Castle Baynard Ward

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THe next is Caſtle Bainard Warde, ſo named of an olde Caſtle there: this Ward beginneth in the Eaſt, on the Thames ſide, at an houſe called Huntington houſe, and runneth WEſt by Powles Wharfe, by Baynards Caſtell, Puddle Wharffe, and by the South ſide of Blacke Friers. Then turning by the Eaſt Wall of the ſayde Friers, to the Southweſt ende of Creede lane. Then on the Northſide of Thames ſtreete, ouer agaynſt Huntington houſe, by Saint Peters Church and lane, called Peter hill, along till ouer agaynſt Puddle Wharffe: and then North up by the great Wardrobe, to the Weſt ende of Carter lane. Then up Creede lane, Aue Mary lane, and a peece of Pater Noſter Rowe, to the ſigne of the Golden Lion, and backe againe up Warwicke lane, all the Eaſt ſide thereof, to the ſigne of the Crowne by Newgate Market: & this is the fartheſt North part of this Warde.
Then out of Thames ſtreete bee lanes aſcending North to Knightriders ſtreet: the firſt is Peter hill lane, all of that warde (two houſes excepted adioyning to Saint Peters Church.) The next is Powles Wharffe hill, which thwarting Knightriers ſtreete, and Carter lane goeth up to the South chaine of Powles churchyarde.
Then is Adleſtreete, ouer againſt the Weſt part of Baynards Caſtell, going up by the Weſt end of Knightriders ſtreete, and to Carter lane. Thus much for lanes out of Thames ſtreete. The one halfe of the Weſt ſide of Lambard hill lane being of this Warde, at the Northweſt ende thereof, on the South ſide, and at the Weſt end of Saint Mary Magdalens church on the North ſide beginneth Knightriders ſtreete to be of this Warde, and runneth Weſt on both ſides to the pariſh church of Saint Andrew by the Wardrope.
Then at the ſaid Eaſt end of ſaint Mary Magdalens Church goeth up the old Exchange, al the weſt ſide whereof up to the ſoutheaſt gate of Powles churchyard, and by S. Auſtens church, is of this ward. About the midſt of this olde Exchange, on the weſt ſide thereof is Carter lane, which runeth weſt to the eaſt entry of the blacke Friers, and the ſouth ende of Creed lane, out of the which Carter lane deſcendeth a lane called Do little lane; and commeth into Knightrider ſtreete, by the Bores head Tauerne: and more Weſt is Sermon lane, by an Inne called the Powle head. Then out of Carter lane, on the North ſide thereof, the ſouth Chaine of Powles Churchyard, and the church yard it ſelfe on that ſouth ſide of Powles church, and the church of ſaint Gregorie the Biſhoppes Palace, and the Deanes lodging, be all of this Warde: and ſuch be the boundes thereof.
