Survey of London: Law Schools

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Students of the Common Law.
Houses of students of the Com-
mon Lawe.
BUt besides all this there is in and about this
Citie a whole Uniuersitie
A vniuersity of
students in &
about this
(as it were) of
students, practisers or pleaders and Iudges
of the laws of this realme, not liuing of com-
mon stipends (as in other Uniuersities it is
for the most part done) but of their own pri-
uate maintenance, as being altogether fedde
eyther by their places, or practise, or other-
wise by their
Houses of stu-
dents of the
commō lawes
and Iudges.
proper reuenew, or exhibition of parents and friends:
for that the younger sort are eyther gentlemen, or the sonnes of
gentlemen, or of other most wealthie persons. Of these houses,
there be at this day 14. in all, whereof 9. do stand within the liber-
ties of the Citie, and 5. in the subburbes thereof, to wit:
Within the
Sergeants Inne in Fleetstreet
Sergeants Inne in Chancery lane
for Iudges & Sergeants only
The Inner Temple
The Middle Temple
in Fleetstreete, houses of
Cliffords Inne in Fleetstreet
Thauies Inne in Oldborne
Furniuals Inne in Oldborne
Barnards Inne, in Oldborne
Staple Inne in Oldborne
houses of
Without the
Grayes Inne in Oldborne
Lincolnes Inne, in Chancerie, lane by
   the old Temple in Oldborne.
houses of
Clements Inne
New Inne
Lyons Inne
houses of Chauncerie, without
   Temple barre

Students of the Common Lawes.
One other Inne of Chauncery sometime there was, called
Chesters Inne, for the néerenes to the Bishop of Chesters house,
but more commonly tearmed Strand Inne, for that it stoode néere
to the Strand bridge without temple Barre: the which and o-
ther dwelling houses néere adioyning, were pulled downe in the
raigne of king Edward the ſixt, by Edward Duke of Sommerset
and Protector of the realme, who in place thereof raised that beau-
tifull (but yet vnperfect house) called Sommerset house. There
was moreouer in the raigne of King Henrie the ſixt, a tenth house
of Chauncerie, mentioned by Iustice Fortscue in his booke of the
Lawes of England, but where it stood or when it was abandoned
I cannot finde, and therefore I will leaue it, and returne to the
The houses of Court
Houses of
Court what
they be.
bee replenished partly with young stu-
dentes, and partly with graduates and practisers of the law: but
the Innes of Chauncery being as it were, prouinces, seuerally
subiected to the Innes of Court, be chiefly furnished with Officers
Atturneyes, Soliciters, and clarkes, that follow the courtes of
the Kings Bench, or common place: and yet there want not some
other being young students, that come thether sometimes from
one of the vniuersities, and sometimes immediatly from Gram-
mer schools, and these hauing spent some time in studying vpon the
first elements and grounds of the lawe, and hauing performed the
exercises of their owne houses (called Boltas Mootes, and putting
of cases) they procéed to be admitted, and become students in some
of these foure houses or Innes of Court, where continuing by the
space of seuen yeares (or thereaboutes) they frequent readinges,
méetinges, boltinges, and other learned exercises, whereby grow-
ing ripe in the knowledge of the lawes, and approued withall to
be of honest conuersation, they are eyther by the generall consent
of the Benchers (or Readers) being of the most auncient, graue,
and iudiciall men of euery Inne of the Court, or by the special pri-
uiledge of the present reader there, selected and called to the degrée
of Vtter Barresters, and so enabled to bee common counsellers, &
to practise the lawe, both in their chambers and at the Barres.
Of these after that they be called to a further steppe of prefer-
ment, (called the Bench) there are twaine euery yeare chosen a-

Of Orders and Customes.
mong the Benchers, of euery Inne of Court, to be readers there,
who do make their readings at two times in the yeare also: that
is, one in Lent, and the other at the beginning of August.
And for the helpe of young students in euery of the Innes of
Chauncery, they do likewise choose out of euery one Inne of court
a Reader (being no Bencher) but an Vtter Barrester there, of 10
or 12. yeares continuance, and of good profite in studie. Nowe
from these of the said degrée of Councellors (or Vtter Barrester)
hauing continued therein the space of fourtéene or fiftéene yeares at
the least, the chiefest and best learned, are by the benchers elected
to increase the number (as I said) of the Bench amongst them,
and so in their time doe become first single, and then double rea-
ders, to the students of those houses of Court: after which last
reading they be named Apprentices at the lawe,
Apprentizes at
the law.
and in default
of a sufficient number of Sargeantes at law, these are (at the
pleasure of the prince) to be aduaunced to the places of Sergeants:
out of which number of Sergeants also the void places of Iudges
are likewise ordinarily filled, albeit now and then some be aduan-
ced by the speciall fauour of the Prince, to the estate, dignitie and
place, both of Sergeant and Iudge, as it were in one instant. But
from thenceforth they hold not any roome in those Innes of court,
being translated to one of the said two Innes, called Sergeantes
Innes, where none but the Sergeants and Iudges do conuere.