Graduate student contribution

The Queen’s Majesty’s Passage

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of our moſt drad Soueraigne Lady
Quene Elyzabeth through the
citie of London to Westmin-
the daye before her


Cum privilego

The receiving of the Quenes maieſtie

Vpon Saturday, whiche was the
xiiii. day of Januarye in the yere
of our Lord God .1558
. about .ii.
of the clocke at after noone, the
moſt noble and Chriſtian prin-
ceſſe, our mooſte dradde ſoue-
raigne Ladye Elyzabeth by the
grace of god Quene of England, Fraunce & Ire-
, defendour of the faithe & marched from the
towre to paſſe through the citie of London towarde
Weſtminſter, richely furniſhed, & most honorably
accompanied, as well with gentilmen, Barons, &
other the nobilitie of this realme, asalſo with a no-
table trayne of goodly and beawtifull ladies, richly
appoynted. And entryng the citie was of the people
receiued merueylous entierly, as appeared by thaſ-
ſemblie, prayers, wiſhes, welcomminges, cryes, ten-
der woordes, and all other ſignes, whiche argue a
wonderfull earneſt loue of moſt obedient ſubiectes
towarde theyr ſoueraigne. And on thother ſyde her
grace by holding up her handes, and merie counte-
naunce to ſuch as ſtode farre of, and moſt tender &
gentle lāguage to thoſe that ſtode nigh to her grace,
did declare her ſelfe noleſſe thankefullye to receiue
her peoples good wyll, than they louingly offredit
unto her. To all that wyſhed her grace wel, ſhe gaue
heartie thankes, and to ſuche as bade God ſave her
grace, ſhe ſayde agayne god ſaue them all, and than
ked them with all her heart. So that on eyther ſyde
ther was notyng but gladnes, nothing but prayer:

The receiving

nothing but comfort. The Quenes maieſtie reioy-
ſed marueilouſlye to ſee, ye, ſo ecceadingly shewed to-
warde her grace, which all good princes have ever
deſyred, I meane ſo earneſt loue of ſubiectes, ſo eui-
dently declared euen to her graces owne persone be-
ing caried in the middeſt of them. The people again
wer wonderfully rauiſhed with the louing anſwers
and geſtures of theyr princeſſe, like to the which they
had before tryed at her firſt comming to the towre
from Hatfield. This her graces louing behauiour
preconceiued in the peoples heades upon theſe con-
ſideracions was then throughly confirmed, and in
dede emplanted a wonderfull hope in them tou-
chyng her woorthy gouernment in the reſt of her
reygne. For in all her paſſage she did not only shew
her moſt gracious loue toward the people in gene-
rall, but alſo priuately if the baſer perſonages had
either offred her grace any flowres or such like, as a
ſignificacion of their good wyll, or moued to her any
ſute, ſhe most gently, to the common reioyſing of all
the lookers on, & priuate comfort of ye partie, ſtaid
her chariot, and heard theyr requeſtes. So that if a
man ſhould ſay well, he could not better tearme the
citie of London that time, than a ſtage wherin was
ſhewed the wonderfull ſpectacle, of a noble hearted
princeſſe toward her most louing people, & the peo-
ples exceding comfort in beholding ſo worthy a ſo-
ueraigne, & hearing ſo princelike a voice which could
not but haue ſet thenemie on fyre, ſince ye vertue is
in thenemie alwayThis text has been supplied. Reason: Misprint or typesetting error. Evidence: The text has been supplied based on evidence internal to this text (context, etc.). (AR)s cōmended, much more could not

of the Quenes maiſtie.

but enflame her naturall, obedient, and moſt lo-
uyng people, whose weale leaneth onely uppon her
grace, and her gouernement. Thus therfore
the queenes maieſtie paſſed from the Towre
tyll she came to Fanchurche, the people on eche ſyde
ioyously beholdyng the viewe of ſo gracious a La-
dye theyr queene, and her grace no lesse gladlye no-
tyng and obſeruying the ſame. Hereunto fanchurch
was erected a ſcaffold richely furniſhed, wheron
stode a noyes of inſtrumentes, and a chyld in coſt
ly apparell, whiche was appoynted to welcome the
queenes maieſtie in the hole cities behalfe. Agaynſt
which place when her grace came, of her owne wyll
ſhe comaunded the chariot to be stayde, and that the
noyes might be appeaſed tyll the childe had uttered
his welcomming oration, which heſpake in Engliſh
meter as here foloweth.

O pereles ſoueraygne quene, behold what this thy town
Hath thee preſented with at thy fyrſt entraunce here:
Behold with how riche hope ſhe ledeth thee to thy crown
Beholde with what two gyfteſ ſhe comforteth thy chere.

The firſt is bleſſing tonges, which many a welcome ſay
Which pray thou maiſt do wel, which praiſe the to ſky
Which wiſh to the long lyfe, which bleſſe this happy day
Which to thy kingdome heapes, al that in tonges can lye.

The ſecond is true hertes, which loue thee fro their roote
Whoſe ſute is tryumphe now, and ruleth all the game.
Which faithfulneſ haue wone, & al untruthe driuen out,
Which ſkip for ioy, when as they heare thy happy name.

Welcome therefore O quene, as much as herte can thinke,
Welcome agayn O quene, as much as ſong can tell:
Welcome to ioyous tonges, & hertes that wil not shrink;
God ſhe preſerve we praye, & wiſhe thee euer well.

The receiving

At which wordes of the laſt line the hole people gaue
a great ſhout, wishing with one aſſent as the chylde
had ſaid. And the Quenes maieſtie thāked moſt har
tely both citie for this her gentle receiuing at the
firſt, & alſo the people for confirming the ſame. Here
was noted in the Queenes maiestieſ countenance,
during the time that the childe ſpake, besides a per-
petuall attentiuenes in her face, a meruelous chāge
in loke, as the childes wordes touched either her per
son or the peoples tonges and hertes. So that ſhe
with reioyſyng viſage did euidently declare that the
woordes tooke no leſſe place in her minde, than they
were moſte heartelye pronounced by the chylde, as frō
all the heartes of her moſt heartie citizeins.The
ſame verſes wer faſtened vp in a table vpon the ſcaf-
folde, and the latine therof likewiſe in latine verſes
in another table as hereafter ensuweth.

Vrbs tua quæ ingreſſu dederit tibi munera primo,
O Regina parem non habitura, vide.
Ad diadema tuum, te ſpe quám diuite mittat,
Quæ duo lætitæ det tibi dona, vide.
Munus habes primŭ, linguas bona multa precătes,
Quæ te quum laudant, tum pia vota ſonant,
Fœlicemgue diem hunc dicunt, tibi ſecula longa
Optant, et quicquid deniɋu, lingua poteſt.
Altera dona feres, vera, et tui amantia corda,

of the Quenes maieſtie

Quorum gens ludum iam regit vna tuum:
In quibus eſt infraƈta fides, falſumque peroſa,
Quæque tuo audito nomine læta ſalit
Grata venis igitur, quantum cor concipit vllum,
Quantum lingua poteſt dicere, grata venis.
Cordibus infraƈtis, linguisɋue per omnia lætis
Grata venis: ſaluam to velit eſſe deus.

Now when the childe had pronounced his orati-
on, and the Quenes highnes ſo thankefully had re-
ceiued it, ſhe marched forwarde towarde gracious
ſtreate, where at the upper ende, before the ſigne of
the Egle, the citie had erected a gorgeous and ſump
tuous arke as here foloweth.
A ſtage was made whiche extended from thone
ſyde of the ſtreate to thother, rychely uawted with
batlementes conteining three portes, and ouer the
middlemoſt was auaunced .iii. ſeuerall ſtages in de-
grees. Upon the loweſt ſtage was made one ſeate
royall, wherin wer placed two perſonages repreſen-
ting kynge Henrie the ſeuenth and Elyzabeth his
wyfe doughter of king Edward the fourth, eyther
of these two princes ſitting vnder one cloth of eſtate
in their ſeates, no otherwyſe diuided, but that thone
of them whiche was king Henrie the seuenth proce-
ding out of the house of Lancaſtre, was enclosed in
a read rose, and thother which was Queen Eliza-
being heire to the houſe of Yorke, encloſed with
a whyte

The receiving

a whyte rose, eche of them royally crowned, and de-
cently apparailled as apperteineth to princes, with
Sceptours in their hānds, & one vawt ſurmoūting
their heades, wherin aptlie wer placed two tables,
eche cōteining ye title of thoſe two princes. And theſe
perſonages wer ſo ſet, ye the one of thē ioyned han-
des with thother, with ye ring of matrimonie percei-
ued on ye finger. Out of the which two roſes ſprang
two braūches gathered into one, which wer directed
vpward to the ſecond ſtage or degree, wherin was
placed one, repreſenting the valiant & noble prynce
king Henrie theight which ſprong out of the former
ſtocke, crowned with a crowne imperiall, & by him ſate
one repreſentyng ye right worthie ladie quene Anne,
wife to the ſaid king Henrie theight, & mother to our
most ſoueraign ladie quene Elizabeth that now is,
both apparelled with Sceptours & diademes, and
other furniture due to the ſtate of a king & quene &
.ii. tables ſurmounting their heades wherein were
writtē their names & titles. Frō their ſeate alſo pro-
ceaded vpwardes one braūche directed to the thirde
and vppermoſt ſtage or degree, wherin lykewyſe
was planted a ſeat royall, in the whiche was ſette
one repreſentynge the Quenes moſt excellent ma-
ieſtie Elizabeth
nowe our moſte dradde soueraigne
Ladie, crowned and apparelled as thother pryn-
ces were. Oute of the forepart of this pageaunt
was made a ſtandyng for a chylde, whiche at the
Quenes maieſties cōming declared unto her ye hole
meaning of the ſaid pageaunt. The two ſides of the

of the Queenes Maieſtie.

ſame were filled with loude noyſes of muſicke.
And all emptie places thereof were furniſhed
with ſentences concerning unitie. And the hole
pageant garniſhed with redde roſes and white
and in the forefront of the ſame pageant in a faire
wreathe was written the name, and title of the
ſame, which was. The vniting of the two howſes
of Lancastre and Yorke
. Thys pageant was
grounded vpon the Queenes maieſties name.
For like as the long warre betwene the two hou-
ſes of Yorke and Lancaſtre then ended, when
Elizabeth doughter to Edwarde the fourthe mat-
ched in mariage wyth Henry the ſeventhe heyre
to the howſe of Launcaſter : ſo ſynce that
the Queenes maieſties name was Elizabeth, and
Forſomuch as ſhe is the onelye heire of Hen-
rye the eight
, which came of bothe the howses
as the knitting vp of concorde, it was deuiſed
that like as Elizabeth was the firſt occaſion of
concorde, ſo ſhe another Elizabeth might main-
taine the ſame among her ſubiectes, ſo that vnitie
was the ende wherat the whole deuiſe ſhotte, as
the maieſties names moued the firſt
grounde. Thys pageant now agaynſte the
Quenes maieſties comming was addreſſed with
children repreſenting the forenamed perſonages,
with all furniture dew vnto the ſetting forthe of
ſuch a matter well ment, as the argument decla-
red, coſtly and ſumptuouſlye ſet forthe, as the behol-
ders can beare witnes. Now the Quenes ma-

The receiving

ieſie drewe nere unto the ſayde pageaunt, and
forſomuch as the noyſe was greate by reaſon of
the preaſe of people, ſo that ſhe could ſkarce heare
the childe whyche did enterprete ye saide pageaunt,
and her chariot was paſſed ſo farre forward that
ſhe could not well view the personages repreſen
ting the kyngeſ and Quenes abouenamed: ſhe
required to haue the mater opened vnto her, & what
they ſignified, with the ende of vnitie & groūd of
her name, according as is before expreſſed. For the
ſight wherof, her grace cauſed her chariot to be re
moued back, & yet hardly could ſhe ſee, because ye
children wer ſet ſomewhat with the fartheſt in.
But after that her grace had understode ye mea-
ning therof, ſhe thanked the citie, praiſed ye fairenes
of the worke, and promiſed that ſhe would doe her
whole endeuour for the continuail preſeruacion of
concorde, as the pageant did emport.
The childe appointed in the ſtanding abouenamed
to open the meaning of the ſaid pageant, ſpake theſe
wordes unto her grace.

The two princes that ſit vnder one cloth of ſtate,
The man in the red roſe, the woman in the white:
By ring of mariage as man and wife unite.

Both heires to both their bloodee, to Lācaſtre the kyng
The Queene to Yorke, in one the two howſes did knit,
Of whom as heire to both, Henry the eyght did ſpring,
In whoſe ſeat his true heire thou quene Elsabeth doſt ſit.

of the Queenes maieſtie.

Therefore as cſuill warre, and ſhede of blood did ceaſe
When these two houſes were vnited into one
So now that iarre ſhall ſtint, and quietnes encreaſe,
We truſt, O noble Queene, thou writ be cauſe alone.

The which alſo wer written in latin verſes, and
bothe drawen in two tables uppon the forefront of
the ſaide pageant as hereafter foloweth.

Hii quos iungit idem ſolium quos annulus idem:
Hæc albente nitens, ille rubente Roſa:
Septimus Henricus Rex, Regina Elizabetha,
Scilicet Hæredes gentis vterque ſuæ:
Hæc Eboracenſis, Lancaſtrius ille dederunt
Connubio, e geminis quo foret vna domus
Excipit hos hæres Henricus copula regum
Octauus, magni Regis imago potens
Regibus hinc ſuccedis auis, Regique parenti
Patris iuſta hæres Elizabetha tui.

Sentences placed therin concer-
ning unite.

Nullæ concordes animos vires domant.
Qui iuncti terrent, deiuncti timent.
Diſcordes animi ſoluunt, concordes ligant.
Augentur parua pace, magna bello cadunt.

The receiving

Coniunƈtæ manus fortius tollunt onus.
Regno pro mœnibus æneis ciuium concordia.
Que diu pugnant diutius lugent.
Diſcidentes principes subditorum lues.
Princeps ad pacem natus non ad arma datur
Filia concordiæ copia, neptis quies.
Diſſentiens reſpublica hoſtibus patet.
Qui idem tenent, diutius tenent.
Regnum diuiſum facile diſſoluitur.
Ciuitas concors armis fruſtra tentatur.
Omnium gentium conſenſus firmat fidem. & c.

These verſes and other pretie ſentences were dra-
wen in voide places of thys pageant, all tending
to one ende that quietnes might be mainteyned,
and all diſſention diſplaced, and that by the
Quenes maieſtie, heire to agrement, and agreing
in name with her, which tofore had ioyned thoſe
houſes, which had ben thoccaſyon of much debate and ciuill warre within thys realme, as maye ap-
pere to ſuch as will searche cronicles, but be not
to be touched in thys treatiſe onely declaring her
graces paſſage through the citie, and what prouiſy-
on the citie made therefore. And ere the Quenes
maieſtie came wythin hearing of thys pageaunt,
ſhe ſent certaine as alſo at all the other pageaunts
to require the people to be ſilent. For her maieſtie

of the Queenes maieſtie.

was diſpoſed to heare all that ſhoulde be sayde un-
to her.

When the Queenes maieſtie had hearde the
chyldes oration, and underſtoode the meanyng of
the pageant at large, ſhe marched forward toward
Cornehill, alway receiued with like reioiſing of the
people, and there as her grace passed by the conduit
which was curiouslye trimmed agaynſt that tyme
with ryche banners adourned, and a noyse of loude
inſtrumentes vpon the top therof, she eſpyed the se-
conde pageant, and because ſhee feared for the
peoples noyſe, that ſhe ſhould not here the child
which dyd expounde theſame, ſhe enquired what
that pageant was ere that ſhe came to it. And
there understoode, that there was a chylde repre-
ſenting her maieſties perſon, placed in a ſeate of
gouernement, ſupported by certayne vertues,
which suppreſſed their contrarie vyces under their
feete, and ſo forthe, as in the description of the ſayd
pageant ſhall herafter apeare.
This pageant standynge in the nether ende of
Cornehill was extended from thone ſyde of the
streate to the other, and in the ſame pageant was
deuyſed three gates all open, an ouer the middle
parte therof was erected one chayre or ſeate royal
with clothe of eſtate to the ſame apperteynyng
wherein was placed a chylde repreſentinge the Queenes highneſſe with conſideracion had for
place conuenient for a table which conteyned her
name and tytle. And in a comely wreathe artifi-

The receiving

cially and wel deuiſed with perfite ſight and under-
ſtanding to the people. In the frōt of the ſame page āt
was written the name and title therof, whych is
Theſeat of worthie gouernance, whych ſeate was
made in ſuch artificiall maner, as to the apperance
of the lookers on, the foreparte ſemed to have no
staye, and therfore of force was stayed by liuely
perſonages, which perſonages were in numbre
foure, ſtanding and ſtaieng the forefront of the
ſame ſeat royal, eche hauing his face to the Quene
and people, wherof euery one had a table to expreſſe
their effectes, which are uertues, namelie. Pure religion, Loue of ſubiectes, VViſedome and Iustice, which did
treade their contrarie vices under their feete,
that is to witte, Pure religion, did treade uppon
Superſtition, and Ignoraunce, Loue of ſubiectes, did treade upon Rebellion and Inſolencie, VViſdome
did treade upon follie and vaine glorie, Iustice did treade upon Adulacion and Briberie. Eche of theſe
perſonages according to their proper names and
properties, hav not onley their names in plaine and
perfit writing ſet vpon their breastes eaſely to be
read of all, but alſo euery of them was aptly and
properly apparelled, ſo that hyſ apparell and name
did agre to expreſſ theſame person, that in title he
represented. This part of the pageant was thus
appointed and furniſhed. The two ſides ouer the
two ſide portes had in them placed a noyie of in-
ſtrumentes, whych immediatlye, after the chyldes
speache gaue an heauenly melodie. Upon the top or

of the Queenes maieſtie.

uppermoſt part of ye said pageāt, ſtode the armes of
England roially portratured with ye proper beaſtes
to upholde the ſame. One repreſenting the Quenes
ſate in this ſeate crowned with an Impe-
riall crowne, and before her ſeate, was a conuenient
place appointed for one childe which did interprete
and applye the ſaid pageant as hereafter ſhalbe de-
clared. Euery voyde place was furnyshed with
proper ſentences commendyng the ſeate ſupported
by uertues, and defacing the vyces, to the utter-
extirpacion of rebellion, and to euerlaſtyng contt-
nuance of quyetnes and peace. The Quenes ma-
approching nyghe vnto thys pageaunt thus
beawtitfyed and furnyſhed in all poyntes, cauſed
her charyot to be drawen nyghe thereunto, that,
her grace myght heare the chyldes oration whiche
was this.

Whyle that religion true, ſhall ignorance ſuppreſſe
And with her weightye foote, breake ſuperſtitionſ head
Whyle loue of ſubiectes, ſhall rebellion diſtreſſe
And with zeale to the prince, insolency down treade.

While iuſtice can flattering tonges & briberie deface
while follie & vayn glory to wiſdome yeld their handes
So long ſhal gouernment, not ſwarue frō her right race
But wrong decayeth ſtill, and rightwiſenes up by ſtandes.

Now all thy ſubiectes hertes, O prince of perles fame
Do truſt theſe vertues ſhall maintayn up thy throne,
And vyce be kept down ſtill, the wicked put to ſhame
that good with good may ioy, and naught ẃ naught may mone

The receiving

Which verſes were painted upon the right ſide
of the ſame pageant, and the latin therof on the left
ſide in another table, which were theſe.

Quæ ſubnixa alte ſolio regina ſuperbo eſt,
Effigia, sanƈtæ principis alma refert,
Quam ciuilis amor fulcit, ſapientia firmat,
Iuſtica illuſtrat, Relligioģ beat.
Vana ſuperſtitio & craſſæ ignorantia frontis
Preſſæ ſub pura relligine iacent.
Regis amor domat effrænos, animoſq rebelles
Iuſtus adulantes, Donivoroſq terit.
Cum regit imperium ſapiens, ſine luce ſedebunt
Stultitia, atģ huius numen inanis honor.

Beſide theſe verſes there wer placed in euery
voide rome of the pageant both in English and la-
tin ſuch ſentences as aduanced the ſeate of gouer-
naunce upholden by vertue. The grounde of thys
pageant was, that like as by vertues (which doe
aboundantly appere in her grace) the Queenes
was eſtabliſhed in the ſeate of gouerne-
ment: ſo ſhe ſhould ſyt faſt in the ſame ſo long as
ſhe embraced vertue and helde vice vnder foote.
For if vice once gotte up the head, it woulde put
the seate of gouernement in peryll of fallyng.
The Queenes maieſtie when ſhe had heard the
childe and underſtode the pageant at full, gaue

of the Queenes maieſtie.

the citie alſo thankes there, and moſt graciouſlie
promiſed her good endeuour for the maintenaunce
of the ſayde vertues, and ſuppreſſion of vyces, and
ſo marched on till ſhe came againſte the great con-
in cheape, which was bewtified with pictures
and ſentences accordinglye againſt her graces co-
ming thether.
Against Soper lanes ende was extended from
thone ſide of the ſtreate to thother, a pageant which
had three gates all open. Ouer the middlemoſte
wherof wer erected three ſeuerall ſtages, whereon
ſate eight children as hereafter foloweth. On the
uppermoſt one childe, on the middle three, on the
lowest ,iiii, eche hauing the proper name of the bleſ-
ſing, that they did repreſent, writen in a Table and
placed aboue their heades. In the forefront of this
pageant before the children which did repreſent the
bleſſings, was a conuenient ſtanding caſt out for
a chylde to ſtande, which did expownd the ſayd pa-
geant unto the Quenes maieſtie, as was done in
thother tofore. Euerie of theſe children wer appoin-
ted & apparelled according vnto the bleſſing which
he did repreſent. And on the forepart of the ſayde
pageant was written in fayre letters the name of
the ſaid pageant in this maner folowing.

The eight beatitudes expreſſed in the .v. chapter of
the goſpel of S.Mathew, applyed to our ſoueraigne
Ladie Quene Elizabeth.
Over the two ſyde portes was placed a noyes of
inſtrumentes. And all voyde places in the pageant

The receiving

wer furniſhed with prety ſayinges, cōmending and
touching ye meaning of the ſaid pageant, which was
the promiſes & bleſſinges of almightie god made to
his people. Before ye the quenes highnes came unto
this pageant, ſhe required ye matter ſomewhat to be
opened unto her, ye her grace might the better un-
derſtād, what ſhould afterward by the child be ſayd
unto her. Which ſo was, ye the citie had there erected
the pageant which .uiii. children, representing theyght
bleſſinges touched in the .u. Chapter of S.Ma-
thew. Wherof, euery one vpon iuſt conſideracions
was applyed unto her highnes, and that the people
therby put her grace in mind, ye as her good doinges
before had geuen iust occaſion, why that theſe bleſ-
ſinges might fall vpon her, ye ſo if her grace did con
tinue in her goodnes as ſhe had entred, ſhe ſhoulde
hope for the fruit of theſe promises due unto them,
ye doe exerciſe themſelues in the bleſſinges, whiche
her grace heard merueilous graciouſly, and requi-
red that the chariot myght be remoued towardes
the pageaunt, that she might perceyue the chyldes
woordes, which were theſe, the Quenes maieſtie
geuing moſt attentiue eare, and requiring that the
peoples noyſe might be ſtayde.

Thou haſt been .uiii. times bleſt, o quene of worthy fame
By mekenes of thy ſpirite, when care did thee beſette
By mourning in thy griefe, by mildnes in thy blame
By hunger and by thyrſt, and iuſtice couldſt none gette.

By mercy ſhewed, not felt, by cleanes of thyne harte
By seking peace alwayes, by perſecucion wrong.
Therefore truſt thou in god, ſince he hath helpt thy ſmart
That as his promis is , ſo he will make thee ſtrong.


of the Queenes maieſtie.

When theſe woordes were ſpoken, all the people
wiſhed, that as the child had ſpoken, ſo god woulde
ſtrengthen her grace againſt all her aduerſaries,
whom ye Quenes maieſtie did most gently thanke
for their ſo louing wiſhe. Theſe verſes wer painted
on the left ſyde of the ſaid pageant, and other in la-
ten on thother ſyde, which wer theſe.

Qui lugent hilares fient, qui mitia geſtant
Pectora, multa ſoli iugera culta metent
Iuſtitiam eſuriens ſitiensue replebitur, ipſum.
Fas homini puro corde videre deum
Quē alterius miſeret dominus miſerebitur huius,
Pacificus quiſquis, filius ille Dei eſt.
Propter iuſtitiam quiſquis patietur habetģ
Demiſſam mentem, cælica regna capit.
Huic hominum generi terram, mare, ſidera vouit
Omnipotens, horum quisque beatus erit.

Beſides theſe, euery uoide place in ye pageant was
furniſhed with ſentences touching the matter and
ground of the ſaid pageant. When all ye was to be
ſaid in this pageant was ended, the Quenes ma-
paſſed on forward in Chepeſyde.
At the ſtandarde in Cheape which was dreſſed
fayre agaynſte the tyme, was placed a noyſe of
Trumpettes, with banners and other furniture.
The Croſſe lykewyſe was alſo made fayre and

The receiving

well trymmed. And neare vnto the ſame, vppon
the porche of Saint Peters church dore, ſtode the
waites of the citie, which did geue a pleaſant noyſe
with theyr inſtrumentes as the Quenes maieſtie
did paſſe by, which on euery ſyde caſt her counte-
naunce, and wiſhed well to all her moſt louing peo-
ple. Sone after that her grace paſſed the croſſe, ſhe
had eſpyed the pageant erected at the litle conduit
in cheape, and incontinent required to know what
it might ſignifye. And it was tolde her grace, that
there was placed Tyme. Tymerg ſhe, and Tyme
hath brought me hether. And ſo furth the hole mat-
ter was opened to her grace as hereafter ſhalbe de-
clared in the deſcripcion of the pageaunt. But in
the opening, when her grace vnderſtode that the
Byble in Englyſhe ſhoulde be deliuered vnto her
by Trueth, whiche was therein repreſented by a
chylde: ſhe thanked the citiefor that gyft, and ſayd
that ſhe would oftentymes reade ouer that booke,
cōmaunding ſir John Parrat, one of the knighteſ
which helde up her canapy, to goe before and to re-
ceiue the booke. But learning that it ſhould be de
liuered vnto her grace downe by a ſilken lace, ſhe
cauſed hym to staye, and so paſſed forward till ſhe
came agaynſte the Aldermen in the hyghe ende of
Chepe tofore the little conduite, where the com
panies of the citie ended, which beganne at Fan
, and ſtoode alonge the ſtreates one by ano
ther enclosed with rayles, hanged with clothes,
and themselues well apparelled with many ryche

of the Queenes maieſtie.

furres and theyr liuery whodes uppon their ſhoul
ders in comely & ſemely maner, hauing before thē
ſondry perſones well apparelled in ſilkes & chaines
of golde, as wyflers and garders of the ſayd com-
panies, beſide a numbre of riche hangynges, aſwell
of Tapiſtrie, Arras, clothes of golde, silver, vel-
uet, damaſke, Sattin, and other ſilkes plentifullye
hanged all the way as the Quenes highnes paſ-
ſed form the Towre through the citie. Out at the
windowes & penthouſes of euerie houſe, did hang a
number of ryche and costlye banners and ſtrea-
Mers tyll her grace came to the vpper ende of
Cheape. And there, by appoyntment, the right wor-
ſhipfull maiſter Randolph Cholmley, Recorder of
the citie, preſented to the Quenes maieſtie a purſe
of crimeſon ſattin richly wrought with gold, wher
in the citie gaue vnto the Quenes maieſtie a thou-
ſand markes in gold, as maiſter Recorder did de-
clare brieflie vnto the Quenes maieſtie, whoſe
woordes tended to this ende, that the Lord maior
hys brethren, and comminaltie of the citie, to de
clare their gladnes and good wille towardes the
Quenes maiestie, dyd preſent her grace with that
gold, deſyering her grace to continue theyr good
and gracious Quene, and not to eſteme the value
of the gift, but the mynd of the geuers. The Que-
nes maieſtie
with both her handes tooke the purſe, and aunſwered to hym againe merueylous pithi-
lie, and ſo pithilie that the ſtanders by, as they em-
braced entierly her gracious aunſwer, ſo they mer-

The receiving

mervailed at ye cowching therof, which was in wor-
des truely reported theſe. I thanke my lord maior,
his brethren, & you all. And wheras your requeſt is
that I ſhould continue your good ladie & quene, be
ye enſured, that I wil be as good vnto you, as euer
quene was to her people. No wille in me can lacke,
neither doe I truſt ſhall ther lacke any power. And
perſwade your ſelues, that for the ſafetie and qui-
etnes of you all, I will not ſpare, if nede be to ſpend
my blood, God thanke you all. Whiche aunſwere
of ſo noble an hearted prynceſſe, if it moued a mer-
uaylous ſhowte and reioyſing, it is nothyng to be
meruayled at, ſince both the heartines thereof was
ſo woonderfull, and the woordes ſo joyntly knytte.
When her grace hadde thus aunswered the Re
corder, she marched toward the little conduit, where
was erected a pageaunt with ſquare proporcion,
standynge directlye before the ſame conduite, with
battlementes accordynglye. And in the ſame pa-
geaunt was aduaunced two hylles or mountay
nes of conuenient heyghte. the one of them be-
yng on the North ſyde of theſame pageaunt, was
made cragged, barreyn, and ſtonye, in the whiche
was erected one tree, artificiallye made, all wi
thered and deadde, with braunches accordinglye.
And vnder theſame tree at the foote thereof, ſate
one in homely and rude apparell crokedlye, and
in mournyng maner, hauyyng ouer hys headde
in a table, written in Laten and Englyſhe, hys
name, whiche was Ruinoſa Reſpublica. A decay-
ed com-

of the Queenes maieſtie.

ed common weale. And uppon theſame withe-
red tree were fixed certayne Tables, wherein
were written proper ſentences, expreſſing the cau-
ſes of the decaye of a common weale. The other
hylle on the South ſyde was made fayre, freſhe,
grene, and beawtifull, the grounde thereof full
of flowres and beawtie, and on theſame was e-
rected alſo one tree very freſhe and fayre, under
the whiche, ſtoode uprighte one freſhe perſonage
well apparaylled and appoynted, whoſe name
alſo was written bothe in Englyſhe and in La-
ten, whiche was, Respublica bene instituta. A flo-
riſhyng common weale. And uppon theſame tree
alſo, were fixed certayne Tables conteyning ſen-
tences, which expreſſed the cauſes of a flouriſhing
common weale. In the middle betwene the ſayde
hylles, was made artificiallye one hollowe place
or caue, with doore and locke encloſed oute of
the whiche, a lyttle before the Queenes hyghnes
commynge thither, iſſued one perſonage whoſe
name was Tyme, apparaylled as an olde man
with a Sythe in his hande, hauynge wynges ar-
tificiallye made, leadinge a perſonage of leſſer
ſtature then himſelfe, which was fynely and well
apparaylled, all cladde in whyte ſilke, and directlye
ouer her head was ſet her name and tytle in latin
and Englyſhe, Temporis filia, the daughter of
Tyme. Which two ſo appoynted, went forwarde,
toward the South ſyde of the pageant. And on her
brest was written her propre name, whiche was

The receiving

Veritas. Trueth who helde a booke in her hande
upon which was writen, verbum veritatis, the
woorde of trueth. And out of the South ſyde of
the pageaunt was caſt a ſtandynge for a childe
which ſhould enterpret theſame pageant. Againſt
whom, when the Quenes maieſtie came: he ſpake
unto her grace these woordes.

This olde man with the ſythe, old father tyme they call,
And her his daughter Truth, whiche holdeth yonder boke
Whom he out of this rocke hath brought furth to us all
Frō whence this many yeres ſhe durſt not once out loke.

The ruthfull wight that ſitteth vnder the barren tree,
Resembleth to vs the fourme, when cōmon weales decay
But when they be in ſtate tryumphant, you may ſee
By him in freſhe attyre that ſitteth vnder the baye.

Now since ye Time agai his daughter truth hath brought,
We trust O worthy quene, thou wilt this truth embrace.
And ſince thou underſtanſte the good eſtate and nought
We truſt welth thou wilt plant, and barrennes displace.

But for to heale the ſore, and cure that is not ſeene,
Which thing ye boke of truth doth reache in writing plain:
She doth present to thee thesame, O worthy Queene,
For that, that wordes do flye, but wryting doth remayn.

When the childe had thus ended his ſpeache, he
reached hys boke towardes the Quenes maieſtie,
which a little before, Trueth had let downe unto
him from the hill, which by ſir John Parrat was
receiued, and deliuered unto the Quene. But ſhe
as ſoone as she had receyued the booke, kyſſed it,
and with both her handes held vp theſame, and ſo
laid it vpon her breſt, with great thankes to the ci-
tie ther

of the Queenes maieſtie.

tie therfore. And so wēt forward towards Paules
. The former matter which was re-
herſed unto the Queenes maieſtiewas written
in two tables, on either ſide the pageant eight ver-
ſes, and in the middeſt, theſe in laten.

Ille, vides falcem læua qui ſustinet vncam,
Tempus is eſt, cui stat filia vera comes
Hanc pater exeſa deductam rupe reponit
In lucem, quam non viderat ante diu
Qui ſedet a læua cultu make triſti inepto
Quem duris creſcens cautibus orbis obit
Nos monet effigie, qua ſit reſpublica quando
Corruit, at contra quando beata viget.
Ille docet iuuenis forma ſpectandus amictu
Scitus, et æterna laurea fronde virens.

The ſentences written in latin and engliſhe upon both the trees, declaring the cauſes of both eſtates, were theſe.

Causes of a ruinous common weale are these.

  • VVāt of the feare of god.
  • Ciuill diſagrement
  • Diſobedience to rulers.
  • Flattring of princes
  • Blindnes of guides
  • Vnmercifulnes in rulers.
  • Briberie in maieſtrats
  • Vnthākfulnes in ſubiectes
  • Rebellion in ſubiectes

The receiving

Causes of a flourishing common weale.

  • Feare of god.
  • Obedient ſubieƈtes.
  • A wiſe prince.
  • Louers of the cōmon weale
  • Learned rulers.
  • Vertue rewarded
  • Obedience to officers.
  • Vice chaſtened.
The mater of this pageāt depēdeth of them ye went
before. For as the firſt declared her grace to cōe out
of ye house of unitie, ye ſecond ye ſhe is placed in ye ſeate
of gouernment ſtaied with vertue to the suppreſſiō
of uice, and therfore in the third the eight bleſſinges
of almighty god might well be applied vnto her:ſo
this fourth now is, to put her grace in remembrāce
of the ſtate of the common weale, which Time with
Truth his doughter doth reuele, which Truth alſo
her grace hath receiued, and therfore cannot but be
merciful & careful for ye good gouernment therof.
From thence the Quenes maieſty paſſed towarde
Paules churchyard And whē ſhe came ouer agaiſt
Paules ſcole, a childe appointed by ye ſcolemaſter
therof pronoūced a certein oraiō in latin, & certein
veſses, which alſo wer there written as foloweth.

Philoſophus ille diuinus Plato inter multa pre-
clare acſapienter dicta, hoc poſteris proditū reli-
quit, Rempub:illā, fæliciſſimāfore, cui prīceps ſo-
phiæ ſtudioſa, virtutibuſque ornata cōtigerit. Quem
ſi vere dixiſſe cenſeamus (vt quidē veriſſime) cur
non terra Britannica plauderet? cur non populus

of the Queenes maieſtie.

gaudium atq lætitiam agitaret? immo, cur nō hunc
diem albo (quod aiunt) lapillo notaret? quo prin-
ceps talis nobis adeſt, qualem priores non viderūt,
qualemq poſteritas haud facile cernere poterit, do
tibus quū animi, tum corporis vndiqu fæciliſſima.
Caſti quidem corporis dotes ita apertæ ſunt, vt ora-
tione non egeant. Animi vero tot tantæq, vt ne
verbis quidem exprimi poſſint. Haec nempe Re-
gibus ſummis orta, morum atq animi nobilitate
genus exuperat. Huius pectus Chriſti religionis
amore flagrat. Hæc gentem Britannicam virtu
tibus illuſtrabit, clipeoq iuſtitiæ teget. Hæc literis
græcis etlatinis eximia, ingenioq prepollēs est. Hac-
imperante pietas vigebit, Anglia florebit, aurea
ſecula redibunt. Vos igitur Angli tot commoda ac
cepturi Elizabetham Reginam noſtram celeberri
mā ab ipſo Chriſto huius regni imperio deſtinatam,
honore debito proſequimini. Huius imperiis aīo
libentiſſimo ſubditieſtote, voſq tali prīncipe dignos
prebete. Et quoniam pueri non viribus ſed precib9
officiū preſtare poſſūt, non Alumni huius scholæ ab
ipſo Coleto olim Templi Paulini Decano, extructæ,
teneras palmas ad cælum tendentes Chriſtum Opt:
Maxi: precaturi ſumus vt tuam celſitudinē annos
Neſtoreos ſummo cū honore Anglis imperitare fa
ciat, matremq pignorib’ charis beatā reddat. Amē.


The receiving

Anglia nunc tandem plaudas, lætare, re ſulta,
Preſto iam vita eſt, præſidiumque tibi
En tua ſpes venit tua gloria, lux, decus omne
Venit iam ſolidam quæ tibi preſtat opem.
Succuretq tuis rebus quæ peſſum abiere.
Perdita quæ fuerant hæc reparare volet
Omnia florebunt, redeunt nunc aurea ſecla.
In melius ſurgent quæ cecidere bona.
Debes ergo illi totam te reddere fidam
Cuius in acceſſu commoda tot capies.
Salue igitur dicas, imo de pectore ſummo.
ElizabethRegni non dubitanda ſalus,
Virgo venit, veniatq optes comitata deinceps.
Pignoribus charis, læta parens veniat
Hoc deus omnipotens ex alto donet olympo
Qui cælum & terram condidit atq regit.

Which the Queenes maieſtie most attentiulye
harkened vnto. And when the childe had pronoun-
ced he did kiſſe the oration which he had there faire
written in paper, and deliuered it unto the Quenes
, which most gētly receiued theſame. And
when the Quenes maiestie had heard all ye was
there offred to be spokē, thē her grace marched to
ward Ludgate where ſhe was receiued with a
noyse of instrumētes, the forefront of ye gate being
finelie trimmed up against her maieſties cōming.

of the Queenes maieſtie.

From thence by the way as she went down toward
Fletebridge, one aboute her grace noted the cities
charge, that there was no coſt ſpared. Her grace
anſwered that ſhe did well consſder theſame, and
that it ſhould be remembred. An honorable aun-
ſwere, worthie a noble prince, which may comfort
all her ſubiectes, considering there can be no point
of gentlenes, or obedient loue ſhewed towarde her
grace, whych ſhe doth not moſt tenderlie accepte
and graciously waye, In this maner, the people
on either side reioyſing, her grace went tor-
towarde the conduite in Fleetestrete,
where was the fifte and laſte pageaunt erected in
forme following. From the conduit which was
bewtified with painting, unto the Northside of the
strete, was erected a ſtage embattelled with foure
towres and in the ſame a ſquare platte riſng with
degrees, and vpon the uppermoſt degree was
placed a chaire, or ſeate royall, and behynde the
ſame ſeate in curious, artificiall maner was
erected a tre of reaſonable height and ſo farre ad
uaunced aboue the ſeate as it did well and ſemely
ſhadow the same, without endomaging the ſyght
of any part of the pageant, and the same tree was
bewtified with leaues as grene as arte could de
uiſe, being of a conuenient greatnis and cōteining
therupon the fruite of the date, and on the toppe of
the ſame tree in a table was ſet the name therof
which was A Palme tree, and in the aforeſaid ſeate
or chaire was placed a ſemelie and mete perſonage

The receiving

richlie apparelled in parliament robes, with a ſcep
tre in her hand, as a Quene, crowned with an open
crowne, whoſe name and title was in a table fixed
ouer her head, in this ſort. Debora the iudge and
restorer fo the house of Israel. Iudic.4.
and the other
degrees on either ſide were furniſhed wyth .ui.
perſonages, two repreſenting the nobilitie, two the
clergie, & two the cōminaltye. And before theſe per-
ſonages was written a table Debora with her
estates, consulting for the good gouernment of Is-
. At the feete of theſe and the loweſt part of the
pageant was ordeined a conuenient rome for a
childe to open the meaning of the pageant. When
the Queenes maieſtie drew nere unto this pageāt,
and perceiued, as in the other, the childe readie to
speake, her grace required silēce, and commaunded
her chariot to be remoued nigher, that ſhe myght
plainlie heare the childe ſpeake, which ſaid as here-
after foloweth.

Iaben of Canaan king had long by force of armes
Oppreſt the Iſraelites, which for gods people went
But god minding at laſt for to redreſſe their harmes,
The worthy Debora as iudge among them ſent.

In war ſhe, through gods aide, did put her foes to flight,
And with the dint of ſworde the bande of bondage braſt.
In peace ſhe, through gods aide, did alway mainteine
And iudged Israell till fourty yeres were paſt. (right

A worthie preſident, O worthie Queene, thou haſt,
A worthie woman iudge, a woman ſent for ſtaie.
And that the like to vs enoure allway thou maiſt
Thy louing ſubiectes wil w true hearts & tonges praie.


of the Queenes maieſtie.

Which verſes were written vpon the pageant, and
the ſame in latin alſo.

Quando dei populum Canaan, rex preſſit Iaben,
Mittitur a magno Debora magna deo:
Quæ populum eriperet, ſanctum ſeruatet Iudan,
Milite quæ patrio frangeret hoſtis opes.
Hæc domino mandante deo lectiſſima fecit
Fæmina, et aduerſos contudit enſe viros
Hæc quater denos populum correxerat annos
Iudico, bello ſtrenua, pace grauis.
Sic, O ſic populum belloq et pace guberna,
Debora ſis Anglis Elizabetha tuis.

The voide places of the pageant were filled with
pretie ſentences concerning the ſame matter. Thys
ground of this laſt pageāt was, ye forſomuch as the
next pageant before had ſet before her graces eyes
the floriſhing & deſolate ſtates of a common weale,
ſhe might by this be put in remēbrance to cōsult for
the worthie gouernment of of her people, conſidering
god oftimes ſent women nobly to rule among men,
as Debora whych gouerned Israell in peas the
space of .rl. yeres: & that it behoueth both men & wo-
men ſo ruling to uſe aduiſe of good coūsell. When ye
Queenes maieſtie had paſſed this pageāt, ſhe mar-
ched towarde Tēplebarre. But at St. Dunſtones
where ye children of thoſpitall wer appointed
to ſtand with their gouernours, her grace perceiuing
a childe

The receiving

a childe offred to make an oracion vnto her, ſtayed
her chariot, and did caſte up her eyes to heauen,
as who ſhoulde ſaye, I here ſee thys mercyfull
worke towarde the poore whom I muſte in the
middeſt of my royaltie nedes remembre, and ſo
turned her face towarde the childe, whych in
latin pronounced an oracion to this effecte, that
after the Queenes highnes had paſſed through
the citie and had ſene so ſumpteous, rich, and no-
table ſpectacles of the citiezens which delared
their moſt hartie receiuing and ioyous welcom-
ming of her grace into the ſame: thys one ſpectacle
yet reſted and remained, which was the euerlaſ-
ting ſpectacle of mercy unto the poore members of
almighty God, furthered by that famous and
moſt noble prince king Henry the eight, her gra-
father, erected by the citie of London, and ad
uaunced by the most godly verteous and gracious
prince king Edwarde the .vi. her graces dere and
louing brother doubting nothing of the mercy of
the Queenes most gracious clemencie by the
which they may not onely be releued and helped,
but alſo ſtayed and defended, & therefore inceſſaunt-
ly they would pray and crie vnto almighty God for
the long life and raigne of her highnes with moſt
proſperous victory againſt her enemies.
The childe after he had ended his oracion, kiſſed
the paper wherin the ſame was written, and rea
ched it to the Queenes maiestie whych receiued it graci

of the Queenes maieſtie.

graciouſlye both with woordes & countenance, de-
claring her gracious mynde towarde their reliefe.
From thence her grace came to Temple barre,
which was dreſſed fynely with the two ymages of
Gotmagot the Albione, and Corineus the Briton,
two gyātes bigge in ſtature furnished accordingly,
which held in their hādes euē aboue ye gate, a table,
wherin was writen in latin verſes, theffect of all the
pageantes which the citie before had erected, which verſes wer theſe.

Ecce ſub aſpeƈtu iam contemplaberis vno
O princeps populi ſola columna tui.
Quicquid in immenſa paſſim perſpexeris vrbe
Quæ cepere omnes vnusihic arcus habet:
Primus te ſolio regni donauit auiti,
Hæres quippe tui vera parentis eras.
Suppreſſis vitiis, domina virtute, Secundus
Firmauit ſedem regia virgo tuam.
Tertius ex omni poſuitte parte beatam
Si, qua cæpiſti pergere velle, velis.
Quarto quid verum, reſpublica lapſa quid eſſet
Quæ florens staret te docuere tui.
Quinto magna loco monuit te Debora, miſſam
Cælitus in regni gaudia longa tui.
Perge ergo regina, tuæ ſpes vnica gentis,
Hæc poſtrema vrbis ſuſcipe vota tuæ.


The receiving

Viue diu, regnaq diu, virtutibus orna
Rem patriam, et populi ſpem tueare tui.
Sic o ſic petitur cælum Sic itur in aſtra
Hoc virtutis opus, cætera mortis erunt.

Which verſis wer alſo written in Englishe me-
ter in a leſſe table as herafter foloweth.

Behold here in one view, thou mayſt ſee all that playne
O princesse to this thy people the onely staye:
What echewhere thou haſt ſeen in this wide town, agai
This one arche whatſoeuer the reſt conteynd, doth ſay.

The firſt arche as true heyre vnto thy father dere,
Did ſet thee in the throne where thy graund father ſatte,
The ſecond dyd confirme thy ſeate as princeſſe here,
Uertues now bearyng ſwaye, and vices bet down flatte.

The third, if that thou wouldſt goe on as thou began,
Declared thee to be bleſſed on euery ſyde,
The fourth did open Trueth, and alſo taught thee whan
The commōweale ſtoode well, & when it did thence ſlide.

The fifth as Debora declared thee to be ſent
From heauen, a long comfort to vs thy ſubiectes all,
Therfore goe on O Queene, on whom our hope is bent,
And take with thee this wiſhe of thy towne as finall.

Liue long, and as long raygne, adourning thy countrie,
With vertues, and mayntayne thy peoples hope of thee,
For thus, thus heauē is won, thus must ye pearce ye ſkye,
This is by vertue wrought, all other must nedes dye.

On the South side was appoynted by the citie a
noyse of ſinging children, & one child richely attyred
as a Poet, which gaue the quenes maieſtie her fare
well in the name of the hole citie, by theſe wordes.

As at thyne entraunce firſt, O prince of high renowne,

of the Queenes maieſtie.

Thou waſt preſēnted with tonges & heartes for thy fayre,
So now ſith thou muſt nedes depart out of this towne
This citie ſendeth thee firme hope and earneſt praier.

For all men hope in thee, that all vertues ſhall reygne,
For all men hope that thou, none errour wilt ſupport,
For all men hope that thou will trueth reſtore agayne,
And mend that is amiſſe, to all good mennes comfort.

And for this hope they pray, thou mayst continue long,
Our Queneamongſt us here, all uyce for to ſupplant,
And for this hope they pray ye God may make the strōg
As by his grace puiſſant, ſo in his trueth conſtant.

Farewell O worthy Quene, and as our hope is ſure,
That into errours place, thou will now trueth reſtore,
So truſt we ye thou will our soueraigne Quene endure,
And louing Lady ſtand, from hencefurth euermore.

Whyle theſe wordes were in ſaying, and cer-
teine wiſhes therein repeted for maintenaunce of
trueth and rooting out of errour ſhe now and then
helde vp her handes to heauen warde and willed the
people to say. Amen.
VVhen the child had ended, ſhe said, be ye well aſſured, I will ſtande your good quene. At which
ſaying her grace departed forth through tēple barre towarde VVeſtminſter with no leſſ ſhoutyng and
crying of the people, then ſhe entered the citie with a
noyſe of ordinance whiche the towre ſhot of at her
gracesentraunce firſt into towre ſtreate.
The childes ſaying was alſo in latin verses wryt-
ten in a table which was hanged up there.

O Regina potens, Cum primā vrbem ingredereris
Dona tibi, linguas fidaq corda dedit


The receiving

Diſcedenti etiam tibi nunc duo munera mittit.
Omina plena ſpei, votaq plena precum.
Quippe tuis ſpes eſt, in te quod prouida virtus
Rexerit, errori nec locus vllus erit.
Quippe tuis ſpes eſt, quod tu verum omne reduces
Solatura bonas, dum mala tollis, opes.
Hac ſpe freti orant, diuina vt gratia fortem,
Et veræ fidei te velit eſſe baſin.
Iam Regina vale, et ſicut nos ſpes tenet vna,
Quod vero induƈto, perditus error erit.
Sic quoq ſperamus quod eris Regina benigna
Nobis per regni tempora longa tui.

Thus the Queenes hyghneſſe paſſed through
the citie, whiche without any foreyne persone,
of it ſelfe beautifyed it ſelfe, and receyued her grace
at all places as hath been before mencioned, with
moſt tender obedience and loue, due to ſo gracious
a quene and soueraigne ladie. And her grace lyke-
wiſe of her ſide in all her graces paſſage ſhewed her
ſelfe generally an ymage of a woorthye Ladie and
Gouernour, but priuately theſe eſpeciall poyntes
wer noted in her grace, as sygnes of a moſt prince
lyke courage, whereby her louing ſubiectes maye
ground a ſure hope for the reſt of her gracious do-
inges herafter.

of the Queenes maieſtie.

Certain notes of the quenes maieſties great merc-
ie, clemencie, and wiſdome vſed in this paſſage.

About the nether ende of Cornehyll towarde
Cheape, one of the knightes about her grace had eſ-
pyed an auncient citizen, which wepte, and turned
his head backe, and therewith ſaid this gentleman,
yonder is an Alderman (for ſo he tearmed hym)
which wepeth & turneth his face backeward. Now
may it be interpreted that he ſo doth, for ſorowe, or
for gladnes. The quenes maieſtie hearde hym, and
ſaid, I warrant you it is for gladnes. A gracious
interpretatiō of a noble courage, which would turne
the doutefull to the beſt. And yet it was well known
that as her grace did confirme theſame, the parties
cheare was moued for verye pure gladnes for the
ſight of her maieſties person, at ye beholding where
of, he toke ſuch comforte that with teares he expreſ-
ſed theſame.
In Cheapeside her grace ſmyled, and being ther
of demaunded the cauſe, aunſwered, for that ſhe had
heard one ſay, Remember old king Henry theyght.
A naturall child, which at the verie remēbraunce of
her fathers name toke ſo great a ioy, ye all men may
well thinke, that as she reioyſed at his name whom
this realme doth holde of ſo woorthie memorie, ſo in
her doinges she will reſemble theſame.
When the cities charge withoute parcialitie,
and onely the citie was mencioned unto her grace,
ſhe ſaide it ſhoulde not be forgotten. Whiche ſaying
might moue al natural Engliſhmen heartelye to ſhew

The receiving

due obedience and entiernes to their, ſo good a
Queene which will in no poynt forgeat any parcell
of duetie louingly ſhewed vnto her.
The anſwere which her grace made unto maiſter
Recorder of London, as the hearers know it to be
true, and with melting heartes heard the ſame: ſo
may the reader therof conceiue what kinde of ſto-
macke and courage pronounced theſame.
What more famous thing doe we reade in auncient
hiſtories of olde tyme, then that mightye prynces
haue gentlye receyued preſentes offered them by
baſe and low perſonages. If that be to be wondred
at (as it is paſſingly) let me ſe any writer that in any
one princes lyfe is able to recount ſo manie preſi
dentes of this vertue, as her graceſhewed in ye one
paſſage through the citie. How many noſegayes did
her grace receiue at poore womens handes & How
ofttimess ſtayed ſhe her chariot, when ſhe ſawe any
ſimple body offer to ſpeake to her grace. A brāche of
Roſemary geuen to her grace with a ſupplicatiō by
a poore woman about fletebridge, was sene in her
chariot till her grace came to weſtminster, not with
out the merueylous wondring of ſuch as knew the
preſenter and noted the Queenes moſt gracious
receiuing and keping the ſame.
What hope the poore and nedy may looke for at
her graces hande, ſhe as in all her iourney conti
nuallye, ſo her harkenyng to the poore chyldren
of Chriſtes hoſpitall with eyes caſt up into heauen,
did fullye declare, as that neither the welthier eſ-

of the Queenes maieſtie.

tate could ſtande without conſideracion had to the
pouertie, neither the pouertie be duelye conſidered,
unles they were remembred as commended to us
by goddes owne mouth.
As at her firſt enterance ſhe as it were declared,
her ſelfe prepared to paſſe through a citie that moſt
entierly loued her, so ſhe at her laſt departing, as it
were, bownde her ſelfe by promes to continue good
Ladie and gouernor unto that citie whiche by out-
ward declaracion did open their loue, to their ſo lo-
uing and noble prince in such wiſe, as ſhe her ſelfe
wondered therat.
But becauſe princes beſet in their ſeate by gods
appoynting and therfore they muſt firſt and chiefly
tēder the glory of him, from whom their glorie iſſu-
eth, it is to be noted in her grace, that forſomuch
as god hath ſo wonderfully placed her in the ſeate
of gouernment ouer this realme, ſhe in all doinges
doth ſhew her ſelfe moſt myndfull of his goodnes
and mercie ſhewed unto her, & amongest all other,
two pryncipall ſygnes thereof were noted in thys
paſſage. First in the Towre, where her grace be-
fore ſhe entred her chariot, lifted up her eyes to hea-
uen and ſayd.
O Lord, almighty and euerlaſting God, I geue
thee most hearty thākes that thou haſt been ſo mer-
cifull unto me as to ſpare me to beholde this ioyfull
daye. And I acknowledge that thou haſt dealt as
wonderfully & as mercifully with me, as thou didſt

The receiving

with thy true and faithfull ſeruant Daniel thy pro
phete whom thou deliueredſt out of the denne from
the crueltie of the gredy and rageing Lyons: euen
ſo was I ouerwhelmed, and only by the deliuered.
To thee therfore onely be thankes, honor, & prayſe,
for ever. Amen.
The ſecond was the receiuing of the Byble at the
little conduit in cheape. For when her grace had
learned that the Byble in Engliſhe should there be
offered, ſhe thanked the citie therefore, promy
s ed the reading therof moſt diligentlye, and incon-
tinent commaunded, that it ſhould be brought. At
the receit wherof, how reuerently did ſhe with both
her handes take it, kiſſe it, & lay it upon her breaſt to
the great comfort of the lookers on. God will un-
doubtedly preſerue ſo worthy a prince, which at hys
honor ſo reuerently taketh her beginning. For this
ſaying is true, and written in the boke of Truth. He
that firſt ſeketh the kingdome of God, ſhall haue all
other thinges caſt unto him.
Now therfore all English hertes, and her naturall
people muſt nedes praiſe Gods mercy, which hath
ſent them ſo woorthy a prince, and pray for her graces long continuance amongeſt us.

Imprinted at London in fleteſtrete
within Temple barre, at the ſigne of the
hand and ſtarre, by Richard Tot-
till, the vxiii. day of January.


  • Citation

    Anonymous. The passage of our most drad Soueraigne Lady Quene Elyzabeth through the citie of London to westminster the daye before her coronacion Anno 1558. London: Printed by R. Tottill, 23 Jan. 1558. STC 7590.