Primary Source Document Template 1


  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  • <?xml-model href="../../rng/london_all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>2
  • <?xml-model href="../../rng/london_all.sch" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
  • <TEI xmlns="" version="5.0" xml:id="[Insert document xml:id.]">3
    • <teiHeader>4
      • <fileDesc>
        • <titleStmt>
          • <title>[Insert document name.]</title>5
          • <respStmt>6
            • <resp ref="molresp:aut">Author<date notAfter-custom="[Insert publication date.]" datingMethod="mol:julianSic"/></resp>
            • <name ref="mol:[Insert author’s xml:id.]">[Insert author’s name.]</name>
          • <respStmt>
            • <resp ref="molresp:prt">Printer<date notAfter-custom="[Insert publication date.]" datingMethod="mol:julianSic"/></resp>
            • <name ref="mol:[Insert printer’s xml:id.]">[Insert printer’s name.]</name>
          • <respStmt>
            • <resp ref="molresp:bsl">Bookseller<date notAfter-custom="[Insert publication date.]" datingMethod="mol:julianSic"/></resp>
            • <name ref="mol:[Insert bookseller’s xml:id.]">[Insert bookseller’s name.]</name>
          • <respStmt>
            • <resp ref="molresp:top">Toponymist</resp>
            • <name ref="mol:[Insert toponymist’s xml:id.]">[Insert toponymist’s name.]</name>
          • <respStmt>
            • <resp ref="molresp:trc">First Transcriber<date when="[Insert date of first transcription, if known.]" /></resp> 7
            • <name ref="mol:[Insert first transcriber’s xml:id.]">[Insert first transcriber’s name.]</name>
          • <respStmt>
            • <resp ref="molresp:trc">MoEML Transcriber</resp>
            • <name ref="mol:[Insert MoEML transcriber’s xml:id.]">[Insert MoEML transcriber’s name.]</name>
          • <respStmt>
            • <resp ref="molresp:mrk">Encoder</resp>
            • <name ref="mol:[Insert encoder’s xml:id.]">[Insert Encoder’s name.]</name>
          • <respStmt>
            • <resp ref="molresp:mrk">Markup Editor</resp>
            • <name ref="mol:[Insert markup editor’s xml:id.]">[Insert markup editor’s name.]</name>
          • <respStmt>
            • <resp ref="molresp:cpy">Copy Editor</resp>
            • <name ref="mol:[Insert copy editor’s xml:id.]">[Insert copy editor’s name.]</name>
          • <respStmt>
            • <resp ref="molresp:rth">Assistant Project Director</resp>
            • <name ref="mol:MCFI1">Kim McLean-Fiander</name>
          • <respStmt>
            • <resp ref="molresp:prg">Programmer</resp>
            • <name ref="mol:HOLM3">Martin Holmes</name>
          • <respStmt>
            • <resp ref="molresp:pdr">Project Director</resp>
            • <name ref="mol:JENS1">Janelle Jenstad</name>
        • </titleStmt>
        • <publicationStmt>
          • <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="../boilerplate/includes.xml" xpointer="xpointer(//publicationStmt[@xml:id=[Insert straight apostrophe character.]inc_global_publicationStmt[Insert straight apostrophe character.]]/*)" parse="xml">9
            • <xi:fallback><p>Unable to find the publicationStmt element in the includes.xml file.</p></xi:fallback>
          • </xi:include>
        • <sourceDesc><p>[Insert document source information. Write a few sentences describing where the text originates.]</p></sourceDesc>10
      • </fileDesc>
      • <profileDesc>
        • <textClass>
          • <catRef scheme="mdt:molDocumentTypes" target="mdt:mdtPrimarySourceLibrary[Insert library document type.]"/>11
        • </textClass>
      • </profileDesc>
      • <encodingDesc>
        • <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="includes.xml" xpointer="inc_global_prefixDef" parse="xml"><xi:fallback><p>Unable to find required listPrefixDef elements in the includes.xml file.</p></xi:fallback></xi:include>
        • <p>Our editorial and encoding practices are documented in detail in the <ref target="mol:praxis">Praxis</ref> section of our website.</p>
        • <tagsDecl>12
          • <rendition scheme="CSS" xml:id="[Document xml:id]_head">[If applicable, insert CSS properties for running header.]</rendition>
          • <rendition scheme="CSS" xml:id="[Document xml:id]_[bibliographic code]">[Insert CSS properties for bibliographic code.]</rendition>
        • </tagsDecl>
        • <editorialDecl>13
          • <p>[Information goes here.]</p>
        • </editorialDecl>
      • </encodingDesc>
      • <!-- Changes recorded here are only major changes or those resulting from automated processing. Later changes should be placed first. A complete record of the history of any of our files is available through the Subversion log. -->
      • <revisionDesc status="[Insert document status.]">14
        • <change who="[Insert your xml:id.]" when="[Insert date.]">Created document.</change>15
      • </revisionDesc>
    • </teiHeader>
    • <text>
      • <front>16
        • <pb facs="[Insert EEBO image number for title page.]"/>17
        • <titlePage>18
          • <docTitle>19
            • <titlePart type="main">[Insert main title.]</titlePart>
            • <titlePart type="sub">[Insert subtitle.]</titlePart>
            • <titlePart type="alt">[Insert alternate title.]</titlePart>
            • <titlePart type="desc">[Insert title description.]</titlePart>
          • </docTitle>
          • <byline>[Insert byline from the title page that acknowledges the <docAuthor>author’s name</docAuthor>.]</byline>
          • <figure>
            • <figDesc>[If applicable, insert description of title page figure.]</figDesc>
          • </figure>
          • <docImprint>
            • [Insert imprint text, naming the <pubPlace>place of publication</pubPlace>, <publisher>publisher or printer</publisher>, and <docDate>document date</docDate>.]
          • </docImprint>
        • </titlePage>
        • <div type="dedicatoryEpistle">20
          • <pb facs="[Insert EEBO image number for dedicatory epistle page.]"/>21
          • <salute>[Insert salutation.]</salute>
          • [Encode contents of dedicatory epistle on page using <p> to tag paragraphs of prose and <lg> to tag stanzas of verse. Use <lb/> to mark line-breaks in prose and <l> to tag lines of verse.]
          • <signed>[Insert closing salutation from the signatory.]</salute>
        • </div>
      • </front>
      • <body>22
        • <pb facs="[Insert EEBO image number for first page.]"/>
          • <head>[Insert and encode document title as it appears on the first page header.]</head>23
          • [Encode text on page using <p> to tag paragraphs of prose and <lg> to tag stanzas of verse. Use <lb/> to mark line-breaks in prose and <l> to tag lines of verse.]
          • <fw type="signature" style="text-align: center;">[If applicable, insert signature.]</fw>24
          • <fw type="catchword" style="text-align: right;">[Insert catchword.]</fw>25
        • <pb facs="[Insert EEBO image number for second page.]"/>
          • <fw type="header" rend="[Document xml:id]_head">[Insert running title text.]</fw>26
          • [Encode page text using <p> to tag paragraphs of prose and <lg> to tag stanzas of verse. Use <lb/> to mark line-breaks in prose and <l> to tag lines of verse.]
          • <fw type="signature" style="text-align: center;">[If applicable, insert signature.]</fw>
          • <fw type="catchword" style="text-align: right;">[Insert catchword.]</fw>
        • <pb facs="[Insert EEBO image number for third page.]"/>
          • <fw type="header" rend="[Document xml:id]_head">[Insert running title text.]</fw>
          • [Encode page text using <p> to tag paragraphs of prose and <lg> to tag stanzas of verse. Use <lb/> to mark line-breaks in prose and <l> to tag lines of verse.]
          • <fw type="signature" style="text-align: center;">[If applicable, insert signature.]</fw>
          • <fw type="catchword" style="text-align: right;">[Insert catchword.]</fw>
        • <pb facs="[Insert EEBO image number for fourth page.]"/>
        • </body>
        • <back>
        • [If applicable, insert encoded back matter.]28
      • </back>
    • </text>
  • </TEI>


  1. See Praxis for written documentation on how to encode a primary source document and specific instructions for how to encode a mayoral pageant book.
  2. The second two elements in this template indicate the relative path to the schema. Note that the relative path to the schema will depend on the exact location of the document itself (i.e., how deep the document is in the /data folder) relative to the schema. If the document is one level deep (e.g., /data/subfolder/FILE1.xml), then the @href value should read "../rng/london_all.rng". Likewise, if the document is two levels deep (e.g., /data/subfolder/subfolder/FILE1.xml then the @href value should read "../../rng/london_all.rng". Extrapolate this pattern for further levels of depth. Primary source documents are most often located within two subfolders, so this template uses an @href value of "../../rng/london_all.rng".
  3. The value for the @xml:id attribute should match the document’s filename. For more information, see docunmentation on document structure.
  4. We use the <teiHeader> to encode metadata for documents. For more information, see documentation on encoding a <teiHeader>.
  5. Use the <title> element to tag the document’s short name in regularized spelling. This title will appear in MoEML menus and splash pages.
  6. For information about how to add content to the <respStmt> tag, see documentation on the encoding responsibility statements. Note that, depending on the primary source document you are encoding, you may not necessarily include all the responsibilty statements listed in this template. Conversely, you may include responsibility statements that are not listed in this template. For a complete list of possible roles to which you may ascribe responsibility, see the taxonomy of molRelators at the beginning of the PERS1.xml database document (visible in standalone XML). Our taxonomy of molRelator codes corresponds with the Library of Congress’s taxonomy of marcRelator codes.
  7. In most cases, the first transcriber will be the Early English Books Online - Text Creation Partnership (EEBO-TCP). The @xml:id for EEBO-TCP is "EEBO1".
  8. Continue adding responsibility statements as necessary.
  9. Insert straight apostrophe characters where noted using the Find and Replace tool (Ctrl+F) in oXygen.
  10. For example, Original transcription from EEBO-TCP; new transcription by Michael Stevens.
  11. We use the <catRef> element to classify documents according to the MoEML Document Type Taxonomy. For more information, see documentation on understanding the mdt taxonomy and list of document types.
  12. Use the <tagsDecl> and <rendition> elements to declare metadata style properties that are specific to the primary source document you are encoding, such as the font and size of signatures. For more information, see the praxis instructions for using the <rendition> element and @rendition attribute.
  13. We use the <editorialDecl> element to record editorial principles and practices employed while transcribing the primary source text. For certain types of primary source texts, such as mayoral shows, editorial principles and practices are standardized and we therefore use a standard editorial declaration. For new or less common types of primary source texts, editorial principles and practices are not standardized and you will therefore be responsible for describing your the practices and principles you employed. See Editorial Declaration for Mayoral Shows and <editorialDecl> in the TEI P5 Guidelines for more information.
  14. For information about how to add content to the <revisionDesc> tag, see documentation on encoding revision descriptions.
  15. Insert further <change> elements as the document is revised above earlier <change> elements.
  16. Use the <front> element to tag paratext that comes at the beginning of a primary source text, such as a title page or dedicatory epistle. For more information, see instructions on encoding front matter.
  17. We encode links to Early English Books Online (EEBO) facsimilies of each page in a primary source document. For instructions on how to do this, see documentation on encoding page breaks and linking to EEBO facsimiles
  18. See documentation on encoding a title page. Note that the title page components listed in this template may not necessarily all appear in the title page you are encoding and, furthermore, may not appear in the order listed in this template.
  19. Note that many titles will include only some of the following title components.
  20. Whereas almost every primary source text will have a title page, only some primary source texts, usually mayoral pageant books or other play books, will have a dedicatory epistle. If the text you are encoding has a dedicatory epistle, refer to the instructions for encoding a dedicatory epistle.
  21. Note that a dedicatory epistle is often many pages in length. Include a <pb> element with @facs attribute before each new page.
  22. Use the <body> element to encode the text proper in a primary source document. For more information, see documentation on encoding the main text in a work.
  23. Use the <head> element to tag the header on the first page. In most early modern texts, the first page contains an especially large header that lists the full title of the text. Consult the project documentation on CSS styling to reproduce the style of the inital header.
  24. Use <fw type="signature"> to tag signatures at the bottom of each page. For more information, see documentation on encoding forme works, especially encoding signatures. To reproduce the style of the signatures, use the @rendition attribute to reference the <rendition> element in the <teiHeader>. For more information, see the instructions for using the <rendition> element and @rendition attribute.
  25. Use <fw type="catchword"> to tag catchwords at the bottom of each page. For more information, see documentation on encoding forme works, especially encoding catchwords. To reproduce the style of the catchwords, use the @rendition attribute to reference the <rendition> element in the <teiHeader>. For more information, see the instructions for using the <rendition> element and @rendition attribute.
  26. Following the initial header on the first page, subsequent headers (also known as running titles) are usually smaller, shorter, and standardized. Use <fw type="header"> to tag these running titles at the top of each page. For more information, see documentation on encoding forme works, especially encoding running titles. To reproduce the style of the catchwords, use the @rendition attribute to reference the <rendition> element in the <teiHeader>. For more information, see the instructions for using the <rendition> element and @rendition attribute.
  27. Repeat for each page in the primary source text.
  28. Use the <back> element to tag paratext that sometimes comes at the end of a primary source text, such as a colophon. For more information, see instructions on encoding back matter.

Cite this page

MLA citation

Landels-Gruenewald, Tye. Primary Source Document Template. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,

Chicago citation

Landels-Gruenewald, Tye. Primary Source Document Template. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 26, 2020.

APA citation

Landels-Gruenewald, T. 2020. Primary Source Document Template. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)

Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

A1  - Landels-Gruenewald, Tye
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Primary Source Document Template
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/06/26
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
UR  -
UR  -
ER  - 


RT Web Page
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Landels-Gruenewald, Tye
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Primary Source Document Template
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/06/26
RD 2020/06/26
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#LAND2"><surname>Landels-Gruenewald</surname>, <forename>Tye</forename></name></author>. <title level="a">Primary Source Document Template</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-06-26">26 Jun. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>
