Queenhithe Ward

Watercolour painting of the alderman and deputy in charge of Queenhithe Ward by Hugh Alley. Image courtesy of the Folger Digital Image Collection.
Watercolour painting of the alderman and deputy in charge of Queenhithe Ward by Hugh Alley. Image courtesy of the Folger Digital Image Collection.
This Warde beginneth in the Eaſt, in Knightriders ſtreete, on the ſouth ſide thereof, at the Eaſt end of the pariſh church called the holy Trinity, and runneth weſt on the ſouth ſide to a lane called Lambert hill, which is the length of the warde in Knightriders ſtreete, out of the which ſtreete are diuers lanes, running ſouth to Thames ſtreete, and are of this warde: the firſt is Trinity lane, which runneth downe by the weſt end of Trinity Church. Then is Spuren lane, or Spooners lane, now called Huggen lane. Then Bredſtreete hill. Then S. Mary Mounthaunt: out of the which lane, on the Eaſt ſide thereof, is one other lane, turning Eaſt, through S. Nicholas Olaues church yard, to Bredſtreete hill. This lane is called Finimore lane, or fiue foote lane, becauſe it is but fiue foote in breadth at the weſt end: In the middeſt of this lane, runneth downe one other lane broader, ſouth to Thames ſtreete, I thinke the ſame to bee called Deſboorne lane, for I reade of ſuch a lane to haue beene in the pariſh of Mary Summerſet, in the 22. yeare of Edward the third, where there is ſayde to lye betweene the Tenement Edward de Mountaoute knight, on the Eaſt parte, and the Tenement ſometime pertayining to William Gladwine on the weſt, one plot of ground, contayning in length towards Thames ſtreete 25. foote, &c.
Laſt of all, haue you Lambart hill lane, ſo called of one Lambart owner thereof: and this is the furtheſt weſt part of this warde. On the north ſide comming downe from Knightriders ſtreet, the Eaſt ſide of Lambart hill, is wholly of this warde: and the weſt ſide, from the north end o the Blacke ſmithes Hall (which is about the middeſt of this lane) unto Thames ſtreete. Then part of Thames ſtreete, is alſo of this warde, to wit, from a Cooks houſe called the ſigne of king Dauid, three houſes weſt from the old Swan Brewhouſe in the Eaſt, unto Huntington houſe, ouer againſt Saint Peters Church in the weſt, neare unto Powles Wharffe. And on the laneſide, fro a Cookes houſe called the blew Boore, to the weſt end of Saint Peters Church, and up Saint Peters hill, two houſes North aboue the ſaid Church. And theſe be the bounds of this ward: in which are Parriſh churches ſeuen, Halles of companies two, & other ornaments as ſhall be ſhewed.
