Coleman Street Ward

NExt to Chepe Warde on the North ſide thereof is Colemanſtreete Ward, and beginneth alſo in the Eaſt, on the courſe of Walbrooke in Lothbury, and runneth weſt on the South ſide to the end of Ironmongers lane, and on the North ſide to the Weſt corner of Baſſinges hall ſtreete. On the South ſide of Lothbury is the ſtreete called the old Iury, the one half, and better on both ſides towardes Cheape is of this Warde. On the north ſide lyeth Colemanſtreete, whereof the Ward taketh name, wholy on both ſides North to London wall, and from that north ende along by the Wall, and Moregate Eaſt to the courſe of Walbrook. And again from Coleman ſtreete weſt to the Iron grates: and theſe bee the boundes of this Warde.
