
Aldermanbury ran north-south, between Lad Lane in the south and Love Lane in the north and parallel between Wood Street in the west and Basinghall Street in the east. It lay wholly in Cripplegate Ward. It is labelled, in significantly larger type, as Alderſmãbury on the Agas map.
For Stow, the many fables [that] haue been bruted about Aldermanbury are not worthy of recounting (1:292). Stow admits his belief that the first Guildhall stood on the east side of Aldermanbury; thus the street received its name as being adjacent to Gap in transcription. Reason: Editorial omission for reasons of length or relevance. Use only in quotations in born-digital documents.[…] the bury or court of the aldermen of the city (Harben). At the time of Stow’s Survey, however, the Guildhall had been relocated to the corner of Basinghall Street and Cateaton Street. Other important sites included the fayre Well with two Buckets Gap in transcription. Reason: Editorial omission for reasons of length or relevance. Use only in quotations in born-digital documents.[…] of late yeares conuerted to a pump situated at the intersection of Cateaton Street, Aldermanbury, Milk Street, and Lad Lane, and the Aldermanbury conduit, at the crossroad of Love Lane, Aldermanbury, and Gayspur Lane (1:292).
Aldermanbury survives in modern London. It has been extended northward, absorbing Gayspur Lane.
