The Survey of London (1633): Bassinghall Ward

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THe next adjoyning
to Coleman streete
, on the West
side thereof, is Bas
sings Hall Ward
, a
small thing, and
consisteth of one
streete, called Bas
sings Hall streete
, of Bassings Hall, the
most principall house, whereof the
Ward taketh name. It beginneth in the
South, by the late spoken Market house,
called the Bay Hall, which is the last of
Coleman streete Ward. This streete run
neth from thence North downe to Lon
don Wall
, and some little distance both
East and West, against the said Hall:
And this is the bounds of Bassings Hall
Monuments on the East side thereof,
amongst divers faire houses for Mer
chants, have ye three Hals of Compa
nies; namely, the Masons Hall for the
first; but of what antiquity that Com
pany is, I have not read. The next is
the Weavers Hall: which Company
hath been of great antiquity in this Ci
ty, as appeareth by a Charter of Henry
the second
, in these words; Rex omnibus
ad quos, &c
. to be englished thus:
Henry, King of England, Duke of
Patent of Henry 2.
and of Guian, Earle of An
, to the Bishop, Iustices, Sheriffes, Ba
rons, Ministers, and all his true Lieges of
London, sendeth greeting: Know ye, that
we have granted to the Weavers in Lon
their Guild, with all the Freedomes
and Customes that they had in the time of
King Henry my Grandfather: so that none
but they intermit within the City of their
Craft, but he be of their Guild; neither in
Southwarke, or other places pertaining to
London, otherwise than it was done in the
time of King Henry my Grandfather.
wherefore I will and straightly command,
that over all lawfully they may treat, and
have all aforesaid, as well in peace, free, wor
shipfull, and wholly, as they had it, freer,
better, worshipfullier, and whollier, than
in the time of King Henry my Grandfa
ther. So that they yeeld yeerly to mee two
Markes of Gold, at the Feast of Saint Mi
. And I forbid, that any man to them
doe any unright, or disease, upon paine of
ten pound. Witnesse Thomas of Canter
, Warwicke fili Gar, Chamberlaine,
at Winchester.
Also I reade,
that the same Henry the
, in the 31. of his reigne
, made a
Confirmation to the Weavers, that
had a Guild of Fraternity in London;
wherein it appeareth, that the said
Weavers made woollen cloth, and that
they had the correction thereof. But a
mongst other Articles in that Patent, it
was decreed, That if any man made
cloth of Spanish wooll, mixed with Eng
wooll, the Portgrave or principall
Magistrate of London ought to burne
it, &c.
Moreover, in the yeere 1197. King
Richard the first
, at the instance of Hu
, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Iu
sticiar of England, ordained, That the
woollen clothes in every part of this
Realme, should be in breadth two yards
within the Lists, and as good in the
middest as in the sides, &c. King Henry
the third
granted to the Citizens of
London, that they should not bee vexed
for the Burels, or Cloth-listed, accor
ding to the constitution made for
breadth of cloth the 9. of his reigne, &c.
Richard the 2. in the third of his reigne,
granted an order of agreement between
the Weavers of London, Englishmen, and
Aliens or Strangers borne, brought in
by Edward the third.
Lower downe, is the Girdlers Hall:
and this is all touching the East side of
this Ward.
On the VVest side, almost at the

South end thereof, is Bakewell Hall, cor
ruptly called Blackwell Hall. Concer
ning the originall whereof, I have heard
divers opinions, which I over-passe as
fables, without colour of truth: for
though the same seemed a Building of
great antiquity, yet (in mine opinion)
the foundation thereof was first laid
since the Conquest of William, Duke of
: for the same was builded
upon Vaults of stone, which stone was
brought from Cane in Normandy. The
like of that of Pauls Church, builded by
Mauritius and his successors, Bishops of
London. But that this house hath beene
a Temple, or Iewish Synagogue (as
some have fantasied) I allow not, seeing
that it had no such forme of roundnesse,
or other likenesse. Neither had it the
forme of a Church, for the assembly of
Christians, which are builded East and
West: but contrariwise, the same was
builded North and South, and in forme
of a Noble mans house: and therefore
the best opinion (in my judgement) is,
that it was (of old time) belonging to
the Family of the Bassings, which was in
this Realme a name of great antiquity
and renowne, and that it bare also the
name of that Family, and was called
therfore Bassings Haugh, or Hall. Where
unto I am the rather induced, for that
the Armes of that Family were (of old
time) so abundantly placed in sundry
parts of that house,
Armes of the Bas
even in the stone
worke, but more especially on the wals
of the Hall, which carried a continuall
painting of them on every side so close
together, as one Escocheon could bee
placed by another, which I my selfe
have often seene and noted, before the
old Building was taken downe. These
Arms were a Gerond of twelve points,
Gold and Azure.
How Bas
sings Hall Ward
took that name
Of the Bassings there
fore, builders of this House, and owners
of the ground neere adjoyning, that
VVard taketh the name; as Coleman
streete Ward
of Coleman, and Faringdon
of William and Nicholas Faringdon,
men that were principall owners of
those places.
And of old time the most Noble per
sons that inhabited this City, were ap
pointed to bee principall Magistrates
thereas was Godfrey de Magun (or Mag
Portgrave or Sheriffe, in the
reigne of William the Conquerour, and
of William Rufus; Hugh de Buch, in the
reigne of Henry the first; Aubery de Vere,
Earle of Oxford. After him, Gilbert Bec
, in the reigne of King Stephen. After
that, Godfrey de Magnavilla, the sonne
of William, the sonne of Godfrey de Mag
, Earles of Essex, were Port
graves or Sheriffes of London and Mid
. In the reign of Henry the second,
Peter Fitzwalter: after him, Iohn Fitzni
, &c. So likewise in the reigne of
King Iohn, the 16. of his reigne
, a time
of great troubles, in the yeere 1214. Sa
lomon Bassing
Salomon Bassing and other of that name
and Hugh Bassing, Barons
of this Realme, as may bee supposed,
were Sheriffes; and that the said Salo
mon Bassing
was Maior in the yeer 1216.
which was the first of Henry the third.
Also Adam Bassing, son to Salomon (as it
seemeth) was one of the Sheriffes, in the
yeere 1243. the 28. of Henry the third.
Vnto this Adam de Bassing, King Hen
the third
, in the 31. of his reign
, gave
and confirmed certaine Messuages in
Aldermanbury, and in Milke streete (pla
ces not farre from Bassings Hall) and the
advowson of the Church at Bassings Hall,
with sundry liberties and priviledges.
This than was afterwards Maior, in
the yeere 1251. the 36. of Henry the
. Moreover, Thomas Bassing was
one of the Sheriffes, 1269. Robert Bas
, Sheriffe, 1279. and William Bassing
was Sheriffe, 1308, &c. For more of the
Bassings in this City I neede not note,
only I reade of this Family of Bassings in
Cambridge shire, called Bassing at the
Bassing Bourne.
and more shortly, Bassing-Bourne,
and gave Armes, as is afore shewed, &
was painted about this old Hall. But
this Family is worne out, and hath left
the name to the place where they
dwelt. Thus much for this Bassings Hall.
Now how Bakewell Hall tooke that
Bakewell Hall given to the Ci
is another question: For which I
reade, that Thomas Bakewell dwelled in
this house, in the 36. of Edward the
, and that in the 20. of Richard the
, the said King, for the summe of
fifty pounds, which the Maior and the
Cōmonalty had payed into the Hana
par, granted licence, so much as was in
him, to Iohn Frosh, William Parker, and
Stephen Spilman (Citizens and Mercers)
that they, the said Messuage, called
Bakewell Hall, and one Garden, with the
appurtenances, in the Parish of St. Mi
of Bassings Haugh
, and of St. Lau
in the Iewry
of London, and one
Messuage, two Shops, and one Garden,
in the said Parish of S. Michael, which
they held of the King in Burgage,
might give and assigne to the Maior
and Commonalty for ever.
This Bakewell Hall thus established,
Bakewell Hall a Market place for woollen clothes.

hath beene long since imployed, as a
weekly Market place for all sorts of
woollen clothes, broad and narrow,
brought from all parts of this Realme
there to bee sold. In the 21. of Richard
the second
, Richard Whitington, Maior;
and in the 22. Drew Barringtine being
Maior, it was decreed, that no Forraine
or Stranger should sell any woollen
cloth, but in the Bakewell Hall, upon
paine of forfeiture thereof.
This house (of late yeeres) growing
ruinous, & in danger of falling, Richard
, Merchant-Taylor, at his decease
gave towards the new building of the
outward part thereof, 300. pounds, up
on condition that the same should bee
performed within 3. yeeres after his de
Bakewell Hall new builded.
Whereupon the old Bakewell Hall
was taken downe, and in the moneth of
February next following, the foundati
on of a new, strong, and beautifull
Store-house being laid, the work there
of was so diligently applyed, that with
in the space often moneths after, to the
charges of 2500. pounds, the same was
finished, in the yeere 1588.
Next beyond this house, are placed
divers faire houses for Merchants, and
others, till ye come to the backe gate of
Guild-Hall, which gate, and part of the
building within the same, is of this
Ward. Some small distance beyond
this gate, the Coopers have their com
mon Hall.
Then is the Parish Church of Saint
, called St. Michael at Bassings
, a proper Church, lately re-edified
or new builded: whereto Iohn Burton,
Mercer, and Agnes his wife, were great
Benefactors; as appeareth by his mark,
placed throughout the whole Roofe of
the Quire, and middle Ile of the
Church. He deceased in the yeer 1460.
and was buried in the Quire, with this
Iohn Burton lieth under here,
Sometimes of London Citizen & Mercer;
And Jenet1 his wife with their progenie,
Beene turned to earth, as ye may see.
Friends free, what so ye be,
Pray for us, we you pray;
As you see us in this degree,
So shall you be another day.
Francis Cooke, Iohn Martin, Edward
, Esquire of Warwickshire, 1460.
Sir Iames Yerforde, Mercer, Maior, de
ceased 1527. buried under a faire
Tombe, with his Lady, in a speciall
Chappell by him builded, on the north
side of the Quire.
Sir Iohn Gresham, Mercer, Maior, de
ceased, 1554. Sir Iohn Ailife, Chirur
geon, then a Grocer, one of the She
riffes, 1548. Nicholas Bakhurst, one of
the Sheriffes, 1577. Sir Wolston Dixi,
Skinner, Maior, 1585. And sir Leonard
, Maior, 1605. but no Monu
ments were made for them, nor so much
as any Grave-stone laid.
Hereunder lieth buried the bodies of Sir
Iames Yerforde
An anci
ent Mo
nument in the North Ile of the Quire.
Knight, Mercer, and
sometimes Lord Maior of this City of
London; and of Dame Elizabeth, his
wife. The which Sir Iames deceased the
22. day of Iune, An. Dom. 1527. And
the said Elizabeth deceased the 18. day
of August, An. Dom. 1548
In Chirurgery brought up in youth,
a Knight here lieth dead;
An anci
ent Mar
ble tombe in the Chancell
A Knight, and eke a Surgeon such,
as England seld hath bred.
For which so soveraigne gift of God,
wherein he did excell,
King Henry 8. call’d him to Court,
who lov’d him dearly well.
God gave the gift, the king gave goods,
the gift of God t’ enhance;
Where God & such a Prince do joyne,
such man hath happy chance.
King Edward for his service sake,
bade him rise up a Knight;
A name of praise, and ever since,
he Sir Iohn Ailife hight.
Right Worshipful, in name and charge,
in London liv’d he than;
In Blackwell Hall, the Merchant chiefe,

first Sheriffe, then Alderman.
Blakewell Hall was his dwel
ling house
The Hospitals bewaile his death,
the Orphan children mone,
Their chiefe Erector being dead,
and Benefactor gone.
Dame Isable, who liv’d with him,
his faithfull Wife and Make,
With him (as dearest after death)
doth not her Knight forsake.
The Knight,
the 24. of October
yeelded up his breath,
And she soone after followed,
to live with him in death.
Here lyeth buried under this Tombe,
An anci
ent Mar
ble tombe in the South lle of the Quire.
body of Sir Iohn Gresham, Knight;
sometime Alderman and Lord Maior of
this City of London; who had two
wives, Dame Mary his first wife, by
whom bee had issue five sonnes and sixe
daughters: by Dame Katharine, his last
wife, no issue. Which Sir Iohn deceased
the 23. day of October, Anno Domini,
. And Dame Mary died the 21.
day of September, 1538
. Dame Katha
His jacet Dom. Richard. Sarich,
Vnder the Com
munion Table.
dam Rector istius Eccles. Qui obiit
13. Novemb. An. Dom. 1359. Cujus
animae propitieture Deus.
Thus have you noted one Parish
Church of St. Michael Blackwell Hall
, a
Market place for woollen clothes; the
Masons Hall, Weavers Hall, Gird
lers Hall
, and Coopers Hall. And thus
I end this VVard, which hath an Alder
man, his Deputy, for Common Coun
sell foure, Constables two, Scavengers
two, for the VVardmote inquest seven
teene, and a Beadle. Jt is taxed to the
Fifteene in London 7. pounds, and like
wise in the Exchequer at 7. pounds.


  1. In the paragraph above, Stow claims that John Barton’s wife is Agnes. (KL)