Survey of London: Broad Street Ward

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THe next is Brodestreete warde, which begin-
neth within Bishopsgate, from the water con-
duite westward on both the sides of the streete,
by Alhallowes Church to an iron grate on the
Channell, which runneth into the watercourse
of Walbrooke before ye come to the Posterne
called Moregate: and this is the farthest west part of that Warde.

Then haue yée Brodestreete, whereof the warde taketh name,
which stretcheth out of the former streete, from the East corner
of Alhallowes churchyard, somewhat South to the parish church
of S. Peter the Poore on both sides, and then by the southgate of
the Augustine Fryars west, downe Throkmorton street by the
Drapers hall, into Lothburie, to another grate of iron ouer the
channell there, whereby the water runneth into the course of
Walbroke, certaine postes of timber are there set vp: and this is
also the farthest West part of this ward, in the said street. Out of
the which street runneth vp Barthlemew lane south to the north
side of the Exchange, then more East out of the former stréet from
ouer against the Fryers Augustines church south gate, runneth
vp another parte of Brodestréet, south to a Pumpe ouer against
S. Bennets church. Then haue ye one other stréete called Thrée
néedle stréete
Three needlThis text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (SM)e1
beginning at the well with two buckets, by Saint
Martins Otoswich
church wall. This streete runneth downe on
both sides to Finkes lane, and halfe way vp that lane to a gate of
a marchants house on the West side, but not so farre on the East,
then the foresaid stréete, from this Finkes lane runneth downe by
the Royall Exchange to the Stockes, and to a place formerly cal-
led Scalding house, or Scalding wicke, but now Scalding Alley,
by the West side whereof vnder the parish church of S. Mildred
runneth the course of Walbrooke: and these be the bounds of this
warde. Speciall Monuments therein are these: First the parish
church of Alhallowes in the wall
, so called of standing close to the
wall of the cittie, in which haue béene buried Thomas Durrem
Esquire, and Margaret his wife. On the other side of that street,
amongst many proper houses possessed for the most parte by Cur-
ryers is the Carpenters hall: which company was incorporated
in the 17. yeare of King Edward the fourth.
Then East from the Curriers row, is a long and high wall of
stone inclosing the North side of a large garden adioyning to as
large an house, builded in the raigne of King Henry the eight, and
of Edward the ſixt
, by Sir VVilliam Powlet, the Lord Trea-
surer of England: through this garden which of old time consi-
sted of diuers parts, now vnited, was sometimes a faire foote way,
leading by the west end of the Augustine Fryers church straight
North, and opened somewhat West from Alhallowes church a-

gainst London wall towardes Moregate: which foote way had
gates at eyther end locked vp euery night: but now the same be-
ing taken into those gardens, the gates are closed vp with stone,
whereby the people are forced to goe about by S. Peters church,
and the East end of the said Friers Church, and all the said great
place and garden of Sir VVilliam Powlet to London wall,
and so to Moregate. This great house adioyning to the garden a-
foresaid, stretcheth to the North corner of Brodestréete, and then
turneth vp Brodestréete all that side to the East ende of the saide
Fryers church. It was builded by the saide Lord Treasurer, in
place of Augustine Fryers house, cloyster, and gardens &c. The
Fryers church hee pulled not downe, but the west ende thereof in-
closed from the stéeple, and quire is letten to the Dutch nation in
London to bee their preaching place: the other parte, namely,
the stéeple, quire and side yles hee reserued to housholde vses:
as for stowage of corne, cole and other things, his sonne and heyre
the Marquis of Winchester, sold the Monumentes of noble men
there buried in great number, the pauing stone, and whatsoeuer
(which cost many thousands) for one hundred pound, and in place
thereof made fayre stabling for horses, he caused the lead to bee ta-
ken off the roofes of the church, and laid tyle in place thereof, which
exchange of leade for tyle, proued not so profitable as he looked for,
but rather to his disaduantage.
On the East side of this Brodestreete, which is the backe part
of Gresham house in Bishopsgate streete, bee placed eight proper
Almes houses, builded of bricke and timber, by Sir Thomas
Knight, for eight almes men there placed rent free, and
receiue each of them by his gift vj.pound, xiij.shillings, iiij.pence,
yearely for euer.
Next vnto Pawlet house, is the parish church of S. Peter the
, so called for a difference from other of that name, sometime
peraduenture a poore parish, but at this present there bee many
faire houses, possessed by rich marchants and other, buried in this
church: Richard Fitz Williams marchant Taylor 1520. Sir
William Roch
Mayor, 1540. Martin Calthrope Mayor, 1588.
Then next haue ye the Augustine Fryers Church
Frier Augu-
stines Church
part whereof
is the Dutch
a large thing hauing a most fine spired steeple, small, high, and
streight, I haue not scene the like: this Church was founded by
Humfrey Bohum Earle of Hereforde and Essex, in the yeare
1253. Reginald Cobham gaue his messuage in London to the
enlarging thereof, in the yeare 1344. Humfrey Bohum Earle
of Hereford and Essex reedified this Church in the yeare 1354.
whose bodie was there buried in the quire. The small spired stee-
ple of this church was ouerthrowne by tempest of winde, in the
yeare 1362. but was raysed of newe as now it standeth, to the
beautifying of the city: This house was valued at 57. pound &c. and
was surrendered the 12. of Nouember, the 30. of Henry the eight.
There lye buried in this Friers church (amongst others) Ed-
first sonne to Ioane mother to king Richard the seconde,
Guy de Maricke Earle of S. Paule, Dame Ide, wife to Sir
Thomas West
, Dame Margaret West, Stephen Lindericle
Esquire, Sir Humfrey Bohum Earle of Hereford and Essex,
Lord of Pembrooke, Richard the great Earle of Arundell, Sur-
, and Warren beheaded, 1397. Sir Edward Arundell, and
Dame Elizabeth his wife, Sir Frauncis Courtney, Earle of
Pembroke, which married Alice sister to the Earle of Oxford:
Dame Lucie Knowles of Kent, Sir Peter Grinfers of France,
the Lord Vere Earle of Oxford, Ambrose de Vere, son to the
Earle of Oxforde, Sir Thomas Tadnam Knight, William
, Lord Fitz Warren, Sir Thomas de la Lande Knight,
Dame Ioane Noris the Ladie of Bedforde, Anne daughter to
Iohn Vicount Welles, Walter Neuel Esquire, Sir Iohn Man-
Knight, the wife of Sir Dauid Cradocke knight, the mo-
ther to the Lord Spencers wife, Sir Bartlemew Dadlegate,
Iohn sonne to Sir Iohn Wingfield, Sir Walter Mewes, Ro-
bert ne Wenton
Esquire, Philip Spencer sonne to Sir Hugh
, Dame Isabell daughter to Sir Hugh. In the bodie
of the church, Dame Iulian wife to Sir Richarde Lacie, Sir
Thomas Courtney
sonne to the Earle of Deuonshire, and by
him his sister, wedded to Cheuerstone, the daughter of the Lord
, two sonnes of Sir Thomas Morley, to wit William
and Ralph, Sir William Talmage Knight, Nicholas Blondell
Esquire, Sir Richard Chamberlaine Esquire, Iohn Halton
gentleman, Sir Iohn Gifford Knight, Thomas Manningham
Esquire, Sir William Kenude Knight, Sir William sonne to

Sir Thomas Terell, Iohn Surell gentleman. In the east wing
Margaret Barentin gentlewoman, Iohn Spicer Esquire, and
Letis his wife, Iohn le Percers Esquire, Roger Chibary Es-
quire, Peter Morens Esquire, Thomas sonne to Sir William
. Iames Cuthing Esquire, Iohn Chornet Esquire,
William Kenley Esquire, Margery wife to Thomas Bande &
daughter to Iohn Huch, the Lord Mawris of Barkeley, & Earle
of Nothingham,3 and Dame Ioane his wife. In the west wing
Sir Iohn Terrell, and Dame Katherine his wife, Sir Walter of
Knight, Sir Iohn Blanckwell and his wife, Dame Iane
, daughter to Sir Iohn Lee, Sir Iohn Dawbeny, sonne
and heyre to Sir Giles Dawbeny, William sonne to Sir Roger
, Dame Ioane Dawbeny wife to Sir William Daw-
, Thomas Charles Esquire, Sir Iohn Dawbeny knight,
and his sonne Robert, Sir Iames Bell Knight, Sir Oliuer Man-
Knight, Henry Desky Esquire, Sir Diones Mordaske
Knight, Sir Bernard Rolingcort, Sir Peter Kayor knights, Sir
William Tirell
knight, Sir William his brother, William Col-
Esquire beheaded 1484. Sir Roger Clifford
knight, Sir Thomas Coke Mayor in the yeare 1462. William Edward
Mayor 1471. Sir Iohn Dawtry Knight 1519. Dame Marga-
ret Rade
On the south side and at the West ende of this Church many
fayre houses are builded, namely in Throgmorton street, one ve-
rie large and spacious, builded in the place of olde and small tene-
ments, by Thomas Cromwel mayster of the kings Iewel house,
after that Mayster of the Rolles, then Lorde Cromwell Knight
Lord priuie seale, Uicker Generall, Earle of Essex, high Cham-
berlaine of England &c. This house being finished, and ha-
uing some reasonable plot of ground left for a garden, he caused
the pales of the gardens adioyning to the north part thereof on a
sodaine to be taken downe 22. foote to be measured forth right in-
to the north of euery mans ground, a line there to be drawne, a
trench to be cast, a foundation laid, and a high bricke wall to be
builded: my father had a garden there, he had also an house stan-
ding close to his wall, this house they loosed from the ground, and
carried on rowlers into my fathers garden, 22. foote ere my father

heard thereof, no warning was giuen him, nor other aunswere
when he heard thereof, and spake to the surueighers of that wirke,
but that their mayster, Sir Thomas commanded them so to doe,
no man durst go to argue the matter, but each man lost his land:
and so much of mine owne knowledge haue I thought good to
note, that the sodaine rising of some men, causeth them in some
matters to forget themselues. The company of the Drapers in
London bought this house, and now the same is their common
hall, this company obtained of king Henry the sixt, in the 17. of
his raign
to be incorporate. Iohn Gidney was chosen to be their
first M. & the 4. wardens were, I. Wotton, I. Darbie, Robert
, & T. Cooke. The armes
The Drapers
granted to the said companie by
Sir William Bridges Knight, first Gartier, or principall King at
Armes of England in Blason are thus: Thrée sun beames issuing
out of three clowds of flame, crowned with thrée crownes imperi-
als of gold, vpon a shield Azure. From this hall on the same side
downe to the grates and course of Walbrooke haue ye diuers faire
houses for marchants and other, from the which grates, backe a-
gaine on the other side in Lethbury (so called in record of Edward
the third
. the 38. yeare
, (and now corruptly called Lothbury) are
candlesticke founders placed, till ye come to Bartholemew lane,
so called of S. Bartholmews church, at the southeast corner there-
of. In this lane also are diuers fayre builded houses on both sides,
and so likewise haue ye in the other stréete, which stretcheth from
the Friers Augustins South gate, to the corner ouer against S.
. In this stréet amongst other fayre buildings the
most ancient was of old time an house pertayning to the Abbot of
S. Albons
, Iohn Catcher Alderman now dwelleth there: then is
there a large Frée schoole pertayning to the late dissolued Hospitall
of S. Anthony
: in this schoole hath béene many good schollers trai-
ned vp Now in thrée néedle stréet, on the south part therof, the first
monument at The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified east end by the wel with 2. buckets or pump is the
parish Church of S. Martin,
S. Martins O-
a pa-
rish church.
called Oteswich, of William Otes-
, and Iohn Otoswich his sonne new founders thereof. There
be monuments in this Church, of William Constantine Alder-
man, and Emme his wife. Katherine wife to Benedick Augu-
, Sir William Drifield knight, Iohn Oteswich and his

wife, vnder a fayre monument on the south side, Iohn Churchman
one of the Sheriffes in the yeare 1385. Richard Naylor Taylor
Alderman 1483. Iames Falleron, Iohn Melchborne, Thomas
and Ellis his wife, William Clitherow and Margaret his
wife, Oliuer and William sonnes to Iohn Woodrofe Esquire,
Hugh Pemberton Taylor Alderman, 1500. and Katherine his
wife, Mathew Pemberton Merchant Taylor about 1514. hee
gaue 50. pound to the repayring of S. Laurence Chappell. The
aforesaid Iohn Churchman for William and Iohn Oteswich by
licence of Henry the fourth, the 6. of his raigne gaue the aduow-
son or patronage of this church, foure messuages & 17. shops with
the appurtenances in the parish of S. Martins Oteswich &c. to
the maister and Wardens of Taylors and linnen armourers, kée-
pers of the Gwild, and fraternitie of S. Iohn Baptist in London,
and to their successors in perpetuall almes, to be imployed on the
Taylers and
linnen armo-
their alms
brethren and sisters: whereupon (adioyning vnto the West
end of this parish church) the said maister & wardens builded about
a proper quadrant or squared court, seuen almes houses, where-
in they placed seuen almes men, of that company, and their wiues
(if they had wiues) each of these 7. of old time had xiiij.ď.the wéeke,
but now of later time their stipend by the said mayster and War-
dens hath béene augmented to the summe of xxvj.SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGs. the quarter,
which is v.pound iiij.SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGs. the yeare to each of them besides coales,
more to each of them xxSMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGs. the yeare by gift of Walter Fish some-
time mayster of that company and Taylor to her Maiestie.
Some smal distance from thence is the Merchant Taylors hal,
pertayning to the Guilde and fraternitie of S. Iohn Baptist, time
out of mind,
Antiquity of
the Taylors
feast by au-
called of Taylors, and linnen armourers of London,
for I find that King Edward the first in the 28. of his raygne con-
firmed this Guild by the name of Tailors and linnen armourers:
and also gaue to the brethren thereof authoritie euery yeare at
midsommer to hold a feast,
A pilgrim to
trauaile for
the Taylers
now called
maister pur-
ueyers of alms
now called
and to choose vnto them a gouernour,
or mayster with Wardens: wherevpon the same yeare 1300. on
the feaſt day of the natiuitie of Saynt Iohn Baptiſt
,4 they chose
Henry de Ryall to be their pilgrim for the mayster of this miste-
rie (as one that trauelled for the whole companie) was then
so called vntill the 11. of Richard the ſecond: and the foure war-

dens were then called purueyors of alms, (now called quarterage)
of the said fraternitie. This Marchant Taylors hal sometime
Taylers pur-
chase their hal.
taining to a worshipfull gentleman named Edmond Crepin: he
in the yeare of Christ 1331. the ſixt of Edward the third, for a cer-
taine summe of money to him paid, made his grant thereof by the
name of his principall messuage in the wardes of Cornehill, and
Brodestréet, which Sir Oliuer Ingham knight did then hold, to
Iohn of Yakesley the kings pauilion maker. The 21. of Edward
the fourth
, Thomas Clarentius principall king of Herraldes, for
the south parte of England, granted by his pattentes to the saide
fraternitie and guilde of S. Ihon Baptist, of Taylors and linnen
The marchant
to beare in a field siluer, a pauilion betwéene two man-
tels imperiall, purple, garnished with golde, in a chiefe Azure an
holy lambe, set within a sunne, the creast vpon the helme, a paui-
lion purple garnished with gold &c After this King Henry the se-
, being himself a brother of this fraternity, or guild of S. Iohn
of Tailors and linnen armourers
(as diuers other his pre-
decessors Kinges before him had beene, to wit Rychard the third,
Edward the fourth, Henry the sixt, Henry the fift, Henry the
, & Richard the second: And for that diuers of that fraterni-
tie had time out of mind, beene great marchants, and had frequen-
ted all sortes of marchandises into most partes of the world, to the
honor of the kings realme, and to the great profit of his subiectes, &
of his progenitors and the men of the said misterie during the time
aforesaid, had exercised the buying and selling of all wares and
merchandises, especially of woollen cloth, as well in grosse, as by
retayle, throughout all this realme of England, and chiefly with-
in the said citie, therefore he of his especiall grace did change, trans-
ferre and translate the Guilde aforesaid, and did incorporate them
into the name of the mayster and wardens of the Marchant Tay-
, of the fraternity of S. Iohn Baptist in the citie of London.
Some distance West from this the Marchant Taylors hall,
is Finkes lane, so called of Robert Finke, and Robert Finke
his sonne, Iames Finke, and Rosamund Finke. Robert
the elder new builded the parish Church of Saint Bennet,
commonly called Finke of the founder, his tenementes were both
of Saint Bennets parish, and S. Martins Otelwich parish: the

one halfe of this Finke lane is of Brodestréete ward. to wit, on the
west side vp to the great and principall house, and the same house
wherein the said Finke dwelled: but on the other side namely the
East not so much towardes Cornehill: then without this lane in
the foresaid thrée néedle stréete, is the said parish Church of Saynt
, a proper Church, in which are these monumentes of the
deade. Robert Simpson and Elizabeth his wife, Roger Strange
Esquire, Trerisse, William Coolby, Iohn Frey, Thomas Bri-
Plommer, 1410. &c.
Some distance west is the Royall Exchaunge, whereof more
shalbe spoken in the warde of Cornehill, and so downe to the little
Conduite, called the pissing Conduit, by the Stockes market, and
this is the south side of thrée néedle stréete.
On the North side of this stréet from ouer against the East cor-
ner of S. Martins Oteswich Church, haue ye diuers fayre and
large houses till you come to the
Hospitall of
S. Anthony

sometime a
Sinagogue of
the Iewes.
hospitall of S. Anthony, some-
time a Cell to S. Anthonies of Vienna. For I reade that King
Henry the third
graunted to the brotherhood of S. Anthony of
Vienna, a place amongst the Iewes, which was sometime their
Patent record.
and had béene builded by them about the yeare 1231
but the christians obtayned of the king that it should be dedicated
to our blessed Lady, and since an Hospital being there builded, was
called S. Anthonies in London: it was founded in the parish of
S. Bennet Finke
, for a mayster, two priestes, one schoolemayster,
and 12. poore men: after this foundation amongst other thinges
giuen to this Hospitall, one was a messuage and garden, and one
other parcell of ground contained 37. foote in length, and 18. foot
in breadth in the parish of This text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (SM)S5. Bennet Finke: this was giuen to the
Mayster of the Hospitall, to the enlarging of their Church and
house to the same belonging, for a maister, fourtéene priests, &c. in
the ſeuenth of Henry the ſixt. Moreouer king Henry the sixt, in
the twentieth of his raigne gaue vnto Iohn Carpenter Doctor of
diuinity, maister of S. Anthonies hospital, and to his brethren and
their successors for euer his mannor of Poninghton with the apur-
tenances, with certain pensions & portions of Milborn, Turne-
worth, Charlton
, & vp Wimborne, in The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified county of Southhāpton
towards The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified maintenance of 5. schollers in the vniuersity of Oxford

to be brought vp in the facultie of artes, after the rate of ten pence
the weeke, for euerie Scholler: so that the saide Schollers before
their going to Oxforde, bee first instructed in their rudimentes of
Grammar, at the Colledge of Eaton, founded by the saide king.
In the yeare 1474. Edward the fourth granted to VVilliam
, Batcheler of Diuinitie, maister of the Hospitall of S. Antho-
, to haue Priests, Clarkes, Schollers, poore men, and Bre-
thren of the same Clarks or Lay men, Queristers, Procters, Mes-
sengers, Seruantes in Houshold, and other things whatsoeuer,
the like as the Prior and Couent of S. Anthonies, of Vienna, &c.
This Hospitall was annexed, vnited, and appropriated vnto the
Colegiate Church of S. George in Windsor, aboute the yeare
1485, (as was reported) by Sir Anthonie Baker (maister of the
saide Hospitall,) to Sir Iohn Wolsborne knight, and other com-
missioners in the ſeauen and thirtith of Henry the eight, since the
saide annexing, to wit in the yeare 1499 the foureteenth of Hen-
the ſeuenth
, Sir Iohn Tate sometime Ale Bruer, then a Mer-
ser, caused his Brue house called the Swan, neare adioyning to
the saide, Frée Chappell, Colledge, or Hospitall, of S. Anthonie,
to bée taken down, for the enlarging of the Church, which was
then newly builded: toward the building whereof the saide Tate
gaue greate sommes of money.
This goodly foundation hauing a free schoole and Almeshouses
Free Schoole
and Almose-
for poore men (builded of hard stone) adioyning to the west end of
the Church, was of olde time confirmed by Henry the sixt in the
yeare 1447. The outward worke of this new church was fi-
nished in the yeare 1501. the saide Iohn Tate deceased about the
yeare 1514
. and was there buried in a monument by him prepa-
red, as appeareth by an indenture tripartite, made betwéene the
saide Iohn Tate, the Deane of Windsor, and William Mil-
VValter Champion Draper, one of the Sheriffes of Lon-
, 1529. was buried there, and gaue to the Beademen twen-
tie pound. The lands by yeare of this Hospitall were valued in
the ſeauen and thirtie of Henry the eight to be fifety fiue pound,
six shillinges eight pence.
One Iohnson (a Schoolemaister there) became a Prehenda-

rie of Windsor, and then by little and little followed the spoile of
this Hospitall: he first dissolued the Quire, conueyed the plate
and ornamentes,
Almes men
put from their
houses at S.
Anthonies Hospitall
then the Bels, and lastlie put out the Almes
men from their houses, appointing them portions of twelue pence
the weeke to each (but now I heare of no such matter) their hou-
ses with other be now letten out for rent, and the Church is a
preaching place for the French nation.
This Schoole house was commanded in the raigne of
Henry the ſixt
, and sithence also aboue other: but now it is decay-
ed, and come to nothing, by taking from it, what thereun-
to belonged. Next is the Parrish Church of Saint Bartilmew
at the ende of Bartlemew Lane, Thomas Pike Alderman,
with the helpe of Nicholas Yoo, one of the Sheriffes of
London, in the yeare 1438. new builded this church, and
were there buried: Sir Iohn Frey knight, and Alderban, a
Gascoyne, were buried there. Sir William Cappell Maior,
1509. added vnto this Church a proper Chappel on the south
side thereof, and was buried there: Sir Giles Chapple, Iames
. Taylor, one of the Sheriffes, 1499. appointed by his
Testament, a Doctor of Diuinity, euery Good Fryday, for euer
to preach there, of Christes Passion, from six of the clocke, till 8.
before noone, in the said Church: Iohn Wilforde Marchant-
Taylor Alderman, 1544. Sir Iames Wilforde, 1550. Sir
George Barne
Mayor, 1552. &c.
Then lower downe towardes the Stockes market is the par-
rish Church of S. Christopher, but reedified to new: for Richard
one of the Sheriffes, 1506. gaue money towardes the
building of the steeple. There lye buried Richarde Sherington
1392. who gaue landes to that Church: the Lady Margaret
1406. Iohn Clauering 1421. who gaue lands there-
vnto: Iohn Gidney Maior, 1427. William Hampton Maior,
1472. was a great benefactor, and glased some of the Church
windowes, Sir William Martin Maior 1492. Roger Achley
Maior, 1511. Robert Thorne Marchant Taylor, 1532. hee
gaue by his Testament in Charity more then foure thousand four
hundred forty fiue pound. Iohn Norryholme, Ralph Batte,
Allice Perciuall, Iane Drew, William Borresbie, Iohn Becke

Richard Sutten, William Batte, Iames Well, Henry Beacher
Alderman, 1570.
West from this Church haue ye Skalding Alley, of olde time,
called Skalding house, or Skalding Wike, because that ground
for the most part was then imployed by Poulters, that dwelled
in the high streete, from the Stockes market to the great Con-
. Their Poultrie which they sold at their stalles were skal-
ded there, the streete doth yet beare the name of the Poultrie, and
the Poulters are but lately departed from thence into other streets
as into Grasse streete, and to the endes of S. Nicholas flesh
. This Skalding Wike is the farthest west part of
Brodestreete ward, and is by the water called Walbrooke, par-
ted from Cheape warde: this Brodestreete warde hath an Al-
derman with his Deputie, common Counsellors ten, Constables
ten, Scauengers eight, Wardmote inquest thirteene, and a Bea-
dle. It is taxed to the fifteene, in London, at seauen and twentie
pound, and accounted in the Exchequer after twentie fiue pound.


  1. Unclear; context obvious. (SM)
  2. Page number should read 139. It appears the 9 is upside down. (NAP)
  3. William de Berkeley. (KL)
  4. Celebrated on 24 June. (KL)
  5. Letter unclear; context obvious. (SM)
  6. I.e. Scalding. (SM)


  • Stow, John, and William fitz-Stephen. Survey of London: Broad Street Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,