Variant Toponyms Listed by Carlin and Belcher

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Variant Toponyms listed by Carlin and Belcher

This document lists the variant toponyms listed in Martha Carlin and Victor Belcher’s Gazetteer to the c.1270 and c.1520 Maps with Historical Notes (1989). The variants are grouped according to the MoEML XML:id and authority name for the place. Where MoEML’s authority name differs from the headword in Carlin and Belcher, we include the headword among the variants. Note that this finding aid is not an edition of Carlin and Belcher’s gazetteer, but rather a different way of capturing key data they have compiled for their gazetteer. Our main aim in capturing the variant toponyms in tabular form here is to populate the MoEML gazetteer dynamically with all of these variants. Our own gazetteer is designed for use in NLP applications to scan large corpora for toponyms. Ingesting Carlin and Belcher’s aggregation of toponymic variants makes our gazetteer more exhaustive. See also our cross-indices to Pantzer, Ekwall, and Sugden.
Carlin and Belcher include the dates of the sources in which they found each variant. We have not captured the dates, but encourage users to refer to Carlin and Belcher’s excellent work for further information. Their gazetteer is helpfully available in three downloadable PDF files; the item will download when you click on the link:
MoEML Authority Name MoEML XML:id Carlin and Belcher Authority Name Carlin and Belcher Variants MoEML Note
Abbey of St. Mary Graces ABBE2 Abbey of St Mary Graces New Church Haw, Eastminster
Abchurch Lane ABCH1 Abchurche Lane Abchurche Lane, Abechirchelane
Addle Hill ADDL1 Athelyngstrete (Baynard’s Castle) Athelingestrate, Athelyngstrete
Addle Street ADDL2 Adelstrete (Cripplegate) Addelane, Adelstrete
Adwych Lane ADWY1 Adwych Lane Aldewichstrate, Foscewe Lane, Adwych
Aldermanbury ALDE1 Aldermanbury vicus Regius de Aldermannbury, Aldermanbury
Aldersgate ALDE3 Aldersgate
Aldersgate Bars ALDG5 Aldersgate Bars
Aldersgate Street ALDE4 Aldersgate Street Aldredesgate, vicus de Aldredesgate
Aldgate ALDG1 Aldgate Æst geat, Algate, Aldgate, Algate, Alegate
Aldgate Bars ALDG3 Aldgate Bars
Aldgate Street ALDG4 Algatestrete Alegatestrete, Algatestrete Carlin and Belcher note that Alegatestrete was also used to designate other streets converging on Aldgate Street.
All Hallows Barking ALLH2 All Hallows Barking (Barkkingchurch, St Mary Barkingchurch), Church of Barkingchurch, Church of All Hallows Barking, St. Mary Barking Church, St. Mary Barkingchurch
All Hallows, Bread Street ALLH3 All Hallows Bread Street (Watling Street), Church of Church of All Hallows Bread Street, Lafullecherche, All Hallows Watling Street
All Hallows the Great ALLH6 All Hallows the Great, Church of All Hallows in the Ropery, All Hallows Seaman’s Church
All Hallows (Honey Lane) ALLH8 All Hallows Honey Lane, Church of All Hallows Honey Lane, Church of
All Hallows The Less ALLH7 All Hallows The Less (upon the Cellar, near the Ropery), Church of Church of All Hallows the Less, All Hallows upon the CellarAll Hallows near the Ropery
All Hallows, Lombard Street ALLH4 All Hallows Gracechurch (Cornhill, Lombard Street), Church of All Hallows Gracechurch, All Hallows, Cornhill, Church of All Hallows Gracechurch
All Hallows (London Wall) ALLH1 All Hallows on (or by) London Wall, Church of All Hallows on London Wall, Church of, All Hallows by London Wall, Church of
All Hallows Staining ALLH5 All Hallows Staining (Stainingchurch) Church of Stainingchurch, Church of All Hallows Staining
Almshouses (St. Giles Cripplegate) STGI5 St. Giles (Cripplegate), Hall and Almshouses of Fraternity of Hall of Fraternity of St. Giles (Cripplegate), Almshouses of Fraternity of St. Giles (Cripplegate)
Almshouses (Wood Street) WOOD23 Almshouses (Wood Street)
Amen Corner AMEN1 Amen Lane Amen Lane
Anchor Lane ANCH1 Ankar Lane Ankar Lane, Cressynghamlane, Anker lane, Vinter’s Place, Fatteslane Carlin and Belcher note that Vinter’s Place is in contemporary usage. (Carlin and Belcher 64).
Andrew’s Cross ANDR14 The Andrew’s Cross (Chancery Lane) Andrew’s Cross (Chancery Lane), Andrew’s Cross inn
Angel Inn (Adwych) ANGE11 Angel Inn (Aldwych) Angel Inn (Adwych), Angel in the Hope, le Angel
Angel Inn (Bishopsgate) ANGE1 The Angel (Bishopsgate) Angel (Bishopsgate)
The Antelope (Holborn) ANTE1 Antelope, The (Holborn) TheSign of The Antelope
Armourer’s Hall ARMO1 Armourer’s Hall Formerly Dragon and two shops until 1428.
Arundel House ARUN1 Bath and Wells, Inn of the Bishop of Inn of the Bishop of Bath and Wells, Bathes Inne, Bath Place
Atrium (St. Paul’s) ATRI1 Atrium (St Paul’s Cathedral Precinct) Added to MoEML on authority of Carlin and Belcher.
Austin Friars AUST1 Austin Friary Austin Friary
Ave Maria Lane AVEM1 Ave-Maria Aly Ave-maria aly, Ave-Maria Aly
Bangor Inn BANG1 Bangor, Inn of the Bishop of Inn of the Bishop of Bangor
Baker’s Hall BAKE1 Bakers’ Hall Bakers’ Hall
Ball Alley BALL1 Ball Alley (London Wall) Ball Alley (London Wall), Ball Alley
Ballardes Lane BALL5 Ballardes Lane
Barbers’ Hall BARB1 Barbers’ Hall
Barbican BARB3 Barbican or Bas(e) Court Barbikan, Bas Court, Base Court, le Barbycane, Manor of Bas Court, Barbican
Barbican BARB2 Le Barbycane Barbecanstret, le Barbycane
The Barge BARG4 Barge, The Burkerelesbury, Bokelersbury, le Barge, Bukerel’s House
Barnards Inn BARN1 Barnard’s Inn Barnard’s Inn, Macworthe Inne, Barnardes Inne
Bartholomew Lane BART1 saynt Bathellmuw lane (Lothbury) saynt Bathellmuw lane, Bartholomew Lane (Lothbury), saynt Bathellmuw lane (Lothbury)
Bartholomew’s Lane (West Smithfield) BART22 Barthilmewis Lane (West Smithfield) Barthilmewis Lane (West Smithfield), Barthilmewis Lane Added to MoEML on authority of Carlin and Belcher.
Basinghall Street BASI2 Bassinghawstrete Bassinghallstrete, Bassisaw, Bassinghawstrete
Bassett’s Inn BASS9 Bassett’s Inn Bassettisyn Added to MoEML on authority of Carlin and Belcher
Basinghall Street BASI2 Bassinghawstrete Basinghall Street, street of Basingeshawe, Bassinghawstrete, Bassinghaw-strete, Bassisaw
Basing Lane BASI3 Bassinglane Bassinglane
Baynard’s Castle BAYN1 Baynard’s Castle Duke’s Wardrobe
Bearbinder Lane BEAR2 Berebynder Lane Berebynder Lane, Wolcherhawelane
Bear Inn (Basinghall Street) BEAR3 Bear, The (Basinghall Street) Bear (Basinghall Street)
Bear (London Wall) BEAR12 Bear, The (London Wall)
Beachamp’s Inn BEAC2 New Inn (Thames Street) New Inn (Thames Street), New Inn, Beauchamp Inn, Beaumont Inn
Beaumont’s Inn (Wood Street) BEAU19 Beaumont’s Inn (Wood Street)
Beaurepair BEAU20 Beaurepair
Bell Inn (Coleman) BELL6 Bell (Coleman) The Bell (Coleman)
Bell Inn (Holborn) BELL3 Bell (Holborn) The Bell (Holborn)
Bell Savage Inn BELL7 Belle Savage, The (Fleet Street) The Bell Savage, The Bell Savage Inn (Fleet Street), Topfelds Inn, Savagesynn, le Belle on the Hope, le belle savage
Bevis Marks BEVI2 Bury St Edmunds, Inn of the Abbot of Inn of the Abbot of Bury St Edmunds
Beer Lane BEER2 Berelane (Great Tower Street) Berelane, Berwardeslane
Bevis Marks BEVI1 Bevesmarkes Bevesmarkes
Billingsgate BILL1 Billingsgate
Billingsgate Street BILL6 Billingsgate Strete vicus de Billingsgate, Billingsgate Strete
Billiter Lane BILL3 Bylleter lane Belthotereslan, Belyeterslane, Bylleter lane
Birchin Lane BIRC1 Byrchyn lane Byrchyn Lane, Berchervereslane
Bishop’s Palace BISH7 Palace of the Bishop of London Palace of the Bishop of London, Bishop of London’s Palace, Bishop of London’s Yard
Bishopsgate BISH2 Bishopsgate
Bishopsgate Street BISH3 Bisshopesgatestrete Bisshopesgatestrete
The Bishop (Gray’s Inn Road) BISH9 Bishop, The (Grey’s Inn Road) le Bychope, le Bysshop
Blackfriars Stairs BLAC17 Blackfriars Stairs
Black Swan Inn BLSW1 Swan on the Hoop, The (Holborn) The Black Swan, The Swan on the Hoo
Blacksmiths’ Hall BLAC2 Blacksmiths’ Hall
Blackwell Hall BAKE2 Blackwell Hall Clifford’s Hall, Bakkewellehalle, Blackwelhall
Bladder Street BLAD1 Bladder Street
Blanch Appleton BLAN1 Blanch Appleton (Manor), Blanch Appleton (house) Blanch Appleton (Manor), Blanch Appleton (house) Unlike MoEML, the Carlin and Belcher gazetteer has two separate entries: one for the house and one for the manor (the larger area containing the house).
Blossomss Inn BLOS1 Blossom’s (or Bosom’s) Inn Blossom’s Inn, Bosom’s Inn, Blosmeshyn
Broad Street BROA2 Bradstrete Bradstrete, Old Broad Street, Threadneedle Street
Broad Lane BROA6 Brodelane Brodelane, Pikardeslane, Brodlane nuper Pykardeslane
Broken Wharf BROC1 Broken Wharf (S. of Broken Wharf Mansion) Broke Wharffe, Bockyng Wharffe
Broken Wharf Mansion BROK5 Broken Wharf Mansion Bigod’s House, mansion called Brokenwharf, the Duke of Norfolk’s Place
Brook’s Wharf BROK6 Broke Wharffe (W. of Queenhithe) Broke Wharffe, Bockyng Wharffe
Browne’s Place and Key BROW20 Browne’s Place and Key Asselynes, Asshelynes, Browne’s Place, Bledlowes Key
Budge Row BUDG1 Bowgerowe Bowgerowe, Bogerowe, Watelyng Street
The Bolt and Tun (Fleet Street) BOLT5 Bolt and Tun, The (Fleet Street) le Boltinton inn, Bolt and Tun
Bordhaw Lane BORD1 Bordhawlane Venella de la Bordhawe
Bosham’s Inn BOSH1 Bosham’s Inn le Bernes by the Stronde, Bosehammesyn, Bosammesynne
Boss Alley (Billingsgate) BOSS5 Boss Alye (Billingsgate) bosse alye
Boss Alley (Paul’s Wharf) BOSS1 Bosse Lane (Paul’s Wharf) Boss allee, Bosse Lane
Boss (Billingsgate) BOSS2 Boss (Billingsgate) Plot of land called Romland or Romeland.
Boss (Cripplegate) BOSS3 Boss (Cripplegate)
Botolph’s Wharf BOTO2 Botulphiswharf Botulphiswharf
Bow Lane BOWL1 Bow Lane (Dowgate Hill) les ArchesCollege Street, Paternoster (cherche) lane, Eldebowelane
Bucklersbury BUCK1 Bokelersbury (street) Bokelersbury Carlin and Belcher note that this is connected to The Barge, which was formerly houses called Burkerelesbury. (Carlin and Belcher 65). Bucklersbury refers to the street on which those houses were located.
Browne’s Place and Key BROW20 Browne’s Place and Key Brownes Place, Pakkemannys Wharf, Pakenames Wharf, Browne’s Key, Dawbeneys Wharf, Cuttes wharf, Bledlowes Key The name of the quay changed with the owners over time. Check Carlin and Belcher for more information on the temporal range of each variant.
Bull Wharf BULL6 Debillane Debillane, Dibleslane, Debbes Lane
Burley House BURL1 Burley House (formerly Fécamp Inn) Fécamp Inn, Inn of the Abbot of Fécamp, Fescamp Inn
Bury Street BURY1 Burye Street Burye Street
Bush lane BUSH1 Endleslane Endleslane, Gonnepearelane, Goffaireslane, Govereslane, Le Busshlane, Busshlane, Le Bussh(e)tavern, Le Busshetavern in the lane
Botolph Alley BOTO4 Catelane (Botolph Lane) Catelane, Catelane (Botolph Lane)
Botolph’s Wharf BOTO2 Botulphiswharf Common Key, kaiu[m] sncti Botulphi
Brig Street NEWF1 Briggestrete Briggestrete, Bruggestrate, Briggestrete
Camera Diane CAME1 Camera Diane Segrave, Rosamund’s House
Campion Lane CAMP6 Heywharfe Lane Batteslane, Heywharfe Lane, lane del Heywarf, Batteslane, Wynges Lane, Germayneslane, Wendegoslane, Wynges Lane Several of these variants are inherited from the Carlin and Belcher entry for Wynges Lane.
Candlewick Street CAND1 Canwikstrete Canwikstrete, Candelwryhttestrate
Carter Lane CART1 Carter Lane (Castle Baynard) Carterstrate
The Castle CAST4 The Castle (Wood Street) The Castle (Wood Street)
Cateaton Street CATE1 Catte Street Cattestrate, Catton Lane
Chancery Lane CHAN1 Chaunceler Lane Converslane
Cheapside Street CHEA2 Cheppes syed Cheppes syed Carlin and Belcher note that the street in the Middle Ages was narrower and shorter than the conttemporary street (Carlin and Belcher 69).
Church Lane (All Hallows) CHUR9 All Hallows Lane All Hallows Lane, Haywharf Lane
Charterhouse Lane CHAR3 Charterhouselane Charterhouselane, Charterhouse Square
Cheap Cross (Eleanor Cross) ELEA1 Cheap Cross (or Great Cross in Cheapside) Great Cross in Cheapside
Christ Church CHRI1 Franciscan Friary (Grey Friars) Franciscan FriaryChrist Chuch Newgate Street
Church Alley CHUR1 Church Alley (Mark Lane) Craddockeslane, Church alley, Craddokeslane, Star Alley Carlin and Belcher note that Star Alley is the name in contemporary use (Carlin and Belcher 69).
Church Lane (Vintry Ward) CHUR2 Vanners Lane Church Lane, Fannerslane, schakkeslane, sackeslane, Vanners Lane Stow uses Church Lane as the toponym in contemporary use (Stow i. 240). In his 1598 Survey of London, Stow writes that following St. Martin’s Church, [t]hen next is Vanners lane, so called of one Vanner that was owner therof, it is now called church lane, of the comming vp from the wharfe to S. Martins church. (Stow i.240).
City Ditch, the Minories DITC1 City Wall and Ditch City Wall and Ditch
Clerk’s Hall CLER3 Parish Clerks, Hall and Almshouses of Fraternity of Hall and Almshouses of Fraternity of Parish Clerks, Almshouses (Bishopsgate) The Carlin and Belcher entry is for a site in Bishopsgate Ward. According to Stow, the hall moved to Vintry Ward, presumably between 1520 and 1598.
Clerkenwell Road CLER2 Clerkenwele Strete Clerkenwell Street, street of Clerckenwell, Clerkenwele strete
Cloak Lane CLOA1 Bridge (Dowgate Hill) Horshew bridge streete
Cock Lane COCK1 Coklane Coklane, Cockeslane
Cokedon Hall COKE3 Cokedon Hall Added to MoEML on authority of Carlin and Belcher
Coldeherburghlane COLD4 Coldherburghlane the Vennel, Sayers lane, Armenterslane, Westoneslane, Coldherburgh Lane
Coleman Street COLE1 Colman Street Colman Street, Colemanstrete, Colechurch Lane, Colechurchstrete
College Hill COLL1 Riall, Le Le Riall, La Riole, Paternosterstret(e)
Compter Alley COMP2 Counter Alley Counter Alley, Counter Aley
Conduit (Cornhill) COND3 Conduit (The Tun) (Cornhill, near Pillory) The Tun
Conyhope Lane CONY1 Conyhope Lane Coneyhope Lane, Conehope lane
Cordwainer Street CORD3 Cordewanerstrete Corveyserestrate, Cordewanerstrete
Cornhill CORN2 Cornhull Cornhull, Cornhell
Cousin Lane COUS1 Cussyn Lane Cosinlane, Cussyn Lane
Cow Face COWF1 Cow Face selda tannariorum, le Tanneresselde, Cowhede
Cow Lane COWL1 Cowelane Cowelane
Creed Lane CREE2 Sporyer Rowe Sporenereslane, Crede Lane, Sporyer Rowe
Crockers Lane CROC1 Crokers Lane Crokers Lane, Crokers lane, Crockerelane
Crooked Lane CROO1 Crokyd Lane Crokyd Lane, la Crokedelane
Crosby Hall CROS1 Crosby Place Crosby Place
Crutched Friars CRUT1 Crouchedfrerestrete, Le Le Crouchedfrerestrete, the Cruchydffrers
Custom Key CUST2 Woole Wharfe (or Quay) Woole Wharfe (or Quay), woole wharfe, Custome House Quay
Cutlers’ Hall CUTL1 Cutlers’ Hall domus Cottellariorum, the Cutlery
Deep Ditch DEEP2 Deep Ditch (Moorfield) Depeditche, depe ditch
Desborne Lane DESB1 Disebourlane Daneborgate, Denebureghlane, Desebournelane, Disebourlane
Dicers Lane (Newgate) DICE1 Dicerslane (or ‘le Redye’) (Newgate) Cecilelane, Dicereslane, le Redye
Do Little Lane DOLI1 Do Little Lane Doliteslane
Doctors’ Commons (Knightrider Street) DOCT1 Mountjoy’s Inn (Knightrider Street) Mountjoy’s Inn Carlin and Belcher connect this location to Monte Jovis Inn, but treat it as a separate location.
Dowgate Street DOWG1 Douegatstrete, Street called Dowgate
Drinkwater Wharf DRIN1 Drynkwater Wharf Drynkwater Wharf, le Westwherf, Cokkeswharf
Duklane DUKL1 Duklane Dukelane, Dokelane
Dycekey DYCE1 Dycekey le Dycekey, Dentoneswharf
East Smithfield EAST1 East Smithfield Smethefeld, Estsmethefeld
Eastcheap EAST2 Estchepe Estchepe, Kissan
Emperor’s Head Lane EMPE1 Emperours Headlane, Le Emperours Headlane, le Emperours Headlane, Palmer(e)slane, Cookeslane, le Emperoursheved, Bell Wharf Lane
Fenchurch Strete FENC1 Fanchurche Strete Fancherchestrate, Fanchurche Strete
Fishmongers’ Hall FISH2 Fishmongers’ Hall Stockfishmonger Row
Fish Wharf FISH3 Fisshwharf at Le Hole Viswarf, Kaya que vocatur le Fisshewharff, Wysswarf, Fichwharf, Le Fisshwharf at le Hole
Fleet Street Conduit FLEE8 Fleet Conduit Fleet Conduit
Fleet Hill or Ludgate Hill FLEE2 Bower Rowe Lutgatestrate, Bowiaresrowe. Bower Rowe
Goose Alley GOOS1 Gosselane Goselane, Bowlane
Gracechurch Street GRAC1 Graschestret Garscherch street, Graschestret
Grantam Lane GRAN6 Grantam Lane Grantam lane, Bathestereslane, Brackelelane, Brackeloeslane
Guildhall of the Hanseatic League HANS7 Hanse Guildhall Hanse Guildhall, Guildhall of Cologne merchants, Hall of the Teutons, Danishmanneshalle, (guild)hall of Eastlandia, (guild)hall of the Esterlyngys, Esterlyngeshalle
Harbour Lane HERB6 Harbour Lane Herber Lane, Erber Lane Brykhill Lane, Brikels lane
Hospital of St. Mary within Cripplegate STMA58 St Mary within Cripplegate, Hospital (or Priory) of (Elysing Spital Priory of St Mary within Cripplegate, Elsying Spital
Ivy Lane IVYL1 Ivie Lane Alsies Lane, Folkemares lane, Fukemerlane, Ivilane
The Key (Cheapside) KEY01 The Key (Cheapside) Painted Seld, Great Seld, Broad Seld
Lincoln’s Inn Fields LINC1 Purse Field and Cup Field Cup Field, Purse Field, Cop-field, Purs-field, Lincoln’s Inn Field
Little Britain LITT1 Britten Strete Britten Strete, Brettonestrete
Little Conduit LITT2 Conduit by St. Paul’s Gate (in Westcheap, Little Conduit Conduit by St. Paul’s Gate
London Wall (street) LOND3 London Walle (street) Babeloyne, London Walle
Lovel’s Inn LOVE9 Brittany, Inn of the Earl of or Lovell’s Inn Inn of the Earl of Brittany, Lovell’s Inn
Maiden Lane MAID1 Engelenelane Englenelane, Mayden Lane, Yengellane
Masons Alley MASO7 Masons Alley Duties alley, Sprincle alley
The Manor and Liberty of the Savoy SAVO1 Savoy, The Duchy House
Merchant Taylors’ Almshouses MERC7 Merchant Taylors’ Hall Almshouses (by St. Martin Outwich)
Milk Street MILK1 Milkstrete Milkstrete, Melcstrate
Milton Street GRUB1 Milton Street Milton Street, Grobbestrate, Grubstrete, Grubbestrate
Mincing Lane MINC1 Menechinelane Menechinelane, Mynchenlane, Mynchyn lane, Mynchenlane
Monkwell Street MONK1 Monkwell Square Monkwell Square, Mugwellstrete, Mucwelle Stret
More Lane MORE4 Morelane Morelane, le Morestrate, Morestrete
New Fish Market NEWF2 New Fish Market the new fish market, nova piscar’
New Inn NEWI1 New Inn (Aldwych) New Inn (Aldwych)
New Seldam SELD1 Crowned Seld le Crowne
Newgate NEWG1 Newgate Chamberleingate
Old Bailey OLDB1 Old Bailly, The Bailey, Old Bailly, la Ballie
Old Fish Street OLDF1 Old Fysshestrete (Knightrider Street) Olde Fysshestrete
Old Fish Street Hill OLDF2 Old Fishstreete hill Baggardeslane, Oldefisshestretelone, St Mary Mounthaunt lane
Old Hall OLDH1 Pont de l’Arche’s House Pont de l’Arche’s House
Old Jewry OLDJ1 Olde Jury Olde Jury, Colechurchstrete, Sakfrere lane
Ormond Place ORMO1 Ormond’s Inn Ormond’s Inn
Oyster Gate OYST1 Oystergate Oystergate, Ostregate
Oysterhill OYST3 Osterhull Osterhull, Ostregate
New Fish Street NEWF1 Briggestrete BriggestreteBruggestrate
Pembroke’s Inn PEMB5 Pembroke’s Inn Bergarvenny House, Brittany InnBrittany Inn Pembroke’s Inn or Pembrook’s Inn became Bergavenny House or Abergavenny House after its ownership shifted to from the Earls of Pembroke to Henry Neville in the sixteenth century (Blagden 212, Harben 467). The Stationers’ Company took ownership of the location by 1606 and it became the new Stationers’ Hall.
Popyngay POPY1 Poppins Court Poppins Court, Popyngay Alley, Popyngaye
Popys Alley POPY2 Popys Allye (Thames Street) Popys Allye, Popys Allye
Poultry POUL2 Compter (or Counter), The (Poultry) Compter, Counter, The Compter, The Counter
Posterngate POST1 Postern Gate (Tower) Cungate
Ratten Lane RATT1 Ratten Lane Batoneslane, Ratones Lane Added to MoEML on authority of Carlin and Belcher.
Rolls Chapel ROLL1 Rolls, The The Rolles, Domus Conversorum, House of Converts
Manor of the Rose ROSE1 Manor of the Rose or Pountney’s (Pulteney’s) Inn Pountney’s Inn, Pulteney’s Inn, Red Rose
Serjeants’ Inn (Chancery Lane) SERJ2 Serjeants’ Inn (Chancery Lane Faryndon Inn, Grey’s Place, Serjeants Inne, Scrope’s Inn, Scrops Inne, Scrops Inne According to Carlin and Belcher, Sir Henry le Scrope owned the Inn by 1344. By 1484, searjants-at-law occupied the place as an Inn of Chancery, at which point it began to be known as Serjeants’ Inn (Carlin and Belcher 93.
St. Dunstan’s Hill STDU1 St. Dunstan’s Lane St. Dunstanlane, Dunstoneslane
St. Gabriel Fenchurch STGA1 St Mary Fenchurch, Church of Church of St. Mary Fenchurch, St. Mary Fenchurch, All Hallows Fenchurch
St. Giles Cripplegate Vicarage (Cripplegate) STGI6 St. Giles Cripplegate, Vicarage of Vicarage of St. Giles Cripplegate
St. Katherine Coleman STKA1 St Katharine Coleman, Church of St Katharine Coleman, Church of, All Hallows Colemanchurch
St. Katherine’s Lane STKA4 St Catheryns Laen S. Catheryns laen
St. Mary de Barking BARK11 N/A Chapel of St. Mary de Barking, Berkyngchapel The Carlin and Belcher gazetteer does not create separate entires for chapels, hence no authority name. The chapel is mentioned in the entry for All Hallows Barking.
St. Martin, Vintry STMA26 St Martin Vintry (on Thames, Beremanchurch), Church of St. Martin Vintry on Thames, St. Martin Vintry Beremanchurch, Beremanchurch
Bethlehem Hospital BETH1 St Mary of Bethlehem, Priory and Hospital of Hospital of St Mary of Bethlehem, Priory of St. Mary of Bethlehem, Bedlam, Bedleem
St. Olave (Hart Stret) STOL2 Church of St Olave towards the Tower Church of St Olave towards the Tower, Church of St Olaf towards the Tower
St. Olave (Silver Stret) STOL4 Church of St Olave Monkwell Street Church of St Olave Monkwell Street, Church of St Olaf Monkwell Street
St. Swithins Lane STSW1 St Swithens Lane St Swithens LaneBaremanelane, vicus Sancti Swithuni
Stephens Lane STEP8 Chirchawlane Stephenslane, Chichawlane, Chirchawlane
Suffolk Lane SUFF1 Suffolke Lane Suffolke Lane, Wolsy Lane, Wolsyeslane, Basyngeslane Wollesys Lane alias Arundelleslane, Arundelleslane Carlin and Belcher note that Suffolk Lane is also called the variants of Wolsies Lane, its southern extension. Many of these variants are therefore inherited from the Wolsies Lane entry in Carlin and Belcher.
Stephens Lane STEP8 Chirchawlane Stephenslane, Chirchawlane, Chichawlane
St. Peter’s College Rents STPE8 (St) Peter’s College (or Priests’ House)
Trig Lane TRIG1 Tryggeslane Tryggeslane, lane towards le Fihswarf, lane called le Fihswarf, lane towards le Fysshwharfe, lane called le Fysshwharfe, Fishelane, Fish Lane Carlin and Belcher treat what MoEML has listed as four separate toponyms as a single entity: lane towards (or called) le Fihswarf (or Fysshwharfe) (Carlin and Belcher 96).
The Wall WALL2 City Wall and Ditch City Wall and Ditch
Warwick’s Inn WARW2 Warwick Inn (Newgate) Warwick Inn, Berkeley’s Inn Known as Warwick Inn while it was under the posession of earls of Warwick. Known as Berkeley’s Inn after it was taken by the Crown during the reign of Henry VII.
Watergate WATE3 Watergate (W. of Woole Wharfe) Estwatergate
Watling Street WATL1 Watling Street Watelyng Street, Athelyngstrate, vicus S. Augustini, Bowergerowe
West Fish Market WEST23 West Fish Market the west fish market, Westpiscaria
Whitecross Street WHIT3 Whitecross Street Everardes Wellestrata, Whytecroychstrate
Wolsies Lane WOLS1 Wolsy Lane Wolsy Lane, Wolsyeslane, Basyngeslane Wollesys Lane alias Arundelleslane, Arundelleslane See also Suffolk Lane, the northern extension of Wolsies Lane.
Woodroffe Lane WOOD2 Woodroffe Lane Woderouelane, Cooper’s Row
