, Ankerinus de Aver-
ne held during his life, by the Grant of the
said Thomas de Arderne, to have and to
hold to the said Ralph, and to his heires,
freely without all challenge, yeelding there-
fore yeerely to the said Thomas and his
heires, one Clove or Slip of Gilli flowers, at
the Feast of Easter, for all secular service
and customes, with warrantie unto the said
Ralphle Feure, and his heires, against all
people, Christians and Iewes, in considera-
tion of twenty Markes, which the said
Ralph de Feure did give before-hand, in
name of a Gersum, or Fine, to the said Tho-
mas, &c. Dated the fifth of Edward the
first. Witnesse, G. de Rokesley, Maior,
R. Arrar, one of the Shriffes. H. Wales,
P. le Taylor, T. de Basing, I. Horne, N.
Blackthorn, Aldermen of London.
After this,
heyre to the said Ralph le Feure, granted
to William Farendon, Citizen and Gold-
smith of London, and to his heyres, the
said Aldermanry, with the appurtenan-
ces, for the service thereunto belong-
ing, in the seventh of Edward the first,
in the yeere of Christ, 1279.
dermanry descended to Nicholas Faren-
don, sonne to the said William, and to his
heyres: which Nicholas Farendon, also a
Goldsmith, was foure times Maior, and
lived many yeeres after; for I have read
divers Deeds, whereunto he was a wit-
nesse, dated the yeere 1360. He made
his Testament, 1361.
three yeeres after his first being Maior,
and was buried in Saint Peters Church
in Cheape. So this Ward continued un-
der the governement of William Faren-
don the father, and Nicholas his sonne,
by the space of fourescore and two
yeeres, and retaineth their name untill
this present day.
Iohn le Feure, Al-
Iohn le Feure, sonne and
heyre to the said Ralph le Feure, granted
to William Farendon, Citizen and Gold-
smith of London, and to his heyres, the
said Aldermanry, with the appurtenan-
ces, for the service thereunto belong-
ing, in the seventh of Edward the first,
in the yeere of Christ, 1279.
Nicholas Farendon Alderman and Maior.
This Al-dermanry descended to Nicholas Faren-
don, sonne to the said William, and to his
heyres: which Nicholas Farendon, also a
Goldsmith, was foure times Maior, and
lived many yeeres after; for I have read
divers Deeds, whereunto he was a wit-
nesse, dated the yeere 1360. He made
his Testament, 1361.
Nicholas Farendon lived 53. yeers after he had bin once Mai-
which was fifty
three yeeres after his first being Maior,
and was buried in Saint Peters Church
in Cheape. So this Ward continued un-
der the governement of William Faren-
don the father, and Nicholas his sonne,
by the space of fourescore and two
yeeres, and retaineth their name untill
this present day.
VVhereas Master Stowe saith,
Thomas de Arderne, sonne and heire to
Sir Ralph Arderne, Knight, granted to
Ralph le Feure, Citizen of London, and
one of the Sheriffes of the same Citie,
in the yeere 1277. all the Aldermanrie,
with the appurtenances within the Ci-
tie of London, and Suburbs of the same,
betweene Ludgate and Newgate, and
also without the same gates. Which
Aldermanrie, Ankerinus de Averne
held, during his life, by the Grant of
Thomas de Arderne, to have and to hold
to the said Ralph, and to his heires, free-
ly without all challenge, yeelding ther-
fore yeerely to the said Thomas and his
heires, one Clove or Slip of Gilliflow-
ers, at the Feast of Easter, for all secular
service and customes, with warrantie to
the said Ralph le Feure, and his heires a-
gainst all people, Christians and Iewes,
in consideration of 20. marks, which the
said Ralph de Feure did give beforehand
in name of a Gersum or Fine, to the
said Thomas, &c. Dated the fifth of
Edward the first. VVitnesse, G. de Roke-
sley, Maior, R. Arrar, one of the She-
riffes, H. Wales, P. le Taylor, T. de Ba-
sing, I. Horne, and N. Blackthorn, Al-
Either Mr. Stowe was much wronged in infor-
mation, or else it was no true Deed which he saw at that time.
mation, or else it was no true Deed which he saw at that time.
Thomas de Arderne, sonne and heire to
Sir Ralph Arderne, Knight, granted to
Ralph le Feure, Citizen of London, and
one of the Sheriffes of the same Citie,
in the yeere 1277. all the Aldermanrie,
with the appurtenances within the Ci-
tie of London, and Suburbs of the same,
betweene Ludgate and Newgate, and
also without the same gates. Which
Aldermanrie, Ankerinus de Averne
held, during his life, by the Grant of
Thomas de Arderne, to have and to hold
to the said Ralph, and to his heires, free-
ly without all challenge, yeelding ther-
fore yeerely to the said Thomas and his
heires, one Clove or Slip of Gilliflow-
ers, at the Feast of Easter, for all secular
service and customes, with warrantie to
the said Ralph le Feure, and his heires a-
gainst all people, Christians and Iewes,
in consideration of 20. marks, which the
said Ralph de Feure did give beforehand
in name of a Gersum or Fine, to the
said Thomas, &c. Dated the fifth of
Edward the first. VVitnesse, G. de Roke-
sley, Maior, R. Arrar, one of the She-
riffes, H. Wales, P. le Taylor, T. de Ba-
sing, I. Horne, and N. Blackthorn, Al-
I finde (to the contrary) by an espe-
ciall Deed (yet to be seene) delivered
me by that worthy favourer of Antiqui-
all the former Deed, verbatim, to bee
granted by William de Farndon, Citizen
and Alderman of London, (of whom the
VVard, both within and without the
Gates fore-named, being then but one,
and governed by one Alderman onely,
tooke name) to Nicholas, the sonne of
Ralph de Feure, Citizen of London, in the
very same manner and forme as hath
beene recited, for a Clove or Slip of
Gilliflowers, twenty pounds, and not
Markes, given for a Gersum, or Fine,
and the very same warrantie or defence
against all people for ever.
ciall Deed (yet to be seene) delivered
me by that worthy favourer of Antiqui-
M. Iohn Speed can testifie this to be true: for I brought the sealed Deed to him, and to divers
other be-
side, who can beare me wit-
nesse, that herein I doe no way de-
prave Mr. Stowe, but set downe the truth, as I recei-
ved it.
Master Iohn Williams, Goldsmith,
side, who can beare me wit-
nesse, that herein I doe no way de-
prave Mr. Stowe, but set downe the truth, as I recei-
ved it.
all the former Deed, verbatim, to bee
granted by William de Farndon, Citizen
and Alderman of London, (of whom the
VVard, both within and without the
Gates fore-named, being then but one,
and governed by one Alderman onely,
tooke name) to Nicholas, the sonne of
Ralph de Feure, Citizen of London, in the
very same manner and forme as hath
beene recited, for a Clove or Slip of
Gilliflowers, twenty pounds, and not
Markes, given for a Gersum, or Fine,
and the very same warrantie or defence
against all people for ever.
To which Deed, sealed with his own
Seale, as he calleth it, being the very
same of the Goldsmiths Armes, yet en-
graved about in this manner: Sigilli
Willi. de Farndon; he nameth as witnes-
ses, Domino Ioh. le Bretonn, Milite, tune
Custode London, Elia Russel, and Henry le
Bole, tunc Vicecom. London; Steph. Asse-
wy, Ioh. de Bachkewelle, Roberts de Basing,
Will. de Bettune, Rad. le Blund, Walt. de
Finchingfeld, Ioh. de Blund, Thoma de Esta-
nes, Richardo Assewy, & multis aliis.
Seale, as he calleth it, being the very
same of the Goldsmiths Armes, yet en-
graved about in this manner: Sigilli
Willi. de Farndon; he nameth as witnes-
ses, Domino Ioh. le Bretonn, Milite, tune
Custode London, Elia Russel, and Henry le
Bole, tunc Vicecom. London; Steph. Asse-
wy, Ioh. de Bachkewelle, Roberts de Basing,
Will. de Bettune, Rad. le Blund, Walt. de
Finchingfeld, Ioh. de Blund, Thoma de Esta-
nes, Richardo Assewy, & multis aliis.
Anno Reg. Ed. fil.
R. Hen. xxj.
R. Hen. xxj.
This VVard of Faringdon within the
wals, is bounded thus: Beginning in
the East, at the great Crosse in VVest
Cheape, from whence it runneth VVest,
On the North side, from the Parish
Church of Saint Peter, which is at the
South-west corner of Woodstreet, unto
Guthurons lane, and downe that Lane, to
Hugon lane on the East side, and to Kery
lane on the West.
wals, is bounded thus: Beginning in
the East, at the great Crosse in VVest
Cheape, from whence it runneth VVest,
On the North side, from the Parish
Church of Saint Peter, which is at the
South-west corner of Woodstreet, unto
Guthurons lane, and downe that Lane, to
Hugon lane on the East side, and to Kery
lane on the West.
Then againe into Cheape and to Foster
lane, and downe that Lane on the East
side, to the North side of Saint Fosters
Church, and on the west, till over a-
gainst the South-west corner of the said
Church, from whence, downe Foster
lane, and Noble street, is all of Aldersgate
street Ward, till ye come to the stone
wall in the west side of Noble street, as is
afore shewed. Which said wall, down
to Nevils Inne, or Windsore House, and
downe Monkes-well street, on that west
side, then by London wall, to Creplegate,
and the west side of that same Gate, is
all of Faringdon VVard.
lane, and downe that Lane on the East
side, to the North side of Saint Fosters
Church, and on the west, till over a-
gainst the South-west corner of the said
Church, from whence, downe Foster
lane, and Noble street, is all of Aldersgate
street Ward, till ye come to the stone
wall in the west side of Noble street, as is
afore shewed. Which said wall, down
to Nevils Inne, or Windsore House, and
downe Monkes-well street, on that west
side, then by London wall, to Creplegate,
and the west side of that same Gate, is
all of Faringdon VVard.
Then backe againe into Cheape, and
from Foster lane end to Saint Martins
lane end, and from thence through S.
Nicholas Shambles, by Pentecost lane, and
Butchers Alley, and by Stinking lane,
through Newgate Market to Newgate:
All which is in the North side of Faring-
don VVard.
from Foster lane end to Saint Martins
lane end, and from thence through S.
Nicholas Shambles, by Pentecost lane, and
Butchers Alley, and by Stinking lane,
through Newgate Market to Newgate:
All which is in the North side of Faring-
don VVard.
On the South, from against the said
great Crosse in Cheape, west to Fridaies
street, and downe that streete on the
East side, till over against the North-
east corner of Saint Matthews Church,
and on the west side, till the South cor-
ner of the said Church.
great Crosse in Cheape, west to Fridaies
street, and downe that streete on the
East side, till over against the North-
east corner of Saint Matthews Church,
and on the west side, till the South cor-
ner of the said Church.
Then againe along Cheape to the Old
Exchange, and downe that Lane, (on the
East side) to the Parish Church of S.
Augustine, which Church and one house
next adjoyning in Watheling street, be of
this Ward; and on the west side of this
Lane, to the East Arch or Gate by S.
Augustines Church, which entreth the
South Church-yard of Saint Pauls,
which Arch or Gate was builded by
Nicholas Farendon, about the yeer 1361.
and within that Gate on the said north
side, to the Gate that entreth the north
Church-yard, and all the north Church-yard
is of this Faringdon ward.
Exchange, and downe that Lane, (on the
East side) to the Parish Church of S.
Augustine, which Church and one house
next adjoyning in Watheling street, be of
this Ward; and on the west side of this
Lane, to the East Arch or Gate by S.
Augustines Church, which entreth the
South Church-yard of Saint Pauls,
which Arch or Gate was builded by
Nicholas Farendon, about the yeer 1361.
and within that Gate on the said north
side, to the Gate that entreth the north
Church-yard, and all the north Church-yard
is of this Faringdon ward.
Then againe into Cheape, and from
the North end of the Old Exchange,
west by the north gate of Pauls Church-
up Pater noster Row, by the two
lanes out of Pauls Church, and to the
signe of the Golden LyonMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.
Send information, which is
some twelve houses short of Ave Mary
lane, the West side of which lane is of
this Ward.
the North end of the Old Exchange,
west by the north gate of Pauls Church-
up Pater noster Row, by the two
lanes out of Pauls Church, and to the
signe of the Golden LyonMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.
Send information, which is
some twelve houses short of Ave Mary
lane, the West side of which lane is of
this Ward.
Now betwixt the South end of Ave
Mary lane, and the North end of Creed
lane, is the cōming out of Pauls Church-yard,
on the East, and the high street,
called Bowyer Row, to Ludgate, on the
West, which way to Ludgate is of this
Ward. On the north side whereof is S.
Martins Church: and on the South side
a turning into the Blacke Friers.
Mary lane, and the North end of Creed
lane, is the cōming out of Pauls Church-yard,
on the East, and the high street,
called Bowyer Row, to Ludgate, on the
West, which way to Ludgate is of this
Ward. On the north side whereof is S.
Martins Church: and on the South side
a turning into the Blacke Friers.
Now to turne up againe to the north
end of Ave Marie lane, there is a short
lane, which runneth West some small
distance, and is there closed up with a
gate into a great house: and this is cal-
led Amen lane.
end of Ave Marie lane, there is a short
lane, which runneth West some small
distance, and is there closed up with a
gate into a great house: and this is cal-
led Amen lane.
Then on the North side of Pater no-
ster Row, beginning at the Conduit over
against the Old Exchange lane end, and
going west by Saint Michaels Church:
at the West end of which Church, is a
small passage thorow toward the north.
And beyond this Church some small
distance, is another passage, which is
called Panier Alley, and commeth out
against S. Martins lane end.
ster Row, beginning at the Conduit over
against the Old Exchange lane end, and
going west by Saint Michaels Church:
at the West end of which Church, is a
small passage thorow toward the north.
And beyond this Church some small
distance, is another passage, which is
called Panier Alley, and commeth out
against S. Martins lane end.
Then further West in Pater noster
Row, is Ivie lane, which runneth North
to the West end of S. Nicholas Sham-
bles: and then West Pater noster Row,
till over against the Golden LionMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.
Send information, where
the Ward endeth for that street.
Row, is Ivie lane, which runneth North
to the West end of S. Nicholas Sham-
bles: and then West Pater noster Row,
till over against the Golden LionMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.
Send information, where
the Ward endeth for that street.
Then about some dozen houses, which
is of Baynards Castle VVard, to Warwicke
lane end: which Warwicke lane stretch-
eth North to the high street of Newgate
Market. And the West side of Warwick
lane is of this Foringdon VVard: For the
East side of Warwicke lane, of Ave Mary
lane, and of Creed lane, with the west end
of Pater noster Row, are all of Baynards
Castle VVard.
is of Baynards Castle VVard, to Warwicke
lane end: which Warwicke lane stretch-
eth North to the high street of Newgate
Market. And the West side of Warwick
lane is of this Foringdon VVard: For the
East side of Warwicke lane, of Ave Mary
lane, and of Creed lane, with the west end
of Pater noster Row, are all of Baynards
Castle VVard.
Yet to begin againe at the said Con-
duit by the old Exchange, on the North
side thereof is a large street, that run-
neth up to Newgate, as is aforesaid. The
first part, or South-west side thereof,
from the Conduit to the Shambles, is
called Bladder street. Then on the backe
side of the Shambles bee divers slaugh-
ter-houses, and such like, pertaining to
the Shambles: and this is called Mount
Godard street. Then is the Shambles it
selfe, and then Newgate Market. And
so the whole street on both sides up to
Newgate, is of this VVard: and thus it
is wholy bounded.
duit by the old Exchange, on the North
side thereof is a large street, that run-
neth up to Newgate, as is aforesaid. The
first part, or South-west side thereof,
from the Conduit to the Shambles, is
called Bladder street. Then on the backe
side of the Shambles bee divers slaugh-
ter-houses, and such like, pertaining to
the Shambles: and this is called Mount
Godard street. Then is the Shambles it
selfe, and then Newgate Market. And
so the whole street on both sides up to
Newgate, is of this VVard: and thus it
is wholy bounded.
Monuments in this VVard be these:
First, the great Crosse in West Cheape
street, but in the VVard of Faringdon, the
which Crosse was first erected in that
place by Edward the first, as before is
shewed in West Cheape street.
First, the great Crosse in West Cheape
street, but in the VVard of Faringdon, the
which Crosse was first erected in that
place by Edward the first, as before is
shewed in West Cheape street.
At the South-west corner of Wood-
street, is the Parish Church of S. Peter
the Apostle, by the said Crosse, a pro-
per Church, lately new builded. Iohn
Sha, Goldsmith, Maior, deceased 1503.
appointed by his Testament, the said
Church and Steeple to be new builded
of his goods, with a flat roofe. Notwith-
standing, Tho. Wood, Goldsmith, one of
the Sheriffes, 1491. is accounted a prin-
cipall benefactor, because the roofe of
the middle Ile is supported by Images
of VVoodmen.
street, is the Parish Church of S. Peter
the Apostle, by the said Crosse, a pro-
per Church, lately new builded. Iohn
Sha, Goldsmith, Maior, deceased 1503.
appointed by his Testament, the said
Church and Steeple to be new builded
of his goods, with a flat roofe. Notwith-
standing, Tho. Wood, Goldsmith, one of
the Sheriffes, 1491. is accounted a prin-
cipall benefactor, because the roofe of
the middle Ile is supported by Images
of VVoodmen.
I finde to have beene buried in this
Church, Nicholas Farendon, Maior, Ri-
chard Hadley, Grocer, 1592.
Church, Nicholas Farendon, Maior, Ri-
chard Hadley, Grocer, 1592.
Iohn Palmer, Fishmonger, 1500.
Wil. Rous, Goldsmith, Sheriffe, 1429.
Thomas Atkins, Esquire, 1400.
Iohn Butler, Sheriffe, 1420.
Henry Warley, Alderman, 1524.
Augustine Hinde, Clothworker, one
of the Sheriffes, in the yeere 1550.
whose Monument doth yet remaine,
with this inscription here-under, &c.
the other being gone.
of the Sheriffes, in the yeere 1550.
whose Monument doth yet remaine,
with this inscription here-under, &c.
the other being gone.
Sir Alexander Avenon, Maior, 1579.
Here-under this Stone lieth buried the body
of Augustine Hinde, Clothworker, Al-
derman, and late Sheriffe of London:
who deceased the tenth day of August,
Anno Domini, 1554. Here also lieth
Dame Elizabeth his wife, by whom hee
had issue foure sons and two daughters:
which Dame Elizabeth deceased the 12.
day of Iuly, An. Dom. 1569.
of Augustine Hinde, Clothworker, Al-
derman, and late Sheriffe of London:
who deceased the tenth day of August,
Anno Domini, 1554. Here also lieth
Dame Elizabeth his wife, by whom hee
had issue foure sons and two daughters:
which Dame Elizabeth deceased the 12.
day of Iuly, An. Dom. 1569.
God grant us all such race to run:
To end in Christ as they have done.
The long Shop or Shed, incroching
on the high street before this Church
Long shop in Cheape.
was licensed to bee made in the
yeere 1401. yeelding to the Chamber
of London, 30. s. 4. d. yeerely for the
time. Also the same Shop was letten
by the Parish, for three pounds at the
most, many yeeres since.
Then is Guthuruns lane,
so called of
Guthurun, sometime owner thereoof: the
inhabitāts of this lane (of old time) were
Goldbeaters. as doth appeare by Re-
cords in the Exchequer. For the Easter-
ling money was appointed to be made
of fine silver, such as men made into
foyle, and was commonly called silver
of Guthuruns lane, &c. The Imbroide-
rers Hall is in this Lane. Iohn Trowstone
Imbroiderer, then Goldsmith, Sheriffe,
deceased 1519. gave 40. l. towards the
purchase of this Hall. Hugon lane, on
the East side, and Kery lane (called of
one Kery) on the West.
Guthurun, sometime owner thereoof: the
inhabitāts of this lane (of old time) were
Goldbeaters. as doth appeare by Re-
cords in the Exchequer. For the Easter-
ling money was appointed to be made
of fine silver, such as men made into
foyle, and was commonly called silver
of Guthuruns lane, &c. The Imbroide-
rers Hall is in this Lane. Iohn Trowstone
Imbroiderer, then Goldsmith, Sheriffe,
deceased 1519. gave 40. l. towards the
purchase of this Hall. Hugon lane, on
the East side, and Kery lane (called of
one Kery) on the West.
Then in the high street on the same
North side, is the Sadlers Hall: and then
Foster lane, so called, of Saint Fosters, a
faire Church, lately new builded. Henry
Coote, Goldsmith, one of the Sheriffes,
deceased, 1509. builded S. Dunstanes
Chappell there. Iohn Throwstone, one
of the Sheriffes, gave to the building
thereof 100. pounds by his Testament.
Iohn Browne, Sergeant-Painter, Alder-
man, deceased 1532. was a great Be-
nefactor, and was there buried. William
Trist, Selerar to the King, 1425. Iohn
Standelfe, Goldsmiths, lye buried there.
Richard Galder, 1544. Agnes, wife to
William Milborne, Chamberlaine of Lon-
don, 1500.
North side, is the Sadlers Hall: and then
Foster lane, so called, of Saint Fosters, a
faire Church, lately new builded. Henry
Coote, Goldsmith, one of the Sheriffes,
deceased, 1509. builded S. Dunstanes
Chappell there. Iohn Throwstone, one
of the Sheriffes, gave to the building
thereof 100. pounds by his Testament.
Iohn Browne, Sergeant-Painter, Alder-
man, deceased 1532. was a great Be-
nefactor, and was there buried. William
Trist, Selerar to the King, 1425. Iohn
Standelfe, Goldsmiths, lye buried there.
Richard Galder, 1544. Agnes, wife to
William Milborne, Chamberlaine of Lon-
don, 1500.
Hic jacet Dominus Thomas Baby,
Capellanus Aurifabrorum London. Qui
obiit 3. die Mens. Novemb. An. Dom.
1452. Cujus, &c.
A faire Stone in the Chan-
Capellanus Aurifabrorum London. Qui
obiit 3. die Mens. Novemb. An. Dom.
1452. Cujus, &c.
Here lieth buried the body of John Lony-
England, Citizen and Goldsmith of
London: who most joyfully changed
this miserable and wearisome life, with
the felicity and happinesse of Gods King-
dome, in good Religion and godly chari-
tie, in true feare and stedfast faith, with
a full perswasion of remission in the blood
of Iesus Christ, the one and twentieth
day of May, An. Dom. 1583. being
about the 59. yeere of his age.
A faire stone by the Com-
munion Table.
Esquire, Master of the Mint of
munion Table.
England, Citizen and Goldsmith of
London: who most joyfully changed
this miserable and wearisome life, with
the felicity and happinesse of Gods King-
dome, in good Religion and godly chari-
tie, in true feare and stedfast faith, with
a full perswasion of remission in the blood
of Iesus Christ, the one and twentieth
day of May, An. Dom. 1583. being
about the 59. yeere of his age.
Here lyeth interred the body of Christo-
pher Wase,
of London, aged 66. yeeres, and dyed
the 22. of September, 1605. who had to
wife Anne the daughter of William
Prettyman, and had by her three sonnes
and three daughters.
pher Wase,
A Monu-
ment in the wall, South of the Quire.
late Citizen and Godsmith
ment in the wall, South of the Quire.
of London, aged 66. yeeres, and dyed
the 22. of September, 1605. who had to
wife Anne the daughter of William
Prettyman, and had by her three sonnes
and three daughters.
Reader, stay,
and thou shalt know
What he was
that here doth sleepe:
Lodg’d amidst
the stones below,
Stones that oft
are seene to weepe.
Gentile was his
birth and breed,
His carriage gentle,
much contenting:
His word accorded
with his deed,
Sweet his nature,
soone relenting.
From above
he seem’d protected,
Father dead
before his birth,
An Orphane, onely
but neglected,
Yet his branches
spread on earth,
Earth, that must
his bones containe,
Sleeping till Christs
Trumpe shall wake them,
Ioyning them
to soule againe,
And to blisse
eternall take them.
It is not this rude
and little heape of stones,
Can hold the fame,
although’t containes the bones.
Light be the earth,
and hallowed for thy sake,
Resting in peace,
peace that so oft didst make.
Vnder the Stone right against this Monu-
Marsh, Citizen and Grocer of London,
and Florence his first wife, by whom he
had issue seven Sonnes. By Elizabeth,
his second wife, (left living) he had issue
three sonnes and a daughter. He depar-
ted this life the 7. day of October, Anno
Dom. 1602. after he had lived 65.
yeeres and three dayes.
A small Monumēt in the wall with a gilt plate.
lye buried the bodies of Robert
Marsh, Citizen and Grocer of London,
and Florence his first wife, by whom he
had issue seven Sonnes. By Elizabeth,
his second wife, (left living) he had issue
three sonnes and a daughter. He depar-
ted this life the 7. day of October, Anno
Dom. 1602. after he had lived 65.
yeeres and three dayes.
Here-under lyeth buried the body of Mi-
stris Martha Prescot,
ander Prescot, Citizen and Alderman
of London: whose soule the Lord tooke to
his mercy the 26. day of Novemb. 1616.
when she had lived a married wife just
23. yeeres that day, and 40. yeeres, 2.
moneths, 3. weekes, and odde dayes,
from the time of her birth. She had issue
by her said Husband, 6. Sonnes, and 5.
daughters, and her yongest of all, being a
daughter, named Elizabeth, lyeth here-
under interred, in the same Grave, on the
same day of buriall with her said mother.
stris Martha Prescot,
A faire plated stone un-
der the Commu-
nion Ta-
the wife of Alex-der the Commu-
nion Ta-
ander Prescot, Citizen and Alderman
of London: whose soule the Lord tooke to
his mercy the 26. day of Novemb. 1616.
when she had lived a married wife just
23. yeeres that day, and 40. yeeres, 2.
moneths, 3. weekes, and odde dayes,
from the time of her birth. She had issue
by her said Husband, 6. Sonnes, and 5.
daughters, and her yongest of all, being a
daughter, named Elizabeth, lyeth here-
under interred, in the same Grave, on the
same day of buriall with her said mother.
A faire plated Grave-
stone in the middle Ile.
of thine infinite
stone in the middle Ile.
grave and pitie,
Have mercy on me
Agnes, sometime the wife
Of William Milborne,
Chamberlaine of this Citie,
Which tooke my passage
fro this wretched life,
The yeere of Grace,
one thousand, one hundred and five,
The twelfth day of Iuly,
no longer was my space,
It pleased then my Lord
to call me to his grace.
Now ye that are living,
and see this picture,
Pray for me here
while ye have time and space,
That God of his goodnesse
would me assure,
In his everlasting mansion
to have a place.
Then downe Foster Lane, and Noble
street, both of Aldersgate street Ward,
till ye come to the stone wall, which in-
closeth a Garden-plot before the wall
of the Citie, on the West side of Noble
street, and is of this Faringdon Ward.
This Garden-plot, containing 95. Elles
in length, 9. Elles and an half in bredth,
was by Adam de Burie, Maior, the Al-
dermen, and Citizens of London, letten
to Iohn de Nevell, Lord of Raby, Radulph
and Thomas, his sonnes, for threescore
yeeres, paying 6. s. 8. d. the yeere. Da-
ted the 48. of Edw. 3. having in a seale
pendant on the one side,
walled Citie, and of S. Paul, a Sword in
his right hand, and in the left a Banner;
3. Leopards, about that Seale, on the
same side written, Sigillum Baronium
Londoniarum. On the other side, the like
figure of a Citie, a Bishop sitting on an
Arch, the inscription, Me: quae: te: pe-
peri: ne: Cesses: Thoma: tueri.
street, both of Aldersgate street Ward,
till ye come to the stone wall, which in-
closeth a Garden-plot before the wall
of the Citie, on the West side of Noble
street, and is of this Faringdon Ward.
This Garden-plot, containing 95. Elles
in length, 9. Elles and an half in bredth,
was by Adam de Burie, Maior, the Al-
dermen, and Citizens of London, letten
to Iohn de Nevell, Lord of Raby, Radulph
and Thomas, his sonnes, for threescore
yeeres, paying 6. s. 8. d. the yeere. Da-
ted the 48. of Edw. 3. having in a seale
pendant on the one side,
Barons of London their seale.
the figure of a
walled Citie, and of S. Paul, a Sword in
his right hand, and in the left a Banner;
3. Leopards, about that Seale, on the
same side written, Sigillum Baronium
Londoniarum. On the other side, the like
figure of a Citie, a Bishop sitting on an
Arch, the inscription, Me: quae: te: pe-
peri: ne: Cesses: Thoma: tueri.
Thus much for the Barons of London,
their common seale at that time.
their common seale at that time.
At the North end of this Garden-
plot, is one great house builded of stone
and timber, now called the Lord Win-
sors house, of old time belonging to the
Nevels, as in the 19. of Rich. 2. it was
found by inquisition of a Iurie, that Eli-
zabeth Nevell dyed, seized of a great
Messuage in the Parish of S. Olave in
Monkes-well street in London, holden of
the King in free Burgage, which shee
held of the gift of Iohn Nevell of Raby,
her husband, and that Iohn Latimer was
next sonne and heire to the said Eliza-
plot, is one great house builded of stone
and timber, now called the Lord Win-
sors house, of old time belonging to the
Nevels, as in the 19. of Rich. 2. it was
found by inquisition of a Iurie, that Eli-
zabeth Nevell dyed, seized of a great
Messuage in the Parish of S. Olave in
Monkes-well street in London, holden of
the King in free Burgage, which shee
held of the gift of Iohn Nevell of Raby,
her husband, and that Iohn Latimer was
next sonne and heire to the said Eliza-
In this West side is the Barber Chi-
rurgeons Hall. This Company was in-
corporated by meanes of Thomas More-
stede, Esquire, one of the Sheriffes of
London, 1436. Chirurgeon to the Kings
of England, Henry the fourth, fifth, and
sixth. He deceased 1450. Then Iaques
Fries, Physician to Edw. the fourth, and
William Hobbs, Physician and Chirur-
geon for the same Kings body, continu-
ing the suit the ful time of twenty yeers,
Edward the fourth, in the second of his
reigne, and Richard Duke of Glocester,
became Founders of the same Cor-
poration, in the Parish of Saint Cosme
and Damiane. The first assembling
of that Mysterie was by Roger Strippe,
William Hobbs, Thomas Goddard, and
Richard Kent, since the which time
they builded their Hall in that street,
rurgeons Hall. This Company was in-
corporated by meanes of Thomas More-
stede, Esquire, one of the Sheriffes of
London, 1436. Chirurgeon to the Kings
of England, Henry the fourth, fifth, and
sixth. He deceased 1450. Then Iaques
Fries, Physician to Edw. the fourth, and
William Hobbs, Physician and Chirur-
geon for the same Kings body, continu-
ing the suit the ful time of twenty yeers,
Edward the fourth, in the second of his
reigne, and Richard Duke of Glocester,
became Founders of the same Cor-
poration, in the Parish of Saint Cosme
and Damiane. The first assembling
of that Mysterie was by Roger Strippe,
William Hobbs, Thomas Goddard, and
Richard Kent, since the which time
they builded their Hall in that street,
At the North corner of this street,
on the same side, was sometime an Her-
mitage or Chappell of Saint Iames, cal-
led in the wall, neere Creplegate: it be-
longed to the Abbey and Covent of Ga-
radon, as appeareth by a Record, the se-
ven and twentieth of Edward the first:
And also the 16. of Edward the third,
William de Lions was Hermit there, and
the Abbot & Covent of Garadon found
two Chaplaines, Cestercian Monkes of
their house: in this Hermitage one of
them, for Aymor de Valence, Earle of
Pembrooke, and Mary de Saint Paul, his
on the same side, was sometime an Her-
mitage or Chappell of Saint Iames, cal-
led in the wall, neere Creplegate: it be-
longed to the Abbey and Covent of Ga-
radon, as appeareth by a Record, the se-
ven and twentieth of Edward the first:
And also the 16. of Edward the third,
William de Lions was Hermit there, and
the Abbot & Covent of Garadon found
two Chaplaines, Cestercian Monkes of
their house: in this Hermitage one of
them, for Aymor de Valence, Earle of
Pembrooke, and Mary de Saint Paul, his
Of these Monkes, and of a Well per-
taining to them, the street tooke that
name, and is called Monkes-well street.
This Hermitage with the appurtenan-
ces, was in the reigne of Edw. the 6. pur-
chased from the said King, by W. Lambe,
one of the Gentlemen of the Kings
Chappell, Citizen and Cloth-worker
of London: Hee deceased in the yeere
1577. and then gave it to the Cloth-workers
of London, with other Tene-
ments, to the value of fifty pounds the
yeere, to the intent they shall hire a Mi-
nister to say divine Service there.
taining to them, the street tooke that
name, and is called Monkes-well street.
This Hermitage with the appurtenan-
ces, was in the reigne of Edw. the 6. pur-
chased from the said King, by W. Lambe,
one of the Gentlemen of the Kings
Chappell, Citizen and Cloth-worker
of London: Hee deceased in the yeere
1577. and then gave it to the Cloth-workers
of London, with other Tene-
ments, to the value of fifty pounds the
yeere, to the intent they shall hire a Mi-
nister to say divine Service there.
Againe, to the high street of Cheape,
from Foster Lane end to S. Martins, and
by that Lane to the Shambles or Flesh-market,
on the North side whereof is
Pentecost lane, containing divers slaugh-
ter-houses for the Butchers.
from Foster Lane end to S. Martins, and
by that Lane to the Shambles or Flesh-market,
on the North side whereof is
Pentecost lane, containing divers slaugh-
ter-houses for the Butchers.
Then was there of old time a proper
Parish Church of S. Nicholas, whereof
the said Flesh-market tooke the name,
and was called S. Nicholas Shambles.
Parish Church of S. Nicholas, whereof
the said Flesh-market tooke the name,
and was called S. Nicholas Shambles.
This Church, with the Tenements
and Ornaments, was by Henry the eight
given to the Maior and Communalty of
the Citie, towards the maintenance of
the new Parish Church, then to be ere-
cted in the late dissolved Church of the
Gray Friers: so was this Church dissol-
ved and pulled downe: in place where-
of, and of the Church-yard, many faire
houses are now builded, in a Court with
a Well, in the middest whereof the
Church stood.
and Ornaments, was by Henry the eight
given to the Maior and Communalty of
the Citie, towards the maintenance of
the new Parish Church, then to be ere-
cted in the late dissolved Church of the
Gray Friers: so was this Church dissol-
ved and pulled downe: in place where-
of, and of the Church-yard, many faire
houses are now builded, in a Court with
a Well, in the middest whereof the
Church stood.
Then is Stinking lane,
formerly so cal-
led, or Chick lane, at the East end of the
Gray Friers Church: it is now kept clean
and free from annoyance, and called by
the name of Butchers-Hall Lane; and
there is the Butchers Hall.
led, or Chick lane, at the East end of the
Gray Friers Church: it is now kept clean
and free from annoyance, and called by
the name of Butchers-Hall Lane; and
there is the Butchers Hall.
In the third of Richard the second, mo-
tion was made, that no Butcher should
kill any flesh within London, but at
Knightsbridge, or such like distant place
from the wals of the Citie.
tion was made, that no Butcher should
kill any flesh within London, but at
Knightsbridge, or such like distant place
from the wals of the Citie.
Then the late dissolved Church of Gray
Friers, the originall whereof was thus:
Friers, the originall whereof was thus:
In the yeere 1224. being the 8. yeere
of the reigne of King Henry the third,
there came out of Italy nine Friers of
the Order of the Franciscans, or Frier
Minors, five whereof were Priests, and
the other foure Lay-men. The Priests
placed themselves at Canturbury in
Kent: but the other foure came to Lon-
don, and were lodged (for some short
while) among the preaching Friers, who
lived then in Oldborne. Afterward, they
obtained to be placed in Cornehill, Lon-
don, in an house belonging to one Iohn
Travars, who was then one of the She-
riffes of London, in the same yeere 1224.
In which house they made themselves
Celles, and inhabited there for a cer-
taine time; till their number so increa-
sed, and the Citizens devotion grew
to be so great, that (within few yeeres
after) they were thence removed, by the
meanes of one Iohn Ewin, Mercer, who
purchased a void plot of ground, neere
to Saint Nicholas Shambles, where to
erect an House for the said Friers.
of the reigne of King Henry the third,
How the Gray Friers house be-
came first to a Frie-
ry, colle-
cted out of an anciēt Manu-
script de-
livered to me by a friend.
came first to a Frie-
ry, colle-
cted out of an anciēt Manu-
script de-
livered to me by a friend.
there came out of Italy nine Friers of
the Order of the Franciscans, or Frier
Minors, five whereof were Priests, and
the other foure Lay-men. The Priests
placed themselves at Canturbury in
Kent: but the other foure came to Lon-
don, and were lodged (for some short
while) among the preaching Friers, who
lived then in Oldborne. Afterward, they
obtained to be placed in Cornehill, Lon-
don, in an house belonging to one Iohn
Travars, who was then one of the She-
riffes of London, in the same yeere 1224.
In which house they made themselves
Celles, and inhabited there for a cer-
taine time; till their number so increa-
sed, and the Citizens devotion grew
to be so great, that (within few yeeres
after) they were thence removed, by the
meanes of one Iohn Ewin, Mercer, who
purchased a void plot of ground, neere
to Saint Nicholas Shambles, where to
erect an House for the said Friers.
Divers Citizens seemed herein to
joyne with the said Iohn Ewin, and ere-
cted there very beautifull buildings,
upon the same ground so formerly pur-
chased by Iohn Ewin, and a great part
builded at his owne charge, which hee
appropriated to the Communalty of
London, and then entred into the same
Order of Friers, as a Lay Brother.
joyne with the said Iohn Ewin, and ere-
cted there very beautifull buildings,
upon the same ground so formerly pur-
chased by Iohn Ewin, and a great part
builded at his owne charge, which hee
appropriated to the Communalty of
London, and then entred into the same
Order of Friers, as a Lay Brother.
William Ioyner,
don, in the yeere 1239. builded them a
Chappell, which cost him two hundred
pounds Sterling, which Chappell
made part of the Chancell, as it now
The buil-
ding of a Chappell for them.
Lord Maior of Lon-ding of a Chappell for them.
don, in the yeere 1239. builded them a
Chappell, which cost him two hundred
pounds Sterling, which Chappell
made part of the Chancell, as it now
Henry Walleis,
Maior of London, builded them a body
of a Church, which afterward was pul-
led downe, and made as now it is.
The body of a Church.
who was likewise Lord
Maior of London, builded them a body
of a Church, which afterward was pul-
led downe, and made as now it is.
Mr. Walter Porter,
don, builded a Chapter-house for them,
and gave divers vessels of Brasse for the
Kitchin service; building places also for
sicke persons, and other Offices beside.
Their Chapter-house builded.
Alderman of Lon-don, builded a Chapter-house for them,
and gave divers vessels of Brasse for the
Kitchin service; building places also for
sicke persons, and other Offices beside.
Gregory Rokesley,
don, builded their Dorters and Cham-
bers, and gave Beds to them.
The Dor-
ters and Cham-
Lord Maior of Lon-ters and Cham-
don, builded their Dorters and Cham-
bers, and gave Beds to them.
Mr. Peter
Mr. Bevis Bond, Herald, and King at
Armes, builded the studies.
Armes, builded the studies.
Margaret, Queene, second wife to
Edward the first, began the Quire of
their new Church, in the yeere 1306.
to the building whereof, in her life time
she gave 2000. marks, and 100. markes
by her Testament.
Edward the first, began the Quire of
their new Church, in the yeere 1306.
to the building whereof, in her life time
she gave 2000. marks, and 100. markes
by her Testament.
Iohn Britaine, Earle of Richmond, buil-
ded the body of the Church, to the
charges of 300. pounds, and gave ma-
ny rich Iewels and ornaments to be u-
sed in the same.
ded the body of the Church, to the
charges of 300. pounds, and gave ma-
ny rich Iewels and ornaments to be u-
sed in the same.
Mary, Countesse of Pembrooke 70. l.
Gilbart de Clare, Earle of Glocester, and
bestowed 20. great beames out of his
Forrest of Tunbridge, 20. l. starlings.
bestowed 20. great beames out of his
Forrest of Tunbridge, 20. l. starlings.
Lady Helianor le Spencer, Lady Eliza-
beth de Burgh, Sister to Gilbert de Clare,
gave summes of money, and so did di-
vers Citizens, as Arnold de Tolinea, one
hundred pounds.
beth de Burgh, Sister to Gilbert de Clare,
gave summes of money, and so did di-
vers Citizens, as Arnold de Tolinea, one
hundred pounds.
Robert Picae Lisle, who became a Fri-
er there, 300. pounds.
er there, 300. pounds.
Bartholomew de Almaine, 50. pounds.
Isabel, Queene, Mother to Edward
the third, gave threescore and tenne
pounds. And so the worke was done
within the space of 21. yeeres, 1537.
the third, gave threescore and tenne
pounds. And so the worke was done
within the space of 21. yeeres, 1537.
This Church, thus furnished with
windowes, made at the charges of di-
vers persons; the Lady Margaret Se-
grave, Countesse of Norfolke, bare the
charges of making the Stalles in the
Quire, to the value of 350. markes, a-
bout the yeere 1380. Richard Whiting-
brary, which was in length, one hun-
dred twenty and nine foot, and in
breadth, thirty one; all seeled with
Wainscot, having 28. Desks, and eight
double Settles of Wainscot. Which
(in the next yeere following) was alto-
gether finished in building, and within
three yeeres after, furnished with
Bookes, to the charges of five hundred
fifty six pounds, tenne shillings, where-
of Richard Whitington bare 400. pounds,
the rest was borne by Doctor Thomas
Winchelsey, a Frier there: and for the
writing out of D. Nicholas de Lira his
Workes, in two Volumes to be chained
there, 100. Markes, &c.
windowes, made at the charges of di-
vers persons; the Lady Margaret Se-
grave, Countesse of Norfolke, bare the
charges of making the Stalles in the
Quire, to the value of 350. markes, a-
bout the yeere 1380. Richard Whiting-
Library of the Gray Friers.
in the yeere 1429. founded the Li-brary, which was in length, one hun-
dred twenty and nine foot, and in
breadth, thirty one; all seeled with
Wainscot, having 28. Desks, and eight
double Settles of Wainscot. Which
(in the next yeere following) was alto-
gether finished in building, and within
three yeeres after, furnished with
Bookes, to the charges of five hundred
fifty six pounds, tenne shillings, where-
of Richard Whitington bare 400. pounds,
the rest was borne by Doctor Thomas
Winchelsey, a Frier there: and for the
writing out of D. Nicholas de Lira his
Workes, in two Volumes to be chained
there, 100. Markes, &c.
The feeling of the Quire at divers
mens charges, 200. markes, and the
painting at 50. markes: their Conduit
head and water-course was given them
by William Tayler, Taylor to Hen. 3.
mens charges, 200. markes, and the
painting at 50. markes: their Conduit
head and water-course was given them
by William Tayler, Taylor to Hen. 3.
This whole Church contained in
length 300. foot,
in breadth eighty nine foot, and in
heighth from the ground to the roofe,
64. foot, and 2. inches, &c. It was con-
secrated, 1325. and at the generall sup-
pression, was valued at 32. pound, 19.
shillings, surrendred the 12. of Novem-
ber, 1533. the 30. of Hen. 8. the orna-
ments and goods being taken to the
Kings use: the Church was shut up for
a time, and used as a Store-house of
goods taken prizes from the French:
But in the yeere 1546. on the third of
Ianuary, it was againe set open. On the
which day preached at Pauls Crosse the
Bishop of Rochester, where he declared
the Kings gift thereof to the Citie, for
the relieving of the poore, which gift
was by Patents.
length 300. foot,
Length & breadth of Gray Friers Church.
of the feet of S. Paul,
in breadth eighty nine foot, and in
heighth from the ground to the roofe,
64. foot, and 2. inches, &c. It was con-
secrated, 1325. and at the generall sup-
pression, was valued at 32. pound, 19.
shillings, surrendred the 12. of Novem-
ber, 1533. the 30. of Hen. 8. the orna-
ments and goods being taken to the
Kings use: the Church was shut up for
a time, and used as a Store-house of
goods taken prizes from the French:
But in the yeere 1546. on the third of
Ianuary, it was againe set open. On the
which day preached at Pauls Crosse the
Bishop of Rochester, where he declared
the Kings gift thereof to the Citie, for
the relieving of the poore, which gift
was by Patents.
S. Bartholomews Spittle in Smithfield,
lately valued at 305. pounds,
lings, 7. Pence, and surrendred to the
King; of the said Church of the Gray
Friers, and of two Parish Churches, the
one of Saint Nicholas in the Shambles,
and the other of Saint Ewins in Newgate
Market, they were to be made one Pa-
rish Church in the said Friers Church.
In Lands he gave for maintenance of
the said Church, with divine service, re-
parations, &c. 500. markes by yeere for
lately valued at 305. pounds,
Gray Friers Church made a Parish Church.
6. shil-lings, 7. Pence, and surrendred to the
King; of the said Church of the Gray
Friers, and of two Parish Churches, the
one of Saint Nicholas in the Shambles,
and the other of Saint Ewins in Newgate
Market, they were to be made one Pa-
rish Church in the said Friers Church.
In Lands he gave for maintenance of
the said Church, with divine service, re-
parations, &c. 500. markes by yeere for
The 13. of Ianuary,
the 8. an agreement was made betwixt
the King and the Maior, and Commu-
nalty of London, dated the 27. of De-
cember: by which the said gift of the
Gray Friers Church, with all the Edi-
fices and ground, the Fratrie, the Li-
brary, the Dortar, and Chapter-house,
the great Cloistrie and the lesser; Te-
nements, Gardens and vacant grounds,
Lead, Stone, Iron, &c. The Hospitall
of Saint Bartholomew in West Smith-
field, the Church of the same, the
Lead, Bels, and Ornaments of the same
Hospitall, with all the Messuages, Te-
nements and appurtenances.
The Mai-
or and Commu-
nalty of London Parsons of Christs Church, the Vicar to be at their ap-
the 38. of Henry
or and Commu-
nalty of London Parsons of Christs Church, the Vicar to be at their ap-
the 8. an agreement was made betwixt
the King and the Maior, and Commu-
nalty of London, dated the 27. of De-
cember: by which the said gift of the
Gray Friers Church, with all the Edi-
fices and ground, the Fratrie, the Li-
brary, the Dortar, and Chapter-house,
the great Cloistrie and the lesser; Te-
nements, Gardens and vacant grounds,
Lead, Stone, Iron, &c. The Hospitall
of Saint Bartholomew in West Smith-
field, the Church of the same, the
Lead, Bels, and Ornaments of the same
Hospitall, with all the Messuages, Te-
nements and appurtenances.
The Parishes of S. Nicholas and of S.
Ewin, and so much of S. Pulchers Parish
as is within Newgate, were made one
Parish Church in the Gray Friers
Church, and called Christs Church,
founded by King H. the 8.
The Vicar of Christs Church was to
have 26. l. 13. s. 4. pence the yeere.
The Vicar of S. Bartholomew 13. l. 6. s.
8. pence. The Visiter of Newgate (be-
ing a Priest) ten pounds. And other 5.
Priests in Christs Church, all to be hel-
ping in divine Service, ministring the
Sacraments and Sacramentals, the five
Priests to have 8. pounds the piece. Two
Clerks, 6. pounds to each. A Sexton,
4. pounds. Moreover, he gave them the
Hospitall of Bethlem, with the Laver of
Brasse in the Cloister, by estimation
eighteene foot in length, and two foot
and an halfe in depth, and the water-
course of Lead to the said Frier-house
belonging, containing by estimation in
length, 18. Acres.
have 26. l. 13. s. 4. pence the yeere.
The Vicar of S. Bartholomew 13. l. 6. s.
8. pence. The Visiter of Newgate (be-
ing a Priest) ten pounds. And other 5.
Priests in Christs Church, all to be hel-
ping in divine Service, ministring the
Sacraments and Sacramentals, the five
Priests to have 8. pounds the piece. Two
Clerks, 6. pounds to each. A Sexton,
4. pounds. Moreover, he gave them the
Hospitall of Bethlem, with the Laver of
Brasse in the Cloister, by estimation
eighteene foot in length, and two foot
and an halfe in depth, and the water-
course of Lead to the said Frier-house
belonging, containing by estimation in
length, 18. Acres.
In the yeere 1552. began the repai-
ring of the Gray Friers House, for the
poore fatherlesse children. And in the
moneth of November the children were
taken into the same, to the number of
almost 400. On Christmas day in the af-
ternoone, while the Lord Maior and
Aldermen rode to Pauls, the children
of Christs Hospitall stood, from Saint
Laurence lane end in Cheape, towards
Pauls, all in one Livery of Russet Cot-
ton, three hundred and forty in num-
ber; and at Easter next they were in
Blue at the Spittle, and so have conti-
nued ever since.
ring of the Gray Friers House, for the
poore fatherlesse children. And in the
moneth of November the children were
taken into the same, to the number of
almost 400. On Christmas day in the af-
ternoone, while the Lord Maior and
Aldermen rode to Pauls, the children
of Christs Hospitall stood, from Saint
Laurence lane end in Cheape, towards
Pauls, all in one Livery of Russet Cot-
ton, three hundred and forty in num-
ber; and at Easter next they were in
Blue at the Spittle, and so have conti-
nued ever since.
What further I have read and under-
stood, concerning the first begining and
erection of this famous Hospitall, fol-
pie, set downe by M. Richard Grafton.
stood, concerning the first begining and
erection of this famous Hospitall, fol-
Ex R. Graf-
according to the originall Co-ton.
pie, set downe by M. Richard Grafton.
Mr. Doctor Ridley,
then Bishop of
London, came and preached before the
Kings Majestie at Westminster. In which
Sermon, he made a fruitfull and godly
Exhortation to the rich, to be mercifull
unto the poore: and also to move such
as were in authority, to travaile by some
charitable way and meanes, to comfort
and relieve them. Wherupon, the Kings
Majestie (being a Prince of such toward-
nesse and vertue for his yeeres, as Eng-
land before never brought forth, and
being also so well retained and brought
vp in all godly knowledge, as well by
his deare Vncle the late
also by his vertuous and learned School-
masters) was so carefull of the good go-
vernement of the Realme, and chiefely
to doe and prefer such things as most e-
specially touched the honour of Al-
mighty God. And understanding, that
a great number of poore people did
swarme in this Realme, and chiefly in
the Citie of London, and that no good
order was taken for them, did suddenly
(and of himselfe) send to the said Bi-
shop, as soone as his Sermon was ended,
willing him not to depart, untill that he
had spoken with him. And this that I
now write, was the very report of the
said Bishop Ridley, who (according to
the Kings command) gave his atten-
dance. And so soone as the Kings Maje-
stie was at leasure he called for him, and
caused him to come unto him in a great
Gallery at Westminster, where (to his
knowledge, and the King likewise told
him so) there was present no more per-
sons than they two; and therefore made
him sit downe in one Chayre, and hee
himselfe in another, which (as it see-
med) were before the comming of the
Bishop there purposely set, and caused
the Bishop, maugre his teeth) to be co-
vered, and then entred communication
with him in this manner:
London, came and preached before the
Kings Majestie at Westminster. In which
Sermon, he made a fruitfull and godly
Exhortation to the rich, to be mercifull
unto the poore: and also to move such
as were in authority, to travaile by some
charitable way and meanes, to comfort
and relieve them. Wherupon, the Kings
Majestie (being a Prince of such toward-
nesse and vertue for his yeeres, as Eng-
land before never brought forth, and
being also so well retained and brought
vp in all godly knowledge, as well by
his deare Vncle the late
* Edw. Sei-
mer Duke of Somerset
Protector, as
mer Duke of Somerset
also by his vertuous and learned School-
masters) was so carefull of the good go-
vernement of the Realme, and chiefely
to doe and prefer such things as most e-
specially touched the honour of Al-
mighty God. And understanding, that
a great number of poore people did
swarme in this Realme, and chiefly in
the Citie of London, and that no good
order was taken for them, did suddenly
(and of himselfe) send to the said Bi-
shop, as soone as his Sermon was ended,
willing him not to depart, untill that he
had spoken with him. And this that I
now write, was the very report of the
said Bishop Ridley, who (according to
the Kings command) gave his atten-
dance. And so soone as the Kings Maje-
stie was at leasure he called for him, and
caused him to come unto him in a great
Gallery at Westminster, where (to his
knowledge, and the King likewise told
him so) there was present no more per-
sons than they two; and therefore made
him sit downe in one Chayre, and hee
himselfe in another, which (as it see-
med) were before the comming of the
Bishop there purposely set, and caused
the Bishop, maugre his teeth) to be co-
vered, and then entred communication
with him in this manner:
First, giving him hearty thankes for
his Sermon and good Exhortation: hee
therein rehearsed such speciall things
as he had noted, and that so many, that
the Bishop said:
his Sermon and good Exhortation: hee
therein rehearsed such speciall things
as he had noted, and that so many, that
the Bishop said:
Truely, truely (for that commonly
was his Oath) I could never have thought
that excellency to have beene in his Grace,
but that I beheld, and heard it in him.
was his Oath) I could never have thought
that excellency to have beene in his Grace,
but that I beheld, and heard it in him.
At the last the Kings Majesty much
commended him for his Exhortation,
for the reliefe of the poore.
commended him for his Exhortation,
for the reliefe of the poore.
But my Lord (quoth he) you willed such
as are in authority to bee carefull thereof,
and to devise some good order for their re-
liefe: Wherein, I thinke you meane mee,
for I am in highest place; and therefore am
the first that must make answer unto God
for my negligence, if I should not bee
carefull therein, knowing it to bee the
expresse Commandement of Almighty God,
to have compassion of his poore and needy
members, for whom wee must make an ac-
count unto him. And truly, my Lord, I
am (before all things else) most willing to
travaile that way, and I doubting nothing
of your long and approved wisedome and
learning, who having such good zeale, as
wisheth helpe unto them; but also that you
have had some conference with others, what
waies are best to be taken therein, the which
I am desirous to understand: and therefore I
pray you to say your minde.
as are in authority to bee carefull thereof,
and to devise some good order for their re-
liefe: Wherein, I thinke you meane mee,
for I am in highest place; and therefore am
the first that must make answer unto God
for my negligence, if I should not bee
carefull therein, knowing it to bee the
expresse Commandement of Almighty God,
to have compassion of his poore and needy
members, for whom wee must make an ac-
count unto him. And truly, my Lord, I
am (before all things else) most willing to
travaile that way, and I doubting nothing
of your long and approved wisedome and
learning, who having such good zeale, as
wisheth helpe unto them; but also that you
have had some conference with others, what
waies are best to be taken therein, the which
I am desirous to understand: and therefore I
pray you to say your minde.
The Bishop thinking least of that
matter, and being amazed, to heare the
wisedome & earnest zeale of the King,
was (as hee said himselfe) so astonied,
that hee could not well tell what to say.
But, after some pause, said, That hee
thought (at this present) for some en-
trance to bee had, it were good to pra-
ctise with the City of London, because
the number of the poore there are very
great, and the Citizens also are many
and wise; and hee doubted not but that
they were also both pitifull and merci-
full; as the Maior and his Brethren, and
other the Worshipfull of the said City.
And that if it would please the Kings
Majesty to direct his gracious Letters
unto the Maior of London, willing him
to call unto him such assistants as hee
should thinke meete, to consult of this
matter, for some order to bee taken
therein; hee doubted not but good
would follow thereon. And hee him-
selfe promised the King to be one him-
selfe that should earnestly travaile
matter, and being amazed, to heare the
wisedome & earnest zeale of the King,
was (as hee said himselfe) so astonied,
that hee could not well tell what to say.
But, after some pause, said, That hee
thought (at this present) for some en-
trance to bee had, it were good to pra-
ctise with the City of London, because
the number of the poore there are very
great, and the Citizens also are many
and wise; and hee doubted not but that
they were also both pitifull and merci-
full; as the Maior and his Brethren, and
other the Worshipfull of the said City.
And that if it would please the Kings
Majesty to direct his gracious Letters
unto the Maior of London, willing him
to call unto him such assistants as hee
should thinke meete, to consult of this
matter, for some order to bee taken
therein; hee doubted not but good
would follow thereon. And hee him-
selfe promised the King to be one him-
selfe that should earnestly travaile
The King (forth-with) not onely
granted his Letter,
shop tarry untill the same was written,
and his hand and Signet set thereto:
And commanded the Bishop not onely
to deliver the said Letter himselfe; but
also to signifie unto the Maior, that it
was the Kings especiall request and ex-
presse commandement, that the Maior
should therein travell; and so soone as
he might conveniently, give him know-
ledge how far he had proceeded there-
in. The Bishop was so joyous of the
having of this Letter, and that now hee
had an occasion to travell in so good a
matter, wherein hee was marvellous
zealous, that nothing could have more
pleased and delighted him: wherefore
the same night hee came to the Lord
Maior of London, who was the Sir Ri-
chard Dobbs, Knight, and delivered the
Kings Letter, and shewed his message
with effect.
granted his Letter,
The kings letter sent by the Bi-
shop to the Lord, Maior of London.
but made the Bi-shop to the Lord, Maior of London.
shop tarry untill the same was written,
and his hand and Signet set thereto:
And commanded the Bishop not onely
to deliver the said Letter himselfe; but
also to signifie unto the Maior, that it
was the Kings especiall request and ex-
presse commandement, that the Maior
should therein travell; and so soone as
he might conveniently, give him know-
ledge how far he had proceeded there-
in. The Bishop was so joyous of the
having of this Letter, and that now hee
had an occasion to travell in so good a
matter, wherein hee was marvellous
zealous, that nothing could have more
pleased and delighted him: wherefore
the same night hee came to the Lord
Maior of London, who was the Sir Ri-
chard Dobbs, Knight, and delivered the
Kings Letter, and shewed his message
with effect.
The Lord Maior not only joyously re-
ceived this Letter:
agreed to set forward the matter; for he
also favoured it very much. And the
next day, being Munday, hee desired
the Bishop of London to dine with him,
and against that time the Maior promi-
sed to send for such men, as he thought
meetest to talke of this matter, and so
he did. He sent first for 2. Aldermen
and 6. Commoners, and afterward more
were appointed, to the number of 24.
In the end, after sundry meetings (for
by the meanes and good diligence of
the Bishop, it was well followed) they
agreed upon a Booke that they had de-
vised, wherein first they considered on
nine speciall kindes and sorts of poore
these three Degrees:
ceived this Letter:
The rea-
dinesse of the Lord Maior to preferre this good deede.
but with all speede
dinesse of the Lord Maior to preferre this good deede.
agreed to set forward the matter; for he
also favoured it very much. And the
next day, being Munday, hee desired
the Bishop of London to dine with him,
and against that time the Maior promi-
sed to send for such men, as he thought
meetest to talke of this matter, and so
he did. He sent first for 2. Aldermen
and 6. Commoners, and afterward more
were appointed, to the number of 24.
In the end, after sundry meetings (for
by the meanes and good diligence of
the Bishop, it was well followed) they
agreed upon a Booke that they had de-
vised, wherein first they considered on
nine speciall kindes and sorts of poore
9. Sorts of poore people distingui-
shed into 3. degrees.
and those they brought into
shed into 3. degrees.
these three Degrees:
Three degrees of Poore.
1. The poore by impotency.
2. Poore by casualty.
3. Thriftlesse poore.
1. The Poore by Impotency are also
divided into three kindes; that is to
divided into three kindes; that is to
1. The fatherlesse poore mans childe.
2. The aged, blinde, and lame.
3. The diseased person by Leprosie,
Dropsie, &c.
2. The Poore by Casualty are likewise
of three kindes; that is to say:
of three kindes; that is to say:
1. The wounded Souldier.
2. The decayed Hous-holder.
3. The visited with any grievous
3. The Thristlesse Poore are 3. kindes
in like manner; that is to say:
in like manner; that is to say:
1. The Riotour, that consumeth all.
2. The Vagabond, that will abide in
no place. -
3. The Idle person, as Strumpets
and others.
For these sorts of Poore,
rall houses were provided: First, for the
Innocent and Fatherlesse, which is the
Beggars childe, and is (indeed) the
seed and breeder of beggary, they pro-
vided the house that was the late Gray
Friers in London, and called it by the
name of Christs Hospitall, where poore
children are trained up in the know-
ledge of God, and some vertuous exer-
cises, to the overthrow of beggary.
The first beginning of Hospi-
three seve-tals.
rall houses were provided: First, for the
Innocent and Fatherlesse, which is the
Beggars childe, and is (indeed) the
seed and breeder of beggary, they pro-
vided the house that was the late Gray
Friers in London, and called it by the
name of Christs Hospitall, where poore
children are trained up in the know-
ledge of God, and some vertuous exer-
cises, to the overthrow of beggary.
For the second degree was provided
the Hospitals of Saint Thomas in South-
and Saint Bartholomew in VVest
Smithfield, where are continually (at
least) 200. diseased persons, which are
not only there lodged and cured, but
also sed and nourished.
the Hospitals of Saint Thomas in South-
and Saint Bartholomew in VVest
Smithfield, where are continually (at
least) 200. diseased persons, which are
not only there lodged and cured, but
also sed and nourished.
For the third degree they provided
Strumpet is chastifed, and compelled
to labour, to the overthrow of the vici-
ous life of idlenesse.
The first begin-
ning of Bridewell,
where the vagabond and idle
ning of Bridewell,
Strumpet is chastifed, and compelled
to labour, to the overthrow of the vici-
ous life of idlenesse.
They provided also for the honest de-
cayed House-holder,
relieved at home at his house, and in
the Parish where hee dwelled, by a
weekly reliefe and pension. And in
like manner they provided for the
Lazer, to keepe him out of the City,
from clapping of dishes and ringing of
Bels, to the great trouble of the Citi-
zens, and also to the dangerous infecti-
on of maney; that they should be relie-
ved at home at their houses, by severall
cayed House-holder,
Reliefe for decay-
ed house-holders & Lazers.
that he should be
ed house-holders & Lazers.
relieved at home at his house, and in
the Parish where hee dwelled, by a
weekly reliefe and pension. And in
like manner they provided for the
Lazer, to keepe him out of the City,
from clapping of dishes and ringing of
Bels, to the great trouble of the Citi-
zens, and also to the dangerous infecti-
on of maney; that they should be relie-
ved at home at their houses, by severall
Now after this good order taken,
and the Citizens (by such meanes as
were devised) willing to further the
same: the report thereof was made to
the Kings Majesty, and his Grace (for
the advancement thereof) was not on-
ly willing to grant such as should be O-
verseers and Governours of the said
houses, a Corporation and authority
for the government of them: but also
required, that hee might bee accounted
as the chiefe Founder and Patron there-
The king acquain-
ted with the Cities furthe-
ted with the Cities furthe-
and the Citizens (by such meanes as
were devised) willing to further the
same: the report thereof was made to
the Kings Majesty, and his Grace (for
the advancement thereof) was not on-
ly willing to grant such as should be O-
verseers and Governours of the said
houses, a Corporation and authority
for the government of them: but also
required, that hee might bee accounted
as the chiefe Founder and Patron there-
And for the furtherance of the said
the same; hee of his meere mercy and
goodnesse granted, that whereas (be-
fore) certaine lands were given, to the
maintaining of the house of the Savoy,
founded by King Henry the seventh, for
the lodging of Pilgrims and Strangers,
and that the same was now made but a
loding for Loyterers, Vagabonds, and
Strumpets, that lay all day in the fields,
and at night were harboured there, the
which was rather the maintenance of
beggary, than any reliefe to the poore:
gave the same lands, being first surren-
dred by the Master and Fellowes there
(which lands were of the yeerly value
of 600. pounds) unto the City of Lon-
don, for the maintenance of the founda-
tion aforesaid.
K. Edward. the sixth Founder of the Hospitals in London.
and continuall maintenance of
the same; hee of his meere mercy and
goodnesse granted, that whereas (be-
fore) certaine lands were given, to the
maintaining of the house of the Savoy,
founded by King Henry the seventh, for
the lodging of Pilgrims and Strangers,
and that the same was now made but a
loding for Loyterers, Vagabonds, and
Strumpets, that lay all day in the fields,
and at night were harboured there, the
which was rather the maintenance of
beggary, than any reliefe to the poore:
gave the same lands, being first surren-
dred by the Master and Fellowes there
(which lands were of the yeerly value
of 600. pounds) unto the City of Lon-
don, for the maintenance of the founda-
tion aforesaid.
And for a further reliefe, a Petition
being made to the Kings Majesty, for a
licence to take in Mortmaine, or other-
wise without licence, lands to a certaine
yeerly value, and a space left in the Pa-
tent, for his Grace to put in what
summe it would please him: Hee loo-
king on the voide place, called for pen
and inke, and with his own hand wrote
this summe, in these words, 4000.
Markes by the yeere, and then said in the
hearing of his Councell,
thee most hearty thankes, that thouhast gi-
ven me life thus long, to finish this worke to
the glory of thy Name. After which foun-
dation established, he lived not above
two dayes: whose life would have been
wished equall to the Patriarkes, if it
had pleased GOD so to have prolon-
ged it.
being made to the Kings Majesty, for a
licence to take in Mortmaine, or other-
wise without licence, lands to a certaine
yeerly value, and a space left in the Pa-
tent, for his Grace to put in what
summe it would please him: Hee loo-
king on the voide place, called for pen
and inke, and with his own hand wrote
this summe, in these words, 4000.
Markes by the yeere, and then said in the
hearing of his Councell,
The words of a blessed King.
Lord, I yeeld
thee most hearty thankes, that thouhast gi-
ven me life thus long, to finish this worke to
the glory of thy Name. After which foun-
dation established, he lived not above
two dayes: whose life would have been
wished equall to the Patriarkes, if it
had pleased GOD so to have prolon-
ged it.
By example of the charitable act of
this vertuous young King, Sir W. Chester,
Knight, and Alderman of London, and
Io. Calthrop, Citizen and Draper of the
same City, at their owne proper costs
and charges, made the bricke wals and
way on the backe side, which leadeth
from the said new Hospitall, unto the
Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew, and al-
so covered and vaulted the Town-ditch,
from Aldersgate to Newgate, which (be-
fore) was very noysome, and contagious
to the said Hospitall.
this vertuous young King, Sir W. Chester,
Knight, and Alderman of London, and
Io. Calthrop, Citizen and Draper of the
same City, at their owne proper costs
and charges, made the bricke wals and
way on the backe side, which leadeth
from the said new Hospitall, unto the
Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew, and al-
so covered and vaulted the Town-ditch,
from Aldersgate to Newgate, which (be-
fore) was very noysome, and contagious
to the said Hospitall.
This Hospitall being thus erected,
and put into good order, there was one
Richard Castell, alias Casteller, Shooma-
ker, dwelling in Westminster, a man of
great travaile and labour in his faculty
with his owne hands, and such a one as
was named, The Cocke of Westminster, be-
cause both Winter and Summer hee
was at his worke before foure of the
clocke in the morning. This man thus
truely and painfully labouring for his
living, God blessed and increased his
labours so abundantly, that he purcha-
lands and tenements in Westminster,
to the yeerly value of forty and foure
pounds. And having no childe, with
the consent of his wife (who survived
him, and was a vertuous good woman)
gave the same lands wholly to Christs
Hospitall aforesaid, to the reliefe of the
Innocent and Fatherlesse Children, and
for the succour of the miserable, sore and
sicke, harboured in the other Hospitals
about London.
and put into good order, there was one
Richard Castell, alias Casteller, Shooma-
ker, dwelling in Westminster, a man of
great travaile and labour in his faculty
with his owne hands, and such a one as
was named, The Cocke of Westminster, be-
cause both Winter and Summer hee
was at his worke before foure of the
clocke in the morning. This man thus
truely and painfully labouring for his
living, God blessed and increased his
labours so abundantly, that he purcha-
lands and tenements in Westminster,
to the yeerly value of forty and foure
pounds. And having no childe, with
the consent of his wife (who survived
him, and was a vertuous good woman)
gave the same lands wholly to Christs
Hospitall aforesaid, to the reliefe of the
Innocent and Fatherlesse Children, and
for the succour of the miserable, sore and
sicke, harboured in the other Hospitals
about London.
Saint Bartholomews Hospitall is incor-
porated by the name of the Maior,
Communalty, and Citizens of the Ci-
tie of London, Governours of the Hospi-
tall for the poore, called Little Saint Bar-
tholomews, neere to West Smithfield, of
the Foundation of King Henry the 8.
porated by the name of the Maior,
Communalty, and Citizens of the Ci-
tie of London, Governours of the Hospi-
tall for the poore, called Little Saint Bar-
tholomews, neere to West Smithfield, of
the Foundation of King Henry the 8.
Christs Hospitall,
Bridewell, and Saint
Thomas the Apostle in Southwarke, are
incorporated by the names of the Mai-
or, Commonalty, and Citizens of the
City of London, Governours of the
Possessions, Revenues, and Goods of the
Hospitals of Edward King of England,
the sixth, of Christ, Bridewell, and Saint
Thomas the Apostle, &c.
Thomas the Apostle in Southwarke, are
incorporated by the names of the Mai-
or, Commonalty, and Citizens of the
City of London, Governours of the
Possessions, Revenues, and Goods of the
Hospitals of Edward King of England,
the sixth, of Christ, Bridewell, and Saint
Thomas the Apostle, &c.
The defaced Monuments in this
Church were these:
of the Lady Margaret, daughter to Phi-
lip, King of France, and wife to Edward
the first, Foundress of this new Church,
Church were these:
ments in Christs Church.
First, in the Quire,
ments in Christs Church.
of the Lady Margaret, daughter to Phi-
lip, King of France, and wife to Edward
the first, Foundress of this new Church,
Of Isabel,
the second, daughter to Philip, King of
France, 1358.
4. Queens buried In this Church.
Queene, wife to Edward
the second, daughter to Philip, King of
France, 1358.
Ioane of the Tower, Queene of Scots,
wife to David Bruise, daughter to Ed-
ward the second, dyed in Hartford Ca-
stle, and was buried by Isabel her mo-
ther, 1362.
wife to David Bruise, daughter to Ed-
ward the second, dyed in Hartford Ca-
stle, and was buried by Isabel her mo-
ther, 1362.
Isabel, daughter to Edward the third,
wedded to Lord Couse, of France, after
created Earle of Bedford.
wedded to Lord Couse, of France, after
created Earle of Bedford.
Eleanor, wife to Iohn, Duke of Bri-
Sir Robert Lisle, Baron, the Lady
Lisle, & Margaret de Rivers, Countesse
of Devon, all under one Stone.
Lisle, & Margaret de Rivers, Countesse
of Devon, all under one Stone.
Gregory Rocksley, Maior, 1282.
Sir Iohn Devereux, Knight, 1385.
Margaret, daughter to Thomas Bro-
tharton, Earle Marshall, shee was Du-
chesse of Northfolke, and Countesse
Marshall, and Lady Segrave, 1389.
tharton, Earle Marshall, shee was Du-
chesse of Northfolke, and Countesse
Marshall, and Lady Segrave, 1389.
Richard Havering, Knight, 1388.
Geffrey Lucy, son to Geffrey Lucy.
Iohn, Duke of Burbon, and Angue,
Earle of Claremond, Mountpencier, and
Baron Beangen, who was taken prisoner
at Agencourt, kept prisoner eighteene
yeeres, and deceased 1433.
Earle of Claremond, Mountpencier, and
Baron Beangen, who was taken prisoner
at Agencourt, kept prisoner eighteene
yeeres, and deceased 1433.
Robert Chalons, Knight, 1439.
Margaret, daughter to Sir Iohn Phil-
pot, first married to T. Santlor, Esquire,
and after, to Iohn Neyband, Esquire.
pot, first married to T. Santlor, Esquire,
and after, to Iohn Neyband, Esquire.
Elizabeth Nevil, wife to Iohn, son and
heyre to Ralph, Earle of Westmerland, &
mother to Ralph Earle of Westmerland,
and daughter to Thomas Holland, Earle
of Kent,1 1423.
heyre to Ralph, Earle of Westmerland, &
mother to Ralph Earle of Westmerland,
and daughter to Thomas Holland, Earle
of Kent,1 1423.
Edward Burnel, son to the Lord Bur-
Iohn, Baron Hilton.
Iohn, Baron Clinton.
Robert Bartram, Baron of Bothell.
Ralph Barons, Knight.
Reynold de Cambrey, Knight.
Iohn Butler, Knight.
Adam de Howton, Knight, 1417.
Bartholomew Caster, Knight of Lon-
Reinfredo Arundel, Knight, 1460.
Thomas Covil, Esquire, 1422.
In the Apostles Chappell; Walter
Blunt, Knight of the Garter, and Lord
Mountjoy, Treasure of England, sonne
and heyre to T. Blunt, knight, Treasu-
rer of Normandy, 1474.
Blunt, Knight of the Garter, and Lord
Mountjoy, Treasure of England, sonne
and heyre to T. Blunt, knight, Treasu-
rer of Normandy, 1474.
Alice Blunt, Mountjoy, sometime wife
to Wil. Browne, Maior of London, and
daughter to H. Kebel, Maior, 1521.
to Wil. Browne, Maior of London, and
daughter to H. Kebel, Maior, 1521.
Sir Allen Cheiny, knight, and Sir T.
Greene, knight.
Greene, knight.
Bartholomew Burwash, and Iohn Bur-
wash, his son,
wash, his son,
Eleanor, Duchesse of Buckingham,
Iohn Blunt, knight, 1531.
Rowl. Blunt, Esquire, 1509.
Robert Bradbury, 1489.
Nicholas Clifton, knight.
Two sonnes of Allayne, Lord Cheiny,
and Iohn, sonne and heyre to the same
Lord Allayne Cheiny; knight.
and Iohn, sonne and heyre to the same
Lord Allayne Cheiny; knight.
Allayne Cheiny, knight.
Thomas Malory, knight, 1470.
Sir Stephen Iennings, Maior, 1523.
Nicholas Poynes, Esquire, 1512.
Robert Elkenton, knight, 1460.
George Hopton, knight, 1489.
Betweene the Quire and the Altar,
Ralph Spiganel, knight.
Ralph Spiganel, knight.
William Huddy, knight, 1501.
Iohn Cobham, a Baron of Kent.
Iohn Mortaine, knight.
Iohn Deyncort, knight.
Henry Norbery his son, Esquire.
Iohn Southlee, knight.
Tho. Lucy, knight, 1525.
Hugh Acton, Taylor, 1530.
Hugh Parsal knight, 1490.
Alexander Kirketon, knight, &c.
In the body of the Church; William
Paulet, Esquire, of Somersetshire, 1482.
Paulet, Esquire, of Somersetshire, 1482.
Iohn Moyle, Gentleman, 1530.
Peter Champion, Esquire, 1511.
Io. Hart, Gentleman, 1449.
Henry Frowike, Alderman.
Philip Pats, 1518.
Tho. Grantham, Gentleman, 1511.
Edmond Rotheley, Gentleman, 1470.
Sir Bartholomew Emfield, knight.
Sir Barnard S. Peter, knight.
Sir Andrew Sakevile, knight.
All these, and five times so many
more have beene buried there, whose
Monuments are wholly defaced: for
there were nine Tombes of Alabaster
and Marble, invironed with strikes of
Iron, in the Quire, and one Tombe in
the body of the Church, also coped
with Iron, all pulled downe, besides
sevenscore Grave-stones of Marble, all
sold for fifty pounds, or thereabouts
by Sir Martin Bowes, Goldsmith and
Alderman of London, of late time bu-
ried there.
more have beene buried there, whose
Monuments are wholly defaced: for
there were nine Tombes of Alabaster
and Marble, invironed with strikes of
Iron, in the Quire, and one Tombe in
the body of the Church, also coped
with Iron, all pulled downe, besides
sevenscore Grave-stones of Marble, all
sold for fifty pounds, or thereabouts
by Sir Martin Bowes, Goldsmith and
Alderman of London, of late time bu-
ried there.
These two,
and, Dame Dorothy his wife, lived to-
gether 44. yeeres, in perfect love and so-
ciety: both servants to one Prince; and
in great credit both in the Court and
Country where they lived, both for their
Religion, fidelity to their Soveraigne, and
liberality to the Poore.
A faire Monumēt in the South wal of the Quire.
Sir Christopher Edmonds,
and, Dame Dorothy his wife, lived to-
gether 44. yeeres, in perfect love and so-
ciety: both servants to one Prince; and
in great credit both in the Court and
Country where they lived, both for their
Religion, fidelity to their Soveraigne, and
liberality to the Poore.
This is the Monument of Sir Christopher
Edmonds, Knight, who was a domesti-
call servant to the most sacred Queene
ELIZABETH, both before her Coro-
nation, and after, so long as he lived. He
was of great credit and estimation in his
Country, for his integrity of life, upright-
nesse in justice, and hospitality, and
gave to this Hospitall of Christs Church
three hundred pounds, towards the main-
tenance of the poore children. Hee lived
seventy and two yeeres, and died Anno
Domini, 1596.
Edmonds, Knight, who was a domesti-
call servant to the most sacred Queene
ELIZABETH, both before her Coro-
nation, and after, so long as he lived. He
was of great credit and estimation in his
Country, for his integrity of life, upright-
nesse in justice, and hospitality, and
gave to this Hospitall of Christs Church
three hundred pounds, towards the main-
tenance of the poore children. Hee lived
seventy and two yeeres, and died Anno
Domini, 1596.
This is the interrement of Dame Dorothy
Edmonds, wife to the said Sir Chri-
stopher, and daughter to Christopher
Litcot, Esquire; who also served the
most gracious Mayden-Queene, ELI-
ZABETH, being (ever since her Coro-
nation, and before) of her most Honoura-
ble Privy Chamber: who joyned with
the said Sir Christopher, her husband,
in the said gift of three hundred pounds
to this Hospitall, being a Legacie (onely
spoken of by him) and performed by her.
Edmonds, wife to the said Sir Chri-
stopher, and daughter to Christopher
Litcot, Esquire; who also served the
most gracious Mayden-Queene, ELI-
ZABETH, being (ever since her Coro-
nation, and before) of her most Honoura-
ble Privy Chamber: who joyned with
the said Sir Christopher, her husband,
in the said gift of three hundred pounds
to this Hospitall, being a Legacie (onely
spoken of by him) and performed by her.
Times Triumph on the death of
Master Robert Rogers, who deceased
Anno. 1601. in the manner of a
Dialogue, between Time,
Death, and Rogers.
Master Robert Rogers, who deceased
Anno. 1601. in the manner of a
Dialogue, between Time,
Death, and Rogers.
STand fairely encountred both,
A faire Monumēt close by, in the same wall.
Grave, Soveraigne Time;
Borne of Eternity,
Ages Father:
Prince of all Power; all
Powers on earth are thine,
That doest my Ruines
truest Records gather;
Lend thy consent, thy
helping hand to mine;
Soveraignty as great
As the three Sisters,
Ladies of sterne Fate.
Impartiall Death, Honours
respectlesse foe,
Grim, meager Caytife,
wherefore doest thou come?
Must Vertues children
to the slaughter goe,
In thy bloud-yawning
Cell to fill a roome?
Can none but they, quench
thy bloudy thirst? Death. No;
thou canst not save him,
This Dart must strike him,
and grim Death will have him.
Death, welcome; all by thee
(I know) must end;
Nor doe I care for
for longer life than this;
I thanke thee, thou hast stai’d
so long; (kinde friend.)
Sweere Time, be patient,
pardon mine amisse,
If I have time mis-spent;
alas, we all offend.
If, said I? yes, ’tis
certaine, sure I have;
For which offence (deare
Death, grant me this (sweet)
doe not kill him
Till I returne but
from the Destinies.
Dea. I cannot stay a moment.
Reg. Oh will him
(Grave Time) to strike me then:
I Death despise.
Dea. There lye thou dead.
Time. Thou canst not spill him:
Time shall erect a Trophee
of such fame,
That while Time lives,
dye shall not Rogers name.
TIMES Epitaph.
Give me an Adamantine Pen,
and Leafe of Brasse,
To character his name,
whose like nere was.
A single life he led,
loving to all,
The poore mans succour,
the reliefe of thrall:
Vertues example, guide
to eternall life;
In carriage courteous,
all devoid of strife.
Here lyeth he interred,
Rogers his name,
Times onely Sonne,
eternized by Fame.
Ougly Detraction, flye,
and blacke Oblivion, hence;
Whil’st Rogers dust lyes here,
Time will his fame commence.
Behold the Workes of God,
his Servant, Dame MARY
Vpon a Monumēt on a Pillar by the Tombe. First, on the one Table.
done by
his Servant, Dame MARY
SHe hath given a yeerly mainte-
nance for two Fellowes, and foure
Schoolers in Cambridge.
nance for two Fellowes, and foure
Schoolers in Cambridge.
More, two Livings of good value,
when they shall become fit to supply
when they shall become fit to supply
More, towards certaine Sermons to
be preached in this Church yeerly.
be preached in this Church yeerly.
More, in Christs Hospitall a free Wri-
ting-Schoole for poore mens children.
ting-Schoole for poore mens children.
More, in the Country a free Gram-
mar-Schoole for the poorer sort.
mar-Schoole for the poorer sort.
All which severall gifts before re-
membred, are to continue yeerly
for ever.
membred, are to continue yeerly
for ever.
Forma, Decus, Mores,
Sapientia, Res & Honores,
Morte ruunt subita;
vivit post funera Fama.
The rest of the godly Workes
done by this good Lady.
done by this good Lady.
SHe hath given a worthy mainte-
nance to the poore of Christs Hos-
nance to the poore of Christs Hos-
Secondly, on the o-
ther Ta-
ther Ta-
More, a bountifull gift for the hea-
ling of poore wounded Souldiers.
ling of poore wounded Souldiers.
More, a liberall maintenance for ten
poore maimed Souldiers.
poore maimed Souldiers.
More, a liberall maintenance for ten
poore aged Widowes.
poore aged Widowes.
More, a bountifull gift to release
poore men out of prison.
poore men out of prison.
More, a bountifull gift to relieve
poore men in prison.
poore men in prison.
More, a yeerly Stipend to poore
Maides Marriages.
Maides Marriages.
More, to the reliefe of the Poore of
foure severall Parishes.
foure severall Parishes.
All which severall gifts are for
Her faith hath wrought, her Tree was
not barren. And yet an unprofitable
Servant. 1596.
not barren. And yet an unprofitable
Servant. 1596.
Gamaliel Pye,
A faire plated stone in the Quire▪
under this Stone
doth lye in peace and rest,
Whose service to his Prince and Realm,
well knowne not to be least:
At Bullen, Muttrel, & each place else,
where then the King had warres,
Not any one that serv’d in Campe,
lesse feared wounds and scarres.
In age he liv’d in peace and love,
abhorring worlds inconstancy,
And chosen was eleven times
the Warden of his Company.
The poore, sicke, lame, abroad, at
home, his bounty ever felt,
But chiefly his owne Parishioners,
where threescore yeers he dwelt.
He held disdaine to brawle, or seeke
And with his wife he liv’d
full forty yeeres and two,
He liv’d devout, and dy’d devout,
the chiefest way to Heaven;
The complete date of this his life,
was fourescore yeers and seven.
Mole sub hac, si fortè roges
quis (Candide Lector)
Vel qualis recubat?
Gamaliel Pius est.
Vita pium, nomenque pium,
mors sancta piumque
Exhibet, & vita est,
nomine, morte Pius.
S. Memoriae.
Gualtero Haddono,
risconsulto, Oratori, Poetae celeberri-
mo, Graecae, Latinaeque eloquentiae
sui temporis facilè principi, sapien-
tia & sanctitate vitae, in id evecto, ut
Reginae Elizabethae à supplicum libel-
lis Magister esset: Destinareturque
majoribus nisi fato immaturius cessis-
set: Interim in omni gradu viro longè
eminentissimo, Coniugi suo optimo me-
ritissimoque Anna Suttona, uxor eius
2. flens, moerens desiderii sui signum
posuit. Obiit Anno Salut. hum. 1572.
Aetatis 56.
A faire Monumēt in the wal, at the upper end of the Chancell.
Equestri loco nato Iu-risconsulto, Oratori, Poetae celeberri-
mo, Graecae, Latinaeque eloquentiae
sui temporis facilè principi, sapien-
tia & sanctitate vitae, in id evecto, ut
Reginae Elizabethae à supplicum libel-
lis Magister esset: Destinareturque
majoribus nisi fato immaturius cessis-
set: Interim in omni gradu viro longè
eminentissimo, Coniugi suo optimo me-
ritissimoque Anna Suttona, uxor eius
2. flens, moerens desiderii sui signum
posuit. Obiit Anno Salut. hum. 1572.
Aetatis 56.
Within this Grave enclosed here,
Anne Beaumont now doth rest,
A faire plated stone by the Com-
munion Table.
munion Table.
A loving and a faithfull wife,
with many children blest.
She served God with zeale of truth,
and learn’d to flye from sinne;
And as she learn’d his holy will,
so liv’d and dy’d therein.
A friend to such as vertue sought,
a foe unto no wight;
A helpe to those that feared God,
with all her power and might.
The poore shall oft bewaile her want,
by whom they found reliefe;
VVhose minde with earnest care was bent,
to ease them of their griefe.
Thus happy she, that now is gone
from hence, reward to finde;
Vnhappy yet for such her friends,
as she hath left behinde:
But thrice unhappy for his losse,
that doth her praise rehearse;
A wofull praise unto her Sonne,
who wrote this dolefull Verse.
Anne, wife unto Nicholas Beaumont, of
Coleoverton, in Leicesteshire, E-
squire, and daughter unto VVilliam
Saunders, of Welforde, in North-
hamptonshire, Esquire, and halfe sister
unto Walter Haddon, Master of the
Requests, departed this life the 7. day of
September, An. Dom. 1581. leaving be-
hinde her sixe children.
Coleoverton, in Leicesteshire, E-
squire, and daughter unto VVilliam
Saunders, of Welforde, in North-
hamptonshire, Esquire, and halfe sister
unto Walter Haddon, Master of the
Requests, departed this life the 7. day of
September, An. Dom. 1581. leaving be-
hinde her sixe children.
Hic jacent corpora Wil. Drewe, Ar-
mig. fil. Joh. Drewe, de Ken, in Com. Devon.
haered. Wil. Cecil. ac consang. & hae-
red. Tho. Cecil. Armig. Quae quidem
Elizab. obiit 10. die Novemb. Anno
Dom. 1586. Et praedict.Wil. Drewe
obiit, &c.
mig. fil. Joh. Drewe, de Ken, in Com. Devon.
Another plated stone on the other side of the Table.
Armig. & Eliz. ux. ejus. fil. &
haered. Wil. Cecil. ac consang. & hae-
red. Tho. Cecil. Armig. Quae quidem
Elizab. obiit 10. die Novemb. Anno
Dom. 1586. Et praedict.Wil. Drewe
obiit, &c.
We dye to live, that liv’d to dye,
Through Jesus Christ, and so did I:
Which Christ, as I have loved best,
Among his Saints I trust to rest.
Vnder this Stone lyeth buried the body of
Robert Smith,
to his first wife, Elizabeth Reycroft,
by whom hee had issue three daugh-
ters, viz. Margaret, Iulian, and
Ioane. And he had to his second wife,
Margaret Larkin, by whom hee had no
issue. The which Robert dyed the eighth
day of December, Anno Domini
1581. whose soule resteth with God.
Robert Smith,
A faire plated stone in the South fide of the Quire.
Gentleman: who had
to his first wife, Elizabeth Reycroft,
by whom hee had issue three daugh-
ters, viz. Margaret, Iulian, and
Ioane. And he had to his second wife,
Margaret Larkin, by whom hee had no
issue. The which Robert dyed the eighth
day of December, Anno Domini
1581. whose soule resteth with God.
Here lyeth buried Margaret,
Lawrence Hussie, Doctor of Law, and
daughter of sir Iohn White, Knight, for
her vertuous life, worthy of memory: who
dyed the third day of August, 1569.
A faire plated stone in the South Ile.
the wife of
Lawrence Hussie, Doctor of Law, and
daughter of sir Iohn White, Knight, for
her vertuous life, worthy of memory: who
dyed the third day of August, 1569.
D. Opt. Max. Laus.
Gulielmo Herberto, naturali F. Georgii
Herberti de Swansey,
nes eiusdem Georgii ex filio Nepos,
ac Sereniss. Elizabethae Angliae Re-
ginae à supp. libellis. H. S. moesto ani-
mo P. K. Ianuar. 1590.
Herberti de Swansey,
A plated stone at entring into the Quire.
Militis, Ioan-nes eiusdem Georgii ex filio Nepos,
ac Sereniss. Elizabethae Angliae Re-
ginae à supp. libellis. H. S. moesto ani-
mo P. K. Ianuar. 1590.
Here lyeth the body of Iohn Tredwey, of
ton, Gentleman; who dyed the 10. day
of May, An. Dom. 1610.
A Grave-
stone in the North Chappell of the Quire.
in the County of Northamp-stone in the North Chappell of the Quire.
ton, Gentleman; who dyed the 10. day
of May, An. Dom. 1610.
Rodolpho Waddingtono, huius scholae
per annos 48. Moderatori digniss.
Qui postquam una cum uxore sine
An. aetatis 84. An. Dom. 1614. Aug.
24. in Domino placidè obdormivit.
per annos 48. Moderatori digniss.
Qui postquam una cum uxore sine
A small Monumēt erected in the Schoole wal, in the Cloyster, where (ac-
cording to his de-
sire) he lyeth bu-
anno 47. suavissimè degisset,
cording to his de-
sire) he lyeth bu-
An. aetatis 84. An. Dom. 1614. Aug.
24. in Domino placidè obdormivit.
Ioanna uxor ejus moestiss. posuit.
Hic Waddingtonus tenui
requiescit in urna,
Nestor verè annis,
& gravitate Cato.
Tullius eloquio, Damon
sincerus amico,
Et par praeceptis
(Quintiliane) tibi.
Dulcis, amoenus, amans,
cultis, praestante, probata,
Vir, Vates, Coniux,
Moribus, Arte, Fide.
Tales secla puto paucos
antiqua dedissnet:
Postera non multos
secla datura pares.
Angligenae hunc peperit
Londinum gloria gentis,
Aetona huic Artis
semina prima dedit.
Granta tulit segetem
fructum{que} tumescere fecit,
Londini Messes
Orphana turba tulit.
From this Church, West to Newgate,
is of this Ward.
is of this Ward.
Now for the South side of this Ward,
beginning again at the Crosse in Cheap,
from thence to Friday street, and downe
that street, on the VVest side, till over-
against the North-west corner of Saint
Matthewes Church. And on the VVest
side, to the South corner of the said
Church, which is wholly in the VVard
of Faringdon. This Church hath these
few Monuments:
beginning again at the Crosse in Cheap,
from thence to Friday street, and downe
that street, on the VVest side, till over-
against the North-west corner of Saint
Matthewes Church. And on the VVest
side, to the South corner of the said
Church, which is wholly in the VVard
of Faringdon. This Church hath these
few Monuments:
Thomas Pole, Goldsmith, 1395.
Rob Iohnson, Goldsmith, Alderman,
Allen at Condit, and Thomas Warling-
worth founded a Chauntry there.
worth founded a Chauntry there.
Sir Nicholas Twiford, Goldsmith,
Maior, gave to that Church an House,
with the appurtenances, called the Grif-
fon on the Hope, in the same street.
Maior, gave to that Church an House,
with the appurtenances, called the Grif-
fon on the Hope, in the same street.
Anthony Cage entombed
A comely Monumēt in the wall, on the Chan-
cels South side.
doth rest,
cels South side.
Whose wisedome still
prevail’d the Common-weale:
A man with Gods good
gifts so amply blest,
That few, or none,
his doings may impleale.
A man unto the widow
and the poore,
A comfort and
a succour evermore.
Three wives he had,
of credit and of fame:
The first of them,
Elizabeth, that hight;
VVho buried here, brought
to this Cage by name,
Seventeene young Plants,
to give his Table light.
The second wife (for her
part) brought him none;
The third and last,
no more but only one.
He deceased the 24. day of Iune, An-
no Domini, 1583.
no Domini, 1583.
In the midst of this Quire lyeth the body of
Gaius Newman,
smith of London, of the age of 66. yeers.
Hee had issue by his wife Anne, the
daughter of Nicholas Cullum, of Lon-
don, Merchant-Taylor, 7. sonnes and 5.
daughters, Gabriel, Gaius, Robert,
Nicholas, Francis, Thomas, and
Hugh; Elizabeth, Mary, Anne, Sa-
rah, and Iudith. He deceased the third
day of March, 1613.
Gaius Newman,
A faire Monumēt in the North wal of the Chancell.
Citizen and Gold-smith of London, of the age of 66. yeers.
Hee had issue by his wife Anne, the
daughter of Nicholas Cullum, of Lon-
don, Merchant-Taylor, 7. sonnes and 5.
daughters, Gabriel, Gaius, Robert,
Nicholas, Francis, Thomas, and
Hugh; Elizabeth, Mary, Anne, Sa-
rah, and Iudith. He deceased the third
day of March, 1613.
Here lyeth buried the body of Iohn Perte,
Citizen and Fishmonger of London;
who tooke to wife Elizabeth Eyre, the
daughter of Henry Eyre, Citizen and
Skinner of Lond. by whom he had issue
one only daughter, named Mary. The
said Iohn deceased the tenth day of Octo-
ber, Anno Domini 1604. being aged
51. yeeres.
Another Monumēt in the same wall.
Citizen and Fishmonger of London;
who tooke to wife Elizabeth Eyre, the
daughter of Henry Eyre, Citizen and
Skinner of Lond. by whom he had issue
one only daughter, named Mary. The
said Iohn deceased the tenth day of Octo-
ber, Anno Domini 1604. being aged
51. yeeres.
As Man liveth,
A Plate in the South wal of the Chancell.
so he dyeth;
As Tree falleth, so it lyeth:
Doth argue restfull blisse at last.
Obiit Anno à partu Virginis Mariae,
1596. Mens. Ianuar. die 11.
1596. Mens. Ianuar. die 11.
Anno Reg. Reginae Elizabethae, 39.
Aetatis suae, 54.
Aetatis suae, 54.
From this Friday streete;
West to the
Old Exchange, a streete so called, of the
Kings Exchange there kept, which was
for the receit of Bullion, to bee coyned.
For Henry the third, in the sixth yeere
of his reigne, wrote to the Scabines and
men of Ipre, that hee and his Councell
had given prohibition, that none, Eng-
lishmen, or other, should make change
of Plate, or other Masse of Silver, but
only in his Exchange at London, or at
Canturbury. Andrew Bukerell then had
to farme the Exchange of England, and
was Maior of London in the reigne of
Henry the third. Iohn Somercote had the
keeping of the Kings Exchange over all
England. In the eighth of Edward the
first, Gregory Rocksly was keeper of the
said Exchange for the King. In the fifth
of Edward the second, William Hausted
was keeper thereof. And in the 18. Ro-
ger de Frowicke, &c.
Old Exchange, a streete so called, of the
Kings Exchange there kept, which was
for the receit of Bullion, to bee coyned.
For Henry the third, in the sixth yeere
of his reigne, wrote to the Scabines and
men of Ipre, that hee and his Councell
had given prohibition, that none, Eng-
lishmen, or other, should make change
of Plate, or other Masse of Silver, but
only in his Exchange at London, or at
Canturbury. Andrew Bukerell then had
to farme the Exchange of England, and
was Maior of London in the reigne of
Henry the third. Iohn Somercote had the
keeping of the Kings Exchange over all
England. In the eighth of Edward the
first, Gregory Rocksly was keeper of the
said Exchange for the King. In the fifth
of Edward the second, William Hausted
was keeper thereof. And in the 18. Ro-
ger de Frowicke, &c.
These received the old Stamps, or
Coyning-Irons, from time to time, as
the same were worne, & delivered new
to all the Mints in England, as more at
large in another place I have noted.
Coyning-Irons, from time to time, as
the same were worne, & delivered new
to all the Mints in England, as more at
large in another place I have noted.
This streete beginneth by West Cheape
in the North, and runneth downe South
to Knight-Rider streete; that part there-
of which is called Old Fish-streete: But
the very Housing and Office of the Ex-
change & coynage, was about the midst
thereof, South from the East gate that
entreth Pauls Church-yard, and on the
VVest side, in Baynards Castle Ward.
in the North, and runneth downe South
to Knight-Rider streete; that part there-
of which is called Old Fish-streete: But
the very Housing and Office of the Ex-
change & coynage, was about the midst
thereof, South from the East gate that
entreth Pauls Church-yard, and on the
VVest side, in Baynards Castle Ward.
On the East side of this Lane, be-
twixt West Cheape and the Church of St.
Augustine, Henry Walleis, Maior, (by li-
cence of Edward the first) builded one
row of houses, the profits rising of
them, to be imploied on London Bridge.
twixt West Cheape and the Church of St.
Augustine, Henry Walleis, Maior, (by li-
cence of Edward the first) builded one
row of houses, the profits rising of
them, to be imploied on London Bridge.
The Parish Church of St. Augustine,
and one house next adjoyning, in Wathe-
ling streete, is of this Ward called Fa-
ringdon. This is a faire Church, and
lately well repaired, wherein be Monu-
ments remaining, of H. Reade, Armou-
rer, one of the Sheriffes, 1450.
and one house next adjoyning, in Wathe-
ling streete, is of this Ward called Fa-
ringdon. This is a faire Church, and
lately well repaired, wherein be Monu-
ments remaining, of H. Reade, Armou-
rer, one of the Sheriffes, 1450.
Wil. Dere, one of the Sheriffes, 1450.
Robert Raven, Haberdasher, 1500.
Thomas Apleyard, Gentleman, 1515.
Wil. Holt, Merchant-Taylor, 1544.
Hic jacet Magister Robertus Bursted, Bac-
calaurius Iuris civilis,
quondam Rector. Qui obiit 16. die mens.
Augusti, An. Dom. 1417. Cujus, &c.
calaurius Iuris civilis,
A plated stone un-
der the Commu-
nion Ta-
& hujus Ecclesiae
der the Commu-
nion Ta-
quondam Rector. Qui obiit 16. die mens.
Augusti, An. Dom. 1417. Cujus, &c.
Hic jacet Magister Iohannes Battaill, quon-
dam Rector huius Ecclesiae.
Anno Domini, 1426. sexto die Mensis
Augusti, Cuius, &c.
dam Rector huius Ecclesiae.
The like stone by the other.
Qui obiit
Anno Domini, 1426. sexto die Mensis
Augusti, Cuius, &c.
Ecce ut defuncti
cineres mirere beates,
Ecce in tantillo
temporis quantus honor.
Dudum vita mihi fuerat,
quae patria mundus,
Sed mihi jam Coelum
Patria, vita Deus.
Dudum mortis eram
peccato victima, sed jam
Iustiae Christo victima;
quantus honor?
Hic requiescit in pace corpus Roberti Brett,
Civis & Mercatoris-Scissoris London,
filii & haeredis Roberti Brett, de Whit-
stanton, in Com. Somerset, Armig. Qui
uxorem duxit Elizabeth, filiam Regi-
naldi Highgati, Armig. Ex ea genuit
11. filios, & 3. filias, è quibus 4. filii
& 1. silia superstites sunt. Idem Robertus
& Elizabetha in sancto conjugii statu
31. An. vixerunt. Et obiit 9. Aprilis, An.
Domini, 1586. Aetatis 63.
A small Monumēt in the East end of the Quires South Ile.
Civis & Mercatoris-Scissoris London,
filii & haeredis Roberti Brett, de Whit-
stanton, in Com. Somerset, Armig. Qui
uxorem duxit Elizabeth, filiam Regi-
naldi Highgati, Armig. Ex ea genuit
11. filios, & 3. filias, è quibus 4. filii
& 1. silia superstites sunt. Idem Robertus
& Elizabetha in sancto conjugii statu
31. An. vixerunt. Et obiit 9. Aprilis, An.
Domini, 1586. Aetatis 63.
Hunc Tumulum propriis sumptibus fi-
eri fecit Elizabeth uxor ejus, 10. die
Septemb. Anno Domini, 1596. Cum
jam post obitum marti praedicti, de-
cem annos viduam vixisset, atque
hic etiam sepeliri decrevit, quando.
cunque Deo placuerit ex hac natu-
rali vita tollere.
eri fecit Elizabeth uxor ejus, 10. die
Septemb. Anno Domini, 1596. Cum
jam post obitum marti praedicti, de-
cem annos viduam vixisset, atque
hic etiam sepeliri decrevit, quando.
cunque Deo placuerit ex hac natu-
rali vita tollere.
Here resteth the body of Edward VViat,
late of Tillingham, in the County of
Essex, Esquire, who deceased the 24. of
August 1571. He had one onely wife,
Mary, the daughter of Sir VVilliam
Waldegrave, of Smalbridge, in the
County of Suffolke, Knight, by whom
hee had issue three sonnes and foure
daughters; but all his said children dy-
ed young, except one sonne, named Ed-
ward, whom hee left behinde him alive,
about the age of eleven yeeres. His said
wife, his Executrix, caused this Monu-
ment to be made.
A faire plated stone at the en-
trance into the Quire.
trance into the Quire.
late of Tillingham, in the County of
Essex, Esquire, who deceased the 24. of
August 1571. He had one onely wife,
Mary, the daughter of Sir VVilliam
Waldegrave, of Smalbridge, in the
County of Suffolke, Knight, by whom
hee had issue three sonnes and foure
daughters; but all his said children dy-
ed young, except one sonne, named Ed-
ward, whom hee left behinde him alive,
about the age of eleven yeeres. His said
wife, his Executrix, caused this Monu-
ment to be made.
Hic jacet Richardus Warner, dum vix-
it, Cives Civitatis London, ac quon-
dam Magister Fraternitatis Sancti
Joannis Baptistae, Scissor, in Civit.
praedict. & Margareta uxor ejus.
Qui quidem Richardus obiit 18. die
Mens. Januarii, Anno Domini, 1476.
it, Cives Civitatis London, ac quon-
dam Magister Fraternitatis Sancti
Joannis Baptistae, Scissor, in Civit.
praedict. & Margareta uxor ejus.
Qui quidem Richardus obiit 18. die
Mens. Januarii, Anno Domini, 1476.
One faire stone for both these, in the body of the Church.
Here lieth Richard Coxe, sometime Citi-
zen and Skinner of London, which de-
ceased the eight day of March, Anno
Domini, 1467. And Agnes his wife;
the which deceased the 13. day of April,
Anno Dom. 1472.
zen and Skinner of London, which de-
ceased the eight day of March, Anno
Domini, 1467. And Agnes his wife;
the which deceased the 13. day of April,
Anno Dom. 1472.
Then in the North Church-yard of
Pauls, in the which standeth the Ca-
thedrall Church, first founded by Ethel-
bert King of Kent, about the yeere of
Christ, 610. He gave thereto lands, as
appeareth: Aethelbertus, Rex, Deo inspi-
rante, pro animae suae remedio, dedit Epi-
Melito terram quae appellatur Til-
lingeham, ad Monasterii sui solatium, sci-
ita firmiter concedo tibi praesuli Melito
potestatem ejus habendi & possidendi, ut
in perpetuum in Monasterii utilitate per-
maneat; &c. Athelstan, Edgar, Edward
the Confessor, and others also, gave
lands thereunto. William the Conque-
rour gave to the Church of Saint Paul,
and to Mauricius, then Bishop, and his
successors, the Castle of Stortford, with
the appurtenances, &c. He also confir-
med the gifts of his Predecessors, in
these words: Omne 1. Rex Angl. Clamo
quietas in perpetuum, 24. Hidas quas Rex
Aethelbert dedit S. Paulo juxta murum
London, &c. The Charter of King
William the Conquerour, exemplified
in the Tower, Englished thus:
Pauls, in the which standeth the Ca-
thedrall Church, first founded by Ethel-
bert King of Kent, about the yeere of
Christ, 610. He gave thereto lands, as
appeareth: Aethelbertus, Rex, Deo inspi-
rante, pro animae suae remedio, dedit Epi-
Melito terram quae appellatur Til-
lingeham, ad Monasterii sui solatium, sci-
Doctoris Gentium.
S. Pauli: & ego Rex Aethelbertus
ita firmiter concedo tibi praesuli Melito
potestatem ejus habendi & possidendi, ut
in perpetuum in Monasterii utilitate per-
maneat; &c. Athelstan, Edgar, Edward
the Confessor, and others also, gave
lands thereunto. William the Conque-
rour gave to the Church of Saint Paul,
and to Mauricius, then Bishop, and his
successors, the Castle of Stortford, with
the appurtenances, &c. He also confir-
med the gifts of his Predecessors, in
these words: Omne 1. Rex Angl. Clamo
quietas in perpetuum, 24. Hidas quas Rex
Aethelbert dedit S. Paulo juxta murum
London, &c. The Charter of King
William the Conquerour, exemplified
in the Tower, Englished thus:
William, by the grace of God, King of
Englishmen, to all his wel beloved French
and English people, greeting. Know yee,
that I doe give unto God and the Church of
Saint Paul of London, and to the Rectors
and Servitors of the same, in all their
Lands which the Church hath, or shall
have, within Borough, and without, Sack
and Sock, Thole and The, Infangtheefe,
and Grithbriche, and all free, Ships by
Sea, and by Land, on Tide, and off Tide,
and all the Rights that into them Christen-
dome by rad and more speake, and on Bu-
right hamed, and on Buright worke, afore
all the Bishoprickes in mine Land, and on
each other mans Land. For I will, that the
Church in all things be as free, as I would
my Soule to bee in the day of Iudgement.
Witnesses, Osmond our Chancellour, Lan-
frank the Archbishop of Canturbury, and
T. Archbishop of Yorke, Roger, Earle of
Shrewsbury, Alane the County, Geffrey
de Magna villa, and Ralph Peverel.
Englishmen, to all his wel beloved French
and English people, greeting. Know yee,
that I doe give unto God and the Church of
Saint Paul of London, and to the Rectors
and Servitors of the same, in all their
Lands which the Church hath, or shall
have, within Borough, and without, Sack
and Sock, Thole and The, Infangtheefe,
and Grithbriche, and all free, Ships by
Sea, and by Land, on Tide, and off Tide,
and all the Rights that into them Christen-
dome by rad and more speake, and on Bu-
right hamed, and on Buright worke, afore
all the Bishoprickes in mine Land, and on
each other mans Land. For I will, that the
Church in all things be as free, as I would
my Soule to bee in the day of Iudgement.
Witnesses, Osmond our Chancellour, Lan-
frank the Archbishop of Canturbury, and
T. Archbishop of Yorke, Roger, Earle of
Shrewsbury, Alane the County, Geffrey
de Magna villa, and Ralph Peverel.
In the yeere 1087. this Church of S.
Paul was burnt with fire,
the most part of the Citie: which fire
began at the entrie of the West gate,
and consumed the East gate. Mauricius,
then Bishop, began therefore the foun-
dation of a new Church of S. Paul; a
worke, that men (of that time) judged
would never have beene finished, it was
to them so wonderfull, for length and
breadth; and also the same was builded
upon Arches (or Vaults) of stone, for de-
fence of fire; which was a manner of
worke (before that time) unknowne to
the people of this Nation, and then
brought in by the French:
was fetcht from Cane in Normandy. This
Mauricius deceased in the yeere, 1107.
Paul was burnt with fire,
S. Pauls Church burnt.
and therewith
the most part of the Citie: which fire
began at the entrie of the West gate,
and consumed the East gate. Mauricius,
on of the new Church of S. Paul builded.
on of the new Church of S. Paul builded.
then Bishop, began therefore the foun-
dation of a new Church of S. Paul; a
worke, that men (of that time) judged
would never have beene finished, it was
to them so wonderfull, for length and
breadth; and also the same was builded
upon Arches (or Vaults) of stone, for de-
fence of fire; which was a manner of
worke (before that time) unknowne to
the people of this Nation, and then
brought in by the French:
Stone brought from Cane in Nor-
and the stone
was fetcht from Cane in Normandy. This
Mauricius deceased in the yeere, 1107.
Richard Beaumor succeeded him in the
Bishopricke, who did wonderfully in-
crease the said Church, purchasing (of
his own cost) the large Streets & Lanes
about it, wherein were wont to dwell
many Law-people; which ground hee
began to compasse about with a strong
wall of stone,
the first gave to the said Richard so
much of the Mote (or Wall) of the Ca-
stle, on the Thames side, to the South, as
should bee needfull to make the said
Wall of the Church, and so much as
should suffice to make a Wall without
the way on the North side, &c.
Bishopricke, who did wonderfully in-
crease the said Church, purchasing (of
his own cost) the large Streets & Lanes
about it, wherein were wont to dwell
many Law-people; which ground hee
began to compasse about with a strong
wall of stone,
Wall a-
bout Pauls Church-yard.
and gates. King Henry
bout Pauls Church-yard.
the first gave to the said Richard so
much of the Mote (or Wall) of the Ca-
stle, on the Thames side, to the South, as
should bee needfull to make the said
Wall of the Church, and so much as
should suffice to make a Wall without
the way on the North side, &c.
It should seeme, that this Richard in-
closed but two sides of the said Church
or Cemitory of Saint Paul, to wit, the
South and North side: for King Edw. the
second, in the 10. of his reigne, granted,
that the said Church-yard should bee
inclosed with a wall, where it wanted,
for the Murthers and Robberies that
were there committed.
zens then claimed the East part of the
Church-yard, to be the place of assem-
bly to their Folke-motes; and that the
great Steeple, there situate, was to that
use, their common Bell, which being
there rung, all the Inhabitants of the
City might heare and come together.
They also claimed the West side, that
they might there assemble themselves
together, with the Lord of Baynards
Castle, for view of their Armour, in
defence of the City. This matter was in
the Tower of London referred to Harvi-
us de Stanton, and his fellow Iustices Ite-
nerantes: but I finde not the decision or
judgement of that controversie.
closed but two sides of the said Church
or Cemitory of Saint Paul, to wit, the
South and North side: for King Edw. the
second, in the 10. of his reigne, granted,
that the said Church-yard should bee
inclosed with a wall, where it wanted,
for the Murthers and Robberies that
were there committed.
The com-
mon Bell in Pauls Church-yard, rung for the calling together of the Ci-
tizens to their Folke-motes.
But the Citi-mon Bell in Pauls Church-yard, rung for the calling together of the Ci-
tizens to their Folke-motes.
zens then claimed the East part of the
Church-yard, to be the place of assem-
bly to their Folke-motes; and that the
great Steeple, there situate, was to that
use, their common Bell, which being
there rung, all the Inhabitants of the
City might heare and come together.
They also claimed the West side, that
they might there assemble themselves
together, with the Lord of Baynards
Castle, for view of their Armour, in
defence of the City. This matter was in
the Tower of London referred to Harvi-
us de Stanton, and his fellow Iustices Ite-
nerantes: but I finde not the decision or
judgement of that controversie.
True it is, that Edward the third, in
the 17. of his reigne, gave commande-
ment for the finishing of that VVall:
which was then performed, and to this
day it continueth; although now on
both the sides (to wit, within and with-
out) it be hidden with dwelling houses.
the 17. of his reigne, gave commande-
ment for the finishing of that VVall:
which was then performed, and to this
day it continueth; although now on
both the sides (to wit, within and with-
out) it be hidden with dwelling houses.
Richard Beaumor deceased in the yeere
1127. and his successors (in processe of
time) performed the worke begun.
1127. and his successors (in processe of
time) performed the worke begun.
The Steeple of this Church was buil-
ded and finished in the yeere 1222.
Crosse on the said Steeple fell downe,
and a new was set up in the yeere 1314.
ded and finished in the yeere 1222.
Pauls stee-
Crosse on the said Steeple fell downe,
and a new was set up in the yeere 1314.
The new worke of Pauls (so called) at
the East end above the Quire,
gun in the yeer 1251. Henry Lacy, Earle
of Lincolne, Constable of Chester, and
Custos of England, in his time was a
great Benefactor to this worke, and was
there buried, in the yeere 1310. Also
Ralph Baldocke, Bishop of London, in his
life time gave 200. Markes to the buil-
ding of the said new worke, and left
much by his Testament towards the fi-
nishing thereof: hee deceased in the
yeere 1313. and was buried in the La-
dy Chappell. Also the new worke of
Pauls, to wit, the crosse Iles, were begun
to be new builded in the yeere 1256.
the East end above the Quire,
The new worke of Paul in the East.
was be-gun in the yeer 1251. Henry Lacy, Earle
of Lincolne, Constable of Chester, and
Custos of England, in his time was a
great Benefactor to this worke, and was
there buried, in the yeere 1310. Also
Ralph Baldocke, Bishop of London, in his
life time gave 200. Markes to the buil-
ding of the said new worke, and left
much by his Testament towards the fi-
nishing thereof: hee deceased in the
yeere 1313. and was buried in the La-
dy Chappell. Also the new worke of
Pauls, to wit, the crosse Iles, were begun
to be new builded in the yeere 1256.
1444. about two of the clocke in the af-
ternoone, the Steeple of Pauls was fired
by Lightning, in the midst of the Shaft
or Spire, both on the West side, and on
the South: but by labour of many well
disposed people, the same (to appea-
rance) quenched with Vineger; so that
all men withdrew themselves to their
houses, praysing God. But between 8.
and 9. of the clocke in the same night,
the fire burst out againe more fervently
than before, and did much hurt to the
Lead and Timber, till by the great la-
bour of the Maior and people that came
thither, it was throughly quenched.
Pauls stee-
ple fired by Light-
first of February, in the yeere
ple fired by Light-
1444. about two of the clocke in the af-
ternoone, the Steeple of Pauls was fired
by Lightning, in the midst of the Shaft
or Spire, both on the West side, and on
the South: but by labour of many well
disposed people, the same (to appea-
rance) quenched with Vineger; so that
all men withdrew themselves to their
houses, praysing God. But between 8.
and 9. of the clocke in the same night,
the fire burst out againe more fervently
than before, and did much hurt to the
Lead and Timber, till by the great la-
bour of the Maior and people that came
thither, it was throughly quenched.
This Steeple was repaired in the yeer
1462. and the Weather-cocke againe
erected: Robert Godwin winding it up,
the rope brake, and hee was destroyed
on the Pinacles, and the Cocke was sore
brused. But Burchwood (the Kings Plum-
mer) set it up againe.
time, needing reparation, it was both
taken down, and set up in the yeer 1553.
At which time it was found to bee of
Copper, gilt over, and the length, from
the bill to the taile, being 4. foote, and
the breadth over the wings 3. foot and a
halfe, it weighed 40. l. the Crosse, from
the Bole, to the Eagle (or Cock) was 15.
foote and 6. inches of assise; the length
thereof, overthwart, was 5. foot and 10.
inches, and the compasse of the Bole
was 9. foot and 1. inch. The inner body
of this Crosse was Oake, the next cover
was Lead, and the outermost was of
Copper, red varnished. The Bole and
Eagle, or Cocke, were of Copper, and
gilt also.
520. foot, whereof the stone-worke was
260. foot, and the Spire was likewise
260. foote.
Church, is 240. Taylors yards, which
make 720. foot. The breadth thereof is
130. foot: And the height of the body
of that Churc, is 150. foot.
1462. and the Weather-cocke againe
erected: Robert Godwin winding it up,
the rope brake, and hee was destroyed
on the Pinacles, and the Cocke was sore
brused. But Burchwood (the Kings Plum-
mer) set it up againe.
Weather-cocke of Pauls stee-
Since the which
time, needing reparation, it was both
taken down, and set up in the yeer 1553.
At which time it was found to bee of
Copper, gilt over, and the length, from
the bill to the taile, being 4. foote, and
the breadth over the wings 3. foot and a
halfe, it weighed 40. l. the Crosse, from
the Bole, to the Eagle (or Cock) was 15.
foote and 6. inches of assise; the length
thereof, overthwart, was 5. foot and 10.
inches, and the compasse of the Bole
was 9. foot and 1. inch. The inner body
of this Crosse was Oake, the next cover
was Lead, and the outermost was of
Copper, red varnished. The Bole and
Eagle, or Cocke, were of Copper, and
gilt also.
Height of the stee-
The height of the Steeple was
520. foot, whereof the stone-worke was
260. foot, and the Spire was likewise
260. foote.
Length of Pauls Church.
The length of the whole
Church, is 240. Taylors yards, which
make 720. foot. The breadth thereof is
130. foot: And the height of the body
of that Churc, is 150. foot.
This Church hath a Bishop,
a Presentor, Chancellour, Treasurer,
and five Archdeacons, to wit, of Lon-
don, Middlesex, Essex, Colchester, and
Saint Albans: It hath Prebendaries
thirty, Canons twelve, Vicars Corall
sixe, &c.
nors of this Church.
a Deane,
nors of this Church.
a Presentor, Chancellour, Treasurer,
and five Archdeacons, to wit, of Lon-
don, Middlesex, Essex, Colchester, and
Saint Albans: It hath Prebendaries
thirty, Canons twelve, Vicars Corall
sixe, &c.
The Colledge of Petty Canons there,
was founded by King Richard the se-
cond, in honour of Queene Anne his
wife, and of her Progenitors, in the se-
venteenth of his reigne. Their Hall and
Lands was then given unto them, as ap-
peareth by the Patent, Master Robert
Dokesworth then being Master thereof.
In the yeere 1408. the Petty Canons then
building their Colledge, the Maior and
Communalty granted them their Wa-
ter-courses, and other easements.
was founded by King Richard the se-
cond, in honour of Queene Anne his
wife, and of her Progenitors, in the se-
venteenth of his reigne. Their Hall and
Lands was then given unto them, as ap-
peareth by the Patent, Master Robert
Dokesworth then being Master thereof.
In the yeere 1408. the Petty Canons then
building their Colledge, the Maior and
Communalty granted them their Wa-
ter-courses, and other easements.
There was also one great Cloyster,
on the North side of this Church, invi-
roning a plot of ground, of old time cal-
led Pardon Church-yard; whereof Tho-
mas More, Deane of Pauls, was eyther
the first Builder, or a most especiall Be-
nefactor, and was buried there.
Great Cloystry of Pauls.
on the North side of this Church, invi-
roning a plot of ground, of old time cal-
led Pardon Church-yard; whereof Tho-
mas More, Deane of Pauls, was eyther
the first Builder, or a most especiall Be-
nefactor, and was buried there.
About this Cloyster, was artificially
and richly painted the Dance of Macha-
called the Dance of Pauls; the like
whereof was painted about S. Innocents
Cloyster at Paris in France: the Meeters
or Poesie of this Dance were translated
out of French into English by Iohn Lid-
gate, Monke of Bury, the Picture of
Death leading all estates; at the dis-
pence of Ienken Carpenter, in the reigne
of Henry the sixth. In this Cloyster
were buried many persons, some of
Worship, and others of Honour: The
Monuments of whom, in number and
curious workmanship, passed all other
that were in that Church.
and richly painted the Dance of Macha-
Dance of Pauls.
or Dance of Death, commonly
called the Dance of Pauls; the like
whereof was painted about S. Innocents
Cloyster at Paris in France: the Meeters
or Poesie of this Dance were translated
out of French into English by Iohn Lid-
gate, Monke of Bury, the Picture of
Death leading all estates; at the dis-
pence of Ienken Carpenter, in the reigne
of Henry the sixth. In this Cloyster
were buried many persons, some of
Worship, and others of Honour: The
Monuments of whom, in number and
curious workmanship, passed all other
that were in that Church.
Over the East Quadrant of this Cloy-
costs and charges of Walter Sherington,
Chancellour of the Duchy of Lancaster,
in the reigne of Henry the sixth: which
hath beene well furnished with faire
written bookes in Vellam; but few of
them now doe remaine there.
Library of Pauls.
was a faire Library, builded at the
costs and charges of Walter Sherington,
Chancellour of the Duchy of Lancaster,
in the reigne of Henry the sixth: which
hath beene well furnished with faire
written bookes in Vellam; but few of
them now doe remaine there.
In the midst of this Pardon Church-yard,
was also a faire Chappell, first
founded by Gilbert Becket, Portgrave,
and principall Magistrate of this City,
in the reigne of King Stephen, who was
there buried. Thomas More, Deane of
Pauls, before named, re-edified or new
builded this Chappell, and founded
three Chaplaines there, in the reigne of
Henry the fifth.
founded by Gilbert Becket, Portgrave,
and principall Magistrate of this City,
in the reigne of King Stephen, who was
there buried. Thomas More, Deane of
Pauls, before named, re-edified or new
builded this Chappell, and founded
three Chaplaines there, in the reigne of
Henry the fifth.
In the yeere 1549. on the tenth of
April, the said Chappell, by comman-
dement of the Duke of Somerset, was
begun to bee pulled downe, with the
whole Cloystrie, the Dance of Death,
the Tombes and Monuments: so that
nothing thereof was left, but the bare
Plot of ground, which is since conver-
ted into a Garden for the Petty Ca-
April, the said Chappell, by comman-
dement of the Duke of Somerset, was
begun to bee pulled downe, with the
whole Cloystrie, the Dance of Death,
the Tombes and Monuments: so that
nothing thereof was left, but the bare
Plot of ground, which is since conver-
ted into a Garden for the Petty Ca-
There was also a Chappell at the
North doore of Pauls, founded by the
same Walter Sherington, by licence of
Henry the sixth, for two, three, or foure
Chaplaines, indowed with 40. l. by the
yeere. This Chappell also was pulled
down in the reigne of Edw. the sixth, &
in place thereof a faire house builded.
North doore of Pauls, founded by the
same Walter Sherington, by licence of
Henry the sixth, for two, three, or foure
Chaplaines, indowed with 40. l. by the
yeere. This Chappell also was pulled
down in the reigne of Edw. the sixth, &
in place thereof a faire house builded.
There was furthermore a faire Chap-
pell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church,
on the North side, founded in the yeere
1400. by Roger Holmes, Chancelor and
Prebendary of Pauls, for Adam Bery, Al-
derman and Maior of London, 1364.
Iohn Wingham and others, for seven
Chaplaines, and called Holmes his Col-
ledge. Their common Hall was in Pauls
Church-yard on the South side, neere
unto a Carpenters yard. This Colledge
was with others suppressed in the reigne
of Edward the sixth. Then under the
Quire of Pauls is a large Chappell, first
dedicated to the name of IESV, foun-
ded, or rather confirmed the 37. of Hen.
the 6. as appeareth by his Patent therof,
dated at Crowdowne to this effect:
pell of the holy Ghost in Pauls Church,
on the North side, founded in the yeere
1400. by Roger Holmes, Chancelor and
Prebendary of Pauls, for Adam Bery, Al-
derman and Maior of London, 1364.
Iohn Wingham and others, for seven
Chaplaines, and called Holmes his Col-
ledge. Their common Hall was in Pauls
Church-yard on the South side, neere
unto a Carpenters yard. This Colledge
was with others suppressed in the reigne
of Edward the sixth. Then under the
Quire of Pauls is a large Chappell, first
dedicated to the name of IESV, foun-
ded, or rather confirmed the 37. of Hen.
the 6. as appeareth by his Patent therof,
dated at Crowdowne to this effect:
Many Liege-men and Christian people,
having begun a Fraternity and Guila to the
honour of the most glorious name of Iesu
Christ our Saviour, in a place called the
Crowds of the Cathedrall Church of Pauls
in London, which hath continued long
time peaceably, till now of late: whereupon
they have made request, and we have taken
upon us the name and charge of the founda-
tion, to the laud of Almighty God, the Fa-
ther, the Son, and the holy Ghost, and especi-
ally to the honour of Iesu, in whose honour
the Fraternity was begun, &c.
having begun a Fraternity and Guila to the
honour of the most glorious name of Iesu
Christ our Saviour, in a place called the
Crowds of the Cathedrall Church of Pauls
in London, which hath continued long
time peaceably, till now of late: whereupon
they have made request, and we have taken
upon us the name and charge of the founda-
tion, to the laud of Almighty God, the Fa-
ther, the Son, and the holy Ghost, and especi-
ally to the honour of Iesu, in whose honour
the Fraternity was begun, &c.
The King ordained William Say, then
Deane of Pauls, to bee the Rector, and
Richard Ford (a Remembrancer in the
Exchequer) and Henry Bennis (Clarke of
his Privie Seale) the Gardians of these
Brothers & Sisters; they and their suc-
cessors to have a common seale, licence
to purchase lands or tenements, to the
value of 40. l. by the yeere, &c.
Deane of Pauls, to bee the Rector, and
Richard Ford (a Remembrancer in the
Exchequer) and Henry Bennis (Clarke of
his Privie Seale) the Gardians of these
Brothers & Sisters; they and their suc-
cessors to have a common seale, licence
to purchase lands or tenements, to the
value of 40. l. by the yeere, &c.
This foundation was confirmed by
Henry the seventh, the 22. of his reigne,
to Doctor Collet, then Deane of Pauls,
Rector there, &c. And by Henry the 8.
the 27. of his reigne, to Richard Pace,
then Deane of Pauls, &c.
Henry the seventh, the 22. of his reigne,
to Doctor Collet, then Deane of Pauls,
Rector there, &c. And by Henry the 8.
the 27. of his reigne, to Richard Pace,
then Deane of Pauls, &c.
At the West end of this Iesus Chap-
pell, under the Quire of Pauls, also was
and is a Parish Church of S. Faith, com-
monly called Saint Faith under Pauls,
which served (as still it doth) for the
Stationers, and others dwelling in Pauls
Church-yard, Pater noster Row, and the
places neere adjoyning.
pell, under the Quire of Pauls, also was
and is a Parish Church of S. Faith, com-
monly called Saint Faith under Pauls,
which served (as still it doth) for the
Stationers, and others dwelling in Pauls
Church-yard, Pater noster Row, and the
places neere adjoyning.
The said Chappell of Iesus, being sup-
pressed in the reigne of Edward the 6.
the Parishioners of S. Faiths Church
were removed into the same, as to a
place more sufficient for largenesse and
lightsomnesse, in the yeere 1551. and
so it remaineth.
pressed in the reigne of Edward the 6.
the Parishioners of S. Faiths Church
were removed into the same, as to a
place more sufficient for largenesse and
lightsomnesse, in the yeere 1551. and
so it remaineth.
The Monuments there are these:
Here buried is Elizabeth,
A fair pla-
ted stone over a Vault in the East end of the Church.
ted stone over a Vault in the East end of the Church.
of honour worthy Dame,
Her Husband erst Lord Shandoys was,
her Sonne hath now like name:
Her Father was of Wilton Lord,
a Gray of puissant fame,
Her Brother left with us behinde,
now Lord is of the same.
Her vertuous life yet still doth live,
her honour shall remaine,
Her corps, though it be growne to dust,
her Soule the heavens containe,
Quae obiit 29. die Decembris,
Ann. Dom. 1559.
Ann. Dom. 1559.
A faire plated stone neere to the former
Thomas Mond, Esquire by birth,
doth under buried lye,
To shew, that men (by Natures Law)
are borne to live and dye:
In Shropshire at the Mindtowne borne,
the time we here prefixe,
And dyed the seventh of February,
in Anno, seventy sixe.
Threescore and seven yeeres he saw,
though body lye in Tombe:
His soule (immortall) lives in heaven,
by Gods eternall doome.
Natus octavo Mensis Julii, 1510.
Obiit septimo Februarii, 1576.
Obiit septimo Februarii, 1576.
Here under this stone resteth, in the mercy
of God,
wray, Notary, late one of the Proctors of
the Arches, Citizen and Stationer of
London, and Anne his wife. The which
Thomas deceased the 23. day of Iune,
An. Dom. 1559. &c.
of God,
Another stone close adjoyning
the body of M. Thomas Dock-wray, Notary, late one of the Proctors of
the Arches, Citizen and Stationer of
London, and Anne his wife. The which
Thomas deceased the 23. day of Iune,
An. Dom. 1559. &c.
Cur Sacerdos eram,
jam factus vile cadaver?
Et cito pulvis erit:
This stone is covered with a Pew, that nothing can bee seene but these ver-
Quaeso memento mei.
Siste gradum qui me
teris hic, & funde precatus
Me Deus ut levet hinc,
ducat ad usque Polum.
William Babham, and Alice Butcon
his wife,
his wife,
In the middle Ile a faire pla-
ted stone.
An. Dom. 1577.
ted stone.
Lo here the certaine end
of every mortall one,
Behold, alive to day,
to morrow dead and gone.
Live well, so endlesse life
(by death) you shall obtaine,
Nought lose the good by death,
since life thereby they gaine.
Dum mihi persuasi
me quaesivi{que} salutem,
A faire plated stone in the Chan-
En morior dixit,
nam Deus esse diem:
Non equidem invideo,
peccati debita merces,
Cum sit mors nostri,
cum reus omnis homo,
Cum{que} operum requires,
& sit mihi vita perennis,
In Christo morior,
mors mihi gratus adest,
Quem mors sic raputi;
Cujus sunt ista sepulchra
Si quaeras, subsunt
quae tibi cuncta notant.
Lodovicus Nicols, Civis London, fili-
lius tertius Thomae Nicols, North-
hamptoniensis hic sepelitur. Obiit
22. Aprilis, 1592. Anno Aetatis
suae, 28.
lius tertius Thomae Nicols, North-
hamptoniensis hic sepelitur. Obiit
22. Aprilis, 1592. Anno Aetatis
suae, 28.
Ad vocem Tubae resurgent mortui.
Here lyeth the body of George Whitgift,
Esquire, one of the naturall brothers of
Iohn Whitgift, late Lord Archbishop
of Canturbury: which George deceased
the 19. day of April, An. Dom. 1611.
Another stone in the Chan-
Esquire, one of the naturall brothers of
Iohn Whitgift, late Lord Archbishop
of Canturbury: which George deceased
the 19. day of April, An. Dom. 1611.
so sometime was my name,
Vpon a brasse plate fixed on a Pillar by the Tombe in the open Church beneath
Whiles I alive
did run my mortall race,
Serving a Prince
of most immortall fame,
who of his Princely grace,
allowed me a place.
By whose favour,
from Gentleman t’Esquire,
I was prefer’d,
with worship for my hire.
With wives three
I joyned wedlocke band,
Which (all alive)
true lovers were to me:
Ioane, Alice and Ioane,
for so they came to hand,
VVhat needeth praise,
regarding their degrees?
In wively truth
none stedfast more could be.
VVho though in earth
death’s force did once dissever,
Heaven yet (I trust)
shall joyne us all together.
O Lambe of God,
which sinne didst take away,
And (as a Lambe)
wast offered up for sinne;
VVhere I (poore Lambe)
went from thy flocke astray,
Yet thou (good Lord)
vouchfafe thy Lambe to winne
Home to thy Fold,
and hold thy Lambe therein?
That at the Day, when
Lambes and Goats shall sever,
Of thy choice Lambes,
Lambe may be one for ever.
Vnder which remembrance there are two
Verses more added,
tition, and an injunction of duety to the
poore, who weekely receive their allow-
ance, at the hands or appointment of the
Worshipfull Company of Sationers: To
whom he bearing great affection, and ha-
ving also no small affiance in them, made
them his disposers and Stewards in that
behalfe. The Verses are these:
Verses more added,
The bene-
volence is given eve-
ry Friday ordinarily through-out the yeere.
containing both a pe-volence is given eve-
ry Friday ordinarily through-out the yeere.
tition, and an injunction of duety to the
poore, who weekely receive their allow-
ance, at the hands or appointment of the
Worshipfull Company of Sationers: To
whom he bearing great affection, and ha-
ving also no small affiance in them, made
them his disposers and Stewards in that
behalfe. The Verses are these:
I pray you all
that receive bread and pence,
To say the Lords Prayer
before you goe hence.
As for the Verses engraven upon the
upper stone of the Tombe, they are
upper stone of the Tombe, they are
As I was, so are ye,
As I am, you shall be.
That I had, that I gave,
That I gave, that I have.
Thus I end all my cost,
That I left, that I lost.
Then was there on the North side of
this Church-yard,
for the bones of the dead, and o-
ver it a Chappell of an old foundation,
such as followeth:
this Church-yard,
Charnell-house with a Chappel▪
a large Charnell-house
for the bones of the dead, and o-
ver it a Chappell of an old foundation,
such as followeth:
In the yeere 1282. the 10. of Edward
the first, it was agreed, that Henry Wal-
leis, Maior, and the Citizens, for the
cause of shops by them builded, without
the wall of the Church-yard, should as-
signe to God, and to the Church of S.
Paul, tenne Markes of rent by the yeere
for ever, towards the new building of a
Chappell of the blessed Virgin Mary,
and also to assigne five Markes of yeere-
ly rent to a Chaplaine to celebrate
the first, it was agreed, that Henry Wal-
leis, Maior, and the Citizens, for the
cause of shops by them builded, without
the wall of the Church-yard, should as-
signe to God, and to the Church of S.
Paul, tenne Markes of rent by the yeere
for ever, towards the new building of a
Chappell of the blessed Virgin Mary,
and also to assigne five Markes of yeere-
ly rent to a Chaplaine to celebrate
Moreover, in the yeere 1430. the 8.
of Henry the sixth, licence was granted
to Ienken Carpenter (Executor to Richard
Whitington) to establish upon the said
Charnell, a Chaplaine, to have eight
Markes by the yeere. Then was also in
this Chappell two Brotherhoods. Ro-
bert Barton, Henry Barton, Maior, and
Thomas Mirfin, Maior, all Skinners,
were intombed, with their Images
of Alabaster over them, grated or
cooped about with iron, before the said
Chappell; all which was pulled down
in the yeere 1549. The bones of the
dead, couched up in a Charnell, under
the Chappell, were conveyed from
thence into Finsbury field, (by report of
him who paid for the carriage) amoun-
ting to more than one thousand Cart
loads, and there laid on a moorish
ground, in short space after raised by
soylage of the Citie upon them, to
beare three Milles. The Chappell and
Charnell were converted into dwelling
houses, ware-houses, and Sheds before
them, for Stationers in place of the
of Henry the sixth, licence was granted
to Ienken Carpenter (Executor to Richard
Whitington) to establish upon the said
Charnell, a Chaplaine, to have eight
Markes by the yeere. Then was also in
this Chappell two Brotherhoods. Ro-
bert Barton, Henry Barton, Maior, and
Thomas Mirfin, Maior, all Skinners,
were intombed, with their Images
of Alabaster over them, grated or
cooped about with iron, before the said
Chappell; all which was pulled down
in the yeere 1549. The bones of the
dead, couched up in a Charnell, under
the Chappell, were conveyed from
thence into Finsbury field, (by report of
him who paid for the carriage) amoun-
ting to more than one thousand Cart
loads, and there laid on a moorish
ground, in short space after raised by
soylage of the Citie upon them, to
beare three Milles. The Chappell and
Charnell were converted into dwelling
houses, ware-houses, and Sheds before
them, for Stationers in place of the
In the East part of this Church-yard
standeth Pauls Schoole, lately new
builded, and endowed in the yeere
1512. by Iohn Collet, Doctor of Divini-
ty, and Deane of Pauls, for 153. poore
mens children to be taught free in the
same Schoole, for which he appointed
a Master, a Surmaster or Vsher, and a
Chaplaine, with large stipends for e-
ver, committing the oversight thereof
to the Masters, Wardens and Assistants
of the Mercers in London, because hee
was sonne to Henry Collet, Mercer, some-
time Maior. He left to these Mercers
Lands, to the yeerely value of 120. l. or
standeth Pauls Schoole, lately new
builded, and endowed in the yeere
1512. by Iohn Collet, Doctor of Divini-
ty, and Deane of Pauls, for 153. poore
mens children to be taught free in the
same Schoole, for which he appointed
a Master, a Surmaster or Vsher, and a
Chaplaine, with large stipends for e-
ver, committing the oversight thereof
to the Masters, Wardens and Assistants
of the Mercers in London, because hee
was sonne to Henry Collet, Mercer, some-
time Maior. He left to these Mercers
Lands, to the yeerely value of 120. l. or
Neere unto this Schoole, on the
North side thereof,
great and high Clochier, or Bell-house,
foure square, builded of stone, and in
the same a most strong frame of timber,
with foure Bels, the greatest that I have
heard; these were called Iesus Bels, and
belonged to Iesus Chappell, but I know
not by whose gift. The same had a great
spire of timber, covered with Lead,
with the Image of Saint Paul on the
top, but was pulled downe by Sir Miles
Partridge, Knight, in the reigne of Hen-
ry the eighth. The common speech
then was, that hee did set one hundred
pounds, upon a cast at Dice against it,
and so wonne the said Clochier & Bels
of the King: and then causing the Bels
to be broken as they hung, the rest was
pulled downe. This man was afterward
executed on the Tower hill, for matters
concerning the Duke of Summerset, the
fifth of Edward the sixth.
North side thereof,
Clochier in Pauls Church-yard.
was (of old time) a
great and high Clochier, or Bell-house,
foure square, builded of stone, and in
the same a most strong frame of timber,
with foure Bels, the greatest that I have
heard; these were called Iesus Bels, and
belonged to Iesus Chappell, but I know
not by whose gift. The same had a great
spire of timber, covered with Lead,
with the Image of Saint Paul on the
top, but was pulled downe by Sir Miles
Partridge, Knight, in the reigne of Hen-
ry the eighth. The common speech
then was, that hee did set one hundred
pounds, upon a cast at Dice against it,
and so wonne the said Clochier & Bels
of the King: and then causing the Bels
to be broken as they hung, the rest was
pulled downe. This man was afterward
executed on the Tower hill, for matters
concerning the Duke of Summerset, the
fifth of Edward the sixth.
In place of this Clochier, of old time,
the common Bell of the Citie was used
to be rung,
tizens to their Folke-motes, as I have
before shewed.
the common Bell of the Citie was used
to be rung,
Common Bell of the City.
for the assembly of the Ci-tizens to their Folke-motes, as I have
before shewed.
About the middest of this Church-yard,
is a Pulpit-crosse of timber, moun-
ted upon steps of stone, and covered
with Lead, in which are Sermons prea-
ched by learned Divines, every Sunday
in the fore-noone. The very antiquity
of which Crosse is to me unknowne.
ted upon steps of stone, and covered
with Lead, in which are Sermons prea-
ched by learned Divines, every Sunday
in the fore-noone. The very antiquity
of which Crosse is to me unknowne.
I read, that in the yeere 1259. King
Henry the third commanded a generall
Assembly to be made at this Crosse,
where he in proper person commanded
the Maior, that on the next day follow-
ing, he should cause to be sworne before
the Aldermen, every Stripling, of 12.
yeeres of age, or upward, to be true to
the King and his heires, Kings of Eng-
Henry the third commanded a generall
Assembly to be made at this Crosse,
where he in proper person commanded
the Maior, that on the next day follow-
ing, he should cause to be sworne before
the Aldermen, every Stripling, of 12.
yeeres of age, or upward, to be true to
the King and his heires, Kings of Eng-
Also, in the yeere 1262. the same
King caused to be read at Pauls Crosse,
a Bull, obtained from Pope Vrban the
fourth, as an absolution for him, and for
all that were sworne to maintaine the
Articles made in Parliament at Oxford.
King caused to be read at Pauls Crosse,
a Bull, obtained from Pope Vrban the
fourth, as an absolution for him, and for
all that were sworne to maintaine the
Articles made in Parliament at Oxford.
Also, in the yeere 1299. the Deane
of Pauls accursed, at Pauls Crosse, all
those which had searched in the Church
of S. Martin in the field, for an hoord
of gold, &c.
of Pauls accursed, at Pauls Crosse, all
those which had searched in the Church
of S. Martin in the field, for an hoord
of gold, &c.
This Pulpit-crosse was by tempest of
lightning and thunder, defaced. Thomas
Kempe, Bishop of London, new builded
it, in forme as it now standeth.
lightning and thunder, defaced. Thomas
Kempe, Bishop of London, new builded
it, in forme as it now standeth.
In the yeere 1561. the fourth of Iune,
betwixt the houres of three and foure
of the clocke in the afternoon,
spire of the steeple of S. Pauls Church,
was fired by lightning, which brake
forth (as it seemed) two or three yards
beneath the foot of the Crosse, and from
thence it burnt downeward the spire to
the battlements, stone-worke, and Bels,
so furiously, that within the space of 4▪
houres, the same steeple, with all the
roofes of the Church, were consumed,
to the great sorrow and perpetuall re-
membrance of the beholders. After this
mischance, the Queenes Majestie dire-
cted her Letters to the Maior,
him to take order for speedy repairing
of the same: And she, of her gracious
disposition, for the furtherance thereof,
did presently give and deliver in gold,
one thousand Markes; with a warrant
for a thousand Loads of Timber, to be
taken out of her Woods, or else-where.
betwixt the houres of three and foure
of the clocke in the afternoon,
Pauls stee-
ple and Church newly burne.
the great
ple and Church newly burne.
spire of the steeple of S. Pauls Church,
was fired by lightning, which brake
forth (as it seemed) two or three yards
beneath the foot of the Crosse, and from
thence it burnt downeward the spire to
the battlements, stone-worke, and Bels,
so furiously, that within the space of 4▪
houres, the same steeple, with all the
roofes of the Church, were consumed,
to the great sorrow and perpetuall re-
membrance of the beholders. After this
mischance, the Queenes Majestie dire-
cted her Letters to the Maior,
Speedy repairing of Pauls Church.
him to take order for speedy repairing
of the same: And she, of her gracious
disposition, for the furtherance thereof,
did presently give and deliver in gold,
The Queenes gift.
one thousand Markes; with a warrant
for a thousand Loads of Timber, to be
taken out of her Woods, or else-where.
The Citizens also gave first a great
benevolence, and after that three Fif-
teenes to be speedily paid.
benevolence, and after that three Fif-
teenes to be speedily paid.
The Clergie of England, within the
Province of Canturbury,
fortieth part of the value of their Bene-
fices, charged with first fruits; the thir-
tieth part of such as were not so char-
ged; but the Clergie of London Dio-
ces, granted the thirtieth part of all
that payed first fruits, and the twentieth
part of such as had paid their fruits.
Province of Canturbury,
granted the
fortieth part of the value of their Bene-
fices, charged with first fruits; the thir-
tieth part of such as were not so char-
ged; but the Clergie of London Dio-
ces, granted the thirtieth part of all
that payed first fruits, and the twentieth
part of such as had paid their fruits.
Six Citizens of London, and two Pe-
tie Canons of Pauls Church, had charge
to further and oversee the worke, wher-
in such expedition was used, that with-
in one Moneth next following the bur-
ning thereof, the Church was covered
with boords and lead, in manner of a
false roofe against the weather, and be-
fore the end of the said yeere, all the
said Iles of the Church were framed out
of new timber, covered with lead, and
fully finised.
tie Canons of Pauls Church, had charge
to further and oversee the worke, wher-
in such expedition was used, that with-
in one Moneth next following the bur-
ning thereof, the Church was covered
with boords and lead, in manner of a
false roofe against the weather, and be-
fore the end of the said yeere, all the
said Iles of the Church were framed out
of new timber, covered with lead, and
fully finised.
The same yeere also, the great roofes
of the West and East ends were framed
out of great timber in Yorkshire, brought
thence to London by Sea, and set up,
and covered with lead, the North and
South ends were framed of timber, and
covered with lead, before April, 1566.
of the West and East ends were framed
out of great timber in Yorkshire, brought
thence to London by Sea, and set up,
and covered with lead, the North and
South ends were framed of timber, and
covered with lead, before April, 1566.
Concerning the Steeple, divers mo-
dels were devised and made, but little
else was done, through whose default
God knoweth: it was said, that the mo-
ney appointed for the new building of
the Steeple, was collected.
dels were devised and made, but little
else was done, through whose default
God knoweth: it was said, that the mo-
ney appointed for the new building of
the Steeple, was collected.
Monuments in this Church, be these:
of London, buried in the old Church, a-
bout the yeere of Christ, 700. whose
body was translated into the new work,
in the yeere 1140. being richly shri-
ned, above the Quire, behinde the high
ments in Pauls
as I read of Erkenwalde, Bishop
ments in Pauls
of London, buried in the old Church, a-
bout the yeere of Christ, 700. whose
body was translated into the new work,
in the yeere 1140. being richly shri-
ned, above the Quire, behinde the high
Sebba, or Seba, King of the East Sa-
xons, was first buried in the old Church,
afterward removed into the new, and
laid in a coffin of stone, or gray Marble,
having this Inscription hanging by it:
Hic jacet Sebba,xons, was first buried in the old Church,
afterward removed into the new, and
laid in a coffin of stone, or gray Marble,
having this Inscription hanging by it:
Church. At the en-
trance of the north side or Ile of the Quire.
Rex orientalium Saxonū,
trance of the north side or Ile of the Quire.
qui conversus fuit ad fidem per Erken-
waldum, Londonens. Episcopum, Anno
Christi, 677. Vir multum Deo devo-
tus, actibus religiosis, crebris precibus, &
piis Eleemosynarum fructibus plurimum
intentus, vitam privatam & Monasti-
cam cunctis Regni divitiis & honoribus
praeferens. Qui cum regnasset Ann. 30.
habitum Religiosum accepit, per benedi-
ctionem Waltheri Londinensis Antistitis,
qui praefato Erkenwaldo successit. De quo
Venerabilis Beda, in Historia Gentis An-
glorum, &c.
Ethelred, King of the West Saxons,
was like wise buried in the old Church,
and after removed, lying next unto King
Sebba, and this Inscription fastned by
Hic jacet Ethelredus, Anglorum Rex,
was like wise buried in the old Church,
and after removed, lying next unto King
Sebba, and this Inscription fastned by
filius Edgari Regis,
In ano-
ther cof-
fin of gray Marble by the other.
cui in die consecrati-ther cof-
fin of gray Marble by the other.
onis hic post impositam Coronam,
Ethelred, sirnamed the unrea-
S. Dunstanus Cantuar. Archiepiscopus
dira praedixisse his verbis: Quoniam a-
spirasti ad Regnum per mortem fratris
tui, in cujus sanguine conspiraverunt An-
gli, cum ignominiosa Matre tui: Non
deficiet Gladius de domo tua, saeviens in
te omnibus vitae tuae, interficiens
de semine tuo, quousque Regnum tuum
transferatur in Regnum alienum, cujus
ritum & linguam, gens cui praesides non
novit; nec expiabitur, nisi longa vindi-
cta peccatum tuum, & peccatum Ma-
tris tuae, & peccata virorum, qui inter-
fuêre consilio illius nequam. Quae sicut
à viro sancto praedicta erant, evenerunt:
Nam Ethelredus variis praeliis per Suanū
Danorum Regem, filium{que} suum Canutū
fatigatus & fugatus, ac tandem Londini
arcta obsidione conclusus, miserè diem o-
biit, Anno Dominicae Incarnationis,
1017. postquam Annis 36. in magna
tribulatione regnasset.
William Norman, Bishop of London,
in the reignes of the Kings, Edward the
Confessor, and William the Conqueror, de-
ceased Anno 1070. and was after newly
buried in the body of the Church, with
this Epitaph or Memory:
in the reignes of the Kings, Edward the
Confessor, and William the Conqueror, de-
ceased Anno 1070. and was after newly
buried in the body of the Church, with
this Epitaph or Memory:
Gulielmo, viro sapientia & vitae sanctitate
fessori familiaris, nuper in Episcopum
Londinensem erectus; nec multò pòst a-
pud invictissimum Principem Guilielmū
Angliae Regem ejus nominis primum: Ob
prudentiam, fidem{que} singularem, in Con-
cilium adhibitus; Amplissima tunc urbi
celeberrimae privilegia ab eodem impetra-
vit: Senatus populus{que} Londinensis bene
merenti posuit. Sedit Episcopus Annos
20. Decessit Anno à Christo nato, 1070.
Being first buri-
ed in the Quire, & afterward removed into the body of the Church, at the Citi-
zens ear-
nest suit, and upon good oc-
qui primùm Edwardo Regi & Con-ed in the Quire, & afterward removed into the body of the Church, at the Citi-
zens ear-
nest suit, and upon good oc-
fessori familiaris, nuper in Episcopum
Londinensem erectus; nec multò pòst a-
pud invictissimum Principem Guilielmū
Angliae Regem ejus nominis primum: Ob
prudentiam, fidem{que} singularem, in Con-
cilium adhibitus; Amplissima tunc urbi
celeberrimae privilegia ab eodem impetra-
vit: Senatus populus{que} Londinensis bene
merenti posuit. Sedit Episcopus Annos
20. Decessit Anno à Christo nato, 1070.
Haec tibi (clare Pater)
posuerunt Marmora Cives,
Praemia non meritis
aequiparanda tuis.
Nam{que} sibi populus
te Londoniensis amicum
Sensit, & huic urbi
non leve praesidium.
Reddita libertas duce
te, donata{que} multis:
publica muneribus.
Divitias, genus, & formam
brevis opprimat hora,
Haec tua sed pietas
& benefacta manent.
To Wiliam, a man famous in wisedome
and holinesse of life, who first with S. Ed-
ward the King and Confessor being fa-
miliar, of late preferred to be Bishop of
London, and not long after (for his pru-
dencie and sincere fidelity) admitted to
be of Councell with the most victorious
Prince, William, King of England, of
that name the first, who obtained of the
same, great and large priviledges to this
famous Citie. The Senate and Citizens
of London, to him, having well deserved,
have made this. Hee continued Bishop
twenty yeeres, and dyed in the yeere af-
ter Christs Nativity, 1070.
and holinesse of life, who first with S. Ed-
ward the King and Confessor being fa-
miliar, of late preferred to be Bishop of
London, and not long after (for his pru-
dencie and sincere fidelity) admitted to
be of Councell with the most victorious
Prince, William, King of England, of
that name the first, who obtained of the
same, great and large priviledges to this
famous Citie. The Senate and Citizens
of London, to him, having well deserved,
have made this. Hee continued Bishop
twenty yeeres, and dyed in the yeere af-
ter Christs Nativity, 1070.
These Marble Monuments to thee
thy Citizens assigne,
Rewards (O Father) far unfit
to those deserts of thine.
Thee unto them a faithfull friend
thy London people found,
And to this Towne, of no small weight,
a stay both sure and sound.
Their Liberties restor’d to them,
by meanes of thee have beene,
Their Publike weale by meanes of thee,
large gifts have felt and found.
The Riches, Stocke, and beauty brave,
one houre hath them supprest:
Yet these thy vertues and good deeds,
with us (for ever) rest.
The Lord Maior of London,
Aldermen his brethren, upon those so-
lemne dayes of their resort to Pauls,
have long time used to walke to the
Grave-stone, where this Bishop lyeth
buried, in remembrance of their former
priviledges by him obtained.
This man is termed by some Richard de Gravesend.
and the
Aldermen his brethren, upon those so-
lemne dayes of their resort to Pauls,
have long time used to walke to the
Grave-stone, where this Bishop lyeth
buried, in remembrance of their former
priviledges by him obtained.
And now of late yeeres, there is an
Inscription fastned to that Pillar which
is next his Grave;
of a most worthy Prelates remembrance:
There erected at the sole cost and char-
ges of the Right Honourable and wor-
thily affected, Sir Edward Barkham,
Knight, Lord Maior of the Citie of Lon-
don, Anno 1622. speaking thus to the
walkers in Pauls:
Inscription fastned to that Pillar which
is next his Grave;
Right a-
gainst the little South doorein the lower Church.
termed, The revivali
gainst the little South doorein the lower Church.
of a most worthy Prelates remembrance:
There erected at the sole cost and char-
ges of the Right Honourable and wor-
thily affected, Sir Edward Barkham,
Knight, Lord Maior of the Citie of Lon-
don, Anno 1622. speaking thus to the
walkers in Pauls:
whosoere ye be,
Set up at the Lord Maiors cost and charges.
If it prove
you chance to see
Vpon a solemne
Scarlet day,
The Citie-Senate
passe this way,
Their gratefull Memory
for to show
Which they the
reverend ashes owe
Of Bishop Norman,
here inhum’d,
By whom this Citie
hath assum’d
Large proviledges:
Those obtain’d
By him, when
Conquerour William raign’d:
This being by thankfull
Barkham’s minde renu’d,
Call it The Monument
of Gratitude.
Hic jacet Magister Fulco Lovell,
Archidiaconus Colcestriae. Floruit sub
Henrico 3. Rege.
An inscri-
ption in the wall.
ption in the wall.
Archidiaconus Colcestriae. Floruit sub
Henrico 3. Rege.
Hic requiescit in Domino Rogerus cogno-
nomento Niger,
jus Ecclesiae S. Pauli: Ac deinde in Lon-
dinens. Episcopum consecratus Anno
Salutis, 1228. vir in literatura profun-
dus, moribus honestus ac per omnia lau-
dabilis, Christianae Religionis amator,
ac defensor strenuus. Qui cum pastorale
Officium vigilanter & studiosè rexisset
Annis 14. diem suum clausit extremum,
apud Manerium suum de Stebunheath,
3. Calend. Octob. An. Christi, 1241.
Regnante Rege Henrico 3.
nomento Niger,
In the midst of Quire, neere to the place where they stand to heare Sermons.
quondam Canonicus hu-jus Ecclesiae S. Pauli: Ac deinde in Lon-
dinens. Episcopum consecratus Anno
Salutis, 1228. vir in literatura profun-
dus, moribus honestus ac per omnia lau-
dabilis, Christianae Religionis amator,
ac defensor strenuus. Qui cum pastorale
Officium vigilanter & studiosè rexisset
Annis 14. diem suum clausit extremum,
apud Manerium suum de Stebunheath,
3. Calend. Octob. An. Christi, 1241.
Regnante Rege Henrico 3.
Contigit his diebus, dum Episcopus iste Ro-
gerus in hac Ecclesia ante majus Altare
staret infulatus ad celebrandum divina,
quod tanta in aëre facta est nubium
densitas, ut vix alterum discernere pos-
sit, quam confestim secuta est tonitrui
horribilis concussio, cum tanta fulminis
coruscatione, ac faetore intolerabili, ut
omnes qui aderunt rapidè fugientes, ni-
hil verius quàm mortem expectarent. So-
lus Episcopus cum uno Diacono remansit
intrepidus. Aëre tandem purgato, E-
piscopus residuum rei divinae explevit.
gerus in hac Ecclesia ante majus Altare
staret infulatus ad celebrandum divina,
quod tanta in aëre facta est nubium
densitas, ut vix alterum discernere pos-
sit, quam confestim secuta est tonitrui
horribilis concussio, cum tanta fulminis
coruscatione, ac faetore intolerabili, ut
omnes qui aderunt rapidè fugientes, ni-
hil verius quàm mortem expectarent. So-
lus Episcopus cum uno Diacono remansit
intrepidus. Aëre tandem purgato, E-
piscopus residuum rei divinae explevit.
Epitaphium ejus super Tumulo.
Ecclesiae quondam
Praesul praesentis, in Anno
M. bis C. quater X.
jacet hic Rogerus humatus.
Hujus erat manibus
Domino locus iste dicatus:
Christe suis precibus
veniam des, tolle reatus.
Hic infra jacet corpus Magistri Thomae de
Pauli quondam Decani, qui die nono
Mensis Octobris, Anno Domino Mille-
simo, quadringentesimo, & sui Decanatus
Anno 12. diem suum clausit extremum.
Cuius animae propitietur Deus, Amen.
At the en-
tring the middle doore of the Quire, a faire pla-
ted stone.
Legum Doctoris, istius Ecclesiae S.
tring the middle doore of the Quire, a faire pla-
ted stone.
Pauli quondam Decani, qui die nono
Mensis Octobris, Anno Domino Mille-
simo, quadringentesimo, & sui Decanatus
Anno 12. diem suum clausit extremum.
Cuius animae propitietur Deus, Amen.
Hic in Domino obdormivit Iohannes Gan-
Plandriae urbe loco natali, ita denomina-
tus, Edwardi 3. Regis Angliae filius, à
patre Comitis Richmondiae titulo orna-
tus. Tres sibi uxores in Matrimonio da-
xit: Primam, Blancham, filiam & hae-
redem Henrici, Ducis Lancastriae, per
quem amplissimam adiit haereditatem:
Nec solum Dux Lancastriae, sed etiam
Leicestriae, Lincolniae, & Derbiae Comes
effectus: E cuius sobole Imperatores, Re-
ges, Principes, & Proceres propagati sunt
plurini. Alteram habuit uxorem Con-
stantiam (quae hic contumelatur) filiam
& haeredem Petri, Regis Castiliae & Le-
gionis, cuius iure optimo titulo Regis Ca-
stiliae & Legionis usus est. Haec unicam
illi peperit filiam Katharinam, ex qua ab
Henrico Reges Hispaniae sunt propagati.
Tertiam vero uxorem duxit Katharinā,
ex Equestri Familia, & eximia pulchri-
tudine foeminam, ex qua numerosam sus-
cepit prolem: unde genus ex Matre du-
xit Henricus 7. Rex Angliae prudentis-
simus, cuius foe licissimo coniugio cum Ed-
wardi 4. filia, è stirpe Eboracensi, Regiae
illae Lancastriensium & Eboracensium
Familiae, ad exoptatissimam Angliae pa-
cem coaluerunt.
A very goodly Tombe, curiously framed of white stone, ha-
ving his Lance & Target hanging by it.
vulgò de Gaunt, à Gandavo
ving his Lance & Target hanging by it.
Plandriae urbe loco natali, ita denomina-
tus, Edwardi 3. Regis Angliae filius, à
patre Comitis Richmondiae titulo orna-
tus. Tres sibi uxores in Matrimonio da-
xit: Primam, Blancham, filiam & hae-
redem Henrici, Ducis Lancastriae, per
quem amplissimam adiit haereditatem:
Nec solum Dux Lancastriae, sed etiam
Leicestriae, Lincolniae, & Derbiae Comes
effectus: E cuius sobole Imperatores, Re-
ges, Principes, & Proceres propagati sunt
plurini. Alteram habuit uxorem Con-
stantiam (quae hic contumelatur) filiam
& haeredem Petri, Regis Castiliae & Le-
gionis, cuius iure optimo titulo Regis Ca-
stiliae & Legionis usus est. Haec unicam
illi peperit filiam Katharinam, ex qua ab
Henrico Reges Hispaniae sunt propagati.
Tertiam vero uxorem duxit Katharinā,
ex Equestri Familia, & eximia pulchri-
tudine foeminam, ex qua numerosam sus-
cepit prolem: unde genus ex Matre du-
xit Henricus 7. Rex Angliae prudentis-
simus, cuius foe licissimo coniugio cum Ed-
wardi 4. filia, è stirpe Eboracensi, Regiae
illae Lancastriensium & Eboracensium
Familiae, ad exoptatissimam Angliae pa-
cem coaluerunt.
Illustrissimus hic Princeps, cogno-
mento Plantagenet, Rex Casti-
liae & Legionis, Dux Lancastriae,
Comes Richmondiae, Leice-
striae, Lincolniae & Derbiae,
Locumtenens Aquitaniae, Mag-
nus Senescallus Angliae, Obiit
Anno 22. Regni Regis Richardi
2. Anno{que} Domini, 1399.
mento Plantagenet, Rex Casti-
liae & Legionis, Dux Lancastriae,
Comes Richmondiae, Leice-
striae, Lincolniae & Derbiae,
Locumtenens Aquitaniae, Mag-
nus Senescallus Angliae, Obiit
Anno 22. Regni Regis Richardi
2. Anno{que} Domini, 1399.
Hic requiescit Simon Burley,
Quinque Portuum Praefectus, Ordinis
Garterii Miles, & Richardo 2. Consili-
arius longè charissimus. Connubio sibi
coniunctas habuit ex amplissimis Famili-
is duas uxores: alteram Staffordiae, al-
teram Baronis de Roos filiam. Verii diffi-
cilimo illo tempore, cum inter Angliae pro-
ceres omnia sub iuvene Principe simulta-
tibus agitarentur, in tantū nōnullorū odi-
um incurrit, ut Parliamentaria authori-
tate capite plecteretur, Anno Domini,
1388. Posteri autem eadem postea au-
thoritate sub Rege Henrico quarto sunt
restituti. Obiit Anno Salutis, 1398.
Vnder a faire Mo-
nument in the North Walke a-
gainst the Quire.
nument in the North Walke a-
gainst the Quire.
Quinque Portuum Praefectus, Ordinis
Garterii Miles, & Richardo 2. Consili-
arius longè charissimus. Connubio sibi
coniunctas habuit ex amplissimis Famili-
is duas uxores: alteram Staffordiae, al-
teram Baronis de Roos filiam. Verii diffi-
cilimo illo tempore, cum inter Angliae pro-
ceres omnia sub iuvene Principe simulta-
tibus agitarentur, in tantū nōnullorū odi-
um incurrit, ut Parliamentaria authori-
tate capite plecteretur, Anno Domini,
1388. Posteri autem eadem postea au-
thoritate sub Rege Henrico quarto sunt
restituti. Obiit Anno Salutis, 1398.
Per versus patet hos,
Anglorum qui jacet hic flos,
Within the North wall buri-
Legum qui tuta
dictavit vera statuta:
Ex Hengham dictus,
Radulphus vir benedictus.
Anno 1308.
In the North Walke, against the
Quire, lye all these buried:
Quire, lye all these buried:
Sir Iohn Poultney, Citizen, Draper,
and Lord Maior of London, in the yeere
1348. lyeth buried in a faire Chappell,
builded by himselfe, on the North side
of Pauls Quire, wherein he founded 3.
and Lord Maior of London, in the yeere
1348. lyeth buried in a faire Chappell,
builded by himselfe, on the North side
of Pauls Quire, wherein he founded 3.
William Chatesleshunt, Canon in the
New Worke, who had a Chauntrie
New Worke, who had a Chauntrie
Sir Nicholas Wokendon, Knight, at the
Altar of S. Thomas, in the new Worke,
Altar of S. Thomas, in the new Worke,
Robert Monden, and Iohn Monden, his
brother, both Canons, in the New
Worke, 1332.
brother, both Canons, in the New
Worke, 1332.
William Melford, and Richard de Pla-
cito, both Archdeacons of Colchester,
1345. lye buried before Saint Thomas
Adam de Burie,
Lord Maior of Lon-
don in the yeere 1364. lyes buried in a
Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen, or the
Holy Ghost, called Holmes Colledge, be-
cause Roger Holmes, Chancellour and
Prebend of Pauls, was there buried, in
the yeere 1400.
don in the yeere 1364. lyes buried in a
Chappell of S. Mary Magdalen, or the
Holy Ghost, called Holmes Colledge, be-
cause Roger Holmes, Chancellour and
Prebend of Pauls, was there buried, in
the yeere 1400.
Perpetuae pietati Sacrum.
Guil. Herberto, Pembrochiae Comiti, Equi-
ti Aurato,
Hen. 8. à Cubiculis: Edwardi 6. R.
Equitum Magistro: Walliae Praesidi:
Tumultu Occidentali cum Russello &
Grayo Baronibus paribus auspiciis sum-
mae rerum praeposito: Maria Reginae con-
tra perduelles ac expeditione ad Augu-
stam Veromanduorum bis totius exerci-
tus duci: bis summo in agro Caletum
limitum Praefecto: Elizabethae Reginae
Officiorum seu magno Regiae Magistro.
Pariter & Dominae Annae ex vetustae
Parorum gente oriundae, Sorori Katha-
rinae Reginae, Hen. 8. R. sexto matri-
monio conjunctae, ac Marchionis North-
hamptionii, prudentissimae Feminae, pie-
tatis, religionis, probitatis, omnisque A-
vitae virtutis retinentissimae fidis Co-
mitis conjugi. Secunda conjuge supersti-
te, Georgio Salopiae Comite genita, in-
signi praeter antiquum Nobilitatis De-
cus, uirtute femina.
ti Aurato,
A very beautifull Tombe, wherein he lyeth buried with his wife.
praenobilis ordinis Anglici.
Hen. 8. à Cubiculis: Edwardi 6. R.
Equitum Magistro: Walliae Praesidi:
Tumultu Occidentali cum Russello &
Grayo Baronibus paribus auspiciis sum-
mae rerum praeposito: Maria Reginae con-
tra perduelles ac expeditione ad Augu-
stam Veromanduorum bis totius exerci-
tus duci: bis summo in agro Caletum
limitum Praefecto: Elizabethae Reginae
Officiorum seu magno Regiae Magistro.
Pariter & Dominae Annae ex vetustae
Parorum gente oriundae, Sorori Katha-
rinae Reginae, Hen. 8. R. sexto matri-
monio conjunctae, ac Marchionis North-
hamptionii, prudentissimae Feminae, pie-
tatis, religionis, probitatis, omnisque A-
vitae virtutis retinentissimae fidis Co-
mitis conjugi. Secunda conjuge supersti-
te, Georgio Salopiae Comite genita, in-
signi praeter antiquum Nobilitatis De-
cus, uirtute femina.
Liberis relictis ex
Henrico Pembr
Edwardo Equiti
Aurato. -
Domina Anna, Bar.
Talbot nupta.
Henr. F. ac Comes P. P. Chatis. sibi
ac suis P.
ac suis P.
Si quis erat prudens
unquam fidus{que} Senator,
Si quis erat Patriae
charus amans{que} suae,
Si quis ad externas
Legatus idoneus oras,
Si cui justitiae
cura bonique suit,
Is Masonus erat,
sit tota Britannia testis,
Testis amor Procerum,
sit populique favor,
Tempore quinque suo,
reguantes ordine vidit,
Horum à Consiliis
quacuor ille fuit.
Tres & sex decies
vixit non amplius annos;
Hic tegitur corpus,
spiritus astra tenet.
Hunc Tumulum Conjux
posuit dilecta marito,
Quem{que} viro posuit,
destinat ipsa sibi.
Triste Nepos Carmen,
quem fecit adoptio natum,
Tum Patris inscripsit,
tum Patrui Tumulo.
Obiit Anno, 1566.
Alexandro Nowello,
Nowellorum gente oriundo, Theologiae
Doctori, Aedis S. Pauli Decano, ad ex-
emplum hospitali, Rob. Nowelli, cujus
hic cum suis miscentur cineres, Fratri,
& opum quae sibi jure testamentario ces-
serunt, diribitori pientissimo. Marianis
temporibus propter Christum exulanti:
Reducum.i. verae Religionis, contra An-
gliae Papistas duobus Libris assertori
primae & ultimae quadragesimalis Con-
cionis per an. 30. p. m. continuos ad S. E-
lizabetham, summa libertate Praeconi;
Scholae Middletonianae Patrono; Coll.
Aenei Nasi Oxonii, ubi ab anno aeta-
tis 13. Annos 13. studuit, 13. studio-
sis & 200. Libris annuis opera, & im-
pensis suis ampliati: Praesidi Scholae
Paulinae plurimorum bonorum auctori:
Pietatis frequentissimis Concionibus &
triplici Catechismo propagatori: qui pub-
licum se in utrius{que} Academiae, & Ec-
clesiarum exterarum testimonium, at{que}
aeternorum Principum Edwardi 6. &
Elizabethae judicum procerumque
provocavit: Pauperum (Literatorum
A faire Monumẽt in the wall above Iohn of Caunts Tombe.
Lancastriensi, prisca
Nowellorum gente oriundo, Theologiae
Doctori, Aedis S. Pauli Decano, ad ex-
emplum hospitali, Rob. Nowelli, cujus
hic cum suis miscentur cineres, Fratri,
& opum quae sibi jure testamentario ces-
serunt, diribitori pientissimo. Marianis
temporibus propter Christum exulanti:
Reducum.i. verae Religionis, contra An-
gliae Papistas duobus Libris assertori
primae & ultimae quadragesimalis Con-
cionis per an. 30. p. m. continuos ad S. E-
lizabetham, summa libertate Praeconi;
Scholae Middletonianae Patrono; Coll.
Aenei Nasi Oxonii, ubi ab anno aeta-
tis 13. Annos 13. studuit, 13. studio-
sis & 200. Libris annuis opera, & im-
pensis suis ampliati: Praesidi Scholae
Paulinae plurimorum bonorum auctori:
Pietatis frequentissimis Concionibus &
triplici Catechismo propagatori: qui pub-
licum se in utrius{que} Academiae, & Ec-
clesiarum exterarum testimonium, at{que}
aeternorum Principum Edwardi 6. &
Elizabethae judicum procerumque
provocavit: Pauperum (Literatorum
praecipuè) nutritori: afflictorum morbis
corporis vel animi consolatori.
Hoc Sepulchrum ob munificentiam
& merita erga Remp. & optimum
statum Ecclesiae suae ab eo pervigili
administrat. redditum, Exec. O. D.
S. M. Posuit.
& merita erga Remp. & optimum
statum Ecclesiae suae ab eo pervigili
administrat. redditum, Exec. O. D.
S. M. Posuit.
Quam speciosa Vestigia
Evangelizantium pacem!
Exul quae amisit
primaevo flore Nowellus,
Foenore centena
repperit aucta redux
Dat Christus, reddit
danti longaevus honores,
Reddenti aeternos
gratia dantis habet,
Praeco, Auctor, Condus,
Christo, Colit, Ampliat, ornat,
Voce, Libris, Opibus,
Sabbatha, Templa, Schola;
Dans, meditans, orans,
Christi expiravit in ulnis,
Sic oritur, floret,
demoritur{que} Deo.
Sedit B. R. P. & Ecclesiae P. M. 42.
Nonagenarius, cum nec animi
nec corporis occuli caligarent. O-
biit, Anno Domini, 1601. Feb.
Nonagenarius, cum nec animi
nec corporis occuli caligarent. O-
biit, Anno Domini, 1601. Feb.
Virtuti & Honori Sacrum.
Franciscus Walsinghamus,
multis seculis illustri, claritatem gene-
ris Nobilitate, ingenii praestantibus{que} a-
nimi dotibus superavit. Puer, ingenuè
domi educatus, generosis moribus arti-
bus{que} optimis animum excoluit. Adoles-
cens, peregrinatus in exteras Regiones,
earum Instituta, Linguas, Policiam, ad
civilem scientiam rei{que} publicae usum
didicit. Iuvenis, exilium Maria reg-
nante subiit voluntarium Religionis er-
go. Serenissimae Reginae Elizabethae, ma-
tura jam aetate, Orator fuit apud Gal-
lum, turbulentissimo tempore, annis cō-
pluribus: rursum bis in Galliā, semel in
Scotiam, semel in Belgiam, super gravis-
simis Principis negotiis Legatione fun-
ctus est: ei{que} annis sedecim ab intimis
Conciliis & secretis fuit, ac triennium
Cantellarius Ducatus Lancastriae. Qui-
bus in muneribus tanta cum prudentia,
abstinentia, munificentia, moderatio-
ne, pietate, industria & sollicitudine
versatus est; ut à multis periculis Patri-
am liberarit, servarit Rempublicam,
conformarit pacem, juvare cunctos stu-
duerit, imprimis quos doctrina aut bel-
lica virtus commendarit, seipsum deni-
que neglexerit, quo prodisset aliis, eos-
que valetudinis & facultatum suarum
dispendio sublevaret.
There is neither Tomb, or any other Monu-
ment, but only this Inscripti-
ortus Familia
ment, but only this Inscripti-
multis seculis illustri, claritatem gene-
ris Nobilitate, ingenii praestantibus{que} a-
nimi dotibus superavit. Puer, ingenuè
domi educatus, generosis moribus arti-
bus{que} optimis animum excoluit. Adoles-
cens, peregrinatus in exteras Regiones,
earum Instituta, Linguas, Policiam, ad
civilem scientiam rei{que} publicae usum
didicit. Iuvenis, exilium Maria reg-
nante subiit voluntarium Religionis er-
go. Serenissimae Reginae Elizabethae, ma-
tura jam aetate, Orator fuit apud Gal-
lum, turbulentissimo tempore, annis cō-
pluribus: rursum bis in Galliā, semel in
Scotiam, semel in Belgiam, super gravis-
simis Principis negotiis Legatione fun-
ctus est: ei{que} annis sedecim ab intimis
Conciliis & secretis fuit, ac triennium
Cantellarius Ducatus Lancastriae. Qui-
bus in muneribus tanta cum prudentia,
abstinentia, munificentia, moderatio-
ne, pietate, industria & sollicitudine
versatus est; ut à multis periculis Patri-
am liberarit, servarit Rempublicam,
conformarit pacem, juvare cunctos stu-
duerit, imprimis quos doctrina aut bel-
lica virtus commendarit, seipsum deni-
que neglexerit, quo prodisset aliis, eos-
que valetudinis & facultatum suarum
dispendio sublevaret.
In Matrimonio habuit lectissimā feminam
Vrsulam, è stirpe S. Barborum, antiquae
Nobilivatis: E quq unicam filiam sus-
cepit, Franciscam, Philippo Sydneio
primùm nuptam: deinde honoratissimo
Comiti Essexiae
Vrsulam, è stirpe S. Barborum, antiquae
Nobilivatis: E quq unicam filiam sus-
cepit, Franciscam, Philippo Sydneio
primùm nuptam: deinde honoratissimo
Comiti Essexiae
Obiit Apr. 6. 1590.
Shall Honour,
These Verses, called Acrosticks are also there han-
ged up.
ged up.
and Titles of renowne
In clods of clay
be thus inclosed still?
Rather will I,
though wiser wits may frowne,
For to inlarge his fame,
extend my skill.
Right gentle Reader,
be it knowne to thee,
A famous Knight
doth here interred lye,
Noble by birth,
renown’d for policie,
Confounding foes,
which wrought our jeopardy.
In forraine Countries
their intents he knew,
Such was his zeale
to doe his Countrie good,
When dangers would
by enemies ensue,
As well as they themselves
he understood.
Lanch forth ye Muses
into streames of praise,
Sing and sound forth
praise-worthy harmony;
In England Death
cut off his dismall dayes,
Not wrong’d by death,
but by false trechery.
Grudge not at this
unperfect Epitaph,
Herein I have
exprest my simple skill,
As the first fruits
proceeding from a graffe,
whosoever will.
Disce quid es, quid eris,
Memor esto quod morieris
E. W.
A Table hung up-
on the same Pil-
lar by the other of Sir Francis Walson-
gham, without any other Monumēt for each of them.
Netherland, the
on the same Pil-
lar by the other of Sir Francis Walson-
gham, without any other Monumēt for each of them.
Heavens and the Arts,
The Souldiers and the
World have made sixe parts
Of the Noble Sidney,
for none will suppose,
That a small heape of
stones can Sidney inclose.
His body hath England,
for she it bred.
Netherland his bloud,
in her defence shed.
The Heavens have his Soule,
the Arts have his Fame;
All Souldiers the griefe:
the VVorld his good Name.
Hic jacet Robertus Benn, de Newport
Cranley, in Comitatu Surrey, Gene-
rosus. Qui obiit decimo die mensis Fe-
bruarii, Anno Verbi Incarnati, 1606.
Cum ante annos triginta, in vigore sci-
licet aetatis suae, mortis non immemor,
Sepulturae sibi locum in hac Ecclesia à
Decano & Capitulo impetraverat. hanc
novissimam & ultimam suam volunta-
tem, Elizabetha Benn, dilecta Conjux
ejus executa est.
Veniet iterum qui me in lucem
reponet dies.
Ioannes Wolleius, Eques Auratus, Reginae
reponet dies.
Elizabethae à Secretioribus Conciliis,
Secretarius Linguae Latinae, Cancella-
rius Ordinis Periscelidis: Doctrina, Pie-
tate, Fide, Gravitate clarissimus.
Obiit Anno 1595.
A very goodly Tombe, erected betweene the Chap-
pels of St. George, and our Lady, enclosing the bodies of Sir Iohn Wolley, his wife, and Sir Francis Wolley, his son, buri-
ed in Anno 1611.
clarum nomen,
pels of St. George, and our Lady, enclosing the bodies of Sir Iohn Wolley, his wife, and Sir Francis Wolley, his son, buri-
ed in Anno 1611.
Natusqüe Paterque,
Ambo Equites, Natus
Franciscus Patre Ioanne:
Clarus, ut haeredem
virtutis, amoris, honoris
Praestaret, Monumenta sibi
haec, & utrique Parenti
Constituit, generis, qui
nominis, unicus haeres:
Tam citò claros est
defecisse dolendum.
Ille Pater, lumen
literarum Nobile, sydus
Oxoniae, ex meritis
Reginae accitus Elizae,
Vt qui à Secretis cum
scriberat illa Latinè,
Atque à Conciliis cum
consultaret in Aula,
At Periscelidis qui
Cancellarius esset,
Tantum illo ingenio voluir,
tantum instat in illo.
Non minùs omnimoda
virtute illa inclyta Mater,
Nobilibus Patre & Fratre
illustrissima Moris;
Clara domo per se:
sed Elizam ascivit Eliza
Clarior ut fieret
Wolleio ornata marito,
Quo viduata, viro, quo
non praeclarior alter,
Nubat Egertono, repetat
sed mortuae primum.
Franciscus tandem, at nimium
citò, utrumque sequutus,
Hic jacet ante pedes
Eques Illustrissimus, illis,
Haec poni jussit, seque
& tria nomina poni,
Sic voluit, placuit Superis
pia grata voluntas.
Discite mortales, memores
sic esse Parentum,
Discite qui legitis, sic,
sic petit aethera virtus.
Inclyta Ioannes
Londini gloria gentis,
A comely Tombe, at entring into the South Ile of the Quire.
Is tibi qui Quondam
Paule Decanus erat,
Qui toties magno
resonabat pectore Christum,
Doctor & interpres
fidus Evangelii:
Qui mores hominum
multum sermone diserta
Formârat, vitae
sed probitate magis.
Quique Scholam struxit
celebrem cognomine Iesu,
Hac dormit tectus
membra Coletus humo.
Floruit sub Henrico 7. & Hen-
rico 8. Reg. Obiit Anno Do-
mini, 1519.
rico 8. Reg. Obiit Anno Do-
mini, 1519.
Disce mori mundo,
Vivere disce Deo.
This Epitaph was made by William Lily,
the first Schoolemaster of Pauls Schoole:
which was founded by Iohn Colet, Do-
ctor in Divinity, and Deane of Pauls:
sonne to Sir Henry Colet, Mercer,
twice Lord Maior of London.
the first Schoolemaster of Pauls Schoole:
which was founded by Iohn Colet, Do-
ctor in Divinity, and Deane of Pauls:
sonne to Sir Henry Colet, Mercer,
twice Lord Maior of London.
Memoriae S.
Gulielmo Hewit, Armigero
Next a-
bove this Tombe in the same South Ile.
bove this Tombe in the same South Ile.
Roberti Hewit
A. Killamarch, in Agro. Derbiensi
Filio, secundo genito.
Qui mortuo Fratre, Natu majore,
Paternam crevit haereditatem,
Posterisque transmittit:
Nobilem Mercaturam exercuit.
Vita integerrima fuit, & moribus suavissi-
mis. Bonarum literarum studia promo-
vit. Egenorum proventus largiter auxit.
mis. Bonarum literarum studia promo-
vit. Egenorum proventus largiter auxit.
Nec minor Pietate.
Religionem, cum Ministris sacris, &
coluit & fovit.
Ita per omnia se ubique gessit, ut
Vivum exemplar.
Christum Redemptorem cogitans,
Vitam ante mortem consummaverit.
Filios genuit quatuor,
Et Filias duas.
Annum LXXVII. agens,
XII. Iun. M. D. XCIX. ad patriam
coelestem evocatus,
Magnum sui desiderium reliquit
Qui hoc piè ac moeven.
M. S.
Gulielmus Cokainus Eques Auratus,
Civis & Senator Bondinensis, sep-
temque ab hinc annis Vrbis Praefe-
ctus: Antiquâ Cokainorum Derbi-
ensium Familiâ oriundus. Qui bo-
no publico vixit, & damno publico
decessit, & gaudio publico, Regem
Iacobum, ad decorem hujus domus
Dei senescentis jam & corrugatae re-
stituendum, solenniter huc venien-
tem consulatu suo, magnificè exce-
pit: Idcirco in Templo publico, ad
aeternam rei memoriam
ning to the other in that Ile▪
ning to the other in that Ile▪
Civis & Senator Bondinensis, sep-
temque ab hinc annis Vrbis Praefe-
ctus: Antiquâ Cokainorum Derbi-
ensium Familiâ oriundus. Qui bo-
no publico vixit, & damno publico
decessit, & gaudio publico, Regem
Iacobum, ad decorem hujus domus
Dei senescentis jam & corrugatae re-
stituendum, solenniter huc venien-
tem consulatu suo, magnificè exce-
pit: Idcirco in Templo publico, ad
aeternam rei memoriam
Hîc situs est.
At verò & Famae celebritas, quae viget
in ore Hominum, & gloria Beatitu-
dinis, quam migrando adeptus est,
& splendor Sobolis, quam numero-
sam genuit, atque nobilèm reliquit,
junctim efficiunt omnia, ne dicatur
in ore Hominum, & gloria Beatitu-
dinis, quam migrando adeptus est,
& splendor Sobolis, quam numero-
sam genuit, atque nobilèm reliquit,
junctim efficiunt omnia, ne dicatur
Hîc situs est.
Vnà cum illo, tot homines mortui, quot
in illo defunctae sunt virtutes; simul-
que & acies ingenii, & popularis elo-
quii suada, & morum gravitas, &
probitas vitae, & candor mentis, &
animi constantia, & prudentia singu-
laris, & veri Senatoris insignia
in illo defunctae sunt virtutes; simul-
que & acies ingenii, & popularis elo-
quii suada, & morum gravitas, &
probitas vitae, & candor mentis, &
animi constantia, & prudentia singu-
laris, & veri Senatoris insignia
Hîc sepulta sunt.
Jam tuum est Lector, felicitatis ad cul-
men anhelare per ista vestigia laudis,
& venerandi imitatione exempli cu-
rare, ne unquam virtutis sic semina,
intereant, ut dicatur
men anhelare per ista vestigia laudis,
& venerandi imitatione exempli cu-
rare, ne unquam virtutis sic semina,
intereant, ut dicatur
Hîc sepulta sunt.
Obiit 20. Octob. An. Dom. 1626.
Et Aetatis suae 66.
Et Aetatis suae 66.
Hic Nicolaum me
Baconem conditum
Existima illum, tam
A faire Tombe in the midst of the Chancell, in the same Ile.
diu Britannici
Regni secundum
Columen, exitium Malis,
Bonis Asylum, coeca
quem non extulit
Ad hunc honorem sors,
sed equitas, fides,
Doctrina, Pietas,
unica & Prudentia,
qui unica brevi
Vita perennes
emeruit duas, agit
Vitam secundam
coelites inter animos,
Fama implet orbem,
vita quae illi tertia est.
Hac positum in Ara est
corpus, olim animi domus,
Ara dicata
sempiternae memoriae.
Sacrum Memoriae.
D. Chr. Hattoni,
tiquiss. Hattonorum Gente oriundi.
Regiae Majestatis D. Elizabethae ex No-
bilibus Stipatoribus: L. Vici: Sacratio-
ris Camerae Generosorū unius, Praetori-
anorum Militum Ducis: Regii Pro-Camerarii:
Sanctioris Concilii Senato-
ris, Summi Angliae ac Oxon. Acad.
Cancellarii: Ordinis Nobiliss. San-Georgiani
de Periscellide Equitis.
A very faire and goodly Tombe out of the Chancell, above it.
Guil. Fil. Io. Nepo. An-tiquiss. Hattonorum Gente oriundi.
Regiae Majestatis D. Elizabethae ex No-
bilibus Stipatoribus: L. Vici: Sacratio-
ris Camerae Generosorū unius, Praetori-
anorum Militum Ducis: Regii Pro-Camerarii:
Sanctioris Concilii Senato-
ris, Summi Angliae ac Oxon. Acad.
Cancellarii: Ordinis Nobiliss. San-Georgiani
de Periscellide Equitis.
Maximo Principis omnium que bono-
rum moerore (cum 51. Annos coe-
lebs vixisset) 20. Novemb. Anno
1591. in Aedibus suis Holburnae piè
fato functi.
rum moerore (cum 51. Annos coe-
lebs vixisset) 20. Novemb. Anno
1591. in Aedibus suis Holburnae piè
fato functi.
Guil. Hattonus, Eques Auratus, ejus
ex Sorore, Nepos, adoptione Fili-
us, ac haeres moestissimus, Pietatis
ergô posuit.
ex Sorore, Nepos, adoptione Fili-
us, ac haeres moestissimus, Pietatis
ergô posuit.
Quae vero, quae digna
These ses are in-
scribed on the other side of the Tombe.
scribed on the other side of the Tombe.
tuis virtutibus (Heros)
Constituent Monumenta
tui? Si qualia debet,
Posteritas, si quanta
tibi prudentia justi
Quantus amor, si quanta
fuit facundia Linguae,
Et docus & pulchro
veniens in corpore virtus,
Illaque munificae
semper tibi copia dextrae;
Denique quanta fuit
magna tibi gratia quondam
Principis, Eque tuis
quae creverat inclyta factis.
Gloria tanta tibi
statuant Monumenta Nepotes.
Ipsa tuos caperet
vix tota Britanuia Manes.
Vpon a Monumēt fixed on a Pillar by the Tomb▪
and behold the mirror
of a dead mans house,
Whose lively person would
have made thee stay and wonder;
Looke, and withall learne to know
how to live and dye renowned;
For never can cleane life
and famous Herses sunder.
Hatton lyes here,
whose name Hugh Lupus gave,
Lupus the Silices,
sonne of William Conqueror,
For Nigel, his cleere servants sake,
Worship and Laud:
Lo, there the Spring; looke here
the Honor of his Ancestrie.
When Nature moulded him,
her thoughts were most on Mars;
And all the Heavens to make
him goodly, were agreeing:
Thence was he valiant, active,
strong, and passing comely,
And God did grace his minde
and spirit with gifts excelling.
Nature commends her
workmanship to Fortunes charge;
Fortune presents him to
the Court, and to the Queene:
Queene Eliz. (O Gods
deare Handmaid) his most Miracle,
Now hearken, Reader,
rarity not heard nor seene.
This blessed Queene, Mirror
of all that Albion rul’d,
Gave favour to his faith,
and precepts to his hopefull time;
First, she made him one of her Moble Pentio-
train’d him in the stately
band of Pentioners:
Behold, how humble hearts
make easie steps to climbe.
High carriage, honest life,
heart ever loyall,
Diligence, delight in duty,
God doth reward:
So did this worthy Queene,
in her just thoughts of him,
Next, Captaine of her guard.
And (for her safety) made
him Captaine of her Guard.
Now doth she prune this Vine,
Next, Vice Chamber-
laine, and of the Councell.
laine, and of the Councell.
and from her sacred brest
Lessons his life, makes wise
his heart for her great Councels,
And so Vice-Chamberlaine;
where forreine Princes eyes
Might well admire her choice,
wherein she most excels.
So sweetly tempred was
his soule with vertuous Balme;
Lastly, L. Chancel-
lor of Eng-
just to God
lor of Eng-
and Caesar in each thing;
That he aspired to
the highest Subjects Seat,
Lord Chancelor (measure
and conscience of an holy King.)
Robe, Coller, Garter,
dead Figures of great Honor,
Almes-deeds, with faith,
honest in word, franke in dispence,
The poore’s friend, not popular,
the Churches Pillar;
This Tombe shewes the one,
the Heavens shrine all the other.
Franciscus Florus ad memoriam Heri
sui defuncti luctus{que} sui solatium posuit.
Anno Domini, 1593.
sui defuncti luctus{que} sui solatium posuit.
Anno Domini, 1593.
Thomas Heneage, Eques Auratus, ex an-
tiqua Heneagiorum Familia,
tatu Lincolniensi oriundus; Ingenii
splendore, morum, elegantia, orationis
facultate, & optimis studiis ornatissi-
mus, Camerae Regiae Thesaurarius,
Pro-Camerarius, Ducatus Lancastriae
Cancellarius, & ab intimis Conciliis
Elizabethae Reginae, cui privatae &
principi, fide & fama integra maximis
negotiis spectatus, summa cum gratia,
Annis 38. inservivit: Hic secundum
tiqua Heneagiorum Familia,
A very goodly Tombe Eastward behind the high Altar.
in Comi-tatu Lincolniensi oriundus; Ingenii
splendore, morum, elegantia, orationis
facultate, & optimis studiis ornatissi-
mus, Camerae Regiae Thesaurarius,
Pro-Camerarius, Ducatus Lancastriae
Cancellarius, & ab intimis Conciliis
Elizabethae Reginae, cui privatae &
principi, fide & fama integra maximis
negotiis spectatus, summa cum gratia,
Annis 38. inservivit: Hic secundum
Adventum in pace expectat.
Vna cum Anna, uxore charissima,
filia Nicolai Points, Equitis Aurati,
ex Joanna, filia Thomae Baronis
Berkley, femina lectissima, sanctis-
simis moribus, & à teneris ad mor-
tem usque Elizabethae Reginae prae-
dilecta Famula. Que illi unicum fi-
liolum infantia praereptum, & unica
enixa filiam, Haeredem Elizabe-
tham, Moylo Finch, Equiti Aurato,
filia Nicolai Points, Equitis Aurati,
ex Joanna, filia Thomae Baronis
Berkley, femina lectissima, sanctis-
simis moribus, & à teneris ad mor-
tem usque Elizabethae Reginae prae-
dilecta Famula. Que illi unicum fi-
liolum infantia praereptum, & unica
enixa filiam, Haeredem Elizabe-
tham, Moylo Finch, Equiti Aurato,
Obiit ille 17. Octob. An. Dom. 1594.
Praeivit illa Novemb. An. Dom. 1592.
Optimis & charissimis parentibus, Elizabe-
thae Finch moestissima hoc posuit.
thae Finch moestissima hoc posuit.
Iohn Elmar,
in Anno, 1594.
Both these lye before S. Georges Chappell without Monu-
Bishop of London, buried
in Anno, 1594.
These are the glories
of a worthy praise,
Which (Noble Baskervile)
here now are read,
In honour of thy life,
and latter dayes,
To number thee
among the blessed dead.
A pure regard
to thy Immortall part,
A spotlesse Minde,
a Body prone to paine,
A giving Hand,
and an un-vanquisht Heart,
And all these Vertues
void of all disdaine.
And all these Vertues
yet not so unknowne,
But Netherlands, Seas,
Indiaes, Spaine, and France,
Can witnesse that these
Honors were thine owne;
Which they reserve,
thy merit to advance:
That Valour should not
perish void of Fame,
Nor Noble Deeds,
but leave a Noble Name.
Eustacius de Fauconbridge, Regis Iustici-
functus in Gallia, sub Ioanne & Henri-
co 3. Regibus: Quibus ab intimis Con-
ciliis, & supremus Angliae Thesaurari-
us fuit: Post Concessionem Guil. de San-
cta Maria huius Ecclesiae Antistitis,
Electus est in Episcopum Londinen-
sem, Anno Verbi Incarnati, 1221.
Consecratus à Benedicto, Roffensi Epis-
copo, cum jam obesset Archiepiscopus
Cantuariensis. Quum{que} sedisset Annos
7. Menses 6. obiit diem pridiè Cal. No-
vemb. Anno Salutis, 1228.
Buried in the South Ile above the Quire within the wall.
una atque altera Legatione per-functus in Gallia, sub Ioanne & Henri-
co 3. Regibus: Quibus ab intimis Con-
ciliis, & supremus Angliae Thesaurari-
us fuit: Post Concessionem Guil. de San-
cta Maria huius Ecclesiae Antistitis,
Electus est in Episcopum Londinen-
sem, Anno Verbi Incarnati, 1221.
Consecratus à Benedicto, Roffensi Epis-
copo, cum jam obesset Archiepiscopus
Cantuariensis. Quum{que} sedisset Annos
7. Menses 6. obiit diem pridiè Cal. No-
vemb. Anno Salutis, 1228.
Henricus de Wengham,
He lies al-
so buried in the same South Ile above the Quire.
Regi Henrico 3. à
so buried in the same South Ile above the Quire.
sacris, & Cancellarius, Decanus de To-
tenhale, & S. Martini London, Came-
rarius Gasconiae; Vir (ut inquit Flori-
logus) curialis, discretus, & circumspe-
Hee also lyeth bu-
ried there
Electus Anno Christi 1259. Win-ried there
toniensis Episcopus, consentire noluit.
Tandem, post mortem Fulconis Basset,
hujus Ecclesiae Pontificis, eodem anno in
Episc. Londin. consecratus fuit, sed vix
tribus annis sedit.
Obiit Anno Salutis 1262.
At the East end behinde the high Altar.
Hoc in loco requiescit in Domino Er-
kenwaldus 3. post Anglo-Saxonum
in Britannia ingressum Episcopus
ante Episcopatum vita & conversa-
tio fuit sanctissima;
pia oriundus. Offae, Orientalium
Saxonum Regis erat filius, ad fidem
Christianam à Mellito primo Lon-
don. Episcopo, Anno Domini 642.
kenwaldus 3. post Anglo-Saxonum
in Britannia ingressum Episcopus
Cujus in Episcopatu &
ante Episcopatum vita & conversa-
tio fuit sanctissima;
1. Mellitus. 2. Wina. 3. Erken-
waldus. 4. Walche-
rus. 5. Ingualdus 6. Egulplnes. 7. Wigherus. 8. Edbri-
thus. 9. Edgarus. 10. Kine-
walchus. 11. Edbal-
dus. 12. Edber-
tus. 13. Osmon-
dus. 14. Ethehto-
thus. 15. Celber-
tus. 16. Rebul-
pbus. 17. Swi-
thulphus. 18. Eadsi-
nus. 19. Wilsiue. 20. Ethel-
wardus. 21. Eadsta-
ex Nobili Proso-waldus. 4. Walche-
rus. 5. Ingualdus 6. Egulplnes. 7. Wigherus. 8. Edbri-
thus. 9. Edgarus. 10. Kine-
walchus. 11. Edbal-
dus. 12. Edber-
tus. 13. Osmon-
dus. 14. Ethehto-
thus. 15. Celber-
tus. 16. Rebul-
pbus. 17. Swi-
thulphus. 18. Eadsi-
nus. 19. Wilsiue. 20. Ethel-
wardus. 21. Eadsta-
pia oriundus. Offae, Orientalium
Saxonum Regis erat filius, ad fidem
Christianam à Mellito primo Lon-
don. Episcopo, Anno Domini 642.
Is priusquam Episcopus factus esset,
dua praeclara construxit Monasteria
sumptibus suis, de bonis quae jure
haereditario sibi obvenerunt: unum
sibi in finibus Australium Saxonum
loco, qui Certesey vocatur: Alterum
Edelburgae Sorori suae feminae lau-
datiffimae, ad Berching in ditione
Orientalium Saxonum.
dua praeclara construxit Monasteria
sumptibus suis, de bonis quae jure
haereditario sibi obvenerunt: unum
sibi in finibus Australium Saxonum
loco, qui Certesey vocatur: Alterum
Edelburgae Sorori suae feminae lau-
datiffimae, ad Berching in ditione
Orientalium Saxonum.
In Episcopatum vero Anno Salutis,
675. à Theodoro, Dorobernensium
sive Cantuariae Archiepiscualia sa-
cratus est. Sebbam, Orientalium
Saxonum Regem ad Christi fidem
convertit, & salutari Baptismatis un-
da suis manibus perfudit, qui statim
mundo renuncians,
dixit, & in hac ipsa Ecclesia Archa
Marmorea (quae ad nostra usque tem-
pora permanet) sepultus est. Idem
Erkenwaldus celeberrimum hoc S.
Pauli Templum novis aedificiis auxit,
proventubus locupletavit, & eidem
immunitates nonnullas à Regibus
impetravit. Tandem, circiter Annum
Domini 683. spiritum Deo reddidit,
postquam Annis 11. in Pontificatu se-
disset, & magnifico Sepulchro hic
conditus est. quod nostra memoria
circiter Annum Domini 1533. hoc
loco visebatur.
675. à Theodoro, Dorobernensium
sive Cantuariae Archiepiscualia sa-
cratus est. Sebbam, Orientalium
Saxonum Regem ad Christi fidem
convertit, & salutari Baptismatis un-
da suis manibus perfudit, qui statim
mundo renuncians,
Isli Episcopi in Margine notati, post Erkenwal-
dum, seria-
tim in Ca-
thedra Lon-
dinens. us{que} in tempora Edwardi senioris An-
glorum Re-
gis successe-
runt. Quo-
rum omni-
um adeo obsolevit memoria, ut nec eorum acta, nec mausolea ssiantur.
se totum Deo ad-dum, seria-
tim in Ca-
thedra Lon-
dinens. us{que} in tempora Edwardi senioris An-
glorum Re-
gis successe-
runt. Quo-
rum omni-
um adeo obsolevit memoria, ut nec eorum acta, nec mausolea ssiantur.
dixit, & in hac ipsa Ecclesia Archa
Marmorea (quae ad nostra usque tem-
pora permanet) sepultus est. Idem
Erkenwaldus celeberrimum hoc S.
Pauli Templum novis aedificiis auxit,
proventubus locupletavit, & eidem
immunitates nonnullas à Regibus
impetravit. Tandem, circiter Annum
Domini 683. spiritum Deo reddidit,
postquam Annis 11. in Pontificatu se-
disset, & magnifico Sepulchro hic
conditus est. quod nostra memoria
circiter Annum Domini 1533. hoc
loco visebatur.
Robert Breybrooke, Canon of Lichfield,
Bishop of London, & made Lord Chan-
cellour in the sixth yeere of King Ri-
chard the second.
yeeres, and deceased in Anno 1404.
Bishop of London, & made Lord Chan-
cellour in the sixth yeere of King Ri-
chard the second.
R. Baldocke was Foun-
der of that Chappell.
Hee sate Bishop 20.
der of that Chappell.
yeeres, and deceased in Anno 1404.
Henry Lacy,
Earle of Lincolne, had a
faire Monument erected for him with
his picture in Armour, lying on it
crosse-legged (like a Knight Templer)
as one that professed his uttermost in-
deavour, for defence of the holy Land
against the Infidels. He was buried in
Anno 1310. and his Monument is great-
ly defaced.
faire Monument erected for him with
his picture in Armour, lying on it
crosse-legged (like a Knight Templer)
as one that professed his uttermost in-
deavour, for defence of the holy Land
against the Infidels. He was buried in
Anno 1310. and his Monument is great-
ly defaced.
Some have noted that in digging the
foundation of this new worke,
of a Chappel on the South side of Pauls
Church, there were found more than
an hundred scalpes of Oxen or Kine, in
the yeere one thousand three hundred
and sixteene, which thing (say they)
confirmed greatly the opinion of those,
which have reported, that (of old time)
there had been a Temple of Iupiter, and
that there was daily sacrifice of beasts.
foundation of this new worke,
Wil. Paston. Chappell on the South Ile of Pauls builded▪ Scalps of Oxen found in digging the foun-
of a Chappel on the South side of Pauls
Church, there were found more than
an hundred scalpes of Oxen or Kine, in
the yeere one thousand three hundred
and sixteene, which thing (say they)
confirmed greatly the opinion of those,
which have reported, that (of old time)
there had been a Temple of Iupiter, and
that there was daily sacrifice of beasts.
Othersome both wise and learned,
have thought the Buckes head borne
before the Procession of Pauls, on Saint
Pauls day,2 to signifie the like. But true
it is, I have read an ancient Deed to
this effect:
have thought the Buckes head borne
before the Procession of Pauls, on Saint
Pauls day,2 to signifie the like. But true
it is, I have read an ancient Deed to
this effect:
Sir William Baud, Knight, the third
of Edward the first, in the yeere 1274.
on Candlemas day,3 granted to Harvy
de Borham, Deane of Pauls, and to the
Chapter there, that in consideration of
twenty two Acres of ground or land,
by them granted within their Mannor
of Westley in Essex, to bee inclosed into
his Parke of Curingham; hee would (for
ever) upon the Feast day of the Conver-
sion of Paul4 in VVinter give unto them
a good Doe, seasonable and sweete, and
upon the Feast of the Commemoration
of Saint Paul5 in Summer,
and offer the same at the high Altar,
the same to bee spent amongst the Ca-
nons residents: the Doe to bee brought
by one man at the houre of Procession,
and thorow the Procession to the high
Altar; and the bringer to have nothing:
the Bucke to be brought by all his mey-
ney in like manner, and they to have
payd unto them by the Chamberlaine
of the Church twelve pence onely, and
no more to be required.
of Edward the first, in the yeere 1274.
on Candlemas day,3 granted to Harvy
de Borham, Deane of Pauls, and to the
Chapter there, that in consideration of
twenty two Acres of ground or land,
by them granted within their Mannor
of Westley in Essex, to bee inclosed into
his Parke of Curingham; hee would (for
ever) upon the Feast day of the Conver-
sion of Paul4 in VVinter give unto them
a good Doe, seasonable and sweete, and
upon the Feast of the Commemoration
of Saint Paul5 in Summer,
A Bucks head horn before the Processiō at Pauls.
a good Buck,
and offer the same at the high Altar,
the same to bee spent amongst the Ca-
nons residents: the Doe to bee brought
by one man at the houre of Procession,
and thorow the Procession to the high
Altar; and the bringer to have nothing:
the Bucke to be brought by all his mey-
ney in like manner, and they to have
payd unto them by the Chamberlaine
of the Church twelve pence onely, and
no more to be required.
This Grant hee made, and for per-
formance, bound the Lands of him and
his heyres to bee distrained on: and if
the Lands should bee evicted, that yet
he and his heires should accomplish the
gift. Witnesses, Richard Tilbery, Wil-
liam de Wockendon, Richard de Harlowe,
Knights, Peter of Stanford, Thomas of
Waldon, and some others.
formance, bound the Lands of him and
his heyres to bee distrained on: and if
the Lands should bee evicted, that yet
he and his heires should accomplish the
gift. Witnesses, Richard Tilbery, Wil-
liam de Wockendon, Richard de Harlowe,
Knights, Peter of Stanford, Thomas of
Waldon, and some others.
Sir Walter Baude, sonne to William,
confirmed this gift, in the thirtieth of
the said King; and the witnesses there-
unto, were Nicholas de Wockendon, Rich.
de Rokeley, Thomas de Mandevile, Iohn
de Rochford, Knights, Richard de Broni-
ford, William de Markes, William de Ful-
and other. Thus much for the
confirmed this gift, in the thirtieth of
the said King; and the witnesses there-
unto, were Nicholas de Wockendon, Rich.
de Rokeley, Thomas de Mandevile, Iohn
de Rochford, Knights, Richard de Broni-
ford, William de Markes, William de Ful-
and other. Thus much for the
Now, what I have heard by report,
and have partly seene, it followeth:
and have partly seene, it followeth:
On the Feast day of the Commemo-
ration of Saint Paul,6 the Bucke being
brought up to the steps of the high Al-
tar in Pauls Church, at the houre of
Procession, the Deane and Chapter be-
ing apparelled in Coapes and Vest-
ments, with Garlands of Roses on their
heads, they sent the body of the Bucke
to baking, and had the head fixed on a
Pole, borne before the Crosse in their
Procession, untill they issued out of the
VVest doore; where the Keeper that
brought it, blowed the death of the
Bucke, and then the Horners that
were about the City, presently answe-
red him in like manner: For the which
paines, they had each man of the Dean
and Chapter, foure pence in mony, and
their Dinner, and the Keeper that
brought it, was allowed, during his a-
bode there (fore that service) Meate,
Drinke, and Lodging, at the Deane and
Chapters, charges, and five shillings in
money at his going away, together with
a Loafe of bread, having the picture of
Saint Paul upon it, &c.
ration of Saint Paul,6 the Bucke being
brought up to the steps of the high Al-
tar in Pauls Church, at the houre of
Procession, the Deane and Chapter be-
ing apparelled in Coapes and Vest-
ments, with Garlands of Roses on their
heads, they sent the body of the Bucke
to baking, and had the head fixed on a
Pole, borne before the Crosse in their
Procession, untill they issued out of the
VVest doore; where the Keeper that
brought it, blowed the death of the
Bucke, and then the Horners that
were about the City, presently answe-
red him in like manner: For the which
paines, they had each man of the Dean
and Chapter, foure pence in mony, and
their Dinner, and the Keeper that
brought it, was allowed, during his a-
bode there (fore that service) Meate,
Drinke, and Lodging, at the Deane and
Chapters, charges, and five shillings in
money at his going away, together with
a Loafe of bread, having the picture of
Saint Paul upon it, &c.
There was belonging to the Church
of Saint Paul, for both the dayes, two
speciall sutes of Vestments, the one em-
broidered with Buckes, the other with
Does, both given by the said Bauds (as
I have heard.) Thus much for that
of Saint Paul, for both the dayes, two
speciall sutes of Vestments, the one em-
broidered with Buckes, the other with
Does, both given by the said Bauds (as
I have heard.) Thus much for that
Now to the residue of the Monu-
ments which are beneath the staires, in
the sides and body of the Church.
ments which are beneath the staires, in
the sides and body of the Church.
Sir Iohn Beauchamp,
ver, Warden of the Cinque Ports,
Knight of the Garter, the sonne of Sir
Guy Beauchamp, Earle of Warwicke, and
brother to Thomas Earle of Warwicke,
lyeth buried in the body of the Church,
on the South side, 1358. within a pro-
per Chappell purposely made for him.
In a comely Chappell in the bo-
dy of the Church, on the South side.
Constable of Do-dy of the Church, on the South side.
ver, Warden of the Cinque Ports,
Knight of the Garter, the sonne of Sir
Guy Beauchamp, Earle of Warwicke, and
brother to Thomas Earle of Warwicke,
lyeth buried in the body of the Church,
on the South side, 1358. within a pro-
per Chappell purposely made for him.
This deceased Nobleman (by igno-
rant people) hath been erroneously mis-
termed, and said to bee Duke Humfrey,
the good Duke of Glocester: who lyeth
honourably buried at Saint Albans, in
Hartfordshire, twenty miles from Lon-
don. In idle and frivolous opinion of
whom, some men (of late times) have
made a solemne meeting at his Tombe,
upon Saint Andrewes day7 in the mor-
ning (before Christmasse) and conclu-
ded on a breakfast or dinner, as assuring
themselves to be servants, and to hold
diversity of offices under the good Duke
rant people) hath been erroneously mis-
termed, and said to bee Duke Humfrey,
the good Duke of Glocester: who lyeth
honourably buried at Saint Albans, in
Hartfordshire, twenty miles from Lon-
don. In idle and frivolous opinion of
whom, some men (of late times) have
made a solemne meeting at his Tombe,
upon Saint Andrewes day7 in the mor-
ning (before Christmasse) and conclu-
ded on a breakfast or dinner, as assuring
themselves to be servants, and to hold
diversity of offices under the good Duke
Likewise on May-day, Tankard-bea-
rers, Watermen, and some other of like
quality beside, would use to come to
the same Tombe early in the morning,
and (according as the other) have deli-
vered serviceable presentation at the
same Monument, by strewing herbes,
and sprinkling faire water on it, as in the
duty of servants, and according to their
degrees and charges in Office. But as
Master Stowe hath discreetly advised
such as are so merrily disposed, or sim-
ply professe themselves to serve Duke
Humfrey in Pauls:
sing their dinners daily there, bee not
sufficient for them; they should be sent
to St. Albans, to answer there for their
disobedience, and long absence from
their so highly well-deserving Lord
and Master, because in their merry dis-
position they please so to call him.
rers, Watermen, and some other of like
quality beside, would use to come to
the same Tombe early in the morning,
and (according as the other) have deli-
vered serviceable presentation at the
same Monument, by strewing herbes,
and sprinkling faire water on it, as in the
duty of servants, and according to their
degrees and charges in Office. But as
Master Stowe hath discreetly advised
such as are so merrily disposed, or sim-
ply professe themselves to serve Duke
Humfrey in Pauls:
A due and fit Penāce for fond Duke Humfreyes idle ser-
if punishment of lo-vants.
sing their dinners daily there, bee not
sufficient for them; they should be sent
to St. Albans, to answer there for their
disobedience, and long absence from
their so highly well-deserving Lord
and Master, because in their merry dis-
position they please so to call him.
Margaret, Countesse of Shrewsbury,
in the Crowdes, or Iesus Chappell, as ap-
peareth by an Inscription on a Pillar
Here before the Image of IESVS, lyeth the
in the Crowdes, or Iesus Chappell, as ap-
peareth by an Inscription on a Pillar
Worshipfull and right Noble Lady Mar-
Margaret Countesse of Shrews-
bury, her Monumēt painted over the entry of Iesus chap-
bury, her Monumēt painted over the entry of Iesus chap-
Countesse of Shrewsbury, late
wife of the true and victorious Knight,
and redoubtable Warriour, 1. Talbot,
Earle of Shrewsbury; which Worship-
full man dyed in Guien, for the right
of this Land. Shee was the first daugh-
ter, and one of the heyres of the right fa-
mous and renowned Knight, Richard
Beauchamp, late Earle of Warwicke
(which dyed in Roane) and of Dame E-
his wife; the which Elizabeth
was daughter and heyre to Thomas, late
Lord Berkly, on his side, and on her
mothers side, Lady Lisle, and Tyes.
Which Countesse passed from this world
the fourteenth day of Iune, in the yeere
of our Lord 1468. On whose soule IE-
have mercy, Amen.
Wenlocke, by his last Will, dated
1477. appointed, that there should be
dispended upon a Monument, over the
Lady of Shrewsbury, where shee is buri-
ed, afore Iesus, one hundred pounds.
He left Sir Humfrey Talbot his Super-
visor. This Sir Humfrey Talbot, Knight,
Lord Marshall of the Towne of Callis,
made his Will the yeere 1492. Hee
was the younger sonne of Iohn Earle of
Shrewsbury, and Margaret his wife. He
appointed a Stone to be put in a Pillar,
before the grave of his Lady Mother in
Pauls, of his Portraiture and Armes,
according to the Will of Iohn VVenlock:
But for want of roome and lightsome-
nesse in that place, it was concluded,
that the Image of Jesus should be curi-
ously painted on the wall in Pauls
Church, over the doore that entreth
into the said Chappell of Iesus, and the
Portraiture also of the said Lady Mar-
garet, Countesse of Shrewsbury, knee-
ling in her mantle of Armes, with other
of her Progeny; all which was so per-
formed, and remaineth till this day.
1477. appointed, that there should be
dispended upon a Monument, over the
Lady of Shrewsbury, where shee is buri-
ed, afore Iesus, one hundred pounds.
He left Sir Humfrey Talbot his Super-
visor. This Sir Humfrey Talbot, Knight,
Lord Marshall of the Towne of Callis,
made his Will the yeere 1492. Hee
was the younger sonne of Iohn Earle of
Shrewsbury, and Margaret his wife. He
appointed a Stone to be put in a Pillar,
before the grave of his Lady Mother in
Pauls, of his Portraiture and Armes,
according to the Will of Iohn VVenlock:
But for want of roome and lightsome-
nesse in that place, it was concluded,
that the Image of Jesus should be curi-
ously painted on the wall in Pauls
Church, over the doore that entreth
into the said Chappell of Iesus, and the
Portraiture also of the said Lady Mar-
garet, Countesse of Shrewsbury, knee-
ling in her mantle of Armes, with other
of her Progeny; all which was so per-
formed, and remaineth till this day.
Iohn Lovell, Clarke.
Iohn Romane.
Iohn of Saint Olave.
Walter Bloxley.
Sir Allen Boxhul, Knight of the Gar-
ter, Constable of the Tower, Custos of
the Forrest and Parke of Clarendon, the
Forrest of Brokholt, Grovell, and Mel-
chet, buried beside S. Erkenwalds Shrine.
Hic jacet Dominus Richardus de Piri-ter, Constable of the Tower, Custos of
the Forrest and Parke of Clarendon, the
Forrest of Brokholt, Grovell, and Mel-
chet, buried beside S. Erkenwalds Shrine.
quondam Archidiaconus Col-
cestriae, Canonicus & Stagiar, hujus
Ecclesiae. Qui obiit 26. die Augusti,
Anno Domini, 1387. Cujus animae
propitietur Deus.
Iohn Nevil,
1542. whose widow was the last wife
unto King Henry the eighth, lyeth there
interred; but his Tombe is very much
wronged and defaced.
In Saint Thomas Chappell, neere the North doore.
Lord Latymer, in Anno
1542. whose widow was the last wife
unto King Henry the eighth, lyeth there
interred; but his Tombe is very much
wronged and defaced.
Thomas Lynacrus,
Medicus, Vir & Graecè & Latinè at-
que in re Medica longè eruditissi-
mus. Multos aetate sua languentes, &
qui jam animam desponderant, vitae
restituit: Multa Galeni opera Latina
lingua mira & singulari facundia ver-
tit. Egregium opus de emendata
structura Latini sermonis, amicorum
rogatu, paulò ante mortem edidit.
Medicinae studiosis Oxoniae publicas
lectiones duas, Cantabrigiae unam in
perpetuum stabilivit. In hac Vrbe
Collegium Medicorum fieri sua in-
dustria curavit, cujus & Praesidens
proximus electus est: Fraudes dolos-
que mirè perosus, fidus amicis, omni-
bus ordinibus juxta charus: Aliquot
annis antequam obierit Presbyter fa-
ctus. Plenus annis, ex hac vita mi-
gravit multùm desideratus, Ann. Do-
mini 1524. die 7. Octob.
A brasse Plate a-
bove in the wall, neere the North doore.
Regis Henrici 8.
bove in the wall, neere the North doore.
Medicus, Vir & Graecè & Latinè at-
que in re Medica longè eruditissi-
mus. Multos aetate sua languentes, &
qui jam animam desponderant, vitae
restituit: Multa Galeni opera Latina
lingua mira & singulari facundia ver-
tit. Egregium opus de emendata
structura Latini sermonis, amicorum
rogatu, paulò ante mortem edidit.
Medicinae studiosis Oxoniae publicas
lectiones duas, Cantabrigiae unam in
perpetuum stabilivit. In hac Vrbe
Collegium Medicorum fieri sua in-
dustria curavit, cujus & Praesidens
proximus electus est: Fraudes dolos-
que mirè perosus, fidus amicis, omni-
bus ordinibus juxta charus: Aliquot
annis antequam obierit Presbyter fa-
ctus. Plenus annis, ex hac vita mi-
gravit multùm desideratus, Ann. Do-
mini 1524. die 7. Octob.
Vivat post Funera Virtus.
Thomae Lynacro clarissimo Medico,
Ioannes Caius posuit, Anno
Ioannes Caius posuit, Anno
Memoriae Sacrum.
Edwardo Stanhopo, Michaelis Stanho-
ordine Equestri filio,
Aurato, Legum Doctori, Episcopi
Londinensis Cancellario, Archiepi-
scopi Cantuariensis Vicario Gene-
rali, in publicis Ecclesiae & Reipub-
licae negotiis versatissimo. Qui certa
spe in Christo resurgendi, piè placi-
deque animam Deo reddidit, die 16.
Martii, 1608.
Ioannes, Baro Stanhopus de Haring-pi
ordine Equestri filio,
A Monu-
ment ere-
cted in the wall, neere to the staires going up into the North Quire.
ment ere-
cted in the wall, neere to the staires going up into the North Quire.
Aurato, Legum Doctori, Episcopi
Londinensis Cancellario, Archiepi-
scopi Cantuariensis Vicario Gene-
rali, in publicis Ecclesiae & Reipub-
licae negotiis versatissimo. Qui certa
spe in Christo resurgendi, piè placi-
deque animam Deo reddidit, die 16.
Martii, 1608.
ton, & Michael Stanhopus, E-
ques Auratus, fratres moestissi-
mi, Officiosae Pietatis ergo P. P.
Thomas Kempe,
a proper Chappell, termed of the Tri-
nity, lyeth there buried in Anno 1489.
As appeareth not onely by his name
and Armes thereon in divers places;
but likewise by this ensuing inscription,
engraven on a Plate, and fixed in the
same Chappell.
Infra Capellam istam requiescit corpus D.
A comely Chappell founded by himself on the north side the body of the Church.
Bishop of London, in
a proper Chappell, termed of the Tri-
nity, lyeth there buried in Anno 1489.
As appeareth not onely by his name
and Armes thereon in divers places;
but likewise by this ensuing inscription,
engraven on a Plate, and fixed in the
same Chappell.
Thomae Kemp, quondam Episcopi Lon-
don, fundatoris eiusdem, & unius Can-
tariae perpetuae in eadem. Qui multa
bona tempore vitae suae Ecclesiae Sancti
Pauli dedit, & stetit 39. Annis, 84.
diebus Episcopus London. Ac obiit 28.
die mensis Martii, An. Domini 1489.
Cujus animae propitietur Deus. Amen.
Richard Vaughan,
London, lyeth buried in the said Chap-
pell, 1607.
In the same Chappell.
likewise Bishop of
London, lyeth buried in the said Chap-
pell, 1607.
Richard Fitz-Iames,
Bishop of London,
lyeth buried under a faire Tombe, and
in Saint Pauls Chappell, builded of
Timber, with stayres mounting up
thereto, over his Tombe of gray Mar-
ble, in Anno 1521. But this Chappell
was burned by fire falling from the
steeple, and his Tombe taken thence.
lyeth buried under a faire Tombe, and
in Saint Pauls Chappell, builded of
Timber, with stayres mounting up
thereto, over his Tombe of gray Mar-
ble, in Anno 1521. But this Chappell
was burned by fire falling from the
steeple, and his Tombe taken thence.
Gulielmo Lilio,
ceptori Primario, & Agnetae Conjugi,
in sacratissimo hujus Templi Coemiterio
hinc à tergo nunc destructo consepultis:
Georgius Lilius, hujus Ecclesiae Canoni-
cus, parentum memoriae piè consulens,
Tabellam hanc ab amicis conservatam,
hic reponendam curavit.
A Brasse plate fixed in the wall, by the great North doore.
Pauliae Scholae olim Prae-ceptori Primario, & Agnetae Conjugi,
in sacratissimo hujus Templi Coemiterio
hinc à tergo nunc destructo consepultis:
Georgius Lilius, hujus Ecclesiae Canoni-
cus, parentum memoriae piè consulens,
Tabellam hanc ab amicis conservatam,
hic reponendam curavit.
Obiit ille G. L. An. Dom. 1522.
Calend. Mart. Vixit An. 54.
Calend. Mart. Vixit An. 54.
Memoriae Sacrum.
Thomas Ravis,
denae in Suthreia natus, Regius A-
lumnus in Schola VVestmonasteri-
ensi educatus, in Academiam Oxo-
niensem adscitus, omnes Academi-
cos honores consequutus, & Margi-
stratibus perfunctus, Decanus Eccle-
siae Christi ibidem constitutus, &
bis Academiae Pro-Cancellarius.
Vnde ob doctrinam, gravitatem, &
spectatam prudentiam, à Rege Iaco-
bo, primùm ad Episcopatum Glo-
cestrensem provectus, deinde ad
Londinensem translatus, & demum
à Christo, dum Ecclesiae, Patriae, &
Principi vigilaret, in Coelestem Pa-
triam evocatus, placidè pieque emi-
gravit, & quod mortale fuit, certa
spe resurgendi hic deposuit, die 14.
Decembris, An. Salutis 1609.
A faire Tombe in the wall, at the up-
per end of the North Ile, below.
claris natalibus Maul-per end of the North Ile, below.
denae in Suthreia natus, Regius A-
lumnus in Schola VVestmonasteri-
ensi educatus, in Academiam Oxo-
niensem adscitus, omnes Academi-
cos honores consequutus, & Margi-
stratibus perfunctus, Decanus Eccle-
siae Christi ibidem constitutus, &
bis Academiae Pro-Cancellarius.
Vnde ob doctrinam, gravitatem, &
spectatam prudentiam, à Rege Iaco-
bo, primùm ad Episcopatum Glo-
cestrensem provectus, deinde ad
Londinensem translatus, & demum
à Christo, dum Ecclesiae, Patriae, &
Principi vigilaret, in Coelestem Pa-
triam evocatus, placidè pieque emi-
gravit, & quod mortale fuit, certa
spe resurgendi hic deposuit, die 14.
Decembris, An. Salutis 1609.
Gulielmus Harington,
tonotarius Apostolicus, D. Pauli Cano-
nicus, ex illis quos Residentiarios dicunt:
Patria Eboracensis natus, in pago qui E-
stryngton vocitatur, Patre Gulielmo Ha-
ringtono, viro claro, genere orto in pago
Commerlandiae non ignobili, qui Neu-
byging nuncupatur; & Matre Ioanna,
Filia Gulielmi Haskae, aliter Balivi
dicti, viri Generosi in eodem pago E-
stryngton nata: memor exitus vitae, qui
omnibus horis impendet, hoc sibi Sepul-
chrum posuit. Anno Salutis humanae,
In S. Iohns Chappell, neere to the great South doore.
Iurisconsultus, Pro-tonotarius Apostolicus, D. Pauli Cano-
nicus, ex illis quos Residentiarios dicunt:
Patria Eboracensis natus, in pago qui E-
stryngton vocitatur, Patre Gulielmo Ha-
ringtono, viro claro, genere orto in pago
Commerlandiae non ignobili, qui Neu-
byging nuncupatur; & Matre Ioanna,
Filia Gulielmi Haskae, aliter Balivi
dicti, viri Generosi in eodem pago E-
stryngton nata: memor exitus vitae, qui
omnibus horis impendet, hoc sibi Sepul-
chrum posuit. Anno Salutis humanae,
Sixe Lines this Image
shall delineate,
A Table hanging on a Pil-
lar, in the South Ile.
lar, in the South Ile.
Hight Croft, high-borne,
in spirit and vertue high;
Approv’d, belov’d, a Knight,
stout Mars his mate,
Loves fire, Warres flame,
in Heart, Head, Hand, and Eie:
Which flame, Warres Comet,
Grace now so resignes,
That fixt in Heaven, in
Heaven and Earth it shines.
The Wombe and Tombe
in Name be not so neere,
As Life to Death,
Oh! then how soone to Beere
are Captaines brought,
That now doe live, and dye
now with a thought?
Then, Captaines, stay and
reade, still thinke on me,
For, with a thought,
what I am, you may be.
As Mars neere Mors doth sound,
So Mors neere Mars is found.
1. Da. of H.
Hoc Saxo tegitur corpus Thomae
Cantuar. de Arcubus Londini Ad-
vocatorum unius, viri utriusque Iuris
tam Canonici quàm Civilis scientia
non modo peritissimi, sed & eorun-
dem usu & praxi longo tempore ex-
ercitatissimi. Cujus in Clientem
causas defendendo, industria quanta
fuit, quanta integritas, quanta fides,
quanta denique si quid contra vo-
tum, & (ut sibi videbatur) aequita-
tem, accidebat solicitudo, & ii qui e-
jus usi sunt patrocinio optimè praedi-
care possunt, & celebris illius famae
memoria nunquam moritura verissi-
mè praedicavit.
Somwhat neere to the Con-
vocation staires, a faire pla-
ted stone upon the ground.
L. Doctoris, & Almae Curiae
vocation staires, a faire pla-
ted stone upon the ground.
Cantuar. de Arcubus Londini Ad-
vocatorum unius, viri utriusque Iuris
tam Canonici quàm Civilis scientia
non modo peritissimi, sed & eorun-
dem usu & praxi longo tempore ex-
ercitatissimi. Cujus in Clientem
causas defendendo, industria quanta
fuit, quanta integritas, quanta fides,
quanta denique si quid contra vo-
tum, & (ut sibi videbatur) aequita-
tem, accidebat solicitudo, & ii qui e-
jus usi sunt patrocinio optimè praedi-
care possunt, & celebris illius famae
memoria nunquam moritura verissi-
mè praedicavit.
Honestè vixit,
Neminem laesit,
Suum cuique tribuit.
Hic requiescit in Domino Gulielmus
haeres Gilberti Dethick, Equitis Au-
rati. Qui ambo fuerunt Garterii
Principales Reges Armorum An-
gliae. Cor. hic An. 1584. Aetatis suae
48. Ille Anno 1612. Aetatis suae 70.
in Domino obdormierunt, expe-
ctantes resurrectionem per Jesum
Christum Salvatorem nostrum.
In the bo-
dy of the Church, on the South side, a faire stone, thus inscribed.
Eques Auratus, filius &
dy of the Church, on the South side, a faire stone, thus inscribed.
haeres Gilberti Dethick, Equitis Au-
rati. Qui ambo fuerunt Garterii
Principales Reges Armorum An-
gliae. Cor. hic An. 1584. Aetatis suae
48. Ille Anno 1612. Aetatis suae 70.
in Domino obdormierunt, expe-
ctantes resurrectionem per Jesum
Christum Salvatorem nostrum.
Domina Thomasina sup. 40. Annos
uxor praedict. Williel. & filii
Georgius, Gilbertus & Henricus
pietatis ergo posuerunt.
uxor praedict. Williel. & filii
Georgius, Gilbertus & Henricus
pietatis ergo posuerunt.
Hic jacet Robertus Hare,
Thesaur. & Scriptor Rotulorum de Re-
cept. & exitu Thesaur. Scaccarii. Qui
obiit senex die 2. Novemb. An. 1611.
A faire plated stone in the West end of the middle Ile.
quondam Cler.
Thesaur. & Scriptor Rotulorum de Re-
cept. & exitu Thesaur. Scaccarii. Qui
obiit senex die 2. Novemb. An. 1611.
Now, to close up all these Memories,
concerning this Cathedrall Church of
Saint Pauls, London, we may not be un-
mindfull of a very bountifull Benevo-
lence given thereto, by Master William
Parker, whose worthy gifts deserve Vo-
lumes of Remembrance. By his last
Will and Testament he hath given the
summe of five hundred pounds, to bee
imployed in the repairing of the VVin-
dowes of Pauls Church, from the upper
end of the Staires, from the first entring
of the Quire, unto the upper end of the
Church: By the order and direction of
the Right Honourable the Lord Maior
of the City of London, and the Right
VVorshipfull the Aldermen, his Bre-
thren, for the time being. So are the
expresse words, set downe in the Co-
decill annexed to his Will.
concerning this Cathedrall Church of
Saint Pauls, London, we may not be un-
mindfull of a very bountifull Benevo-
lence given thereto, by Master William
Parker, whose worthy gifts deserve Vo-
lumes of Remembrance. By his last
Will and Testament he hath given the
summe of five hundred pounds, to bee
imployed in the repairing of the VVin-
dowes of Pauls Church, from the upper
end of the Staires, from the first entring
of the Quire, unto the upper end of the
Church: By the order and direction of
the Right Honourable the Lord Maior
of the City of London, and the Right
VVorshipfull the Aldermen, his Bre-
thren, for the time being. So are the
expresse words, set downe in the Co-
decill annexed to his Will.
Without the North gate of Pauls
Church, from the end of the Old Ex-
change, VVest up Pater noster Rowe, by
the two Lanes out of Pauls Church, the
first out of the Crosse Isle of Pauls, the
other out of the body of the Church, a-
bout the midst thereof, and so VVest
to the golden LyonMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.
Send information, bee all of this
Ward, as is aforesaid. The houses in
this Streete, from the first North Gate
of Pauls Church-yard, unto the next
Gate, were first builded without the
Wall of the Church-yard, by Henry
Walleis, Maior, in the yeere 1282. The
Rents of those houses goe to the main-
tenance of London Bridge.
Church, from the end of the Old Ex-
change, VVest up Pater noster Rowe, by
the two Lanes out of Pauls Church, the
first out of the Crosse Isle of Pauls, the
other out of the body of the Church, a-
bout the midst thereof, and so VVest
to the golden LyonMoEML is still seeking information regarding this entry. If you have information to contribute, please email the MoEML team.
Send information, bee all of this
Ward, as is aforesaid. The houses in
this Streete, from the first North Gate
of Pauls Church-yard, unto the next
Gate, were first builded without the
Wall of the Church-yard, by Henry
Walleis, Maior, in the yeere 1282. The
Rents of those houses goe to the main-
tenance of London Bridge.
This Streete is now called Pater no-
ster Rowe, because of Stationers or Text-writers,
that dwelled there, who wrote
and sold all sorts of Bookes then in use,
namely, A. B. C. with the Pater noster,
Ave, Creed, Graces, &c.
ster Rowe, because of Stationers or Text-writers,
that dwelled there, who wrote
and sold all sorts of Bookes then in use,
namely, A. B. C. with the Pater noster,
Ave, Creed, Graces, &c.
There dwelled also Turners of Beads,
and they were called Pater noster ma-
kers, as I read in a Record of one Robert
Nikke, Pater noster maker, and Citizen,
in the reigne of Henry the fourth, and
so of other.
Pater noster makers.
and they were called Pater noster ma-
kers, as I read in a Record of one Robert
Nikke, Pater noster maker, and Citizen,
in the reigne of Henry the fourth, and
so of other.
At the end of this Pater noster Rowe,
is Ave Mary lane, so called upon the
like occasion, of Text-writers and Bead-makers
then dwelling there.
is Ave Mary lane, so called upon the
like occasion, of Text-writers and Bead-makers
then dwelling there.
And at the end of that Lane is like-
wise Creed lane, late so called, but some-
time Spurrier Rowe, of Spurriers dwel-
ling there. And Amen lane is added
thereunto, betwixt the South end of
Warwicke lane, and the North end of
Ave Mary lane.
wise Creed lane, late so called, but some-
time Spurrier Rowe, of Spurriers dwel-
ling there. And Amen lane is added
thereunto, betwixt the South end of
Warwicke lane, and the North end of
Ave Mary lane.
At the North end of Ave Mary lane,
is one great House, builded of stone and
timber, of old time pertaining to Iohn
Duke of Britaine, Earle of Richmond,
as appeareth by the Records of Edward
the second. Since that, it was called
Pembrookes Inne, neere unto Ludgate, as
belonging to the Earles of Pembrooke in
the times of Richard the second, the 18.
yeere, and of Henry the sixth, in the 14.
yeere. It was after called Aburgaveny
house, and belonged to Henry late Lord
of Aburgaveny. But the VVorshipfull
Company of Stationers have (since
then) purchased it, and made it the Hall
for the meeting of their Society, con-
verting the stone-work into a new faire
Frame of timber, and applying it to such
serviceable use, as themselves have
thought convenient.
is one great House, builded of stone and
timber, of old time pertaining to Iohn
Duke of Britaine, Earle of Richmond,
as appeareth by the Records of Edward
the second. Since that, it was called
Pembrookes Inne, neere unto Ludgate, as
belonging to the Earles of Pembrooke in
the times of Richard the second, the 18.
yeere, and of Henry the sixth, in the 14.
yeere. It was after called Aburgaveny
house, and belonged to Henry late Lord
of Aburgaveny. But the VVorshipfull
Company of Stationers have (since
then) purchased it, and made it the Hall
for the meeting of their Society, con-
verting the stone-work into a new faire
Frame of timber, and applying it to such
serviceable use, as themselves have
thought convenient.
Betwixt the South end of Ave Mary
lane, and the North end of Creede lane,
is the comming out of Pauls Church-yard,
on the East, and the high streete
on the West, towards Ludgate, and this
was called Bowyer Rowe, of Bowyers
dwelling there in old time, now worne
out by Mercers, and others.
lane, and the North end of Creede lane,
is the comming out of Pauls Church-yard,
on the East, and the high streete
on the West, towards Ludgate, and this
was called Bowyer Rowe, of Bowyers
dwelling there in old time, now worne
out by Mercers, and others.
In this Streete, on the North side, is
the Parish Church of Saint Martin, a
proper Church, and lately new builded:
for in the yeere 1437. Iohn Michael,
Maior, and the Communalty, granted
to William Downe, Parson of S. Martins
at Ludgate, a parcell of ground, contai-
ning in length 28. foote, and in breadth
24. foote, to set and build their stee-
ple upon, &c.
the Parish Church of Saint Martin, a
proper Church, and lately new builded:
for in the yeere 1437. Iohn Michael,
Maior, and the Communalty, granted
to William Downe, Parson of S. Martins
at Ludgate, a parcell of ground, contai-
ning in length 28. foote, and in breadth
24. foote, to set and build their stee-
ple upon, &c.
William Taverner, Gentleman, 1466.
Iohn Barton, Esquire, 1439.
Stephen Peacocke, Maior, 1533.
Gulielmo Huseo Coelebi,
tuariensis Registro, literarum scientia,
vitae probitate, morumque urbanitate
claro, notis E. amicis omnibus dilecto.
Antonius & Katharina conjuges, Chari
parentes orbati filio Monumentum hoc
dolentes posuerunt. Obiit quinto Ka-
lendas Novembris, Anno Dom. 1559.
vixit annos 28. menses 3. dies 7.
2. comely Monu-
ments, each by other, in the East end of the Quire.
Almae Curiae Can-ments, each by other, in the East end of the Quire.
tuariensis Registro, literarum scientia,
vitae probitate, morumque urbanitate
claro, notis E. amicis omnibus dilecto.
Antonius & Katharina conjuges, Chari
parentes orbati filio Monumentum hoc
dolentes posuerunt. Obiit quinto Ka-
lendas Novembris, Anno Dom. 1559.
vixit annos 28. menses 3. dies 7.
Obdormiat in Domino.
Hic situs est Antonius Huse, Armiger,
Londini natus, Archiepiscopi Can-
tuariensis, atque Capitulis de Pauli
Londinen. Registrarius primarius.
Qui aliquot annos Judicis causarum
Maritimarum officio integrè fun-
ctus, ac etiam in Magistratorum Cu-
riae Cancellariae concessum coopta-
tus, vergente demum aetate ad Prae-
fectum Collegiorum Mercatorum
Angliae, tam apud Belgas, quàm a-
pud Moscovitas, & Rhutenos com-
mercia exercentium accitus, lingua
facundus, memoria tenax, ingenio,
prudentia, doctrinaque pollens, mo-
rum comitate & probitate gratiosus,
Laurentio, Gulielmo, Gilberto, &
Vrsula liberis, ex Katharina conjuge
procreatis non infelix, sexagesimo
tertio aetatis Anno è vita excessit, Ka-
lendis Junii, An. Dom. 1560.
Londini natus, Archiepiscopi Can-
tuariensis, atque Capitulis de Pauli
Londinen. Registrarius primarius.
Qui aliquot annos Judicis causarum
Maritimarum officio integrè fun-
ctus, ac etiam in Magistratorum Cu-
riae Cancellariae concessum coopta-
tus, vergente demum aetate ad Prae-
fectum Collegiorum Mercatorum
Angliae, tam apud Belgas, quàm a-
pud Moscovitas, & Rhutenos com-
mercia exercentium accitus, lingua
facundus, memoria tenax, ingenio,
prudentia, doctrinaque pollens, mo-
rum comitate & probitate gratiosus,
Laurentio, Gulielmo, Gilberto, &
Vrsula liberis, ex Katharina conjuge
procreatis non infelix, sexagesimo
tertio aetatis Anno è vita excessit, Ka-
lendis Junii, An. Dom. 1560.
Here lye the bodies of Florens Caldwell,
Esquire, Citizen and Haberdasher of
London, and Aldermans Deputy of the
Ward of Faringdon without: And Ma-
ry Wilde, his first wife; by whom hee
had issue one daughter, named Mary,
married to Thomas Gourney, Esquire.
And Sibill Greene, his second wife.
which Florens deceased the Gap in transcription. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error.[…] and
Mary his wife the 19. day of Iune, An.
Dom. 1590. &c.
Another sightly Monumẽt in the same wall.
Esquire, Citizen and Haberdasher of
London, and Aldermans Deputy of the
Ward of Faringdon without: And Ma-
ry Wilde, his first wife; by whom hee
had issue one daughter, named Mary,
married to Thomas Gourney, Esquire.
And Sibill Greene, his second wife.
which Florens deceased the Gap in transcription. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error.[…] and
Mary his wife the 19. day of Iune, An.
Dom. 1590. &c.
Earth goes to
Earth treads on
Earth as to
Earth shall to
As Mold to Mold,
Glittering in Gold,
Return nère should,
Goe ere he would.
Earth upon
Earth goes to
Earth though on
Earth shall from
Consider may,
Naked away,
Be stout and gay,
Passe poore away.
Be mercifull and charitable,
Relieve the poore as thou art able,
A Shrowd to thy grave,
Is all thou shalt have.
Thomas Cooke,
sher of London, of little Wolton, in
the County of Lancaster, had to wife
Ioyce Hanbury, with whom hee lived
thirty yeeres, and had issue one sonne,
and three daughters; whereof two (viz.
Elizabeth, wife to Iohn Bourman,
Mercer, and Mary, wife to Thomas
Bayly, Skinner) be yet living. Hee de-
parted this life the 17. day of April, 1608.
in the 55. yeere of his age. Shee (his said
wife, sole Executrix of his last Will and
Testament) yet surviving (to the memo-
rie of her deare husband) erected this
Monument, 1612.
A very faire new Monumēt in the same wall.
Citizen and Haberda-sher of London, of little Wolton, in
the County of Lancaster, had to wife
Ioyce Hanbury, with whom hee lived
thirty yeeres, and had issue one sonne,
and three daughters; whereof two (viz.
Elizabeth, wife to Iohn Bourman,
Mercer, and Mary, wife to Thomas
Bayly, Skinner) be yet living. Hee de-
parted this life the 17. day of April, 1608.
in the 55. yeere of his age. Shee (his said
wife, sole Executrix of his last Will and
Testament) yet surviving (to the memo-
rie of her deare husband) erected this
Monument, 1612.
To God, his Country,
and the Poore, he had
A zealous soule, true heart,
and liberall minde:
His wife, his children,
and his kindred sad,
Lacke of his love, his care
and kindnesse finde:
Yet is their sorrow swaged,
with the thought,
He hath attain’d the
Happinesse he sought.
Dies mortis, aeternae vitae natalis est.
To the Memory of William Yeardley,
Gentleman, and Elizabeth his wife,
sometime of this Parish. He died the 28.
day of October, 1523. She died the 20.
day of Iuly, 1593.
Gentleman, and Elizabeth his wife,
sometime of this Parish. He died the 28.
day of October, 1523. She died the 20.
day of Iuly, 1593.
Elizabeth his wife,
Who lived on earth
free from strife,
Not farre from this,
in earth doth lye,
To shew, that all
that live, must dye:
Where they doe
quietly expect,
To rise againe,
as Gods elect,
They left foure
daughters, and a sonne,
Who left them this,
when they were gone.
Iaspero Cholmley,
rico Recognitionum capiendi, sive recog-
nosc. Virtute cujusdam statuti fact. &
ordinati 23. Hen. 8. pro debit. recuperan.
Iusticiario Pa. & Quor. Dom. Reginae in
Com. Middl. Patri suo chariss. & aman-
tiss. Ioannes Cholmley, hoc Monu. dolens
posuit, decem liberos ex Margareta sua
unica conjuge procreatos, viz. Ioannem,
Thomam, Gulielmum, Hugonem, Fran-
ciscum, Mariam, Iulianam, Margare-
tam, Annam & Ianam tempore mortis
superstites reliquit. Obiit ultimo die
Octob. Anno ætatis suae 48. & Salutis
nostrae 1586.
A comely Monumēt in the same wall, but on the quires South side.
Armig. Wigorniensi, Cle-rico Recognitionum capiendi, sive recog-
nosc. Virtute cujusdam statuti fact. &
ordinati 23. Hen. 8. pro debit. recuperan.
Iusticiario Pa. & Quor. Dom. Reginae in
Com. Middl. Patri suo chariss. & aman-
tiss. Ioannes Cholmley, hoc Monu. dolens
posuit, decem liberos ex Margareta sua
unica conjuge procreatos, viz. Ioannem,
Thomam, Gulielmum, Hugonem, Fran-
ciscum, Mariam, Iulianam, Margare-
tam, Annam & Ianam tempore mortis
superstites reliquit. Obiit ultimo die
Octob. Anno ætatis suae 48. & Salutis
nostrae 1586.
Here lieth the body of Thomas Antrobus,
Esquire, who deceased the first day of
May, 1611. Having issue by Elizabeth
his late wife (the daughter of Ralph
Woodcocke, Citizen and Alderman
of London) three sonnes and two daugh-
ters, viz. Thomas, John, Richard, E-
lizabeth, and Margaret.
A new faire Mo-
nument in the same wall.
nument in the same wall.
Esquire, who deceased the first day of
May, 1611. Having issue by Elizabeth
his late wife (the daughter of Ralph
Woodcocke, Citizen and Alderman
of London) three sonnes and two daugh-
ters, viz. Thomas, John, Richard, E-
lizabeth, and Margaret.
Here-under lyeth buried Amy Edlyn,
her sonne with her, the daughter of Ri-
chard Edlyn, of Woodhaule, in Mid-
dlesex, and the wife of Robert Gomer-
sall, Citizen & Ironmonger of London,
who departed this life the 2. day of Sep-
tember, 1586. and left behinde her one
sonne and one daughter.
A small Monumẽt in the same wall.
her sonne with her, the daughter of Ri-
chard Edlyn, of Woodhaule, in Mid-
dlesex, and the wife of Robert Gomer-
sall, Citizen & Ironmonger of London,
who departed this life the 2. day of Sep-
tember, 1586. and left behinde her one
sonne and one daughter.
On the South side of this Streete,
the turning into the Black Friers: which
Order (sometime) had their houses in
Old-borne, where they remained for the
space of five and fifty yeeres; and then,
in the yeere 1276. Gregory Rocksley,
Maior, and the Barons of this City,
granted and gave to Robert Kilwarby,
Archbishop of Canturbury, two Lanes
or Wayes next the Streete of Baynards
Castle, and also the Tower of Mount-
fitchit to bee destroyed; in place of
which, the said Robert builded the late
new Church of the Blacke Friers, and
placed them therein. King Edward the
first and Eleanor his wife were great be-
nefactors thereunto. This was a large
Church, and richly furnished with Or-
naments: wherein divers Parliaments,
and other great meetings have beene
holden: Namely, in the yeere 1450. the
28. of Henry the sixth, a Parliament
was begun at Westminster, and adjour-
ned to the Blacke Friers in London, and
from thence to Leycester. In the yeere
1522. the Emperour Charles the fifth
was lodged there.
The Black Friers.
the turning into the Black Friers: which
Order (sometime) had their houses in
Old-borne, where they remained for the
space of five and fifty yeeres; and then,
in the yeere 1276. Gregory Rocksley,
Maior & Barons of this City.
Maior, and the Barons of this City,
granted and gave to Robert Kilwarby,
Archbishop of Canturbury, two Lanes
or Wayes next the Streete of Baynards
Castle, and also the Tower of Mount-
fitchit to bee destroyed; in place of
which, the said Robert builded the late
new Church of the Blacke Friers, and
placed them therein. King Edward the
first and Eleanor his wife were great be-
nefactors thereunto. This was a large
Church, and richly furnished with Or-
naments: wherein divers Parliaments,
and other great meetings have beene
holden: Namely, in the yeere 1450. the
28. of Henry the sixth, a Parliament
was begun at Westminster, and adjour-
ned to the Blacke Friers in London, and
from thence to Leycester. In the yeere
1522. the Emperour Charles the fifth
was lodged there.
In the yeere 1524. the fifteenth of
April, a Parliament was begun at the
Blacke Friers, wherein was demanded a
Subsidy of 800000. pounds, to bee rai-
sed of goods and lands, 4. s. in every
pound, and in the end was granted 2. s.
of the pound, of their goods and lands,
that were worth 20. pounds, or might
dispend 20. l. by the yeere, and so up-
ward, to be payed in two yeeres.
April, a Parliament was begun at the
Blacke Friers, wherein was demanded a
Subsidy of 800000. pounds, to bee rai-
sed of goods and lands, 4. s. in every
pound, and in the end was granted 2. s.
of the pound, of their goods and lands,
that were worth 20. pounds, or might
dispend 20. l. by the yeere, and so up-
ward, to be payed in two yeeres.
This Parliament was adjourned to
and ended in the Kings Palace there the
14. of August, at nine of the clocke in
the night, and was therefore called the
Blacke Parliament.
Parliamēt at the Blacke Fri-
ers, called the Blacke Parliament.
amongst the blacke Monks,
ers, called the Blacke Parliament.
and ended in the Kings Palace there the
14. of August, at nine of the clocke in
the night, and was therefore called the
Blacke Parliament.
In the yeer 1529. Cardinall Campeius
the Legate, with Cardinall Woolsey, sate
at the said Blacke Friers, where before
them, as Legates and Iudges, was
brought in question the Kings marriage
with Queene Katharine, as to be unlaw-
full, before whom the King and Queen
were cited and summoned to appeare,
&c. whereof reade more at large in my
Annals, as I have touched it.
the Legate, with Cardinall Woolsey, sate
at the said Blacke Friers, where before
them, as Legates and Iudges, was
brought in question the Kings marriage
with Queene Katharine, as to be unlaw-
full, before whom the King and Queen
were cited and summoned to appeare,
&c. whereof reade more at large in my
Annals, as I have touched it.
The same yeere, in the moneth of
October, began a Parliament in the
Blacke Friers, in the which Cardinall
Woolsey was condemned in the Premu-
nire: this house valued at 104. l. 15. s.
5. d. was surrendred the 12. of Novem-
ber, the 30. of Henry the eighth.
October, began a Parliament in the
Blacke Friers, in the which Cardinall
Woolsey was condemned in the Premu-
nire: this house valued at 104. l. 15. s.
5. d. was surrendred the 12. of Novem-
ber, the 30. of Henry the eighth.
Robert de Attabeto, Earle of Bellimon.
William and Iame Huse, children to
Dame Illis, Countesse of Arundell, and
by them lieth Dame Illis, daughter to
the Earle Warren, and after Countesse of
Dame Illis, Countesse of Arundell, and
by them lieth Dame Illis, daughter to
the Earle Warren, and after Countesse of
Elizabeth, daughter to Sir Bartholo-
mew Badlesmere, wife to Sir William Be-
han, Earle of Northampton.
mew Badlesmere, wife to Sir William Be-
han, Earle of Northampton.
Hugh Clare, Knight, 1295.
The heart of Queene Heleanor the
The heart of Alfence her son.
Sir William Thorpe, Iustice.
The Lord Lioth, of Ireland.
Dame Sible, daughter to Wil. Patte-
hulle, wife to Roger Beauchampe, and by
her Sir Richard or Roger Beauchampe.
hulle, wife to Roger Beauchampe, and by
her Sir Richard or Roger Beauchampe.
Sir Stephen Collington, Knight.
Sir William Peter, Knight.
The Countesse of Huntington.
Duchesse of Exceter, 1425.
Lord Fanhope died at Ampthill in Bed-
fordshire, and was buried here, 1443.
fordshire, and was buried here, 1443.
Earle of Worcester, beheaded, 1470.
and by him in his Chappell, Iames
and by him in his Chappell, Iames
Lord Audley, beheaded, 1497.
The Lord Beaumond.
Sir Edmond Cornewall, Baron of Bur-
Richard Scrope, Esquire.
Sir Thomas Browne, and Dame Eliza-
beth his wife.
beth his wife.
Iohn Mawsley, Esquire, 1432.
William Courtney, Earle of Devonshire,
nominate, but not created, the third of
Henry the eighth, &c.
nominate, but not created, the third of
Henry the eighth, &c.
There is a Parish of St. Anne, within
the Precinct of the Blacke Friers, which
was pulled downe with the Friers
Church, by sir Thomas Corden: but in the
reigne of Queene Mary, hee being for-
ced to finde a Church to the Inhabi-
tants, allowed them a lodging Cham-
ber above a staire, which since that
time, to wit, in the yeere 1597. fell
downe, and was againe (by collection
therefore made) new builded and en-
larged in the same yeere, and was dedi-
cated on the eleventh of December.
the Precinct of the Blacke Friers, which
was pulled downe with the Friers
Church, by sir Thomas Corden: but in the
reigne of Queene Mary, hee being for-
ced to finde a Church to the Inhabi-
tants, allowed them a lodging Cham-
ber above a staire, which since that
time, to wit, in the yeere 1597. fell
downe, and was againe (by collection
therefore made) new builded and en-
larged in the same yeere, and was dedi-
cated on the eleventh of December.
Here I thought good to insert the
Copy of an ancient Record, concerning
the Priviledges and Liberties (in elder
times) granted to the said Blacke Friers,
which happened to my hands by friend-
ly information, and the originall there-
of brought mee, as here Verbatim it fol-
Copy of an ancient Record, concerning
the Priviledges and Liberties (in elder
times) granted to the said Blacke Friers,
which happened to my hands by friend-
ly information, and the originall there-
of brought mee, as here Verbatim it fol-
Notes and Articles for maintenance
of the ancient Liberties and Privi-
ledges of the late dissolved Black
Friers, neere Ludgate in Lon-
of the ancient Liberties and Privi-
ledges of the late dissolved Black
Friers, neere Ludgate in Lon-
1. FIrst, it appeareth, that on the
25. day of November, 1484.
Iohn Alforde, Shoomaker, dwel-
ling within the Blacke Friers in London,
was apprehended and put to death at
Tyborne for Felony, Thomas Newland, a-
lias Norland, and William Martin then
being Sheriffes of London, who sought
to have had the goods of the said Felon;
but the Prior of the said Blacke Friers
withstood them, and possessed the same
goods to the use of the Lord of S. Iohns,
of whom the same Friers was then hol-
25. day of November, 1484.
Iohn Alforde, Shoomaker, dwel-
ling within the Blacke Friers in London,
was apprehended and put to death at
Tyborne for Felony, Thomas Newland, a-
lias Norland, and William Martin then
being Sheriffes of London, who sought
to have had the goods of the said Felon;
but the Prior of the said Blacke Friers
withstood them, and possessed the same
goods to the use of the Lord of S. Iohns,
of whom the same Friers was then hol-
2. Item,
usually made the Bridge at the Thames,
adjoyning to the said Friers, and not the
City of London, &c.
The Bridge at the Blacke Friers.
The Lord of St. Iohns hath
usually made the Bridge at the Thames,
adjoyning to the said Friers, and not the
City of London, &c.
3. Item,
incorporated by Act of Parliament, in
the time of K. Hen. the 6. whereby they
might prescribe, and did alwaies use &
keep the Liberty inviolately, and cleer-
ly exempted from the Citizens.
rating of the Prior & Covent▪
The Prior and Covent were
rating of the Prior & Covent▪
incorporated by Act of Parliament, in
the time of K. Hen. the 6. whereby they
might prescribe, and did alwaies use &
keep the Liberty inviolately, and cleer-
ly exempted from the Citizens.
4. Item,
bin of such liberties, as that no man hath
bin arrested within the same, by any of
the Sheriffes Officers. And if at any
time any Officers of the City hath taken
upon him to execute within the foure
Gates, hee was rescued by the Fri-
ers and Inhabitants of Antiquitie.
No arrest within the Friers Pre-
The Precinct hath alwaies
bin of such liberties, as that no man hath
bin arrested within the same, by any of
the Sheriffes Officers. And if at any
time any Officers of the City hath taken
upon him to execute within the foure
Gates, hee was rescued by the Fri-
ers and Inhabitants of Antiquitie.
5. Item,
dwelt within the Precinct divers and
many persons not free, and yet they
have used their occupations there, with-
out controulement of the City and Ci-
ners tra-
ded in the Precinct freely.
At all times there hath
ners tra-
ded in the Precinct freely.
dwelt within the Precinct divers and
many persons not free, and yet they
have used their occupations there, with-
out controulement of the City and Ci-
6. Item,
long continuance) divers and many
Carpenters, Masons, and such like, have
bin sent out of the Countrey, and have
wrought within the Precinct aforesaid;
which is not sufferable within the Li-
berties of the City, by their owne cu-
stomes and ordinances.
men come out of the countries.
Alwaies at sundry times (of
men come out of the countries.
long continuance) divers and many
Carpenters, Masons, and such like, have
bin sent out of the Countrey, and have
wrought within the Precinct aforesaid;
which is not sufferable within the Li-
berties of the City, by their owne cu-
stomes and ordinances.
7. Item,
son slaine, the Coroner of the Verge
did alwaies make enquiry thereof. And
the Deodand is due to the Lord of Saint
Iohns, and not to the City; but now to
the Queenes Highnesse due by law, e-
quity, and good conscience, whose right
and lawfull title the owners and inhabi-
tants of the said exempted place and
Precinct, doe seeke with their bodies &
goods to defend and maintaine against
all pretended title and claime of the Ci-
tizens. Notwithstanding divers of the
said Precinct & Liberty have bin great-
ly vexed and troubled with often impri-
sonments within the Compters of the
The in-
quiry af-
ter the death of any one slaine, by the Coro-
ner of the Verge.
Vpon the view of any per-quiry af-
ter the death of any one slaine, by the Coro-
ner of the Verge.
son slaine, the Coroner of the Verge
did alwaies make enquiry thereof. And
the Deodand is due to the Lord of Saint
Iohns, and not to the City; but now to
the Queenes Highnesse due by law, e-
quity, and good conscience, whose right
and lawfull title the owners and inhabi-
tants of the said exempted place and
Precinct, doe seeke with their bodies &
goods to defend and maintaine against
all pretended title and claime of the Ci-
tizens. Notwithstanding divers of the
said Precinct & Liberty have bin great-
ly vexed and troubled with often impri-
sonments within the Compters of the
8. Item,
said Precinct were never charged to
watch or ward, or to be within the com-
passe of any imposition; such as the
Citizens are used and accustomed unto
by their lawes.
Freedome from watching, warding, &c.
The inhabitants within the
said Precinct were never charged to
watch or ward, or to be within the com-
passe of any imposition; such as the
Citizens are used and accustomed unto
by their lawes.
9. Item, In the time of K. Edw. the 6.
sir Andrew Iude then being Maior,
was a Riot committed in the Blacke Fri-
ers, in the house of one Master Lucas,
by one Crouchman of the City, and o-
ther persons with him. The force
whereof was soone overswayed by Sir
Thomas Saunders, and Sir Henry Iernin-
gham, Knights, Master William Moore,
Esquire, with other Gentlemen inhabi-
ting in the said Friers. And the parties
by pursuit were twice endighted in the
Marshalsea court holden in Southwark:
Sir Nicholas Hare then being Steward,
and sitting at the doing thereof. After
which time, the said Crouchman (with
other Confederates with him) sought
to endight the said Gentleman by an
especiall Sessions in the said City. For
stay whereof the Lords of the Kings
Privie Councell, understanding the
lewd practices of the said Crouchman
and other, and that the Lord Maior
had nothing to doe within the said Pre-
Sir Andrew Iude, then Maior, willing
him not to disturbe the said Gentle-
men for the said fact, to the infringing
of the Liberties of the said Friers: The
said Sir Thomas Saunders, and Master
William Moore being bearers of the said
Letters to the said Lord Maior; who
upon deliberation, made answer to the
said bearers by word of mouth, That
forasmuch as there was a complaint
made to him of a Riot committed with-
in the City; hee must needes (within
one moneth after) enquire by Sessions
of the same, which he said could not be
prejudiciall unto them, being out of
the Jurisdiction of the City: for that
the same should be Non coram Iudice,
and yet they discharged of the perill of
the Statute. And so they proceeded
with the said Letters notwithstanding:
Whereupon, the said Sir Thomas, and
Master William Moore, making report
of their successe with the Maior to the
Lords of the Councell; they wrote eft-
soones other Letters to the said Maior,
but of such force touching the premis-
ses, which were also carried and delive-
red by the said Sir Thomas and Master
Moore: Whereupon, the said Maior
stayed from any further proceeding
therein, or any other, &c.
sir Andrew Iude then being Maior,
A Riot commit-
ted in the Blacke Fri-
ted in the Blacke Fri-
was a Riot committed in the Blacke Fri-
ers, in the house of one Master Lucas,
by one Crouchman of the City, and o-
ther persons with him. The force
whereof was soone overswayed by Sir
Thomas Saunders, and Sir Henry Iernin-
gham, Knights, Master William Moore,
Esquire, with other Gentlemen inhabi-
ting in the said Friers. And the parties
by pursuit were twice endighted in the
Marshalsea court holden in Southwark:
Sir Nicholas Hare then being Steward,
and sitting at the doing thereof. After
which time, the said Crouchman (with
other Confederates with him) sought
to endight the said Gentleman by an
especiall Sessions in the said City. For
stay whereof the Lords of the Kings
Privie Councell, understanding the
lewd practices of the said Crouchman
and other, and that the Lord Maior
had nothing to doe within the said Pre-
Letters from the Councell to the Lo. Maior.
wrote their letters unto the said
Sir Andrew Iude, then Maior, willing
him not to disturbe the said Gentle-
men for the said fact, to the infringing
of the Liberties of the said Friers: The
said Sir Thomas Saunders, and Master
William Moore being bearers of the said
Letters to the said Lord Maior; who
upon deliberation, made answer to the
said bearers by word of mouth, That
forasmuch as there was a complaint
made to him of a Riot committed with-
in the City; hee must needes (within
one moneth after) enquire by Sessions
of the same, which he said could not be
prejudiciall unto them, being out of
the Jurisdiction of the City: for that
the same should be Non coram Iudice,
and yet they discharged of the perill of
the Statute. And so they proceeded
with the said Letters notwithstanding:
Whereupon, the said Sir Thomas, and
Master William Moore, making report
of their successe with the Maior to the
Lords of the Councell; they wrote eft-
soones other Letters to the said Maior,
but of such force touching the premis-
ses, which were also carried and delive-
red by the said Sir Thomas and Master
Moore: Whereupon, the said Maior
stayed from any further proceeding
therein, or any other, &c.
10. Item, In Queen Mary her time,
the Councell of the City put a Bill into
the Parliament house,
same to have the Liberties of the said
Friers, which Bill, with all their surmi-
ses, were so utterly rejected, that their
Bill never came to the question, but was
so suppressed, by argument openly in
the same house.
the Councell of the City put a Bill into
the Parliament house,
A Bill put into the Parliamēt house.
seeking by the
same to have the Liberties of the said
Friers, which Bill, with all their surmi-
ses, were so utterly rejected, that their
Bill never came to the question, but was
so suppressed, by argument openly in
the same house.
11. Item, The Liberties granted to
Master Cawarden,
King Edward the sixth, the goods of Fe-
lons therein not granted, and so due to
the Queenes Majesty, whose right and
title the City hath not had, nor can bee
suffered to enjoy, according to their
seeking; by the onely resistance of the
said owners and inhabitants within the
said Liberty and Precinct, clearly ex-
empted from the City, by metes and
bounds on every side.
Master Cawarden,
Cawardens Letters Patents.
by Letters Patents of
King Edward the sixth, the goods of Fe-
lons therein not granted, and so due to
the Queenes Majesty, whose right and
title the City hath not had, nor can bee
suffered to enjoy, according to their
seeking; by the onely resistance of the
said owners and inhabitants within the
said Liberty and Precinct, clearly ex-
empted from the City, by metes and
bounds on every side.
12. Item, The said Precinct hath al-
wayes been shut up and kept by Wals
and Gates,
that way, but by licence of the Porters,
who were maintained and placed by the
owners of the said Friers, and Liberties
of the same, by especiall and generall
words, granted by Letters Patents un-
der the great Seale of England, to di-
vers owners and Free-holders there of
the Queenes Majesty. And in especiall
above all other, to Sir Thomas Cawarden,
Knight, deceased, in his Letters Patents
dated the 12. day of May, in the fourth
yeere of King Edward the sixth; in as
large, ample and full manner, and with
as many pithy and effectuall words, as
ever was read or seene in any Patent,
made for grant of Liberties of any
place exempted, as by the same Patent
more largely appeareth: The true copy
whereof is annexed to these Articles, by
the delivery of Master Moore, true ow-
ner of the most part of the said liberties.
wayes been shut up and kept by Wals
and Gates,
Wals and gates be-
longing to the Precinct.
so as there was no egresse
longing to the Precinct.
that way, but by licence of the Porters,
who were maintained and placed by the
owners of the said Friers, and Liberties
of the same, by especiall and generall
words, granted by Letters Patents un-
der the great Seale of England, to di-
vers owners and Free-holders there of
the Queenes Majesty. And in especiall
above all other, to Sir Thomas Cawarden,
Knight, deceased, in his Letters Patents
dated the 12. day of May, in the fourth
yeere of King Edward the sixth; in as
large, ample and full manner, and with
as many pithy and effectuall words, as
ever was read or seene in any Patent,
made for grant of Liberties of any
place exempted, as by the same Patent
more largely appeareth: The true copy
whereof is annexed to these Articles, by
the delivery of Master Moore, true ow-
ner of the most part of the said liberties.
13. Item, That Iames Norrice, Curate
of S. Peters in Cornehill, being sometime
one of the Friers, and Brethren of the
Black Friers aforesaid, neere Ludgate in
London, saith and affirmeth, That one
Robert Struddell, late Prior of the said
Friers, was by order of Law constrained
to pave the high street adjoyning round
about the channell wals, from the Flow-
er-de-Lize towards the hill at Creed lane
end. And a Cage at that time standing
on that side the street, adjoyning to the
foresaid wall, within the Parish of Saint
Andrew, which Cage was plucked down
by the said Prior, and not since set up a-
gain; the Prior aforesaid saying; Seeing
they of the City cause mee to pave all
this side of the street next my wall, they
shall have no Cage of others standing
on my ground, against mine owne wall:
And so the City never builded Cage on
that side after.
of S. Peters in Cornehill, being sometime
one of the Friers, and Brethren of the
Black Friers aforesaid, neere Ludgate in
London, saith and affirmeth, That one
Robert Struddell, late Prior of the said
Friers, was by order of Law constrained
to pave the high street adjoyning round
about the channell wals, from the Flow-
er-de-Lize towards the hill at Creed lane
end. And a Cage at that time standing
on that side the street, adjoyning to the
foresaid wall, within the Parish of Saint
Andrew, which Cage was plucked down
by the said Prior, and not since set up a-
gain; the Prior aforesaid saying; Seeing
they of the City cause mee to pave all
this side of the street next my wall, they
shall have no Cage of others standing
on my ground, against mine owne wall:
And so the City never builded Cage on
that side after.
14. Item, Moreover, the said Master
Norrioe saith, That the Liberties of the
Blacke Friers in the said Priors dayes
were such,
City of London, nor the Sheriffes did
arrest any man within the said Liberty
for any thing, as free, as hee well re-
membreth in all his time.
Norrioe saith, That the Liberties of the
Blacke Friers in the said Priors dayes
were such,
The Li-
berties of the Pre-
cinct in the Priors dayes.
that the Lord Maior of the
berties of the Pre-
cinct in the Priors dayes.
City of London, nor the Sheriffes did
arrest any man within the said Liberty
for any thing, as free, as hee well re-
membreth in all his time.
15. Item,
15. Item,
Foure Gates be-
longing to the Friers and Porters.
Hee remembreth, that
longing to the Friers and Porters.
foure Gates were shut in during the
Friers time, by the commandement of
the Prior. And one Father Seagar, be-
ing then Porter, appointed by the said
late Prior, Robert Struddell, with others
after him, at the appointment of other
Priors then succeeding: And not by the
Maior of London, nor any other.
The saying of Thomas Vlverston,
alias Wolverston, of Garlicke
Hithe, Officer to the Vintners of
London, and sometime a Frier of
the Blacke Friers: Taken before
mee Sir Thomas Saunders,
Knight, the 30. day of May, An-
no Domini, 1562.
alias Wolverston, of Garlicke
Hithe, Officer to the Vintners of
London, and sometime a Frier of
the Blacke Friers: Taken before
mee Sir Thomas Saunders,
Knight, the 30. day of May, An-
no Domini, 1562.
16. ITem, He saith, he hath heard say
many times among the Friers and
and his Predecessours, had never doore
into the Blacke Friers out of his house;
but by fine and agreement, made for
the same with the Prior of Blacke Fri-
ers, long before his time of remem-
many times among the Friers and
Of other mens doores in-
to the Blacke Fri-
that Master Peacocke of London,
to the Blacke Fri-
and his Predecessours, had never doore
into the Blacke Friers out of his house;
but by fine and agreement, made for
the same with the Prior of Blacke Fri-
ers, long before his time of remem-
17. Item, He saith, that the Porters
of the Friers alwayes kept their foure
Gates (time out of minde) by the ap-
pointment of the Prior and Covent,
cleere exempted from the City. And
when the Porters perceived any suspe-
cted persons or malefactors within the
limits of the Friers; they declared it
to the Prior, who forthwith comman-
ded them, to take the ayde of the ho-
nest Inhabitants within the Friers, to
make search and watch for the appre-
hension of such lewd persons: which so
found, were alwayes examined by Sir
William Kingston, Knight, and other
good men there inhabiting within the
Friers, at the Porters desire, and not o-
of the Friers alwayes kept their foure
Gates (time out of minde) by the ap-
pointment of the Prior and Covent,
How the Porters of the Friers kept their foure Gates.
cleere exempted from the City. And
when the Porters perceived any suspe-
cted persons or malefactors within the
limits of the Friers; they declared it
to the Prior, who forthwith comman-
ded them, to take the ayde of the ho-
nest Inhabitants within the Friers, to
make search and watch for the appre-
hension of such lewd persons: which so
found, were alwayes examined by Sir
William Kingston, Knight, and other
good men there inhabiting within the
Friers, at the Porters desire, and not o-
18. Item,
know in all his time, any search or watch
to bee made within the Precinct of the
Friers, by any Watchman or Consta-
ble of the City, who could never come
within any of the Friers Gates, but
by the Porters licence of the same Fri-
No search or watch within the Pre-
cinct, &c.
Hee never heard, nor did
cinct, &c.
know in all his time, any search or watch
to bee made within the Precinct of the
Friers, by any Watchman or Consta-
ble of the City, who could never come
within any of the Friers Gates, but
by the Porters licence of the same Fri-
19. Item,
and Covent did once pave the Streetes
(by his time) from the Friers Turne-
gate, unto the Flower-de-Lize, along
by the VVall, to the Channell of the
same Streete. But as for pulling downe
of any Cage, he doth not well remem-
Paving the street by the Prior and Covent.
He saith, that the Prior
and Covent did once pave the Streetes
(by his time) from the Friers Turne-
gate, unto the Flower-de-Lize, along
by the VVall, to the Channell of the
same Streete. But as for pulling downe
of any Cage, he doth not well remem-
20. Item,
or any Drunkard, or misordered per-
son, were taken culpable within the
Precinct of the Friers, they were al-
wayes punished in the Friers Stockes
against the Church doore, by the Pri-
ors commandement; and not by the
Lord Maiors, or Sheriffes of London.
For puni-
shing dis-
ordered persons.
He saith, if any Vagabond,
shing dis-
ordered persons.
or any Drunkard, or misordered per-
son, were taken culpable within the
Precinct of the Friers, they were al-
wayes punished in the Friers Stockes
against the Church doore, by the Pri-
ors commandement; and not by the
Lord Maiors, or Sheriffes of London.
21. Item,
inhabiting within the late Blacke Fri-
ers, neere Ludgate in London, about 30.
yeeres past, doth well remember, That
after the suppression of the said Blacke
Friers, the Lord Maior of London
would have entred into the said Blacke
Friers, and claimed the Liberties of the
said Blacke Friers. For the which, the
Lord Cobham, the Lord Zanche, Sir
Thomas Cheyney, Sir William Kingston,
Sir Francis Brian, Knights, with many
other VVorshipfull Gentlemen, then
being Inhabitants within the Liberties
and Precinct of the said late Blacke
Friers, denied the Lord Maior and Ci-
tizens entrance, and would not permit
nor suffer them, or any of them, to en-
ter within the same. And shortly af-
ter, Sir Francis Brian, and Sir Thomas
Cheyney, moved the Kings Majesty, then
being King Henry the eighth; how the
said Maior and Citizens would have
entred into the said Friers. And then
the Kings Majesty said unto them these
words following: Are not Wee as able
to keepe our Priviledges and Liberties,
as the Friers did keepe their Priviled-
ges alwayes before time, free from the
City. Whereupon, they all (by one
consent and agreement) sent the said
Lord Maior word of the Kings Majesty
his answer and pleasure therein.
Whereupon the Lord Maior and Al-
dermen were satisfied, and would no
further proceed upon the Kings right
and title of Liberties; as then they
promised and affirmed by the mouth
of the Recorder, being sent by the Mai-
or to the Worshipfull of the said Friers.
And the said Sir Iohn Portenary further
saith, That after the said Friers were
supprest, the Lord Cromwell, Vicar
Generall, caused to bee delivered unto
the said Sir Iohn Portenary, the keyes of
all the said Friers, safely to keepe from
the said City, and to provide, that all
within the said Liberty should bee in
safety and safegard. The which keyes
were afterward delivered by the said
Sir Iohn Portenary, to the hands of Do-
ctor Layton, and Doctor Wendie, they
being Visitors there. For the which,
the said Sir Iohn Portenary had a cer-
taine reward payed unto him by the
Lord North, then being Chancellour
of the Augmentation Court. All which
matter the said Sir Iohn Portenary
will depose to bee most certaine and
true, as hee will answer at the dread-
full day of Iudgement upon his soule.
Against claiming the Liber-
ties of Blacke Fri-
Sir Iohn Portenary, Knight,
ties of Blacke Fri-
inhabiting within the late Blacke Fri-
ers, neere Ludgate in London, about 30.
yeeres past, doth well remember, That
after the suppression of the said Blacke
Friers, the Lord Maior of London
would have entred into the said Blacke
Friers, and claimed the Liberties of the
said Blacke Friers. For the which, the
Lord Cobham, the Lord Zanche, Sir
Thomas Cheyney, Sir William Kingston,
Sir Francis Brian, Knights, with many
other VVorshipfull Gentlemen, then
being Inhabitants within the Liberties
and Precinct of the said late Blacke
Friers, denied the Lord Maior and Ci-
tizens entrance, and would not permit
nor suffer them, or any of them, to en-
ter within the same. And shortly af-
ter, Sir Francis Brian, and Sir Thomas
Cheyney, moved the Kings Majesty, then
being King Henry the eighth; how the
said Maior and Citizens would have
entred into the said Friers. And then
the Kings Majesty said unto them these
words following: Are not Wee as able
to keepe our Priviledges and Liberties,
as the Friers did keepe their Priviled-
ges alwayes before time, free from the
City. Whereupon, they all (by one
consent and agreement) sent the said
Lord Maior word of the Kings Majesty
his answer and pleasure therein.
Whereupon the Lord Maior and Al-
dermen were satisfied, and would no
further proceed upon the Kings right
and title of Liberties; as then they
promised and affirmed by the mouth
of the Recorder, being sent by the Mai-
or to the Worshipfull of the said Friers.
And the said Sir Iohn Portenary further
saith, That after the said Friers were
supprest, the Lord Cromwell, Vicar
Generall, caused to bee delivered unto
the said Sir Iohn Portenary, the keyes of
all the said Friers, safely to keepe from
the said City, and to provide, that all
within the said Liberty should bee in
safety and safegard. The which keyes
were afterward delivered by the said
Sir Iohn Portenary, to the hands of Do-
ctor Layton, and Doctor Wendie, they
being Visitors there. For the which,
the said Sir Iohn Portenary had a cer-
taine reward payed unto him by the
Lord North, then being Chancellour
of the Augmentation Court. All which
matter the said Sir Iohn Portenary
will depose to bee most certaine and
true, as hee will answer at the dread-
full day of Iudgement upon his soule.
22. Bee it in remembrance perpe-
tuall for infallible truth,
lexander Avenon, being Sheriffe of
London, and one other, being Alder-
man of the VVard of Faringdon infra,
came and entred very stoutly into the
Liberty of the Blacke Friers neere Lud-
gate, the fifteenth day of May, 1562.
to carry away all the Hosiers and Tay-
lors, to come to the Guild-Hall in
London, according to the Queenes
new Proclamation. Which Hosiers
and Taylors denied to goe with the
said Sheriffe, affirming and saying,
That they had put in Bonds (before
their comming) to the Lord Cobham,
and to Sir Thomas Saunders, Knight,
two of the Queenes Iustices of the
Peace within the said Liberty (being
within the Verge, and exempted
from the City of London) according to
the Queenes Proclamation. And
thereupon, one Iohn Bradford, being
Constable of the same exempted place,
and within the Liberty of the said
Queenes Verge; caused the foure
Porters of the said Friers, to shut all the
Gates; which being perceived by the
said Sheriffe and Alderman; the said
Sheriffe commanded the Gates to bee
opened; whereunto the said Consta-
ble of the Friers said, That they should
not be opened, before the Iustices plea-
sures of the Friers were knowne. And
then the Sheriffe of London said, That
hee was of greater authority than the
Iustices were. The Constable affirming
him so to bee within the City of Lon-
don, but not within the Precinct of the
Liberty of the Black Friers. For the Con-
stable said, that he had greater power
& authority there than the Sheriffe had.
Which being heard, and scant well di-
gested by them; fearing further incon-
venience to arise thereupon (as by sud-
den changing of the grieved counte-
nance was plainly declared) the said
Sheriffe and Alderman (with gentle
language) desired the Constable to o-
pen the Gates quietly, and suffer them
to passe thence. VVhich hee did at
their gentle request and entreaty: And
so they departed out of the Liberty
of the Blacke Friers, by the Porters
commandement, and gave to the Por-
ters for opening the Gates money.
tuall for infallible truth,
Two Al-
dermens entring into the Liberties of the Blacke Fri-
that one A-dermens entring into the Liberties of the Blacke Fri-
lexander Avenon, being Sheriffe of
London, and one other, being Alder-
man of the VVard of Faringdon infra,
came and entred very stoutly into the
Liberty of the Blacke Friers neere Lud-
gate, the fifteenth day of May, 1562.
to carry away all the Hosiers and Tay-
lors, to come to the Guild-Hall in
London, according to the Queenes
new Proclamation. Which Hosiers
and Taylors denied to goe with the
said Sheriffe, affirming and saying,
That they had put in Bonds (before
their comming) to the Lord Cobham,
and to Sir Thomas Saunders, Knight,
two of the Queenes Iustices of the
Peace within the said Liberty (being
within the Verge, and exempted
from the City of London) according to
the Queenes Proclamation. And
thereupon, one Iohn Bradford, being
Constable of the same exempted place,
and within the Liberty of the said
Queenes Verge; caused the foure
Porters of the said Friers, to shut all the
Gates; which being perceived by the
said Sheriffe and Alderman; the said
Sheriffe commanded the Gates to bee
opened; whereunto the said Consta-
ble of the Friers said, That they should
not be opened, before the Iustices plea-
sures of the Friers were knowne. And
then the Sheriffe of London said, That
hee was of greater authority than the
Iustices were. The Constable affirming
him so to bee within the City of Lon-
don, but not within the Precinct of the
Liberty of the Black Friers. For the Con-
stable said, that he had greater power
& authority there than the Sheriffe had.
Which being heard, and scant well di-
gested by them; fearing further incon-
venience to arise thereupon (as by sud-
den changing of the grieved counte-
nance was plainly declared) the said
Sheriffe and Alderman (with gentle
language) desired the Constable to o-
pen the Gates quietly, and suffer them
to passe thence. VVhich hee did at
their gentle request and entreaty: And
so they departed out of the Liberty
of the Blacke Friers, by the Porters
commandement, and gave to the Por-
ters for opening the Gates money.
People of Saint Martins,
as well
Strangers as other (in the open high
Streete) marvelling and wondering at
the said Sheriffes and Aldermans inclo-
sure within the said Friers Gates: On
the morrow after, being the sixteenth
day of May, 1562. one Hardford being
Constable of Saint Martins Parish
within Ludgate, in the high Streete
there, tooke one Tretheru, a Hosier
and Taylor, dwelling in the said Fri-
ers, and carried him to the Lord Maior
of London. Who by and by (without
delay, or any further speech) comman-
ded the said Gilbert to the Counter in
London. Whereupon, the said Sir Tho-
mas Saunders, as one of the Iustices of
the said Liberty, went to the Earle
of Arundell, Lord Steward to the
Queenes most honourable Houshold,
declaring the whole circumstance of
the said Sheriffe and Aldermans enter-
prise. And obtained a token to the
Lord Maior, no further to enter the
said Liberty within the Verge; untill
by Law, or the Privie Councels judge-
ment, the question moved were deter-
mined, concerning the infringing of
the said ancient Liberty. All this was
spoken in the presence of Peter Baugh,
Lewes Rawbone, and divers other Stran-
gers. In witnesse and probatior where-
of, the said Sir Thomas hath subscribed
his name, with divers other here-under
written, which were present.
Strangers as other (in the open high
Streete) marvelling and wondering at
the said Sheriffes and Aldermans inclo-
sure within the said Friers Gates: On
the morrow after, being the sixteenth
day of May, 1562. one Hardford being
Constable of Saint Martins Parish
within Ludgate, in the high Streete
there, tooke one Tretheru, a Hosier
and Taylor, dwelling in the said Fri-
ers, and carried him to the Lord Maior
of London. Who by and by (without
delay, or any further speech) comman-
ded the said Gilbert to the Counter in
London. Whereupon, the said Sir Tho-
mas Saunders, as one of the Iustices of
the said Liberty, went to the Earle
of Arundell, Lord Steward to the
Queenes most honourable Houshold,
declaring the whole circumstance of
the said Sheriffe and Aldermans enter-
prise. And obtained a token to the
Lord Maior, no further to enter the
said Liberty within the Verge; untill
by Law, or the Privie Councels judge-
ment, the question moved were deter-
mined, concerning the infringing of
the said ancient Liberty. All this was
spoken in the presence of Peter Baugh,
Lewes Rawbone, and divers other Stran-
gers. In witnesse and probatior where-
of, the said Sir Thomas hath subscribed
his name, with divers other here-under
written, which were present.
23. Be
23. Be it had in perpetuall memory,
A further testimony concer-
ning one Robert Flower, Tailor and Hosier in the same precinct of Blacke Friers.
ning one Robert Flower, Tailor and Hosier in the same precinct of Blacke Friers.
for a continuall perfect declaration of
the truth, whereunto all matters of va-
riance and controversie should be refer-
red and advanced; and not the sparkes
of troth to be hidden (as a Candle, bea-
ring perfect light, under a Bushell) and
so washed away in the flowing waters
of unmindfull oblivion, which (amongst
all good Christian men) is at all times,
and in all ages to be rejected, and not to
be imbraced; but rather to be buried in
the bottome of the earth, never to rise
In consideration whereof, by these
presents, it is for an infallible truth, to
be holden with all men, which shall
heare or see this present writing: That
Robert Flower, Taylor and Hosier, dwel-
ling within the Precinct and liberties of
the late Blacke Friers, neere Ludgate in
London; was by order and commande-
ment of the whole Bench or Aldermen,
committed into one of the Compters of
London, the 20. day of May, 1502. For
that the same Robert Flower refused to be
bound (acording to order taken) from
the making of monstrous great Hosen,
according to the Queens gracious Pro-
clamation in that behalfe: Because the
said Robert Flower had (amongst other
persons) put in Bonds before the Hono-
rable Warden of the Five Ports, and
Sir Thomas Saunders, Knight, Justices
within the Liberty of the Queenes
Verge. After which reveiled and
knowne to the Honourable Earle of A-
rundell, Lord Steward of the Queenes
most Honourable Houshold, who cau-
sed the Knight Marshall to goe to the
said Lord Maior, requiring the delive-
rance of the said prisoner. The Lord
Maior (being sickly) made answer, that
he knew nothing thereof; but desired
him to speake with Master Recorder:
who made answer, that the said impri-
sonment was done by the whole Bench
of Aldermen, and he (as one particular
person) could not deliver the prisoner,
untill the next Court day, which could
not be till two dayes after, to the great
charges and hinderance of the said pri-
presents, it is for an infallible truth, to
be holden with all men, which shall
heare or see this present writing: That
Robert Flower, Taylor and Hosier, dwel-
ling within the Precinct and liberties of
the late Blacke Friers, neere Ludgate in
London; was by order and commande-
ment of the whole Bench or Aldermen,
committed into one of the Compters of
London, the 20. day of May, 1502. For
that the same Robert Flower refused to be
bound (acording to order taken) from
the making of monstrous great Hosen,
according to the Queens gracious Pro-
clamation in that behalfe: Because the
said Robert Flower had (amongst other
persons) put in Bonds before the Hono-
rable Warden of the Five Ports, and
Sir Thomas Saunders, Knight, Justices
within the Liberty of the Queenes
Verge. After which reveiled and
knowne to the Honourable Earle of A-
rundell, Lord Steward of the Queenes
most Honourable Houshold, who cau-
sed the Knight Marshall to goe to the
said Lord Maior, requiring the delive-
rance of the said prisoner. The Lord
Maior (being sickly) made answer, that
he knew nothing thereof; but desired
him to speake with Master Recorder:
who made answer, that the said impri-
sonment was done by the whole Bench
of Aldermen, and he (as one particular
person) could not deliver the prisoner,
untill the next Court day, which could
not be till two dayes after, to the great
charges and hinderance of the said pri-
Whereupon the Lord Steward sent
for Master Cholmeley, he being then Re-
corder of London, and commanded him
to deliver the prisoner; or else he would
imprison the Maior of London, and the
said Recorder, and the fattest Alder-
man in the Citie, which hee could get
within the Verge: And declared, that
the Queenes Liberties and Franchises
should not bee overcome by the Lord
Maior and Bench of Aldermen, so long
as he was Officer: with many other
words against the Citizens, which were
too long to write. Adding further, that
the Maior did not meddle with Saint
Martins, being within the Citie, and a
parcel of Westminster Deanry; much lesse
should he meddle with the said liberty
of the Friers, bounded out by walls and
gates from the City, being in the Coun-
ty of Middlesex, and not within the Ci-
tie. And so commanded the Recorder
to send home the prisoner into the liber-
ty presently: which was so done accor-
dingly: Promising, that if the L. Maior
could declare or shew any good Title,
whereby to breake the Liberty, the
Queenes learned Councell should an-
swer him and them therein. And then
the Recorder said, he never heard be-
fore that time, that the Lord Steward
did claime the precinct of the said Black
Friers, to be within the liberty of the
Queenes Verge: Out of which Ju-
risdiction the Citie of London is exem-
pted by the Statute of 32. Hen. 8. Cap.
2. Vnder colour of which Statute, the
Maior would bring the said Friers to be
in London; which in all the Friers time
was freely exempted.
for Master Cholmeley, he being then Re-
corder of London, and commanded him
to deliver the prisoner; or else he would
imprison the Maior of London, and the
said Recorder, and the fattest Alder-
man in the Citie, which hee could get
within the Verge: And declared, that
the Queenes Liberties and Franchises
should not bee overcome by the Lord
Maior and Bench of Aldermen, so long
as he was Officer: with many other
words against the Citizens, which were
too long to write. Adding further, that
the Maior did not meddle with Saint
Martins, being within the Citie, and a
parcel of Westminster Deanry; much lesse
should he meddle with the said liberty
of the Friers, bounded out by walls and
gates from the City, being in the Coun-
ty of Middlesex, and not within the Ci-
tie. And so commanded the Recorder
to send home the prisoner into the liber-
ty presently: which was so done accor-
dingly: Promising, that if the L. Maior
could declare or shew any good Title,
whereby to breake the Liberty, the
Queenes learned Councell should an-
swer him and them therein. And then
the Recorder said, he never heard be-
fore that time, that the Lord Steward
did claime the precinct of the said Black
Friers, to be within the liberty of the
Queenes Verge: Out of which Ju-
risdiction the Citie of London is exem-
pted by the Statute of 32. Hen. 8. Cap.
2. Vnder colour of which Statute, the
Maior would bring the said Friers to be
in London; which in all the Friers time
was freely exempted.
All the which matter was debated
in the presence of Sir Thomas Saunders,
Knight; Master Robert Hopton, one of
the Knight Marshals, and Mr. Bromeley,
under Steward of the Marshalsea, the
day and yeere above-written.
in the presence of Sir Thomas Saunders,
Knight; Master Robert Hopton, one of
the Knight Marshals, and Mr. Bromeley,
under Steward of the Marshalsea, the
day and yeere above-written.
24. Item,
time, or King Edwards time, her Bro-
ther, there was a man slaine within the
said precinct of the Blacke Friers: and
the goods of him that was supposed to
doe the deed, were stayed within the
said Friers, and an Inventory taken by
the next Justice of Peace within the
Verge, Roger Cholmeley, Knight, by
the commandement of Sir Thomas Che-
ney, Knight; and afterward one Master
Garrard and the Recorder of London,
came unto the said Sir Thomas Cheney’s
house within the same precinct, and
would have made an Inventory of the
goods of the partie offender aforesaid,
now deceased. But the said Sir Thomas
Cheyney would not permit nor suffer
them so to doe; for that hee had made
stay of the same goods for the Queene
before, if it were lawfully found that
the said partie had slaine the man dead.
Which afterward was otherwise found
by a Quest of twelve men, sitting super
visum corporis of the dead, by the Coro-
ner of the Verge within the said Liber-
ty: where the Maior of London and
Bench of Aldermen have not to doe,
nor intermit with the Inhabitants there-
in: Because the whole Friers liberties,
and franchises of the same, were freely
given unto King Henry the eighth, by
Act of Parliament: whereby the Lord
Maior of London, and Bench of Alder-
men are cleerely barred and secluded
from the Friers Liberties, and the inha-
bitants thereof franchised, and cleane
exempted from all the Citizens, and
their impositions or other taxations.
A man slaine in the liberty of the Blacke Friers.
That in Queene Maries
time, or King Edwards time, her Bro-
ther, there was a man slaine within the
said precinct of the Blacke Friers: and
the goods of him that was supposed to
doe the deed, were stayed within the
said Friers, and an Inventory taken by
the next Justice of Peace within the
Verge, Roger Cholmeley, Knight, by
the commandement of Sir Thomas Che-
ney, Knight; and afterward one Master
Garrard and the Recorder of London,
came unto the said Sir Thomas Cheney’s
house within the same precinct, and
would have made an Inventory of the
goods of the partie offender aforesaid,
now deceased. But the said Sir Thomas
Cheyney would not permit nor suffer
them so to doe; for that hee had made
stay of the same goods for the Queene
before, if it were lawfully found that
the said partie had slaine the man dead.
Which afterward was otherwise found
by a Quest of twelve men, sitting super
visum corporis of the dead, by the Coro-
ner of the Verge within the said Liber-
ty: where the Maior of London and
Bench of Aldermen have not to doe,
nor intermit with the Inhabitants there-
in: Because the whole Friers liberties,
and franchises of the same, were freely
given unto King Henry the eighth, by
Act of Parliament: whereby the Lord
Maior of London, and Bench of Alder-
men are cleerely barred and secluded
from the Friers Liberties, and the inha-
bitants thereof franchised, and cleane
exempted from all the Citizens, and
their impositions or other taxations.
The true Copie of the Vicar of Brom-
leys Letter in Kent, sent to Ma-
ster Thomas Walsingham of
Scadborough in the said County,
Esquire: who sent the same Letter
to Sir Tho. Saunders, Knight,
he being also one of the Queenes Iu-
stices of the Peace in the said Coun-
tie; to examine the severall parti-
culars therein, concerning the liber-
tie of the said Friers, &c.
leys Letter in Kent, sent to Ma-
ster Thomas Walsingham of
Scadborough in the said County,
Esquire: who sent the same Letter
to Sir Tho. Saunders, Knight,
he being also one of the Queenes Iu-
stices of the Peace in the said Coun-
tie; to examine the severall parti-
culars therein, concerning the liber-
tie of the said Friers, &c.
RIght Worshipfull; you shal un-
derstand that I have received
your kinde Letter; according
whereunto, these are to satisfie your
minde; That I was dwelling in the
Blacke Friers foure or five yeeres, and
came thither from Oxford, where I had
beene a Student of Divinity. I was al-
so Curate of the Parish within the
Blacke Friers, called Saint Agnes. Wee
had within us a Porter, who did shut
all the Gates every night; at nine of the
clocke in the Winter, and at ten of the
clocke in the Summer. No Sheriffe,
Bailiffe or Constable, nor yet the Maior
of London, tooke interest there at any
time, nor forreine porters had to doe
within our Priviledge: And the Friers
did pave both within the Turn-gate and
without, unto Saint Andrews Church,
downe by the great Garden wall: And
without the Turne-gate there was a
Cage, pulled downe by my time, which
was set up by the Lord Maior of London.
The inhabitants within the Friers never
watched, neither the Constable of Saint
Martins Parish warned any watch
there, neither came within the Gates,
after the houre appointed at any time.
The Sheriffes of London had no Felons
goods there, neither did arrest any per-
son within the Precinct of the house.
As for Bakers and Brewers that belon-
ged to the house, they be dead.
derstand that I have received
your kinde Letter; according
whereunto, these are to satisfie your
minde; That I was dwelling in the
Blacke Friers foure or five yeeres, and
came thither from Oxford, where I had
beene a Student of Divinity. I was al-
so Curate of the Parish within the
Blacke Friers, called Saint Agnes. Wee
had within us a Porter, who did shut
all the Gates every night; at nine of the
clocke in the Winter, and at ten of the
clocke in the Summer. No Sheriffe,
Bailiffe or Constable, nor yet the Maior
of London, tooke interest there at any
time, nor forreine porters had to doe
within our Priviledge: And the Friers
did pave both within the Turn-gate and
without, unto Saint Andrews Church,
downe by the great Garden wall: And
without the Turne-gate there was a
Cage, pulled downe by my time, which
was set up by the Lord Maior of London.
The inhabitants within the Friers never
watched, neither the Constable of Saint
Martins Parish warned any watch
there, neither came within the Gates,
after the houre appointed at any time.
The Sheriffes of London had no Felons
goods there, neither did arrest any per-
son within the Precinct of the house.
As for Bakers and Brewers that belon-
ged to the house, they be dead.
There is one Iames Norrice,
alive, who was brought up in the
house, and dwelling at Saint Michaels
in Cornehill, he can give you further in-
structions: whether there be any more
living, I know not.
The same man spo-
ken of be-
ken of be-
alive, who was brought up in the
house, and dwelling at Saint Michaels
in Cornehill, he can give you further in-
structions: whether there be any more
living, I know not.
The fatall VESPER, or dis-
mall EVENSONG, happening
at the Blacke Friers on Sunday in
the afternoone, it being the
26. day of October.
mall EVENSONG, happening
at the Blacke Friers on Sunday in
the afternoone, it being the
26. day of October.
THere were upon that day, being
dedicated to the service of God,
assembled together in the Black
Friers neere the French Embassadours
house in ordinary, above three hundred
persons of sundry Nations, as English,
Scottish, Welch, and Irish, to heare a
Sermon, & after that to celebrate Even-
song, according to the Rites and Cere-
monies of the Romish Church. Of
which number it is certainly knowne
and confidently reported, that about
the number of threescore of them, had
that morning both confessed them-
selves, and received the Sacrament, ac-
cording to the order of the Romish
Church. Hee that was to supply that
exercise for the present, was Father
Drury, a Iesuite by profession, and by
birth a Gentleman, being extracted
out of the house of the Norfolcian Dru-
ries, and sonne unto Doctor Drury, late
professor of the Civill Law, and practi-
ser thereof in the Court of the Arches
here in London. Hee was by those of the
Romish religion reputed to bee a man
of great learning, as having studied
many yeeres beyond the Sea, with
much approbation and allowance of
his Superiours. And although he were
opposite in point of faith and beliefe
unto the Religion now professed in Eng-
land, yet was he held by the generality
of our Nation, both Protestants and
Papists, who knew him, and could
make a true estimate of his vertues
and vices by the outward circumstance
and appearance of his actions, to bee a
man of a good moralllife, and of a plau-
sible and laudable conversation. So that
in respect of these indowments, there
could nothing have been desired more
by us of the Reformed Church, than
that hee had not beene a Papist, but a
member of our Church, Religion, and
Profession. All the day before, which
was the last that ever his eyes beheld,
he was observed to be wondrous sad and
pensive, contrary unto his wonted hu-
mour and disposition, hee being a man
of a free, merry and affable conversati-
on, as though that some spirit of predi-
ction had foretold him of that fatall
disaster, which was at hand. Thus wee
reade of Caesar, that hee was possessed
with a strange and unwonted sadnesse
that morning when hee entred into the
Senate house, where he was stabbed to
death by the Senators. And so was that
Assassine Cassius much perplexed and
troubled in minde before that mortall
and bloudy battell of Pharsalia. By
meanes of which affection, Father Dru-
rie finding an indisposition in himselfe,
hee would (if with his reputation hee
could) have made a retraction of his
promise, and a demurre of the intended
exercise. But being prest on by divers
of his friends, who told him that the
Audience was great, and their expecta-
tion farre greater, hee did then againe
resolve to goe forward with the enter-
dedicated to the service of God,
assembled together in the Black
Friers neere the French Embassadours
house in ordinary, above three hundred
persons of sundry Nations, as English,
Scottish, Welch, and Irish, to heare a
Sermon, & after that to celebrate Even-
song, according to the Rites and Cere-
monies of the Romish Church. Of
which number it is certainly knowne
and confidently reported, that about
the number of threescore of them, had
that morning both confessed them-
selves, and received the Sacrament, ac-
cording to the order of the Romish
Church. Hee that was to supply that
exercise for the present, was Father
Drury, a Iesuite by profession, and by
birth a Gentleman, being extracted
out of the house of the Norfolcian Dru-
ries, and sonne unto Doctor Drury, late
professor of the Civill Law, and practi-
ser thereof in the Court of the Arches
here in London. Hee was by those of the
Romish religion reputed to bee a man
of great learning, as having studied
many yeeres beyond the Sea, with
much approbation and allowance of
his Superiours. And although he were
opposite in point of faith and beliefe
unto the Religion now professed in Eng-
land, yet was he held by the generality
of our Nation, both Protestants and
Papists, who knew him, and could
make a true estimate of his vertues
and vices by the outward circumstance
and appearance of his actions, to bee a
man of a good moralllife, and of a plau-
sible and laudable conversation. So that
in respect of these indowments, there
could nothing have been desired more
by us of the Reformed Church, than
that hee had not beene a Papist, but a
member of our Church, Religion, and
Profession. All the day before, which
was the last that ever his eyes beheld,
he was observed to be wondrous sad and
pensive, contrary unto his wonted hu-
mour and disposition, hee being a man
of a free, merry and affable conversati-
on, as though that some spirit of predi-
ction had foretold him of that fatall
disaster, which was at hand. Thus wee
reade of Caesar, that hee was possessed
with a strange and unwonted sadnesse
that morning when hee entred into the
Senate house, where he was stabbed to
death by the Senators. And so was that
Assassine Cassius much perplexed and
troubled in minde before that mortall
and bloudy battell of Pharsalia. By
meanes of which affection, Father Dru-
rie finding an indisposition in himselfe,
hee would (if with his reputation hee
could) have made a retraction of his
promise, and a demurre of the intended
exercise. But being prest on by divers
of his friends, who told him that the
Audience was great, and their expecta-
tion farre greater, hee did then againe
resolve to goe forward with the enter-
The place wherein this Congregati-
on was assembled, was not the French
Ambassadours Chappell, according as
the first report went currant; for that
was reserved for the use of himselfe and
his family, to celebrate their Even-song
after their owne manner and custome,
but it was a Chamber neere unto the
gate, some three stories high, being
some threescore foot long, and twenty
foot broad, or thereabouts. The wals
were not made of Lome, composed of
Laths and Rafters, and covered over
with Clay and Lime, as some at first
reported: but were of Brick and Stone,
which are held by all Architects to bee
the strongest and the surest building.
But howsoever, a Gentlewoman of a
noble house, and of a quicke and judici-
ous spirit, who was then present, and
had taken a curious view of the pressing
multitude of the people, which was at
length their owne oppression, and of
the unfitnesse and uncapacity of the
place besides, told him, That shee
thought it would prove an action full
of danger, if he should offer to preach
in that place respectively in respect of
the premises. But he being led on by a
divine and fatall necessity, which blinds
the judgement of the wise men of this
world, he told her that he did meane
as then to preach, and to goe forward
with the greatest expedition he could,
with his intended Sermon. For the ac-
complishment of which designe, the
Father predicant being clad in those
robes and ornaments which are used by
those of his Order, being a Iesuit, ha-
ving a Surplice girt about his middle
with a linnen girdle, a red Cap with a
white one underneath, turned up about
the brimmes of his Cap, and his other
accoutrements belonging, which the
Ignatian Orders have imposed upon
them: and being placed in a Chaire a-
bout the middest of the roome, which
Chaire was raised up something higher
than the ordinary levell of the floore:
hee crossing himselfe with the signe of
the Crosse, and having ended some pri-
vate prayers, accommodated himselfe
to his Text, between three and foure of
the clocke in the afternoone of the fore-
said Sunday. The words of the Text
were part of the Gospel appointed for
the present day, according to the order
and instruction of the Church of Rome,
being their fifth of November, which
account is thought to bee the truest by
the Romane Catholikes, and begins
ten dayes before that of England. The
Gospel was written in the eighteenth
Chapter of St. Matthewes Gospel, and
delivered unto us by the holy Spirit, in
these words: Therefore is the Kingdome
of Heaven likened unto a certaine man that
was a King, which would take account of
his servants. And when hee had begun to
reckon, one was brought unto him which
ought him ten thousand Talents. But for-
asmuch as hee was not able to pay, his Lord
commanded him to be sold, and his wife and
children, and all that he had, and payment
to be made. The servant fell downe and be-
sought him, saying: Sir, have patience with
mee and I will pay thee all. Then had the
Lord pity of that servant, and loosed him,
and forgave him the debt. So the same ser-
vant went out, and found one of his fel-
lowes which ought him an hundred pence:
And he laid hands on him, and tooke him
by the throat, saying: Pay that thou owest.
And his fellow fell downe and besought him,
saying: Have patience with mee and I will
pay thee all. And he would not, but he went
out and cast him into prison, till hee should
pay the debt. So when his fellowes went
and saw what was done, they were very
sorry, and came and told their Master all
that happened. Then his Lord called him
and sayd unto him: O thou ungracious ser-
vant, I forgave thee all that debt thou desi-
redst mee, shouldest not thou also have had
compassion on thy fellow, even as I had pity
on thee, &c?
on was assembled, was not the French
Ambassadours Chappell, according as
the first report went currant; for that
was reserved for the use of himselfe and
his family, to celebrate their Even-song
after their owne manner and custome,
but it was a Chamber neere unto the
gate, some three stories high, being
some threescore foot long, and twenty
foot broad, or thereabouts. The wals
were not made of Lome, composed of
Laths and Rafters, and covered over
with Clay and Lime, as some at first
reported: but were of Brick and Stone,
which are held by all Architects to bee
the strongest and the surest building.
But howsoever, a Gentlewoman of a
noble house, and of a quicke and judici-
ous spirit, who was then present, and
had taken a curious view of the pressing
multitude of the people, which was at
length their owne oppression, and of
the unfitnesse and uncapacity of the
place besides, told him, That shee
thought it would prove an action full
of danger, if he should offer to preach
in that place respectively in respect of
the premises. But he being led on by a
divine and fatall necessity, which blinds
the judgement of the wise men of this
world, he told her that he did meane
as then to preach, and to goe forward
with the greatest expedition he could,
with his intended Sermon. For the ac-
complishment of which designe, the
Father predicant being clad in those
robes and ornaments which are used by
those of his Order, being a Iesuit, ha-
ving a Surplice girt about his middle
with a linnen girdle, a red Cap with a
white one underneath, turned up about
the brimmes of his Cap, and his other
accoutrements belonging, which the
Ignatian Orders have imposed upon
them: and being placed in a Chaire a-
bout the middest of the roome, which
Chaire was raised up something higher
than the ordinary levell of the floore:
hee crossing himselfe with the signe of
the Crosse, and having ended some pri-
vate prayers, accommodated himselfe
to his Text, between three and foure of
the clocke in the afternoone of the fore-
said Sunday. The words of the Text
were part of the Gospel appointed for
the present day, according to the order
and instruction of the Church of Rome,
being their fifth of November, which
account is thought to bee the truest by
the Romane Catholikes, and begins
ten dayes before that of England. The
Gospel was written in the eighteenth
Chapter of St. Matthewes Gospel, and
delivered unto us by the holy Spirit, in
these words: Therefore is the Kingdome
of Heaven likened unto a certaine man that
was a King, which would take account of
his servants. And when hee had begun to
reckon, one was brought unto him which
ought him ten thousand Talents. But for-
asmuch as hee was not able to pay, his Lord
commanded him to be sold, and his wife and
children, and all that he had, and payment
to be made. The servant fell downe and be-
sought him, saying: Sir, have patience with
mee and I will pay thee all. Then had the
Lord pity of that servant, and loosed him,
and forgave him the debt. So the same ser-
vant went out, and found one of his fel-
lowes which ought him an hundred pence:
And he laid hands on him, and tooke him
by the throat, saying: Pay that thou owest.
And his fellow fell downe and besought him,
saying: Have patience with mee and I will
pay thee all. And he would not, but he went
out and cast him into prison, till hee should
pay the debt. So when his fellowes went
and saw what was done, they were very
sorry, and came and told their Master all
that happened. Then his Lord called him
and sayd unto him: O thou ungracious ser-
vant, I forgave thee all that debt thou desi-
redst mee, shouldest not thou also have had
compassion on thy fellow, even as I had pity
on thee, &c?
The words which he insisted especi-
ally upon, were these:
ous servant, I forgave thee all the debt thou
oughtest mee, shouldest not thou also have
had compassion on thy fellow, even as I had
pity on thee? Vpon which subject dis-
coursing with much vehemency, and
implying out of it the infinite mercy
and goodnesse of God, whereby he doth
not onely give us all that wee have, but
forgives us all our trespasses and offen-
ces, bee they never so deeply stayned
with the scarlet dye and tincture of our
guiltinesse: which mercifull act of God
is paraboliz’d unto us by a certain man
that was a King, who tooke account of
his servants, and after much intreaty
and submission, forgave one ten thou-
sand Talents, which he ought him. And
also dilating by way of blame and re-
prehension of the ungratefull and un-
relenting heart of man, who doth not
forgive trespasses as God doth forgive
him; but out of his swelling and ma-
lignant humour, writes benefits in the
sand, and injuries in marble, which un-
charitablenesse of theirs is intimated in
the Parable by the ungracious servant,
who would not forgive his fellow a
small debt, although his Master had
forgiven him one of a farre greater va-
lue. Moreover, upon the application
of these words, hee did inveigh with
much bitternesse, as some give out (but
I know not how truly) against the
manners and doctrine of the Prote-
ally upon, were these:
*Note that this Text was divided into three partes; whereof the first part trea-
ted of Gods mer-
cie, the se-
cond of mans in-
gratitude, the third of the Re-
medies which man might use for the procuring of Gods mercie, and cure himselfe from this contagi-
cus dis-
ease of his ingrati-
tude. Which first part onely in part he handled.
O thou ungraci-ted of Gods mer-
cie, the se-
cond of mans in-
gratitude, the third of the Re-
medies which man might use for the procuring of Gods mercie, and cure himselfe from this contagi-
cus dis-
ease of his ingrati-
tude. Which first part onely in part he handled.
ous servant, I forgave thee all the debt thou
oughtest mee, shouldest not thou also have
had compassion on thy fellow, even as I had
pity on thee? Vpon which subject dis-
coursing with much vehemency, and
implying out of it the infinite mercy
and goodnesse of God, whereby he doth
not onely give us all that wee have, but
forgives us all our trespasses and offen-
ces, bee they never so deeply stayned
with the scarlet dye and tincture of our
guiltinesse: which mercifull act of God
is paraboliz’d unto us by a certain man
that was a King, who tooke account of
his servants, and after much intreaty
and submission, forgave one ten thou-
sand Talents, which he ought him. And
also dilating by way of blame and re-
prehension of the ungratefull and un-
relenting heart of man, who doth not
forgive trespasses as God doth forgive
him; but out of his swelling and ma-
lignant humour, writes benefits in the
sand, and injuries in marble, which un-
charitablenesse of theirs is intimated in
the Parable by the ungracious servant,
who would not forgive his fellow a
small debt, although his Master had
forgiven him one of a farre greater va-
lue. Moreover, upon the application
of these words, hee did inveigh with
much bitternesse, as some give out (but
I know not how truly) against the
manners and doctrine of the Prote-
But having proceeded thus farre, loe
what a sudden and unexpected accident
fell out. The Sermon inclining to-
wards the middest, and the day decli-
ning towards an end, it being almost
foure of the clocke in the afternoone,
the multitude and crowde of the assem-
bly breaking downe with their over-
bearing weight the beames and side-
timbers wherewith this roome was sup-
ported, they fell downe into the next
Chamber, the floore whereof being
broken downe also with the descending
weight of them and the ruines, they fell
at last upon the lowest Chamber of the
edifice, where some of them perished,
some were hurted and maymed, other-
some were free from all hurt and dan-
ger except of that which the present
fright and terror did impose upon them,
and those were they especially who fell
not at all, but remained in one angle or
corner of the Chamber, which was free
from falling. Which persons beeing
thought to be betweene twenty and
thirty in number, as I heard by one,
who was one of them, perplexed and
frighted thus as they were, by conside-
ration of that most fearefull danger,
whereinto they had seene their fellowes
and brethren to fall, who did lift up
their hands for helpe, and beat their
breasts for life, whereof they then were
spectators; and being doubtfull that
they should be Actors with them pre-
sently in that Scene of their calamity;
the place being weake, tottering and un-
assured, for this cause feare and necessity
giving motion and strength unto their
armes, they opened with their Knives a
Lome wall, which parted that roome
and a Chamber belonging to the Am-
bassadours Lodging. By which meanes,
after much difficulty and labour, they
got their passage, and live as yet to glo-
rifie God for their deliverance.
what a sudden and unexpected accident
fell out. The Sermon inclining to-
wards the middest, and the day decli-
ning towards an end, it being almost
foure of the clocke in the afternoone,
the multitude and crowde of the assem-
bly breaking downe with their over-
bearing weight the beames and side-
timbers wherewith this roome was sup-
ported, they fell downe into the next
Chamber, the floore whereof being
broken downe also with the descending
weight of them and the ruines, they fell
at last upon the lowest Chamber of the
edifice, where some of them perished,
some were hurted and maymed, other-
some were free from all hurt and dan-
ger except of that which the present
fright and terror did impose upon them,
and those were they especially who fell
not at all, but remained in one angle or
corner of the Chamber, which was free
from falling. Which persons beeing
thought to be betweene twenty and
thirty in number, as I heard by one,
who was one of them, perplexed and
frighted thus as they were, by conside-
ration of that most fearefull danger,
whereinto they had seene their fellowes
and brethren to fall, who did lift up
their hands for helpe, and beat their
breasts for life, whereof they then were
spectators; and being doubtfull that
they should be Actors with them pre-
sently in that Scene of their calamity;
the place being weake, tottering and un-
assured, for this cause feare and necessity
giving motion and strength unto their
armes, they opened with their Knives a
Lome wall, which parted that roome
and a Chamber belonging to the Am-
bassadours Lodging. By which meanes,
after much difficulty and labour, they
got their passage, and live as yet to glo-
rifie God for their deliverance.
Presently upon the report of the fall
and cry, divers persons of all sorts re-
sorted unto the place, some out of cha-
rity, to helpe those that were thus di-
stressed; for which cause they brought
Spades, Pickaxes, and other instru-
ments fit for that purpose; others out of
meere curiosity came thither, to see this
wonderfull event, and this object so full
of admiration. Where, after the guards
were set upon all the Advenues and pas-
sages leading into the Blacke Friers, and
from thence into the Ambassadours
house, by the direction and command of
Sergeant Finch, Recorder of the Citie,
who was exceeding carefull that my
Lord Ambassadour and his servants
should not suffer any detriment in their
goods or persons, being jealous in this
point of the Kings, his owne, and the Ci-
ties honour: and matters being thus dis-
posed for the safety and assurance of the
strangers, after they had broken downe
a wall, and opened some doores, they
fell to worke upon the ruines it selfe,
with all possible diligence and dexte-
rity: where at the opening of every
boord, planke, and peece of Timber,
there were objects which presented
themselves full of horrour and confu-
and cry, divers persons of all sorts re-
sorted unto the place, some out of cha-
rity, to helpe those that were thus di-
stressed; for which cause they brought
Spades, Pickaxes, and other instru-
ments fit for that purpose; others out of
meere curiosity came thither, to see this
wonderfull event, and this object so full
of admiration. Where, after the guards
were set upon all the Advenues and pas-
sages leading into the Blacke Friers, and
from thence into the Ambassadours
house, by the direction and command of
Sergeant Finch, Recorder of the Citie,
who was exceeding carefull that my
Lord Ambassadour and his servants
should not suffer any detriment in their
goods or persons, being jealous in this
point of the Kings, his owne, and the Ci-
ties honour: and matters being thus dis-
posed for the safety and assurance of the
strangers, after they had broken downe
a wall, and opened some doores, they
fell to worke upon the ruines it selfe,
with all possible diligence and dexte-
rity: where at the opening of every
boord, planke, and peece of Timber,
there were objects which presented
themselves full of horrour and confu-
Here you might have seene a man
shaking of his legges, and striving for
life: There you might have seene ano-
ther, putting forth his bloudy hands, and
crying for helpe: Here you might have
seene one like some spectre, thrusting
out his head out of the grave: There
you might have seene his fellow halfe
dead and halfe living, intomb’d in that
grave which he was not long to keepe.
Here you might have seene the living
thus pressed, as they were mourning for
the dead; and there the dead senselesse,
as they were imbracing of the living. So
that since the Sicilian Vespers, there was
never an Evensong more dolorous vnto
the French, nor more lamentable unto
the Scots and English. The Count of Til-
lier, who was Ambassadour here in or-
dinary for the most Christian King,
which place hee hath executed with
great dignity and authority for many
yeeres together, to the generall liking
and applause of both Nations, although
he was fortunate in this, that not one of
his retinue perished, was much agree-
ved with this unluckie accident, with
whom the Spanish Delegates did con-
dole, as by mutuall reference feeling that
griefe, which fellow-feeling had made
their owne.
shaking of his legges, and striving for
life: There you might have seene ano-
ther, putting forth his bloudy hands, and
crying for helpe: Here you might have
seene one like some spectre, thrusting
out his head out of the grave: There
you might have seene his fellow halfe
dead and halfe living, intomb’d in that
grave which he was not long to keepe.
Here you might have seene the living
thus pressed, as they were mourning for
the dead; and there the dead senselesse,
as they were imbracing of the living. So
that since the Sicilian Vespers, there was
never an Evensong more dolorous vnto
the French, nor more lamentable unto
the Scots and English. The Count of Til-
lier, who was Ambassadour here in or-
dinary for the most Christian King,
which place hee hath executed with
great dignity and authority for many
yeeres together, to the generall liking
and applause of both Nations, although
he was fortunate in this, that not one of
his retinue perished, was much agree-
ved with this unluckie accident, with
whom the Spanish Delegates did con-
dole, as by mutuall reference feeling that
griefe, which fellow-feeling had made
their owne.
Moreover, it was reported by one who
had good intelligence in Elie house, that
Don Carlos Colom’s Steward should say,
that his Master would not for a million
of gold, this accident should have falne
out in his or Exeter house. A report
like enough to be beleeved of those, who
know how strangely zealous this Nati-
on is in their Religion, and how jealous
they are besides of their owne, their
Kings, and of their Countries honour.
had good intelligence in Elie house, that
Don Carlos Colom’s Steward should say,
that his Master would not for a million
of gold, this accident should have falne
out in his or Exeter house. A report
like enough to be beleeved of those, who
know how strangely zealous this Nati-
on is in their Religion, and how jealous
they are besides of their owne, their
Kings, and of their Countries honour.
Neither were the sorrows meaner a-
mongst the naturals of this Kingdome,
and the inhabitants of the Citie of Lon-
don. So that here some men lost their
wives, women their husbands, parents
their children, children their parents,
masters their servants, and one friend la-
mented the losse of another. So that
Rachel was weeping for her children
because they were not. Iob was lamen-
ting for his sonnes and daughters, be-
cause they were slaine together by the
downefall of an house, whilest they were
eating of their last banquet. Insomuch
that the streets did eccho with their do-
lorous moanes, the wals and houses did
resound with their cries and lamentati-
ons. The subsequent night was so full
of horrour unto many, that it may bee
truely said of it, as was said of another
dismall night in the like kind:
mongst the naturals of this Kingdome,
and the inhabitants of the Citie of Lon-
don. So that here some men lost their
wives, women their husbands, parents
their children, children their parents,
masters their servants, and one friend la-
mented the losse of another. So that
Rachel was weeping for her children
because they were not. Iob was lamen-
ting for his sonnes and daughters, be-
cause they were slaine together by the
downefall of an house, whilest they were
eating of their last banquet. Insomuch
that the streets did eccho with their do-
lorous moanes, the wals and houses did
resound with their cries and lamentati-
ons. The subsequent night was so full
of horrour unto many, that it may bee
truely said of it, as was said of another
dismall night in the like kind:
Quis cladem illius noct is,
quis funera fando
Explicit? aut potis est
lachrymis aequare dolorem?
When the bodies were drawn forth
of those heapes of earth and timber,
which taske of charity they were accom-
all that night, and part of the
next day following, they were found to
be 95. persons, or therabout, of divers cō-
ditions, besides those who were bruised,
maim’d or wounded. Amongst whom
were divers persons of worth and quali-
tie: as Father Drurie, who was the
Preacher; Father Redyate, in whose lod-
ging this calamity befell; the Lady Web,
descended of the Family of the Treshams,
and sister unto my La. Morley, & my La.
Sturton, and many moe besides of that
weaker sexe, who then and there were
assembled at their accustomed devoti-
ons. Yet were there many who were in
that unfortunate downefall, which esca-
ped the danger strangely and wonder-
fully. Amongst whom was Mistris Lu-
cie Penruddocke, extracted from a wor-
thy and Noble Family, who fell be-
tweene the Lady Webbe and her owne
maid-servant, both of which perished,
yet she was preserved alive, by meanes
of a Chaire which fell hollow upon her,
and sheltered her from further danger.
So was yong Mistris Webbe, daughter to
my Lady Webbe, who fell neere unto her
mother, and Elenor Sanders, who was
covered, with many others, whose lives
were saved within the heapes of these
blood-guilty ruines.
of those heapes of earth and timber,
which taske of charity they were accom-
all that night, and part of the
next day following, they were found to
be 95. persons, or therabout, of divers cō-
ditions, besides those who were bruised,
maim’d or wounded. Amongst whom
were divers persons of worth and quali-
tie: as Father Drurie, who was the
Preacher; Father Redyate, in whose lod-
ging this calamity befell; the Lady Web,
descended of the Family of the Treshams,
and sister unto my La. Morley, & my La.
Sturton, and many moe besides of that
weaker sexe, who then and there were
assembled at their accustomed devoti-
ons. Yet were there many who were in
that unfortunate downefall, which esca-
ped the danger strangely and wonder-
fully. Amongst whom was Mistris Lu-
cie Penruddocke, extracted from a wor-
thy and Noble Family, who fell be-
tweene the Lady Webbe and her owne
maid-servant, both of which perished,
yet she was preserved alive, by meanes
of a Chaire which fell hollow upon her,
and sheltered her from further danger.
So was yong Mistris Webbe, daughter to
my Lady Webbe, who fell neere unto her
mother, and Elenor Sanders, who was
covered, with many others, whose lives
were saved within the heapes of these
blood-guilty ruines.
There was also a Minister, whose
name I cannot learne, and therefore al-
though he survives this misfortune, it
must be buried as yet in silence, who be-
ing present at the Sermon, as being in-
vited by some Romish Catholike to that
exercise; who also gave him the con-
duct unto the place; hee fell with the
rest of the multitude assembled there to-
gether; and being covered with the
rubbish, boords, and other timbers,
which fell upon him from the higher
roomes, and prest with the weight of
divers persons besides, whereof some
were dead, and some were living: be-
ing in this agonie, which his present
paine, and the feare of death, in his own
judgement even hanging over his head,
did impose (and that not without just
cause) upon him; being (I say) thus di-
stressed, and striving under those heaps
& ruines for life, the hope whereof, in re-
spect of the premised impediments, had
almost forsaken him; one of the French
Ambassadours Gentlemen, hearing the
noise and report of this great and dismal
fall, suddenly (as hee could) opened a
doore, which gave entrance into that
chamber, upon the floore whereof, the
heapes and ruines, together with the
oppressed multitude, as then lay. Who
perceiving light by the doore then o-
pened, the place before being covered
over with darknesse, he strove with all
the strength and agilicy he could, which
in him was not meane, he being a man
of a very strong and able body, and at
last, after the losse of his cloke and ren-
ting of his clothes, hee recovered him-
selfe, without any further hurt. Which
the Gentleman perceiving, came and
demanded of him, whether or no hee
were hurt, or that he stood in need of a-
ny thing that might doe him service, or
procure him comfort. But he being al-
most exanimated and astonisht, could
not at first apprehend those courteous
proffers which were tendred unto him
by this stranger, who presently went
and brought him into a Chamber;
where after he had sate a while, and re-
freshed himselfe with wine, which was
brought unto him; and having thus re-
covered his strength and spirits, hee re-
turned to the foresaid place againe, and
used his best endevours for the releeving
of others from that calamity, whereof
but even now he was a fellow-sufferer.
His man who attended on him, was re-
covered amongst the rest, hee being
something bruised and hurt in the
name I cannot learne, and therefore al-
though he survives this misfortune, it
must be buried as yet in silence, who be-
ing present at the Sermon, as being in-
vited by some Romish Catholike to that
exercise; who also gave him the con-
duct unto the place; hee fell with the
rest of the multitude assembled there to-
gether; and being covered with the
rubbish, boords, and other timbers,
which fell upon him from the higher
roomes, and prest with the weight of
divers persons besides, whereof some
were dead, and some were living: be-
ing in this agonie, which his present
paine, and the feare of death, in his own
judgement even hanging over his head,
did impose (and that not without just
cause) upon him; being (I say) thus di-
stressed, and striving under those heaps
& ruines for life, the hope whereof, in re-
spect of the premised impediments, had
almost forsaken him; one of the French
Ambassadours Gentlemen, hearing the
noise and report of this great and dismal
fall, suddenly (as hee could) opened a
doore, which gave entrance into that
chamber, upon the floore whereof, the
heapes and ruines, together with the
oppressed multitude, as then lay. Who
perceiving light by the doore then o-
pened, the place before being covered
over with darknesse, he strove with all
the strength and agilicy he could, which
in him was not meane, he being a man
of a very strong and able body, and at
last, after the losse of his cloke and ren-
ting of his clothes, hee recovered him-
selfe, without any further hurt. Which
the Gentleman perceiving, came and
demanded of him, whether or no hee
were hurt, or that he stood in need of a-
ny thing that might doe him service, or
procure him comfort. But he being al-
most exanimated and astonisht, could
not at first apprehend those courteous
proffers which were tendred unto him
by this stranger, who presently went
and brought him into a Chamber;
where after he had sate a while, and re-
freshed himselfe with wine, which was
brought unto him; and having thus re-
covered his strength and spirits, hee re-
turned to the foresaid place againe, and
used his best endevours for the releeving
of others from that calamity, whereof
but even now he was a fellow-sufferer.
His man who attended on him, was re-
covered amongst the rest, hee being
something bruised and hurt in the
Moreover, there was a yong girle,
about the age of ten yeeres, as is suppo-
sed, (when this Minister, out of his cha-
ritable and commiserating disposition,
was labouring for the safety and preser-
vation of them, whose necessities did
then require it) came crying unto him,
and said, O my Mother, O my Sister,
which are downe under the timber and
rubbish. But he wisht her to be patient
for a time, and by Gods grace they
should get forth quickly. Vpon which
speech the child replyed presently, that
howsoever this accident would prove a
great scandall to their Religion. A
speech which is worth admiration in all
men, as this Relator did truely admire
it, that a childe of so tender yeeres,
wherein amongst the most towardliest,
there is scarce ability to discerne be-
tweene good and evill, should next un-
to that griefe, which the danger of her
mother and sister did inflict upon her,
lament for nothing more than for the
scandall which their cause was like to
suffer by the disaster.
about the age of ten yeeres, as is suppo-
sed, (when this Minister, out of his cha-
ritable and commiserating disposition,
was labouring for the safety and preser-
vation of them, whose necessities did
then require it) came crying unto him,
and said, O my Mother, O my Sister,
which are downe under the timber and
rubbish. But he wisht her to be patient
for a time, and by Gods grace they
should get forth quickly. Vpon which
speech the child replyed presently, that
howsoever this accident would prove a
great scandall to their Religion. A
speech which is worth admiration in all
men, as this Relator did truely admire
it, that a childe of so tender yeeres,
wherein amongst the most towardliest,
there is scarce ability to discerne be-
tweene good and evill, should next un-
to that griefe, which the danger of her
mother and sister did inflict upon her,
lament for nothing more than for the
scandall which their cause was like to
suffer by the disaster.
It was reported also that many more
were drawne out alive the next mor-
ning: but I will not stand too much
upon the justification of this report, lest
I should seeme to bee too credulous of
those things, which are contrary to the
rules of reason and nature.
were drawne out alive the next mor-
ning: but I will not stand too much
upon the justification of this report, lest
I should seeme to bee too credulous of
those things, which are contrary to the
rules of reason and nature.
The day following, which was Mun-
day, and the Eve of Simon and Iude,8
there was great care had for viewing
the place, and for buriall of the dead.
For this cause the Recorder and She-
riffes, about one of the clocke in the af-
ternoone, met at the French Ambassa-
dors house, having first shut up Ludgate,
to prevent the throng and resort of the
people, which was exceeding great and
turbulent in those places: and then ha-
ving doubled their guards upon every
Port and passage, and given expresse
charge unto the warders, upon paine of
their displeasure and punishment, that
no man should enter in without theirs,
or the Coroners Warrant, they fell at
length to consult about the businesse,
and after mature consideration, conclu-
ded, that this dolefull accident fell out,
not by any indirect practise or conspi-
racie (as was by some maliciously repor-
ted) but that those fourescore and odde
persons fell by meanes of their owne
weight, and the weaknesse of those tim-
bers which did support the Chamber.
day, and the Eve of Simon and Iude,8
there was great care had for viewing
the place, and for buriall of the dead.
For this cause the Recorder and She-
riffes, about one of the clocke in the af-
ternoone, met at the French Ambassa-
dors house, having first shut up Ludgate,
to prevent the throng and resort of the
people, which was exceeding great and
turbulent in those places: and then ha-
ving doubled their guards upon every
Port and passage, and given expresse
charge unto the warders, upon paine of
their displeasure and punishment, that
no man should enter in without theirs,
or the Coroners Warrant, they fell at
length to consult about the businesse,
and after mature consideration, conclu-
ded, that this dolefull accident fell out,
not by any indirect practise or conspi-
racie (as was by some maliciously repor-
ted) but that those fourescore and odde
persons fell by meanes of their owne
weight, and the weaknesse of those tim-
bers which did support the Chamber.
The Iurie having thus brought in their
verdict, they disposed presently for the
buriall of the dead, some of whom were
carried by their friends unto Churches,
farre remote, there to receive their due
obsequies; others were buried in the
same place, & those were of the meanest
ranke, whereof some twenty, or therea-
bout, were laid in one Sepulcher, having
a common grave, as they had a common
death and downefall. The conjectures
concerning this event were divers: For
some gave out, that it was the just pu-
nishment and vengeance of God infli-
cted upon thē for their Idolatry. More-
over, there were divers doubting spirits
amongst the Romane Catholikes, who
thought that this was some conspiracie
of the Protestants. But if the building
had beene demolished and overthrown
by their indirect & treacherous means,
it must have been done either by blow-
ing it up with Gunpowder, by sapping
away the earth from the foundation,
by undermining it, or by cutting off,
or taking away those supporters and pil-
lars, upon whom the frame and ma-
chine of the building was grounded. All
which were found to bee false, upon
most diligent search and inquirie made
in that behalfe. But that which carried
apparent appearance of truth, and that
which the Protestants and Papists did
allow, who were of the more milder,
temperate, and sounder judgement, was
thus: That this disaster hapned not by
means of any divine miracle, or humane
malice; but by the defect and weaknes
of the place, into which such a multi-
tude were crowded and assembled to-
gether, the judgement of God concur-
ring therewithall.
verdict, they disposed presently for the
buriall of the dead, some of whom were
carried by their friends unto Churches,
farre remote, there to receive their due
obsequies; others were buried in the
same place, & those were of the meanest
ranke, whereof some twenty, or therea-
bout, were laid in one Sepulcher, having
a common grave, as they had a common
death and downefall. The conjectures
concerning this event were divers: For
some gave out, that it was the just pu-
nishment and vengeance of God infli-
cted upon thē for their Idolatry. More-
over, there were divers doubting spirits
amongst the Romane Catholikes, who
thought that this was some conspiracie
of the Protestants. But if the building
had beene demolished and overthrown
by their indirect & treacherous means,
it must have been done either by blow-
ing it up with Gunpowder, by sapping
away the earth from the foundation,
by undermining it, or by cutting off,
or taking away those supporters and pil-
lars, upon whom the frame and ma-
chine of the building was grounded. All
which were found to bee false, upon
most diligent search and inquirie made
in that behalfe. But that which carried
apparent appearance of truth, and that
which the Protestants and Papists did
allow, who were of the more milder,
temperate, and sounder judgement, was
thus: That this disaster hapned not by
means of any divine miracle, or humane
malice; but by the defect and weaknes
of the place, into which such a multi-
tude were crowded and assembled to-
gether, the judgement of God concur-
ring therewithall.
The Society of the Jesuites did suffer
much, in losing the persons of Father
Drurie and Father Redyate. And divers
persons of both Religions, but especial-
ly the Priests, who are men of as great
care and vigilancie, but of a farre grea-
ter moderation, did taxe and blame
them, for that they brought their flocke
into a place of no greater safety or assu-
rance; and besides, because their conven-
ticle and meeting was so publike, there
being divers Protestants assembled at
it, some of whom were reported to have
a share in this calamity, and the times
as yet not serving for such assemblies,
the Kings pardon being not yet publish-
ed, which was granted, as they say to all
the Romane Catholikes of these King-
domes. But whatsoever thou be, Prote-
stant or Papist, that doth see this mourn-
full object, judge not, lest thou bee jud-
ged. Neither thinke thou, that those 18.
men, upon whom the Tower of Silom
fell, or those persons whose blood Pilate
mingled with their sacrifice, were more
grievous sinners than all the rest of the
children of Israel; or that these who pe-
rished thus together, were more noto-
rious offenders than all the rest of their
brethren and Religion: for assure thy
selfe, that except thou repent, thou al-
so shalt perish. And this repentance of
thine must not be propter scandalum mun-
di, for the scandall and offence of the
world, for so did Saul repent, when out
of a foolish and State-spoiling pitie, he
had spared Agag the cursed Tirant of
Amalecke; and but of a faire yet foule
pretence, had spared the fairest of the
Cattell for sacrifice: for being rebuked
by the Prophet Samuel, he doth repent,
and desires him to honour him in the
sight of the Elders, and to turne unto
him, and he would turne unto the Lord
his God. Neither must it be propter poe-
nam peccati, for their punishment, that is
due unto sinne; for so did Ahab repent,
when hee was reprooved by Elias for
killing of Naboth, and detaining of his
Vineyard, he rent his clothes, and gir-
ded himselfe in sack-cloath, as the Text
hath it: But after that the fright and
terrour of Gods must terrible sentence
was worne out of his minde, and the
custome of sinne began to prevaile a-
gaine, he sold himselfe to commit such
abominations, the like whereof were
never committed in Israel. But our re-
pentance must be propter reatum peccati,
for the guilt of sinne, as sinne is a breach
of the Law, and a transgression of Gods
Commandement. Quae sic dolet com-
missa, ut non doleat committenda: Which
repentance doth grieve for sinnes com-
mitted, as though it meant to commit
no more; and mourne for offences past,
as though it did meane to passe over no
much, in losing the persons of Father
Drurie and Father Redyate. And divers
persons of both Religions, but especial-
ly the Priests, who are men of as great
care and vigilancie, but of a farre grea-
ter moderation, did taxe and blame
them, for that they brought their flocke
into a place of no greater safety or assu-
rance; and besides, because their conven-
ticle and meeting was so publike, there
being divers Protestants assembled at
it, some of whom were reported to have
a share in this calamity, and the times
as yet not serving for such assemblies,
the Kings pardon being not yet publish-
ed, which was granted, as they say to all
the Romane Catholikes of these King-
domes. But whatsoever thou be, Prote-
stant or Papist, that doth see this mourn-
full object, judge not, lest thou bee jud-
ged. Neither thinke thou, that those 18.
men, upon whom the Tower of Silom
fell, or those persons whose blood Pilate
mingled with their sacrifice, were more
grievous sinners than all the rest of the
children of Israel; or that these who pe-
rished thus together, were more noto-
rious offenders than all the rest of their
brethren and Religion: for assure thy
selfe, that except thou repent, thou al-
so shalt perish. And this repentance of
thine must not be propter scandalum mun-
di, for the scandall and offence of the
world, for so did Saul repent, when out
of a foolish and State-spoiling pitie, he
had spared Agag the cursed Tirant of
Amalecke; and but of a faire yet foule
pretence, had spared the fairest of the
Cattell for sacrifice: for being rebuked
by the Prophet Samuel, he doth repent,
and desires him to honour him in the
sight of the Elders, and to turne unto
him, and he would turne unto the Lord
his God. Neither must it be propter poe-
nam peccati, for their punishment, that is
due unto sinne; for so did Ahab repent,
when hee was reprooved by Elias for
killing of Naboth, and detaining of his
Vineyard, he rent his clothes, and gir-
ded himselfe in sack-cloath, as the Text
hath it: But after that the fright and
terrour of Gods must terrible sentence
was worne out of his minde, and the
custome of sinne began to prevaile a-
gaine, he sold himselfe to commit such
abominations, the like whereof were
never committed in Israel. But our re-
pentance must be propter reatum peccati,
for the guilt of sinne, as sinne is a breach
of the Law, and a transgression of Gods
Commandement. Quae sic dolet com-
missa, ut non doleat committenda: Which
repentance doth grieve for sinnes com-
mitted, as though it meant to commit
no more; and mourne for offences past,
as though it did meane to passe over no
We must take Repentance as Iob did,
in dust and ashes. Being dust, we must
take it in dust; and being ashes, we must
take it in ashes. Our transgressions in
this Kingdome and in this Citie have
beene most grievous, therefore our con-
trition should bee eminent and exem-
plar. Our pride hath made us, with Lu-
cifer, to superbire & superire, to looke o-
ver our selves, not into our selves, and
to esteeme our selves like unto God,
when we are scarce men.
in dust and ashes. Being dust, we must
take it in dust; and being ashes, we must
take it in ashes. Our transgressions in
this Kingdome and in this Citie have
beene most grievous, therefore our con-
trition should bee eminent and exem-
plar. Our pride hath made us, with Lu-
cifer, to superbire & superire, to looke o-
ver our selves, not into our selves, and
to esteeme our selves like unto God,
when we are scarce men.
Neither is this pride simplex peccatum,
a single and simple sinne, but it drawes
after it excesse and riot, as it were, with
a cart-rope: unto which luxurie of ours,
neither Persian nor Romane were equall.
After which follow fornications and
adulteries, which are so frequent in
this place, that in vaine may we speake
of the Bordellas of Rome, or the Stewes
of Venice, since the Suburbs of this sin-
full Citie, are as bad as the Suburraes
of Rome or Venice.
a single and simple sinne, but it drawes
after it excesse and riot, as it were, with
a cart-rope: unto which luxurie of ours,
neither Persian nor Romane were equall.
After which follow fornications and
adulteries, which are so frequent in
this place, that in vaine may we speake
of the Bordellas of Rome, or the Stewes
of Venice, since the Suburbs of this sin-
full Citie, are as bad as the Suburraes
of Rome or Venice.
Moreover, our drunkennesse is such,
that although our eyes looke red, and
our hearts are as fat as brawn with drin-
king of Wine, yet, we rise up early to
drinke strong drinke: which when it
hath inflamed our blood and spirits, we
are ready, with Lot, to fall into all pol-
lution and uncleannesse.
that although our eyes looke red, and
our hearts are as fat as brawn with drin-
king of Wine, yet, we rise up early to
drinke strong drinke: which when it
hath inflamed our blood and spirits, we
are ready, with Lot, to fall into all pol-
lution and uncleannesse.
And last of all, wee are so uncharita-
ble, so stony-hearted and close-fisted,
that wee may bee fitly compared unto
lumps of clay, tempered with blood,
although we are statues of flint, with-
out the blood or life of charity.
ble, so stony-hearted and close-fisted,
that wee may bee fitly compared unto
lumps of clay, tempered with blood,
although we are statues of flint, with-
out the blood or life of charity.
A Note of such persons as were
slaine, by the fall of the Roome
wherein they were, in the
Blacke Friers, at Father
Druries Sermon,
Octob. the 26.
slaine, by the fall of the Roome
wherein they were, in the
Blacke Friers, at Father
Druries Sermon,
Octob. the 26.
MAster Drurie the Priest.
Mr. Redyate the Priest.
Lady Blackstones Daughter.
Thomas Webbe, her man.
William Robinson, Taylor.
Mr. Davisons Daughter.
Anthony Hall his man.
Iohn Galloway, Vintner.
his wife,
two sonnes
In Robin-hood Court
in Shoo-lane.
Abigal her maid.
Two more in her house.
Iohn Netlan, a Taylor.
Iohn Worrals sonne in Holborne.
Master Becket, a Cornish man.
Andrew whites daughter in Holborn.
Mr. Staker, Taylor in Salisbury court.
A man of Sir Lues Pembertons.
Elizabeth Moore, widdow.
Morris Beucresse, Apothecarie.
One Medalfe.
Thomas Simons, a Boy.
Mistris Morton and her Maid.
Davie, an Irishman.
Clarentia, a Maid.
Iohn Brabant, a Painter in Little Brit-
Now to turne againe to the Blacke
Friers, through Bowyer Row, Ave Mary
lane, and Pater noster Row, to the Church
of Saint Michael ad Bladum, or at the
Corne, (corruptly, at the Querne) so cal-
led, because in place thereof, was some-
time a Corne-Market,
West to the Shambles. It seemeth that
this Church was new builded, about
the reigne of Edward the third. Thomas
Newton, first Parson there, was buried
in the Quire, in the yeere 1461. At the
East end of this Church stood a Crosse,
called the Old Crosse in VVest Cheape,
which was taken downe in the yeere
1390. since the which time, the said
Parish Church was also taken downe;
but new builded and enlarged, in the
yeere 1430. the eighth of Henry the 6.
VVilliam Eastfield, Maior, and the Com-
munalty, granted of the common
ground of the Citie, three foot and an
halfe in breadth on the North part, and
foure foot in breadth toward the East,
for the inlarging thereof. This is now a
proper Church, and hath the Monu-
ments of Thomas Newton, first Parson.
Friers, through Bowyer Row, Ave Mary
lane, and Pater noster Row, to the Church
of Saint Michael ad Bladum, or at the
Corne, (corruptly, at the Querne) so cal-
led, because in place thereof, was some-
time a Corne-Market,
Corne-market by Pater noster Row.
stretching up
West to the Shambles. It seemeth that
this Church was new builded, about
the reigne of Edward the third. Thomas
Newton, first Parson there, was buried
in the Quire, in the yeere 1461. At the
East end of this Church stood a Crosse,
called the Old Crosse in VVest Cheape,
which was taken downe in the yeere
1390. since the which time, the said
Parish Church was also taken downe;
but new builded and enlarged, in the
yeere 1430. the eighth of Henry the 6.
VVilliam Eastfield, Maior, and the Com-
munalty, granted of the common
ground of the Citie, three foot and an
halfe in breadth on the North part, and
foure foot in breadth toward the East,
for the inlarging thereof. This is now a
proper Church, and hath the Monu-
ments of Thomas Newton, first Parson.
Roger VVoodcocke, Harter, 1475.
Thomas Russell, Brewer, 1473.
Iohn Hulton, Stationer, 1475.
Iohn Leyland, the famous Antiquary.
Here lyeth buried the body of Henry Pran-
don, and free of the Vintners, who decea-
sed the 22. day of October, Ann. Dom.
1589. Anno aetatis suae, 58. He had
to wife Anne, the daughter of Edmond
Baxtar, and had issue by her, three sonnes
and one daughter.
A comely Monumẽt in the South side of the Chancell.
late Citizen and Alderman of Lon-don, and free of the Vintners, who decea-
sed the 22. day of October, Ann. Dom.
1589. Anno aetatis suae, 58. He had
to wife Anne, the daughter of Edmond
Baxtar, and had issue by her, three sonnes
and one daughter.
Here lyeth the body of William Elkin,
Mercer, late Citizen and Alderman of
London, who deceased the last day of
October, 1593. Anno aetatis suae, 70.
who tooke to wife Alice Robinson, the
Daughter of Thomas Wilkes, by
whom he had issue one daughter, named
Another like Mo-
nument in the same wall.
nument in the same wall.
Mercer, late Citizen and Alderman of
London, who deceased the last day of
October, 1593. Anno aetatis suae, 70.
who tooke to wife Alice Robinson, the
Daughter of Thomas Wilkes, by
whom he had issue one daughter, named
Thomas Bankes,
putie of this Ward, who had to wife Joan
Laurence, by whom he had issue seven
sonnes and ten daughters.
A smaller Monumēt in the same wall.
Barber Chirurgeon, De-putie of this Ward, who had to wife Joan
Laurence, by whom he had issue seven
sonnes and ten daughters.
At the East end of this Church, in
place of the old Crosse,
placed; William Eastfield, Mai-
or, the ninth of Henry the sixth, at the
request of divers Common-Councels,
granted it to be: whereupon, in the 19.
of the same Henry, 1000. Markes was
granted by a Common Councell, to-
wards the workes of this Conduit, and
the reparations of other: this is called
the Little Conduit in West Cheap, by Pauls
place of the old Crosse,
Water-Conduit by Pauls gate.
is now a water-Conduit
placed; William Eastfield, Mai-
or, the ninth of Henry the sixth, at the
request of divers Common-Councels,
granted it to be: whereupon, in the 19.
of the same Henry, 1000. Markes was
granted by a Common Councell, to-
wards the workes of this Conduit, and
the reparations of other: this is called
the Little Conduit in West Cheap, by Pauls
At the West end of this Parish
on foot thorow the same Church, and
West from the said Church, some di-
stance, is another passage out of Pater
noster row, and is called (of such a
signe) Panyer Alley, which commeth
out into the North, over against Saint
Martins Lane.
Passage thorow S. Michaels Church.
is a small passage for people
on foot thorow the same Church, and
West from the said Church, some di-
stance, is another passage out of Pater
noster row, and is called (of such a
signe) Panyer Alley, which commeth
out into the North, over against Saint
Martins Lane.
Next is Ivie Lane,
so called of Ivie
growing on the walls of the Prebends
houses, but now the Lane is repleni-
shed on both the sides with faire houses,
and divers Offices have beene there
kept, by Registers, namely, for the
Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of
Canturbury, the Probate of Wils, which
is now removed into Warwicke lane, and
also for the Lord Treasurers Remem-
brance of the Exchequer, &c.
growing on the walls of the Prebends
houses, but now the Lane is repleni-
shed on both the sides with faire houses,
and divers Offices have beene there
kept, by Registers, namely, for the
Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of
Canturbury, the Probate of Wils, which
is now removed into Warwicke lane, and
also for the Lord Treasurers Remem-
brance of the Exchequer, &c.
This Lane runneth North, to the
West end of Saint Nicholas Shambles.
Of old time there was one great house,
sometimes belonging to the Earles of
Britaine, since that, to the Lovels, and
was called Lovels Inne: for Matild, wife
to Iohn Lovell, held it in the first of Hen-
ry the sixth.
West end of Saint Nicholas Shambles.
Of old time there was one great house,
sometimes belonging to the Earles of
Britaine, since that, to the Lovels, and
was called Lovels Inne: for Matild, wife
to Iohn Lovell, held it in the first of Hen-
ry the sixth.
Then is Eldenese Lane,
which stretch-
eth North to the high street of Newgate
Market, the same is now called Warwick
lane, of an ancient house there builded
by an Earle of Warwicke, and was since
called Warwicke Inne. It is in Record
called a Messuage in Eldenese Lane, in
the Parish of S. Sepulchre, the 28. of
Henry the sixth. Cicilie, Duchesse of
Warwicke, possessed it.
eth North to the high street of Newgate
Market, the same is now called Warwick
lane, of an ancient house there builded
by an Earle of Warwicke, and was since
called Warwicke Inne. It is in Record
called a Messuage in Eldenese Lane, in
the Parish of S. Sepulchre, the 28. of
Henry the sixth. Cicilie, Duchesse of
Warwicke, possessed it.
Now againe, from the Conduit by
Pauls gate, on the North side is a large
street, running West to Newgate, the
first part whereof, from the Conduit to
the Shambles, (of selling Bladders
there) called Bladder street. Then behind
the Butchers shops bee now divers
slaughter-houses inward, and Tipling-houses
outward. This is called Mount-
goddard street, of the Tippling-houses
there, and the Goddards mounting
from the Tappe to the Table, from the
Table to the mouth, and sometimes o-
ver the head.
Pauls gate, on the North side is a large
street, running West to Newgate, the
first part whereof, from the Conduit to
the Shambles, (of selling Bladders
there) called Bladder street. Then behind
the Butchers shops bee now divers
slaughter-houses inward, and Tipling-houses
outward. This is called Mount-
goddard street, of the Tippling-houses
there, and the Goddards mounting
from the Tappe to the Table, from the
Table to the mouth, and sometimes o-
ver the head.
This street goeth up to the North end
of Ivie lane. Before this Mount-goddard
street, Stall-Boords were of old time set
up by the Butchers, to shew and to sell
their Flesh meat upon; over the which
Stall-Boords, they first builded sheds,
to keepe off the weather: but since that
(incroching by little and little) they
have made their Stall-boords and
Sheds, faire houses, meet for the princi-
pall Shambles.
of Ivie lane. Before this Mount-goddard
street, Stall-Boords were of old time set
up by the Butchers, to shew and to sell
their Flesh meat upon; over the which
Stall-Boords, they first builded sheds,
to keepe off the weather: but since that
(incroching by little and little) they
have made their Stall-boords and
Sheds, faire houses, meet for the princi-
pall Shambles.
Next is Newgate market,
first of Corne
and Meale, and then of other Victuals,
which stretcheth almost to Eldenese lane.
A faire new and strong Frame of Tim-
ber, covered with Lead, was therefore
set up at the charges of the Citie, neere
to the West corner of S. Nicholas Sham-
bles, for the Meale to bee weighed,
in the first of Edward the sixth; Sir Iohn
Gresham being then Maior.
and Meale, and then of other Victuals,
which stretcheth almost to Eldenese lane.
A faire new and strong Frame of Tim-
ber, covered with Lead, was therefore
set up at the charges of the Citie, neere
to the West corner of S. Nicholas Sham-
bles, for the Meale to bee weighed,
in the first of Edward the sixth; Sir Iohn
Gresham being then Maior.
On this side the north corner of Eldenese
lane, stood sometime a proper Parish
Church of S. Ewine, as is before said,
given by Henry the eighth towards the
erecting of Christs Church: It was taken
downe, and in place thereof, a faire
strong frame of Timber erected, where-
in dwell men of divers Trades. And
from this frame, to Newgate, is all of
this Ward: and so an end thereof.
lane, stood sometime a proper Parish
Church of S. Ewine, as is before said,
given by Henry the eighth towards the
erecting of Christs Church: It was taken
downe, and in place thereof, a faire
strong frame of Timber erected, where-
in dwell men of divers Trades. And
from this frame, to Newgate, is all of
this Ward: and so an end thereof.
It hath an Alderman, his Deputy,
Common Counsell, twelve; Consta-
bles, seventeene; Scavengers, eighteen;
Wardmote Inquest, eighteene, and a
Beadle: and is taxed to the Fifteene,
fifty pounds.
Common Counsell, twelve; Consta-
bles, seventeene; Scavengers, eighteen;
Wardmote Inquest, eighteene, and a
Beadle: and is taxed to the Fifteene,
fifty pounds.
The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020, -
, and .
Survey of London: Cordwainer Street Ward.
The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020, -
, , , and .
The Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Within.
The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020, -
, and .
Survey of London: Cornhill Ward.
The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
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The Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Within.The Map of Early Modern London, edited by , U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,
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The Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Within.The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. . Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 26, 2020.
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The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from
, , , & 2020. The Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Within. In (Ed), RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)
Provider: University of Victoria Database: The Map of Early Modern London Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8" TY - ELEC A1 - Stow, John A1 - Munday, Anthony A1 - Munday, Anthony A1 - Dyson, Humphrey ED - Jenstad, Janelle T1 - The Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Within T2 - The Map of Early Modern London PY - 2020 DA - 2020/06/26 CY - Victoria PB - University of Victoria LA - English UR - UR - ER -
RT Web Page SR Electronic(1) A1 Stow, John A1 Munday, Anthony A1 Munday, Anthony A1 Dyson, Humphrey A6 Jenstad, Janelle T1 The Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Within T2 The Map of Early Modern London WP 2020 FD 2020/06/26 RD 2020/06/26 PP Victoria PB University of Victoria LA English OL English LK
TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>,
<author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>,
<author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>,
and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>.
<title level="a">The Survey of London (1633): Farringdon Ward Within</title>. <title
level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename>
<surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>,
<date when="2020-06-26">26 Jun. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>
Chris Horne
Research Assistant, 2018-present. Chris Horne was an honours student in the Department of English at the University of Victoria. His primary research interests included American modernism, affect studies, cultural studies, and digital humanities.Roles played in the project
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Chris Horne is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Kate LeBere
Assistant Project Manager, 2019-present. Research Assistant, 2018-present. Kate LeBere completed an honours degree in History with a minor in English at the University of Victoria in 2020. While her primary research focus was sixteenth and seventeenth century England, she also developed a keen interest in Old English and Early Middle English translation.Roles played in the project
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Kate LeBere is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
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Joey Takeda
Programmer, 2018-present. Junior Programmer, 2015-2017. Research Assistant, 2014-2017. Joey Takeda was a graduate student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in English (with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary research interests included diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature, critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.Roles played in the project
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Janelle Jenstad
Janelle Jenstad is Associate Professor of English at the University of Victoria, Director of The Map of Early Modern London, and PI of Linked Early Modern Drama Online. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of Victoria. With Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Mark Kaethler, she co-edited Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media (Routledge). She has prepared a documentary edition of John Stow’s A Survey of London (1598 text) for MoEML and is currently editing The Merchant of Venice (with Stephen Wittek) and Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody for DRE. Her articles have appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, Renaissance and Reformation,Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society (Brill, 2004), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage, The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Approaches to Teaching Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), New Directions in the Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), Early Modern Studies and the Digital Turn (Iter, 2016), Teaching Early Modern English Literature from the Archives (MLA, 2015), Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers (Indiana, 2016), Making Things and Drawing Boundaries (Minnesota, 2017), and Rethinking Shakespeare’s Source Study: Audiences, Authors, and Digital Technologies (Routledge, 2018).Roles played in the project
Author of Abstract
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Author of Term Descriptions
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Janelle Jenstad is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Janelle Jenstad is mentioned in the following documents:
Janelle Jenstad authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Jenstad, Janelle.
Building a Gazetteer for Early Modern London, 1550-1650.
Placing Names. Ed. Merrick Lex Berman, Ruth Mostern, and Humphrey Southall. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 2016. 129-145. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Burse and the Merchant’s Purse: Coin, Credit, and the Nation in Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody.
The Elizabethan Theatre XV. Ed. C.E. McGee and A.L. Magnusson. Toronto: P.D. Meany, 2002. 181–202. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Early Modern Literary Studies 8.2 (2002): 5.1–26..The City Cannot Hold You
: Social Conversion in the Goldsmith’s Shop. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
The Silver Society Journal 10 (1998): 40–43.The Gouldesmythes Storehowse
: Early Evidence for Specialisation. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Lying-in Like a Countess: The Lisle Letters, the Cecil Family, and A Chaste Maid in Cheapside.
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 34 (2004): 373–403. doi:10.1215/10829636–34–2–373. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Public Glory, Private Gilt: The Goldsmiths’ Company and the Spectacle of Punishment.
Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society. Ed. Anne Goldgar and Robert Frost. Leiden: Brill, 2004. 191–217. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Smock Secrets: Birth and Women’s Mysteries on the Early Modern Stage.
Performing Maternity in Early Modern England. Ed. Katherine Moncrief and Kathryn McPherson. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 87–99. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Using Early Modern Maps in Literary Studies: Views and Caveats from London.
GeoHumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place. Ed. Michael Dear, James Ketchum, Sarah Luria, and Doug Richardson. London: Routledge, 2011. Print. -
Jenstad, Janelle.
Versioning John Stow’s A Survey of London, or, What’s New in 1618 and 1633?.
Janelle Jenstad Blog. -
Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed. Web.
Paul Schaffner
E-text and TCP production manager at the University of Michigan Digital Library Production Service (DLPS), Paul manages the production of full-text transcriptions for EEBO-TCP.Roles played in the project
Editor of Original EEBO-TCP Encoding
Sebastian Rahtz
Chief data architect at University of Oxford IT Services, Sebastian was well known for his contributions to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), OxGarage, and the Text Creation Partnership (TCP).Roles played in the project
Creator of TEI Stylesheets for Conversion of EEBO-TCP Encoding to TEI-P5
Martin D. Holmes
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC). Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the project and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant on MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.Roles played in the project
Abstract Author
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Martin D. Holmes is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:
Martin D. Holmes is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert de Arras is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas de Arden
Son of Ralph Arden.Thomas de Arden is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Ralph Arden
Knight. Father of Thomas de Arden.Sir Ralph Arden is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Atkins is mentioned in the following documents:
Anketinus de Arden
Alderman.Anketinus de Arden is mentioned in the following documents:
Catherine of Aragon is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Edward Barkham
Sir Edward Barkham Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1611-1612. Mayor 1621-1622. Member of the Leathersellers’ Company and Drapers’ Company. Knighted on 16 June 1622.Sir Edward Barkham is mentioned in the following documents:
T. de Basing is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard de Belmeis is mentioned in the following documents:
N. Blackthorn is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Simon Burley
(b. 1336, d. 1388)Knight of the Garter. Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports and Constable of Dover Castle. Tutor of King Richard II. Beheaded on Tower Hill.Sir Simon Burley is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Botiler is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Bourne is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Brown is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Cawarden
(b. 1514, d. 25 August 1559)First Master of the Revels. Husband of Elizabeth Cawarden.Sir Thomas Cawarden is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Cecil is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Cecil authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Cecil, William. A Collection of State Papers Relating to Affairs in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, from the year 1571 to 1596. Transcribed from Original Papers and other Authentic Memorials never before published. Ed. William Murdin. London: William Bowyer in White-fryars, 1759.
Charles V
Charles This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 5V Holy Roman Emperor King of Germany King of Italy King of Spain
(b. 1500, d. 1558)Holy Roman Emperor 1519-1556. King of Germany 1519-1556. King of Italy 1530-1556. King of Spain 1516-1556.Charles V is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Cook
Sir Thomas Cook Sheriff Mayor
(b. 1410, d. 1478)Sheriff of London 1453-1454. Mayor 1462-1463. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Warden of Drapers’ Hall. Buried at Austin Friars.Sir Thomas Cook is mentioned in the following documents:
Humphrey Dyson is mentioned in the following documents:
Humphrey Dyson authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. THE SURVEY OF LONDON: CONTAINING The Original, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of that City, Methodically set down. With a Memorial of those famouser Acts of Charity, which for publick and Pious Vses have been bestowed by many Worshipfull Citizens and Benefactors. As also all the Ancient and Modern Monuments erected in the Churches, not only of those two famous Cities, LONDON and WESTMINSTER, but (now newly added) Four miles compass. Begun first by the pains and industry of John Stow, in the year 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the year 1618. And now compleatly finished by the study &labour of A.M., H.D. and others, this present year 1633. Whereunto, besides many Additions (as appears by the Contents) are annexed divers Alphabetical Tables, especially two, The first, an index of Things. The second, a Concordance of Names. London: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.5. Harvard University Library copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Strype, John, John Stow, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. Vol. 2. London, 1720. Remediated by The Making of the Modern World.
Edgar the Peaceful
Edgar the Peaceful King of England
(b. between 943 and 944, d. 975)King of England 959-975.Edgar the Peaceful is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward of Woodstock
Edward the Black Prince
(b. 1330, d. 1376)Prince of Wales and Aquitaine. Father of King Richard II. Son of King Edward III.Edward of Woodstock is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward III
Edward This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 3III King of England
(b. 12 November 1312, d. 21 June 1377)King of England 1327-1377.Edward III is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward IV
Edward This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 4IV King of England
(b. 28 April 1442, d. 9 April 1483)Edward IV is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward the Confessor
Edward the Confessor King of England
(b. between 1003 and 1005, d. between 4 January 1066 and 5 January 1066)King of England 1042-1066.Edward the Confessor is mentioned in the following documents:
Eleanor of Castile is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 1I Queen of England Queen of Ireland Gloriana Good Queen Bess
(b. 7 September 1533, d. 24 March 1603)Queen of England and Ireland 1558-1603.Elizabeth I is mentioned in the following documents:
Earconwald is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Eastfield is mentioned in the following documents:
John le Fevre is mentioned in the following documents:
William Parker
William Parker Sheriff
Sheriff of London 1396-1397. Member of the Mercers’ Company. Not to be confused with William Parker.William Parker is mentioned in the following documents:
Hamo de Chigwell is mentioned in the following documents:
Elias Russel is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry le Bole is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John le Breton is mentioned in the following documents:
William de Betoyne
William de Betoyne Sheriff
Sheriff of London 1288-1289. Possible member of the Goldsmiths’ Company, the Mercers’ Company, or the Grocers’ Company.William de Betoyne is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas de Estanes is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert de Basinge is mentioned in the following documents:
Ralph le Fevre is mentioned in the following documents:
Ralph le Blund is mentioned in the following documents:
William Joynier is mentioned in the following documents:
Andrew Bukerel
Andrew Bukerel Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1223-1225. Mayor 1231-1238. Possible member of the Guild of Pepperers, precursor of the Grocers’ Company.Andrew Bukerel is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Ridley
Nicholas Ridley Bishop of Rochester Bishop of London and Westminster
(b. 1500, d. 16 October 1555)Nicholas Ridley is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Gravesend is mentioned in the following documents:
Sæbbi of Essex is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Bromely
Sir Thomas Bromley
(b. 1530, d. 11 April 1587)Lord Chancellor of England 1579-1587.Sir Thomas Bromely is mentioned in the following documents:
John de Valence
Son of William de Valence. Heart buried at Blackfriars Monastery.John de Valence is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret de Valence
Daughter of William de Valence. Heart buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Margaret de Valence is mentioned in the following documents:
William de Valence
(d. 1296)First Earl of Pembroke. French nobleman and knight. Became important in English politics due to his relationship with King Henry III.William de Valence is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Curson
Knight. Husband to Elizabeth Blount. Buried at Christ’s Church.Robert Curson is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Mary Ramsey (née Dale)
Dame Mary Ramsey Dale
Wife of Sir Thomas Ramsey. Daughter of William Dale.Dame Mary Ramsey (née Dale) is mentioned in the following documents:
David II of Scotland
David This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 2II King of Scotland
King of Scotland 1329-1371.David II of Scotland is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry le Waleys
Henry le Waleys Sheriff Mayor
(fl. between 1270 and 1299)Sheriff of London 1270-1271. Mayor 1273-1274 1281-1284 and 1297-99. Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church.Henry le Waleys is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward Hall is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Cote is mentioned in the following documents:
William Faringdon
William Faringdon Sheriff
Sheriff of London 1280-1281. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Principle owner of Farringdon Ward. Father of Nicholas Faringdon.William Faringdon is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Faringdon
Nicholas Faringdon Mayor
(fl. 1308-61)Mayor of London 1308-1309, 1313-1314, and 1320-1324. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Principle owner of Farringdon Ward. Son of William Faringdon. Helped prisoners escape the Conduit upon Cornhill in 1299. Buried at St. Peter, Westcheap.Nicholas Faringdon is mentioned in the following documents:
John of Gaunt is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Grafton is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Hadley is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Heneage
(b. in or before 1482, d. 1553)Courtier and chief gentleman of the Privy Chamber. Son of John Heneage.Sir Thomas Heneage is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry VIII
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 8VIII King of England King of Ireland
(b. 28 June 1491, d. 28 January 1547)King of England and Ireland 1509-1547.Henry VIII is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry VI
Henry This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 6VI King of England
(b. 6 December 1421, d. 21 May 1471)Henry VI is mentioned in the following documents:
Augustine Hynde
Augustine Hynde Sheriff
(fl. 1550-51)Sheriff of London 1550-1551. Member of the Clothworkers’ Company. Husband of Dame Elizabeth Hynde. Buried at St. Peter, Westcheap.Augustine Hynde is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Holland
(b. 1374, d. 1400)Sixth Earl of Kent and Duke of Surrey. Father of Elizabeth Neville.Thomas Holland is mentioned in the following documents:
I. Horne is mentioned in the following documents:
James VI and I
James This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 6VI This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 1I King of Scotland King of England King of Ireland
(b. 1566, d. 1625)James VI and I is mentioned in the following documents:
James VI and I authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
James VI and I. Letters of King James VI and I. Ed. G.P.V. Akrigg. Berkeley: U of California P, 1984. Print.
Rhodes, Neill, Jennifer Richards, and Joseph Marshall, eds. King James VI and I: Selected Writings. By James VI and I. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004.
Sir William Kingstone
Member of the Fishmongers’ Company. Buried at St. Peter upon Cornhill.Sir William Kingstone is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry de Lacy is mentioned in the following documents:
Humfrey of Lancaster
(b. 1390, d. 1447)First Duke of Gloucester. Prince, soldier, and literary patron. Huaband of Eleanor de Cobham. Son of King Henry IV and Mary de Bohun.Humfrey of Lancaster is mentioned in the following documents:
John Leland is mentioned in the following documents:
John Lydgate is mentioned in the following documents:
John Mabbe
Chamberlain of London.John Mabbe is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Martin
Sir William Martin Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1476-1484. Mayor 1492-1493. Member of the Skinners’ Company. Buried at St. Christopher le Stocks.Sir William Martin is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne Middleton is mentioned in the following documents:
William Milborne is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Mundy
Sir John Mundy Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1537)Sheriff of London 1514-1515. Mayor 1522-1523. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Buried at St. Peter, Westcheap.Sir John Mundy is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas More is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas More authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
More, Thomas. The co[n]futacyon of Tyndales answere made by syr Thomas More knyght lorde chau[n]cellour of Englonde. London, 1532. STC 18079. Bodleian Library copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Anthony Munday
(bap. 1560, d. 1633)Playwright, actor, pageant poet, translator, and writer. Possible member of the Drapers’ Company or the Merchant Taylors’ Company.Anthony Munday is mentioned in the following documents:
Anthony Munday authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Anthony Munday. The Triumphs of Re-United Britannia. Arthur F. Kinney. Renaissance Drama: An Anthology of Plays and Entertainments. 2nd ed. Toronto: Wiley, 2005.
Munday, Anthony. Camp-Bell: or the Ironmongers Faire Feild. London: Edward Allde, 1609. DEEP406. STC 18279.
Munday, Anthony. Chruſo-thriambos. The Triumphes of Golde. London, 1611. STC 18267.5. Trinity College, U of Cambridge copy Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Munday, Anthony, Henry Chettle, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Heywood, and William Shakespeare. Sir Thomas More. Ed. Vittorio Gabrieli and Giorgio Melchiori. Revels Plays. Manchester; New York: Manchester UP, 1990. Print.
Munday, Anthony. Metropolis Coronata, The Trivmphes of Ancient Drapery. London: George Purslowe, 1615. DEEP 630. STC 18275. Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery copy filmed by EEBO.
Munday, Anthony. The Trivmphs of the Golden Fleece. London: T[homas] S[nodham], 1623. STC 18280. British Library copy filmed by EEBO.
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Henry Holland. THE SVRVAY of LONDON: Containing, The Originall, Antiquitie, Encrease, and more Moderne Estate of the sayd Famous Citie. As also, the Rule and Gouernment thereof (both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall) from time to time. With a briefe Relation of all the memorable Monuments, and other especiall Obseruations, both in and about the same CITIE. Written in the yeere 1598. by Iohn Stow, Citizen of London. Since then, continued, corrected and much enlarged, with many rare and worthy Notes, both of Venerable Antiquity, and later memorie; such, as were neuer published before this present yeere 1618. London: George Purslowe, 1618. STC 23344. Yale University Library copy Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. THE SURVEY OF LONDON: CONTAINING The Original, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of that City, Methodically set down. With a Memorial of those famouser Acts of Charity, which for publick and Pious Vses have been bestowed by many Worshipfull Citizens and Benefactors. As also all the Ancient and Modern Monuments erected in the Churches, not only of those two famous Cities, LONDON and WESTMINSTER, but (now newly added) Four miles compass. Begun first by the pains and industry of John Stow, in the year 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the year 1618. And now compleatly finished by the study &labour of A.M., H.D. and others, this present year 1633. Whereunto, besides many Additions (as appears by the Contents) are annexed divers Alphabetical Tables, especially two, The first, an index of Things. The second, a Concordance of Names. London: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.5. Harvard University Library copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Strype, John, John Stow, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. Vol. 2. London, 1720. Remediated by The Making of the Modern World.
Richard Newport is mentioned in the following documents:
John Palmer
(d. 1500)Member of the Fishmongersʼ Comapny. Buried at St. Peter, Westcheap. Not to be confused with John Palmer.John Palmer is mentioned in the following documents:
Philippa of Hainault
Philippa Queen of England
(b. between 1310? and 1315?, d. 1369)Queen of England 1328-1369. Wife of King Edward III. Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church.Philippa of Hainault is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Paulet
(b. 1474, d. 1572)First Marquis of Winchester. Father of Sir John Paulet. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir William Paulet is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard II
Richard This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 2II King of England
(b. 6 January 1367, d. 1400)King of England 1377-1399.Richard II is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard III
Richard This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 3III King of England
(b. 1452, d. 1485)King of England and Lord of Ireland 1483-1485.Richard III is mentioned in the following documents:
William Say
Bachelor of Divinity. Master of St. Anthony.William Say is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward Seymour is mentioned in the following documents:
John Stow
(b. between 1524 and 1525, d. 1605)Historian and author of A Survey of London. Husband of Elizabeth Stow.John Stow is mentioned in the following documents:
John Stow authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Blome, Richard.
Aldersgate Ward and St. Martins le Grand Liberty Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. M3r and sig. M4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Aldgate Ward with its Division into Parishes. Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections & Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H3r and sig. H4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Billingsgate Ward and Bridge Ward Within with it’s Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Y2r and sig. Y3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Bishopsgate-street Ward. Taken from the Last Survey and Corrected.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. N1r and sig. N2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Bread Street Ward and Cardwainter Ward with its Division into Parishes Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. B3r and sig. B4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Broad Street Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions, & Cornhill Ward with its Divisions into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, &c.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. P2r and sig. P3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Cheape Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.D1r and sig. D2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Coleman Street Ward and Bashishaw Ward Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. G2r and sig. G3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Cow Cross being St Sepulchers Parish Without and the Charterhouse.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H2v and sig. H3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Creplegate Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Additions, and Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. I3r and sig. I4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Farrington Ward Without, with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections & Amendments.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2F3r and sig. 2F4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Lambeth and Christ Church Parish Southwark. Taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Z1r and sig. Z2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Langborne Ward with its Division into Parishes. Corrected from the Last Survey. & Candlewick Ward with its Division into Parishes. Corrected from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. U3r and sig. U4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of St. Gilles’s Cripple Gate. Without. With Large Additions and Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H2v and sig. H3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of the Parish of St. Dunstans Stepney, als. Stebunheath Divided into Hamlets.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F3r and sig. F4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Map of the Parish of St Mary White Chappel and a Map of the Parish of St Katherines by the Tower.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F2r and sig. F3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of Lime Street Ward. Taken from ye Last Surveys & Corrected.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. M1r and sig. M2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of St. Andrews Holborn Parish as well Within the Liberty as Without.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2I1r and sig. 2I2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parishes of St. Clements Danes, St. Mary Savoy; with the Rolls Liberty and Lincolns Inn, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.O4v and sig. O1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St. Anns. Taken from the last Survey, with Correction, and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. L2v and sig. L3r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St. Giles’s in the Fields Taken from the Last Servey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. K1v and sig. K2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Margarets Westminster Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.H3v and sig. H4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Martins in the Fields Taken from ye Last Survey with Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. I1v and sig. I2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Pauls Covent Garden Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. L3v and sig. L4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
A Mapp of the Parish of St Saviours Southwark and St Georges taken from ye last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. D1r and sig.D2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St. James Clerkenwell taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H3v and sig. H4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St. James’s, Westminster Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. K4v and sig. L1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Parish of St Johns Wapping. The Parish of St Paul Shadwell.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. E2r and sig. E3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Portsoken Ward being Part of the Parish of St. Buttolphs Aldgate, taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections and Additions.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. B1v and sig. B2r. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Queen Hith Ward and Vintry Ward with their Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2C4r and sig. 2D1v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Shoreditch Norton Folgate, and Crepplegate Without Taken from ye Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. G1r and sig. G2v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Spitt Fields and Plans Adjacent Taken from Last Survey with Locations.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F4r and sig. G1v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
St. Olave and St. Mary Magdalens Bermondsey Southwark Taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. C2r and sig.C3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Tower Street Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. E2r and sig. E3v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
Walbrook Ward and Dowgate Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Surveys.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2B3r and sig. 2B4v. [See more information about this map.] -
Blome, Richard.
The Wards of Farington Within and Baynards Castle with its Divisions into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Q2r and sig. Q3v. [See more information about this map.] -
The City of London as in Q. Elizabeth’s Time.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Frontispiece. -
A Map of the Tower Liberty.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H4v and sig. I1r. [See more information about this map.] -
A New Plan of the City of London, Westminster and Southwark.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Frontispiece. -
Pearl, Valerie.
A Survey of London. By John Stow. Ed. H.B. Wheatley. London: Everyman’s Library, 1987. v–xii. Print. -
Pullen, John.
A Map of the Parish of St Mary Rotherhith.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Z3r and sig. Z4r. [See more information about this map.] -
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Henry Holland. THE SVRVAY of LONDON: Containing, The Originall, Antiquitie, Encrease, and more Moderne Estate of the sayd Famous Citie. As also, the Rule and Gouernment thereof (both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall) from time to time. With a briefe Relation of all the memorable Monuments, and other especiall Obseruations, both in and about the same CITIE. Written in the yeere 1598. by Iohn Stow, Citizen of London. Since then, continued, corrected and much enlarged, with many rare and worthy Notes, both of Venerable Antiquity, and later memorie; such, as were neuer published before this present yeere 1618. London: George Purslowe, 1618. STC 23344. Yale University Library copy Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. THE SURVEY OF LONDON: CONTAINING The Original, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of that City, Methodically set down. With a Memorial of those famouser Acts of Charity, which for publick and Pious Vses have been bestowed by many Worshipfull Citizens and Benefactors. As also all the Ancient and Modern Monuments erected in the Churches, not only of those two famous Cities, LONDON and WESTMINSTER, but (now newly added) Four miles compass. Begun first by the pains and industry of John Stow, in the year 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the year 1618. And now compleatly finished by the study &labour of A.M., H.D. and others, this present year 1633. Whereunto, besides many Additions (as appears by the Contents) are annexed divers Alphabetical Tables, especially two, The first, an index of Things. The second, a Concordance of Names. London: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.5. Harvard University Library copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Stow, John. The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London. London, 1580. Rpt. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A Summarie of the Chronicles of England. Diligently Collected, Abridged, & Continued vnto this Present Yeere of Christ, 1598. London: Imprinted by Richard Bradocke, 1598. Rpt. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A suruay of London· Conteyning the originall, antiquity, increase, moderne estate, and description of that city, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow citizen of London. Since by the same author increased, with diuers rare notes of antiquity, and published in the yeare, 1603. Also an apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that citie, the greatnesse thereof. VVith an appendix, contayning in Latine Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. London: John Windet, 1603. STC 23343. U of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign Campus) copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Stow, John, The survey of London contayning the originall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that city, methodically set downe. With a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity, which for publicke and pious vses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens and benefactors. As also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches, not onely of those two famous cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added) foure miles compasse. Begunne first by the paines and industry of Iohn Stovv, in the yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the yeere 1618. And now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M. H.D. and others, this present yeere 1633. Whereunto, besides many additions (as appeares by the contents) are annexed divers alphabeticall tables; especially two: the first, an index of things. The second, a concordance of names. London: Printed by Elizabeth Purslovv for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345. U of Victoria copy.
Stow, John, The survey of London contayning the originall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that city, methodically set downe. With a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity, which for publicke and pious vses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens and benefactors. As also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches, not onely of those two famous cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added) foure miles compasse. Begunne first by the paines and industry of Iohn Stovv, in the yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the yeere 1618. And now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M. H.D. and others, this present yeere 1633. Whereunto, besides many additions (as appeares by the contents) are annexed divers alphabeticall tables; especially two: the first, an index of things. The second, a concordance of names. London: Printed by Elizabeth Purslovv [i.e., Purslow] for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345. British Library copy Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A Survey of London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. Remediated by British History Online.
Stow, John. A Survey of London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908. Remediated by British History Online. [Kingsford edition, courtesy of The Centre for Metropolitan History. Articles written 2011 or later cite from this searchable transcription.]
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. 23341. Transcribed by EEBO-TCP.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed. Web.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Folger Shakespeare Library.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. London: John Windet for John Wolfe, 1598. STC 23341. Huntington Library copy. Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF LONDON. Coteyning the Originall, Antiquity, Increaſe, Moderne eſtate, and deſcription of that City, written in the yeare 1598, by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Since by the ſame Author increaſed with diuers rare notes of Antiquity, and publiſhed in the yeare, 1603. Alſo an Apologie (or defence) againſt the opinion of ſome men, concerning that Citie, the greatneſſe thereof. With an Appendix, contayning in Latine Libellum de ſitu & nobilitae Londini: Writen by William Fitzſtephen, in the raigne of Henry the ſecond. London: John Windet, 1603. U of Victoria copy. Print.
Strype, John, John Stow, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster. Vol. 2. London, 1720. Remediated by The Making of the Modern World.
Strype, John, John Stow. A SURVEY OF THE CITIES OF LONDON and WESTMINSTER, And the Borough of SOUTHWARK. CONTAINING The Original, Antiquity, Increase, present State and Government of those CITIES. Written at first in the Year 1698, By John Stow, Citizen and Native of London. Corrected, Improved, and very much Enlarged, in the Year 1720, By JOHN STRYPE, M.A. A NATIVE ALSO OF THE SAID CITY. The Survey and History brought down to the present Time BY CAREFUL HANDS. Illustrated with exact Maps of the City and Suburbs, and of all the Wards; and, likewise, of the Out-Parishes of London and Westminster, and the Country ten Miles round London. Together with many fair Draughts of the most Eminent Buildings. The Life of the Author, written by Mr. Strype, is prefixed; And, at the End is added, an APPENDIX Of certain Tracts, Discourses, and Remarks on the State of the City of London. 6th ed. 2 vols. London: Printed for W. Innys and J. Richardson, J. and P. Knapton, and S. Birt, R. Ware, T. and T. Longman, and seven others, 1754–55. ESTC T150145.
Strype, John, John Stow. A survey of the cities of London and Westminster: containing the original, antiquity, increase, modern estate and government of those cities. Written at first in the year MDXCVIII. By John Stow, citizen and native of London. Since reprinted and augmented by A.M. H.D. and other. Now lastly, corrected, improved, and very much enlarged: and the survey and history brought down from the year 1633, (being near fourscore years since it was last printed) to the present time; by John Strype, M.A. a native also of the said city. Illustrated with exact maps of the city and suburbs, and of all the wards; and likewise of the out-parishes of London and Westminster: together with many other fair draughts of the more eminent and publick edifices and monuments. In six books. To which is prefixed, the life of the author, writ by the editor. At the end is added, an appendiz of certain tracts, discourses and remarks, concerning the state of the city of London. Together with a perambulation, or circuit-walk four or five miles round about London, to the parish churches: describing the monuments of the dead there interred: with other antiquities observable in those places. And concluding with a second appendix, as a supply and review: and a large index of the whole work. 2 vols. London : Printed for A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. ESTC T48975.
The Tower and St. Catherins Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections.
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H4v and sig. I1r. [See more information about this map.] -
Wheatley, Henry Benjamin.
A Survey of London. 1603. By John Stow. London: J.M. Dent and Sons, 1912. Print.
George Talbot is mentioned in the following documents:
P. le Taylor is mentioned in the following documents:
John Thurston
John Thurston Sheriff
(fl. 1516-19)Sheriff of London 1516-1517. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Benefactor of St. Foster. Buried at St. Peter, Westcheap.John Thurston is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of time. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Time is mentioned in the following documents:
William Tristour is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Francis Walsingham is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Warley is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Whittington
Richard Whittington Sheriff Mayor
(b. 1350, d. 1423)Sheriff of London 1393-1394. Mayor 1396-1398. Member of the Mercers’ Company. Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church.Richard Whittington is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Wolsey is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Wood
Thomas Wood Sheriff
(fl. 1491-1504)Sheriff of London 1491-1492. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Benefactor of St. Peter, Westcheap. Not to be confused with Thomas Wood.Thomas Wood is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne of Bohemia
Anne Queen of England
(b. 1366, d. 1394)Queen of England 1382-1394. Wife of King Richard II. Daughter of Charles IV. Sister of Wenceslaus IV.Anne of Bohemia is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Henry Barton
Sir Henry Barton Sheriff Mayor
(d. between 11 April 1435 and 18 June 1435)Sheriff of London 1405-1406. Mayor 1416-1417 and 1428-1429. Member of the Skinners’ Company. Buried at the charnel house at St. Paul’s Catherdral.Sir Henry Barton is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Martin Bowes
Sir Martin Bowes Sheriff Mayor
(b. between 1496 and 1468, d. 4 August 1566)Sheriff of London 1540-1541. Mayor 1545-1546. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Husband of Cecily Bowes, Anne Bowes, and Elizabeth Bowes. Buried at the Mary Woolnoth.Sir Martin Bowes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Nicholas Brembre
Sir Nicholas Brembre Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1388)Sheriff of London 1372-1373. Mayor 1376-1378 and 1383-1386. Member of the Grocers’ Company. Knighted by King Richard II for his help in suppressing the Peasant’s Revolt in 1381. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Nicholas Brembre is mentioned in the following documents:
Julius Caesar is mentioned in the following documents:
Lorenzo Campeggio
Lorenzo Campeggio Bishop of Salisbury
(b. 1471, d. 25 July 1539)Bishop of Salisbury 1524. Italian diplomat and Cardinal-protector of the Holy Roman Empire.Lorenzo Campeggio is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Chester
Sir William Chester Sheriff
(b. 1509, d. 1595fl. between 1554 and 1561)Sheriff of London 1554-1555. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Son of John Chester. Husband of Elizabeth Chester. Father-in-law of Robert Tempest. Buried at St. Edmund.Sir William Chester is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Cornwall is mentioned in the following documents:
Edmund Crouchback
(b. 16 January 1245, d. 5 June 1296)First Earl of Lancaster and First Earl of Leicester. Son of King Henry III and Eleanor of Provence.Edmund Crouchback is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of death. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Death is mentioned in the following documents:
Personification of eternity. Appears as an allegorical character in mayoral shows.Eternity is mentioned in the following documents:
Eustace de Fauconberg is mentioned in the following documents:
James Howell is mentioned in the following documents:
James Howell authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Hollar, Wenceslaus.
Londinopolis; An Historicall Discourse or Perlustration of the City of London, the Imperial Chamber, and Chief Emporium of Great Britain: Whereunto is added another of the City of Westminster. By James Howell. London:J. Streater for Henry Twiford, George Sawbridge, Th and John Place, 1657, 1657. Insert between sig. A4v and sig. B1r. -
Howell, James.
Afterword: Remapping the Terrain of Moral Regulation.
Journal of Historical Geography 42 (2013): 193–202. doi:10.1016/j.jhg.2013.01.018. -
Howell, James. Londinopolis, an historicall discourse or perlustration of the city of London, the imperial chamber, and chief emporium of Great Britain whereunto is added another of the city of Westminster, with the courts of justice, antiquities, and new buildings thereunto belonging. London, 1657. Wing H3090. Reprint. EEBO.
Sir Stephen Jenyns
Sir Stephen Jenyns Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1498-1499. Mayor 1508-1509. Member of the Merchant Taylors’ Company. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Stephen Jenyns is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Andrew Judde is mentioned in the following documents:
William Lily is mentioned in the following documents:
William Lily authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Sir Thomas Mirfyn is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Philipot
Sir John Philipot Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1384)Sheriff of London 1372-1373. Mayor 1378-1379. Possible member of the Grocers’ Company or Fishmongers’ Company. Husband of Jane Sampford. Knighted by King Richard II for his help in suppressing the Peasant’s Revolt in 1381. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir John Philipot is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John de Pulteney
Sir John de Pulteney Mayor
(d. 8 June 1349)Mayor of London 1330-1334 and 1336-1337. Member of the Drapers’ Company. Husband of Margaret de Pulteney. Father of William de Pulteney. Son of Adam de Pulteney and Margaret de Pulteney. Donated funds to the prisoners of Newgate in 1337.Sir John de Pulteney is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Purslowe is mentioned in the following documents:
William Russe
William Russe Sheriff
Sheriff of London 1429-1430. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Buried at St. Peter, Westcheap. In the 1598 edition of his Survey, John Stow mistakenly calls him a draper, but corrects this error in 1603 (Harben; BHO).William Russe is mentioned in the following documents:
Satan is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Shaa
Sir John Shaa Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1503)Sheriff of London 1496-1497. Mayor 1501-1502. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Son of Sir Edmund Shaw.Sir John Shaa is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Philip Sidney is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Nicholas Twyford
Sir Nicholas Twyford Sheriff Mayor
(d. between 1390 and 1391)Sheriff of London 1377-1378. Mayor 1388-1389. Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Knighted by King Richard II for his help in suppressing the Peasant’s Revolt in 1381. Husband of Dame Margery Twyford. Buried at St. John Zachary.Sir Nicholas Twyford is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Tiptoft
(b. 1427, d. 1470)First Earl of Worcester. Beheaded in 1470. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Sir John Tiptoft is mentioned in the following documents:
John Standelf is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Galder is mentioned in the following documents:
Agnes Milborne is mentioned in the following documents:
William de Lyons
Hermit of St. James in the Wall Hermitage.William de Lyons is mentioned in the following documents:
Aymer de Valence is mentioned in the following documents:
Mary de St. Paul
(b. 1304, d. 1377)Countess of Pembroke. Wife of Aymer de Valence. Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church.Mary de St. Paul is mentioned in the following documents:
William Lamb is mentioned in the following documents:
John Travers is mentioned in the following documents:
John Ewin
Member of the Mercers’ Company.John Ewin is mentioned in the following documents:
Walter Potter
Alderman. Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church.Walter Potter is mentioned in the following documents:
Peter de Heiland
Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church.Peter de Heiland is mentioned in the following documents:
Bevis Bond
Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church.Bevis Bond is mentioned in the following documents:
Hubert de Burgh
(b. 1170, d. May 1243)First Earl of Kent. Justiciar for King Henry II. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Hubert de Burgh is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret of France
(b. 1279, d. 1318)Wife of King Edward I. Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church. Buried at Christ’s Church.Margaret of France is mentioned in the following documents:
John of Brittany
(b. 1266, d. 1334)Earl of Richmond. Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church.John of Brittany is mentioned in the following documents:
Gilbert de Clare
(b. 1291, d. 1314)Seventh Earl of Hertford and Eighth Earl of Gloucester. Brother of Eleanor le Spencer and Elizabeth de Burgh. Held a variety of positions in the Scottish wars, such as Warden of Scotland and Captain of Scotland. Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church.Gilbert de Clare is mentioned in the following documents:
Eleanor le Spencer
(fl. 1314)Sister of Gilbert de Clare and Lady Eleanor le Spencer. Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church.Eleanor le Spencer is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth de Burgh
(b. between 1294 and 1360, d. 1360)Sister of Gilbert de Clare and Eleanor le Spencer. Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church. Founder of Clare College in Cambridge.Elizabeth de Burgh is mentioned in the following documents:
Arnold de Tolinea is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert de Lisle
(b. 1288, d. 1344)First Baron Lisle. Franciscan monk in Grey Friar’s Church. Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church.Robert de Lisle is mentioned in the following documents:
Bartholomew de Almain
Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church.Bartholomew de Almain is mentioned in the following documents:
Bartholomew of the Castle is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Seagrave
(b. 1320, d. 1399)Duchess of Norfolk and Countess Marshall. Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church. Buried at Christ’s Church.Margaret Seagrave is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Winchelsey
Friar at Grey Friar’s Church.Thomas Winchelsey is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas of Lyra is mentioned in the following documents:
John Fisher
John Fisher Bishop of Rochester
(b. 1469, d. 1535)Bishop of Rochester 1504–1535. Martryed during the reign of King Henry VIII for refusing to accept the king as the head of the church.John Fisher is mentioned in the following documents:
(b. 1332, d. 1379)Countess of Bedford. Wife of Enguerrand de Coucy. Buried at Christ’s Church.Isabella is mentioned in the following documents:
Enguerrand de Coucy
(b. 1340b. 1397)Husband of Isabella. After the death of King Edward III, he repudiated his loyalty to England in favour of France.Enguerrand de Coucy is mentioned in the following documents:
Ms. Eleanor is mentioned in the following documents:
Ms. Beatrice
(b. 1312)Duchess of Brittany. Daughter of King Henry III. Buried at Christ’s Church.Ms. Beatrice is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Robert Lyle is mentioned in the following documents:
Lady Lyle
Wife of Sir Robert Lyle. Buried at Christ’s Church.Lady Lyle is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Rivers
Countess of Devon. Buried at Christ’s Church.Margaret Rivers is mentioned in the following documents:
John Hastings
(d. 1389)Earl of Pembroke. Killed during a tournament. Buried at Christ’s Church. See related ODNB entry for John Hastings.John Hastings is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Brotherton is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Peter is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Chalon
(fl. 1415-39)Knight. Participated in the Agincourt campaign. Buried at Christ’s Church.Robert Chalon is mentioned in the following documents:
John Chalon
Buried at Christ’s Church.John Chalon is mentioned in the following documents:
Isabella of France
(b. 1295, d. 1358)Wife of King Edward II. Deposed and killed the king before governing the country. Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church. Buried at Christ’s Church.Isabella of France is mentioned in the following documents:
Philip IV of France
Philip This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 4IV King of France
(b. 1268, d. 1314)Philip IV of France is mentioned in the following documents:
Joan of the Tower
Joan Queen of Scotland
Queen of Scotland 1329-1362. Recieved her nicknameJoan of the Tower
because she was born in the Tower of London. Buried at Christ’s Church.Joan of the Tower is mentioned in the following documents:
Phillip the Bold
Philip This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 2II the Bold
(b. 17 January 1342, d. 27 April 1404)Duke of Burgundy. Youngest son of John II of France.Phillip the Bold is mentioned in the following documents:
Janken Carpenter
Janeken Carpenter
Janken Carpenter is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Morstede
Thomas Morstede Sheriff
Sheriff of London 1436-1437. Member of the Fishmongers’ Company. Surgeon to King Henry IV, King Henry V, and King Henry VI.Thomas Morstede is mentioned in the following documents:
John Belwine is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey de Mandeville
(d. 26 September 1144)First Earl of Essex. Constable of the Tower of London. Sheriff during the reign of King Stephen. Son of William de Mandeville.Geoffrey de Mandeville is mentioned in the following documents:
Gilbert Becket
Principal magistrate of Bassinghall Ward. Father of Thomas Becket.Gilbert Becket is mentioned in the following documents:
John Barton is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Gresham
Sir John Gresham Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1537-1538. Mayor 1547-1548. Member of the Mercers’ Company. Husband of Dame Mary Gresham and Dame Katharine Gresham. Buried at St. Michael Bassishaw.Sir John Gresham is mentioned in the following documents:
Æthelstan King of the Anglo-Saxons King of the English
(b. between 893 and 894, d. 939)King of the Anglo-Saxons 924-927. King of the English 927-939.Æthelstan is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Water is mentioned in the following documents:
Daughter of King Alfred the Great.Ethelfled is mentioned in the following documents:
John Gisors
John Gisors Mayor
(d. 1351)Mayor of London 1311-1315. Member of the Vintners’ Company. Son of John Gisors. Buried at Christ’s Church.John Gisors is mentioned in the following documents:
John Hulton
Husband of Alice Hulton. Buried at St. Mildred, Bread Street.John Hulton is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Mortimer
Knight. Beheaded in 1423. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir John Mortimer is mentioned in the following documents:
William Hamstead
Keeper of the King’s Exchange.William Hamstead is mentioned in the following documents:
Hugh Acton is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Henry Collet
Sir Henry Collet Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1477-1478. Mayor 1486-1487 and 1495-1496. Member of the Mercers’ Company. Benefactor of St. Anthony’s Hospital.Sir Henry Collet is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Henry Kebyll
Sir Henry Kebyll Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1518)Sheriff of London 1502-1503. Mayor 1510-1511. Member of the Grocers’ Company. Father of Alice Blount. Buried at St. Mary Aldermary.Sir Henry Kebyll is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Rochford
(b. 1350, d. 1410)Administrator and historical compiler. Buried at St. Benet Sherehog.Sir John Rochford is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Roger Mortimer is mentioned in the following documents:
William Appleton
Knight. Friar and Confessor of King Richard II. Beheaded on Tower Hill by the rebels of Kent. Buried at Christ’s Church.William Appleton is mentioned in the following documents:
John le Blund is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Kilwardby
Robert Kilwardby Archbishop of Canterbury
Archbishop of Canterbury 1273–1278. Began the foundations for the Blackfriars Monastery.Robert Kilwardby is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Browne
Sir William Browne Sheriff Mayor
(d. 3 June 1514)Sheriff of London 1504-1505. Mayor 1513-1514. Member of the Mercers’ Company. Husband of Alice Blount. Monument at Mercers’ Hall. Not to be confused with William Brown.Sir William Browne is mentioned in the following documents:
Humphrey Baskerville
Humphrey Baskerville Sheriff
Sheriff of London 1561-1562. Mayor 1487-1488. Member of the Mercers’ Company. Monument at Mercers’ Hall.Humphrey Baskerville is mentioned in the following documents:
John Colet is mentioned in the following documents:
Reyner Wolfe is mentioned in the following documents:
Ralph Woodcocke
Ralph Woodcocke Sheriff
Sheriff of London 1580-1581. Member of the Grocers’ Company. Husband of Helen Collier, Good Bower, Elenor Carew, and Mary Lovyson. Father of Elizabeth Antrobus.Ralph Woodcocke is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Cheney is mentioned in the following documents:
Helenor Fiennes
Wife of James Fiennes. Buried at Christ’s Church.Helenor Fiennes is mentioned in the following documents:
James Fiennes
(b. 1395, d. 1450)First Baron of Saye and Sele. Husband of Helenor Fiennes. Beheaded by an angry mob of rebels. Buried at Christ’s Church.James Fiennes is mentioned in the following documents:
Jesus Christ is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Richard Dobbys
Sir Richard Dobbys Sheriff Mayor
(d. 1556)Sheriff of London 1543-1544. Mayor 1551-1552. Member of the Skinners’ Company. Monument at St. Margaret Moses.Sir Richard Dobbys is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Brandon is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Beauchamp is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Beauchamp is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Guy de Beauchamp is mentioned in the following documents:
Bartholomew Burwash is mentioned in the following documents:
Jean de Bourbon is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Grey is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Cecil is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Walsingham
(b. 1340, d. 1422)Chronicler and Benedictine monk. Known for his works on the reigns of King Richard II, King Henry IV, and King Henry V.Thomas Walsingham is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Fitzjames
Richard Fitzjames Bishop of Rochester Bishop of Chichester Bishop of London
(d. 1522)Richard Fitzjames is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Cox is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward Burnell is mentioned in the following documents:
Lord Burnel1
Father of Edward Burnell.Lord Burnel1 is mentioned in the following documents:
John Smith is mentioned in the following documents:
John Hylton
Baron Hylton. Buried at Christ’s Church.John Hylton is mentioned in the following documents:
John de Clinton is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Hastings is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Burdett
Esquire. Beheaded in 1477. Buried at Christ’s Church.Thomas Burdett is mentioned in the following documents:
Humphrey Stafford is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Bartram
Baron of Bothell. Buried at Christ’s Church.Robert Bartram is mentioned in the following documents:
Reynold de Cambrey
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Reynold de Cambrey is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Beaumond is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Beaumond
Father of Thomas Beaumond.Henry Beaumond is mentioned in the following documents:
Adam de Howton
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Adam de Howton is mentioned in the following documents:
Bartholomew Caster
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Bartholomew Caster is mentioned in the following documents:
Reinfride Arundell
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Reinfride Arundell is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Covil
Esquire. Buried at Christ’s Church.Thomas Covil is mentioned in the following documents:
Walter Blount
(b. 1416, d. 1474)First Baron Mountjoy. Knight of the Garter. Father of William Blount and Edward Blount. Son of Sir Thomas Blount. Buried at Christ’s Church.Walter Blount is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward Blount is mentioned in the following documents:
Alice Blunt (née Kebyll)
Alice Blunt Browne Kebyll
Alice Blunt (née Kebyll) is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne Blount
Daughter of John Blount. Buried at Christ’s Church.Anne Blount is mentioned in the following documents:
John Blount
(b. 1450, d. 1485)Third Baron Mountjoy. Father of Anne Blount. Buried at Christ’s Church.John Blount is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Allen Cheinie
Knight. Father of John Cheinie. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Allen Cheinie is mentioned in the following documents:
John Cheinie
Knight. Son of Sir Allen Cheinie. Buried at Christ’s Church.John Cheinie is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Green
(b. 1461, d. 1506)Knight. Grandfather of Catherine Parr. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Thomas Green is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Blount is mentioned in the following documents:
John Burwash
Son of Bartholomew Burwash. Buried at Christ’s Church.John Burwash is mentioned in the following documents:
Jane Sampford is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Neyland (née Philipot)
Margaret Neyland Sentler Philipot
Wife of Thomas Sentler and John Neyland. Daughter of Jane Sampford and Sir John Philipot. Buried at Christ’s Church.Margaret Neyland (née Philipot) is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Sentler
Esquire. Husband of Margaret Neyland.Thomas Sentler is mentioned in the following documents:
John Neyland
Esquire. Husband of Margaret Neyland.John Neyland is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Nicholas Clifton is mentioned in the following documents:
John Robessart
Knight of the Garter. Buried at Christ’s Church.John Robessart is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Malory is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Yonge
(b. 1405, d. 1477)Justice of the Common Pleas and King’s Bench. Buried at Christ’s Church.Thomas Yonge is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Walter Wrottesley
(b. 1430, d. 1473)Justice of the Common Pleas and King’s Bench. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Walter Wrottesley is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Par
Slain at the Battle of Barnet in 1471. Buried at Christ’s Church.Thomas Par is mentioned in the following documents:
John Wiltwater
Slain at the Battle of Barnet in 1471. Buried at Christ’s Church.John Wiltwater is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Robert Elkenton
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Robert Elkenton is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey Lucy
Father of Geoffrey Lucy.Geoffrey Lucy is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey Lucy
Son of Geoffrey Lucy. Buried at Christ’s Church.Geoffrey Lucy is mentioned in the following documents:
John More
King of Arms. Buried at Christ’s Church. Not to be confused with John More.John More is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir George Hopton
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir George Hopton is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Ralph Spiganell
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Ralph Spiganell is mentioned in the following documents:
John Moyle
Gentleman of Gray’s Inn. Buried at Christ’s Church.John Moyle is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Huddie
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir William Huddie is mentioned in the following documents:
John de Cobham
(b. 1320, d. 1408)Administrator and Third Baron of Cobham. Buried at Christ’s Church.John de Cobham is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Mortayn
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir John Mortayn is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Deyncourt
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir John Deyncourt is mentioned in the following documents:
John Norbury
John Norbury Lord High Treasurer
John Norbury is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Norbury
Esquire. Son of John Norbury. Buried at Christ’s Church.Henry Norbury is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Southlee
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir John Southlee is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Sackville
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Thomas Sackville is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Lucy
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Thomas Lucy is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert de la Rivar
Son of Mauricius de la Rivar. Buried at Christ’s Church.Robert de la Rivar is mentioned in the following documents:
Mauricius de la Rivar
Lord of Tormerton. Father of Robert de la Rivar.Mauricius de la Rivar is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Malmaynas
Esquire. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir John Malmaynas is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Malmaynas
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Thomas Malmaynas is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Malmaynas
Buried at Christ’s Church.Nicholas Malmaynas is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Hugh Parsal
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Hugh Parsal is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Alexander Kirketon
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Alexander Kirketon is mentioned in the following documents:
Peter Champion
Esquire. Buried at Christ’s Church.Peter Champion is mentioned in the following documents:
Alice Hungerford
Hanged at Tyburn for murdering her husband. Buried at Christ’s Church.Alice Hungerford is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Churchyard
Gentleman of Gray’s Inn. Buried at Christ’s Church.Richard Churchyard is mentioned in the following documents:
Reynold Frowyk
Buried at Christ’s Church.Reynold Frowyk is mentioned in the following documents:
Philip Pats
Buried at Christ’s Church.Philip Pats is mentioned in the following documents:
William Porter
Sergeant at Arms. Buried at Christ’s Church.William Porter is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Grantham
Gentleman. Buried at Christ’s Church.Thomas Grantham is mentioned in the following documents:
Edmond Rotheley
Gentleman. Buried at Christ’s Church.Edmond Rotheley is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Reston
Gentleman of Gray’s Inn. Buried at Christ’s Church.Henry Reston is mentioned in the following documents:
John Aubrey is mentioned in the following documents:
John Aubrey
Son of John Aubrey. Buried at Christ’s Church.John Aubrey is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Montgomery
Gentleman. Son of John Montgomery. Buried at Christ’s Church.Nicholas Montgomery is mentioned in the following documents:
John Montgomery
Father of Nicholas Montgomery. Not to be confused with Sir John Montgomery.John Montgomery is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Bartholomew Emfield
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Bartholomew Emfield is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Barnard Peter
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Barnard Peter is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Raphe Sandwiche
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Raphe Sandwiche is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Andrew Sackville
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Andrew Sackville is mentioned in the following documents:
Walter Haddon is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Polle is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Johnson
Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company.Robert Johnson is mentioned in the following documents:
John Twisleton
Member of the Goldsmiths’ Company.John Twisleton is mentioned in the following documents:
John Somercote
Keeper of the King’s Exchange.John Somercote is mentioned in the following documents:
Roger Frowyk
Keeper of the King’s Exchange.Roger Frowyk is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Reade is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Billesdon
Robert Billesdon Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1473-1474. Mayor 1483-1484. Member of the Haberdashers’ Company. Buried at St. Augustine, Watling Street.Robert Billesdon is mentioned in the following documents:
William Dere
William Dere Sheriff
Sheriff of London 1450-1451. Possible member of the Pewterers’ Company. Buried at St. Augustine, Watling Street.William Dere is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Raven
Member of the Haberdashers’ Company. Buried at St. Augustine, Watling Street.Robert Raven is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Appleyard
Gentleman. Buried at St. Augustine, Watling Street.Thomas Appleyard is mentioned in the following documents:
William Moncaster
Member of the Merchant Taylors’ Company. Buried at St. Augustine, Watling Street.William Moncaster is mentioned in the following documents:
William Holte
Member of the Merchant Taylors’ Company. Buried at St. Augustine, Watling Street.William Holte is mentioned in the following documents:
Edmund Rich
Edmund Rich Archbishop of Canterbury
(b. 1174, d. 1240)Archbishop of Canterbury 1233–1240.Edmund Rich is mentioned in the following documents:
Roger of Salisbury
Roger Bishop of Bath Bishop of Bath and Wells
(b. 1185, d. 1247)Bishop of Bath 1244–1245. Bishop of Bath and Wells 1245–1247.Roger of Salisbury is mentioned in the following documents:
Ralph Peverel
Witness to the original text regarding the foundation of the St. Paul’s Cathedral.Ralph Peverel is mentioned in the following documents:
Hervey de Stanton is mentioned in the following documents:
Ralph Baldock is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Godwin
Died while working on the steeple of St. Paul’s Cathedral.Robert Godwin is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Burchwood is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Dokesworth is mentioned in the following documents:
Walter Sherington
Financed the building of the St. Paul’s Cloister.Walter Sherington is mentioned in the following documents:
Roger Holmes
Chancellor of St. Paul’s Cathedral.Roger Holmes is mentioned in the following documents:
Adam Bery
Alderman of St. Paul’s Cathedral.Adam Bery is mentioned in the following documents:
John Wingham
Official of St. Paul’s Cathedral.John Wingham is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Ford
Remembrancer.Richard Ford is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Bennis
Clerk.Henry Bennis is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Pace is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Barton
Buried at St. Paul’s Charnel House.Robert Barton is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Miles Partridge is mentioned in the following documents:
Urban IV
Pope Urban This numeral is a Roman numeral. The Arabic equivalent is 4IV
(b. 1195, d. 1264)Pope 1261–1264.Urban IV is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Kempe is mentioned in the following documents:
Earconwald is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Baud
Knight.Sir William Baud is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Walter Baud
Knight.Sir Walter Baud is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Richard de Harlowe
Knight. Witness to a land transfer contract involving St. Paul’s Cathedral.Sir Richard de Harlowe is mentioned in the following documents:
Peter of Stanforde is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas of Waldon is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Nicholas de Wokendon
Knight. Witness to a land grant involving St. Paul’s Cathedral.Sir Nicholas de Wokendon is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Richard de Rokeley
Knight. Witness to a land grant involving St. Paul’s Cathedral.Sir Richard de Rokeley is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas de Mandeville
Knight. Witness to a land grant involving St. Paul’s Cathedral.Sir Thomas de Mandeville is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard de Broniforde
Witness to a land grant involving St. Paul’s Cathedral.Richard de Broniforde is mentioned in the following documents:
William de Markes
Witness to a land grant involving St. Paul’s Cathedral.William de Markes is mentioned in the following documents:
William de Fulham
Witness to a land grant involving St. Paul’s Cathedral.William de Fulham is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul the Apostle is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Henry Guildford is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard de Plesseys
Buried at St. Paul’s Cathedral.Richard de Plesseys is mentioned in the following documents:
Adam de Bury is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Fitzhugh is mentioned in the following documents:
John Stokesley is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Christopher Hatton is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Fletcher
Richard Fletcher Bishop of Bristol Bishop of Worcester Bishop of London
(b. 1544, d. 1596)Richard Fletcher is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Nikke
Paternoster.Robert Nikke is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Neville is mentioned in the following documents:
John Gest
Buried at St. Martin, Ludgate.John Gest is mentioned in the following documents:
William Taverner
Buried at St. Martin, Ludgate.William Taverner is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Stephen Pecocke
Sir Stephen Pecocke Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1526-1527. Mayor 1532-1533. Member of the Haberdashers’ Company. Buried at St. Martin, Ludgate.Sir Stephen Pecocke is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Sevenoke is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Roger Cholmeley is mentioned in the following documents:
Gregory de Rokesley
Gregory de Rokesley Sheriff Mayor
(fl. 1274-84d. 1291)Sheriff of London 1263-1264 and 1270-1271. Mayor 1247-1281 and 1284-1285. Possible member of the Goldsmiths’ Company. Lord Chief Justice of the Court of the King’s Bench. Buried at Christ’s Church.Gregory de Rokesley is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Drummond of Scotland
Margaret Drummond Queen of Scotland
(b. 1340, d. 1375)Queen of Scotland 1364-1369. Wife of King David II of Scotland.Margaret Drummond of Scotland is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert de Attabeto is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Isabella is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Roger Bigod is mentioned in the following documents:
Alice de Warenne is mentioned in the following documents:
William de Warenne is mentioned in the following documents:
Jane de Warenne is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Ide de Ferrers
Wife of Sir Walter Devereux. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Dame Ide de Ferrers is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Walter Devereux is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard de Brewes
Buried at St. Martin, Ludgate.Richard de Brewes is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Strange is mentioned in the following documents:
Roger Strange
Father of Richard Strange. Not to be confused with Roger Strange.Roger Strange is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth de Badlesmere
(b. 1313, d. 1356)Countess of Northampton. Daughter of Bartholomew de Badlesmere. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Elizabeth de Badlesmere is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Bartholomew de Badlesmere
Sir Bartholomew Badlesmere
(b. 1275, d. 1322)First Barton Badlesmere. Father of Elizabeth de Badlesmere.Sir Bartholomew de Badlesmere is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William de Bohun is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth de Bohun
(b. 1350, d. 1385)Countess of Arundel and Countess of Surrey. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Elizabeth de Bohun is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Johan Carne
Daughter of Sir John Carne. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Dame Johan Carne is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Carne
Father of Dame Johan Carne.Sir John Carne is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Guy Bryan
Husband of Dame Johan Carne.Sir Guy Bryan is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Hugh Clare
Knight. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Sir Hugh Clare is mentioned in the following documents:
(b. 1273, d. 1284)Earl of Chester. Son of King Edward I and Eleanor of Castile. Heart buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Alphonso is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William de Thorpe is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey de Say is mentioned in the following documents:
Maude de Say
Wife of Geoffrey de Say. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Maude de Say is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Roger Beauchamp
(b. 1315, d. 1380)First Baron Beauchamp of Bletso. Soldier and peer. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Sir Roger Beauchamp is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Wife of Roger Beauchamp. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Elizabeth Beauchamp is mentioned in the following documents:
William de Patteshull
Father of Sibyl de Patteshull.William de Patteshull is mentioned in the following documents:
Sibyl de Patteshull
Daughter of William de Patteshull. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Sibyl de Patteshull is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Stephen Collington
Knight. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Sir Stephen Collington is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir William Peter
Knight. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Sir William Peter is mentioned in the following documents:
William Paston
Husband of Anne Paston. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.William Paston is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne Paston
Wife of William Paston. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Anne Paston is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Edmund Cornwall
Seventh Baron of Burford. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Sir Edmund Cornwall is mentioned in the following documents:
Eleanor Neville
Daughter of Ralph Neville. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery. Not to be confused with Eleanor Neville.Eleanor Neville is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Scrope
Richard Scrope Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield Archbishop of York
(b. 1350, d. 1405)Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 1386–1398. Archbishop of York 1398–1405. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Richard Scrope is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Katherine Vaux
Mother of Nicholas Vaux. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Dame Katherine Vaux is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Browne
(b. 1402, d. 1460)Member of Parliament and Chancellor of the Exchequer. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Sir Thomas Browne is mentioned in the following documents:
Eleanor FitzAlan
Noblewoman. Wife of Thomas Browne. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Eleanor FitzAlan is mentioned in the following documents:
Jane Powell is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Swinforth is mentioned in the following documents:
John Mawsley is mentioned in the following documents:
John de la Bere
John de la Bere Bishop St. David’s
Bishop of St. David’s, Wales 1447-1460. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.John de la Bere is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Carre
Esquire. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.Nicholas Carre is mentioned in the following documents:
Geoffrey Spring is mentioned in the following documents:
William Clifford
Esquire. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.William Clifford is mentioned in the following documents:
William Stalworth
(d. 1518)Member of the Merchant Taylors’ Company. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.William Stalworth is mentioned in the following documents:
William Courtney
Earl of Devonshire. Buried at Blackfriars Monastery.William Courtney is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Newton is mentioned in the following documents:
Roger Woodcocke is mentioned in the following documents:
John Oxney
Prior of Christ Church. Buried at St. Michael le Querne.John Oxney is mentioned in the following documents:
Roger North is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Banks
Husband of Joan Laurence. Buried at St. Michael le Querne.Thomas Banks is mentioned in the following documents:
Mathilda Lovell
Wife of John Lovell.Mathilda Lovell is mentioned in the following documents:
John Lovell
Husband of Mathilda Lovell.John Lovell is mentioned in the following documents:
Cecily Neville is mentioned in the following documents:
John Speed is mentioned in the following documents:
John Speed authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Norden, John, John Speed, and Jodocus Honidus.
Middle-sex Described with the Most Famous Cities of London and Westminster.
The Theatre of the Empire of Greant Britaine. By John Speed. London: George Humble, 1611. Insert after sig. H2r. [See more information about this map.]
William Downe
Parson at St. Martin, Ludgate.William Downe is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Northland is mentioned in the following documents:
Ralph Aleyn is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Alexander Avenon
Sir Alexander Avenon Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1561-1562. Mayor 1569-1570. Member of the Ironmongers’ Company. Husband of Lady Alice Avenon. Buried at St. Peter, Westcheap.Sir Alexander Avenon is mentioned in the following documents:
Anthony Gamage is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Harte
Sir John Harte Sheriff Mayor
Sheriff of London 1579-1580. Mayor 1589-1590. Member of the Grocers’ Company. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir John Harte is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Prannell
Henry Prannell Sheriff
Sheriff of London 1585-1586. Member of the Vintners’ Company. Husband of Anne Parnell. Buried at St. Michael le Querne.Henry Prannell is mentioned in the following documents:
William Elkyn
William Elkyn Sheriff
Sheriff of London 1586-1587. Member of the Mercers’ Company. Husband of Alice Elkyn. Father of Ursula Elkyn. Buried at St. Michael le Querne.William Elkyn is mentioned in the following documents:
John Baldwin is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Townley
Buried at St. Augustine, Watling Street.Sir Townley is mentioned in the following documents:
Cassius Dio is mentioned in the following documents:
The Virgin Mary is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Ashwy is mentioned in the following documents:
Maurice Griffith
Maurice Griffith Bishop of Rochester
Bishop of Rochester 1554–1558. Buried at St. Magnus.Maurice Griffith is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Francis Brian is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Rogers
Member of the Leathersellers’ Company. Benefactor to the poor. Buried at Christ’s Church.Robert Rogers is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Russell
Benefactor of the poor.Thomas Russell is mentioned in the following documents:
Matthew the Apostle is mentioned in the following documents:
John Williams
Member of the Goldsmithsʼ Company.John Williams is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Elizabeth Hynde
Wife of Augustine Hynde. Buried at St. Peter, Westcheap.Dame Elizabeth Hynde is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Guthurun is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Kery is mentioned in the following documents:
John Lonyson is mentioned in the following documents:
Christopher Wase is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne Wase (née Prettyman)
Anne Wase Prettyman
Wife of Christopher Wase. Daughter of William Prettyman.Anne Wase (née Prettyman) is mentioned in the following documents:
William Prettyman
Father of Anne Wase.William Prettyman is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Marsh
Member of the Grocersʼ Company. Husband of Florence Marsh and Elizabeth Marsh. Buried at St. Foster.Robert Marsh is mentioned in the following documents:
Florence Marsh
Wife of Robert Marsh. Buried at St. Foster.Florence Marsh is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Marsh
Wife of Robert Marsh.Elizabeth Marsh is mentioned in the following documents:
Martha Prescot is mentioned in the following documents:
Alexander Prescot
Alderman. Husband of Martha Prescot. Father of Elizabeth Prescot.Alexander Prescot is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Prescot is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Saunders
Knight.Sir Thomas Saunders is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir John Portenary
Knight.Sir John Portenary is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Hopton
Knight marshall.Robert Hopton is mentioned in the following documents:
Peter Baugh
Denizen of London.Peter Baugh is mentioned in the following documents:
Lewes Rawbone
Denizen of London.Lewes Rawbone is mentioned in the following documents:
William Moore
Esquire. Not to be confused with William Moore.William Moore is mentioned in the following documents:
James Norrice
Curate of St. Peter upon Cornhill.James Norrice is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Flower
Taylor.Robert Flower is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Tretheru is mentioned in the following documents:
Dr. Layton is mentioned in the following documents:
Dr. Wendie is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Hardford is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Ulverston
Officer of the Vintnersʼ Company.Thomas Ulverston is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Struddell
Prior of Blackfriars.Robert Struddell is mentioned in the following documents:
John Alforde
Shoemaker. Resident of Blackfriars.John Alforde is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Antrobus
Husband of Elizabeth Antrobus. Father of Thomas Antrobus, John Antrobus, Richard Antrobus, Elizabeth Antrobus, and Margaret Antrobus. Buried at St. Martin, Ludgate.Thomas Antrobus is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Antrobus (née Woodcocke)
Elizabeth Antrobus Woodcocke
Wife of Thomas Antrobus. Mother of Thomas Antrobus, John Antrobus, Richard Antrobus, Elizabeth Antrobus, and Margaret Antrobus. Daughter of Helen Collier and Ralph Woodcocke.Elizabeth Antrobus (née Woodcocke) is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Antrobus
Son of Elizabeth Antrobus and Thomas Antrobus. Brother of John Antrobus, Richard Antrobus, Elizabeth Antrobus, and Margaret Antrobus.Thomas Antrobus is mentioned in the following documents:
John Antrobus
Son of Elizabeth Antrobus and Thomas Antrobus. Brother of Thomas Antrobus, Richard Antrobus, Elizabeth Antrobus, and Margaret Antrobus.John Antrobus is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Antrobus
Son of Elizabeth Antrobus and Thomas Antrobus. Brother of Thomas Antrobus, John Antrobus, Elizabeth Antrobus, and Margaret Antrobus.Richard Antrobus is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Antrobus
Daughter of Elizabeth Antrobus and Thomas Antrobus. Sister of Thomas Antrobus, John Antrobus, Richard Antrobus, and Margaret Antrobus.Elizabeth Antrobus is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Antrobus
Daughter of Elizabeth Antrobus and Thomas Antrobus. Sister of Thomas Antrobus, John Antrobus, Richard Antrobus, and Elizabeth Antrobus.Margaret Antrobus is mentioned in the following documents:
Amy Gomersall (née Edlyn)
Amy Gomersall Edlyn
Amy Gomersall (née Edlyn) is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Edlyn
Father of Amy Gomersall.Richard Edlyn is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Gomersall
Member of the Ironmongersʼ Company. Husband of Amy Gomersall.Robert Gomersall is mentioned in the following documents:
William Yeardley
Gentleman. Husband of Elizabeth Yeardley. Buried at St. Martin, Ludgate.William Yeardley is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Yeardley
Wife of William Yeardley. Buried at St. Martin, Ludgate.Elizabeth Yeardley is mentioned in the following documents:
Florens Caldwell
Member of the Haberdashersʼ Company. Husband of Mary Wilde and Sibill Greene. Father of Mary Gourney. Buried at St. Martin, Ludgate.Florens Caldwell is mentioned in the following documents:
Mary Wilde is mentioned in the following documents:
Mary Gourney (née Caldwell)
Mary Gourney Caldwell
Mary Gourney (née Caldwell) is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Gourney
Husband of Mary Gourney.Thomas Gourney is mentioned in the following documents:
Sibill Greene
Wife of Florens Caldwell. Buried at St. Martin, Ludgate.Sibill Greene is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Vaughan is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Beauchamp
(b. 1404, d. 14 June 1467)Countess of Shrewsbury. Daughter of Richard Beauchamp.Margaret Beauchamp is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Drury
(b. in or after 1587, d. 1623)Jesuit priest. Preacher and victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by him and William Redyate.Robert Drury is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Drury
Gentleman and sheriff of Hedgerley, Buckinghamshire. Father of Robert Drury. Not to be confused with Robert Drury.Robert Drury is mentioned in the following documents:
William Redyate
Jesuit priest. Preacher and victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by him and Robert Drury.William Redyate is mentioned in the following documents:
Lady Webbe
Mother of Mistress Webbe. Sister of Lady Morly and Lady Sturton. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Lady Webbe is mentioned in the following documents:
Mistress Webbe
Daughter of Lady Webbe. Survived theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mistress Webbe is mentioned in the following documents:
Elenor Sanders
Survived theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Elenor Sanders is mentioned in the following documents:
Lucie Penruddocke
Survived theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Lucie Penruddocke is mentioned in the following documents:
Lady Blackstone
Mother of a victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Lady Blackstone is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Webbe
Servant of Lady Blackstone. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Thomas Webbe is mentioned in the following documents:
William Robinson
Taylor. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate. Not to be confused with William Robinson.William Robinson is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Smith
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate. Not to be confused with Robert Smith or Robert Smith.Robert Smith is mentioned in the following documents:
Master Hick
Master of a victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Master Hick is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Davison
Master of Anthony Hall. Father of Anne Davison, a victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mr. Davison is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne Davison
Daughter of Mr. Davison. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Anne Davison is mentioned in the following documents:
Anthony Hall
Servant of Mr. Davison. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Anthony Hall is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne Hobdin
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Anne Hobdin is mentioned in the following documents:
Mary Hobdin
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mary Hobdin is mentioned in the following documents:
John Galloway
Member of the Vintnersʼ Company. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.John Galloway is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Peirson
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mr. Peirson is mentioned in the following documents:
Mistress Vudall
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mistress Vudall is mentioned in the following documents:
Ms. Abigail
Maid of Mistress Vudall. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Ms. Abigail is mentioned in the following documents:
John Netlan
Taylor. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.John Netlan is mentioned in the following documents:
Nathanial Coales
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Nathanial Coales is mentioned in the following documents:
John Halifax
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.John Halifax is mentioned in the following documents:
Mistress Rugbie
Resident of Holborn. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mistress Rugbie is mentioned in the following documents:
John Worral
Father of a victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.John Worral is mentioned in the following documents:
Master Becket
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Master Becket is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Mersit
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Thomas Mersit is mentioned in the following documents:
Mistress Summel
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mistress Summel is mentioned in the following documents:
Ms. Mary
Maid of Mistress Summel. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Ms. Mary is mentioned in the following documents:
Andrew White
Father of a victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Andrew White is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Staker
Taylor. Resident of Salisbury Court. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mr. Staker is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Sommers
Resident of Gray’s Inn Road. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Elizabeth Sommers is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Westwood
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mr. Westwood is mentioned in the following documents:
Judith Bellowes
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Judith Bellowes is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Lues Pemberton
Master of a victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Sir Lues Pemberton is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Moore
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Elizabeth Moore is mentioned in the following documents:
John James
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.John James is mentioned in the following documents:
Morris Beucresse
Apothecary. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Morris Beucresse is mentioned in the following documents:
Davie Vaughan
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Davie Vaughan is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne Field
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Anne Field is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Ployden
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mr. Ployden is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Heifime
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Robert Heifime is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Medalfe
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mr. Medalfe is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Maufield
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mr. Maufield is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Simons
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mr. Simons is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Simons
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Thomas Simons is mentioned in the following documents:
Dorothy Simons
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Dorothy Simons is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Paverkes
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Robert Paverkes is mentioned in the following documents:
Mistress Morton
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mistress Morton is mentioned in the following documents:
Frances Downes
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Frances Downes is mentioned in the following documents:
Edmond Shey
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Edmond Shey is mentioned in the following documents:
Joshua Perry
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Joshua Perry is mentioned in the following documents:
John Tullye
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.John Tullye is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Draper
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Thomas Draper is mentioned in the following documents:
John Staiggs
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.John Staiggs is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Elis
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Thomas Elis is mentioned in the following documents:
Michael Butler
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Michael Butler is mentioned in the following documents:
Edmund Rivals
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Edmund Rivals is mentioned in the following documents:
Edmund Welsh
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Edmund Welsh is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Davie
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mr. Davie is mentioned in the following documents:
Bartholomew Bavin
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Bartholomew Bavin is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Price
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Richard Price is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Wood
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate. Not to be confused with Thomas Wood.Thomas Wood is mentioned in the following documents:
Christopher Hobbs
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Christopher Hobbs is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Astime
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Elizabeth Astime is mentioned in the following documents:
John Butler
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.John Butler is mentioned in the following documents:
Ms. Clarentia
Maid. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Ms. Clarentia is mentioned in the following documents:
Jane Turner
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Jane Turner is mentioned in the following documents:
Mistress Milbourne
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mistress Milbourne is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne Frithwith
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Anne Frithwith is mentioned in the following documents:
Mistress Elton
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mistress Elton is mentioned in the following documents:
Mistress Walsteed
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mistress Walsteed is mentioned in the following documents:
Margaret Barrom
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Margaret Barrom is mentioned in the following documents:
Henry Becket
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Henry Becket is mentioned in the following documents:
Sarah Watsonne
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Sarah Watsonne is mentioned in the following documents:
John Bethoms
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.John Bethoms is mentioned in the following documents:
Master Harris
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Master Harris is mentioned in the following documents:
Mistress Tompson
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mistress Tompson is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Fitguift
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Richard Fitguift is mentioned in the following documents:
George Ceaustour
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.George Ceaustour is mentioned in the following documents:
Master Grimes
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Master Grimes is mentioned in the following documents:
Ms. Barbaret
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Ms. Barbaret is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Hucble
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mr. Hucble is mentioned in the following documents:
Walter Ward
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Walter Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Rigaret
Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Mr. Rigaret is mentioned in the following documents:
John Brabant
Painter. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.John Brabant is mentioned in the following documents:
Master Buckets
Painter in Aldersgate Street. Victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Master Buckets is mentioned in the following documents:
Job is mentioned in the following documents:
Lady Morley
Sister of Lady Sturton and Lady Webbe, a victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Lady Morley is mentioned in the following documents:
Lady Sturton
Sister of Lady Morly and Lady Webbe, a victim of theFatal Vespers,
a 1623 disaster in Blackfriars where the upper floor of a house collapsed under the weight of those attending a religious service led by Robert Drury and William Redyate.Lady Sturton is mentioned in the following documents:
John de Bachkewelle
Denizen of London.John de Bachkewelle is mentioned in the following documents:
Stephen Assewy
Denizen of London.Stephen Assewy is mentioned in the following documents:
Walter de Finchingfeld
Denizen of London.Walter de Finchingfeld is mentioned in the following documents:
John Neville
(b. 1337, d. 17 October 1388)Third Baron Neville. Husband of Elizabeth Neville. Father of Ralph Neville, Thomas Neville, and John Neville.John Neville is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Neville (née Latimer)
Elizabeth Neville
Wife of John Neville. Mother of Ralph Neville, Thomas Neville, and John Neville. Not to be confused with Elizabeth Neville (née Holland).Elizabeth Neville (née Latimer) is mentioned in the following documents:
Ralph Neville
(b. 1364, d. 21 October 1425)First Earl of Westmorland. Son of Elizabeth Neville and John Neville. Brother of Thomas Neville and John Neville. Father of John Neville.Ralph Neville is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Neville
First Earl of Westmorland. Son of Elizabeth Neville and John Neville. Brother of Ralph Neville and John Neville. Not to be confused with Thomas Neville.Thomas Neville is mentioned in the following documents:
John Neville is mentioned in the following documents:
Jaques Fries
Physician of King Edward IV.Jaques Fries is mentioned in the following documents:
William Hobbs
Physician of King Edward IV.William Hobbs is mentioned in the following documents:
Roger Strippe
Denizen of London.Roger Strippe is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Goddard
Denizen of London.Thomas Goddard is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Kent
Denizen of London.Richard Kent is mentioned in the following documents:
William Tayler
Taylor of King Henry III.William Tayler is mentioned in the following documents:
John Calthrop
Member of the Drapersʼ Company.John Calthrop is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Castell
Shoemaker. Resident of Westminster.Richard Castell is mentioned in the following documents:
Richard Havering
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Richard Havering is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Trisilian
Knight and Chief Justice. Buried at Christ’s Church.Robert Trisilian is mentioned in the following documents:
Ralph Barons
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Ralph Barons is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Thomas Blount is mentioned in the following documents:
William Blount
Esquire. Son of of Walter Blount. Brother of Edward Blount. Died in the Battle of Barnet. Buried at Christ’s Church. Not to be confused with William Blount.William Blount is mentioned in the following documents:
John Dinham
Knight of the Garter. Treasurer of England. Buried at Christ’s Church.John Dinham is mentioned in the following documents:
John Blunt
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.John Blunt is mentioned in the following documents:
Rowland Blunt
Knight. Buried at Christ’s Church.Rowland Blunt is mentioned in the following documents:
John Bramre
Gentleman of Grayʼs Inn. Buried at Christ’s Church.John Bramre is mentioned in the following documents:
John Treszawall is mentioned in the following documents:
Sir Christopher Edmonds
Knight. Husband of Dame Dorothy Edmonds. Buried at Christ’s Church.Sir Christopher Edmonds is mentioned in the following documents:
Dame Dorothy Edmonds (née Litcot)
Dame Dorothy Edmonds Litcot
Dame Dorothy Edmonds (née Litcot) is mentioned in the following documents:
Christopher Litcot
Esquire. Father of Dame Dorothy Edmonds.Christopher Litcot is mentioned in the following documents:
Gamaliel Pye is mentioned in the following documents:
Anne Parnell (née Baxter) is mentioned in the following documents:
Edmond Baxter
Father of Anne Parnell.Edmond Baxter is mentioned in the following documents:
Alice Elkyn (née Wilkes)
Alice Elkyn Wilkes
Alice Elkyn (née Wilkes) is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Wilkes
Father of Alice Elkyn.Thomas Wilkes is mentioned in the following documents:
Ursula Elkyn
Daughter of Alice Elkyn and William Elkyn.Ursula Elkyn is mentioned in the following documents:
Joan Laurence
Wife of Thomas Banks.Joan Laurence is mentioned in the following documents:
John Mundham
Holder of a chauntry.John Mundham is mentioned in the following documents:
Agag is mentioned in the following documents:
Samuel is mentioned in the following documents:
Elijah is mentioned in the following documents:
Naboth is mentioned in the following documents:
Saul is mentioned in the following documents:
Pontius Pilate is mentioned in the following documents:
Jude the Apostle is mentioned in the following documents:
Simon the Zealot is mentioned in the following documents:
Rachel is mentioned in the following documents:
Mr. Finch is mentioned in the following documents:
Thomas Felcham
Financed the building of part of Grey Friar’s Church.Thomas Felcham is mentioned in the following documents:
William Fitzwaren is mentioned in the following documents:
Isabel Fitzwaren is mentioned in the following documents:
Elizabeth Neville (née Holland)
Elizabeth Neville Holland
Wife of John Neville. Mother of Ralph Neville. Daughter of Thomas Holland. Buried at St. Thomas Southwark. Buried at Christ’s Church. Not to be confused with Elizabeth Neville.Elizabeth Neville (née Holland) is mentioned in the following documents:
Ralph Neville is mentioned in the following documents:
Eleanor Percy is mentioned in the following documents:
Robert Bradbury
Denizen of London. Buried at Christ’s Church.Robert Bradbury is mentioned in the following documents:
Francis Chape
Denizen of London. Buried at Christ’s Church.Francis Chape is mentioned in the following documents:
Nicholas Poynes
Esquire. Buried at Christ’s Church.Nicholas Poynes is mentioned in the following documents:
John Devereux is mentioned in the following documents:
Lord Lyle is mentioned in the following documents:
Edward Hall
Gentleman of Grayʼs Inn. Buried at Christ’s Church. Not to be confused with Edward Hall or Edward Hall.Edward Hall is mentioned in the following documents:
Farringdon Within Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. This page offers a diplomatic transcription of the opening section of John Stow’s description of this ward from his Survey of London.Farringdon Within Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Aldersgate Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. This page offers a diplomatic transcription of the opening section of John Stow’s description of this ward from his Survey of London.Aldersgate Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Farringdon Without Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. This page offers a diplomatic transcription of the opening section of John Stow’s description of this ward from his Survey of London.Farringdon Without Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Farringdon Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. Farringdon Ward is the name of the larger single ward predating both Farringdon Within and Without.Farringdon Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
London is mentioned in the following documents:
Located in Farringdon Within Ward, Ludgate was a gate built by the Romans (Carlin and Belcher 80). Stow asserts that Ludgate was constructed by King Lud who named the gate after himselffor his owne honor
(Stow 1: 1).Ludgate is mentioned in the following documents:
Newgate is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Peter, Westcheap is mentioned in the following documents:
Cheapside Cross (Eleanor Cross)
If monuments could speak, the Cheapside Cross would have told a tale of kingly love, civic pride, and sectarian violence. The Cross, pictured but not labelled on the Agas map, stood in Cheapside between Friday Street and Wood Street. St. Peter Westcheap lay to its west, on the north side of Cheapside. The prestigious shops of Goldsmiths’ Row were located to the east of the Cross, on the south side of Cheapside. The Standard in Cheapside (also known as the Cheap Standard), a square pillar/conduit that was also a ceremonial site, lay further to the east (Brissenden xi).Cheapside Cross (Eleanor Cross) is mentioned in the following documents:
Wood Street
Wood Street ran north-south, connecting at its southernmost end with Cheapside and continuing northward to Little Wood Street, which led directly into Cripplegate. It crossed over Huggin Lane, Lad Lane, Maiden Lane, Love Lane, Addle Lane, and Silver Street, and ran parallel to Milk Street in the east and Gutter Lane in the west. Wood Street lay within Cripplegate Ward. It is labelled asWood Streat
on the Agas map and is drawn in the correct position.Wood Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Gutter Lane
Gutter Lane ran north-south from Cheapside to Maiden Lane. It is to the west of Wood Street and to the east of Foster Lane, lying within the north-eastern most area of Farringdon Ward Within and serving as a boundary to Aldersgate ward. It is labelled asGoutter Lane
on the Agas map.Gutter Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
Huggin Lane (Wood Street)
Huggin Lane (Wood Street) ran east-west connecting Wood Street in the east to Gutter Lane in the west. It ran parallel between Cheapside in the south and Maiden Lane in the north. It was in Cripplegate Ward. It is labelled asHoggyn la
on the Agas map.Huggin Lane (Wood Street) is mentioned in the following documents:
Carey Lane
Carey Lane ran east-west, connecting Gutter Lane in the east and Foster Lane in the west. It ran parallel between Maiden Lane in the north and Cheapside in the south. The Agas Map labels itKerie la.
Carey Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
Cheap Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. This page offers a diplomatic transcription of the opening section of John Stow’s description of this ward from his Survey of London.Cheap Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Foster Lane
Foster Lane ran north-south between Cheapside in the south and Oat Lane in the north. It crossed Lily Pot Lane, St. Anne’s Lane, Maiden Lane, and Carey Lane. It sat between St. Martin’s Lane to the west and Gutter Lane to the east. Foster Lane is drawn on the Agas Map in the correct position, labelled asForster Lane.
Foster Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Vedast is mentioned in the following documents:
Noble Street
Noble Street ran north-south between Maiden Lane in the south and Silver Street in the north. It isall of Aldersgate street ward
(Stow). On the Agas map, it is labelled asNoble Str.
and is depicted as having a right-hand curve at its north end, perhaps due to an offshoot of the London Wall.Noble Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Windsor House
Stow does not indicate what side of the street the house sits on, but the Dictionary of London points us to the two intersecting streets of Monkwell Street and Silver Street. This great house once belonged to the Nevill family, but later became Windsor House.Windsor House is mentioned in the following documents:
Monkwell Street is mentioned in the following documents:
London Wall (street)
London Wall was a long street running along the inside of the northern part of the City Wall. It ran east-west from the north end of Broad Street to Cripplegate (Prockter and Taylor 43). The modern London Wall street is a major traffic thoroughfare now. It follows roughly the route of the former wall, from Old Broad Street to the Museum of London (whose address is 150 London Wall).London Wall (street) is mentioned in the following documents:
Cripplegate was one of the original gates in the city wall (Weinreb, Hibbert, Keay, and Keay 221; Harben). It was the northern gate of a large fortress that occupied the northwestern corner of the Roman city.Cripplegate is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Martin’s Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Nicholas Shambles is mentioned in the following documents:
Pentecost Lane
Pentecost Lane ran north from Newgate Street past St. Nicholas Shambles, now Roman Bath Street. Pentcost Lane is not featured on the Agas map.Pentecost Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
Butchers’ Alley
Butchers’ Alley ran parallel to Pentecost Lane to the Butchers’ Hall on the east side of Christ Church. It is not labelled on the Agas map.Butchers’ Alley is mentioned in the following documents:
Stinking Lane
North out of Newgate, Stinking Lane runs parallel to both Pentecost Lane and Butchers’ Alley. Ekwall notes Stinking Lane as a euphemistic variant of Fowle Lane, while Stow notes Stinking Lane was also known as Chick Lane.Stinking Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
Newgate Market is mentioned in the following documents:
Newgate Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Friday Street
Friday Street passed south through Bread Street Ward, beginning at the cross in Cheapside and ending at Old Fish Street. It was one of many streets that ran into Cheapside market whose name is believed to originate from the goods that were sold there.Friday Street is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Matthew (Friday Street) is mentioned in the following documents:
Cheapside Street
Cheapside, one of the most important streets in early modern London, ran east-west between the Great Conduit at the foot of Old Jewry to the Little Conduit by St. Paul’s churchyard. The terminus of all the northbound streets from the river, the broad expanse of Cheapside separated the northern wards from the southern wards. It was lined with buildings three, four, and even five stories tall, whose shopfronts were open to the light and set out with attractive displays of luxury commodities (Weinreb and Hibbert 148). Cheapside was the centre of London’s wealth, with many mercers’ and goldsmiths’ shops located there. It was also the most sacred stretch of the processional route, being traced both by the linear east-west route of a royal entry and by the circular route of the annual mayoral procession.Cheapside Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Old Change is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Augustine (Watling Street) is mentioned in the following documents:
Watling Street
Watling Street ran east-west between St. Sythes Lane in Cordwainer Street Ward and Old Change in Bread Street Ward. It is visible on the Agas map under the labelWatlinge ſtreat.
Stow records that the street is also commonly known asNoble Street
(Stow 200). This should not lead to confusion with Noble Street in Aldersgate Ward. There is an etymological explanation for this crossover of names. According to Ekwall, the nameWatling
ultimately derives from an Old English word meaningking’s son
(Ekwall 81-82). Watling Street remains distinct from the Noble Street in Aldersgate Ward.Watling Street is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s Cathedral
St. Paul’s Cathedral was—and remains—an important church in London. In 962, while London was occupied by the Danes, St. Paul’s monastery was burnt and raised anew. The church survived the Norman conquest of 1066, but in 1087 it was burnt again. An ambitious Bishop named Maurice took the opportunity to build a new St. Paul’s, even petitioning the king to offer a piece of land belonging to one of his castles (Times 115). The building Maurice initiated would become the cathedral of St. Paul’s which survived until the Great Fire of London.St. Paul’s Cathedral is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s Churchyard
Surrounding St. Paul’s Cathedral, St. Paul’s Churchyard has had a multi-faceted history in use and function, being the location of burial, crime, public gathering, and celebration. Before its destruction during the civil war, St. Paul’s Cross was located in the middle of the churchyard, providing a place for preaching and the delivery of Papal edicts (Thornbury).St. Paul’s Churchyard is mentioned in the following documents:
Paternoster Row is mentioned in the following documents:
Ave Maria Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
Creed Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
Bowyer Row is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Martin (Ludgate) is mentioned in the following documents:
Blackfriars (Farringdon Within)
The largest and wealthiest friary in England, Blackfriars was not only a religious institution but also a cultural, intellectual, and political centre of London. The friary housed London’s Dominican friars (known in England as the Black friars) after their move from the smaller Blackfriars precincts in Holborn. The Dominicans’ aquisition of the site, overseen by Robert Kilwardby, began in 1275. Once completed, the precinct was second in size only to St. Paul’s, spanning eight acres from the Fleet to Puddle Dock Hill and from Ludgate to the Thames. Blackfriars remained a political and social hub, hosting councils and even parlimentary proceedings, until its surrender in 1538 pursuant to Henry VIII’s Dissolution of the Monasteries (Holder 27–56).Blackfriars (Farringdon Within) is mentioned in the following documents:
Amen Corner is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Michael (Wood Street) is mentioned in the following documents:
Panier Alley is mentioned in the following documents:
Ivy Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
Castle Baynard Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. This page offers a diplomatic transcription of the opening section of John Stow’s description of this ward from his Survey of London.Castle Baynard Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
Warwick Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Nicholas Shambles Market is mentioned in the following documents:
Bladder Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Mount Godard Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Westcheap is mentioned in the following documents:
Embroiderers’ Hall is mentioned in the following documents:
Saddlers’ Hall is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Foster is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Olave (Silver Street) (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
Barbers’ Hall is mentioned in the following documents:
St. James in the Wall Hermitage is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas Church was situated on the north side of St. Nicholas Shambles street in Farringdon Within Ward. The church was demolished amid Henry VIII’s Dissolution of the Monasteries and was replaced by residential buildings (Stow 340).St. Nicholas is mentioned in the following documents:
Enduring for over three centuries, longer than any other London friary, Greyfriars garnered support from both England’s landed elite and common Londoners. Founded in 1225 on a tenament donated by London Mercer John Iwyn, Greyfriars housed London’s Franciscan Friars (known in England as the Grey Friars). The friary expanded from its original pittance of land on the west side of Stinking Lane to over four-and-a-half acres by 1354. With the patronage of Queens Margaret, Isabella, and Philippa throughout the fourteenth century, the Franciscans constructed a formidable church, London’s third largest after St. Paul’s and Westminster Abbey. After the friary’s closure in 1538 pursuant to the Dissolution of the Monasteries, the church became the centre of the newly established Christ Church parish, and the cloisters housed Christ’s Hospital (Holder 66–96).Greyfriars is mentioned in the following documents:
Butcher Row is mentioned in the following documents:
Butchers’ Hall is mentioned in the following documents:
Cornhill Ward
MoEML is aware that the ward boundaries are inaccurate for a number of wards. We are working on redrawing the boundaries. This page offers a diplomatic transcription of the opening section of John Stow’s description of this ward from his Survey of London.Cornhill Ward is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s Cross is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital is mentioned in the following documents:
Smithfield was an open, grassy area located outside the Wall. Because of its location close to the city centre, Smithfield was used as a site for markets, tournaments, and public executions. From 1123 to 1855, the Bartholomew’s Fair took place at Smithfield (Weinreb, Hibbert, Keay, and Keay 842).Smithfield is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Audoen
The Dictionary of London notes St. Audoen sits at the north corner of Warwick Lane, in Farringdon Ward Within.St. Audoen is mentioned in the following documents:
Christ Church is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Nicholas (Parish)
According to Stow, the parish of St. Nicholas, parish of St. Audoen, and parish of St. Pulcher were eventually combined into one (Stow 1: 319).St. Nicholas (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Audoen (Parish)
According to Stow, the parish of St. Nicholas, parish of St. Audoen, and parish of St. Pulcher were eventually combined into one (Stow 1: 319).St. Audoen (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Pulcher (Parish)
According to Stow, the parish of St. Nicholas, parish of St. Audoen, and parish of St. Pulcher were eventually combined into one (Stow 1: 319).St. Pulcher (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
Bethlehem Hospital
Although its name evokes the pandemonium of the archetypal madhouse, Bethlehem (Bethlem, Bedlam) Hospital was not always an asylum. As Stow tells us, Saint Mary of Bethlehem began as aPriorie of Cannons with brethren and sisters,
founded in 1247 by Simon Fitzmary,one of the Sheriffes of London
(Stow 1: 164). We know from Stow’s Survey that the hospital, part of Bishopsgate ward (without), resided on the west side of Bishopsgate Street, just north of St. Botolph’s church (Stow 1: 165).Bethlehem Hospital is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Laurence Lane (Guildhall)
In early modern London, there were two Laurence Lanes: St. Lawrence Poultney Lane, which served as the boundary between Downgate and Candlewick wards, and St. Laurence Lane, Guildhall which was in Cheap ward (Harben). The latter Laurence Lane, to which this page refers, held great importance in the procession of mayoral pageants. It ran north-south, connecting Cheapside at the south and Cateaton Street (labelled on the Agas map asKetton St.
) in the north. It ran parallel between Milk Street to the west and Ironmonger Lane to the east. It is drawn correctly on the Agas map and is labelled asS. Laurence lane.
St. Laurence Lane (Guildhall) is mentioned in the following documents:
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey was a historically significant church, located on the bottom-left corner of the Agas map. Colloquially known asPoets’ Corner,
it is the final resting place of Geoffrey Chaucer, Ben Jonson, Francis Beaumont, and many other notable authors; in 1740, a monument for William Shakespeare was erected in Westminster Abbey (ShaLT).Westminster Abbey is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Thomas’ Hospital is mentioned in the following documents:
Southwark is mentioned in the following documents:
Bridewell, once palace, then prison, was an intriguing site in the early modern period. It changed hands several times before falling into the possession of the City of London to be used as a prison and hospital. The prison is mentioned in many early modern texts, including plays by Jonson and Dekker as well as the surveys and diaries of the period. Bridewell is located on the Agas map at the corner of the Thames and Fleet Ditch, labelled asBrideWell.
Bridewell is mentioned in the following documents:
Savoy Hosptial
Located along The Strand in Westminster, the site of Savoy Hospital was initially the manor of Peter II of Savoy. After the manor was destroyed in the 1381 Peasants’ Revolt, the space was converted in the early 15th century into the Savoy Hospital, dedicated to St. John the Baptist (Sugden 452, Carlin and Belcher 93).Savoy Hosptial is mentioned in the following documents:
Town Ditch
A ditch to the north of Christ’s Hospital, filled in by 1552.Town Ditch is mentioned in the following documents:
Aldersgate Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Westminster is mentioned in the following documents:
Christ’s Hospital
Located in Farringdon Within Ward, Christ’s Hospital was a opened in 1552 as a home for London’s needy children. Inspired by the preaching of Dr. Nicholas Ridley, Edward VI decided to charter the hospital days before his death in 1553 (Manzione 33). Although it began as a hospital, Christ’s Hospital eventually became known for its respected school (Pearce 206).Christ’s Hospital is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Thomas Southwark is mentioned in the following documents:
All Hallows (Bread Street) is mentioned in the following documents:
Gray’s Inn
Gray’s Inn was one of the four Inns of Court.Gray’s Inn is mentioned in the following documents:
King’s Exchange is mentioned in the following documents:
Knightrider Street
Knightrider Street ran east-west from Dowgate to Addle Hill, crossing College Hill, Garlick Hill, Trinity Lane, Huggin Lane, Bread Street, Old Fish Street Hill, Lambert or Lambeth Hill, St. Peter’s Hill, and Paul’s Chain. Significant landmarks included: the College of Physicians and Doctors’ Commons.Knightrider Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Old Fish Street is mentioned in the following documents:
London Bridge
As the only bridge in London crossing the Thames until 1729, London Bridge was a focal point of the city. After its conversion from wood to stone, completed in 1209, the bridge housed a variety of structures, including a chapel and a growing number of shops. The bridge was famous for the cityʼs grisly practice of displaying traitorsʼ heads on poles above its gatehouses. Despite burning down multiple times, London Bridge was one of the few structures not entirely destroyed by the Great Fire of London in 1666.London Bridge is mentioned in the following documents:
The Thames is mentioned in the following documents:
Baynard’s Castle
Located on the banks of the Thames, Baynard’s Castle was built sometime in the late eleventh centuryby Baynard, a Norman who came over with William the Conqueror
(Weinreb and Hibbert 129). The castle passed to Baynard’s heirs until one William Baynard,who by forfeyture for fellonie, lost his Baronie of little Dunmow
(Stow 1: 61). From the time it was built, Baynard’s Castle wasthe headquarters of London’s army until the reign of Edward I
when it washanded over to the Dominican Friars, the Blackfriars whose name is still commemorated along that part of the waterfront
(Hibbert 10).Baynard’s Castle is mentioned in the following documents:
Tower of London is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Alban (Wood Street) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s College is mentioned in the following documents:
Pardon Churchyard is mentioned in the following documents:
Pardon Church is mentioned in the following documents:
Petty Cannons
Petty Cannons, also referred to as Cannon Alley, is an alley connecting St. Paul’s Churchyard to Paternoster Row. Its name derives from the canon’s houses that occupied the site (Harben 121).Petty Cannons is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Faith Under St. Paul’s is mentioned in the following documents:
Finsbury Field
Finsbury Field is located in northen London outside the London Wall. Note that MoEML correctly locates Finsbury Field, which the label on the Agas map confuses with Mallow Field (Prockter 40). Located nearby is Finsbury Court. Finsbury Field is outside of the city wards within the borough of Islington (Mills 81).Finsbury Field is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Paul’s School is mentioned in the following documents:
Tower Hill
Tower Hill was a large area of open ground north and west of the Tower of London. It is most famous as a place of execution; there was a permanent scaffold and gallows on the hillfor the execution of such Traytors or Transgressors, as are deliuered out of the Tower, or otherwise to the Shiriffes of London
(Stow).Tower Hill is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Martin-in-the-Fields is mentioned in the following documents:
Chapel of St. Thomas on the Bridge is mentioned in the following documents:
Westminster School is mentioned in the following documents:
Pembroke’s Inn is mentioned in the following documents:
Holborne Street ran east-west from the junction of Hosier Lane, Cock Lane and Snow Hill to St. Giles High Street, and passed through Farringdon Without Ward and Westminster.Holborn is mentioned in the following documents:
Montfichet’s Tower
Montfichet’s Tower was a fortress on Ludgate Hill in London.Montfichet’s Tower is mentioned in the following documents:
Blackfriars Monastery is mentioned in the following documents:
Holborn Bridge
Holborn Bridge or Oldboorne bridge (Stow; BHO) spanned the Fleet Ditch at Holborn Street. Located in the ward of Farringdon Without, the bridge was part of a major westward thoroughfare.Holborn Bridge is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Anne Blackfriars is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Anne Blackfriars (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
Tyburn is best known as the location of the principal gallows where public executions were carried out from the late 12th century until the 18th (Drouillard, Wikipedia). It was a village to the west of the city, near the present-day location of Marble Arch (beyond the boundary of the Agas Map). Its name derives from a stream, and its significance to Stow was primarily as one of the sources of piped water for the city; he describes howIn the yeare 1401. this priſon houſe called the Tunne was made a Ceſterne for ſweete water conueyed by pipes of Leade frõ the towne of Tyborne, and was from thence forth called the conduite vpon Cornhill Gap in transcription. Reason: Editorial omission for reasons of length or relevance. Use only in quotations in born-digital documents.[…] (Stow 1598,
Cornhill Ward.
)Tyburn is mentioned in the following documents:
Southampton House is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Peter upon Cornhill
St. Peter upon Cornhill stood at the highest point of the city in the south east of Cornhill Ward. According to a tablet preserved within the church, St. Peter upon Cornhill was founded by King Lucius and was the first Christian church in London (Noorthouk 606). This information was questioned by Stow, who admitted that he knowsnot by what authority
(Stow 1: 194) the tablet was written.St. Peter upon Cornhill is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Andrew by the Wardrobe (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
Flower de Luce is mentioned in the following documents:
The Wall
Originally built as a Roman fortification for the provincial city of Londinium in the second century C.E., the London Wall remained a material and spatial boundary for the city throughout the early modern period. Described by Stow ashigh and great
(Stow 1: 8), the London Wall dominated the cityscape and spatial imaginations of Londoners for centuries. Increasingly, the eighteen-foot high wall created a pressurized constraint on the growing city; the various gates functioned as relief valves where development spilled out to occupy spacesoutside the wall.
The Wall is mentioned in the following documents:
Guildhall is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Martin within Ludgate (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Anne and St. Agnes (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Andrew Holborn
St. Andrew Holborn was a parish church in Farringdon Without Ward, located on Holborn street between Fetter Lane and Shoe Lane. It is located on the Agas map and is labelled asS. Andrews.
According to Stow, there was a grammar school, as well a monument dedicated to Lord Thomas Wriothesley either within or nearby St. Andrew Holborn. The church was first mentioned in Charter of King Edgar in 951. This medieval church was rebuilt in 1632 and managed to escape damage caused by the Great Fire. Christopher Wren rebuilt the church in 1684 making itthe largest of his parish churches, measuring 32 by 19 meters and costing £9,000
(Weinreb and Hibbert 741).St. Andrew Holborn is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Michael (Cornhill)
The parish church of St. Michael, Cornhill is located on the southern side of Cornhill between Birchin Lane and Gracechurch Street.St. Michael (Cornhill) is mentioned in the following documents:
Shoe Lane
Shoe Lane, or Shoe Alley as it was sometimes called in the sixteenth century (Ekwall 110), was outside the city wall, in the ward of Faringdon Without. It ran north-south, parallel to the course of the Fleet River. Until 1869, it was the main route between Holborn (Oldborne, in Stow’s spelling) and Fleet Street (Smith 190). At its north end, on the west side, was the church of St. Andrew Holborn.Shoe Lane is mentioned in the following documents:
Montague Street is mentioned in the following documents:
Salisbury Court is mentioned in the following documents:
Gray’s Inn Road is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Michael le Querne is mentioned in the following documents:
Old Cross (Cheapside) is mentioned in the following documents:
Little Conduit (Cheapside)
The Little Conduit in Cheapside, also known as the Pissing Conduit, stood at the western end of Cheapside outside the north corner of Paul’s Churchyard. On the Agas map, one can see two water cans on the ground just to the right of the conduit.Little Conduit (Cheapside) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Michael (Panier Alley) is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Martin’s Lane (Strand) is mentioned in the following documents:
Lovel’s Inn is mentioned in the following documents:
Warwick’s Inn is mentioned in the following documents:
St. Sepulchre (Parish) is mentioned in the following documents:
Bread Street
Bread Street ran north-south from the Standard in Cheapside to Knightrider Street, crossing Watling Street. It lay wholly in the ward of Bread Street, to which it gave its name.Bread Street is mentioned in the following documents:
The Mercers’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Mercers
The Mercers’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Mercers were first in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Worshipful Company of Mercers is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history and bibliography.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The Skinners’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Skinners
The Skinners’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. Since 1484, the Skinners and the Merchant Taylors have alternated precedence annually; the Skinners are now sixth in precedence in even years and seventh in odd years, changing precedence at Easter. The Worshipful Company of Skinners is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The Vintners’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Vintners
The Vintners’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London. The Vintners were eleventh in the order of precedence established in 1515. The Worshipful Company of Vintners is still active and maintains a website at that includes information on the origins and development of the company.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The Clothworkers’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Clothworkers
The Clothworkers’ Company was one of the twelve great companies of London, formed in 1528 out of the merger of the Fullers and the Shearmen. The Clothworkers were twelfth in the order of precedence. The Worshipful Company of Clothworkers is still active and maintains a website at with information about its history.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Bowyers’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Bowyers
The Bowyers’ Company was one of the lesser livery companies of London. The Worshipful Company of Bowyers is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The Butchers’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Butchers
The Butchers’ Company was one of the lesser livery companies of London. The Worshipful Company of Butchers is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The Carpenters’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Carpenters
The Carpenters’ Company was one of the lesser livery companies of London. The Worshipful Company of Carpenters is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The Masons’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Masons
The Masons’ Company was one of the lesser livery companies of London. The Worshipful Company of Masons is still active and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Stationers’ Company
The Worshipful Company of Stationers
The Stationers’ Company was one of the lesser livery companies of London. The Worshipful Company of Stationers is still active (under the new title of the The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers) and maintains a website at that includes a history of the company.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Chamber of London
The Chamber of London was the treasury for the City of London managed by the Chamberlain. For more information, see Melvin C. Wren (1949). (TL)This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
Society of Jesus
Religious order of the Catholic Church headquartered in Rome, founded in 1534.This organization is mentioned in the following documents:
The MoEML Team
These are all MoEML team members since 1999 to present. To see the current members and structure of our team, seeTeam.
Former Student Contributors
We’d also like to acknowledge students who contributed to MoEML’s intranet predecessor at the University of Windsor between 1999 and 2003. When we redeveloped MoEML for the Internet in 2006, we were not able to include all of the student projects that had been written for courses in Shakespeare, Renaissance Drama, and/or Writing Hypertext. Nonetheless, these students contributed materially to the conceptual development of the project.
Roles played in the project
CSS Editors
Data Manager
Markup Editors
Second Author
Contributions by this author
This organization is mentioned in the following documents: