Survey of London: Lime Street Ward

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THe next is Lymestreete warde, and taketh
the name Lymestreete, of making or sel-
ling of Lyme there, (as is supposed,) the
East side of this Lymestreete, from the
North corner thereof to the middest is of
Ealdgate ward, as is aforesaide: the west
side, for the most parte from the saide North
corner, southward, is of this Lymestreete
: the southende on both sides is of Langborne warde: the
bodie of this Lymestreete warde, is of the high streete called
Cornhill streete,
High streete of
which stretcheth from Limestreete on the
south side, to the west corner of Leaden hall: and on the North
side from the southwest corner of S. Marie streete, to an other
corner ouer against Leaden hall.
Now for S. Marie streete, the west side thereof is of this Lime-
streete warde
, and also the streete which runneth by the North-
ende of this S. Marie streete, on both sides, from thence west to
an house called the Wrestlers (a signe so called) almost to Bi-
. And these are the bounds of this small warde.
Monuments or places notable in this warde be these: In Lyme-
are diuers fayr houses, for Marchants & others, there was
sometime a mansion house of the kinges, called the kinges Artirce
An house in
called the
kinges Ar-
whereof I finde recorde in the 14. of Edwarde the firſt, but now
grown out of knowledge. I reade also of an other greate house
in the westside of Lymestreete, hauing a Chappel on the south,
and a garden on the west, then belonging to the Lorde Neuell,
(which Garden is now called the Greene yarde of the Leaden hal.
This house in the ninth of Richard the ſecond, pertayned to Sir
Simon Burley
, and Sir Iohn Burley, his brother, and of late the
faide house was taken downe, and the forefront thereof new buil-
ded of timber by Hugh Offley Alderman. At the North west cor-
ner of Lymestreete was of olde time one greate Messuage called
Benbriges Inne, Ralph Hollend Draper, about the yere 1452.
gaue it to Iohn Gill, maister, and to the Wardens and Fraterni-
ty of Taylors and Linnen Armorers
of S. Iohn Baptist, in Lon-
, and to their successors for euer. They did set vp in place
thereof a fayre large frame of timber, contayning in the high street
one great house, and before it to the corner of Limestreete, three
other Tenementes, the corner house being the largest, and then
downe Limestreete diuers proper Tenementes. Al which the
Marchant Taylors in the raigne of Edwarde the ſixt solde to
Stephen Kirton Marchantaylor, and Alderman: this worshipfull
man, and the Gentlewoman his widdow after him, kept those
houses in good reparations, neuer put out one Tennant, tooke
no fines, nor raised Rents of them, which was x.SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGs.the peece
yearely: But whether that fauour did ouerliue her funerall, the
Tenantes now can best
Messuage of
the Lord
Next vnto this on the high streete, was the Lorde Souches
Messuage or Tenement and other. In place whereof Richarde
, Marchant Taylor builded a fayre house, with an
high Tower, the second in number, and first of timber, that
euer I learned to haue beene builded to ouerlooke neighboures in
this citie.
This Richarde then a young man became in short time so
tormented with Goutes in his ioyntes, of the hands and legges,
that hee could neither feede himselfe, nor goe farther then hee
was led, much lesse, was hee able to clime, and take the
pleasure of the height of his Tower. Then is there an other fayre
house, builded by Stephen Kyiton Alderman, Alderman Lee
doth now possesse
Then is there a fayre house of olde time called the Greene
, by which name one Mighel Pistoy Lumbard held it, with a
tenement & 9. shops, in the raigne of Richard the ſecond, who in
the 15. of his raigne gaue it to Roger Crophull, and Thomas
, Esquiers, by the name of the Greene gate,
Messuage cal-
led the Greene
in the pa-
rish of S, Andrew vpon Cornhill, in Lymestreete ward : since
the which time Philip Malpas,
philip MalpaThis text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (SM)s1
sometime Alderman, and
one of the Shiriffes dwelled therein, and was there rob-
bed, and spoiled of his goodes to a greate value, by Iacke Cade

and other Rebels in the yeare 1449.
Afterwades in the raigne of Henry the ſeuenth, it was sea-
sed into the kinges handes, and then granted, first vnto Iohn Al-
, after that to William de la Riuars, and since by Henry the
, to Iohn Mutas (a Picarde) or Frenchman, who dwelled
there, and harbored
Mutas house
in his house, many Frenchmen, that kalen-
dred wolstedes, and did other thinges contrary to the Franchises
of the Citizens: wherefore on euill May day, which was in the
yeare 1517. the Prentizes and other spoiled his house: and if they
could haue found Mutas, they would haue striken off his head.
Sir Peter Mutas a seruiceable Gentleman, sonne to the said Iohn
, solde this house to Dauid Wodrofte Alderman, whose
sonne Sir Nicholas Wodroffe Alderman, solde it ouer to Iohn
Alderman, that now possesseth it.
Next is a house called the Leaden Portch lately deuided into
two Tenementes, whereof one is a Tauerne, and then one other
house for a Marchante, likewise called, the Leaden Portch: but
now turned to a Cookes house, next is a fayre house and a large,
wherein diuers Maioralities haue beene kept, whereof twaine in
my remembrance : to wit Sir William Bowiar, and Sir Henry
The next is Leaden Hall, of which I reade, that in the yere
1309. it belonged to Sir Hugh Neuill knight, and that the La-
die Alice
his widow, made a Feofment thereof, by the name of
Leaden hall, with the aduowsons of the Church of S. Peter vpon
, and other churches, to Richard Earle of Arundel and
, 1362. More in the yeare 1380. Alice Neuill, widow
to Sir Iohn Neuill knight of Essex, confirmed to Thomas
, & others the said Manor of Leaden hal, The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified aduowsions &c.
In the yere 1384. Humphrey de Bohun, Earle of Hereforde,
had the saide Mannor.2 And in the yeare 1408. Robert Rike-
of Essex, and Margaret his wife confirmed to Richarde
and other citizens of London, the saide Mannor of
Leaden hall
, with the Appurtenances, the aduowsions of S.
Peters Church
, S. Margarets Pattens
, &c, And in the yere 1411
the saide Whitington and other confirmed the same to the Maior
and Comminaltie of London, whereby it came to the possession

This text is the corrected text. The original is 115 117 3
of the Citie. Then in the yeare 1443. the 21. of Henry the ſixt,
Iohn Hatherley Maior, purchased licence of the saide
Licence to
take vp leade
to the buil-
ding vp of
common Granarie.
king to
take vp 200.fodar of leade, for the building of water conduites, a
common Granary, and the Crosse in west Cheap, more richlie for
honor of the Citie. In the yeare next following the Parson and
Parish of S. Dunstone in the east of London, seeing the famous
and mighty man (for the wordes be in the graunte: cum nobilis
& potens. vir
.) Symon Eyre, citizen of London, among other
his works of pietie, effectually determined to erect and build a cer-
taine Granarie vpon the soile of the same citie at Leaden hall, of
his owne charges, for the common vtilitie of the saide citie, to
the amplifiyng, and enlarging of the saide Garnary, granted to
Henry Frowicke then Maior, the Aldermen, and Comminaltie
and their successors, for euer, all their Tenementes, with the
Appurtenances sometime called the Horsemill in Grasse streete,
for the anuall rente of foure pounde, &c. Also
Horsmill in
certaine Euidences
(of an Alley and Tenements pertayning to the Horsemill, adioy-
ning to the saide Leaden hall in Grassestreete, giuen by William
Fishmonger, vnto the parish church of S. Peter vpon
) do specifie the saide Granary to be builded by the said
honorable and famous Marchant Symon Eyre,
Symon Eyre
sometime an
vpholster then
by changing of
his coppie a
sometime an Up-
holster, & then a Draper, in the yere 1419. he builded it of squa-
red stone, in forme as now it sheweth, with a fayre & large chap-
pell in the east side of the Quadrante ouer the Portch of which hée
caused to be written.
Leaden hall
now builded
to bee a com-
mon garnar.
Dextra Domini exultauit me, the Lords
right hand hath exalted me: hee deceased in the yeare 1459, and
was buried in his Parish Church of S. Marie Wolnoth: in Lom-
bard street
. he gaue by his Testament (which I haue read) to be
distributed, to al prisoners in London,
A Chappell
builded in
Leaden hall.
or within one mile of that
cittie, somewhat to releeue them. More hee gaue two thousand
markes vpon a condition which not performed, was then to bee
distributed, to maides marriages,
Legacies giuen
by Symon
and other deedes of charity, hee
also gaue three thousand markes to the Company of Drapers
vpon condition they should within one
Dayly seruice
by noate &c.
and three free
schooles in the
Leaden hall
yeare after his decease e-
stablish perpetually a Maister or Warden, 5. secular Priestes,
sixe Clarkes and two Queristers to sing dayly diuine seruice, by
note for euer in his Chappell of the Leaden hall: Also three

Schoolemaisters, with an Usher, to wit, one Maister with an
Ushar for Grammar, one Maister for writing, and the thirde for
Song with howsing there newly builded for them for euer, the mai-
ster to haue for his Salary ten pound: & euerie other Priest eight
pound, euery other Clarke, fiue pound six shillinges eight pence,
and euery other Chorister, fiue markes: and if the Drapers re-
fused this to doe within one yeare after his decease, then the three
thousand Markes to remaine to the Prior and Couent of Christs
in London, with condition to establsh as is aforesaide,
within two yeares after his decease, and if they refused, then the
three thousand marks to be disposed by his Executors as they best
could deuise in workes of charity: thus much for his Testament
not performed by establishing of diuine seruice in his chappell, or
frée schooles for schollers, neither how the stocke of thrée thousand
markes was imployed by his Executors, coulde I euer learne, fly-
ing tales haue I hearde, but not of credit, to auouch, and therefore
I ouer passe them: hee left issue Thomas, who had issue Tho-
Liber albus.
Beame for tro-
nage of wools
at Leaden hal
&c. True it is that in the yeare 1464. the thirde of Edward
the fourth
4, it was agreede by the Maior, Aldermen, and Com-
minalty of London, that notwithstanding the kinges letters pa-
tentes, lately before granted vnto them touching the Troynage
or Weighing of wares to be holden at the Leaden hall, yet suite
should be made to the king for new letters pattents to be granted
to the Maior of the Staple, for the Tronage of Wolles to be hol-
den there, & order to be taken, by the discretion of Thomas Cooke,
then Maior, The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified counsaile of the citie, Geffery Filding, then Maior
of the Staple at Westminster, and of his counsaile, what shoulde
be paide to the Maior and Aldermen of the citie for the laying and
howsing of the Woolles there, that so they might be brought
forth and weighed, &c.
Touching the chappell
A brother-
hood of 60.
Priestes in the
Chapel of Lea-
den hall
there, I finde that in the yeare 1466. by
licence obtayned of king Edwarde the fourth, in the ſixt of his
, a Fraternitie of the Trinity, of 60. priestes, (besides o-
ther Brethren, and Sisters) in the same Chappell was foun-
ded by William Rouse, Iohn Risbie, and Thomas Ashby,
priestes, some of the which 60 priestes, euery market day, in the
fore noone, did celebrate diuine seruice there, to such market

people as repayred to prayer, and once euery yeare, they mette al-
together, and had solemne seruice, with procession of all the bre-
thren and sisters. This foundation was in the yere, 1512. by a
common counsaile confirmed to the 60. Trinity Priestes, and to
their successors at the will of the Maior and Comminaltie. Now
it did befall that in the yeare, 1484. a greate fire happened
Leaden hall
this Leaden hal, by what casualty I know not, but much howsing
was there destroyed with all the stockes for Guns, and other pro-
uision belonging to the Citie, which was a greate losse, and no lesse
charge to be repaired by them. In the yere 1503. the eighteenth
of Henry the ſeuenth
, a request was made by the Cōmons of the
Citie, concerning the vsage of the saide Leaden hall, in forme as
followeth. Please it the Lord Maior, Aldermen, and common
Counsaile, to enact that all French men, bringing Canuas, Lin-
nen cloth, and other wares to be solde, and all Forrens
A request of
the Citizens to
the Maior and
Wolffeds, Sayes, Staimus, Kiuerings, Nayles, Iron worke,
or any other wares, and also all manner Forrens bringing Lead
to the citie to be solde, shall bring all such their wares aforesaide
to the open market of Leaden hall there, and no where else to be
shewed, solde and vttered, like as of old time it hath beene vsed,
vpon paine of forfeyture of all the saide wares shewed or solde in a-
ny other place then aforesaide, the shew of the saide wares
Leaden hall
market for
Canuas and
Linnen cloth.
to bee
made three dayes in the weeke, that is to say Monday, Tuesday,
and Wednesday, it is also thought reasonable that the common
Beame be kept from henceforth in the Leaden hall, and the Far-
mer to pay therefore reasonable rent to the chamber: for better it
is that the chamber haue aduantage thereby, then a Forren per-
son, & also the saide Leaden hal, which is more chargeable now by
halfe then profitable, shall better beare out the charges thereof,
also the common Beame
to be kept in
Leaden hall.
for wolle at Leaden hall,
Leaden hall
pertayning to
the Commi-
may pay yeare-
ly a rent to the chamber of London, toward supportation and
charges of the same place: for reason it is, that a common office
occupied vpon a common ground beare a charge to the vse of the
Comminaltie: also that Forrens bringing wolles, Fels, or any o-
ther Marchandizes or wares to Leaden hall,
Wools, Fels,
and other
to be sold, in
Leaden hall.
to bee kept there
for the sale and market, may pay more largely for the keeping
of their goodes, then Free men. Thus much for the request of

the Commons at this time.
Now to set downe some proofe that the saide hall hath beene
imployed and
Leaden hall v-
sed as a garnar
Roger Acheley
Maior, made
good prouisi-
on for the citie
vsed as a Granarie for Corne and Grayne (as the
same was first appointed) leauing all former examples, this one
may suffice: Roger Acheley Maior of London, in the yere 1512.
the thirde of Henry the eight, when the saide Maior entred the
Maioralitie, there was not found one hundred quarters of wheate
in al the Garners of the citie, eyther within the Liberties or neare
adioyning: through the which scarcitie, when the Cartes of
Stratforde came laden with Bread to the Citie (as they had béen
accustomed) there was such
Bread carts
of Stratford
at the Bow.
presse aboute them, that one man
was readie to destroy an other, in striuing to be serued for their
monie: but this scarcitie lasted not long: for the Maior in short
time made such prouision of Wheate, that the Bakers both of
London, and of Stratforde were weary of taking it vp, and were
forced to take much more then they wold, and for the rest the Ma-
ior laide out the money and stowed it vp in Leaden hall, and other
Garnars of the Citie. This Maior also kept the market so wel,
that he would be at the Leaden hall, by foure a clocke in the som-
mer morninges, and from thence hee went to other markets, to
the great comfort of the Citizens. I reade also that in the yeare,
1528. the 20. of Henry the eight, Surueyers were appointed to
view the Garnars of the Citie, namely the BrThis text has been supplied. Reason: Omitted from the original text due to a printing or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (SM)i5dge house, and the
Leaden hal, how they were stored of Grayne for seruice of the
Citie: And because I haue here before spoken of the breade cartes
comming from Stratforde at the Bow, yee shall vnderstand that
of olde time the Bakers of Bread at Stratforde, were allowed to
bring dayly (except the Saboath and principall Feast) diuers long
Cartes laden with Bread, the same being two ounces in the pen-
ny wheat loafe heauier then the penny wheate loafe baked in the
Citie, the same to bee solde in Cheape, thrée or foure Cartes stan-
ding there, betweene
Liber d.
A Baker of
Stratford pu-
nished in Lon-
for ba-
king bread vn-
der the Assise.
Guthurans lane, and Fausters lane ende,
one cart on Cornhill by the Conduite, and one other in Grasse-
. And I haue read that in the fourth yeare of Edwarde
the ſecond
, Richarde Reffeham being Maior, a Baker na-
med Iohn of Stratforde: for making Breade lesser then the
Assisse, was with a fooles whoode on his head, and loues of bread

about his neck, drawn on a hurdle through the stréets of this citie:
Moreouer in the 44. of Edward the thirde. Iohn Chichester be-
ing Mayor of London,
Iohn Mall. Breadcarts frō
Stratford misu-
sed in this city
in time of
I reade in the visions of Pierce Plow-
, a booke so called as followeth.
There was a carefull commune, when no cart came to towne
with baked bread fro Stratford: tho gan beggars weep & worke-
men were agast, a little this will be thought long in the date of
our Drirte, in a drie Auerell a thousand and three hundred, twise
thirtie and tenne &c.
These Bakers of Stratford left seruing of this Citie I know
not vpon what occasion, about 30. yeares since: In the
A petition by
the commons
the vse of the
Leaden hall.
1519. a petition was exhibited by the commons to the common
counsaile, and was by them allowed, concerning the Leaden hall,
how they would haue it vsed, viz. Méekely beseeching sheweth vn-
to your good Lordship, and maysterships, diuers cittzens of this
Cittie, which vnder correction thinke, that the great place called
the Leaden hall, should nor ought not to be letten to farme, to any
person or persons, and in especiall to any fellowship or companie
incorporate, to haue and hold the same hall for tearme of yeares,
for such inconueniences as therby may ensue, and come to the hurThis text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (SM)t6
of the common weale of the said cittie, in time to come, as some-
what more largely may appeare in the articles following.
First if any assemblie, or hastie gathering of the commons of
the said Cittie for oppressing or subduing, of misruled people with-
in the said Cittie hereafter shall happen to be called or commanded
by the Mayor, Aldermen, and other gouernors and counsellors of
the saide cittie for the time being, there is none so conuenient méet
and necessarie a place to assemble them in, within the said cittie, as
the said Leaden hall, both for largenes of roome, and for their sure
defence in time of their counselling together about the premises.
Also in that place hath béen vsed the artillerie, Guns, and other ar-
mors of the said cittie to be safely kept in a readines for The special character yͤ (LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH LATIN SMALL LETTER E ABOVE) does not display on all browsers and has been replaced by its simplified safegard,
wealth, and defence of the said cittie, to bee had and occupyed at
times when néede required. As also the store of timber for the ne-
cessarie reparations of the tenements belonging to the chamber of
the said citie, there cōmonly hath beene kept. Item if any triumph
or noblenesse were to be done or shewed by the communalty of the

cittie for the honour of our soueraigne Lord, the King, and realme,
and for the worship of the said cittie, the said Leaden hall is most
meete and conuenient place to prepare and order the said triumph
therein, and from thence to issue forth to the places therefore ap-
pointed, Item, at any largesse or dole of any money made vnto
the poore people of this cittie, it hath beene vsed to be done and gi-
uen in the said Leaden Hall,
Leaden Hall a
market place
for victulers
& the people
to stand drie.
for that the said place is most meete
therefore. Item, the honorable Father, that was maker of the
said hall, had a speciall will, intent and mind, that (as it is com-
monly said) the market men and women that came to the Cittie
with victuailes and other thinges should haue their free standing
within the said Leaden Hall in wet weather, to kéepe themselues
and their wares dry, and thereby to incourage them and all other
to haue the better will and desire the more plenteously to resort to
the said Cittie, to victuaile the same. And if the saide Hall should
be letten to farme, the will of the said honorable father should ne-
uer be fulfilled nor take effect. Item, if the said place which is the
chiefe fortresse and most necessarie place within all the Cittie, for
the tuition and safegarde of the same, should be letten to farme out
of the handes of the chiefe heades of the same Citie, and especially
to an other bodie politique, it might at length by likelihood bee oc-
casion of discord, and debate betwéene the saide bodies politique,
which God defend.
For these and many other great and resonable causes, which
hereafter shalbe shewed to this honourable Court, your said besée-
chers think it much necessary, that the said Hall be stil in the hands
of this cittie, and to be surely kept by sadde and discréet officers in
such wise, that it may alway be ready to be vsed and occupyed for
the common weale of the said Citie, when need shal require, and in
no wise to bee letten to any bodie politique. Thus much for the
Leaden hall
ment to haue
beene made a
Burse for mar-
About the yeare 1534. great meanes was made about the
Leaden Hall to haue the same made a Burse for the assemblie of
marchants, as they had béene accustomed in Lombard stréet, ma-
ny common counselles, were called to that ende, but in the yeare
1535. Iohn Champnais being Mayor, it was fully concluded
that the Burse should remaine in Lombard stréete, as afore: and
Leaden Hall no more to be spoken of concerning this matter.
The vse of Leaden Hall in my youth was thus: In a part of
the North quadrant on the East side of the North gate, was the
common beames for weighing of wooll, and other wares, as had
béene accustomed: on the west side the gate was the scales to way
meale: the other thrée sides were reserued for the most part to the
making and resting of the pageants shewed at midsommer in the
watch: the remnant of the sides and quadrantes were imployed
for the stowage of wooll sackes, but not closed vp: the lofts aboue
were partly vsed by the painters in working for the decking of pa-
geants and other deuises, for beautifying of the watch and watch-
men, the residue of the loftes were letten out to marchantes, the
wooll winders and packers therein to wind and pack their wools :
And thus much for Leaden Hall may suffice.
Now on the North of Limestréete warde in the high stréet, are
diuers faire houses for marchants, and proper tenements for ar-
tificers, with an alley also called Shaft Alley, of the shaft or May-
pole sometime resting ouer the gale thereof, as I haue declared
in Aldegate warde. In the yeare 1576 partly at the charges of
the parish of S. Andrew, and partly at the charges of the chamber
of London, a water pumpe
A pumpe in
the high street
of Limestreet
was raised in this high stréet of Lime-
stréete warde
, néere vnto Limestréet corner: for the placing of the
which pumpe, hauing broken vp the ground, they were forced to
digge more then two fadome déepe
in some
place raysed 2,
fadom higher
then of old
time, as ap-
peared by buil-
dings founde
so deep.
before they came to any maine
ground: where they found a harth made of Britaine (or Romayne)
tyle as they call it, euery tile halfe yarde square and about two in-
ches thicke: they found cole lying there also, (for that lying whole
will neuer consume) then digging one fadome into the maine
they found water sufficient, and set vp the pumpe. Thus much for
the high stréete.
In S. Mary streete had ye of old time parish Church of S.
the virgine
, S. Vrsula, and the 11000.
Parish church
of Mary S. Vr-
, & 11000
vigines called
at the Axe, let-
ten out for a
virgines, which
Church was commonly called S. Mary at the Axe, of the signe of
an Axe, ouer against the East end thereof, or S. Marie Pellipar
of a plot of ground lying on the North side thereof, pertayning to
the Skinners in London. This parrish about the yeare 1565.
was vnited to the parish Church of S. Andrew Vndershaft,

and so was S. Mary at the Axe suppressed, and letten out to bee a
warehouse for a Marchant. Also against the North end of this S.
Parish church
of S. Austine
in the wall

made a chap-
pell to the pa-
pey, and since
pulled downe
made a stable.
sometime one other parish Church of S. Augu-
, called S. Augustine in the wall, for that if stood adioyning to
the wall of the Citie: and otherwise called S. Augustines Papey,
for that about the yeare 1430. in the raigne of Henry the ſixt, the
same Church was allowed to the brethren of the Papey, the house
of poore priestes, whereof I haue spoken in Aldgate warde. The
parishioners of this Church were appointed to the parish Church
of Alhallowes in the wall
, which is in Breadstreet ward, this
brotherhood (called Papey) being suppressed, the church of S. Au-
was pulled downe, and in place thereof one Grey a Po-
thecarie builded a stable, and a heyloft: it is now a dwelling house,
reseruing the Church yarde for a garden plot. Those two parish
Churches both lying in the Warde of Limestréet, being thus sup-
pressed, there is not any one parish church or place for diuine seruice
in that warde, but the inhabitants thereof repayre to Churches,
out of their Ward, namely to S. Peter vpon Cornehill in Corne-
hill warde
, S. Andrew in Aldegate warde, Alhallowes in the
in Breadstréete warde, and some to S. Denis in Langborne
. Now because of late there hath beene some question, to
what ward this Church or chappel of S. Augustine Papie should
of right belong, for the same hath béen challenged by them of Ald-
, and without reason taken into Bishopsgate warde,
from Limestréete warde, I am somewhat to touch it. About 30.
Houses by
London wall,
in the warde
of Limestreet
since the chamber of London granted a lease of ground (in
these words) lying néere London wall in the ward of Limestréet,
from the West of the said church or chappell of S. Augustine, Pa-
, towardes Bishopsgate &c. On the which plat of grounde the
lease, builded thrée faire tenements, and placed tennantes there:
these were charged to beare scot and lot, and some of them to beare
office in Limestréete warde: all which they willingly did without
grudging. And when any suspected or disordered persons were by
the Landlord placed there, the officers of Limestréete warde fetch-
ed them out of their houses, committed them to the warde, procu-
red their due punishments, and banished them from thence: where-
by in short time that place was reformed & brought into good or-

der: which thing being noted by them of Aldegate Warde, they
moued their Alderman Sir Thomas Offley to call in those hou-
ses to be of his warde: but I my selfe shewing a faire ledgier booke
sometime pertaining to the late dissolued Priorie of the holy Tri-
within Aldegate, wherein were set downe the iust bounds of
Aldegate ward, before Sir Thomas Offley, Sir Rowland Hey-
, the common counsell and Wardemote inquest of the saide
Limestréete ward, Sir Thomas Offley gaue ouer his challenge:
and so that matter rested in good quiet, vntill the yeare 1579. that
Sir Rychard Pype being Mayor, and Alderman of Bishopsgate
A part of
withheld by
challenged those houses, to be of his Warde, whereunto
(without reason shewed) Sir Rowland Heyward yeelded: and
thus is that side of the stréete from the North corner of S. Mary
, almost to Bishopsgate, (wherein is one plot of ground let-
ten by the Chamberlaine
A churchyard
by London
ning to Saint
Martins O
This text has been supplied. Reason: The text is not clear for some reason not covered by other values of @reason. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on guesswork. (SM)tos7
wich in Bi-
Liber frater
of London to the parish of S. Martins
, to be a churchyard, or burying place for the dead of that
parish &c.) vniustly drawne from the warde of Limestreet. Di-
uers other proofes I could set downe, but this one following may
suffice. The Mayor and Aldermen of London made a graunt to
the fraternitie of Papie, in these wordes: Bee it remembred
that where now of late the mayster and wardens of the fraterni-
tie of the Papie haue made a bricke wall, closing in the chappell of
Saint Augustine
called Papie Chappell, scituate in the parish
of All-saintes in the wall, in the Warde of Limestreet of the
citie of London: from the southeast corner of the which bricke
wall, is a scutcheon of xxi.foote of assise from the said corner East-
ward. And from the same scuncheon there to a messuage of 55. foot
& a halfe westward, the said scuncheon breaketh out of line right
southward betwixt the measures aforesaid, iij, foot, and fiue inches
of assise, vpon the commō ground of the citie aforesaid, Raph Ver-
Mayor, & the Aldermen of the same cittie the of Oc-
tober, the ſixt yeare of Edward the fourth graunted to Iohn Hod
priest, mayster Iohn Bolt & Thomas Pachet priestes, wardens
of the fraternity of Papie aforesaid, and to their successors for euer,
&c. yeelding iiij.ď.sterling yearely at Michelmas8, and this is (saith
my booke) inrolled in the Guildhall in London: which is a suffi-
cient proofe the same plotte of ground to be of Limestréet ward.

On the south side of this streete stretching west from S. Mary
, towardes Bishopsgate street, there was of olde time one
large messuage builded of stone and timber,
Oxford place.
in the parish of S. Au-
, in the wall, now in the parish of Alhallowes in the same
wall, belonging to the Earle of Oxford, for Richard de Vere
Earle of Oxford possessed it in the 4. of Henry the fift, but in pro-
cesse of time the lands of the Earle fell to females, amongst the
which one being married to VVingfield of Suffolke: this house
with the apurtenances fell to his lot, and was by his heire Sir
Robert Wingfield
sold to M. Edward Cooke, at this time the
Queenes Atturney generall. This house being greatly ruinated
of late time, for the most part hath beene letten out to Powlters,
for stabling of horses and stowage of poultrie. One note more of
this warde, and so an end. I find of record, that in the yeare 1371
the 45. of Edward the thirde, a great subsidie of 100000.
Subsidie of
in the
yeare 1371.
£. was
granted towards the Kings wars in Fraunce, whereof the clear-
gie paid 50000. £. and the layitie 50000. £. to bee leuied in 39.
shires, of England, contayning parishes 8600. of euery parrish
5. £.xvj.SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGs.the greater to helpe the lesser: this Citie (as one of
the shires) then contayning 24. wardes, and in them 110. pa-
rishes, was therefore assessed to 635. £. 12. SMALL LATIN LETTER S WITH TILDE ABOVE; ABBREVIATION FOR SHILLINGs. whereof Limestréet
did beare 34. shillings and no more: so small a warde it was
and so accompted, as hauing no one whole parrish therein, but
small portions onely, of two parishes in that warde. This ward
hath an Alderman, his deputie, common counsailors 4. Consta-
bles 4. Scauengers 2. Wardemote inquest 16. and a Beadle,
and is taxed to the fifteene at 40. shillings, or thereabout.


  1. Unclear; context obvious. (SM)
  2. This must be incorrect. The Earldom for Hereford ended with Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Early of Hereford in 1373. (JT)
  3. Page number reads 115. (NAP)
  4. The two dates do not correspond here. The 3 of Edward IV was not in 1464, but 1462-1463. (NAP)
  5. Letter missing; context obvious. (SM)
  6. Unclear. (SM)
  7. Underinking. (SM)
  8. Celebrated on 29 September. (KL)
