Survey of London: Lazar Houses

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Now of Leprose people, and lazar houses.
IT is to be obserued, that leprose persons were alwaies for auoi-
ding the daunger of infection, to be seperated from the sounde: God himselfe commanding to put out of the host euery leaper, &c.
Numbers 5.
Wherevpon I reade in a prouinciall sinode holden at West-
by Hubert Archbishop of Canterburie, in the yeare of Christ 1200. the ſecond of King Iohn it was decréed according to the institution of the Lateran counsaile, that when so many leprose people were assembled, that might be able to build a church with a church yarde for themselues, and to haue one especiall Priest of their owne, that they should be permitted to haue the same with-
out contradiction so they be not iniurious to the old churches, by that which was graunted to them for pitties sake: And further it was decréed, that they be not compelled to giue any tithes of their gardens or increase of cattell.
I haue moreouer hearde that there is a writte in our Law, de leproso amouendo,
Leprose per-
sons to be voi-
ded the Cittie.
and I haue read that King Edward the third in the 20. yeare of his raigne, gaue commandement to the Mayor and Sheriffes of London, to make proclamation in euery Ward; of the Citie and suburbes, that all leprose persons inhabiting there

The Temporall gouernment.
should auoid within fiftéene daies next, and that no man suffer any such leprose person to abide within his house, vpon paine to forfeite his said house, and to incurre the kinges further displeasure: And that they should cause the said Lepers to be remoued into some out places of the fieldes, from the haunt or Company of sound people, whereupon certaine Lazar houses (as may bée supposed) were then builded without the Citty, some good distance, to wit, the locke without Southwarke in Kent street, one other betwixt the Miles end, and Stratforde Bow, one other at Kingesland, betwixt Shoreditch, and Stoke Newington, and an other at Knightes Bridge, west from Charing Crosse.
Lazar houses builded.
These foure I haue noted to be erected for the receipt of Leprouse people, sent out of the City at that time. Finally I reade that one William Pole Yeoman of the Crowne, being striken with a Leaprosie, was desirous to build an Hospitall, with a Chappell to the honor of S. Anthonie for the releefe and harborow of such Leprouse persons, as were de-
stitute in the kingdome, to the end they should not bée offensiue to other in their passing to and fro, for the which cause Edward the fourth did by his Charter dated in the 12. of his raigne giue vnto the said William for ener1 a certaine parcell of his land lying in his high way of Highgate, and Holloway, within the County of Middlesex, contayning 60. foot in length, and 34. in bredth.


  1. I.e. euer (SM)