Graduate student contribution

Pedagogical Partner contribution

Galley Key

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Galley Key

Galley Key was a port on the north bank of the Thames, east of London Bridge, and south of Lower Thames Street in Tower Ward. It is first mentioned in 1488 as part of the property of one William Marowe, whose family owned the key into the 16th century. Galley Key was a Legal Key and became a bustling site of trade. John Stow described it as a location where the Gallies were vsed to vnlade, and land their marchandizes and wares (Stow 1: 136), which explains the source of the key’s name. The key was also used as a departure point for river travel; the Water Poet, John Taylor, declared it a place from which passage for men, and Carriage for Goods may be had from London to Barwicke (Taylor). Galley Key was such an influential centre of trade that it spread its name to almost everything connected with it, including people, money, and locations. There was a group of men called Gallie men, as men that came up in the Gallies (Stow 1: 132) and unloaded their merchandise at Galley Key. These Gallie men carried a kind of half pence called the Gallye halfe pence (Stow 1: 132), which ended up being forbidden as a form of legal currency twice, during the reigns of Henry the fourth and Henry the fifth. Finally, even the street adjacent to Galley Key, Galley Row, was named after the great galley ships. The buildings of Galley Row themselves were connected to the business of the key; the street was filled with fayre houses large for stowage, builded for Marchantes (Stow 1: 136). As Stow reports, however, the history of the area lies further back than the river trade, the ancient buildings of stone the ruines whereof doe yet remaine, but the first builders and owners of them are worn out of memorie, wherefore the common people affirme Iulius Cesar to bee the builder thereof (Stow 1: 136). These supposed Roman ruins were also believed to have later been the dwelling place for the Prince of Wales, a story that might explain why Galley Row is sometimes referred to by the alternate name of Petty Wales (Stow 1: 136).
