Discoursed in briefe manner.
THIS City of Lon don being under the
government of the
Patent. Ase rius Mene vem.
and Saxons, the most
ancient and famous
City of the whole
Florencius Wigor. Ma rianus Sco tus.
was at length destroyed by the
Danes, and left desolate, as may appeare
by our Histories. But Aelfred King of
the West Saxons, having brought this
whole Realme (from many parts) into
one Monarchie, honorably repaired this
City, and made it againe habitable, and
then committed the custody thereof to
his Sonne in law Adhered, Earle of Mer cia. After whose decease, the Citie, with
all other possessions pertaining to the
said Earle, returned to King Edward,
sirnamed the Elder, &c. And so remai ned in the Kings hands, being governed
under him by Portgraves (or Portreves)
which name is compounded of the two
Saxon words,
Port graves.
Porte and Gerefe or Reve-Porte betokeneth a Towne, and Gerefe signifieth a Gardian, Ruler or Keeper of
the Towne.
These Governors of old time (saith Ro bert Fabian) with the lawes and customes
then used within this Citie,
Lib. 8. Al bani.
were registred
in a Booke, called the Doomes-day Booke,
written in the Saxon Tongue: but of later
dayes, when the lawes and customes were
changed, and for that also the said Booke
was of a small hand, sore defaced, and hard
to be read or understood; it was lesse set by,
so that it was imbezeled and lost.
Rob. Fabian.
Thus farre Fabian.
Notwithstanding, I have found by
search of divers old Registers and other
Records abroad; namely, in a Booke
sometime appertaining to the Monaste ry of Saint Albans, of the Portgraves,
and other Governours of this City, as
First, that in the reigne of King Ed ward the last,
Citizens of London called Burgesses.
before the conquest, Wolfe gare was Portgrave, as may appeare by
the Charter of the same King, in these
Edward, King, greeteth Alfward Bishop,
and Wolfgar my Portgrave, and all the Bur gesses of London. And afterward, that in
another Charter, King Edward greeteth
William, Bishop, and Swetman my Port grave. And after that, in another Char ter to the Abbey of Chertsey: To William,
Bishop, and Leofstane and Alffy Port graves.
In the reigne of William Conqueror,
William, Bishop of London, procured of
the said Conqueror his Charter of Li berties, to the same William, Bishop, &
Godfrey, Portgrave, in the Saxon tongue,
and turned into English, thus:
Charter of William Conqueror.
King, greeteth William, Bi shop, and Godfrey, Portgrave, and all the
Burgesses within London, French, and
English: And I grant that they be all their
law worth, that they were in Edward dayes
the King. And I will that each child bee his
Fathers heire. And I will not suffer that a ny man doe you wrong: and God you
And then in the reigne of the said
Conquerour, and of William Rufus, God frey de Magnavile was Portgrave, (or
Sheriffe) as may appeare by their Char ters,
and Richard de Par was Provost.
In the reigne of King Henry the first,
Hugh Buche was Portgrave, and Leofsta nus, Goldsmith, Provost, buried at Ber mondsey.
After them, Aubery de Vere was Port
Temporall Government.
and Robert Bar Querel, Provost.
This Aubery de Vere was slaine in the
reigne of King Stephen.
I. Leyland.
It is to bee no ted also, that King Henry the first gran ted to the Citizens of London, the Shi rifwicke thereof, and of Middlesex, as in
another place is shewed.
In the reigne of King Stephen,
Becket was Portgrave, and Andrew Bu chevet, Provost.
After him, Godfrey Magnavile, the
Sonne of VVilliam, the Sonne of God frey Magnavile, by the gift of Maud the
Empresse, was Portgrave or Sheriffe of
London and Middlesex, for the yeerely
farme of three hundred pound, as ap peareth by the Charter.
In the time of King Henry the se cond, Peter Fitz Walter was Portgrave;
after him Iohn Fitz Nigel was Port grave, after him, Ernulfus Buchel became
Portgrave; and after him VVilliam Fitz
These Portgraves are also in divers
Records called,
Port graves, since cal led She riffes, and Iudges of the Kings Court, & have ther fore Vn der-She riffes, men lear ned in the law, to sit in their Courts. Doomes men, or Iudges of the Kings Court.
Vicecomites, Vicounties,
or Sheriffes, as being under an Earle;
for that they then, as since, used that of fice as the Sheriffes of London doe till
this day. Some Authors do call them
Doomes-men, Eldermen, or Iudges of the
Kings Court.
VVilliam Fitz Stephen, noting the e state of this City, & Government there of in his time, under the reigne of King
Stephen, and of Henry the second, hath
these words:
This Citie (faith he) even as Rome, is
divided into VVards, it hath yeerely She riffes in stead of Consuls, it hath the dignity
of Senators and Aldermen, it hath Vnder-officers,
and according to the qualitie of
Lawes, it hath severall Courts, and generall
Assemblies upon appointed dayes.
Thus much for the antiquity of She riffes, and also of Aldermen in severall
Wards of this Citie may suffice: and
now for the name of Bayliffes, and after
that, of Maiors as followeth.
In the first yeere of King Richard the
Bailiffes of London.
the Citizens of London obtained to
bee governed by two Bailiffes, which
Bailiffes are in divers ancient dceds cal led Sheriffes, according to the speech of
the Law, which called the Shire Balliva,
for that they (like as the Portgraves)
used the same office of Shrivewicke, for
the which the City paid to fee-farme,
300. l. yeerely as before, since the
reigne of Henry the first, which also is
yet paid by the City into the Exchequer
untill this day.
They also obtained to have a Maior,
to bee their principall Governour and
Lieutenant of the City, as of the Kings
1189 The names of the first Bailiffes
or Officers, entring into their office
at the Feast of S. Michael the Arch angell, in the yeere of Christ 1189.
were named Henry Cornehill, and Ri chard Reynere, Bailiffes or Sheriffes.
Their first Maior was Henry Fitz-Alwin,
Draper, appointed by the said
King, and continued Maior from the
first of Richard the first, untill the 15. of
King Iohn, which was 24. yeeres and
somewhat more.
1190 The second of Richard the first,
Iohn Herlion,
Roger Duke:
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
First Ma ior of London.
1191 The third Sheriffes,
VVilliam Haverell,
Iohn Buckmote:
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
1192 The fourth,
Nicholas Duke,
Peter Newelye:
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
1193 The fifth,
Roger Duke,
Richard Fitz-Alwin.
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
1194 The sixth,
Temporall Government.
VVilliam Fitz-Isabel,—
VVilliam Fitz-Arnold:—
Maior, Henry Fitz Alwin.
An. Dom. 1195 The seventh
Robert Besaunt,—
Ioke de Iosue:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1196 The eighth
Gerard de Antiloche,—
Robert Durant:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1197 The ninth
Roger Blunt,—
Nicholas Ducket:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1198 The tenth
Constantine Fitz-Arnold,—
Robert le Beau:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
King Iohn began his reigne the sixth of
April 1199.
An. Dom. 1199 The first of King Iohn,
Arnold Fitz-Arnold,—
Richard Fitz Bartholomew:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
King Iohn granted the Sheriffe wicke of London, and Middlesex, to the
Citizens thereof, as King Henry the first
before had done, for the summe of 300.
l. yeerely. Also he gave them authori ty to chuse and deprive their Sheriffs at
their pleasure.
An. Dom. 1200 The second
Roger Dorset,—
Iames Bartholemew:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1201 The third
VValter Fitz-Alice,—
Simon de Aldermanbury:—
Maior, Henry Alwin.
An. Dom. 1202 The fourth
Norman Blondel,—
Iohn de Ely:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1203 The fifth
VValter Browne,—
VV. Chamberlaine:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
VValter Brune, and Rosia his wife,
founded the Hospitall of Saint Mary without Bishopsgate, commonly cal led, Saint Mary Spittle.
An. Dom. 1204 The sixth
Thomas Haverel,—
Hamond Brond:—
Maior Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1205 The seventh
Iohn VValgrave,—
Richard de VVinchester:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1206 The eighth
Iohn Holyland,—
Edmund Fitz-Gerard:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
Temporall Government.
An. Dom. 1207 The ninth
Roger VVinchester,—
Edmund Hard Le:—
Maior, Henry Firz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1208 The tenth
Peter Duke,—
Thomas Neale:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
The King by his Letters Patents
granted to the Citizens of London liber ty and authority, yeerely to chuse them selves a Maior.
An. Dom. 1209 The eleventh
Peter le Iosue,—
William Blound:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1210 The twelfth
Adam VVhitley,—
Stephen le Grasse:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1211. The thirteenth
Iohn Fitz-Peter,—
Iohn Garland:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
An. Dom. 1212 The foureteenth
Randolph Eyland,—
Constantine Iosue:—
Maior, Henry Fitz-Alwin.
This Henry Fitz-Alwin deceased,
and was buried in the Parish Church of
S. Mary Bothaw, neere to London Stone,
where he dwelt.
An. Dom. 1213. The fifteenth
Martin Fitz-Alice,—
Peter Bate:—
Maior, Roger Fitz-Alwin.
This yeere the Ditch about London was begun to bee made, of 204. foote
broad, by the Londoners.
1214 The sixteenth
Salomon Basing,—
Hugh Basing:—
Maior, Serle, Mercer.
Roger Fitz-Alwin, saith Grafton.
1215 The seventeenth
Iohn Travers,—
Andrew Newland:—
Maior, VVilliam Hardel.
King Henry the third began his
reigne the 19. of October,
1216 The first
Benet Seinturer,—
William Bluntivers:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Iames Alderman for part,
and Salomon Basing for part.
1217 The second
Thomas Bokerel,—
Ralph Holyland:—
Maior, Serle, Mercer,
Robert Serle, saith Grafton.
1218 The third
Iohn Wayle, or Veil,—
Iohn le Spicer:—
Maior, Robert Serle, Mercer.
The Forest of Middlesex, and the
Warren of Stanes, were this yeere dis aforested.
1219 The fourth
Richard Wimbledon,—
Iohn Wayle, or Veil:—
Maior, Robert Serle, Mercer.
1220 The fifth
Richard Renger,—
Iohn Veil:—
Maior, Robert Serle, Mercer.
1221 The sixth
Richard Renger,—
Thomas Lambart:—
Maior, Robert Serle, Mercer.
1222 The seventh
Richard Renger,—
Thomas Lambart:—
Maior, Robert Serle, Mercer.
Constantine Fitz-Arnulph raysed great
troubles in this Citie, and was hanged
with his Nephew and other.
1223 The eighth
Iohn Travars,—
Andrew Bokerel:—
Maior, Richard Renger.
1224 The ninth
Iohn Travars,—
Andrew Bokerel:—
Maior, Richard Renger.
The King granted to the Comminal tie of London, to have a common Scale.
1225 The tenth
Roger Duke,—
Martin Fitz-William:—
Maior, Richard Renger.
1226 The eleventh
Roger Duke,—
Martin Fitz William:—
Maior, Richard Renger.
This yeere the King confirmed to the
Citizens of London free Warren, or li bertie to hunt a certaine circuite about
the Citie, in the Warren of Stanes, &c.
And also, that the Citizens of London should passe tol-free throughout all En gland,
and that the Keddles, or Weres
in the River of Thames, and Midway,
should be plucked up and destroyed for
ever, &c. Patent 11. Henry 3.
1227 The twelfth
Stephen Bokerel,—
Henry Cecham:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Roger Duke.
The liberties and Franchises of Lon don were ratified, and the King granted,
that either Sheriffe should have two
Clerkes, and two Serjeants: also, that
the Citizens should have a common
1228 The thirteenth
Stephen Bokerel,—
Henry Cocham:—
Maior, Roger Duke.
1229 The foureteenth
William Winchester,—
Robert Fitz Iohn:—
Maior, Roger Duke.
1230 The fifteenth
Richard VValter,—
Iohn de VVoborne:—
Maior, Roger Duke.
1231 The sixteenth
Michael of S. Helen,—
VValter de Enfield:—
Maior, Andrew Bokerel, Pepperer.
1232 The seventeenth
Henry de Edmonton,—
Gerard Bat:—
Maior, Andrew Bokerel, Pepperer.
1233 The eighteenth
Simon Fitz Mary,—
Roger Blunt:—
Maior, Andrew Bokerel, Pepperer.
1234 The nineteenth
Ralph Ashwy,—
Iohn Norman:—
Maior, Andrew Bokerel, Pepperer.
1235 The twentith
Gerard Bat,—
Richard or Robert Hardle:
Maior, Andrew Bokerel, Pepperer.
1236 The one and twentith
Henry Cobham,—
Iordan of Coventry:—
Maior, Andrew Bokerel, Pepperer.
1237 The two and twentith
Iohn Toloson,—
Gervais the Cordwainer:
Maior, Andrew Bokerel, Pepperer.
1238 The three and twentith
Iohn Codras,—
Iohn VVilhall:—
Maior, Richard Renger.
1239 The foure and twentith
Reymond Bongy,—
Ralph Ashwy:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, VVilliam Ioyner.
This VVilliam Ioyner, builded the
Quire of the Gray Friers Church in Lon don,
and became a Lay brother of that
1240 The five and twentieth
Iohn Gisors,—
Michael Tony:—
Maior, Gerard Bat.
This yeere Aldermen of London were
chosen, and changed yeerely, but that
order lasted not long. Gerard Bat was a gaine elected Maior for that yeere to
come, but the King would not admit
him, being charged with taking mo ney of the Victuallers in the precedent
1241 The six and twentieth
Thomas Duresme,—
Iohn Voyle:—
Maior, Reymond Bongey.
1242 The seven and twentieth
Iohn Fitz-Iohn,—
Ralph Ashwy:—
Maior, Reymond Bongey.
1243 The eight and twentieth
Hugh Blunt,—
Adam Basing:—
Maior, Ralph Ashwy.
1244 The nine and twentieth
Ralph Foster,—
Nicholas Bat:—
Maior, Michael Tony.
1245 The thirtieth
Robert of Cornehil,—
Adam of Bewley:—
Maior, Iohn Gisors Pepperer.
Temporall Government.
1246 The one and thirtieth
Simon Fitz-Mary,—
Lawrence Frowicke:—
Maior, Iohn Gisors.
Simon Fitz-Mary, founded the Hos pitall of Mary, called Bethelem without
Bishopsgate. Queene Hith was now let to
farme to the Citizens of London.
1247 The two and thirtieth
Iohn Voyle,—
Nicholas Bat:—
Maior, Peter Fitz-Alwin.
1248 The three and thirtieth
Nicholas Fitz Iosue,—
Geffrey VVinchester:—
Maior, Michael Tony.
1249 The foure and thirtie
Richard Hardell,—
Iohn Tolason:—
Maior, Roger Fitz-Roger.
1250 The five and thirtieth
Humfrey Bat,—
VVilliam Fitz-Richard:—
Maior, Iohn Gisors, Pepperer.
The King now granted, that the
Maior should be presented to the Ba rons of the Exchequer, and they should
admit him.
1251 The six and thirtieth
Lawrence Frowicke,—
Nicholas Bat:—
Maior, Adam Basing.
1252 The seven and thirtieth
VVilliam Durham,—
Thomas VVimborne:—
Maior, Iohn Tolason, Draper.
The Liberties of this City were sei zed, and the Maior charged, that he
looked not to the Assise of bread.
1253 The eighth and thirtieth
Iohn Northampton,—
Richard Picard:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Richard Hardell, Draper.
1254 The nine and thirtieth
Ralph Ashwy,—
Robert of Limon:—
Maior, Richard Hardell, Draper.
1255 The fortieth
Stephen Doe,—
Henry Walmond:—
Maior, Richard Hardell, Draper.
The Maior, divers Aldermen, and
the Sheriffes of London were deprived,
and other placed in their roomes.
1256 The one and fortieth
Michael Bockerell,—
Iohn the Minor:—
Maior, Richard Hardell, Draper.
1257 The two and fortieth
Richard Otwel,—
William Ashwy:—
Maior, Richard Hardell; Draper.
The King caused the walles of this
Citie to bee repaired, and made with
1258 The three and fortieth
Robert Cornhill,—
Iohn Adrian:—
Maior, Richard Hardell, Draper.
1259 The foure and fortieth
Iohn Adrian,—
Robert Cornhill:—
Maior, Iohn Gisors, Pepperer.
1260 The five and fortieth
Adam Browning,—
Henry Coventrie:—
Maior, William Fitz-Richard.
1261 The six and fortieth
Iohn Northhampton,—
Richard Picard:—
Maior, William Fitz-Richard.
1262 The seven and fortieth
Iohn Tailor—
Richard Walbrooke:
Maior, Thomas Fitz-Richard.
1263 The eight and fortieth
Robert de Mountpiter,—
Osbert de Suffolke:—
Maior, Thomas Fitz-Richard.
The Citizens of London fortified the
Citie with iron Chaines, drawn rhwart
over their streets.
1264 The nine and fortieth
Gregory Rockesley,—
Thomas de Detford:—
Maior, Thomas Fitz-Thomas Fitz-Ri chard.
Temporall Government.
1265 The fiftieth
Edward Blund,—
Peter Anger:—
Maior, Thomas Fitz-Thomas Fitz-Richard.
The Chaines and Posts in London were plucked up, the Maior and prin cipall Citizens committed to Ward,
and Otho Constable of the Tower, was
made Custos of the Citie, &c.
1266 The one and fiftieth
Iohn Hind,—
Iohn Walraven:—
Maior, William Richards.
The Earle of Gloucester entred the
Citie with an Army, and therein buil ded Bulwarkes, cast Trenches, &c.
1267 The two and fiftieth
Iohn Adrian,—
Lucas de Batencourt:—
Custos, Alen de la Souch.
This Alen de la Souch, being a Baron
of this Realme, and also chiefe Iustice,
was in the yeere 1270. slaine in West minster Hall, by Iohn warren Earle of
Thomas Fitz-Theobald, and Agnes his
wife, this yeere founded the Hospitall
of Saint Thomas of Acon in Westcheape.
1268 The three and fiftieth▪
Walter Harvy,—
William Duresme:—
T. Wimborn; Custos, Sir Stephen Ed ward.
A variance fell in London betweene
the Goldsmiths and the Taylors, wher through many men were slaine.
1269 The foure and fiftieth
Thomas Basing,—
Robert Cornehill:—
Hugh Fitz-Ottonis, Custos of London,
and Constable of the Tower.
1270 The five and fiftieth
Walter Potter,—
Philip Tailor:—
Maior, Iohn Adrian Vintner.
1271 The six and fiftieth
Gregory Rokesly,—
Henry Walleys:—
Maior, Iohn Adrian Vintner.
The steeple of Bow Church in Cheape fell downe, and slew many people.
1272 The
Temporall Government.
1272 The seven and fiftieth
Richard Paris,—
Iohn de Wodeley:—
Maior, Sir Walter Harvy, Custos, H.
Frowike, Pepperer, for part that yeere.
King Edward the first beganne his
reigne the sixteenth of No vember, 1272.
1273 The first
Iohn Horne,—
Walter Potter:—
Maior, Sir Walter Harvy, Knight.
1274 The second
Nicholas Winchester,—
Henry Coventry:—
Maior, Henry Walleis.
1275 The third
Lucas Batencourte,—
Henry Frowicke:—
Maior, Gregory Rokesley; chiefe Say master of all the Kings Mints through out all England, and keeper of the Kings
Exchange at London.
1276 The fourth
Iohn Horne,—
Ralph Blunt:—
Maior, Gregory Rokesley.
1277 The fifth
Robert de Arar,—
Ralph L. Fewre:—
Maior, Gregory Rokesley.
1278 The sixth
Iohn Adrian,—
Walter Langley:—
Maior, Gregory Rokesley.
1279 The seventh
Robert Basing,—
William le Meyre:—
Maior, Gregory Rokesley.
1280 The eighth
Thomas Fox, or Box,—
Ralph Delamere, or Moore:
Maior, Gregory Rokesley.
1281 The ninth
William Farendon,—
Nicholas Winchester:—
Maior, Gregory Rakesley.
This William Farendon, Goldsmith,
one of the Sheriffes was Father to Ni cholas Farendon: Of these two Faringden Ward tooke that name.
1282 The tenth
W. le Meyre,—
Richard Chigwel:—
Maior, Henry Walleis.
This Henry Walleis builded the Tun
upon Cornehill, to bee a Prison, and the
Stockes to be a Market-house.
1283 The eleventh
Ralph Blunt,—
Ankerin de Betavil, or Haw kin Betuell:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Henry Walleis.
1284. The twelfth
Iordan Goodcheape,—
Martin Box:—
Maior, Henry Walleis.
Lawrence Ducket, Goldsmith, mur dered in Bow-Church, and the murthe rers hanged.
1285 The thirteenth
Stephen Cornehill,—
Roberts Rokesley:—
Maior, Gregory Rokesley;
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch, and Iohn Briton.
It was ordained, that Millers should
have but one halfe-penny for a quarter
of Wheat grinding: and the great water
Conduit in Cheape was now begun to be
1286 The foureteenth
Walter Blunt,—
Iohn Wade:—
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch.
Wheate was now sold at London for
sixteene pence, and for twelve pence
the quarter.
1287 The fifteenth
Thomas Crosse,—
Walter Hawteyne:—
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch.
1288 The sixteenth
W. Hereford,—
Thomas Stanes:—
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch.
1289 The seventeenth
W. Betaine,—
Iohn of Canturbury:—
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch, Ralph Barna vars, and Sir Iohn Briton.
This yeere a Subsidie was granted,
for the reparations of London-bridge.
1290 The eighteenth
Fulke of S. Edmond,—
Salomon Langford, or Le Se tel:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Briton, Knight.
1291 The nineteenth
Thomas Romain,—
W. de Leyre:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Briton, Knight,
Ralph Sandwitch.
1292 The twentieth
Ralph blunt,—
Hamond Box:—
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch.
1293 The one and twentieth
Henry Bell, or Bole,—
Elias Russell:—
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch.
Three men had their right hands cut
off at the Standard in Cheape, for rescu ing of a prisoner, arrested by a Sergeant
of London.
1294 The two and twentieth
Robert Rokesley the yonger,
Martin Aubery, or Amers bery:—
Custos, Ralph Sandwitch.
1295 The three and twentieth
Henry Box,—
Richard Gloucester:—
Custos, Sir Ralph Sandwitch.
Temporall Government.
1296 The foure and twentieth
Iohn Dunstable,—
Adam de Halingbery:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Briton.
This yeere all the Liberties of the Ci ty were restored, the Mairalty excepted.
1297 The five and twentieth
Thomas of Suffolke,—
Adam of Fulham:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Briton.
1298 The six and twentith
Richard Refham,—
Thomas Sely:—
Maior, Henry Walleis.
Certaine Citizens of London brake up
the Tunne upon Cornehill, and tooke out
prisoners, for the which they were grie vously punished.
1299 The seven and twentieth
Iohn Armenter,—
Henry Fingene, or Fingrith:
Maior, Elias Russell.
1300 The eighth and twentieth
Lucas de Havering,—
Richard Champnes:—
Maior, Elias Russell.
1301 The nine and twentieth
Robert Callor, or Callet,—
Peter de Besenho:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt, Knight.
1302 The thirtieth
Hugh Pourte,—
Simon Paris:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt.
1303 The one and thirtieth
W. Combmartin,—
Iohn de Burford:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt.
1304 The two and thirtieth
Roger Paris,—
Iohn de Lincolne:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt.
Geffrey Hertelepole, Alderman, was
elected to bee Recorder of London, and
tooke his oath, and was appointed to
weare his apparell as an Alderman.
1305 The three and thirtieth
William Cawson,—
Reginald Thunderley:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt.
1306 The foure and thirtieth
Geffrey at the Conduit,—
Simon Billet:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt.
Seacoale was forbidden to bee bur ned in London, Southwarke, &c.
Edward the second began his reigne the
seventh of Iuly, the yeere of Christ,
Anno, 1307.
1307 The first
Nicholas Pigot,—
Nigellus Drury:—
Custos, Sir Iohn Blunt.
1308 The second▪
W. Basing,—
Iames Butteler:—
Maior, Nicholas Faringdon, Goldsmith.
Temporall Government.
1309 The third
Roger le Palmer,—
Iames of S. Edmond:—
Maior, Thomas Romaine.
1310 The fourth
Simon Cooper,—
Peter Blackney:—
Maior, Richard Reffam, Mercer.
The King commanded the Maior and
communaltie to make the Wall of Lon don,
from Ludgate to Fleetbridge, and
from thence to the Thames.
1311 The fifth
Simon Metwod,—
Richard Wilford:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Gisors, Pepperer.
Order was taken that Merchant-strangers
should sell their wares within
forty dayes after their arrivall, or else
the same to be forfeited.
1312 The sixth
Iohn Lambin,—
Adam Lutkin:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Gisors, Pepperer.
1313 The seventh
Robert Gurden, or Burdeint,
Hugh Garton:—
Maior, Nicholas Faringdon, Goldsmith.
Prices set on victuals: a fat stalled
Oxe, 24. shillings, a fat Mutton, 20.
pence, a fat Goose, two pence halfe pen ny, a fat Capon, two pence; a fat Hen,
one penny; two Chickens, one penny;
three Pigeons, one penny; 24. egges
one penny, &c.
1314 The eighth
Stephen Abingdon,—
Hamond Chickwell, or Chig well:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Gisors, Pepperer.
Famine and mortality of people, so
that the quicke might unneath bury the
dead, horse flesh, and dogs flesh was
good meate.
1315 The ninth
Hamond Goodchape,—
William Bodeleigh:—
Maior, Stephen de Abingdon.
1316 The tenth
William Caston,—
Ralph Balancer:—
Maior, Iohn Wingrave.
An earely Harvest: a Bushell of
Wheate that had beene sold for tenne
shillings, was now sold for tenne pence,
1317 The eleventh
Iohn Prior,—
W. Furneux, or Furneis:—
Maior, Iohn Wingrave.
Temporall Government.
Such a murren of Kine, that Dogs
and Ravens that sed on them were poi soned.
1318 The twelfth
Iohn Pointell,—
Iohn Dalling:—
Maior, Iohn Wingrave.
1319 The thirteenth
Simon de Abingdon,—
I. Preston:—
Maior, Hamond Chickwell, Pepperer.
Iohn Gisors, late Maior of London, and
many other Citizens fled the City, for
things layd to their charge.
1320 The foureteenth
Renauld at the Conduit,—
W. Prodham, or Produn:—
Maior, Nicholas Farengdon, Goldsmith.
1321 The fifteenth
Richard Constantine,—
Richard de Hackney:—
Maior, Hamond Chickwell, Pepperer.
1222 The sixteenth
Iohn Grantham,—
Richard de Ely:—
Maior, Hamond Chickwell, Pepperer.
Fish and Flesh market established at
the Stockes, in the midst of the Citie.
1323 The seventeenth
Adam of Salisbury,—
Iohn of Oxford:—
Maior, Nicholas Farengdon, Goldsmith.
Of this Nicholas Farengdon, and of
William Farengdon his father, read more
in Farengdon Ward.
1324 The eighteenth
Benet of Fulham,—
Iohn Cawson:—
Maior, Hamond Chickwell, Pepperer.
1325 The nineteenth
Gilbert Mordon,—
Iohn Causton, or Cotton:—
Maior, Hamond Chickwell, Pepperer.
The Citizens of London tooke the
Bishop of Excester, and cut off his head
at the Standard in Cheape.
1326 The twentieth
Richard Rothing,—
Roger Chaunteclere:—
Maior, Richard Britaine, Goldsmith.
This Richard Rothing is said to new
build the Parish Church of S. Iames at
Edward the third began his reigne the
25. of Ianuary, the yeere of Christ,
Anno, 1326.
This King Edward granted, that the
Maior should be Iustice for the Gaole
delivery at Newgate, that the Citizens
of London should not be constrained to
go out of the City of London to any
Warre. More hee granted, that the Li berties & Franchises of the City should
not, after this time (for any cause) bee
taken into the Kings hands, &c. More
he granted by his Letters Patents, dated
the sixth of March, that no Escheter
should bee in the Citie, but the Maior
for his time only.
1327 The first
Henry Darcy,—
Iohn Hawton, or Haughton:
Maior, Hamond Chickwell, Pepperer.
Temporall Government.
This yeere the Walls of London were repayred.
1328 The second
Simon Frances,—
Henry Combmartin:—
Maior, Iohn Grantham, Grocer.
1329 The third
Richard Lazar,
William Gisors:
Maior, Richard Swandland.
This yeere the King kept a great Iou sting in Cheape, betwixt Sopars-lane and
the great Crosse.
1330 The fourth
Robert of Elie,—
Thomas Whorwode:
Maior, Sir Iohn Pountney, or
Pultney, Draper.
1331 The fifth
Iohn Mocking,—
Andrew Aubery:—
Maior, Iohn Pultney, Draper.
1332 The sixth
Nicholas Pike,—
Iohn Husband:—
Iohn Preston, Draper,
This yeere was founded Elsing Spittle,
by W. Elsing, Mercer, that became first
Prior of that Hospitall.
1333 The seventh
Iohn Hamond,—
William Hansard:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Puleney, Drapes.
1334 The eighth
Iohn Kingstone, or Kington,
Walter Turke:—
Maior, Reginald at the Conduit,
1335 The ninth
Walter Mordon,—
Richard Vpton:—
Maior, Nicholas Wotton, Reignold at the
Conduit, saith Grafton.
Temporall Government.
1336 The tenth
Iohn Clarke,—
W. Curtes:
Maior, Sir Iohn Pultney, Draper.
This Sir Iohn Pultney founded a Col ledge in the Parish Church of S. Law rence Pountney, by Candlewicke streete.
1337 The eleventh
Walter Neale,—
Nicholas Crane:—
Maior, Henry Darcy.
Walter Neale, Bladesmith, gave lands
to the repairing of the high-wayes a bout London.
1338 The twelfth
William de Pomfret,—
Hugh Marbeler, orMarbe roll:—
Maior, Henry Darcy.
The King granted, that the Sergeants
of the Maior and Sheriffes of London,
should beare Maces of Silver and gilt,
with the Kings Armes engraven on
1339 The thirteenth
William Thorney,—
Roger Frosham:—
Andrew Aubery, Grocer,
1340 The foureteenth
Adam Lucas,—
Bartlemew Moris:—
Maior, Andrew Aubery, Grocer.
1341 The fifteenth
Richard de Barking,—
Iohn de Rokesley:—
Maior, Iohn of Oxenford, Vintner.
1342 The sixteenth
Iohn Loufkin,—
Richard Killingbery:—
Maior, Simon Francis, Mercer.
The price of Gascoyn Wines at Lon don,
fourepence, and Renish Wine six
pence the Galon.
1343 The seventeenth
Iohn Steward,—
Iohn Aylesham:—
Maior, Iohn Hamond.
1344 The eighteenth
Geffrey Witchingham,—
Thomas Leg:—
Maior, Iohn Hamond.
Temporall Government.
1345 The ninteenth
Edmund Hemenhall,—
Iohn of Gloucester:
Maior, Richard Leget, Richard Lazar
faith Grofton.
1346 The twentieth
Iohn Croyden,—
William Clopton:
Maior, Geffrey Witchingham.
1347 The one and twentieth
Adam Brapson,—
Richard Fas, or Bas:—
Maior, Thomas Leggy, Skinner.
King Edward now won Callis from
the French.
1348 The two and twentieth
Henry Picard,—
Simon Dolseby:—
Maior, Iohn Loufkin Fishmonger.
A great Pest. Sir Walter Manny,
knight, now founded the Charter-house by Smithfield, to bee a buriall for the
1349 The three and twentieth
Adam of Bury,—
Ralph of Lynne:—
Maior, Walter Turke, Fishmonger.
1350 The foure and twentieth
Iohn Notte,—
William of Worcester:—
Maior, Richard Killingbury.
1351 The five and twentieth
Iohn Wroth,—
Gilbert of Stenineshorp:—
Maior, Andrew Aubery.
1352 The six and twentieth
Iohn Peache,—
Iohn Stotley:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Adam Francis, Mercer.
This Maior procured an Act of Par liament, that no knowne whore should
weare any hood, or attire on her head,
except reyed, or striped cloth of divers
colours, &c.
1353 The seven and twentieth
William Wolde, or Wilde,—
Iohn Little:—
Maior, Adam Francis, Mercer.
This Adam Francis was one of the
Founders of the Colledge in Guild-Hal Chappell, &c. H. Prowicke was the o ther.
1354 The eight and twentieth
William Notingham,—
Richard Smelt:—
Maior, Thomas Leggy, or Legget Skin ner.
Aldermen of London were used to be
changed yeerely, but now it was ordai ned, that they should not be removed,
without some speciall cause.
1355 The nine and twentieth
Walter, or Thomas Forster,
Thomas Brandon:—
Maior, Simon Francis, Mercer.
1356 The thirtieth
Richard Notingham,—
Thomas Dolssel:—
Maior, Henry Picard, Vintner.
This Henry Picard feasted the Kings
of England, of France, Cypres, and Scots,
with other great Estates, all in one
1357 The one and thirtieth
Stephen Candish,—
Bartholmew Prostling:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Stody, Vintner.
This Iohn Stody gave tenements to
the Vintners in London, for reliefe of the
poore of that Company.
1358 The two and thirtieth
Iohn Barnes,—
Iohn Buris:—
Maior, Iohn Loufkin, Stockfishmon ger.
1359 The three and thirtieth
Simon of Benington,—
Iohn of Chichester:—
Maior, Simou Dolseby, Grocer.
Temporall Government.
1360 The foure and thirtieth
Iohn Dennis,—
Walter Berny:—
Maior, Iohn Wroth, Fishmonger.
1361 The five and thirtieth
William Holbech,—
Iames Tame:
Maior, Iohn Peche, Fishmonger.
1362 The six and thirtieth
Iohn of S. Albones,—
Iames Andrew:—
Maior, Stephen Candish, Draper.
1363 The seven and thirtieth
Richard of Croyen,—
Iohn Hiltoft:—
Maior, Iohn Not, Grocer.
1364 The three and fortieth
Iohn de Metford,—
Simon de Mordon:—
Maior, Adam of Bury, Skinner.
1365 The nine and thirtieth
Iohn Bukylsworth,—
Iohn or Thomas Ireland:—
Maior, Iohn Loufkin, Fishmonger, and
Adam of Bury, Skinner.
1366 The fortieth
Iohn Ward,—
Thomas of Lee, or at the
Maior, Iohn Loufkin, Fishmonger.
This Iohn Loufkin builded the Parish
Church of S. Michael in Crooked-lane.
1367 The one and fortieth
Iohn Turngold, or Torgold,—
William Dickeman:—
Maior, Iames Andrew, Draper.
1368 The two and fortieth
Robert Girdeler,—
Adam Wimondham:—
Temporall Government.
Maior Simon Mordon, Stockfish monger.
This yeere Wheat was sold for two
shillings six pence the bushell.
1369 The three and fortieth
Iohn Piel,—
Hugh Holdich:—
Maior, Iohn Chichester, Goldsmith.
1370 The foure and fortieth
William Walworth,—
Robert Gayton:—
Maior, Iohn Barnes, Mercer.
1371 The five and fortieth
Adam Staple,—
Robert Hatfield:—
Maior, Iohn Barnes, Mercer.
This Iohn Barnes gave a chest with
three locks, and one thousand Markes,
to be lent to poore men.
1372 The six and fortieth
Iohn Philpot,—
Nicholas Brembar:—
Maior, Iohn Piel, Mercer.
1373 The seven and fortieth
Iohn Aubery,—
Iohn Fished:
Maior, Adam of Bury, Skinner.
1374 The eight and fortieth
Richard Lions,—
William Woodhouse:—
Maior, William Walworth, Fish monger.
1375 The nine and fortieth
Iohn Hadley,—
William Newport:
Maior, Iohn Ward, Grocer.
1376 The fiftieth
Iohn Northampton,—
Robert Laund:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Adam Staple, Mercer.
The Londoners meant to have slaine
Iohn, Duke of Lancaster: Adam Staple,
Maior, put downe, and Nicholas Brem bar elected. Also the Aldermen were
deposed and other set in their places.
Richard the second began his reigne the
one and twentieth of Iune, in
the yeere 1377.
1377 The first
Nicholas Twiford,—
Andrew Pikeman:—
Maior, Sir Nicholas Brembar, Gro cer.
Iohn Philpot, a Citizen of London,
sent Ships to the Sea and scoured it of
Pirats, taking many of them prisoners.
1378 The second
Iohn Boseham,—
Thomas Cornwalis:—
Maior, Iohn Philpot, Grocer.
This Iohn Philpot gave to the City
lands, for the finding of thirteen poore
people for ever.
1379 The third
Iohn Helisdon,—
William Barrat:—
Maior, Iohn Hadley, Grocer.
1380 The fourth
Walter Doget, or Docket,—
William Knighthode:—
Maior, William Walworth, Fishmon ger.
This William walworth arrested Wat
Tiler, the Rebell, and this yeere was
Knighted. Hee increased the Parish
Church of Saint Michael in Crooked-lane,
and founded there a Colledge. O ther Aldermen were also then Knigh ted with him, for their service in the
1381 The fifth
Iohn Rota,—
Iohn Hynde:—
Maior, Iohn Northampton, Draper.
1382 The sixth
Adam Bamme,—
Iohn Sely:—
Maior, Iohn Northampton, Draper, or
rather Skinner, as I find in some Record.
1383 The seventh
Simon Winchcombe,—
Iohn More:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Sir Nicholas Brembar, Grocer.
Iohn Northampton, late Maior of Lon don,
was committed to perpetuall pri son and his goods confiscated.
1384 The eighth
Nicholas Exton,—
Iohn French:—
Maior, Sir Nicholas Brembar, Grocer,
Knighted with William Walworth.
1385 The ninth
Iohn Organ,—
Iohn Churchman:—
Maior, Sir Nicholas Brembar, Grocer.
The foresaid Iohn Churchman now
builded the Custome-house, neere to
the Tower of London, and did many o ther workes for the commodity of this
1386 The tenth
W. Stondon,—
W. More:—
Maior, Nicholas Exton, Fishmonger.
This yeere the Citizens of London,
fearing the French, pulled downe hou ses neere about their Citie, repaired
their Wals, and cleansed their dit ches, &c.
1387 The eleventh
William Venor, or Vinor,—
Hugh Falstalfe:—
Maior, Nicholas Exton, Fishmonger.
Sir Nicholas Brembar, late Maior of
London was this yeere beheaded.
1388 The twelfth
Thomas Austen,—
Adam Carlehul:—
Maior, Nicholas Twiford, Goldsmith,
Knighted with William Walworth.
1389 The thirteenth
Iohn Walcot,—
Iohn Love:—
Maior, Sir William Vinor, or Venour,
1390 The fourteenth
Iohn Francis,—
Thomas Vivent:—
Maior, Adam Bamme, Goldsmith.
This Adam Bamme provided from
beyond the Seas, Corne in great abun dance, so that the City was well able to
serve the Countrey.
1391 The fifteenth
Iohn Shadworth, or Chad worth, —
Henry Vamere:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Iohn Hind, Draper.
This Maior was, for displeasure ta ken, sent to Windsor Castle, and the
King made a Custos or Warden of the
1392 The sixteenth
Gilbert Mafield,—
Thomas Newington:—
Maior, William Stondon, Grocer.
1393 The seventeenth
Drew Barentin,—
Richard Whitington:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Hardley, Grocer.
Faringdon Ward was now by Parlia ment appointed to bee divided into
two Wards, to wit, infra, & extra.
1394 The eighteenth
William Bramston,—
Thomas Knoles:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Froyshe, Mercer.
1395 The nineteenth
Roger Ellis,—
William Sevenoke:—
Maior, Sir William More, Vintner.
1396 The twentieth
Thomas Wilford,—
William Parker:—
Maior, Adam Browne, Goldsmith.
1397 The one and twentieth
Iohn Woodcocke,—
William Ascham:—
Maior, Sir Richard Whitington, Mer cer.
1398 The two and twentieth
Temporall Government.
Iohn Wade,—
Iohn Warnar:—
Maior, Sir Drew Barentin, Goldsmith.
King Henry the fourth began his
reigne the twentie ninth of
September, in the
yeere, 1399.
1399 The first
William Waldern,—
William Hende or Hide:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Knoles, Grocer.
1400 The second
Iohn Wakel,—
William Ebot:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Francis, Goldsmith.
1401 The third
William Venor,—
Iohn Fremingham:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Shadworth, or Chad worth, Mercer.
The Conduit upon Cornehill was this
yeere made, being before an old prison
house, called the Tunne.
1403 The fourth
Richard Marlow,—
Robert Chicheley:—
Maior, Iohn Walcote, Draper.
1403 The fifth
Thomas Falconer,—
Thomas Poole:—
Maior, Sir William Ascham, Fish-monger,
1404 The sixth
William Louth,—
Stephen Spilman:—
Maior, Iohn Hind, Draper.
This Iohn Hynd was a new builder of
the Parish of Saint Swithen, by Lon don-Stone.
Temporall Government.
1405 The seventh
Henry Barton,—
William Cromer:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Woodcocke, Mercer.
This Maior caused all the Weres in
the River of Thames, from Stanes to
the River of Medwey, to bee destroyed,
and the Trinkes to be burned, &c.
1406 The eighth
Nicholas Wotton,—
Geffrey Brooke:—
Maior, Sir Richard Whitington, Mer cer.
This yeere a great Pestilence in Lon don tooke away more than 30000.
1407 The ninth
Henry Pontfract,—
Henry Halton:—
Maior, Sir William Stondon, Grocer.
1408 The tenth
Thomas Ducke,—
William Norton:—
Maior, Sir Drew Barentine, Gold smith.
This Drew Barentine builded a part
of Goldsmiths Hall, and gave them
1409 The eleveth
Iohn Law,—
William Chichley:—
Maior, Richard Marlow, Ironmon ger.
A great play at Skinners well, which
lasted eight dayes, and was of mat ter from the creation of the World:
the most part of all the great Estates of
England were there to behold it.
1410 The twelfth
Iohn Penne,—
Thomas Pike:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Knowles, Gro cer.
This Thomas Knowles began a new
to build the Guild-Hall in London, &c.
1411 The thirteeth
Iohn Rainwell,—
William Cotton:—
Maior, Sir Robert Chichley, Grocer.
1412 The foureteenth
Ralph Lovenham,—
William Sevenoke:—
Maior, William Waldren, Mercer.
Temporall Government.
Henry the fifth beganne his reigne the
twentieth of March, the
yeere 1412.
1413 The first
Iohn Sutton,—
Iohn Michaell:—
Maior, Sir William Cromar, Draper.
Sir Iohn Oldcastle assembled a great
power in Fickets field in London, which
power was overcome and taken by the
King and his power.
1414 The second
Iohn Michaell,—
Thomas Alen:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Falconer, Mercer.
This Maior caused the Posterne cal led Moregate to be builded, and he lent
to the King 10000. markes upon Iew els, &c.
1415 The third
William Cambridge,—
Allen Everard,—
Maior, Sir Nicholas Wotton, Dra per.
1416 The fourth
Robert Whitigton, or Wi dington,—
Iohn Coventrie:—
Maior, Sir Henry Barton, Skinner.
This Henry Barton ordained Lan thornes with Lights, to bee hanged
out on the Winter evenings, betwixt
Hallontide and Candlemasse.
1417 The fifth
Henry Read,—
Iohn Gedney:—
Maior, Sir Richard Marlow, Iron monger.
1418 The sixth
Iohn Brian,—
Ralph Barton,—
Iohn Paruesse:
Maior, VVilliam Sevenoke.
Temporall Government.
This Willam Sevenoke, sonne to Wil liam Rumsched of Sevenoke in Kent, was
by his Father bound an apprentice with
Hugh de Bois a Citizen and Ferrer of
London, for a tearme of yeares, which
being expired in the yeere 1394. the
eighteenth of Richard the second, Iohn
Hadley being Maior of London, and Ste phen Spilman, Chamberlaine of the
Guild-Hall: hee alledged, that his ma ster had used the trade or mystery of a
Grocer, and not of a Ferrer, and there fore required to bee made free of the
Grocers Company, which was granted.
This William Sevenoke, founded in the
towne of Sevenoke in Kent, a free.
Schoole, and Almes-houses for the
1419 The seventh
Robert Whitington,—
Iohn Butler:—
Maior, Sir Richard Whitington, Mer cer.
This Maior founded Whitington Col ledge.
1420 The eighth
Iohn Butler,—
Iohn Welles:—
Maior, William Cambridge, Grocer.
1421 The ninth
Richard Gosseline,—
William Weston:—
Maior, Sir Robert Chichley, Grocer.
This Maior gave one plot of ground
thereunto, to build the Parish
Church of Saint Stephen upon Wal brooke.
Henry the sixth began his reigne the one
and thirtieth day of August, in
the yeere, 1422.
1422 The first
William Eastfield,
Newgate this yeere builded by the Execu tours of Richard Whitington.
Robert Tatarsal:—
Maior, Sir William Walderne, Mercer,
sonne of Geffrey Walderne, of the Pa rish of Walderne in Sussex.
1423 The second
Nicholas Iames,—
Thomas Watford, or Wind-ford:—
Maior, William Cromar, Draper,
sonne of Iohn Cromar of Aldernham in Hertford-shire.
1424 The third
Simon Seman,—
Iohn Bywater:—
Maior, Iohn Michell, Stockfishmon ger, sonne of Iohn Michell of Ekeling ham in Suffolke.
Temporall Government.
1425 The fourth
William Milred, or Milreth,
Iohn Brokle:—
Maior, Iohn Coventrie, Mercer;
sonne of William Coventrie, of the City
of Coventrie in Warwick-shire.
1426 The fifth
Iohn Arnold,—
Iohn Higham:—
Three Wards in London discharged from Fif teenes by this Maior.
Sir Iohn Rainewell, Fishmon ger, sonne of Robert Rainewell, Citizen,
and Haberdasher of London.
1427 The sixth
Henry Frowick,—
Robert Otely.—
Maior, Sir Iohn Gedney, Draper,
sonne of William Gedney, of Saint Edes,
in Cambridge-shire.
1428 The seventh
Thomas Duffhouse, or Defe-house,—
Iohn Abbot:—
Maior, Sir Henry Barton, Skinner,
sonne of Henry Barton, of Myldenhall in
1429 The eighth
William Russe,—
Ralph Holland:—
Maior, Sir William East-field, Mer cer, sonne of William East field, of Tickel in Yorkeshire. Ralph Holland the She riffe gave to impotent poor on hun dred and twenty pounds, to prisoners
fourescore pounds, to hospitals fortie
pounds, &c.
1430 The ninth
Walter Chertsey,
A Charita ble She riffe.
Robert Large:—
Maior, Nicholas Wotton, Draper, sonne
of Thomas Wotton of London, Gentle man. Walter Chertsey, Draper, gave to
the poore, one hundred pounds, beside
twentie pounds, to the Hospitals, &c.
1431 The tenth
Iohn Aderley,—
Stephen Browne:—
He builded the Stan dard in Cheape side.
Sir Iohn de Welles, Grocer,
sonne of Iohn de Welles, of the City of
Norwich. This Iohn de Welles was a great
benefactor towards the new building of
the Chappell by the Guild-hall: besides
he builded the South Ile of the Quire
Temporall Government.
at Saint Antlins Church, as by his pi cture, (strangely there found) his Motto
and Armes doth yet plainely appeare.
1432 The eleventh
Iohn Olney,—
Iohn Paddesley:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Parveis, Fishmon ger, sonne to Iohn Parveis of Ersgeston in Barkeshire.
1433 The twelfth
Thomas Chalton,—
Iohn King:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Brokle, Draper.
sonne to William Brokle, of Newport Pan nel in Buckinghamshire.
1434 The thirteenth
Thomas Barnewell,—
Simon Eyre:—
A great Frost of 14. weekes long.
Sir Roger Oteley, Grocer,
sonne to VVilliam Oteley of Vfford in
1435 The fourteenth
Thomas Catworth,—
Robert Clopton:—
Maior, Sir Henry Frowicke, Mercer,
sonne to Henry Frowicke of Middlesex.
1436 The fifteenth
Thomas Morsted,—
William Gregorie:—
Maior againe, Sir Iohn Michell, Stock fishmonger.
1437 The sixteenth
William Hales,—
William Chapman:—
Maior againe,
This Maior a great benefactor to the water Conduits.
Sir William Easfield,
and then made a Knight of the Bath.
1438 The seventeenth
Hugh Dyker,—
Nicholas Yowe:—
A great dearth Bread made of Fitches, Pease, Beanes, & Fearne rootes.
Sir Stephen Brown, Grocer, son
to Iohn Browne of Newcastle upon Time.
Wheat was then sold for three shillings
the Bushell; but this Maior sent into
Prusia, and caused to bee brought from
thence, certaine Ships laden with Rie,
which caused great reliefe in so ex treame a necessity.
1439 The eighteenth
Philip Malpas,—
Robert Marshall:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Robert Large, Mercer, sonne
of Thomas Large, Borne in London. Phi lip Malpas, at his decease, gave one hun dred and twentie pounds to poore Pri soners: and every yeere, for five yeere,
foure hundred and three shirts and
Bountifull Charity.
fortie paire of sheets, and
one hundred and fiftie gownes of good
frize, to poore people. To poore maids
marriages, one hundred markes. To re pairing high wayes, one hundred
markes: And to five hundred poore
people in London, every one six shillings
eight pence, &c.
1440 The nineteenth
Iohn Sutton,—
William Welinhale:—
Hee was master of the money in the Tower of London.
Sir Iohn Paddesley, Goldsmith,
sonne to Simon Paddesley, of Bury Saint
Edmond in Suffolke.
1441 The twentieth
William Combis, or Combes,
Richard Rich:—
Maior, Robert Clopton, Draper, sonne
of Thomas Clopton, of Clopton in Cam bridge shire.
1442 The one and twentieth
Thomas Beaumont,—
Richard Nordon:—
Maior, Iohn Alderley, Ironmonger,
sonne of Iohn Aderley or Hatherley, of
the City of Bristoll.
1443 The two and twentieth
Nicholas Wyfold,—
Iohn Norman:—
Maior, Thomas Catworth, Grocer,
sonne of Iohn Catworth of Rushton in
1444 The three and twentieth
Stephen Foster,—
Hugh Witch:—
Pauls Stee ple was fi red with lightening and hardly quenched.
againe Sir Henry Frowicke, son
to Henry Frowicke of Totenham in Mid dlesex Gounty.
1445 The foure and twentieth
Iohn Darby,—
Godfrey Fielding:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Sir Simon Eyre, Draper, sonne
to Iohn Eyre, of Brandon in Suffolke.
This Simon Eyre builded Leaden Hall in London, to be a Common Carner for
the Citie.
1446 The five and twentieth
Robert Horne,—
Godfrey Bullen:—
Maior, Iohn Olney, Mercer, sonne of
of Iohn Olney of the City of Coven trie.
1447 The six and twentieth
William Abraham,—
Thomas Scot:—
Maior againe, Sir Iohn Gedney, Dra per.
1448 The seven and twentieth
William Cotlow, or Catlow,—
William Marrow:—
Maior againe, Sir Stephen Browne,
1449 The eight and twentieth
William Hulin,—
Thomas Canning:—
This yeere was the re bellion of Iack Cade of Kent, & his entring into this Citie.
Sir Thomas Chalton sonne to Thomas Chalton of Dunstable in Bedfordshire.
1450 The nine and twentieth.
Iohn Middleton—
William Deare:—
Maior, Nicholas Wilford, but more
truely Wyfold, Grocer, sonne to Thomas
Wyfold of Hertley in Barkeshire.
1451 The thirtieth
Mathew Philip,—
Christopher Wharton:—
Maior, Sir William Gregory, Skinner,
sonne of Roger Gregory of Milden-hall in Suffolke.
1452 The one and thirtieth
Richard Zee,—
Richard Alley:—
Temporall Government.
A great Fray was this yeere at the westling.
Sir Geffrey Fielding, Mercer,
sonne to William Fielding of Litterworth in Leicestershire. This Lord Maior was
made of the Councell to King Henry the sixth and King Edward the fourth.
1453 The two and thirtieth
Iohn Walden, or Waldron,—
Thomas Cooke:—
The Alder men (be fore) rode by land on hourseback to West minster early.
Sir Iohn Norman, Draper, son
to Io. Norman of Banbury in Oxfordshire.
This I. Norman was the first Maior that
was rowed by water to Westminster, to
take his Oath: he caused a Barge to be
made at his owne charge, and every
Company had severall Barges, well
decked & trimmed, to passe along with
him. For joy whereof, the Water men made a Song in his prayse begin ning.
Row thy Boate, Norman, &c.
1454 The three and thirtieth
Iohn Field,—
William Taylor:—
Maior, Sir Stephen Foster, Fishmon ger, sonne of Robert Foster of London,
Stock-fishmonger. This man enlar ged Ludgate, for ease of the prisoners
1455 The foure and thirtieth
Iohn Yong,—
Thomas Oldgrave:—
Maior, Sir William Marrow, Mercer,
sonne to Stephen Marrow, of Stebun heath, in Middlesex.
1456 The five and thirtieth
Iohn Styward.—
Ralph Verney:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Canning, Gro cer, sonne to Iohn Canning, of the Ci ty of Bristoll.
1457 The six and thirtieth
William Edwards,—
Thomas Reyner:—
This Maior gave 1000 li. to poore houshol ders in London.
Sir, Godfrey Bullen, sonne to Geffrey Bullen of Salle in Norfolke.
1458 The seven and thirtieth
Ralph Ioceline,—
Richard Medham:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Sir Thomas Scot, Draper,
sonne to Robert Scot of Dorney in Buc kinghamshire.
1459 The eight and thirtieth
Iohn Plummer,—
Iohn Stocker:—
Now were the wofull battailes of Blore beath, Northhamp ton, Wake field, Saint Albanes, & Mortiners Crosse each ofter other.
Sir William Hulin, Fishmon ger, sonne to Nicholas Hulin of Fulham in Middlesex.
1460 The nine and thirtieth
Richard Fleming,—
Iohn Lambert:—
Maior, Sir Richard Leo, Grocer,
sonne to Simon Lee, of the Citie of Wor cester.
King Edward the fourth began his reigne
the fourth of March, in the yeere
1460. after the account
of the Church of
1461 The first
George Ireland,—
Iohn Locke:—
Maior, Sir Hugh Witch, Mercer, son
of Richard Witch, of Wice Malbano in
1462 The second
William Hampton,—
Bartholomew Iames:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Cooke, Draper,
son of Robert Cooke of Lavenham in Suf folke.
This Maior was made Knight
of the Bath,
This Maior was knight of the Bath and after Knighted in the field by the King.
and had great troubles
1463 The third
Robert Basset,—
Thomas Muschamp:—
Maior, Sir Mathew Philip, Gold smith, sonne to Arnold Philip of the Ci tie of Norwich.
1464 The fourth
Iohn Tate,—
Iohn Stone:—
Temporall Government.
Sir Ralph Ioceline, Knight of the Bath in the field.
Sir Ralph Ioceline, Draper,
sonne to Geffrey Ioceline, of Sabridge worth in Hertfordshire.
1465 The fifth
Henry Weaver,
Henry Wea ver, knight of the Bath being Sheriffe, Surmisted ly charged with Trea son.
William Constantine:—
Maior, Sir Ralph Varney, Mercer, son
to Ralph Varney, borne in the Citie of
1466 The sixth
Iohn Browne,—
Henry Brice,—
Iohn Darby:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Yong, Grocer, sonne
of Thomas Young of the City of Bri stoll.
This Maior was made Knight in
the field: and this yeere began the trou bles of Sir Thomas Cooke, and of other
Aldermen, as you may
large in my Summarie.
1467 The seventh
Thomas Stalbrooke,—
Humfrey Hoyford:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Oldgrave, Skin ner; sonne of William Oldgrave, of
Knottysford in Cheshire.
1468 The eighth
Simon Smith,—
William Harriot:—
Maior, Sir William Taylor, Grocer,
sonne to Iohn Taylor of Ecclestone in
1469 The nint
Richard Gardner,—
Robert Drope:—
King Hen rie the sixt delivered out of the Tower.
Sir Richard a Lee, sonne to
Iohn a Lee, of the City of Worcester. This
yeere, the Tower of London being deli vered the Lord Maior, and his brethren
the Aldermen, they deliverd, King Hen ry the sixt, who was kept there Priso ner.
1470 The tenth
Iohn Crosby,—
Iohn Ward:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Sir Iohn Stockton, Mercer,
sonne to Richard Stockton, of Bratoft in
Lincolneshire. Thomas Nevil, the Ba stard Falconbridge, with a riotous com pany,
The insur rection of the Bastard Faulcon bridge and his com plices.
did this yeere set upon this Citie,
at Aldgate, Bishops-gate, the Bridge, &c.
And twelve Aldermen, with the Recor der were Knighted in the field, by Edw.
the fourth, to wit, Iohn Stockton, Maior;
Ralph Veruey, late Maior; Iohn Yong, late
Maior; William Taylor, late Maior; Ri chard a Lee, late Maior; Mathew Phi lips,
The most of these Knights were after ward made Maiors.
late Maior, George Ireland; William
Stocker; William Hampton; Thomas Stal brooke; Iohn Crosby; Bartholomew Iames;
and Thomas Vrswike, Recorder.
1471 The eleventh
Iohn Alen,—
Iohn Shelley:—
Maior, Sir William Edwards, Grocer,
sonne to William Edwards of the Parish
of Hoton in Essex. The water-Con duit in Aldermanbury, and the Stan dard in Fleetstreete were this yeere fini shed.
1472 The twelfth
Iohn Browne,—
Thomas Bledlow:—
Mychen hampton.
Sir William Hampton, Fish monger, sonne to Iohn Hampton of Min chen-hampton in Glocestershire.
Punishmēt inflicted on strum pets and Vaga bonds.
Maior punished Strumpets, and caused
stockes to be set up in every Ward, to
punish Vagabonds.
1473 The thirteenth
Sir William Stocker,—
Robert Belisdon:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Tate, Mercer, sonne
of Iohn Tate,
Serjeants and their yeomen appointed to the Sheriffes.
borne in the Citie of Lon don.
This yeere the Sheriffes of Lon don were appointed (each of them) to
have sixteene Serjeants, & every Serje ant to have his Yeoman. Also six
Clerkes, a Secondary, a Clerke of the
Papers, and foure other Clerkes, besides
the Vndersheriffes Clerkes.
1474 The fourteenth
Edmond Shaa, or Shawe,—
Thomas Hill:—
Maior, Sir Robert Drope, Draper,
Temporall Government.
sonne to Iohn Drope of Saint Edes in
This Maior increased the Water-Conduit in Corne-hill.
1475 The fifteenth
Hugh Brice,—
Robert Colwich:—
Maior, Sir Robert Basset, Salter, son
to Robert Basset of Billerykey in Essex.
1476 The sixteenth
Richard Rawson,—
William Horne:—
Maior againe,
He corre cted the Bakers & Victualers of this Ci tie.
Sir Ralph Ioceline,
Draper, Knight of the Bath, by whose
diligence the wals of the Citie were re paired.
1477 The seventeenth
Henry Collet,—
Iohn Stocker:—
Maior, Sir Humfrey Heyford, Gold smith, sonne to Roger Heyford of Strat ford Bowe neere London.
1478 The eighteenth
Robert Harding,
Robert Bi field gave 50. li. to wards the water Cō duits.
Robert Bifield:—
Maior, Richard Gardener, Mercer,
sonne of Iohn Gardener of Exning in
1479 The nineteenth
Thomas Ilam,
Tomas Il am newely builded the great Conduit in Cheape side.
Iohn Ward:—
Maior, Sir Bartholomew Iames, Dra per, sonne to Edward Iames of London,
1480 The twentieth
Thomas, or William Daniel,
William Bacon:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Browne, otherwise
called Iohn de Werks, Mercer, sonne of
Iohn Browne of Okeham in Rutland-shire.
1481 The one and twentieth
Robert Tate,—
Richard Chawrey,—
William Wiking:—
Temporall Government.
New buil ding of Creplegate.
Sir William Heriot, or Har riot,
Draper, sonne to Iohn Heriot late of
Segrave in the County of Leicester.
1482 The two and twentieth
William White,—
Iohn Mathew:—
Maior, Sir Edmond Shaa, or Shaw,
Goldsmith, sonne to Iohn Shaa, late of
Donkenfield, in the County of Chester.
This Sir Edmond Shaa, caused the Po sterne called Creplegate to bee newly
King Edward the fift began his reigne
the ninth of April, in the
yeere 1483.
Richard the third began his reigne the
two and twentieth of Iune in
the yeere 1483.
1483 The first
Thomas Newland,—
William Martia:—
Maior, Sir Robert Billesdon, Haber dasher, sonne to Alexander Billesdon, of
Queeningborough in the County of Lei cester.
1484 The second
Richard Chester,—
Thomas Britaine,—
Ralph Astrie:—
3 Lord Maiors, & three She riffes in one yeere, by reason of a swea ting sicke nesse.
Sir Thomas Hill, Grocer: Sir
William Stocker, Draper, and Iohn Ward,
Grocer. Thomas Hill was sonne to Wil liam Hill of Hilston in the County of
Kent. William Stoker was sonne to Tho mas Stocker of Eaton in the County of
Bedford: and Iohn Ward was sonne to
Richard Ward of Howdon in the Coun tie of Yorke. Thomas Hill appointed by
his Testament, the water Conduit in
Grasse-street to be builded this yeere.
Henry the seventh began his reigne the
two and twentieth of August in
the yeere 1485.
1485 The first
Iohn Tate,—
Iohn Swan, or Swans:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Sir Hugh Brice, Goldsmith,
sonne to Richard Brice of Dublin in Ire land.
This Hugh Brice was keeper of
the Kings Mints at London.
1486 The second
Iohn Percivol,—
Hugh Clopton:—
This was father to him that builded Pauls Schoole.
Sir Henry Collet, Mercer, son
to Robert Collet of Wendover in the
County of Buckingham. This yeere the
Crosse in West Cheape was new buil ded in beautifull manner.
1487 The third
Iohn Fenkel,—
William Remington:—
Maior, Sir William Florne, Saiter,
sonne to Thomas Horne of Snaysewell in
the County of Cambridge. This William was made Knight, in the field, by King
Henry the seventh, and gave to the re pairing of high wayes betwixt London and Cambridge, five hundred Markes,
and bountifully to the Preachers at
Pauls Crosse.
1488 The fourth
William Isaac,—
Ralph Tinley or Tilney:—
Maior, Sir Robert Tate, Mercer, sonne
to Thomas Tate of the Citie of Coven trey.
1489 The fifth
William Capell,—
Iohn Brooke:—
Maior, Sir William White, Draper,
sonne to Williamwhite of Tickhill in the
County of Yorke.
1490 The sixth
Henry Cote, or Coote,—
Robert Revell,—
Hugh Pemberton:—
This man lived and dyed a Batchelor and never was Bat chelour Maior be fore.
Iohn Mathew, Mercer, being
first a Linnen Draper, and translated to
the Mercers. He was sonne to Thomas
Mathew of Sherington in the County of
1491 The
Temporall Government.
1491 The seventh
Thomas Wood,—
VVilliam Browne:—
Maior, Sir Hugh Clopton, Mercer,
sonne to Iohn Clopton of Stratford upon
Avon in the County of Warwicke, where
the said Hugh builded the goodly stone
1492 The eighth
William Purchase,—
William Welbeck:—
Maior, Sir William Martin, Skinner,
sonne to Walter Martin of the County
of Hertford. This yeere there was a
ryot made upon the Easterlings, by the
Mercers servants and others. d others.
1493 The ninth
Robert Fabian,—
Iohn Winger:—
This Maior was made Knight by King Hen ry the se venth.
Sir Ralph Ostrich, or Astrie,
Fishmonger, sonne to Geffrey Ostrich,
or Astrie, of Hitchin in the County of
Hertford. Robert Fabian, Alderman,
made Fabians Chronicle, a very paine full labour, to the great honour of the
City, and the whole Realme.
1494 The tenth
Nicholas Alwin,—
Iohn Warner:—
Maior, Sir Richard Chawrie, Salter,
sonne to William Chawrie, of Westram in
1495 The eleventh
Thomas Kneesworth,—
Henry Sommer:—
Maior againe,
One man twice Lord Maior.
Sir Henry Collet Mer cer. This yeere was much trouble, a bout the entercourse betweene England and Flanders.
1496 The twelfth
Iohn Shaa,—
Richard Haddon:—
Maior, Iohn Tate the yonger, sonne
to Thomas Tate of Coventrie, and bro ther to Robert Tate, Maior before na med. The King made this Maior, Ro bert Shifield, Recorder, and both the
Sheriffes Knights, for their service a gainst the Rebels at Blacke-Heath
1497 The
Temporall Government.
1497 The thirteenth
Barthelomew Rede,—
Thomas Windew or Windout:
The level ling of More-fields.
William Purchase, Mercer, son
to Iohn Purchase of Gamelinghey in the
County of Cambridge. This yeere all
the Gardens in More-fields were de stroyed, and made plaine ground.
1498 The fourteenth
Thomas Bradbury,—
Stephen Iennings;—
Made Knight in the field by the King.
Sir Iohn Percivall, Merchant-Taylor,
sonne to Roger Percivall of Lon don.
1499 The fifteenth
Iames Wilford,—
Thomas, or Richard Brond:—
A good Maior for the poore.
Sir Nicholas Aldwine, Mercer,
sonne to Richard Aldwine of Spalding in
Lincolneshire. Hee gave twelve pence
a peece to three thousand poore people
in London, and the like to as many more
in and about Spalding.
1500 The sixteenth
Iohn Hawes,—
William Steed:—
Maior, William Rennington, Fish monger, sonne to Robert Rennington of
Bostone in Lincolneshire.
1501 The seventeenth
Lawrence Aylmer,—
Henry Hede:—
The Lord Maiors first riding from the Guild hell to take Barge for Westminster.
Sir Iohn Shaa, Goldsmith, son
to I. Shaa of Rochford in Essex. This Maior
was made Knight in the field by the
King, and he caused his Brethren the
Aldermen to ride from the Guild-hall to the waters side, when he tooke Barge
to Westminster, where he was sworne by
the Kings Councell. Hee first kept
Court in his owne house, and called
and redressed all matters comming be fore him.
1502 The eighteenth
Henry Kebble,—
Nicholas Nives:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Sir Bartholomew Rede, Gold smith, sonne to Robert Rede of Crowmer
in Norfolke. Thomas Granger.
1503 The nineteenth
Christopher Hawes,—
Robert Wats:—
Maior, Sir William Capell, Draper,
sonne of Iohn Capell of Stoke-Neyland,
Hee was Knighted by Henry the se venth.
in the County of Suffolke. This Maior
first caused Cages to be set up in every
Ward, for the punishment of Rogues
and Vagabonds.
1504 The twentieth
Roger Acheley,—
William Browne:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Winger, Grocer, sonne
to William Winger of Leicester.
1505 The one and twentieth
Richard Shoare,—
Roger Grove:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Kneisworth, Fish monger, sonne to Iohn Kneisworth, of
Kneisworth in Cambridgeshire. This Tho mas Kneisworth appointed the water-Conduit
at Bishops-gate to be builded.
1506 The two and twentieth
William Copinger,
This Fitz-William, Merchant-Taylor, was after of councel to King Henry the eighth, He buil ded also the grea ter part of the Parish Church of Saint An drew Vn dershaft In London.
Thomas Iohnson,—
William Fitz-Williams:—
Maior, Sir Richard Haddon, Mercer,
sonne of William Haddon, Citizen and
Mercer of London.
1507 The three and twentieth
William Butler,—
Iohn Kerkby:—
Maior, VVilliam Browne, Mercer, son
of Iohn Browne, Citizen and Mercer of
London, for part of the yeere; and Law rence Aylmer, Draper sonne of Thomas
Temporall Government.
Aylmer, of Ellesnam in Essex for the o ther part.
1508 The foure and twentieth
Thomas Exmewe,—
Richard Smith:—
Maior, Sir Stephen Iennings, Mer chant-Taylor, sonne to William Iennings of Woolnerhampton, in Staffordshire,
where he builded a Free-School, which
is still worthily maintained by the
Company of Merchant-Taylors of
King Henry the eighth began his reigne
the two and twentieth of April,
in the yeere 1509.
1509 The first
George Monox,—
Iohn Doget:—
Maior, Thomas Bradbury, Mercer,
sonne to William Bradbury of Branghin in Hertfordshire, for part of the yeere,
and Sir William Capell for the rest.
1510 The second
Iohn Milborne,—
Iohn Rest:—
He gave also 1000. li. to finish up his Pa rish church of Alder mary, with a steeple, not yet performed▪
Sir Henry Kebble, Grocer,
sonne to George Kebble, Citizen and
Grocer of London. He new builded
the Parish Church of Aldermary by
1511 The third
Nicholas Shelton,—
Thomas Mirsine:—
Maior, Sir Roger Acheley, Draper, son
to Thomas Acheley, of Stanwardine in
A carefull Magistrate for Corne.
This Roger Acheley provi ded Corne for service of this Citie in
great plenty, and caused the same to be
stowed up in Leaden Hall, being called
the Common Garner.
1512 The fourth
Robert Holdernes, or Alder nes;—
Robert Fenrother:—
This Copin ger gave halfe of his goods to his wife and the o ther half to the poore that had most need▪
Sir William Copinger, Fish monger, sonne to Walter Copinger, of
Buckfeill in Suffolke for part of the
Temporall Government.
yeere, and Sir Richard Haddon for the
1513 The fifth
Iohn Dawes,—
Iohn Bruges,—
Roger Basford:—
Maior, Sir William Browne, Mercer,
sonne to Iohn Browne, Citizen and Mer cer of London. Iohn Tate Mercer, this
yeere builded the Church of Saint An thonies Hospitall in London.
1514 The sixth
Iames Yarford,—
Iohn Mundy:—
Maior, Sir George Monox, Draper,
borne in London, but his fathers name
not remembred.
1515 The seventh
Henry Warley,—
Richard Grey,—
William Baily:—
Maior, Sir William Butler, Grocer,
sonne to Richard Butler, of Bindenham in
1516 The eighth
Thomas Seymer,—
Iohn, or Richard Thurstone:
Maior, Sir Iohn Rest, Grocer, sonne
to William Rest of Peterborough in North hamptonshire.
1517 The ninth
Thomas Baldrie,—
Ralph, or Richard Simons:—
He made the water Conduit at London wall by Moregate.
Sir Thomas Exmewe, Gold smith, sonne to Richard Exmewe, of Ru thin in Flintshire.
1518 The tenth
Iohn Allen,—
Iames Spencer:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Mirfine, Skinner,
sonne to George Mirfine of Ely in Cam bridgeshire.
1519 The
Temporall Government.
1519 The eleventh
Iohn Wilkinson,—
Nicholas Partrich:—
Maiors Knighted by courte fie of the Kings.
Sir Iames Yardford, Mercer,
sonne to William Yardford of Kidwelley in
Wales. From this time onward, the
Maiors of London (for the most part)
were Knighted by courtesie of the
Kings, and not otherwise.
1520 The twelfth
Iohn Skevington,—
Iohn Kyme, alias Keble:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Brug, or Bruges, Dra per, sonne to Thomas Brug, or Bruges,
of Dymmocke in Glocestershire.
1521 The thirteenth
Iohn Breton, or Britaine,—
Thomas Pargitor:—
He buil ded the Almeshou ses by To wer hill▪
Sir Iohn Milborne, Draper,
sonne to Iohn Milborne of Long Melford in Suffolke.
1522 The fourteenth
Iohn Rudstone,—
Iohn Champneis:—
Not thir teen thou sand Pa rishes in England. then ap proved.
Sir Iohn Mundy, Goldsmith,
sonne to William Mundy of Wycombe in
1523 The fifteenth
Michaell English,—
Nicholas Iennings:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Baldrie, Mercer,
sonne to Richard Baldrie of Stow market in Suffolke.
1524 The sixteenth
Ralph Dodmere,—
William Roche:—
Maior, Sir William Baily, Draper,
sonne to Iohn Baily of Thacksted in
1525 The seventeenth
Iohn Caunton, or Calton,—
Christopher Askew:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Sir Iohn Allen, Mercer, sonne
to Richard Allen of Thacksted in Essex.
1526 The eighteenth
Stephen Peacocke,—
Nicholas Lambert:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Seymer, Mercer,
sonne to Iohn Seymer of London, Fish monger, who was sonne to Robert Sey mer of Walden in Essex.
1527 The nineteenth
Iohn Hardy,—
William Holleis:—
This yeere was the great swea ting sicke nesse.
Sir Iames Spencer, Vintner,
sonne to Robert Spencer of Congleton in
1528 The twentieth
Ralph Warren,—
Iohn Long:—
Testament in English translated by William Tindall.
Sir Iohn Rudstone, Draper,
sonne to Robert Rudstone of Hatton in
1529 The one and twentieth
Michaell Dermer—
Walter Champion:—
This Maior was tran slated frō the Brew ers to the Mercers.
Sir Ralph Dodmer, Mercer,
sonne to Henry Dodmer, of Pickering-Leigh in Yorkeshire. This yeere it was
decreed that no man should be Maior
of London more than one yeere.
1530 The two and twentieth
William Dauntesey, or Dan cy,—
Richard Champion:
The King first called Supreame head.
Sir Thomas Pargitor, Salter,
sonne to Iohn Pargitor, of Chippingnorton in Oxfordshire.
1531 The three and twentieth
Richard Gresham,—
Edward Altham:—
Temporall Government.
Maior, Sir Nicholas Lambert, Gro cer, sonne to Edward Lambert of Wilton in Wiltshire.
1532 The foure and twentieth
Richard Reynolds,—
Iohn Martin,—
Nicholas Pinchon,—
Iohn Priest:—
This yeere was queen Elizabet’s borne at Greenwich.
Sir Stephen Peacock, Haber dasher, sonne to Stephen Peacock of the
City of Dublin in Ireland.
1533 The five and twentieth
William Forman,—
Thomas Kitson:—
Oath ta ken to the succession.
Sir Christopher Askew, Dra per, sonne to Iohn Askew of Edmonton in
1534 The six and twentieth
Nicholas Leveson,—
William Denham:—
The Popes power ex pelled out of England.
Sir Iohn Champneis, Skinner,
sonne to Robert Champneis, of Chew in
1535 The seven and twentieth
Humfrey Monmouth,—
Iohn Cotes:—
Serieants and their Yeomen put away by the Sheriffes.
Sir Iohn Allen, Mercer, and
made a Privie Counsellor to the King,
for his great wisedome. The forenamed
Sheriffes, Monmouth and Cotes, did put
away twelve Sergeants & twelve Yeo men; but by a Court of Cōmon Coun cell, they were enforced to take them
1536 The eight and twentieth
Robert, or Richard Paget,—
William Bowyer:—
The River of Thames over-fro zen.
Sir Ralph Warren, Mercer,
sonne to Thomas Warren Fuller, who was
sonne to William Warren, of Fering in
1537 The nine and twentieth
Iohn Gresham,—
Thomas Lewin:
Temporall Government.
The great Bible prin ted in En glish prin ted.
Sir Richard Gresham, Mercer,
sonne to Iohn Gresham of Holt, in Nor folke.
1538 The thirtieth
William Wilkinson,—
Nicholas Gibson:—
Suppressi on of Ab bies and religious houses.
Sir William Forman, Haber dasher, son to William Forman, of Gains borough in Lincolneshire.
1539 The one and thirtieth
Thomas Ferrer,—
Thomas Huntlow:—
Maior, Sir William Holleis, sonne to
William Holleis, Citizen and Baker of
1540 The two and thirtieth
William Laxstone,—
Martin Bowes:—
The Eng lish Bible in every Parish Church.
Sir William Roche, Draper,
sonne to Iohn Roche of Wixley in Yorke shire.
1541 The three and thirtieth
Rowland Hill,—
Henry Suckley:—
Maior, Sir Michael Dormer, Mercer,
sonne to Geffrey Dormer of Tame in Ox fordshire.
1542 The foure and thirtieth
Henry Hobberthorne,—
Henry Amcoates:—
The great Plague at London.
Iohn Cotes, Salter, sonne to
Thomas Cotes of Bearton in Buckingham shire.
1543 The five and thirtieth
Iohn Tholouse,—
Richard Dobbes:—
Temporall Government.
Bulten be sieged and yeelded.
Sir William Bowyer, sonne to
William Bowyer of Harston in Cambridge shire for one part, and Sir Ralph Warren Mercer, for the rest.
1544 The six and thirtieth
Iohn Wilford,—
Andrew Iud:—
Maior, Sir William Laxton, Grocer,
sonne to Iohn Laxton of Yongdell in
1545 The seven and thirtieth
George Barne,—
Ralph Allen, or Alley:—
Maior, Sir Martin Bowes, Goldsmith,
sonne to Thomas Bowes, an Inhabitant
of the Citie of Yorke for many yeeres.
1546 The eight and thirtieth
Richard Iarveis,—
Thomas Curteis:—
The death of King Henry the Eight.
Sir Henry Hobberthorne, Mer chant-Taylor, sonne to Christopher
Hobberthorne of Waddingworth in Lin colneshire.
King EDVVARD the sixth began his
reigne the eight and twentieth
day of Ianuary, in the
yeere, 1546.
1547 The first
Thomas White,—
Robert Chertsey:—
2 Sonnes of one man Mai ors of Lon don each after o ther.
Sir Iohn Gresham, Mercer,
sonne to Iohn Gresham of Holt in Nor folke,
and Brother to Sir Richard Gre sham,
formerly Lord Maior.
1548 The second
William Lock,—
Sir Iohn Ayleph:—
A great death in London.
Henry Amcoates, Fishmon
Temporall Government.
sonne to William Amcoats, of Astrap in Lincolnshire.
1549 The third
Iohn Yorke,—
Richard Turke:—
Booke of Common Prayer in English.
Sir Rowland Hill, Mercer,
sonne to Thomas Hill of Hodnet in Shrop shire.
1550 The fourth
Augustine Hind,—
Iohn Lion:—
The se cond great Sweating Sicknesse.
Sir andrew Iud, Skinner,
sonne to Iohn Iud of Tonebridge in
1551 The fifth
Iohn Lambert,—
Iohn Cowper:—
Maior, Sir Richard Dobbes, Skinner,
sonne to Robert Dobbes of Baitby in
1552 The sixth
William Garret, or Gerrard,
Iohn Mainard:—
The death of King Edward the sixth.
Sir George Barne, Haberda sher, sonne to George Barne, Citizen
and Haberdasher of London.
Queene Marie began her reigne the
sixth day of Iuly in the
yeere 1553.
1553 The first
Thomas Offley,—
William Hewet:—
The boun ty of Sir Thomas White.
Sir Thomas White, Merchant-Taylor,
sonne to Thomas White of Rick mansworth in Hertfordshire.
Wiat, his rising and suppres sing.
This Sir
Thomas White founded Saint Iohn Bap tists Colledge in Oxford, and gave two
thousand pound to the Citie of Bristol to purchase one hundred and twentie
pound land yeerely.
1554 The second
David Woodroffe,—
William Chester:—
Temporall Government.
Lady Iane beheaded▪
Sir Iohn Lyon, Grocer, sonne
to Thomas Lyon of Peryfare in Middle sex.
1555 The third
Thomas Lee, or Leigh,—
Iohn Machel:—
Seven Al dermen in London dyed in lesse than 10 Months▪
Sir William Garret or Garrard,
Haberdasher, sonne to Iohn Garret, Ci tizen and Grocer of London, who was
sonne to William Garret of Seddingbourne in Kent.
1556 The fourth
William Harper,—
Iohn White:—
First ordai ning of the night Bel man.
Sir Thomas Offley, Merchant-Taylor,
sonne to William Offley of the
City of Chester.
1557 The fifth
Richard Mallory,—
Iames Altham:—
Callis lost to the French.
Sir Thomas Curteis, Fishmon ger, sonne to Iohn Curteis of Enfield in
Middlesex. Hee was free of the Pew terers, and translated to the Fishmon gers.
1558 The sixth
Iohn Halsey,—
Richard Champion:—
Death of Queene Mary.
Sir Thomas Lee, or Leigh, Mer cer, sonne to Roger Lee of Willington in
Queene ELIZABETH began her
reigne, the seventeenth of No vember, in the
yeere, 1558.
1559 The first
Thomas Lodge,—
Roger Martin:
Common Prayer in English, & Images pulled downe.
Sir William Hewet, Cloth
Temporall Government.
worker, sonne to Edmund Hewet of Wales in Yorkeshire.
1560 The second
Christopher Draper,—
Thomas Rowe:—
Maior, Sir William Chester, Draper,
sonne to John Chester, Citizen and Dra per of London. This yeere the Mer chant-Taylors founded their notable
Free-Schoole for poore mens chil dren, &c.
1561 The third
Alexander Avenon,—
Humfrey Baskervile:—
Pauls stee ple burned Iune 4. 1561.
Sir William Harper, Merchant-Taylor,
sonne to William Harper of the
Towne of Bedford.
1562 The fourth
William Allen,—
Richard Chamberlaine,—
New-Ha ven yeel ded to the French.
Sir Thomas Lodge, Grocer,
sonne to William Lodge of Cresset in
1563 The fifth
Edward Bankes,—
Rowland Heyward:—
The great Plague: No Maiors Feast by reason of the Plague The great frost and Thames o ver-frozen▪
Sir Iohn White, Grocer, sonne
to Robert White of Farneham in Surrey.
1564 The sixth
Edward Iackman,—
Lionel Ducket:—
The Bursse builded by Sir Thomas Gresham.
Sir Richard Mallory, Mercer,
sonne to Anthony Mallory of Papwortha mus in Cambridgeshire.
1565 The seventh
Iohn Rivers,—
Iames Hawes:—
The birth of our Royal So veraigne King Iames Iune 9. 1566.
Sir Richard Champion, Dra per, sonne to Richard Champion of Godil ming in Surrey.
1566 The
Temporall Government.
1566 The eighth
Richard Lambert,—
Ambrose Nicholas,—
Iohn Langley:—
Maior, Sir Christopher Draper, Iron monger, sonne to Iohn Draper of Melton
Mowbray in Leicestershire.
1567 The ninth
Thomas Ramsey,—
Iohn Bond:—
Downegate Conduit builded.
Sir Roger Martin, Mercer, son
to Lawrence Martin of Melford in Suf folke.
1568 The tenth
Iohn Oleph,—
Robert Harding,—
Iames Bacon:—
The great Lottery at Pauls and the New Church-yard buil ded neere Bethlehem.
Sir Thomas Rowe, Merchant-Taylor,
sonne to Robert Rowe Citizen
and Merchant-Taylor of London, who
was sonne to Reynald Rowe of Lee in
This yeere Sir Thomas Row enclosed
a piece of ground by Moore-fields, with
a Bricke wall, to be a place for buriall of
the dead, to such Parishes in London as
wanted Churchyards.
1569 The eleventh
Henry Beecher,—
William Dane:—
Rebellion of the Earles in the North.
Sir Alexander Avenon, Iron monger, sonne to Robert Avenon, or
Avenand of Kings-Norton in Worcester shire.
1570 The twelfth
Francis Barneham,—
William Boxe:—
Queene Elizabeth her com ming to the Royall Exchange.
Sir Rowland Heyward Cloth worker, son to George Heyward of Bridge
north in Shropshire.
1571 The thirteenth
Henry Milles,—
Iohn Branche:—
Maior, Sir William Allen, Mercer,
Temporall Government.
sonne to William Allen, Citizen and Pa steller of London, who was sonne to Ri chard Allen of Stondon in Hertfordshire.
1572 The fourteenth
Richard Pipe,—
Nicholas Woodroffe:—
Duke of Norfolke beheaded, Iune 2. 1572.
Sir Lionell Ducket, Mercer.
1573 The fifteenth
Iames Harvey,—
Tho. Pulloccell or Pullison:—
M. Saunders murdered: his wife, Browne, Mistris Drewry, & trusty Ro ger execu ted.
Sir Iohn Rivers, Grocer, sonne
to Richard Rivers of pensehurst in Kent.
1574 The sixteenth
Thomas Blancke,—
Anthony Gamage:—
Maior, Sir Iames Hawes, Clothwor ker, sonne to Thomas Hawes, Citizen
and Merchant of London, who was son
to Iohn Hawes of Stoke-Newington in
1575 The seventeenth
Edward Osborne,—
Wolstane Dixie:—
Maior, Sir Ambrose Nicholas, Salter,
sonne to Iohn Nicholas of Nedingworth in Huntingdonshire.
1576 The eighteenth
William Kempton,—
George Barne:—
Oldbourne. Conduit builded by by Master Lambe.
Sir Iohn Langley, Goldsmith,
sonne to Robert Langley of Althrope in
1577 The nineteenth
Nicholas Backhouse,—
Francis Bowyer:—
Strange sicknesse at Oxenford death of the Iud ges.
Sir Thomas Ramsey, Grocer,
sonne to Iohn Ramsey of Flenbridge in
1578 The
Temporall Government.
1578 The fourteenth
George Bond,—
Thomas Starkie:—
The bla zing Star. The great deepe Snow.
Sir Richard Pipe, Draper, son
to Richard Pipe of Woolverhampton, in
He was free of the Leathersellers,
and from them translated to the Dra pers.
1579 The one and twentieth
Martin Calthrope,—
Iohn Hart:—
The great and gene rall Earth quake, on Wednsday in Easter weeke the fixt of A pril, 1580.
Sir Nicholas Woodroffe, Ha berdasher, sonne to David Woodroffe,
Citizen and Haberdasher of London,
who was sonne to Iohn Woodroffe, or
Woodrove, of the Parish of Vscombe, in
1580 The two twentieth
Ralph Woodcocke,—
John Allot:—
The bla
zing starre seene a bove two moneths nightly.
Sir Iohn Branche, Draper,
sonne to Iohn Branche, Citizen and Dra per of London, who was sonne to Iohn
Branche of Laynham in Suffolke.
1581 The three and twentieth
Richard Martin,—
William Webbe:—
Mouesiers comming into Eng land, and his return.
Sir Iames Harvey, Irohmon ger, sonne to William Harvey, of Cotwal ton in Staffordshire.
1582 The foure and twentieth
William Rowe,—
Iohn Haydon, deceased,—
Cuthbert Buckle succeeded:—
Standard at Leaden-Hall for Thames-water.
Sir Thomas Blanke, Haberda sher, sonne to Thomas Blanke, Citizen
and Haberdasher of London, who was
sonne to Thomas Blanke of Gilford in
1583 The five and twentieth
William Masham,—
Desmonds head set on London-bridge.
Iohn Spencer:—
Arden and Somerviles Treason.
Maior, Sir Edward Osborne, Cloth worker
Temporall Government.
worker, son to Richard Osborne, of Ash ford in Kent.
1584 The six and twentieth
Stephen Slany,—
Henry Billingsley:—
W. Parries treason. E. of Nor thumberl. murdered himselfe in the Tower.
Sir Thomas Pulloccill, or Pully son,
Draper, sonne to William Pulloccill,
of Footescray in Kent.
1585 The seven and twentieth
Anthony Ratcliffe,—
Henry Pranell:—
Maior, Sir Wolstane Dixie, Skinner,
sonne to Thomas Dixie, of Catworth in
1586 The eight and twentieth
Robert House,
Sir Philip Sidney his honoura ble Fune rall, Febr. 16. 1586.
William Elkin:
Ludgate new buil ded by the Cities charge.
Maior, Sir George Barne, Haberda sher, sonne to Sir George Barne, Knight,
Citizen, Haberdasher, and Lord Maior
of London; who was son also to George
Barne, Citizen and Haberdasher of
1587 The nine and twentieth
Thomas Skinner,—
Iohn Catcher:—
Maior, Sir George Bond, Haberda sher, sonne to Robert Bond, of Trull in
1588 The thirtieth
Hugh Offley,
The Camp at Tilbery.
Richard Saltonstall:—
Queene Elizabeth her com ming to Pauls Ser mon.
Sir Martin Calthrop, Draper,
sonne to Martin Calthrop, Citizen and
Draper of London: He served one part
of the yeere, and Sir Richard Martin,
Goldsmith, the other.
1589 The one and thirtieth
Richard Gurney,—
Stephen Some:—
Death of Sir Francis Walsingham
Sir Iohn Hart, Grocer, sonne
Temporall Government.
to Ralph Hart, of Sproston-Court in York shire.
1590 The two and thirtieth
Nicholas Mosley,—
Robert Brooke:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Allot, Fishmonger,
sonne to Richard Allot of Limbergh in
Lincolnshire: He served one part of the
yeere, and Sir Rowland Heyward the o ther.
1591 The three and thirtieth
William Rider,—
Benet, or Benedict Barnham—
The Thomas al most emp ty of water for two daies space.
Sir William Webbe, Salter,
sonne to Iohn Webbe, of Reading in Bark shire.
1592 The foure and thirtieth—
Robert Taylor:—
No Bar tholomew Fayre at London.
Sir William Rowe, Ironmon ger, sonne to Thomas Rowe of Penschurst in Kent.
1593 The five and thirtieth
Paul Banning,—
Peter Haughton:—
Doctor Lopez exe cuted at Teyborne.
Sir Cuthbert Buckle, Vintner,
sonne to Christopher Buckle, of Bourgh,
in Westmerland: Hee served one part of
the yeere, and Sir Richard Martin,
Goldsmith, the other; which Sir Ri chard Martin was sonne to Thomas Mar tin,
of Saffron Walden in Essex.
1594 The six and thirtieth
Robert Lee,—
Thomas Bennet:—
Vnrely youth ex ecuted on Tower-hill.
Sir Iohn Spencer, Clothwor ker, sonne to Richard Spencer of Walding field in Suffolke.
1595 The seven and thirtieth
Thomas Lowe,
A Provost Marshall for London.
Leonard Hallyday:—
Maior, Sir Stephen Slany, Skinner,
sonne to Iohn Slany, of Mitton, in Staf fordshire.
1596 The
Temporall Government.
1596 The eight and thirtieth
Iohn Wats,—
Richard Godard:—
Maior, Sir, Thomas Skinner, Cloth worker, sonne to Iohn Skinner, of Wal den in Essex. Hee served the one part
of the yeere, and Sir Henry Billingsley,
Haberdasher the other.
This Sir Henry Billingsley was sonne
to Roger Billingsley, of the City of Can terbury,
in Kent.
1597 The nine and thirtieth
Henry Row,—
Iohn More:—
Lectures reading in Greshams College.
Sir Richard Saltonstall, Skin ner, sonne to Gilbert Saltonstall, of Hal lyfax in Yorkshire.
1598 The fortieth
Edward Holmedon,—
Robert Hampson:—
Earle of Essex his going to wards Ire land.
Sir Stephen Some, Grocer,
sonne to Thomas Some, of Bradley in
Hee was free of the Girdlers, and
from them translated to the Grocers.
1599 The one and fortieth
Humphrey Welde,—
Roger Clerke:—
Earle of Essex re turned, & L. Mount ioy sent in to Ireland.
Sir Nicholas Mosley,
Earle of Essex his ri sing, trou bles, and death.
Cloth worker, sonne to Edward Mosley, of
Hough in Lancashire.
1600 The two and fortieth
Thomas Smith,—
Thomas Cambell,—
William Craven:—
Maior, Sir William Rider, Haberda sher, sonne to Thomas Rider of Muckle stone in Staffordshire.
1601 The three and fortieth
Henry Anderson,—
William Glover:—
Temporall Government.
Spaniards and Irish overcome in Ireland.
Sir Iohn Garret, or Garrard,
Haberdasher, son to Sir, William Garret,
or Garrard, Knight, Lord Maior and Ha berdasher of London, son to Iohn Garret or Garrard, Citizen and Grocer of Lon don,
who was sonne to William Garret, or
Garrard, of Seddingborne, in Kent.
1602 The foure and fortieth
Iames Pemberton,—
Iohn Swinnerton:—
Maior, Sir Robert Lee, Merchant-Tai ler, sonne to Humphrey Lee of Bridge-North in Shropshire.
King IAMES began his reigne the
foure and twentieth of March
in the yeere, 1602.
1603 The first
Sir William Rumney,—
Sir Thomas Middleton:—
This yeere died good Queene Elizabeth.
Sir Thomas Bennet, Mercer,
sonne to Thomas Bennet, of Willingford in Barkeshire.
1604 The second
Sir Thomas Hayes, Knight,
Sir Roger Iones Knight:—
Tearme at Winchester, and great plague at London.
Sir Thomas Low, Haberda sher, sonne to Simon Low, Citizen and
Merchant-Tayler of London, who was
sonne to Ralph Low, of London.
1605 The third
Clement Scudamor, Knight,
Sir Iohn Folles, Knight:—
The most happy dis covery and pre vention of the Gun powder Treasons.
Sir Leonard Hollyday, Mar chant-Tayler, sonne to William Holly day of Redborough in Glocestershire.
1606 The fourth
William Walthall,—
Iohn Lemon:—
Maior, Sir Iohn Wats, Clothworker,
sonne to Thomas Wats of Buntingford in
1607 The
Temporall Government.
1607 The fifth
Geffrey Elwes,—
Nicholas Style:—
Maior, Sir Henry Rowe, Mercer, sonne
to Sir Thomas Rowe, Knight, Lord
Maior, Citizen and Merchant-Tayler
of London.
1608 The sixth
George Bolles,—
Richard Farrington:—
This yeere Aldgate was fully finished.
Sir Humfrey Weld, Grocer,
sonne to Iohn Weld of Eaton in Cheshire.
1609 The seventh
Sebastian Harvey,—
William Cockaine:—
The Lord Maiors shews long left off, were now revived a gaine by order from the King.
Sir Thomas Cambell, Jronmon ger, sonne to Robert Cambell, of Fulsam in Norfolke.
1610 The eighth
Richard Pyat,—
Francis Iones:—
Maior, Sir William Cravon, Mer chant-Tayler, sonne to William Craven of Appletreewick in Yorkeshire.
1611 The ninth
Edward Barkham,—
George Smithes:—
This yeere died the Royall Prince Henry.
Sir Iames Pemberton, Gold smith, sonne to Iames Premberton, of Ec clestone in Lancashire.
1612 The tenth
Edward Rotherham,—
Alexander Prescot:—
Marriage of the Pals grave to the Lady Eli zabeth.
Sir Iohn Swinnerton, Mer chant-Tayler, sonne to Thomas Swin nerton,
Citizen and Merchant-Tayler
of London, who was sonne to Richard
Swinnerton, of Oswestrey in Shropshire.
1613 The
Temporall Government.
1613 The eleventh
Thomas Bennet,—
Henry Iaye:—
The new River brought to London frō Amwell.
Sir Thomas Middleton, Gro cer, sonne to Richard Middleton, of
Denbigh, in the County of Denbigh.
1614 The twelfth
Peter Proby,—
Martin Lumley:—
Maior, Sir Thomas Hayes, Draper,
sonne to Thomas Hayes of the City of
1615 The thirteenth
William Goare,—
Iohn Goare:—
This yeere two bre then She riffes and the youn ger first chosen.
Sir Iohn Iolles Draper, sonne
to Thomas Ielles of Stratford-Bow in
The Kings great iour ney to Scotland, and happy returne.
1616 The fourteenth
Allen Cotten,—
Cuthbert Hacket:—
This Maior was the se cond Bat chelor.
Sir Iohn Leman, Fishmonger,
sonne to Iohn Leman of Gillingham in
1617 The fifteenth
William Hollyday,—
Robert Iohnson:—
Maior, the right Honorable, George
Bolles, Grocer, sonne of Thomas Bolles,
of Newbold in the County of Leicester.
1618 The sixteenth
Richard Hearne,—
Hugh Hamersley:—
Maior, Sir Sebastian Harvey, Iron monger, he was sonne to Sir Iames Har vey,
Knight, Lord Maior of London, which
was sonne to William Harvey, of Cotwal ton in Staffordshire.
1619 The
Temporall Government.
1619 The seventeenth
Richard Deane,—
Iames Cambell:—
Doctor Abbot Lord Bi shop of London, translated and enstal led Arch bishop of Canterbury Aprill 9.
Sir William Cockaine, Skinner,
he was sonne to William Cockaine, sonne
of Roger Cockaine of Baddesley in War wickeshire.
1620 The eighteenth
Edward Allen,—
Robert Ducie:—
The new River brought from Am well, was finished the twen tininth of September.
Sir Francis Iones, Haberda sher, he was the sonne of Iohn Iones of
Claverley in the County of Saloppe.
1621 The ninteenth
George Whitmore,—
Nicholas Rainton:—
Sir Edward Barkham, Draper,
he was the sonne of Edward Barkham,
of Southacre in the County of Norfolke
1622 The twentieth
Iohn Hodges,—
Humfrey Hanford Knight:—
Prince Charles ha ving been in Spaine arrived in England the sixt of October.
Sir Peter Proby, Grocer, com monly in the Countrey called Peter ap-Robin,
his fathers name is not recorded,
but is sayd to be borne neere Whitchurch in Shropshire.
1623 The one and twentieth
Ralph Freeman,—
Thomas Moulson:—
Our graci ous queen Mary lan ded at Do ver the 12. of Iune.
Sir Martin Lumley, Draper,
he was the sonne of Iames Lumley, of
1624 The two and twentieth
Rowland Heilin,—
Robert Parkhurst:—
King Iames died at Theobalds the 27. day of March.
Sir Iohn Goare, Merchant-Taylor,
hee was the sonne of Gerrard
Goare, who was the sonne of Iohn Goare of London.
1625 The
Temporall Government.
King Charles began his reigne the seven
and twentieth of March, in the
yeere, 1625.
1625 The first
Thomas Westwray,—
Ellis Crispe,—
Iohn Poole,—
Christopher Cletherowe:—
Maior, Sir Allen Cotton, Draper,
hee was sonne to Ralph Cotton, of Whit church in the County of Salop.
1626 The second
Edward Bromfield,—
Richard Fenne:—
The Duke of Bucking ham made his voyage to the Isle of Ree neer Rochell.
Sir Cuthbert Aket, alias Hac ket,
Draper, hee was sonne of Thomas
Aket, or Hacket, who was the sonne of
Thomas Aket, or Hacket, of Dertford in
1627 The third
Maurice Abbot,—
Henry Garway:—
The death of Lambe called by divers Do ctor Lambe.
Sir Hugh Hammersley, Haber dasher,
The draw bridge also newly re paired.
he was the sonne of Hugh Ham mersley, who was the sonne of Richard
Hammersley, of the Towne and County
of Stafford.
1628 The fourth
Rowland Backhouse,—
William Acton, Knight and
Iohn Felton for killing the Duke of Bucking ham, exe cuted and hanged in chaines.
Sir Richard Deane, Skinner,
he was sonne of George Deane, of Much dunmowe in Essex.
1629 The fifth
Humfrey Smith,—
Edmund Wright:—
The birth of Royall Prince Charles, May the 29 at S. Iames’s neere Char ing Crosse.
Sir Iames Cambell, Ironmon ger, hee was the sonne of Thomas Cam bell,
who was sonne of Robert Cambel, of
Fulsam in the County of Norfolke.
1630 The
Temporall Government.
1630 The sixth
Arthur Abdy,—
Robert Cambell:—
Mervin Lord Aud ley, and Earle of Castlehaven beheaded on Tower hill, May 14.
Sir Robert Ducy, Merchant-Taylor,
he was the sonne of Henry Ducy of London.
1631 The seventh
Samuel Cranmer,—
Henry Prat:—
The hou ses joining to the Ca thedrall Church of St. Paul began to be pulled downe.
Sir George Whitmore, Haber dasher, hee was the sonne of William
Whitmore, who was son to Richard Whit more,
of the Parish of Charely in the
County of Salop.
1632 The eighth
Hugh Perry,—
Henry Andrewes:—
The third part of London-Bridge bur ned.
Sir Nicholas Raynton, Haber dasher, he was the son of Robert Rayn ton of Highinton in the County of Lin colne.
1633 The ninth
Gilbert Harrison,—
Richard Gurney:—
Maior, the right Honourable, Ralph
Freeman, Clothworker, sonne of William
Freeman of the Towne and County of
Thus much for the chiefe and principall Governours of this famous City; of
whose publike Government, with the assistance of other inferiour Officers,
their charges for preserving the Peace, service of the Prince, and Honour
of this City, much might have beene said, and shall be hereafter discoursed
more at large, when I have more spacious ground to walke in, and other
helpes (thereto belonging) can more conveniently be had.
Temporall Government.
Famous Citie; out of which the Lord
Maior is to be chosen yeerely, because
those of inferiour rancke, are not
capable of such dignitie.
THe Mercers were enabled to be a Company, and to purchase
Lands, to the value of twenty pounds by the yeere, the
seventeenth yeare of King Richard the second, Anno Dom. 1393.
Temporall Government.
The Company of Grocers, in elder times called Pepperers: were
first incorporated by the name of Grocers, in the twentieth yeere
of King Edward the third, Anno Dom. 1345. The Armes antient,
and supporters granted by Thomas Benote, Clarencieux, in the time
of King Henry the eight, Helme and Crest, by William Harvey, Cla rencieux, Anno Dom. 1562.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of Drapers were incorporated in the seven teenth yeere of King Henry the sixt, Anno Dom. 1430. The
Armes first granted by Garter King of Armes: Crest and Suppor ters by William Harvy, Clarencieux, Anno Dom. 1561.
Temporall Government.
THe Fishmongers were (at the first) two Companies, namely,
Stockfishmongers, and Saltfishmongers; which Saltfishmongers, in
the beginning of the Reigne of King Henry the eighth, Anno Dom.
1509. did beare their Armes as here is set downe. But lastly, in
the 28. yeere of the same King, Anno Dom. 1536. the said Compa nies were vnited in one, and then their Armes more fully granted.
Temporall Government.
THe Goldsmiths, were incorporated and confirmed in the six teenth yeere of King Richard the second, the Crest and Sup porters were granted by Robert Cooke, Clarencieux, Anno Dom.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of Skinners were incorporated in the first yeere
of King Edward the third, Anno Dom. 1327. And made a Bro therhood in the eighteenth yeere of King Richard the second. The
Crest and Supporters were granted by William Haruy, who was
free of the same Company, Anno Dom. 1561.
Temporall Government.
THe first Patent of these Armes, were granted by Sir Thomas
Holne Knight, Clarencieux, King of Armes to the Company of
Tailors and Linnen Armourers, in the one and twentieth yeere of King
Edward the fourth, Anno Dom. 1480. And since then incorporated
by King Henry the seventh, by the name of Merchant-Tailors, in
the seventeenth yeere of his reigne, Anno Dom. 1501. The Crest
and Supporters being granted by Robert Cooke, Clarencieux, Anno
Dom. 1585.
Temporall Government.
The Haberdashers, or Hurrers, (of old time so called) were in corporated a Brotherhood of Saint Katharine, in the six and twen tieth yeere of King Henry the sixth Anno Dom▪ 1447. And they
were confirmed in the seventeenth yeere of King Henry the seventh,
and named Merchant-Haberdashers. The Crest and Supportters
were granted by Robert Cooke, Clarencioux, King of Armes. Anno
Dom. 1571.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of the Salters had their Armes first granted to
them in the two and twentieth yeare of King Henry the eight,
Anno Dom. 1530. by Thomas Benolt, Clarencieux. The Crest and
Supporters by Robert Cooke, Clarencieux In the nine and twenti eth yeere of Queene Elizabeth, Anno Dom. 1587.
Temporall Government.
THe Ironmongers were incorporated, in the third yeere of King
Edward the fourth, Anno Dom. 1462. And their Armes first
granted by Lancaster, King of Armes, Marshall to Clarencieux, King
of Armes, Anno Dom. 1455. And the foure and thirtieth yeere of
the reigne of King Henry the sixth.
Temporall Government.
THe Vintonners were incorporated in the Reigne of King Ed ward the third, by the name of Wine-Tonners, and confirmed
in the fifteenth yeere of King Henry the sixt, Anno Dom. 1436.
The Armes first granted by Clarencieux, in the sixth yeere of King
Henry the sixt, Anno Dom. 1427.
Temporall Government.
THe Clothworkers had their Armes first granted by Thomas Be nolt, Clarencieux, in the two and twentieth yeere of King Henry the eighth, Anno Dom. 1530. The Crest and Supporters granted
by Robert Cooke, Clarencieux, King of Armes, Anno Dom. 1587.
Temporall Government.
Merchants, and their seuerall Armes, so
many as I could attaine vnto.
Of the Staple.
THe Company of Merchants, called of the Staple, incorpora ted by King Edward the third: in whose time they had their
Staple of Wools at Callis.
Temporall Government.
Merchants Adventures.
THe Company of Merchants, called Merchants Adventures,
were incorporated by King Edward the fourth: And had
their Priviledges confirmed and enlarged by Queene Elizabeth.
Temporall Government.
Merchants of Russia.
THe Company of Merchants of Russia, who were incorpo rated by King Edward the sixth: and againe confirmed and
augmented by Queene Elizabeth.
Temporall Government.
Merchants of Elbing.
THe Company of Merchants of Elbing, they became incor porated by Queene Elizabeth.
Temporall Government.
Merchants of Levant, or
Turkie Merchants.
THe Company of Merchants of Levant, or (more com monly) termed Turkie Merchants, being first incorporated by
Queene Elizabeth, were afterward confirmed and enlarged by our
Soveraigne Lord King Iames.
Temporall Government.
Merchants of Spaine.
THe Company of Merchants of Spaine, or more usually cal led Spanish Merchants, were incorporated by Queene Eli zabeth.
Temporall Government.
Merchants of East-India.
THe Company of Merchants, called Merchants of East-India,
were incorporated by Queene Elizabeth, Anno Dom. 1600.
Temporall Government.
New French
Merchants Adventurers.
A New Company of Merchant Adventures, but of their in corporating I am able to say nothing: but the Coat and Crest
of their Armes were given and granted by Sir William Seger, Garter,
and Master William Camden, Clarencieux, Kings of Armes, the thir teenth day of November, in the 14. yeere of King Iames, 1616.
Temporall Government.
The Company of
French Merchants.
THe Company now called of French Merchants: of their cre ating, incorporating, and Patents granting, no intelligence
hath beene given me, and therefore I am the lesse able to speake of
them: onely I heare them to be a Company of worthy Gentle men; and let that honest title at this time suffice them.
Temporall Government.
Merchants of Virginia.
THe Company of Merchants, called Merchants of Virginia,
Bermudas, or Summer-Ilands, for (as I heare) all these additi ons are given them. I know not the time of their incorporating,
neither by whom their Armes, Supporters, and Crest were gran ted, and therefore am compelled to leaue them abruptly.
Temporall Government.
following the Twelve.
KIng Henry the sixt, late King of England, of famous memo ry, by his Highnesse Letters-Patents, or Charter of Incor poration, bearing date the sixteenth day of February, in the
nine and fortieth yeere from the beginning of his Reigne; and in
the first yeere of the redemption of his Royall power, did incor porate the Company of the Dyers in London, and so they have ever
since continued.
Temporall Government.
THe Charter of the Brewers was granted by King Henry the
sixth, and his Letters-Patents dated at Windsor, the two and
twentieth of February, in the sixth yeere of his Reigne. Moreover,
it was reconfirmed at Greenewich, Iuly the 13. and second yeere of
Queene Elizabeth of blessed memory.
THe Lethersellers being formerly a Society, or Brotherhood of
long time, became incorporated in the sixth yeere of King
Richard the second, and when Whittington was Lord Maior of
Temporall Government.
THe Pewterers were a Company, or Meeting of friendly and
neighbourly men, in the time of King Edward the fourth; and
in the thirteenth yeere of this King became incorporated, Ianu ary the 20. And from this King they have beene still confirmed by
all Princes since: lastly, by King Iames.
THe Barbers-Chirurgions, being a Company of no meane credit
and estate, became a Brotherhood and Fellowship, incorpo rated by the Charter of King Edward the fourth; afterward by the
Henries, the seventh and eighth, Philip and Mary, and Queene Eliza beth: last of all they were againe confirmed by King Iames, with
other additions also: and all those former Charters have bin recon firmed (with larger additions) by our most gracious King Charles.
Temporall Government.
THe Society or Company of the Armourers, have beene a Bro therhood of ancient continuance, and became incorporated
in the beginning of the reigne of King Henry the sixth: the
King being pleased to stile himselfe a Brother of their Society.
THe Company of White-Bakers are of great Antiquity, as ap peareth by their Records, and divers other things of Anti quity, extant in their common Hall. They were a Compa ny of this City in the first yeere of Edward the second, and had a new
Charter granted unto them in the first yeere of Henry the seventh;
the which Charter was confirmed unto them by Henry the eighth,
Edward the sixth, Queene Mary, Queene Elizabeth, and King Iames.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of Wax-Chandlers, having beene a Brother hood of very ancient standing, and much used in the times
of superstition, became yet to be incorporated in Anno, 1484.
it being the second yeere of King Richard the third.
THe company of the Tallow-Chandlers, were a Society of great
antiquity, living in good formality among men, and loving
agreement with themselves: they became to be incorpora ted in the second yeere of King Edward the fourth, and from him
successively to King Iames.
Temporall Government.
COncerning this Company of Cutlers, I finde them to be of great
antiquity, and that they were incorporated in the beginning
of the Reigne of King Henry the fifth, and afterward confirmed
by King Henry the sixth, King Henry the eighth, King Philip and
Queene Mary, famous Queene Elizabeth; and King Iames in his
fifth yeere, the eighth day of February, fully confirmed all.
I Finde the Company of the Girdlers not to be much behind-hand
(with others) for eminency and antiquity, because they have
held good correspondency with the world and with themselves:
they became to bee incorporated the sixth day of August, in the
seven and twentieth yeere of the Reigne of King Henry the sixth.
Temporall Government.
THe Butchers were incorporated by King Iames, under his
Letters-Patents, bearing date the sixteenth day of Septem ber, in the third yeere of his Reigne of England, and of Scot land the nine and twentieth: they were incorporated by the name
of Master, Wardens, and Comminalty of the Art or mystery of
Butchers of the City of London, the Fraternity being very ancient.
THe Company of Sadlers questionlesse declare themselves to
be of great antiquity, as shewing their beginning in the times
of these Kings following: Edward the first, Rich. the second,
Henry the fourth, Edw. the second, Edw. the third, Henry the fifth,
Henry the sixth, Edw. the fourth, rich. the third, Henry the seventh,
Henry the eighth, Edw. the sixth, and since the first King above na med, the Craft of the Sadlers hath given Livery, and so have conti nued in their Livery by the space of 300 yeeres and more. What all
the precedent Princes gave and granted, King Iames confirmed.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of the Carpenters, being a Society of ancient
standing, were incorporated by Letters-Patents, bearing date
the seventh day of Iuly, in the seventeenth yeere of the Reigne of
King Edward the fourth; by the name of Master, Wardens, and
Comminalty of the mystery of Freemen of the Carpentry of the
City of London.
THe Company of Shoomakers or Cordwainers, as they stile
themselves, have beene of long continuance, and were first
incorporated in the seventeenth yeere of King Henry the sixth; be ing afterward confirmed by Philip and Queene Mary, in the fourth
and fifth yeeres of their Reigne: then againe re-confirmed by
Queene Elizabeth, in the fourth yeere of her Reigne: and lastly,
by King Iames.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of the Painters, having the addition of Painters-Stainers,
for their skill and cunning in divers mysterious
workes, have beene a Society of great antiquity from time to time,
and were incorporated in Anno Dom. 1580. it being the three and
twentieth yeere of Queene Elizabeth, &c.
THe Company of Curryers, a Company of long continuance,
and of good community amongst themselves, became incor porated in the third yeere of King Iames, the twelfth day of Iune.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of Masons, being otherwise termed Free-Ma sons, of ancient standing and good reckoning, by meanes of af fable and kinde meetings divers times, and as a loving Brotherhood
should use to doe, did frequent this mutuall assembly in the time
of King Henry the fourth, in the twelfth yeere of his most gracious
THe Company of Plumbers, of large and very memorable
antiquity, remaining a Fellowship or Brotherhood by the
name of Plumbers. At length they attained to be incorporated by
Letters-Patents, the eleventh or twelfth day of Aprill, in the ninth
yeere of King IAMES of England, and of Scotland the foure and
fortieth, &c.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of the Inholders, having beene a Community or
Society of honest friendly men, by their often meeting and
conversing together, as in those dayes it was a matter much obser ved: became to be incorporated in the sixth yeere of King Henry the eighth, and so renued from time to time.
THe Company of Founders, no doubt of antiquity and long
continuance in Brotherhood and Fellowship together, were
incorporated the eighteenth day of September, in the
twelfth yeere of the Reigne of King IAMES.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of the Embroiderers can make appeare by their
worthy and famous pieces of Art, that they have beene of
ancient use and eminence, as is to be seene in divers places at this
day: but for the matter of their incorporating, it hath relation to
the fourth yeere of Queene Elizabeth, &c.
THe Company of the Poulters were incorporated in the nine teenth yeere of King Henry the seventh, the three and twen tieth day of Ianuary, and renued againe in the thirtieth yeere of
the Reigne of Queene Elizabeth, February the two and twentieth.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of the Cookes, having beene a Fellowship or
Brotherhood of antiquity, became to be incorporated in the
twelfth yeere of the Reigne of King Edward the fourth, the ele venth day of Iuly: re-confirmed againe by Queene Elizabeth: and
afterward by King Iames, in the thirteenth yeere of his Reigne,
May the nineteenth day.
THe Company of the Coopers, became to bee incorporated in
the sixteenth yeere of the Reigne of King Henry the seventh,
by the name of Master, Wardens, or Keepers of the Commi nalty of the Freemen of the mystery of Coopers in London, and the
Suburbes of the same City.
Temporall Government.
Brick-layers and Tylers.
THe Company of Tylers and Brick-layers, or Brick-layers and
Tylers, notwithstanding their antiquity, were first incorpo rated in the tenth yeere of the Reigne of Queene Elizabeth,
and confirmed againe in the second yeere of the Reigne of King
THe Company of Bowyers, in regard that the use of the long
Bow hath added no meane honour to this Realme of
England, making it famous in farre remote nations: they may
well stand on a great priviledge of antiquity, yet their incorpora ting speakes but of the one and twentieth yeere of the Reigne of
King Iames.
Temporall Government.
ALthough there is small reason of sundering Bowes from Ar rowes, or Arrowes from Bowes, yet because they have divi ded themselves into two severall Companies, let the fault be on
their owne heads: for as I finde them, so I leave them.
THe Company of Smithes, or Black-Smithes, by which title you
please to tearme them, being a very ancient Brotherhood or
Fraternity of the City of London, were first incorporated by Queene
Elizabeth, in the twentieth yeere of her Reigne, their Charter
bearing date the fifteenth of Aprill, &c. Afterward it was re confirmed by King Iames, in the second yeere of his Reigne, the
one and twentieth day of March.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of the Ioyners, called also Ioyners and Seelers,
of ancient standing, and reputed to be a loving Society, were
incorporated by Queene Elizabeth, in the thirteenth yeere of
her Reigne.
THe Company of the Plaisterers, of larger antiquity then lea sure will admit to be delivered, of good and mutuall agree ment among themselves, like affable and loving Brethren,
were incorporated in the time of King Henry the sevent, &c.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of Weavers (not meaning them which are now
called Silke-Weavers) were of very ancient note indeed; as ha ving three severall Societies of themselves, the Woollen-Cloth-Wea vers, the Arras-Weavers, and the Linnen-Weavers: all which I re ferre to a further relation.
THe Company of the Fruiterers, being a very ancient Brother hood, and of long continuance, became to be first incorporated
in the third yeere of the Reigne of King Iames, &c.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of the Scriveners, an ancient and long conti nued Society, were incorporated the eight and twentieth
day of Ianuary, in the fourteenth yeere of the Reigne of our
Soveraigne Lord, King Iames.
Bottle-makers and Horners.
AS for Bottle-makers and Horne-makers, the precedent times
have remembred them to be of Antiquity, and two distinct
Companies combined in one: But I finde no Record that
they were at any time incorporated.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of the Stationers, of great antiquity, before the
famous Art of Printing was invented or brought hither, as
(for the most part) their then dwelling in Pater-noster Row, and
the adjoyning parts can testifie. Their Charter of incorporation
was granted the fourth day of May, in the third and fourth yeeres
of King Philip and Queene Mary.
THe Company called by the name of Marblers, for their excel lent knowledge and skill in the Art of Insulpting personages
for Tombes, Grave-stones, and Monuments in Churches, and else where in Religious places: their antiquity and what respect they
have carried, is unknowne to me; nor can I finde them to bee in corporated, but hold some friendship with the Masons, and are
thought to be esteemed among them in Fellowship.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of Wooll-packers I know not what to say of
them, because it seemes that there were such men in the
Haunse dayes, when the Wooll-Staple flourished, and that
our Wooll-Merchants had their eminency. Further, I cannot
speake of them, but leave them and their Armes to your consi deration.
THe Company of the Farriers. My relation concerning them,
must needs be answerable to their owne allegation. Henry de
Ferraris, or Ferrers, a Norman borne, came over with Willi am the Conquerour, who gave vnto the said Henry de Ferraris (as
being his Farrier, or Master of his horse) the Honor of Tutbury,
in the County of Stafford, which was the first Honor given to the
Ferrars in England.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of the Paviours, no doubt have beene a Com pany of antiquity, and maintained a Community or Brother hood among themselves; but for incorporation, no Record doth
testifie it to me, and therefore I have the lesse to say of them.
THe Company of the Lorinors, or Lorimers, which they please
to accept, I have received a note from themselves, that the se cond day of October, and fourth yeere of King Henry the se venth, the Wardens of the Art of Lorimers came into the Court of
our Lord the King, in the Chamber of Guild-hall, in the City of
London, before Sir William Horne Knight, then Lord Maior, and
Aldermen of the said City, preferring then and there a Bill or Sup plication to the Maior and Aldermen. And this is all that I can
finde remembred of them.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of the Brown-Bakers, a Society of long stand ing and continuance, prevailed to have their incorporating
granted the ninth day of Iune, in the nineteenth yeere of the
Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Iames.
THe Company of the Wood-mongers, being a very ancient Fel lowship, and of good and amiable agreement together for
long time, became to be incorporated the nine and twentieth
day of August, in the third yeere of the Reigne of our Soveraigne
Lord King Iames.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of the Vpholsters, or Vpholders, were in elder
times of good reckoning and esteeme, and had a Brother hood or Fellowship among themselves, but concerning
their incorporating I finde it not recorded.
THe Company of the Turners had long continued a loving
Fellowship or Brotherhood among themselves, to the good
president and example of others: they became incorporated
in the second yeere of King Iames.
Temporall Government.
THe Company called of the Glasiers, have beene a Society of
ancient memory, and maintained a league of Brotherly affe ction together; but because I am able to say nothing of their in corporating, I am the more willing to passe them over.
THe Company of the Clearkes, commonly tearmed Parish-Clearkes,
I finde to bee very ancient in continuance, and stand
registred in the Bookes of Guild-hall; they became first to bee in corporated in the seventeenth yeere of King Henry the third, and
followed on still in all the Princes Reignes, to the ninth yeere of
our Soveraigne Lord King Iames.
Temporall Government.
THe Company of the Watermen, that have their maintenance by rowing
in Boats on the River of Thames, being a Brotherhood under the power
and command of the Lord Maior of London, I leave them for this time.
THe Company of the Apothecaries, that have divided themselves from
the Ancient Society of Grocers, grew so highly favoured by our Sove raigne Lord, King Iames, that (as I have heard) he called them his Com pany; and granted them order for incorporation the sixth day of December, in
the fifteenth yeere of his Highnesse Reigne.
THis Company of Silke-throwers, having gained their Trade of Silke-throwing
from the Strangers, since Anno quinto of Queene Elizabeth, and
being for the most part Free men of this City, were made a Fellowship
of this City 4. die Iunii, Anno 19. of King Iames, Sir Francis Iones, Knight, be ing then Lord Maior. And 23. die Aprilis Anne quinte Caroli Regis, they were in corporated by the name of the Master, Wardens, Assistants and Commonalty
of the Trade, Art, or Mystery of Silke-throwers of the City of London.
Temporall Government.
THus our most Noble, Ancient, and famous Mother,
LONDON, (the Queene or Empresse of all Cities in this
West part of the World) having, like an Amazonian Virago,
led forth her warlike City-Sonnes into their Fields of Honour,
without her Walls, to take an ample view of her Armes, Furni ture, and other warlike Embellishments, such as beseemed their
worth, and her dignity; like a valiant Captaine, that takes it
to be his honour, of abiding last in the field, and marshalling them
home before her into her walled City, followes after them her
selfe, in her owne Armes and brave Accoutrements.
Temporall Government.
The names of the Wards, and
their Aldermen, as they now are.
THere are in this City (according to the number
of the Wards) six and twenty Aldermen: wher of, yeerely on the Feast of Saint Michael the Arch-angell,
one of those Aldermen is elected to bee Maior
for the yeere following: He is to begin and take place on
the eight and twentieth day of October then next fol lowing. The other Aldermen his Brethren are to him
Assistants in Councels and Courts, &c.
As the Wards are formerly set downe, according to the order of their
beginning Eastward: so I thought it fet to set downe those Aldermens names
that have the instant government and direction of them: wherein let no ex ception be taken, although Aldermen (not knighted) are named as their
Wards successively follow, because this observation is done but onely for or ders sake.
Wards on the East side of VValbrooke.
1 Portsoken.
Alderman Parkhurst.
2 Aldgate.
Alderman Rainton.
3 Tower-streete.
Sir Hugh Hammersley.
4 Limestreet.
Sir Iames Cambell.
5 Bishopsgate.
Alderman Bacchus.
6 Broadstreet.
Alderman Moulson.
7 Cornehill.
Alderman Freeman.
8 Langborne.
Sir George Whitmore.
9 Billingsgate.
Alderman Cletherow.
10 Bridge within.
Alderman Poole.
11 Candlewickstreet.
Sir Richard Deane.
12 Walbrooke.
Sir Iohn Goare.
13 Downegate.
Alderman Bromfield.
Temporall Government.
14 Vintry.
Alderman Garaway.
15 Cordwainerstreet.
Alderman Wright.
16 Cheape.
Sir Edward Barkham.
17 Colemanstreet.
Sir Maurice Abbot.
18 Basing-Hall.
Sir Robert Ducie.
19 Creplegate.
Alderman Cranmer.
20 Aldersgate.
Sir William Acton.
21 Faringdon within.
Alderman Smith.
22 Breadstreet.
Sir Martin Lumley.
23 Queene Hithe.
Alderman Perry.
24 Castle Baynard.
Alderman Venne,
25 Faringdon without.
Alderman Cambell.
26 Bridge without.
Alderman Abdy.
Thus these Wards have (from time to time) held, and still doe
their severall Aldermen, till either death, or occasion of remove,
do make an alteration of them in their Aldermen. As for an ex ample, since the last Impression of this Booke, which is with in the compasse of fifteene yeeres, of all the Aldermen that
then were living, there remaine no more then three at this
MOre, there is a Recorder of London, a grave and learned
Lawyer, skilfull in the Customes of this City, also assistant
to the Lord Maior: hee taketh place in Councels and in Courts
before any man that hath not beene Maior, and learnedly delive reth the Sentence of the whole Court.
THe Sheriffes of London (of old time) chosen out of the Com minalty, Commoners, and oftentimes never came to bee
Aldermen; as many Aldermen were never Sheriffes, and yet
advanced to be Maiors. But of later time, (by occasion) the She riffes have beene made Aldermen, before, or presently after their
Nicholas Faringdon was never Sheriffe, yet foure times Maior of
this City, and so of other; which reprooveth a by-word, Such a one
will be Maior, before he be Sheriffe, &c.
Temporall Government.
These Gentlemen beare
Offices of especiall respect
in the City.
MAster Chamberlain of London,
Master Common Sergeant.
Master Town-Clarke, or Com mon Clarke.
The Coroner of London.
Officers belonging to the
Lord Maiors house, according
as they were first published by
Master STOWE.
Common Hunt.
Common Crier.
Esquires 4.
Coroner of London.
Sergeant Carvers. 3.
Sergeants of the Chamber. 3.
Sergeant of the Chanell.
Yeoman of the Chanell.
Yeomen of the water side. 4.
Yeomen of the Chamber. 2.
Meale-weighers. 3.
Yeomen of the Wood-wharfes. 2.
The Sword-bearers man.
Common Hunts men. 2.
Common Criers man.
Water-Bayliffes men. 2.
The Carvers man.
Gentle mens
Whereof nine of these have Live ries of the L. Maior, viz. The Sword-bearer
and his man, the three Carvers,
and the foure Yeomen of the Water-side.
All the rest have their Liveries
from the Chamber of London.
Thus farre after my notes delivered
by an Officer of the Lord Maiors house,
but unperfect: for I remember a Crow ner, an Vnder-Chamberlaine, and foure
Clarkes of the Maiors Court, and
According to a TABLE
hanging in the ancient Councell
Chamber, and their dayes
of waiting.
MAster Sword-bearer, to waite
Master Common Hunt, to
wait Mundaies, Wednesdays, Fry dayes and Saturdayes.
Master Common Crier, to wait
Tuesdayes, Thursdayes, Frydayes, and
Master Water-Bayliffe, to wait Mun dayes, Tuesdayes, Wednesdayes and
The three Sergeant Carvers, to wait
weekly, all excuses set apart.
The three Sergeants of the Cham ber likewise, to wait weekely, without
any excuse.
The Sergeant of the Chanell, to wait
The two Yeomen of the Chamber,
one of them to wait dayly at dinner, to
Vsher the Hall.
The foure Yeomen of the Waters
side, two of them to wait weekely, and
not to be absent.
The Yeomen of the Chanell, to wait
The Vnder-Water-Bayliffe, to wait
on Holydayes and Court dayes, if hee
goe not up the River.
The six young men, to wait dayly.
The three Meale-Weighers, to wait
on Holydayes, and Court dayes.
The two Yeomen of the Wood-Wharfe,
to wait on generall dayes.
The Forraigne-Taker, to wait like wise on generall dayes.
The Sheriffes of London,
their Officers.
THe Sheriffes of London, in the
yeere 1471. were appointed each
of them to have sixteene Ser
Temporall Government.
every Sergeant to have his Yeo man. And six Clarkes, to wit, a Se condary, a Clarke of the Papers, and
foure other Clarkes, besides the Vnder-Sheriffes
Clarkes, their Stewards, But lers, Porters, and other in houshold
Of the Maiors and She riffes Liveries somewhat.
TO follow president of former
time, the Clarks of Companies
were to enquire for them of
their Companies, that would have the
Maiors Livery, their money (as a be nevolence given) which must be twen ty shillings at the least put in a purse,
with their names that gave it, and the
Wardens to deliver it to the Maior by
the first of December. For the which,
every man had then sent him foure
yards of broad Cloth, rowed or stri ped thwart with a different colour, to
make him a Gowne, and these were
called Rey Gownes, which was then
the Livery of the Maior, and also of the
Sheriffes; but each differing from others
in the colours.
Of older times I read, that the Offi cers of this City ware Gownes of party
colours, as the right side of one colour,
and the left side of another: as for ex ample; I reade in Bookes of accounts in
the Guild-Hall, that in the nineteenth
yeere of Henry the sixth, there was
bought for an Officers Gown two yards
of Cloth, coloured Mustard-villars (a
colour now out of use) and two yards
of Cloth coloured blue, price two shil lings the yard, in all eight shillings.
More, payed to Iohn Pope, Draper, for
two Gowne clothes, eight yards of two
colours eux ambo deux de Rouge (or red)
Medley Brune and Porre (or Purple) co lour, price, the yard two shillings.
These Gownes were for Piers Rider, and
Iohn Buckles, Clarkes of the Chamber.
More, I reade, that in the yeere 1516.
in the 7. of Henry the 8. it was agreed
by a Common Councell in the Guild-Hall,
that the Sheriffes of London should
(as they had beene accustomed) give
yeerely Reyed Gownes to the Recor der, Chamberlaine, Common Serge ant, and Common Clarke, the Sword-bearer,
Common Hunt, Water-Bayly,
Common Cryer, like as to their owne
Officers, &c.
1525. More, in the sixteenth of Hen ry the eighth, Sir William Bayly then
being Maior, made a request, for that
clothes of Ray (as hee alleaged) were
evill wrought, his Officers might bee
permitted (contrary to custome) for
that yeere to weare Gownes of one co lour, to the which (in a common Coun cell) one answered and said, Yea, it
might be permitted: and no man said
nay, and so it passed. Thus much for
party-coloured, and Ray Gownes have
I read. But for benevolence to the
Maior, I finde that of later time, each
man giving forty shillings towards his
charges, received foure yards of broad
Cloth to make him a Gowne: for Sir
Thomas White performed it in the first
yeere of Queene Mary, but Sir Tho mas Lodge gave (in stead of foure yards
of broad Cloth) three yards of Satten
to make them Dubblets, and since that,
the three yards of Satten is now tur ned into a silver Spoone, and so it hath
The order observed by the
Lord Maior, the Aldermen, and
Sheriffes for their meetings, and
wearing of their Apparell through out the whole yeere.
Vpon Midsummer day, for
the election of the Sheriffes
of LONDON, &c.
THe Lord Maior and the Alder men (with the Sheriffes) meet
at the Guild-Hall,
Their morning meeting at the Guild-Hall.
at eight of
the clocke in the morning, apparelled
in their violet coloured Gownes lined,
and their Cloakes of Scarlet lined, but
without their horses.
Temporall Government.
And when they have beene together
in the Councell Chamber a certaine
time, concerning the nomination of
certaine persons to bee elected: the
Lord Maior and the Aldermen come
forth, and put on their Cloakes in the
Orphanes Court, and then goe downe
in order to the Hustings Court,
What is done in the Hust ings Court after the Speech of Master Re corder.
being set, Master Recorder ariseth, and
standing forth before the Bench and
Companies, for the same cause there
assembled; having done his obeisance
first to the Court, and then to them all:
he declareth unto them, the reason why
they are thus there assembled together:
Shewing unto them, that it is for the e lection of one of the Sheriffs of London,
and the Sheriffe of Middlesex for the
yeere next ensuing: As also the confir mation of the other Sheriffe, nomina ted by the Lord Maior according to his
prerogative. Then afterward, is the
choice and election of Master Cham berlaine of London, and of other Offi cers.
But first, the Lord Maior and Alder men go up into the Lord Maiors Court,
The na ming and chusing of the She riffe by voyce and hands.
and there remaine, untill the Sheriffe
be named and chosen, the doore being
fast shut to them all the while.
Then the Sheriffes, Master Cham berlaine, Master Common Sergeant,
Master Towne-Clarke, and the Coun cellors of the City, and other Officers,
continue still in the Hustings Court, to
take and receive the name of him, that
shall seeme (by their judgements) free ly, and without consent to be nomina ted and elected, and justly tryed out,
not only by voyce, but also by hands, to
be Sheriffe for the yeere following.
Then the Commons goe to the ele ction of Master Chamberlaine;
The electi on of Ma ster Cham berlaine. and other Officers.
two Bridge-Masters; the Auditors of
the City and Bridge-house accounts;
and the Surveyors for Beere and Ale,
according to the accustomed manner.
That done, the Sheriffes, Master
Chamberlaine, Master Common Ser geant, Master Towne-Clarke, the
Councellors of the City,
The certi fying of the She riffes choice.
the two Se condaries of the Compters, and the
Wardens of the head or chiefe Com panies (Master Common Cryer going
before them, bearing his Mace) thus
they carry up the report to the Lord
Maior and Aldermen, concerning what
they have done in their election.
Which report being received, the
Lord Maior and Aldermen came down
againe to the Hustings Court.
Their comming downe a gaine to confirme the Electi on.
there being in order set and placed,
Master Recorder standeth up againe, as
he did before, and maketh rehearsall of
the names of those persons, whom they
have nominated and chosen. Then hee
demandeth of them, whether it bee
their free election, yea or no? Which
they confirming to be their free choice,
Master Recorder giueth them thankes:
And so they arise, and all depart thence
for the Fayre in Smithfield.
THE Aldermen meete the Lord
Maior and the Sheriffes at the
Guild-hall Chappell,
Meeting at the Guild-Hall Chap pell.
at two
of the clocke after dinner, having on
their violet Gownes lined, and their
horses, but without their cloakes, and
there they heare Evening Prayer.
Which being done, they mount on
their horses, and riding to Newgate,
passe forth of the Gate.
A Procla mation in the Cloth-Fayre.
Then entring
into the Cloth-Fayre, there they make
a Proclamation, which Proclamation
being ended, they ride thorow the
Cloth-Fayre, and so returne backe a gaine thorow the Church-yard of great
Saint Bartholomewes to Aldersgate: And
then ride home againe to the Lord Ma iors House.
for the Wrastling.
SO many Aldermen as doe dine
with the Lord Maior,
The mee ting at the Lord Ma iors house on Bartho lomew day.
and the
Sheriffes, are apparelled in their
Scarlet Gownes lined; and after din ner, their horses are brought to them
where they dined. And those Alder men which dine with the Sheriffes, ride
with them to the Lord Maiors house
for accompanying him to the Wrast ling. When as the Wrastling is
Temporall Government.
done, they mount their horses, and ride
backe againe thorow the Fayre, and so
in at Aldersgate, and then home againe
to the Lord Maiors house.
The next day (if it be not Sunday) is
appointed for the Shooting,
The Shoo ting day.
and the
service performed as upon Bartholomew day: but if it bee Sunday, the Sabbath
day, it is referred to the Munday then
For the day of our LADY
Fayre in Southwarke.
THE Lord Maior and the She riffes ride to S. Magnus Church
in their Scarlet Gownes lined,
The Lord Maior weareth his Collar of Esses, without Hood, and the Sword beater weareth
the em broiderd Cap, and carryeth the Pearle Sword.
without their cloaks, after dinner at two
of the clocke; and there the Aldermen
meet the L. Maior: when evening Pray er is ended, they ride thorow the Faire,
till they come unto St. Grorges Church,
and then ride further to Newington Bridge, or to St. Thomas of Waterings
to the Stones that point out the Liber ties of the City (if it bee so their plea sures) and they then returne backe a gaine unto the Bridge-house, where
they refresh themselves with a Ban quet. Then returning over the Bridge,
the Aldermen take their leave of the
Lord Maior, and depart the next way
every one unto his own house. After all
this is done, & the Lord Maior brought
home: his Officers have a supper pro vided for them by the Bridge-Masters.
For swearing the Sheriffes
upon Michaelmas Eve.
WHat day soever it falleth
Their me ting at the Sheriffes houses.
so many of the Alder men as are bidden to din ner at either of the Sheriffes houses,
come thither first to breakefast, or else
to drinke, at eight of the clocke in the
morning, in their violet coloured
Gownes furred, and their violet cloaks,
which are brought with them, without
their horses. But if the Sheriffe bee an
Alderman; then they must put on their
Cloakes, and the Sheriffe likewise his
If the She riffe be an Alderman, or not.
and so hee goes on to the
Guild-Hall, betweene two Aldermen
wearing their gray Cloakes. But if the
Sheriffe be no Alderman: then hee is
to come thither betweene two of the
Aldermen without Cloakes, and the
Sheriffe wearing his Livery Gowne
and Hood. After he is sworne, then he
is to put on his violet Gown and Cloak
and his Chaine thereon. All which be ing done, the Aldermen are to bring
him home to his dwelling place to din ner, wearing their cloakes: and after
dinner, they may take their plea sure.
Vpon Michaelmas day,
for the election of the
Lord Maior.
ALL the Aldermen meet the
Lord Maior and the Sheriffes,
Their meeting at Guild-Hall in the morning by eight of the clocke.
eight of the clocke in the mor ning at the Guild-Hall, wearing their
Scarlet Gownes and Cloakes furred, ri ding on their horses. And after they
have beene a certaine time together in
the Councell Chamber; they come
forth into the Orphans Court, where
putting on their Cloakes, they goe in
order to the Chappell, there to heare
Service and a Sermon: where also the
Lord Maior (with certaine Aldermen)
receive the Communion.
After that the Communion is ended,
and they have delivered their Offrings,
The man ner of pro ceeding to the electi on of the L. Maior.
they returne backe into the Councell
Chamber, and pausing there a while,
they come to the place where the court
of Hustings is kept. Being there set in
Master Recorder ariseth up, and
making his obeisance first to the Lord
Maior, and after to the Commons, he
declareth unto them, that the manner
of this ancient custome is well knowne
unto them, as also the reason of their
assembly: and thus meeting together of
the severall Companies in London,
which is, for the election of the Lord
Maior for the yeere ensuing:
From the time of King Ri chard the first, to this instant yeere.
unto them divers grants from the Kings
Progenitors, for this their election from
time to time. That done, the Lord
Maior and the Aldermen goe up again
Temporall Government.
into the Lord Maiors Court: and there
remain (the doors fast shut unto them)
untill the election shall be brought un to them.
Then standeth up Master Common
Sergeant, having the Sheriffes standing
on either side of him; and by the She riffes, Master Chamberlaine, Master
Towne-Clarke, the two Secondaries of
the Compters, and the Councellors of
the Citty, in the said Hustings Court
before the Commons. At that time,
the said Common Sergeant maketh a
briefe rehearsall of those former presi dents which Master Recorder had be fore delivered to them, saying; There
remained no more now for him to say,
but onely to put them in remembrance
in what order and sort they should car ry themselves in their election.
Advice gi ven them what they are to doe in their e lection.
namely, how they are to nominate and
chuse two: of the which two, the Lord
Maior and the Aldermen must confirm
one. Those two being nominated, e lected and chosen; Master Common
Sergeant, the Sheriffes (with the rest
before-named) and certain of the prime
Wardens of the chiefe Companies, go
up to the Lord Maior and Aldermen,
and there present the names of those
two men, which the Commons have
nominated in their election.
Then the Lord Maior and the Al dermen proceed by Scrutiny,
One of the two nomi nated per sons is e lected by Scrutiny.
to elect
one of those two persons, which the
said Commons had before nominated.
Then commeth downe the Lord Maior
againe to the Hustings Court, and hee
(whom they have chosen) goeth on his
left hand; and so the Lord Maior and
Aldermen sit downe againe in order.
But hee who is chosen, sitteth next unto
the Lord Maior on his left hand. Then
standeth up Master Recorder, and rea deth unto them the names of such per sons whom they have nominated and
chosen. Of which, the Lord Maior and
the Aldermen have admitted one,
whose name is N. demanding of them,
whether it be their free election,
The free dome of the par ties electi on.
or no.
Then the Commons affirming it to bee
their free choice: the Sword-bearer
steppeth to him, and taketh off his Tip pet, which he hath for his labour, and
putteth on his Chaine. And the Mai or so lately elected, standing upon the
Hustings Court,
The brea king up of the Court.
given them thankes,
&c. which being done, the old Maior
doth likewise give them thankes, &c.
Then they arise up, putting off their
cloakes, and the Lord Maior hath the
Lord Elect riding with him, to the el dest Sheriffes to dinner.
For presenting the Lord
Maior Elect to the Lord Chan cellor, or Keeper.
THen after dinner,
How the Lord E lect goeth attended to his pre senting.
the Lord E lect goeth to the Lord Chancel lor, if he be at home at his place
or neere unto it, attended with five or
sixe of the Aldermen, and Master Re corder also with him, they wearing
their violet Gownes, passing either by
land or by water, according as fitteth
with conueniencie of the Lord Chan cellors dwelling place. The Common
Hunt, with the extraordinary Officers,
and those that be at liberty, doe also at tend on him.
The morrow after Micha elmas day, for the new Sheriffes
going to Westminster to bee
sworne there.
ALL the Aldermen are to meet
at the two new Sheriffes houses
in the morning at eight of the
Meeting at the two new She riffes hou ses in the morning.
wearing their violet Gownes
furred, without their cloakes, yet ha ving their horses there ready. But the
Lord Maior, Master Recorder, and the
two Sheriffes, must weare their Scarlet
Gownes furred, and their cloakes carri ed with them to Westminster. First, they
ride to them Guild-Hall, and from thence
to the Vinetree, and there taking Barge,
land at Westminster-Bridge, and in the
Hall they put on their cloakes;
The swea ring of the new She riffes, and the old ones deli vering their ac count.
goe they up into the Exchequer, where
the two new Sheriffs be presented, and
the old sworne to their account.
Then they put off their cloakes, and
take Barge, landing againe at the Vine tree, where they mount their horses.
And the Lord Maior rideth to the eldest
Temporall Government.
Sheriffes to dinner; Master Recorder
& the Sheriffes riding next to the Lord
Maior. The two Sheriffes carrying two
white rods in their hands, and their
Hench-men going after them.
The ancient Order for the
day of Simon and Iude.
THe old Lord Maior is to have so
many of the Aldermen,
The fet ching of the old Lord Mai or from his owne house.
as are
appointed to dine with him
that day, come to his house by eight of
the clock in the morning, wearing their
violet Gownes furred, with their violet
cloakes furred, and their horses atten ding. Then the Sheriffes come to fetch
him and them to the Guild-Hall, and
there abide in the Councell Chamber,
untill the comming of the new Lord
Maior, and the rest of the Aldermen,
with the Companies of either the
Lords old and new going before them.
After they haue continued in the
Councell Chamber a certaine space of
time, they come forth into the Or phanes Court, where they put on their
furred cloakes, and then goe downe to
the Hustings Court, where being set in
order, the common Cryer maketh Pro clamation, commanding every man to
keep silence.
Then Master Towne-Clarke giveth
the new elected Lord his Oath,
The new Lord Mai or taketh his Oath in the Hu stings Court, and the ceremo nies there done.
when he hath taken, the old Lord Mai or ariseth, and giveth the new Lord his
place, the old Lord sitting downe where
the new Lord was placed. Then Ma ster Chamberlaine first delivereth to
him the Scepter, next the Keyes of the
common Seale; and lastly, the Seale of
the office of the Maioralty. Afterward,
Master Sword-bearer giveth him the
Sword. And then they arise, put off
their Cloakes, and the old Lord rideth
home with the new Lord to his place,
and there leaveth him, and so many of
the Aldermen as dine with him. The
old Lord (with the rest of the Alder men) ride home to his house, the Sword
being carried before him. And so after
dinner, the Aldermen depart home at
their pleasure.
On the morrow after the
day of Simon and Iude, for the new
Lord Maior his going to take his
Oath at Westminster.
ALL the Aldermen and the She riffes meet at the new Lords
Meeting at the new Lord Mai ors house.
by eight a clocke in the
The new Lord wea reth a vel vet Hood and the rich Col ler: the Sword bearer the Cap of Mainte nance.
wearing their Scarlet Gowns
furred, and their Cloakes, and their
Horses there attending on them; from
thence they ride to the Guild-Hall, with
the Batchelers and Livery, as also the
Gentlemen Vshers of the new Lords
Company, going in decent order be fore him.
But before this,
The old Lord ri deth alone to the Guild-Hall, but wea reth his velvet Hood.
the old Lord rideth
alone from his owne place to the Guild-Hall,
having no Officers to wait upon
him, except the Common Hunt, as a
Gentleman Vsher going before him,
and those Officers that are at liberty,
as also the Common Hunts man (with
his owne men following him) and so
he tarrieth at the Hall.
And after they be all come together,
they mount on their horses, riding on
to the Vine-tree, where they take Barge
to Westminster Bridge, where when they
are landed,
The or ders and ceremo nies per formed at West minster.
the Lord Maior and Al dermen put on their Cloakes within
the Palace, and then goe round about
the Hall, where they performe many
courtefies, going vp afterward into the
the Exchequer Chamber to be sworne.
When the Oath is taken in the Exche quer, they returne downe againe, and
goe first to the Kings Bench, then to
the Common-Pleas, and so putting off
their Cloakes, walke about the Kings
Tombes in Westminster Abbey, and then
returne to take Barge againe.
Being landed at London,
The ser vice done to him at London, af ter his lan ding.
all the seve rall Companies of the City, who had
honoured him in their Barges to West minster and backe againe, doe likewise
performe their attending service, as he
(with the Aldermen) ride on to the
Guild-Hall to dinner. Full well may
this be called a Feast, and ranked next
in Honour to Saint Georges Feast: For
the Honourable Lords of his Highnesse
Privie Councell, other Lords, Barons,
Temporall Government.
Iudges, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gen tlewomen, with forraigne Ambassadors
and Strangers, dine there as invited
Guests. And therefore it is desertfully
The Lord Maiors Feast.
The Lord Maiors Feast.
At their comming into the Hall, the
new Lord Maior, with two of the anci entest Aldermen,
What or der is ob served at the Guild-Hall in welcom ming the Guests.
Master Recorder, and
the Sheriffes, goe vp to the Lords Ta ble to bid them welcome, as they doe
the like to all the other guests, Lords,
Ladies, and other. From thence they
goe to the Lady Maioresse her Table,
the Gentlewomens, and the Iudges;
and then the said new Lord Maior (and
they with him) goe into the Chamber laines Office, where he dineth. Con cerning the old Lord Maior, so soone
as they come into the Hall, hee goeth
vp to the high Table in the Hustings,
and there keepeth the State for that
Feast. When the Hall is served with
the seconds, then the new Lord Maior
goeth with Master Recorder, and those
Aldermen that dined with him, to bid
the old Lord, and all the Companies
or Guests in the Hall welcome.
Then after dinner he rideth with the
Aldermen to Pauls,
Order ob served af ter din ner, and for going to Pauls.
the Companies
waiting, and standing in their due pla ces for his comming.
For going to PAVLS on
All-Saints day, Christmas day,
Twelfe day, and Candlemas day.
ALL the Aldermen and the She riffes come to the Lord Maiors
The new and old Lords weare both of them their blacke vel vet Hoods, and the Sword bearer the Hat of Mainte nance.
in their Scarlet Gownes
furred, and their Cloakes, as also their
Horses brought thither with them.
From thence they ride to the Guild-Hall,
the Company belonging to the
Lord Maior, and the band of Batche lers, with their Gentlemen Vshers wal king orderly before him; and there
they heare Evening Prayer. When
Prayer is ended, then they ride thence
to Pauls Church, where both the new
Lord Maior and the old put on their
An anci ent cu stome ob served in Pauls Church.
and goe vp into the Quire,
where they sit to heare the Sermon.
Which being done, they walke about
the Church, and put off their Cloakes
where they did put them on. Then
they mount on their Horses againe, and
the Aldermen, with the Companies
and Batchelours bring the Lord Maior
home to his house: where they have
Spice-bread and Hypocrasse, and so
take leave of the Lord Maior. Here is
further to be vnderstood, that All-Saints day is the last day of the old Lords ri ding with the new in this manner.
On Saint Thomas day.
THe Lord Maior,
If it bee not Sun day.
and every Al derman likewise, is to sit in the
Ward belonging to him, about
such businesse as is then necessarily re quired to be done. Each of them is to
weare his Violet Gowne and Cloake
FOr the Christmas holydayes,
No Cloak to bee worne with their Scarlet.
Twelfe day, if the Lord Maior and
Aldermen go abroad to any pub like meeting, they are to weare Scar let. But on the working dayes, with in compasse of the Twelve dayes, if the
Lord Maior goe to the Guild-Hall, Mar kets, or Streets, then he and they weare
VPon Innocents day,
No State is obser ved.
the Alder men dine at the Lord Maiors
and the Sheriffes, wearing
Scarlet: but the Ladies weare blacke.
For Munday after
Twelfe day.
THe Lord Maior and the Alder men meet at the Guild-Hall by
eight of the clocke in the mor ning,
Inden tures of the Ward mote En quests.
wearing their furred Scarlet
Gownes, and their furred Cloakes,
Temporall Government.
but using no Horses. Then and there
they receive of their severall Wards,
their sealed Indentures of the Ward mote Enquests: And take the Oathes
of the Constables and Scavengers.
THe Lord Maior and the Alder men meet at Pauls Crosse at
one of the clocke in the after noone,
Pauls-Crosse Sermon on Good-Fryday: The Black Sword.
to heare the Sermon for that
day appointed: they then wearing their
Pewke Gownes, and without their
Chaines and Tippets.
For Munday and Tues day in Easter weeke.
ALL the Aldermen and Sheriffs
come unto the Lord Maiors
dwelling house,
A Hood for the L. Maior.
before eight of
the clock in the morning, to breakfast,
wearing their Scarlet Gownes furred,
and their cloakes, as also their horses
attending. When breakefast is en ded,
The Cap or Hat of Mainte nance.
they mount on their horses, and
ride to the Spittle, the Sword and
Mace borne before the Lord Maior. Be ing come thither, there they put on
their Cloakes, and then sit downe in or der to heare the Sermon. Which be ing done, they ride thence homeward in
due order, till they come to the Pumpe
within Bishopsgate; and there, so ma ny of the Aldermen as doe dine with
the Sheriffes, take their leave of the
Lord Maior, and the rest go home with
For Wednesday in Ea ster weeke.
LIke as before on the other two
The last Sermon at the Spittle▪
onely reserved, that the
Lord Maior and the Aldermen
must then weare their violet Gownes,
and sutable Cloakes: But the Ladies
(on the two former daies) wearing
their Scarlet, on this day are attired in
For Lowe Sunday.
ALL the Aldermen meete the
Lord Maior and the Sheriffes at
Pauls Schoole,
The Re hearsall Sermon.
wearing their
Scarlet Gownes furred (yet without
their Cloakes or horses) and there stay
to heare the Sermon.
For Whitsunday.
VPon Whitsunday,
Sermon at the New Church-yard.
all the Al dermen use to meet the Lord
Maior and the Sheriffes at the
new Church-yard by Moore-fields:
wearing their Scarlet Gownes lined,
without Cloakes, to heare the Sermon
there appointed for that day, which be ing ended, they depart thence againe.
For Munday and Tuesday
in Whitsun weeke.
ALL the Aldermen are to meete
the Lord Maior and the Sheriffs
at Pauls;
If his plea sure be to goe.
wearing their Scarlet
Gownes, without Cloakes, to heare the
Sermon at the Crosse.
For the day of the Lord
Maiors Knighthood.
ALL the Aldermen doe meet the
Lord Maior,
Preparati on for ei ther place of the Kings then being.
either at the three
Cranes (if the King then bee at
Westminster) or at Saint Mary Hill (if
the King be then at Greenewitch) by se ven of the clocke in the morning; wea ring their Scarlet Gownes; and their
Cloakes carryed with them. After
morning Prayer is ended, they take
Barge to the King his place, and there
they give attendance, untill that the
Ceremony bee finished: and then re turne home with the Lord Maior to
Temporall Government.
For going to Pauls the first
Sunday of every Terme.
ALL the Aldermen doe meet the
Lord Maior and the Sheriffes
at Pauls,
The Mai or and Sheriffes only ride.
wearing their Scarlet
Gownes, either furred or lined, accor ding as the time of the yeere requireth:
but without Cloakes or Horses, when
the Terme beginneth.
For Election of Knights
and Burgesses of the
ALL the Aldermen doe meet the
Lord Maior and the Sheriffes at
Knights and Bur gesses for sitting in Parlia ment.
by nine of the clocke
in the morning, wearing their Violet
Gownes and their Cloakes, either fur red or lined, according as the time of
the yeere requireth when they are to be
chosen, and they sit in the Hustings Court, vntill the Commons doe make
choice of them. The order hath beene
observed, that they chuse Master Re corder for one of their Knights, and one
Gray Cloake for the other, and two
Commoners for the Burgesses: which
being done, they depart thence.
For the LORDS of the
Councell, when they come
about the Subsidies.
WHen the Lords and Com missioners come downe
for assesment of the Sub sidies,
Commis sioners for assessing the Subsi dies.
the Lord Maior and the Alder men doe weare their blacke Gownes, as
they use at other times. And the Com missioners are to be warned by the Of ficers, which doe belong to both the
For Election of Master
Chamberlaine, and the Bridge-Masters,
if any of them depart
within the yeere.
THe Lord Maior and the Alder men,
Vpon death, or removing.
wearing their violet Gowns
without their Cloakes, being
seated in the Hustings Court, doe there
continue their sitting, and not remove
thence, untill such time as the Election
bee made.
At such time as a King is
to bee Crowned.
ALL the Aldermen doe meet the
Lord Maior and the Sheriffes at
the three Cranes in the Vinetree,
How the L. Maior and Al dermen are appa relled for such a so lemnity.
according to the houre of their sum mons appointed. The Lord Maior (for
that time of service & attendance) wea reth a Crimosin Velvet Gowne, a Col ler of Esses and Scepter, but no Cloake.
The Aldermen weare their Scarlet
Gownes, and their Cloaks carried with
them, either furred or lined, according
as the season of the yeere requireth.
There taking Barge, they land at West minster, and there they give attendance
in the Exchequer Chamber (being ser ved with Cakes and Wine) vntill they
be called by the Heraulds: and then
they put on their Cloakes.
At what times the Lord
Maior weareth his Cloake.
FRom Michaelmas to Whitson tide,
Begin ning up on Micha elmas E ven.
Violet furred: and from
Whitsontide to Michaelmas,
Scarlet lined.
The Lord Maior, and those Knights
that have borne the office of the Maio
Temporall Government.
ought to have their Cloakes fur red with Gray Amis. And those Al dermen that have not beene Maiors,
are to have their Cloakes furred with
And likewise,
A very necessary observa tion.
such as have been Mai ors, are to have their Cloaks lined with
changeable Taffata: and the rest are to
have their Cloakes lined with greene
For the first day of every
Quarter Sessions.
THe first day of every Quarter
Sessions (in the forenoone only)
the Lord Maior and the She riffes weare their violet Gownes and
Cloakes furred. But at Midsummer
Quarter Sessions, the first day, they
weare Violet Gownes and Scarlet
Cloakes: and on the other dayes Black.
For the buriall of
THe Aldermen are to weare their
Violet Gownes,
The last love, duty, and cere mony one to ano ther.
except such as
have (of their friends allowance)
blacke Gownes, or mourning. When
an Alderman dieth, Master Sword bearer is to have a blacke Gowne, or
three and thirty shillings and foure
pence in money. And if the Alder man deceased doe give the Lord Mai or mourning, then Master Sword-bea rer is to have mourning also, or forty
shillings in money, as the value there of, and so to carry the Sword in blacke
before the Lord Maior.
Master Chamberlaine is not to weare
his Tipper, but when the Lord Maior
or Aldermen doe weare their Scarlet
or Violet.
At the Nomination of
an Alderman.
FOr the Nomination of an Alder man,
Nomina ting an Alderman▪
the Lord Maior weareth his
black Gowne, and violet Cloake,
and both the Sheriffes their blacke
For the Orphanes Court.
THe Lord Maior and the Alder men doe meet at the Guild-Hall,
On the day, and at the houre ap pointed.
wearing their Violet Gownes
without Cloakes: but the Lord Maior
ought to weare his Cloake. The Com mon Cryer is the Warner of this Court.
Orders taken and enacted
for Orphans and their Porti ons. Anno 1580.
AD Commune Concilium, ten tum in Guildhaldia Civitatis
Londini, xiij. die Octob. Anno
Regni Edvardi sexti, Dei gratia An gliae, Franciae, & Hiberniae Regis, fidei
defensoris, & in terra Ecclesiae An glicanae, & Hibernicae supremi capitis,
quinto: coram Andrea Iudde Mi lite, tunc Maiore, & Aldermannis
Civitatis illius, ordinata sunt inter
alia, inactitata, concessa & stabilita,
omnia & singula subsequentia.
FOr as much as the City of London is of late yeeres sore decayed, and
dayly is like to decay more and
more: A great cause and occasion wher of, among other, hath beene, for that
freemens children (Orphans of the said
City) sometimes in the lives of their
Parents, and sometimes after their de ceases, being left wealthy and rich, doe
bestow themselves in ungodly Marria ges, for the most part in their young
age, at their owne wills and pleasures,
without the consent, and against the
mindes of their friends, saying and af firming, that the Law and Custome of
the said City giveth unto them their
portions, whether they marry by the
assent of their friends or not, and so doe
dayly cast away and undoe themselves,
in trust to have their said Portions,
Temporall Government.
whether their parents or friends will or
will not.
And thereby doe they bestow them selves upon simple and light persons,
having neither cunning, knowledge,
substance, nor good or honest conditi ons. By reason whereof, such Orphans,
inordinately, and insolently, doe spend
and consume their patrimony and por tions in short time, not onely to the un doing of themselves, and to the great
ignomy and shame of their friends, but
also to the great slander of the Lord
Maior and Aldermen of this City (who
been reputed and taken as Fathers and
Protectors of the same Orphanes) and
to the great losse and hindrance of the
said City.
And for as much as the said Lord
Maior and Citizens, have by their
lawes, and customes, power and autho rity to make lawes and ordinances, by
their Common Councel, for redresse of
the same:
It is therefore now (to the intent to
reduce the same to a more godly, more
profitable and decent order and confor mity) by the said Lord Maior, & Com minalty, and Citizens, in this present
Common Councell assembled, and by
authority of the said Common Coun cell, enacted, ordained, authorized, and
established for a law perpetually to bee
observed and kept within the said Ci ty: That if any Orphane, or child of any
free man or free woman of the said Ci ty, doe offend in any the things hereaf ter expressed, and bee thereof lawfully
convicted, afore the Lord Maior and
the Aldermen or else where, that then
they and every of them, shall to all en tents, purposes, constructions and mea nings, be unabled and barred to demand
and claime their portion or portions,
and also shall lose and forgoe and bee
barred for euer, of all and every his, her
or their part or parts, and portions to
him or them belonging, by and after
the death of his or their said father or
mother, of the goods and cattals, of e very such father and mother, by reason
of any law, custome, ordinance, usage,
franches, priviledge, act of Common
Councell, or other thing, heretofore had
or used, within the said City: The same
Law, Custome, Ordinance, or other
thing whatsoe’re, heretofore had, made,
ordained, allowed, and put in ure, to
the contrary in any wise notwithstan ding. That is to wit: First, if any man child, or woman-child, shall maliciously
goe about or attempt to doe, or cause
to be done, any bodily harme, death, or
destruction to his or their Father or
Mother: Or if any man-child doe here after marry or contract marriage in the
life of his father or mother (by whom
he will claime any portion) under the
age of one and twenty yeeres, without
the consent of his said Father, or Mo ther, by whom he will claime any por tion: Or if any woman-child doe here after marry or contract marriage, in the
life of her father, or other parent, by
whom she shall claime any portion, be fore the age of eighteene yeeres, with out the consent of her father, or such o ther parent by whom shee shall or may
claime any portion: Or if any man-child
be a Theefe, or a Fellon, or a com mon whore-hanter; a common Diser, or
a common player at unlawfull games
notoriously known: Or if any woman child shal hereafter commit any whore dome, or bee a common Picker, that
then every of the persons so offending,
shall be barred and excluded to have, or
demand any portion.
Provided alwaies, that it shall bee
lawfull for the father, or mother of any
such child, or children, to give and be queath in Legacy, to such child or chil dren, as much as the portion of such
childe so offending shall amount unto,
by the custome of the said City, & then
such child therby to be enabled to have
and demand the same, as portion, this
Act notwithstanding, so that the same
Legacy bee contained in his or their re stament in writing, and not otherwise.
And that then, and from thenceforth
his said child or children, to be admit ted and restored to claime such legacy,
or legacies, in such sort, manner and
forme, as if there had beene never any
such offence done, or committed by any
such childe.
Item, it is further ordained, enacted,
authorized and established, by the au thority aforesaid, that if any woman child, being an Orphane, and under the
age of one and twenty yeeres, at any
Temporall Government.
time hereafter, after the death of her
Father, doe ensure or contract her selfe
in marriage, or else according to the Ec clesiasticall lawes of this Realme, doe
perfitly solemnize or consummate Mar riage, with any free man of this City,
the consent and agreement of the Lord
Maior and Aldermen of this said City
of London for the time being, not obtai ned and had, that then for every such
default and offence committed or done
by any Orphane, or Orphanes, of the
said City, the same being confessed, or
sufficiently proved by two witnesses;
or otherwise before the said Lord Maior
and Aldermen of this said City of Lon don, for the time being, at and in a
Court of Aldermen, she or they that so
happen to behave her or themselves, as
is aforesaid, shall forfeit, forgoe and
lose two pence of and for every pound,
so due or to bee due unto her, or them,
by reason of any such Orphanage, the
summe of twelve pence of every pound,
to goe, or to be to the use of the Cham ber of the said City, according to the
ancient custome before this time, in such
case used.
And if the said contract or marriage
of the said Orphane or Orphanes, bee
made with any forreine, not being free
of this City, at the time of any such
contract or marriage made, that then
the said Orphan or Orphans, and every
of them shall forfeit and lose three shil lings of every pound, or to be due unto
her or them, by vertue of any Orpha nage or custome had and used within
the said City.
The one shilling of the said three
shillings of every pound, to goe, or to
be, to the use of the Chamber of the
said City, in such manner and forme as
is aforesaid.
And the other two shillings so for feited of every pound, to goe to the use
of such other Orphane, or Orphanes, as
then shall remaine unmarried. Or else
for default of such Orphans, or Orphan,
to remaine to the next of the kindred of
the Orphane so offending.
Also, be it further ordained, enacted,
and established by authority aforesaid,
for, & in eschewing of divers variances,
contentions, and suits, that daily here tofore have, and hereafter may ensue:
that if any free mans child, man or wo man fortune to bee married hereafter,
in the life time of his, or their father,
by his consent, and not fully advanced
of, and to his, or her full part, or porti on of his or her said Fathers goods, as
he shall be worth at the time of his de cease, according to the ancient lawes
and customes of this said City: that
then every such free mans child, so be ing married in the life time of his, or
her Father, shall bee to all intents and
purposes, disabled to demand any fur ther part or portion of his or her fathers
goods, after the decease of his, or her
father, but shall be adjudged, reputed,
and taken to be fully advanced, accor ding as the law and custome of this Ci ty hath beene long time out of minde,
except his or her said father doe men tion certainely in his last Will or Testa ment, or by other writing signed with
his owne proper name, or marke the
certainety of the summe or summes of
money, goods and cattels, and the va lue of them that the Father gave, pay ed or departed withall, or otherwise as sured, or hereafter shall give, pay, depart
withall, or otherwise make assurance of
unto him, or her, before, at or after the
marriage of him or her, or otherwise in
his life time, for and towards their ad vancements, in the name of his, or her
part, or portion.
And then every such Orphane, or
child, which after the decease of his or
her said father, can bring forth the said
Testament, or other writing signed or
marked with the fathers hand or mark,
wherein the certainety of such money,
goods, or cattels, as they have or shall
have received of their said Father, or by
the same Father, assured by especialty,
or otherwise, shall have asmuch of the
ready money, goods, cattels, and debts
of the said Father, as (with that which
he or they shall have received towards
their advancements, in the life of their
said Father) shall make up a full childs
part, of his goods and cattels, as he shall
bee worth at the time of his decease.
The same to be demanded, asked, and
claimed, or sued for against the execu tor, or executors, administrator, or ad ministrators, of the goods, and cattels
of the said Father, by bill Originall, to
Temporall Government.
be commenced to our Soveraigne Lord
the Kings Court, holden in the vtter
Chamber of the Guild-Hall of the said
City, before the said L. Maior and Al dermen of the same City for the time
being, any Law or Custome heretofore
made or used to the contrary notwith standing. In which action, no wager of
Law, or Essoine, shall bee admitted or
Provided alway, and it is further en acted, that if any freee mans sonne, be ing of full age (which shall hereafter
be married with the consent of his Fa ther, or any other person, being of full
age, which shall hereafter marry any
free mans daughter) doe at the time of
the Espousals, or any time after, con fesse themselves by writing fully satis fied, of his or their portion, or doe
otherwise acquit and discharge the Fa ther of such free mans sonnes or daugh ters, of all their part and portion due,
or to be due, by the Law and Custome
of the City; that then every such per son, so confessing, acquitting, or other wise discharging, shall be reputed and
taken as fully advanced of his or their
whole part or portion, and shall not be
enabled to demand any further or grea ter part of the substance, goods, and
cattels of his or her Father: this Law,
or any other Law or Custome hereto fore had, made, or used to the contrary
And further, for as much as it is
thought very prejudiciall and hurtfull
to the fatherlesse children & Orphans,
when the mother, or mother in Law,
being Executrix of the last Will and
Testament of her late husband, by
whom, and after whose death, the Or phanes are intituled to an Orphanage,
(according to the said laudable Cu stomes of this City) doe divers times
marry, or contract Matrimony, some
with Forriners, and persons unknowne,
and some with Free men, or ever a just
Inventory of the Goods, Cattels, Plate,
Iewels, ready Money of the Testators,
be by them brought in: By reason wher of, many times they (either for feare or
affection of their husbands, or for some
other sinister cause) doe bring in very
suspicious Inventories, omitting there in either ready Money, Plate, Iewels,
or Debts, or some other thing or things,
whereby some benefit should redound
to the fatherlesse children, to the great
losse and hinderance of the Orphanes,
and sometimes slander to the Lord
Maior and Aldermen of the City, not withstanding their great care and tra vaile that they take for the good orde ring, and true answering of the said
It is therefore, by like authority, or dained, established, and enacted, that
if after the first day of November next
ensuing, any Widow, which is, or shall
be made Executrix of the Testament &
last Will of her late Husband (being a
free man) or shall take upon her the ad ministration of the Goods and Cattels
of her late Husband (being a free man)
doe not upon her Oath bring in and
exhibit, or cause to be brought in and
exhibited before the Lord Maior and
Aldermen of this said City for the time
being, at and in a Court of Aldermen,
a just and perfect Inventory (to their
knowledge) of all the Goods, Cattels,
Plate, and Jewels, ready Money, and
Debts, as were her said Husbands at
the time of his death, appraysed accor ding to the Law of the said City, be fore she do ensure her selfe in marriage,
or contract marriage, or else according
to the Lawes of the Realme, doe per fectly solemnize or consummate marri age with any person before such time
as aforesaid, that then every person so
offending, shall forfait and lose eight
shillings of every pound, of her Por tion, of the goods of her late Husband,
due to her by the laudable Custome of
the said City, the same to goe to the
use of such Orphane, or Orphanes, as
then shall bee intituled to have or de mand any Orphanage or Portion, after
the death of his or her late Father▪ the
same to be demanded, asked, claimed,
or sued for, against such Executrix, or
Administratrix, by Bill originall of
debt, to bee commenced in our Sove raigne Lord the Kings Court, holden
in the vtter Chamber of the Guild-Hall of the said City, before the Lord
Maior and Aldermen of the same Ci ty for the time being, any Law, &c. In
which action no wager, &c.
Temporall Government.
For the election of Gover nours at Christs Hospitall, &c.
FOr the election of Governours
belonging to the severall Hospi tals:
At time and place appoin ted.
the Lord Maior and the Al dermen do weare their blacke Gownes.
A Note of Observation.
THe foure Pleaders,
Festivall times and generall dayes.
the Cham berlaine, Towne-Clarke, Com mon Sergeant, two Judges of
the Sheriffes Court, the Secondaries,
the Vnder-Chamberlaine, and Bridge masters, are to attend the Lord Maior
at his house, before his going abroad on
all Festivall times, and generall dayes.
Courts of Aldermen.
COurts of Aldermen in ordinary,
Court dayes, and of excep tion.
are kept at the Guild-Hall, every
Tuesday and Thursday thorow
the whole yeere; except Holydayes,
the moneth of August, untill Bartho lomew day bee past, the weeke before
Christmas, Shrove-Tuesday, and the
weeke before Easter.
The Lavves of the Market.
FIrst, in all the Markets of this
City, no Victuall shall bee sold,
but by the price set by the Maior
of this City.
2 No man shall forestall any Victuall
comming to the Market, as for to buy
in any Inne or other privy place, or yet
comming to the Market, whether it be
found in the hands of the buyer or of
the seller, under paine of forfeiture of
the same: and no Inne-holder shall
suffer nothing to bee sold in his house,
vpon paine of forfeiture of forty shil lings.
3 No man shall regrate any Victu all which is in the Market, or buy any
Victuall to ingrate in the Market, so
that the Commons can or may have
any part of such Victuall, as in especi all, such as be knowne for Hucksters, or
other people, occupying their living by
such Victuall as they would so ingrosse,
under paine of forfeiture of such Victu all so regrated: Provided alwayes, that
any Steward for any noble Feast, may
buy or ingrate such Victuall as is con venient for the same Feast.
4 No Butter shall be sold, but accor ding to the waight, for the time of the
yeere allowed.
5 No Poulters shall deceiveably
occupy the Market, to sell any stale Vi ctuall, or such as bee Poulters of this
City, for to stand in strange cloathing
so to doe, under paine of forty shil lings, and the forfeiture of such Victu all, forty shillings.
6 No Hucksters shall stand or sit in
the Market, but in the lower place, and
the ends of the Market, to the intent
they may be perfectly knowne, and the
Stranger-market-people have the pree minence of the Market, under paine of
three shillings foure pence, if the Huck sters disobey the same.
7 No unwholsome or stale Victuall
shall be sold under paine of xi. s. and
forfeiture of the same Victuall.
Temporall Government.
against Annoiances.
FIrst, no man shall sweepe the filth
of the Street into the Chancell of
the City, in the time of any raine,
or at any other time, under paine of six
shillings eight pence.
2 No man shall cast, or lay in the
Streets, Dogs, Cats, or other Carren,
or any noysome thing contagious of
Aire. Nor no Inholder shall lay out
dung out of his house, but if the Cart
bee ready to carry the same away in continently, under paine of forty shil lings.
3 No Brewer shall cast wilfully
dregs or drosse of Ale or Beere into the
Chanell, under paine of two shillings.
4 No man shall encumber the streets
with Timber, Stones, Carts, or such
like, under paine of forfeiture of the
same thing that so encumbreth the
streets, which is twenty shillings fine,
if hee remove it not at the warning of
the Sergeant of the Market.
5 Euery builder of houses ought
to come to the Maior, Aldermen, and
Chamberlaine, for a speciall licence
for hourd of, by him to bee made
in the high Street, and no builder to
encumber the Streets with any manner
of thing, taking downe for the prepa ring of his new building, under paine
of forty shillings, except hee make a
hourd of forty shillings.
6 No man shall set any Carts in the
Streets by night time, under the paine
of twelve pence, and recompence to
such persons as shall bee hurt thereby,
if any such be, twelve pence.
7 No Budge-man shall leade but
two horses, and hee shall not let them
goe vnled, under paine of two shil lings.
8 No man shall ride, or drive his
Car or Cart atrot in the Street, but
patiently, under paine of two shil lings.
9 No man shall gallop his horse in
the Street, under paine of two shil lings.
10 No man shall shoot in the Street,
for Wager or otherwise, under like
paine of two shillings.
11 No man shall bowle, or cash any
stone in the Street, for wager, or gaine,
or such like, under paine of two shil lings.
12 No man shall dig any hole in the
Temporall Government.
Street for any matter, except hee stop
it up againe, under paine of two shil lings, and recompence to any person
hurt thereby, two shillings.
13 No man shall bury any dung, or
goung, within the Liberties of this Ci ty, under paine of forty shillings.
14 No Goungfermour shall carry
any Ordure till after nine of the Clocke
in the night, under paine of thirteene
shillings foure pence.
15 No Goungfermour shall spill
any Ordure in the Street, under paine
of thirteene shillings foure pence.
16 No man shall bait Bull, Beare,
or Horse in the open street, under paine
of twenty shillings.
17 No man shall have any Kine,
Goats, Hogs, Pigs, Hens, Cocks, Ca pons, or Ducks in the open Street, un der paine of forfeiture of the same.
18 No man shall maintaine any bi ting Curs, or mad Dogs, in the streets,
under paine of two shillings, and re compence unto every party hurt there with, two shillings.
19 No Carts that shall be shod with
Spig-naile, that shall come upon the
streets of this City, under paine of three
shillings foure pence.
20 No Carts using daily carriage
within this City, nor Car shall have
Wheeles shod with any Iron, but bare,
under paine of six shillings.
21 No man shall burne any Straw,
Rushes, or other thing, Linnen or Wol len in the streets, by night or by day, un der paine of three shillings foure pence.
22 No man shall blow any Horne in
the night within this City, or Whistle
after the houre of nine of the clocke in
the night, under pain of imprisonment.
23 No man shall use to goe with Vi zards, or disguised by night, under like
paine of imprisonment.
24 That Night-walkers, and Eves droppers endure like punishment.
25 No Hammer-man, as a Smith, a
Pewterer, a Founder, and all Artificers,
making great sound, shall not worke af ter the houre of nine in the night, nor
afore the houre of foure in the morning,
under paine of three shil. foure pence.
26 No man shall cast into the Dit ches of this City, or the Sewers of this
City, without the walls, or into the
walls, Grates, or Gullets of this City,
any manner of Carren, stinking Flesh,
rotten Fish, or any Rubbish, Dung,
Sand, Gravell, Weeds, Stones, or any
other thing to stop the course of the
same, under paine of cleansing them
at his own cost and charge, under paine
of imprisonment.
27 No man shall make any Wi drawtes in any of the Towne-Ditches,
or the Towne-Gullets, under paine of
twenty shillings.
28 No man shall build nigh the
Walls of this City, without licence of
the Lord Maior, Aldermen, & Cham berlaine, under paine of throwing down
the same, and no licence may be gran ted, except that the Chamberlain free ly at all times have convenient and
needfull ingresse, and entry, going out,
and cleare recourse.
29 No man shall goe in the streets
by night or by day with Bow bent, or
Arrowes under his Girdle, nor with
Sword unscabberd, under paine of im prisonment; or with Hand-Gun, ha ving therewith Powder and Match, ex cept it bee in an usuall May-game or
30 No man shall after the houre of
nine at the Night, keep any rule where by any such sudden out-cry be made in
the still of the night, as making any
Affray, or beating his Wife, or Ser vant, or Singing, or Revelling in his
house, to the disturbance of his neigh bors, under paine of 3. shil. 4. pence.
31 No man shall make any Affray,
Temporall Government.
upon any Officer, which with good de meanour doth his message by comman dement of my Lord Maior, or any Al derman, or M. Sheriffes, or M. Cham berlaine, or misbehave himselfe in any
rayling upon any Judge of this City, or
their Officers, which by commande ment are sent to bring any breaker of
this Law and Custome to Ward, or to
distresse, or such like, upon paine of Im prisonment of forty dayes, and forfei ture of the double penalty: for the of fences asseasing, railing upon any Al derman, or Maior in his office, is judge ment of the Pillory: railing upon Ma ster Chamberlaine in his office, forty
dayes imprisonment: beating, threat ning, and railing of an Officer, is im prisonment, after as the trespasse is.
32 Memorandum, That every offence
found in this City, it is accustomed
that the Officer, a Free man, finding
it, which is called primus Inventor, hath
halfe the penalty by the grace of the
33 Also, every Free man may finde
any offence, but hee hath no power to
bring the party before any Judge of
this City without an Officer, except
the party will come to his answer by
free will.
34 No man hath power to Arrest,
Attach, or make distresse of any goods
forfeitable, or offences, except the Con stable or Sergeant of the Mace.
35 No Butcher, or his servant shall
not use to drive any Oxe or Oxen, a trot in the streets, but peaceably: and
ifan Oxe happen to be let goe when he
is prepared to slaughter, the Butcher
shall forfeit two shil. besides recom pence, if any person be hurt thereby.
36 No Butcher shall scald Hogs, but
in the common scalding house, upon
paine of six shillings eight pence.
37 No Butcher shall sell any Mea sell Hog, or unwholsome flesh, under
paine of ten pounds.
38 No Butcher shall sell any old
stale Victuall: that is to say, above the
slaughter of three dayes in the Winter,
and two in the Summer, under paine of
ten pounds.
39 None unreasonable Victuall for
all manner of Victuals.
40 No Victualer of this City shall
give any rude or unsetting language, or
make any clamour upon any man or
woman in the open Market, for cheap ning of Victuall, under paine of three
shillings foure pence.
41 No Butcher shall cast the in wards of Beasts into the streets, cleaves
of Beasts feet, Bones, Hornes of Sheepe,
or other such like, under paine of two
42 The Pudding-cart of the Sham bles shall not go afore the houre of nine
in the night, or after the houre of five
in the morning, under paine of six shil lings eight pence.
43 No man shall cast any Vrine boles, or Ordure-boles into the streets
by day or night, afore the houre of nine
in the night: And also hee shall not
cast it out, but bring it downe, and lay
it in the Chanell, under the paine of
three shillings foure pence. And if he
doe cast it upon any persons head, the
party to have a lawfull recompence, if
he have hurt thereby.
44 No man shall hurt, cut, or de stroy any Pipes, Sesperals, or Wind vents pertaining to the Conduit, un der paine of imprisonment, and making
satisfaction, though hee doth it out of
the City, if hee may bee taken within
the City.
45 No man within this City may
make any Quill, and breake any Pipe
of the Conduit, comming thorow his
house, or nigh his ground, under paine
of the Pillory, or take any water pri vily unto his house.
46 Casting any corrupt thing, ap poysoning the water, is Lourgulary
and Felony.
47 Who
Temporall Government.
47 Whosoever destroy or perish
any Cocks of the Conduit, must have
imprisonment, and make satisfaction.
Old Lawes and Customes
of this City.
48 NO man shall set up shop, or
occupy as a Free-man, afore
he be sworne in the Cham ber of London, and admitted by the
Chamberlaine, under paine of▪
49 No man shall set over his Ap prentice to any other person, but by li cense of Master Chamberlaine, and
there to be set over, under paine of▪
50 No man which is a Forraine,
shall not buy nor sell within the liber ties of this City with another Forraine,
under paine of forfeiture of the goods
so forraine bought and sold.
51 No Free-man shall be disobedi ent for to come at Master Chamber laines commandement, to any sum mons to him given by any officer of
the Chamber, under paine of impri sonment.
52 Master Chamberlaine hath po wer to send a free man to Ward, so that
he incontinently after send to the Lord
Maior, the cause why that he is puni shed, so that the Lord Maior release
him not, but by the Chamberlaines
assent: and if he be a great Commoner,
and disobeying to the Chamberlaine,
Master Chamberlaine may referre it to
a Court of Aldermen.
Master Chamberlaine hath autho rity for to send or command any Apo prentice to the Counter for their of fences: and if their offences bee great,
as in defiling their Masters houses by
vicious living, or offending his Master
by theft, or disslander, or such like, then
to command him to Newgate.
Apprentice Enrolled, his Master
payeth two shillings six pence.
Apprentice set over, hee that recei veth, two shillings.
Apprentice made Free, hee payeth
foure shillings.
Apprentice never Enrolled, and
made free, his Master payeth thirteene
shillings two pence.
A man made Free by his Fathers
Copy, payeth eighteene pence.
A Proclamation made in the time of
the Maioralty of Sir Michael Dormer,
An Act of Common Councell,
made in the Even of Saint Michael,
Anno Regis Henrici Octavi xxxj. That
no person should lay any Wares in the
Street, or beyond the edge of their
Stall, upon paine of forfeiture the first
time six shillings eight pence: the se cond time thirteene shillings foure
pence: and the third time, the Ware so
Temporall Government.
the Wardmote Inquest:
Together with the Articles of the charge
of the said Inquest.
By the Maior.
To the Alderman of the Ward.
Wardmote Inquest for a yeere.
WEE charge and com mand you, that upon
Saint Thomas day the
Apostle next com ming, you doe hold
your Wardmote, and
that you have afore us at our generall
Court of Aldermen to be holden in the
Guild-Hall, the Munday next after the
Feast of the Epiphany next comming,
all the defaults that shall bee presented
afore you by Inquest in the said Ward mote, and the said Inquest shall have
full power and authority by one whole
yeere, to enquire and present all such de faults as shall be found within your said
Ward, as oftentimes as shal be thought
to you expedient and needfull, which
we will, shall bee once every moneth at
the least.
Inquest dying.
AND if it happen any of your
said Inquest to dye, or depart
out of your said Ward within
the said yeere, that then in place of him
or them so dying, or departing out of
your said Ward, you cause to be chosen
one able person to inquire and present
with the other in manner and forme a foresaid.
Non appearance.
AND that at the said generall
Court, you give afore us the
names and sur-names of al them
of your said Ward, that come not to
your said Wardmote, if they be duely
warned, so that due redresse and punish ment of them may bee had, as the case
shall require, according to the Law.
Watch, Light, Vizard.
AND that ye doe provide, that
at all times convenient, covena ble Watch bee kept: and that
Lanthornes with light by Nightertaile
in old manner accustomed, be hanged
forth, and that no man goe by nighter
Temporall Government.
without light, nor with Vizard, on
the perill that belongeth thereto.
Common Councell.
AND also that you doe cause to
be chosen men of the most
sufficient, honest, and discreet
men of your said Ward, to be for your
said Ward of the Common Councell
of this City for the yeere ensuing, ac cording to the custome in that behalfe
yeerely used. And also that you doe
cause the said men so to be chosen to be
of the Common Councell, to be sworn
before you and in your presence, accor ding to the oath for them used, and of
old time accustomed, the Tenor of
which oath hereafter ensueth.
The Oath.
YE shall sweare, that ye shal
bee true to our Sove raigne Lord the King
that now is, and to his
heires and successors Kings of Eng land, and readily yee shall come when
ye be summonned to the Common Coun cell of this City, but if yee be reasona bly excused, and good and true coun sell ye shall give in all things, touch ing the Common-wealth of this City,
after your wit and cunning: and that
for favour of any person ye shall main taine no singular profit against the
common profit of this City, and after
that you be come to the Common Coun cell, you shall not from thence depart,
untill the Common Councell be ended,
without reasonable cause, or else by
the Lord Maiors License. And also
any secret things that be spoken on said
in the Common Councell, which ought
to be kept secret, in no wise you shall
disclose, as God you helpe.
Constables, Scavengers,
Beadle, Raker.
AND that also in the said Ward mote you cause to be chosen cer taine other honest persons to bee
Constables, and Scavengers, and a
common Beadle, and a Raker to make
cleane the streets and lanes of all your
said Ward, according to the custome
yeerly used in that behalfe, which Con stables have, and shall have full power
and authority to distraine for the sallary
and quarterage of the said Beadle
and Raker, as oftentimes as it shall bee
behinde unpaid.
Roll of names.
ALso, that you keepe a Roll of the
names, sur-names, dwelling pla ces, professions and trades of all
persons dwelling within your Ward
and within what Constables precinct
they dwell, wherein the place is to bee
specially noted by the street, lane, alley,
or signe.
Constable. Roll.
ALso that you cause every Con stable from time to time, to cer tifie unto you, the name, sur name, dwelling place, profession, and
trade of every person, who shall newly
come to dwell within his Precinct,
whereby you may make and keepe your
Roll perfect: and that you cause every
Constable for his Precinct to that pur pose to make and keepe a perfect Roll
in like manner.
Inholder, Lodger, Sojourner.
ALso that you give speciall charge
that every Inholder, and other
person within your Ward, who
shall receive any person to lodge or so journe in his house above two dayes,
shall before the third day after his com
Temporall Government.
thither, give knowledge to the
Constable of the Precinct where hee
shall be so received, of the name, sur name, dwelling place, profession, and
trade of life, or place of service of such
person, and for what cause hee shall
come to reside there: and that the said
Constable give present notice thereof
to you: and that the said Inholder lodge
no suspected person, or men or women
of evill name.
Search. New commers.
ALso that you cause every Con stable within his Precinct, once
every moneth at the farthest,
and oftner, if need require, to make di ligent search and inquiry, what persons
bee newly come into his Precinct to
dwell, sojourne, or lodge: and that you
give speciall charge, that no Inholder or
other person shall resist or deny any
Constable, in making such search or in quiry, but shall doe his best endeavour
to aide and assist him therein.
Franke pledge.
ANd for that of late there is more
resort to the City of persons e vill affected in Religion, and o therwise than in former times have bin:
You shall diligently inquire if any man
bee received to dwell or abide within
your Ward, that is not put under frank
pledge, as he ought to be by the custome
of the City, and whether any person
hath continued in the said Ward by the
space of one yeere, being above the age
of twelve yeeres, and not sworne to bee
faithfull and loyall to the Kings Maje sty, in such sort as by the Law and cu stome of the City he ought to be.
TO all these purposes the Bea dle of every Ward shall em ploy his diligence, and give his
best furtherance.
ALso that you have speciall re gard that from time to time,
there be convenient provisiō for
Hooks, Ladders, and Buckets, in meet
places within the severall Parishes of
your Ward, for avoiding the perill of
ALso that the Streets and lanes of
this City, be from time to time
kept clean before every Church,
house, shop, ware-house, doore, dead
wall, and in all other common passages
and streets of the said Ward.
Hucksters of Ale and Beere.
AND where by divers acts of
Common Councell, afore time
made and established for the
Common-weale of this City, amongst
other things it is ordained and enacted,
as hereafter ensueth:
Also it is ordained and enacted, That
from henceforth no Huckster of Ale or
Beere, be within any Ward of the Ci ty of London, but honest persons, and of
good name and fame, and so taken and
admitted by the Alderman of the
Ward for the time being, and that the
same Hucksters doe find sufficient sure ty afore the Maior and Aldermen for
the time being, to bee of good guiding
and rule: and that the same Hucksters
shall keepe no bawdry, nor suffer no
letchery, dice-playing, carding, or any
other unlawfull games, to be done, ex ercised, or used within their houses:
and to shut in their doores at nine of the
clocke in the night from Michaelmas to
Easter, and from Easter to Michaelmas, at
tenne of the clocke in the night, and af ter that houre sell none Ale or Beere.
And if any Huckster of Beere or Ale,
after this act published and proclaim ed, sell any Ale or Beere within any
Ward of the City of London, and bee
not admitted by the Alderman of the
Temporall Government.
same Ward so to doe, or finde not suf ficient surety as it is above rehearsed,
the same Huckster to have imprison ment, and make fine and ransome for
his contempt, after the discretion of the
Maior and Aldermen: and also that
the said Hucksters suffer no manner of
common eating and drinking within
their Cellars or Vaults contrary to the
ordinance thereof ordained and provi ded, as in the said act more plainely ap peareth at large: wee charge you that
you doe put the same in due execution
Measures sealed.
AND also that ye see all Tiplers
and other sellers of Ale or Beere
as well of privy Osteries, as
Brewers and Inholders within your
Ward, not selling by lawfull measures
sealed and marked with the letter C.
crowned, according as in that behalfe it
is ordained and purveighed, bee presen ted, and their names in your said In dentures bee expressed, with their de faults, so that the Chamberlain may be
lawfully answer’d of their amersements.
Stranger borne.
ANd also that you suffer no stran ger borne out of the Realme, to
bee of the Common Councell,
nor to exercise or use any other Office
within this City, nor receive or accept
any person into your Watch, privie or
open, but Englishmen borne: and if a ny stranger borne out of this Realme,
made Denizen by the Kings Letters
Patents, or any other after his course
and lot be appointed to any watch, that
then ye command and compell him or
them to find in his stead and place one
Englishman to supply the same.
Billets and fire-wood.
AND also that you cause an ab stract of the Assize appointed by
act of Parliament, for Billers and
other fire-wood, to bee faire written in
Parchment, and to bee fixed or hanged
up in a Table in some fit and conveni ent place in every Parish within your
Ward, where the common people may
best see the same.
Streets. Paine 40. s.
AND furthermore we charge and
command you, that you cause
such provision to be had in your
said Ward, that all the streets and lanes
within the same Ward be from time to
time cleansed and clearely voided of or dure, dung, mire, rubbish, and other fil thy things whatsoever they be, to the a noyance of the Kings Majesties subjects.
AND also that at all times, as
you shall thinke necessary, you
doe cause search to bee made
within your said Ward, for all vagarant
Beggers, suspicious and idle people,
and such as cannot shew how to live,
and such as shall bee found within your
said Ward, that you cause to be puni shed and dealt with according to the
law and the statute in such case ordain ed and provided.
AND also wee will and charge
you the said Alderman, that
your selfe certifie and present
before us, at the same generall Court
to be holden the foresaid munday next
after the Feast of Epiphany, all the
names and sur-names truely written of
such persons within your said Ward, as
bee able to passe in a grand Iury by
themselves: and also all the names and
sur-names truly written of such persons,
being and dwelling within your said
Ward, as be able to passe in a petty Iu ry, and not able to passe in a grand Iury
by themselves, that is to say, every grand
Iury man to be worth in goods an hun dred Markes, and every petty Jury man
forty Markes, according to an Act in
Temporall Government.
that case made and provided: and the
same you shall indorce on the backeside
of your Indenture.
ITem, for divers reasonable and ur gent considerations, vs especially
moving, wee straightly charge and
command you on the King our Sove raigne Lords behalfe, that you dili gently provide and foresee, that no
manner of person or persons within
your said Ward, of what condition
or degree soever he or they be of, kee ping any Taverne or Ale-house, Ale seller or victualling house, or place of
common resort to eate and drinke in,
within the same Ward, permit or suf fer at any time hereafter, any common
women of their bodies, or Harlors to
resort and come into their said house,
or other the places aforesaid to eat or
drinke, or otherwise to bee conversant
or abide, or thither to haunt or fre quent, upon paine of imprisonment, as
well of the occupier and keeper of eve ry such house or houses, and all other
the places afore remembred, as of the
said common women or Harlots.
ALso that you doe give in charge
to the Wardmote Inquest of
your Ward, all the Articles de livered to you herewith.
An Act for the Reforma tion of divers abuses, used in
the Wardmote Inquest.
Commons, Dinners, Banquetings.
ITEM, Where the
Wardmote Inquests
within the severall
Wards of this City,
for the maintenance
of Honesty, Vertue, & good Li ving; and for the abolishment,
exiling, and suppressing of all
kinde of Vice, evill Rule, and In iquity, according to the ancient
laudable Lawes and Customs of
the said City, are yeerely several ly charged and sworne, upon the
day of S. Thomas the Apostle, be fore the Aldermen of the said
Wards, chiefely and principally
to the end and intent, that they
with all diligence should truly
and duly inquire and present all
such Enormities, Nusances, Mis order, and Offences, as are, or at
any time within the space of one
whole yeere then next ensuing,
shalbe severally used, committed,
or done within the said Wards,
and have day yeerely to make
their said Presentments, untill
the Munday next after the Feast
of the Epiphany: The said In quests heretofore little or no thing at all regarding (as it is
very manifest and not unknown,
the more is the pity) their said
Oathes, or yet the great commo dities, Vtility, Quietnesse, Ho nour, and Worship, that might
or should grow and insue to the
said City, and inhabitants of the
same, through their good, indu strious, and indifferent procee dings, for the advancement of
Vertue, and repressing of Vices,
have drawne it in a manner into
a very ordinary course and com mon Custome, to consume and
spend a great part of their said
time, that they have yerely given
unto them, when they receive
their said charge; partly in set ting up among themselves a cer taine Commons, and making and
Temporall Government.
keeping many costly and sump tuous Dinners, Suppers, and
Banquets, inviting and calling
to the same at sundry times, in a
manner, all the Inhabitants of
the said severall Wards, to the
no little charges of the same In habitants, and partly in passing
and occupying much part of the
same time in playing at Dice,
Tables, Cards, and such other
unlawfull Games both to the
great costs, charges, and expen¦ces
of the said Inquests (where of the greater part most com monly are but poore men) and
also to the very lewd, perniti ous, and evill example of all such
as have any accesse or recourse
unto the same Inquests. And
where also the said Inquests have
of late usurped to dispense with
such persons, as they by their
search, and otherwise, have foun den to offend and transgresse the
Lawes, in using and occupying
of unlawfull Weights and Mea sures, taking of the said Offen ders certaine Fines (as it is said)
the said Inquests have common ly used to imploy toward the
maintenance of their said Fea sting and Banqueting, directly
against the due order of our So veraigne Lord the Kings Lawes,
and the publike wealth of all his
Highnesse Subiects within the
said City, and much to the re proch and dishonour of the same
For remedy and Reformation
thereof, be it Ordained Enacted,
& Established by the Lord Mai or, Aldermen, and Commons,
in this present Common Coun cell assembled, and by authority
of the same, That all and every
the Wardmote Inquests of the
said City, from henceforth to be
yeerely charged & sworne with in the severall Wards at the time
afore rehearsed, shall at all times
and places meet and convenient
for the due execution of their
said charge, meet and assemble
themselves together, and that
they and every of them after
their said meetings, inquisition,
and treating of their said neces sary matters, shall goe home to
their owne severall houses to
Breakefast, Dinner, and Supper,
during all the said accustomed
time of their charge and Session
abovesaid: And that none of the
said Inquests shal from hencefor ward set up any manner of Com mons, or keepe or maintaine any
manner of Dinners, Suppers, or
Banquets among themselves, or
use at their said Assemblies and
Sessions, any of the Games above
mentioned, or any other whatso ever unlawfull Games or Playes
at any time, before the giving up
of the said Presentments at the
time above remembred. Or shall
take or receive any maner of Fine
or Fines, for the concealement
and discharging of any of the Of fences afore recited: but truly
present the same Offences, and
every of them, according to their
Oaths, upon paine of imprison ment by the discretion of the
Lord Maior and Aldermen of
the said City for the time being.
Temporall Government.
Fire and Candle, &c. Recreation.
PRovided alway, and bee it
enacted by the Authority
aforesaid, That it shall bee
lawfull for all the every of the
said Inquests, to take and receive
towards the charges of their Fire
and Candles, and other neces saries during the time of their
said Session, all and every such
summes of money, as any honest
person or persons of their free
will and benevolent minde, will
give or offer unto them: and
when they have made their said
Presentments, to goe and assem ble themselves together for their
Recreation and solace, where
they shall thinke it good: and
there not onely to bestow and
spend the twenty shillings,
which every Alderman within
his Ward, according to a cer taine order lately taken, shall
yeerely give unto them at the
time of the delivery of the said
Presentments, towards their said
charges in this behalfe, but also
the residue of the said money re ceived and gathered, as it is afore said, of the benevolence of their
said loving friends, if any such
residue shall fortune to remaine.
Any Clause or Article in this
present Act contained to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Not fayling hereof, as ye ten der the Common weale of this
City, and advancement of good
Iustice, and as ye will answer for
the contrary at your vttermost
The Articles of the charge
of the Wardmote Inquest.
YEE shall sweare, that yee shall
truly enquire if the Peace of the
King our Soveraigne Lord bee
not kept as it ought to be, and in whose
default, and by whom it is broken or
Franke pledge.
ALso if any man be received with in this Ward, but if he be under
Free pledge, that is to say, bee
sworn after the Alderman at his Court,
or else afore the said Alderman, be tween this & the Munday next after the
Feast of the Epiphany next comming.
Outlawes, Traitors, Fellons, &c.
ALso if there dwell any man with in the Ward, that is outlawed
or indited of Treason or Fello ny, or bee any receiver of Traitors or
ALso yee shall enquire, and truly
present all the offences and de faults done by any person or per sons within the River of Thames, ac cording to the intent and purport of
an Act made by our late Lord King Ed ward the sixth, in his high Court of
Parliament, and also of divers other
things ordained by Act of Common
Councell of this City, for the redresse
and amendment of the said River,
which as now is in great decay and ru ine, and will bee in short time past all
Temporall Government.
remedy, if high and substantiall provi sion and great helpe be not had with all
speed and diligence possible: as more
plainely appeareth in the said Act of
Parliament, and the said Act of Com mon Councell of this City.
ALso if any maner of person make
Congregation, or be receiver or
gatherer of evill companies.
Riotor, Barrator.
ALso if any man be a common Ri otor, or a Barrator, walking by
nightertaile without light, a gainst the rule & custome of this City.
Peace, hue and cry.
ALso if there be any man within
this Ward, that will not helpe,
aide, nor succour the Consta bles, Beadle, and other ministers of this
City in keeping of the peace, and ar rest the evill doers with rearing of hue
and cry.
Hucksters, receivers of Ap prentices Artificers, &c.
ALso if there be any Huckster of
Ale and Beere, that commonly
useth to receive any Apprenti ces, servants, Artificers or Labourers,
that commonly use to play at the Dice,
Cards, or Tables, contrary to the form
of the statute in that case ordained and
Inholder, Taverner, Victualer.
ALso if there bee any Inholder,
Taverner, Brewer, Huckster, or
other Victualer, that hold open
their houses after the houre limited by
the Maior.
ALso if any Parish Clarke doe
ring the Bell, called the Curfue
Bell, after Curfue rungen at the
Churches of Bow, Barking Chruch,
and Saint Giles without Creplegate.
Bawds, maintainers of quarrels.
ALso yee shall enquire if any Pu tour, that is to say, man-Bawd, or
woman-Bawd, common hazer dours, contectour, maintainer of quar rels, champartours, or embracers of
Inquests, or other common mis-doers
bee dwelling within this Ward, and
present their names.
Strumpet, Adulterer,
Witch, Scold.
ALso if any Baud, common strum pet, common Adulterer, Witch
or common Scold bee dwelling
within this Ward.
ALso if there be any house, where in is kept and holden any hot-house,
or sweating-house, for
ease and health of men, to the which be
resorting or conversant any strumpets,
or women of evill name or fame, or if
there be any hot-house or sweating or dained for women, to the which is any
common recourse of young men, or of
other persons of evill fame and suspect
Also, if there bee any such persons
that keepe or hold any such hot-houses,
either for men or women, and have
found no surety to the Chamberlaine
for their good and honest behaviour,
according to the Lawes of this City,
and lodge any manner of person by
night, contrary to the ordinance therof
made, by the which he or they shall for
Temporall Government.
twenty pounds to the Chamber, if
they doe the contrary.
Thames, ditches, streets, &c.
ALso if any manner of person cast
or lay dung, ordure, rubbish,
seacole dust, rushes, or any other
thing noyant, in the River of Thames,
Walbrooke, Fleet, or other ditches of this
City, or in the open streets, waies, or
lanes within this City.
ALso if any person after a great
rain falleth, or at any other time
sweepe any dung, ordure, rub bish, rushes, Seacole dust, or any other
thing noyant, downe into the chanell
of any street or lane, whereby the com mon course there is let, and the same
things noyant driven downe into the
said water of Thames.
Hogs, Kine, Oxen, Ducks.
ALso if any manner of person nou rish Hogs, Oxen, Kine, Ducks,
or any beasts within this Ward,
to the grievance and disease of their
ALSO if any Vsurers or false
chevesancers be dwelling with in this Ward.
Persons indited in one Ward,
flying into another.
ALso where afore this time it is
ordained and enacted as hereaf ter followeth. Item, for to es chew the evils of misgoverned persons
that daily when they be indited in one
Ward, flye into another: It is ordain ed by the Maior and Aldermen, that as
soone as a man or woman suspect, first
doe come to dwell within any house, in
any Ward within the City, the Con stables, Beadles, or other Officers of
the same, shall bee charged by their
Oathes, at the generall Court, to en quire and espy from whence they come.
And if they finde by their owne confes sion, or by the record of any of the
Bookes of any Alderman of the Ci ty, that they be indited or cast of evill
and noyous life, and will not finde sure ty for their good abearing and honest
governance to the Alderman for the
time being, that then they shall not
dwell there from thenceforth, but shall
bee warned to avoid within three
or foure dayes, or more or lesse, after,
as it shall bee seene to the Alderman
of the Ward for the time being, and
that the Landlord that letteth the
house, or his attourney, shall bee al so warned to make them to avoid
out of his house aforesaid, within the
said time limited by the Alderman: and
if they bee found there after the time,
that then not onely the said dishonest
persons shal have imprisonmēt of their
bodies after the discretion of the Maior
and Aldermen, but also the said Land lords, letters of the said houses, shall for feit to the Guild-hall, as much as they
should have had for letting of the said
house, or should be paid by the yeere, if
the said persons or others had dwelled
in the said house.
Colouring forraine goods.
ALso if any Freeman against his
Oath made, conceale, cover, or
colour the goods of Forrains, by
the which the King may in any wise
lose, or the franchises of this City bee
Forraine buying and selling.
ALso if any Forraine buy and sell
with any other Forraine within
this City or the Suburbs thereof
any goods or Merchandises, the same
Temporall Government.
goods or Merchandises bee forthwith
forfeit, to the use of the Comminalty of
this City.
Freemen not resident.
ALso if every Freeman, which re ceiveth or taketh the benefit,
and enjoyeth the franchises of
this City, bee continually dwelling
out of the City, and hath not, nor
will not (after his oath made) bee at
scot and lot, nor partner to the char ges of this City, for the worship of
the same City, when hee is duely re quired.
Orphans, Wards, Marriages.
ALSO if any man conceale the
goods of Orphanes of this City,
of whom the Ward and marri age of right belongeth to the Maior and
Aldermen of this City.
AND if any Officer by colour of
his Office, doe extortion unto
any man, or bee maintainer of
quarrels against right, or take carriage,
or arrest victuall unduely.
Boatman, Ferriour.
ALso if any Boatman or Ferriour
be dwelling in the Ward, that
taketh more for Boatmanage or
ferriage, than is ordained.
ALso if any man make Purpre stures, that is to say, encroach, or
take of the common ground of
this City, by land or by water, as in
walls, pales, stoopes, grieces, or doores,
or cellers, or in any other like within
the Ward; or if any porch, pent-house,
or jetty bee too low, in letting of men
that ride beside, or carts that goe there forth.
Pent-houses, Ietties, Stalls, &c.
ALso that Pentises and Ietties be
at the least the height of nine
foot, and that the stalls bee not
but of two foot and a halfe in breadth,
and to be flexible or moveable, that is
to say, to hang by Iemewes or garners,
so that they may bee taken up and let
Way, Watercourse.
ALso if any common way or com mon course of water be foreclo sed or letted, that it may not
have his course as it was wont, to the
noyance of the Ward, and by whom it
is done.
ALso if any pavement bee defe ctive, or too high in one place,
and too low in another, to the
disturbance of riders and goers therby,
and carts that goe thereupon.
Regrators, Forestallers.
ALso if any Regrator or Forestal ler of victuall, or of any other
Merchandizes which should
come to this City to be sold, bee dwel ling in this Ward: a Regrator is as much
to lay, as hee that buyeth up all the vi ctual, or Merchandizes, or the most part
thereof, when it is come to the City or
the Suburbs of the same at a low price,
and then afterwards selleth it at his
owne pleasure, at a high and excessive
price: a Forestaller is he that goeth out
of the City, and meeteth with the vi ctual or Merchandize by the way, com ming unto the City to be sold, and there
buyeth it, both these bee called in the
Temporall Government.
Law, Inimici publici patriae, which is to
say, open enemies to a Country.
Price of victuall.
ALso if any Butcher, Fishmonger,
Poulter, Vintner, Hostler, Cook,
or seller of Victuall, doe sell Vi ctuall at unreasonable prices.
ALso if any Hostler sell Hay,
Oats or Provender at excessive
prices, taking greater gain ther by then is reasonable and lawfull.
Victuall unwholsome. Price.
ALso if any Victualer sell any
Victuals not covenable, or un wholsome for mans body, or
else dearer than is proclaimed by the
Measures unsealed.
YE shall diligently make search
and inquiry, whether there bee
any Vintner, Inholder, Ale house-keeper, or any other person or
persons whatsoever within your Ward,
that doe use or keepe in his or their
house or houses, any Cans, Stone pots,
or other measures which be unsealed, &
by Law not allowed to sell Beere or
Ale thereby, and whether they doe sell
any of their best Beere and Ale above
a penny the quart, or any small Ale or
Beere above a halfe penny the quart, &
whether any of them doe sell by any
measure not sealed. If there bee any
such, you shall seize them, and send
them to the Guild-Hall to the Cham berlaines Office, & present their names
and faults by Indenture, so oft as there
shall be any occasion so to doe.
Weights and Measures.
YE shall also make search in the
Shops and Houses of all the
Chandlers, and of all others
which sell by Weight or Measure,
dwelling within your Ward, and see
that their Scales bee not one heavier
then another, and that their Measures,
as well Bushels as lesser Measures, as
well those that sell Sea-coales by (which
ought to bee heaped) that they bee in
bredth according to the new Standard,
sealed as all others; and that all Yards
and Ells be their just lengths & sealed,
that the poore and other his Majesties
subjects be not deceived. And further,
if any doe buy by one Weight or Mea sure, and sell by others: and if in your
search you finde any false Weights,
Measures, or Scales, ye shall seize them
and send them unto the Guild-Hall to
the Chamberlaine: and you shall also
doe the like, if you shall finde any that
doe sell any thing by Venice Weights,
contrary to the Law, and his Majesties
Proclamations, present their names and
Inholder, Browne-Baker.
ALso if any Inholder bake any
Bread to sell within his house:
and if any Baker of sowre Bread
bake white Bread to sell, or marke not
his Bread, or else take more for the ba king then three pence for a Bushell.
House, Tyle.
ALso yee shall enquire, if any
house bee covered otherwise,
then with Tile, Stone, Lead, for
perill of fire.
Leper, Begger.
ALso if any Leper, Faitour, or
mighty Begger bee dwelling
within this Ward.
Bakers, Brewers.
ALso if any Baker or Brewer
bake or brew with Straw, of
any other thing which is peril lous for fire.
Temporall Government.
Painted Vizage.
ALso if any man goe with painted
ALso if there be any man that han geth not out a Lanthorne with a
Candle therein burning after
the Vsage, according to the comman dement thereupon given.
Tall-wood, Billets, Faggots.
ALso if any person bring or cause
to be brought to this City or the
Liberties thereof, to be sold, or
sell, offer or put to sale, any Tall-wood,
Billets, Faggots, or other fire-wood,
not being of the full assize which the
same ought to hold.
Wood, Country.
ALso if any Free man of this City,
use to resort into the Countries
neere to this City, and there to
ingrosse and buy up much Billet, Tall wood, Faggot, Tofard, or other Fire-wood,
and convey the same by water
unto this City, and there lay it upon
their Wharfes and other places, and so
keepe it till they may sell it at high and
excessive prices at their owne wills.
Also if any Wood-monger, or any
other, sell any Billets or other Fire-wood
above the price set by the Lord
Cheese, Butter.
ALso if any Citizen of this City,
by himselfe, or any other person
for him or to his use, use to resort
into the Country, and there buy and
ingrosse great quantitie of Cheese and
Butter, as well barrelled as otherwise,
and after conveigh it by water or other wise to this City to be sold at deare and
excessive prices.
Freemen to shew their Copies.
ALso forasmuch as it is thought
that divers and many persons
dwelling within the Liberties
of this City, dayly occupy as Free men, whereas indeed they bee none,
nor never were admitted into the Li berties of this City, ye shall therefore
require every such person dwelling
within this Ward, whom ye shall su spect of the same, to shew you the Co py of his Freedome, under the Seale of
the Office of the Chamberlaine of the
said City; and such as yee shall finde
without their Copies, or deny to shew
their Copies, ye shall write and present
their names in your Indentures.
Melting Tallow.
ALso you shall inquire and truly
present all such persons as use
melting of Tallow, contrary to
an Act of Common Councell in that
case made and provided.
ALso you shall truly present all
persons which have or use any
Fire-Presses within the said Ci ty or Liberties of the same, for pressing
or dressing of Nether-stockes, Wollen clothes, or other things.
Also you shall enquire of all Armo rers and other Artificers, using to work
in Metall which have or use any Rear dorses, or any other places dangerous
or perillous for fire.
ALso if any have appraised any
goods of any Free-man decea sed, leaving behind him any Or
Temporall Government.
or Orphanes, and the Appraisers
not sworne before the Lord Maior or
the Alderman of the Ward.
ALso if any Free-man buy any
Wares or Merchandizes un weighed, which ought to bee
weighed at the Kings Beame, of any
stranger or forreigne free of the Liber ties of this City, contrary to the Act of
Common Councell in that case made
and provided.
ALso if any buy or sell any Cloth
or Clothes in the house, shop,
ware-house, or other place of
any Cloth-worker, or other person a gainst any Ordinance or Custome of
this City, or if any Cloth-worker or
other doe receive or harbour any
Clothes, before the same be brought
to Blackwell-Hall, contrary to the ordi nance made in that behalfe.
ALso if any Carman take any mo ney for carriage of any Goods,
Wares, and Merchandizes, a bove the rates ordained.
Buildings, divided Houses,
ALso if any make or cause to bee
made any new Building or Buil dings, or divide or cause to bee
divided any House or Houses, or re ceive any Inmate or Inmates contrary
to the Kings Majesties Proclamation,
or contrary to Law, or any Statute of
this Realme.
ALso if any bee dwelling within
this Ward, which doe offer or
put to sale any Wares or Mer chandizes in the open Streets or Lane
of this City, or goe from house to
house to sell the same, commonly called
Hawkers, contrary to an Act made in
that behalfe.
ALso if any have covenously,
fraudently, or unduly obtained
the freedome of this City.
ALso if any Collector of Fif teenes or other duties for the
publike service of the King or
of this City, doe retaine in his hands
any part of the money collected to his
owne use.
Women receivers of Servants.
YE shall also enquire if there bee
dwelling within your Ward a ny Woman-broker, such as re fort unto mens houses, demanding of
their Maid-servants if they doe like of
their services: if not, then they will
tell them they will helpe them to a
better service, and so allure them to
come from their Masters to their hou ses, where they abide as Boorders un till they bee provided for. In which
time it falleth out, that by lewd young
men that resort to those houses, they be
oftentimes made Harlots to their un doing, and the great hurt of the Com mon-wealth: wherefore if any such be,
you shall present them, that order may
be taken for reformation.
ALso if any have or use any com mon Privie, having issue into
any common Sewer of the
Temporall Government.
ALso if any Constable, Beadle,
or other Officer, be negligent or
remisse in discharging his duty
touching the execution of the Statute
made for punishment of Rogues, Va gabonds, and sturdy Beggers, or other wise, and wherein the default is.
ALso if any to whom the execu tion of the Statute made for re liefe of the poore doth apper taine, be remisse in discharging his du ty touching the execution of the same
Statute, and wherein the default is.
ALso if any Executor or other
person retaine in his hands any
Legacy, summe of money, or o ther thing given to any charitable use.
YEE shall inquire whether there
be within your Ward any com mon Drunkard, Whoremon ger, Blasphemer of Gods holy Name,
Prophaner of the Sabbath, Iesuite, Se minary or Secular Priest, or any Re ceiver, Releever, or Maintainer of any
of them, or any Popish Recusant, Coo zener, or swaggering idle Compani on, such as cannot give account how
they live; if there bee any such, you
shall present them and the names of
those that lodge them or aid them.
YEE shall also enquire, whe ther any person or persons doe
or shall say or sing Masse with in your Ward, or bee persent at any
Roman Catholike Religion.
ALso if any person or persons
within your Ward being evill
affected, doe or shall extoll the
Roman Catholike Religion above the
Religion professed and established by
the Kings Majesties authority in Eng land, or doe or shall deprave the Reli gion now professed in this Realme by
authority as above, which may breed
discord in the City, and dissension in
the Common-wealth, ye shall carefully
present the same persons and their of fences.
ALso if any person or persons that
keepeth Horses in their houses,
doe lay his or their Stable dung,
or such kinde of stinking filth in any
Streets or Lanes of this City, to the
great annoyance of the people passing
that way, and doe not leade his Dung-Cart
to his Stable doore as he ought
to doe.
Assembly monthly.
YOu shall assemble your selves
once every moneth, or oftner if
need require, so long as you shall
continue of this Inquest, and present
the defaults which you shall finde to
bee committed concerning any of the
Articles of your charge, to the end
due remedy may bee speedily suppli ed, and the offenders punished as oc casion shall require.
Here end the Articles.
Temporall Government.
the River of Thames, made in the 27. yeere
of the raigne of our most dread Soveraigne
Lord, King HENRY the eighth.
WHere before this time the
River of Thames, a mong all other Rivers
within this Realme, hath
beene accepted and taken, and as it is
indeed most commodious and profita ble unto all the Kings liege people:
and chiefly of all other frequented and
used, and as well by the Kings High nesse, his Estates, and Nobles, Mer chants, and other repairing to the Ci ty of London, and other places, Shires
and Counties adjoyning to the same:
which River of Thames is, and hath
been most meet and convenient of all
other, for the safegard and ordering
of the Kings Navy, conveighance of
Merchandizes, and other necessaries,
to, and for the Kings most Honoura ble houshold, and otherwise, to the great
relief and comfort of all persons with in this Realme, till now of late divers
evil-disposed persons, partly by mis ordering of the said River, by casting
in of dung and other filth, laid nigh
to the bankes of the said River, dig ging & undermining of the said banks
and walls next adjoyning to the same
River, carrying and conveighing a way of way-shides, shore-piles, boords,
timber-worke, ballast for ships, and o ther things from the said bankes and
walles in sundry places: by reason
whereof, great shelfs and risings haue
of late beene made and growne in the
farway of the said Riuer, and such
grounds as lye within the levell of the
said water marke, by occasion thereof
haue bin surrounded and ouerflowne by
rage of the said water, and many great
breaches haue ensued and followed
thereupon, and daily are like to doe,
and the said River of Thames to be
utterly destroyed for euer, if conueni ent and speedy remedy bee not sooner
provided in that behalfe.
For reformation whereof, be it en acted, established, and ordained by the
King, our Soueraigne Lord, and by
the assent of the Lords spirituall and
temporall, and the Commons in this
present Parliament assembled, and by
the authority of the same, That if any
person or persons hereafter, doe or
procure any thing to be done in the an noying of the streame of the said Ri ver of Thames, making of shelfs by
Temporall Government.
any manner of meanes, by mining,
digging, casting of dung, or rubbish;
or other thing in the same Riuer, or
take, plucke, or conueigh away any
boords, stakes, piles, Timberworke,
or other thing from the said bankes or
walls, except it bee to amend, and the
same to repaire againe, or dig or un dermine any bankes or walls on the
water side of Thames aforesaid, to the
hurt, impairing or dammage of any the
said walls and bankes, then the same
person or persons, and euery of them,
shall forfeit and pay for euery time so
offending, one hundred shillings: the
one moity thereof to be to the King our
Soueraigne Lord, and the other moity
thereof to the Maior and Comminalty
of London for the time being, the
same to be recouered and obtained by
the Maior and Comminalty of Lon don, by Bill or plaint, writ of debt or
information seuerally against euery of fender in any of the Kings Courts, in
which actions and suits, or any of
them, the party defendant shall not
be essoined or wage his law, or any pro tection to be allowed in the same.
And it is further enacted by the au thority aforesaid, that if complaint shal
happen to be made to the Lord Chan cellor of England, Lord Treasurer,
Lord President of the Kings Coun cell, Lord Priuie Seale, or to any of
them by any person or persons or bo dy politick, that Sir Thomas Spert Knight, now hauing the Office and or dering, of, and for ballasting of Ships,
or any other that hereafter shall haue
the Office and order of ballasting of
Ships, doe take any ballast for Ships
neere the said Riuer of Thames, and
do not take for parcell of the said bal lasting, the grauel and sand of the shelfs
betweene Greenhyth and Rich mond within the said Riuer of
Thames, or in any place or places,
that is or shall bee unto the dammage
or annoyance of the said Riuer of
Thames, or in any part thereof, that
then upon euery such complaint, the
said Lord Chancelor, Lord Treasu rer, Lord President of the Kings most
honourable Councell, Lord Priuie
seale, and euery of them, calling both
the chiefe Iustices of either bench, or
one of them, shall haue power and au thority from time to time, to heare
and finally determine euery such com plaint by their discretion, and to put
such order therein, for the taking of
ballast for ships upon euery such com plaint, as by their discretions shall
seeme most conuenient for the preser uation of the said Riuer of Thames,
and the parties offending such order,
shall suffer imprisonment, and make
no lesse fine than 5. pound to the Kings
use for euery time offending or brea king the same.
Prouided alwaies, and be it enacted,
that it shall be lawfull to euery person
and persons, to dig, carry, and take
away sand, grauell or other rubbish,
earth, or thing lying or being in, or
upon any shelfe or shelfs within the
said Riuer of Thames, without let
or interruption of any person or per sons, or paying any thing for the
same, any thing contained in this pre sent Act to the contrary notwithstan ding.
Temporall Government.
the Conservation and Cleansing of the River
of THAMES, made the 28. of September,
in the thirtieth yeere of the Reigne of our
Soveraigne Lord King Henry the 8.
WHere by the Statute
made in the 27. yeere
of the Reigne of our
Soveraigne LORD,
King HENRY the eighth, among
other, for reformation of the mis-ordering
of the River of Thames,
by casting in dung and other
filth, many great shelves and o ther risings have beene of late
growne and made within the
same River: By reason whereof
many great Breaches have ensu ed by occasion thereof, which of
like shall be the occasion of the
utter destruction of the said Ri ver, unlesse that the same Law
bee put in due execution accor ding to the true intent and mea ning thereof.
Wherefore for a further re formation of the same, and to
the intent that the said good and
wholsome Statute may bee put
in more execution, and better
knowledge of the people: It is
enacted by the authority of this
Common Councell, that Procla mation may be made within this
said City, and the same to be put
in writing, and Tables thereof
made and set up in divers places
of this City, that it shall be law full to every person or persons, to
dig, carry away, and take away
Sand, Gravell, or any Rubbish,
Earth, or any thing lying or
being in any Shelfe or Shelves
within the said River of Thames,
without let or interruption of
any person or persons, and with out any thing paying for the
same, and after that to sell the
same away, or otherwise occupy
or dispose the said Gravell, Sand,
or other thing at their free liber ty and pleasure. And that all
Paviours, Brick-layers, Tilers,
Masons, and all other that shall
occupy Sand or Gravell, shall
endevour themselves with all
their diligence, to occupy the
said Sand or Gravell, and none
other, paying for the same rea sonably, as they should & ought
to pay for other Sand or Gra vell digged out of other mens
grounds about the said City,
which after is filled againe with
much filthy things, to the great
Temporall Government.
infection of the inhabitants of
the said City, and all other re pairing unto the same. And that
further, humble suit may bee
made to the Kings Highnesse,
that all persons having lands or
tenements along the said River
side, upon certaine paine by his
Highnesse, and the Lords of his
Honourable Councell to bee li mited, shall well and sufficient ly repaire and maintaine all the
Walls and Bankes adioyning un to their said Lands, that so the
Water may not, nor shal break in
upon the same: and the same to
bee continued till the time that
the said noble River be brought
againe to his old course and for mer estate. And that strong
grates of iron along the said wa ter side, and also by the street
side, where any Water-course is
had into the said Thames be made
by the inhabitants of every Ward
so along the said Water, as of old
time hath beene accustomed.
And that every grate be in height
foure and twenty inches at the
least, or more, as the place shall
neede, and in breadth one from
another one inch; and the same
to bee done with all expedition
and speed. And if the occupiers
of the said Lands and Tene ments make default contrary to
the Ordinance aforesaid: or else
if any person or persons in great
Raines and other times, sweepe
their Soylage, or filth of their
houses into the Chanell, and the
same after is conveyed into the
Thames, every person so offen ding, shall forfeit for every such
default twenty pence, and that
upon complaint to bee made to
any Constable, next adioyning
to the said place where any such
default shall bee found, it shall
be lawfull for the said Consta ble, or his sufficient Deputy for
the time being, from time to
time to distraine for the same
offence: and to retaine the same
irreplegiable, and like Law to
be observed and kept. And like
penalty to bee paid for every
person that burnes Rushes and
Straw in their houses, or wash
in the common streets or lanes,
and to bee recoverd as aforesaid,
and the one moity thereof to be
to the Maior and Comminalty,
and the other moity to bee divi ded betweene the said Consta ble that taketh paine, and the
party finder of the said default.
And if the Constable or his De puty, refuse to doe his duty ac cording to the true meaning of
this Act, that then the Consta ble or his Deputy, which shal so
refuse to do his duty as aforesaid,
shall forfeit and pay for every
time so offending, three shillings
foure pence. And the same pe nalty of the said Constable to
be recovered and obtained by di stresse irreplegiable, to bee ta ken by any of the Officers of the
Chamber of London, to the use
of the Maior and Comminalty
of London.
And further, that no person
or persons having any Wharfe
or House by the said Water side,
make not their Lay-stalls nigh
to the River aforesaid, except
onely the common Lay-stalls,
where the common Rakers of
Temporall Government.
this City use to repose, and lay
all their soylage, to bee car ried a way by them with their
Dung-boats. And that the said
Rakers shall lay their said
Dung, carried in their Dung-boats,
to such convenient place
or places as shall bee appoin ted by the Lord Maior of LON DON, for the time being, with
the advice of his brethren, the
Aldermen of the same, and to
no other place or places, up on paine to forfeit for every such
default five pounds, to bee re covered in any of the Kings
Courts within the City of LON DON, by Bill, Plaint, moity
of Debt, or information by any
person that will or shall pursue
for the same: the one moity
thereof to bee unto the Maior
and Comminalty of London, and
the other moity to him or them
that will or shall pursue for the
same; in which actions or suits,
no wager of Law nor essoigne
shall be allowed.
The Oath of the Constables within the City
YE shall sweare, that ye keep
the Peace of our Sove raigne Lord the King,
well and lawfully after
your power. And yee shall arrest all
them that make, contect, Riot, Debate,
or afray, in breaking of the said Peace,
and leade them to the house or Comp ter of one of the Sheriffes. And if
ye bee withstood by strength of mis doers, ye shall reare on them an Out cry, and pursue them from street to
street, and from Ward to Ward, till
they be arrested: and ye shall search
at all times, when ye bee required by
the Scavengers or Beadles, the com mon noysance of your Ward. And the
Beadle and Raker yee shall helpe to
reare, and gather their Sallary and
Quarter age, if yee bee thereunto by
them required. And if any thing bee
done within your Ward against the
Ordinance of this City, such defaults
as ye shall find there done, ye shall them
present to the Maior and Ministers
of this City: and if ye bee letted by
any person or persons, that yee may
not duly doe your office, yee shall cer tifie the Maior and Councell of the
City, of the name or names of him or
them that so let you.
Yee shall also sweare, that during
the time that yee shall stand in the
Office, and occupy the roome of a
Constable, yee shall, once at the least
every moneth, certifie and shew to one
of the Clarkes of the Maiors Court,
and in the same Court, as well the
names as surnames of all Free-men,
which yee shall know to bee deceased
within the moneth, in the Parish
wherein yee bee inhabited, as also
the names and surnames of all the
Children of the said Freemen so de ceased, being Orphanes of this City.
And thus ye shall not leave to doe, as
God you helpe, &c.
God save the King.
Temporall Government.
The Oath of the Scavengers.
YEE shall sweare, that yee
shall diligently oversee
that the Pavements
within your Ward, bee
well and sufficiently repaired, and
not made too high in noysance of your
Neighbours: and that the Wayes,
Streets, and Lanes bee cleansed of
Dung and all manner of filth for the
honesty of this City. And that all
the Chimnies, Furnaces, and Rere does be of stone sufficiently and de fensively made against perill of fire.
And if yee finde any the contrary,
ye shall shew it to the Alderman of
the Ward, so that the Alderman may
ordaine for the amendment thereof.
And thus yee shall doe, as God you
God save the King.
Instructions for the Apprentices in the
City of LONDON.
YOV shall constantly and
devoutly, on your knees
every day, serve God
Morning and Evening,
and make conscience in
the due hearing of the
Word preached, and endevour the
right practice thereof in your life and
conversation: You shall doe diligent
and faithfull service to your Master for
the time of your Apprentiship, & deale
truly in what you shall be trusted: You
shall often reade over the Coveants of
your Indenture, and see and endevour
your selfe to performe the same to the
vttermost of your power: You shall
auoid all evill Company, and all occa sions which may tend, or draw you to
the same, and make speedy returne
when you shall be sent of your Masters
or Mistresse errands: You shall avoid
idlenesse, and be ever imployed either
for Gods service, or in your Masters bu sinesse: You shall be of faire, gentle,
and lowly speech and behaviour to all
men, and especially to all your Gover nours. And according to your carri age, expect your reward, for good or
ill, from God and your friends.
God save the King.
Temporall Government.
The Oath of every Free-man of this
City of LONDON.
YEE shall sweare, that yee
shall be good and true to
our Soveraigne Lord,
King CHARLES, and to the Heires of our said Soveraigne
Lord the King. Obeysant and obe dient yee shall bee to the Maior and
Ministers of this City, the Franchi ses and Customes thereof yee shall
maintaine, and this City keep harmlesse
in that which in you is. Yee shall bee
contributory to all manner of char ges within this City, as Summons,
Watches, Contributions, Taxes, Tal lages, Lot and Scot, and to all other
charges, bearing your part as a free man ought to doe. Yee shall colour no
Forraines goods, under, or in your
name, whereby the King or this City
might or may lose their Customes or
Advantages. Yee shall know no For raigne to buy or sell any Merchan dize with any other Forraigne with in this City or Franchise thereof, but
yee shall warne the Chamberlaine
thereof, or some Minister of the
Chamber. Yee shall implead or sue no
Freeman out of this City, whiles ye
may have right and Law within the
same City. Ye shall take none Appren tice, but if hee be free borne (that is
to say) no bond-mans Sonne, nor the
Sonne of any Alien, and for no lesse
tearme then for seven yeeres, without
fraud or deceit: and within the first
yeere yee shall cause him to be enrolled,
or else pay such Fine as shall bee rea sonably imposed upon you for omit ting the same: and after his tearmes
end, within convenient time (being
required) ye shall make him free of
this City, if hee have well and truly
served you. Yee shall also keepe the
Kings Peace in your owne person. Ye
shall know no Gatherings, Conven ticles, or Conspiracies made against
the Kings Peace, but ye shall warne
the Maior thereof, or let it to your
power. All these points and Articles
ye shall well and truly keepe, accor ding to the Lawes and Customes of
this City to your power. So God you
God save the King.
Temporall Government.
Commune Concilium tentum die Veneris primo die
Iunii, An. Regni Regis Henrici octavi, &c. decimo
octavo, in praesentia Iohannis Allen Maioris, Gulielmi Butler Militis,
Iohannis Milbourne Militis, Iohannis Mundi Militis, Thomae Baldri
Militis, Gulielmi Bayly Militis, Thomae Semer Militis, Iacobi Spencer
Militis, Iohannis Rudstone, Radulphi Dodmer, Iohannis Browne, Nicho lai Lambert, Stephani Peacocke, Iohannis Harding, Nicho. Iennings,
Hen. Dacres, Iohan. Canulen, & Christopheri Askew, viz.
AT this Common
Councell, it is a greed, granted, or dained, & enacted,
That if hereafter any Free man
or Free woman of this City, take
any Apprentice, and within the
terme of seven yeeres suffer the
same Apprentice to goe at his
large liberty and pleasure: and
within, or after the said terme,
agree with his said Apprentice
for a certaine summe of money,
or otherwise for his said service,
and within or after the end of the
said tearme, the said Free man
present the said Apprentice to
the Chamberlaine of the City,
and by good deliberation, and
upon his Oath made to the same
City, the same Free man or Free
woman assureth and affirmeth to
the said Chamberlain, that the said
Apprentice hath fully served his
said tearme as Apprentice: Or if
any Free man or Free woman of
this City, take any apprentice,
which at the time of the said ta king hath any Wife: Or if any
Free man or Free woman of this
City, give any wages to his or
her Apprentice, or suffer the said
Apprentices to take any part of
their owne getting or gaines: Or
if any Free man or Free woman
of this City hereafter colour any
Forraines goods, or from hence forth buy or sell for any person
or persons, or with or to any per son or persons, being Forraine, or
Forrainers, Clothes, Silks, Wine,
Oyles, or any other goods or mer chandize whatsoever they bee;
whether hee take any thing or
things for his or their wages or
labour, or not: Or if any person or
persons being free of this City, by
any colour or deceitfull meanes
from henceforth, doe buy, sell, or
receive of any Apprentice with in this City, any Money, Goods,
Merchandize, or Wares, without
the assent or licence of his Master
or Mistresse: & upon examinati on duly proved before the Cham berlaine of the said City for the
time being: And the same repor ted by the mouth of the said
Chamberlaine at a Court to bee
holden by the Maior and the Al dermen of the same City in their
Councel Chamber: That as well
the said Master as the said Ap prentice, shall for evermore bee
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Temporal Government.The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, Draft.
Chicago citation
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Temporal Government.The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020. Draft.
APA citation
Stow, J., Munday, A., Munday, A., & Dyson, H. 2020. The Survey of London (1633): Temporal Government. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.
RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)
Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
A1 - Stow, John
A1 - Munday, Anthony
A1 - Munday, Anthony
A1 - Dyson, Humphrey
ED - Jenstad, Janelle
T1 - The Survey of London (1633): Temporal Government
T2 - The Map of Early Modern London
PY - 2020
DA - 2020/09/15
CY - Victoria
PB - University of Victoria
LA - English
UR -
UR -
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RT Unpublished Material
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Stow, John
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Dyson, Humphrey
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 The Survey of London (1633): Temporal Government
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/09/15
RD 2020/09/15
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English
TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>,
<author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>,
<author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>,
and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>.
<title level="a">The Survey of London (1633): Temporal Government</title>. <title
level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename>
<surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>,
<date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.
Research Assistant, 2018-present. Chris Horne was an honours student in the
Department of English at the University of Victoria. His primary research interests
American modernism, affect studies, cultural studies, and digital humanities.
Junior Programmer, 2018-present. Tracey is a PhD candidate in the English Department
the University of Victoria. Her research focuses on Critical Technical Practice, more
specifically Algorhythmics. She is interested in how technologies communicate without
humans, affecting social and cultural environments in complex ways.
Programmer, 2018-present. Junior Programmer, 2015-2017. Research Assistant, 2014-2017.
Joey Takeda was a graduate student at the University of British Columbia in the Department
of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in
(with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary
research interests included diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature,
critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.
Janelle Jenstad is Associate Professor of English at the University of Victoria, Director
of The Map of Early Modern London, and PI of Linked Early Modern Drama Online. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer
Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of
Victoria. With Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Mark Kaethler, she co-edited Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media (Routledge). She has prepared a documentary edition of John Stow’s A
Survey of London (1598 text) for MoEML and is currently editing The Merchant of Venice (with Stephen Wittek) and Heywood’s 2 If
You Know Not Me You Know Nobody for DRE. Her articles have appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, Renaissance and
Reformation,Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies,
Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan
Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance
Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book
chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Institutional Culture in Early
Modern Society (Brill, 2004), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage,
The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre
Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Approaches to Teaching
Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Performing Maternity
in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), New Directions in the
Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), Early
Modern Studies and the Digital Turn (Iter, 2016), Teaching Early Modern
English Literature from the Archives (MLA, 2015), Placing Names:
Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers (Indiana, 2016), Making
Things and Drawing Boundaries (Minnesota, 2017), and Rethinking
Shakespeare’s Source Study: Audiences, Authors, and Digital Technologies
(Routledge, 2018).
Janelle Jenstad authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Jenstad, Janelle. Building a Gazetteer for Early Modern London, 1550-1650.Placing Names. Ed. Merrick Lex Berman, Ruth
Mostern, and Humphrey Southall. Bloomington and
Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 2016. 129-145.
Jenstad, Janelle. The
Burse and the Merchant’s Purse: Coin, Credit, and the Nation in Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody.The
Elizabethan Theatre XV. Ed. C.E. McGee and A.L.
Magnusson. Toronto: P.D. Meany, 2002. 181–202.
Jenstad, Janelle. The City Cannot Hold You: Social Conversion in the Goldsmith’s
Shop.Early Modern Literary Studies 8.2 (2002): 5.1–26..
Jenstad, Janelle. The Gouldesmythes Storehowse: Early Evidence for
Specialisation.The Silver Society Journal 10 (1998): 40–43.
Jenstad, Janelle. Lying-in Like a Countess: The Lisle Letters, the Cecil
Family, and A Chaste Maid in Cheapside.Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 34 (2004): 373–403. doi:10.1215/10829636–34–2–373.
Jenstad, Janelle. Public
Glory, Private Gilt: The Goldsmiths’ Company and the Spectacle of Punishment.Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society. Ed.
Anne Goldgar and Robert Frost. Leiden: Brill, 2004. 191–217. Print.
Jenstad, Janelle. Smock
Secrets: Birth and Women’s Mysteries on the Early Modern Stage.Performing Maternity in Early Modern England. Ed. Katherine
Moncrief and Kathryn McPherson. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 87–99. Print.
Jenstad, Janelle. Using
Early Modern Maps in Literary Studies: Views and Caveats from London.GeoHumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place. Ed.
Michael Dear, James Ketchum, Sarah
Luria, and Doug Richardson. London: Routledge, 2011. Print.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF
LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description
of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an
Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the
greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &
nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the
second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and
the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed. Web.
E-text and TCP production manager at the University of Michigan Digital Library
Production Service (DLPS), Paul manages the production of full-text transcriptions
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC).
Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database
implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the
and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant
MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.
Humphrey Dyson authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey
Original, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of that City, Methodically set down.
With a Memorial of those famouser Acts of Charity, which for publick and Pious Vses
have been bestowed by many Worshipfull Citizens and Benefactors. As also all the
Ancient and Modern Monuments erected in the Churches, not only of those two famous
Cities, LONDON and WESTMINSTER, but (now newly added) Four miles compass. Begun first
by the pains and industry of John Stow, in the year 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the
care and diligence of A.M. in the year 1618. And now compleatly finished by the study
&labour of A.M., H.D. and others, this present year 1633. Whereunto, besides many
Additions (as appears by the Contents) are annexed divers Alphabetical Tables,
especially two, The first, an index of Things. The second, a Concordance of
Names. London: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.5. Harvard University Library copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Anthony Munday authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Anthony Munday. The
Triumphs of Re-United Britannia. Arthur F. Kinney. Renaissance Drama: An Anthology of Plays and Entertainments. 2nd ed.
Toronto: Wiley, 2005.
Munday, Anthony. Metropolis Coronata, The Trivmphes of Ancient Drapery.
London: George Purslowe, 1615.
DEEP 630. STC 18275. Henry E.
Huntington Library and Art Gallery copy filmed by EEBO.
Munday, Anthony. The
Trivmphs of the Golden Fleece. London: T[homas]
S[nodham], 1623. STC 18280. British
Library copy filmed by EEBO.
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Henry Holland. THE SVRVAY of LONDON: Containing, The Originall, Antiquitie, Encrease, and
more Moderne Estate of the sayd Famous Citie. As also, the Rule and Gouernment thereof
(both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall) from time to time. With a briefe Relation of
the memorable Monuments, and other especiall Obseruations, both in and about the same
CITIE. Written in the yeere 1598. by Iohn Stow, Citizen of London. Since then,
continued, corrected and much enlarged, with many rare and worthy Notes, both of
Venerable Antiquity, and later memorie; such, as were neuer published before this
present yeere 1618. London: George Purslowe, 1618. STC 23344. Yale University Library copy Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey
Original, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of that City, Methodically set down.
With a Memorial of those famouser Acts of Charity, which for publick and Pious Vses
have been bestowed by many Worshipfull Citizens and Benefactors. As also all the
Ancient and Modern Monuments erected in the Churches, not only of those two famous
Cities, LONDON and WESTMINSTER, but (now newly added) Four miles compass. Begun first
by the pains and industry of John Stow, in the year 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the
care and diligence of A.M. in the year 1618. And now compleatly finished by the study
&labour of A.M., H.D. and others, this present year 1633. Whereunto, besides many
Additions (as appears by the Contents) are annexed divers Alphabetical Tables,
especially two, The first, an index of Things. The second, a Concordance of
Names. London: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.5. Harvard University Library copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
John Stow authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Blome, Richard. Aldersgate Ward and St. Martins le Grand Liberty Taken from the Last Survey, with
Corrections.A Survey of the Cities of London and
Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and
Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 1. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. M3r and sig. M4v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Aldgate
Ward with its Division into Parishes. Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections
& Additions.A Survey of the Cities of London and
Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and
Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 1. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H3r and sig. H4v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Billingsgate Ward and Bridge Ward Within with it’s Division into Parishes, Taken from
the Last Survey.A Survey of the Cities of London and
Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and
Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 1. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Y2r and sig. Y3v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Bishopsgate-street Ward. Taken from the Last Survey and Corrected.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original,
Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By
John Stow and John Strype. Vol.
1. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. N1r and sig. N2v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Bread
Street Ward and Cardwainter Ward with its Division into Parishes Taken from the Last
Survey.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster:
Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those
Cities. By John Stow and
John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. B3r and sig. B4v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Broad
Street Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey with
Corrections and Additions, & Cornhill Ward with its Divisions into Parishes, Taken
from the Last Survey, &c.A Survey of the Cities of
London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate
and Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 1. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. P2r and sig. P3v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Cheape
Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with Corrections
Additions.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster:
Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those
Cities. By John Stow and
John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.D1r and sig. D2v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Coleman
Street Ward and Bashishaw Ward Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and
Additions.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster:
Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those
Cities. By John Stow and
John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. G2r and sig. G3v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Cow
Cross being St Sepulchers Parish Without and the Charterhouse.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original,
Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By
John Stow and John Strype. Vol.
2. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H2v and sig. H3r. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Creplegate Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with
Additions, and Corrections.A Survey of the Cities of London
and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and
Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 1. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. I3r and sig. I4v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Farrington Ward Without, with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey
with Corrections & Amendments.A Survey of the Cities of
London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate
and Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 1. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2F3r and sig. 2F4v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Lambeth
and Christ Church Parish Southwark. Taken from ye last Survey with
Corrections.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster:
Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those
Cities. By John Stow and
John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Z1r and sig. Z2r. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Langborne Ward with its Division into Parishes. Corrected from the Last Survey. &
Candlewick Ward with its Division into Parishes. Corrected from the Last
Survey.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster:
Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those
Cities. By John Stow and
John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. U3r and sig. U4v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. A Map of
St. Gilles’s Cripple Gate. Without. With Large Additions and Corrections.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the
Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities.
By John Stow and John Strype. Vol.
2. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H2v and sig. H3r. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. A Map of
the Parish of St. Dunstans Stepney, als. Stebunheath Divided into Hamlets.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the
Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities.
By John Stow and John Strype. Vol.
2. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F3r and sig. F4v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. A Map of
the Parish of St Mary White Chappel and a Map of the Parish of St Katherines by the
Tower.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster:
Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those
Cities. By John Stow and
John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F2r and sig. F3v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. A Mapp
of Lime Street Ward. Taken from ye Last Surveys & Corrected.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original,
Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By
John Stow and John Strype. Vol.
1. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. M1r and sig. M2v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. A Mapp
of St. Andrews Holborn Parish as well Within the Liberty as Without.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original,
Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By
John Stow and John Strype. Vol.
1. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2I1r and sig. 2I2v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. A Mapp
of the Parishes of St. Clements Danes, St. Mary Savoy; with the Rolls Liberty and
Lincolns Inn, Taken from the Last Survey with Corrections and Additions.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the
Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities.
By John Stow and John Strype. Vol.
2. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.O4v and sig. O1r. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. A Mapp
of the Parish of St. Anns. Taken from the last Survey, with Correction, and
Additions.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster:
Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those
Cities. By John Stow and
John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. L2v and sig. L3r. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. A Mapp
of the Parish of St. Giles’s in the Fields Taken from the Last Servey, with
Corrections and Additions.A Survey of the Cities of London
and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and
Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 2. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. K1v and sig. K2r. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. A Mapp
of the Parish of St Margarets Westminster Taken from the Last Survey with
Corrections.A Survey of the Cities of London and
Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and
Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 2. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig.H3v and sig. H4r. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. A Mapp
of the Parish of St Martins in the Fields Taken from ye Last Survey with
Additions.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster:
Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those
Cities. By John Stow and
John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. I1v and sig. I2r. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. A Mapp
of the Parish of St Pauls Covent Garden Taken from the Last Survey.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original,
Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By
John Stow and John Strype. Vol.
2. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. L3v and sig. L4r. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. A Mapp
of the Parish of St Saviours Southwark and St Georges taken from ye last
Survey.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster:
Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those
Cities. By John Stow and
John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. D1r and sig.D2v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. The
Parish of St. James Clerkenwell taken from ye last Survey with Corrections.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the
Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities.
By John Stow and John Strype. Vol.
2. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H3v and sig. H4r. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. The
Parish of St. James’s, Westminster Taken from the Last Survey with
Corrections.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster:
Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those
Cities. By John Stow and
John Strype. Vol. 2. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. K4v and sig. L1r. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. The
Parish of St Johns Wapping. The Parish of St Paul Shadwell.A
Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity,
Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By John Stow and John
Strype. Vol. 2.
London: A. Churchill, J.
Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. E2r and sig. E3v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Portsoken Ward being Part of the Parish of St. Buttolphs Aldgate, taken from the Last
Survey, with Corrections and Additions.A Survey of the
Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern
Estate and Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 1. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. B1v and sig. B2r. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Queen
Hith Ward and Vintry Ward with their Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last
Survey.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster:
Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those
Cities. By John Stow and
John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2C4r and sig. 2D1v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Shoreditch Norton Folgate, and Crepplegate Without Taken from ye Last Survey with
Corrections.A Survey of the Cities of London and
Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and
Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 2. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. G1r and sig. G2v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Spitt
Fields and Plans Adjacent Taken from Last Survey with Locations.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original,
Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities. By
John Stow and John Strype. Vol.
2. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. F4r and sig. G1v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. St.
Olave and St. Mary Magdalens Bermondsey Southwark Taken from ye last Survey with
Corrections.A Survey of the Cities of London and
Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and
Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 1. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. C2r and sig.C3v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Tower
Street Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last Survey, with
Corrections.A Survey of the Cities of London and
Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and
Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 1. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. E2r and sig. E3v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. Walbrook
Ward and Dowgate Ward with its Division into Parishes, Taken from the Last
Surveys.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster:
Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those
Cities. By John Stow and
John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. 2B3r and sig. 2B4v. [See more information about this map.]
Blome, Richard. The
Wards of Farington Within and Baynards Castle with its Divisions into Parishes, Taken
from the Last Survey, with Corrections.A Survey of the
Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern
Estate and Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 1. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Q2r and sig. Q3v. [See more information about this map.]
The City of London as in Q. Elizabeth’s
Time.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster:
Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those
Cities. By John Stow and
John Strype. Vol. 1. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Frontispiece.
A Map of the Tower Liberty.A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster: Containing the
Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of those Cities.
By John Stow and John Strype. Vol.
1. London: A. Churchill,
J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J.
Walthoe, E. Horne, B. Tooke,
D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H4v and sig. I1r. [See more information about this map.]
A New Plan of the City of London,
Westminster and Southwark.A Survey of the Cities of London
and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate and
Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 1. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Frontispiece.
Pearl, Valerie. Introduction.A Survey of London. By John
Stow. Ed. H.B. Wheatley. London: Everyman’s Library,
1987. v–xii. Print.
Pullen, John. A Map of
the Parish of St Mary Rotherhith.A Survey of the Cities of
London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate
and Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 2. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. Z3r and sig. Z4r. [See more information about this map.]
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Henry Holland. THE SVRVAY of LONDON: Containing, The Originall, Antiquitie, Encrease, and
more Moderne Estate of the sayd Famous Citie. As also, the Rule and Gouernment thereof
(both Ecclesiasticall and Temporall) from time to time. With a briefe Relation of
the memorable Monuments, and other especiall Obseruations, both in and about the same
CITIE. Written in the yeere 1598. by Iohn Stow, Citizen of London. Since then,
continued, corrected and much enlarged, with many rare and worthy Notes, both of
Venerable Antiquity, and later memorie; such, as were neuer published before this
present yeere 1618. London: George Purslowe, 1618. STC 23344. Yale University Library copy Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey
Original, Increase, Modern Estate and Government of that City, Methodically set down.
With a Memorial of those famouser Acts of Charity, which for publick and Pious Vses
have been bestowed by many Worshipfull Citizens and Benefactors. As also all the
Ancient and Modern Monuments erected in the Churches, not only of those two famous
Cities, LONDON and WESTMINSTER, but (now newly added) Four miles compass. Begun first
by the pains and industry of John Stow, in the year 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the
care and diligence of A.M. in the year 1618. And now compleatly finished by the study
&labour of A.M., H.D. and others, this present year 1633. Whereunto, besides many
Additions (as appears by the Contents) are annexed divers Alphabetical Tables,
especially two, The first, an index of Things. The second, a Concordance of
Names. London: Printed for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345.5. Harvard University Library copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Stow, John. The
chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected
Iohn Stow citizen of London. London, 1580. Rpt. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A Summarie of
the Chronicles of England. Diligently Collected, Abridged, & Continued vnto this
Present Yeere of Christ, 1598. London: Imprinted by Richard Bradocke,
1598. Rpt. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A suruay of
London· Conteyning the originall, antiquity, increase, moderne estate, and description
of that city, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow citizen of London. Since by
same author increased, with diuers rare notes of antiquity, and published in the
yeare, 1603. Also an apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning
that citie, the greatnesse thereof. VVith an appendix, contayning in Latine Libellum
de situ & nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of
Henry the second. London: John Windet, 1603. STC 23343. U of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign Campus) copy Reprint. Early English Books Online. Web.
Stow, John, The survey of
London contayning the originall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that
city, methodically set downe. With a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity,
which for publicke and pious vses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens
benefactors. As also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches,
not onely of those two famous cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added)
foure miles compasse. Begunne first by the paines and industry of Iohn Stovv, in the
yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the yeere 1618.
And now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M. H.D. and others, this
present yeere 1633. Whereunto, besides many additions (as appeares by the contents)
are annexed divers alphabeticall tables; especially two: the first, an index of
things. The second, a concordance of names. London: Printed by Elizabeth
Purslovv for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345. U of Victoria
Stow, John, The survey of
London contayning the originall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that
city, methodically set downe. With a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity,
which for publicke and pious vses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens
benefactors. As also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches,
not onely of those two famous cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added)
foure miles compasse. Begunne first by the paines and industry of Iohn Stovv, in the
yeere 1598. Afterwards inlarged by the care and diligence of A.M. in the yeere 1618.
And now completely finished by the study and labour of A.M. H.D. and others, this
present yeere 1633. Whereunto, besides many additions (as appeares by the contents)
are annexed divers alphabeticall tables; especially two: the first, an index of
things. The second, a concordance of names. London: Printed by Elizabeth
Purslovv [i.e., Purslow] for Nicholas Bourne, 1633. STC 23345. British Library copy Reprint. EEBO.
Stow, John. A Survey of
London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge
Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908.
Remediated by British History Online.
Stow, John. A Survey of
London. Reprinted from the Text of 1603. Ed. Charles Lethbridge
Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908.
Remediated by British History Online. [Kingsford edition, courtesy of The Centre for Metropolitan History.
Articles written 2011 or later cite from this searchable transcription.]
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF
LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description
of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an
Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the
greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ
&nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the
second. 23341. Transcribed by EEBO-TCP.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF
LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description
of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an
Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the
greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &
nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the
second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and
the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed. Web.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF
LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description
of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an
Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the
greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ
&nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the
second. Folger Shakespeare Library.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF
LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description
of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an
Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the
greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ
&nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the
second. London: John Windet for John Wolfe, 1598. STC 23341. Huntington Library copy. Reprint. EEBO. Web.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF
LONDON. Coteyning the Originall, Antiquity, Increaſe, Moderne eſtate, and deſcription
of that City, written in the yeare 1598, by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Since by
ſame Author increaſed with diuers rare notes of Antiquity, and publiſhed in the yeare,
1603. Alſo an Apologie (or defence) againſt the opinion of ſome men, concerning that
Citie, the greatneſſe thereof. With an Appendix, contayning in Latine Libellum de
& nobilitae Londini: Writen by William Fitzſtephen, in the raigne of Henry the
ſecond. London: John Windet, 1603. U of Victoria copy. Print.
Strype, John, John Stow. A SURVEY OF THE CITIES
Antiquity, Increase, present State and Government of those CITIES. Written at first
the Year 1698, By John Stow, Citizen and Native of London. Corrected, Improved, and
very much Enlarged, in the Year 1720, By JOHN STRYPE, M.A. A NATIVE ALSO OF THE SAID
CITY. The Survey and History brought down to the present Time BY CAREFUL HANDS.
Illustrated with exact Maps of the City and Suburbs, and of all the Wards; and,
likewise, of the Out-Parishes of London and Westminster, and the Country ten Miles
round London. Together with many fair Draughts of the most Eminent Buildings. The
of the Author, written by Mr. Strype, is prefixed; And, at the End is added, an
APPENDIX Of certain Tracts, Discourses, and Remarks on the State of the City of
London. 6th ed. 2 vols. London: Printed for W. Innys and J. Richardson, J. and
P. Knapton, and S. Birt, R. Ware, T. and T. Longman, and seven others, 1754–55. ESTC
Strype, John, John Stow. A survey of the cities
of London and Westminster: containing the original, antiquity, increase, modern estate
and government of those cities. Written at first in the year MDXCVIII. By John Stow,
citizen and native of London. Since reprinted and augmented by A.M. H.D. and other.
Now lastly, corrected, improved, and very much enlarged: and the survey and history
brought down from the year 1633, (being near fourscore years since it was last
printed) to the present time; by John Strype, M.A. a native also of the said city.
Illustrated with exact maps of the city and suburbs, and of all the wards; and
likewise of the out-parishes of London and Westminster: together with many other fair
draughts of the more eminent and publick edifices and monuments. In six books. To
which is prefixed, the life of the author, writ by the editor. At the end is added,
appendiz of certain tracts, discourses and remarks, concerning the state of the city
of London. Together with a perambulation, or circuit-walk four or five miles round
about London, to the parish churches: describing the monuments of the dead there
interred: with other antiquities observable in those places. And concluding with a
second appendix, as a supply and review: and a large index of the whole work.
2 vols. London : Printed for A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, B. Cowse, R. Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. ESTC T48975.
The Tower and St. Catherins Taken from
the Last Survey with Corrections.A Survey of the Cities of
London and Westminster: Containing the Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate
and Government of those Cities. By John
Stow and John Strype.
Vol. 1. London:
A. Churchill, J. Knapton, R.
Knaplock, J. Walthoe, E.
Horne, B. Tooke, D.
Midwinter, B. Cowse, R.
Robinson, and T. Ward, 1720. Insert between sig. H4v and sig. I1r. [See more information about this map.]
Wheatley, Henry Benjamin. Introduction.A Survey of London. 1603. By John
Stow. London: J.M. Dent and Sons, 1912.
We’d also like to acknowledge students who contributed to MoEML’s intranet
predecessor at the University of Windsor between 1999 and 2003. When we redeveloped
MoEML for the
Internet in 2006, we were not able to include all of
the student projects that had been written for courses in Shakespeare,
Renaissance Drama, and/or Writing Hypertext. Nonetheless, these students
contributed materially to the conceptual development of the project.