A true report of al the burials and christnings within the citie of London and the liberties thereof, from the 23. of December, 1602. to the 22. of December, 1603.

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1602. 1603.
within the Citie of London and the Liberties thereof, from the 23. of December, 1602. to
the 22. of December, 1603.
Whereunto is added the number of euery ſeuerall Pariſh, from the 14. of
of Iuly, to the 22. of December, aſwell within the City of London, and the Liberties
thereof, as in other Pariſhes in the skirtes of the Citty, and out of the Free-
dome edioyning to the Cittie, according to the Report, made to the Kinges
moſt Excellent Maieſtie, by the Parriſh Clearkes
of the ſame Cittie.
Buried in all Of the Plague Chriſt-ninges
December 23 83 3 96
Ianuary 6 78 0 97
Ianuary 13 83 1 134
Ianuary 20 80 0 105
Ianuary 27 82 4 128
February 3 104 1 102
February 10 76 0 108
February 17 96 3 109
February 24 85 0 108
March. 3 82 3 110
March. 10 101 2 110
March. 17 108 3 106
March. 24 60 2 106
March. 31 78 6 59
April. 7 66 4 143
April. 14 79 4 86
Aprill. 21 98 8 84
Aprill. 28 109 10 85
May. 5 90 11 78
May. 12 112 18 103
May. 19 122 22 81
May. 26 122 32 98
Iune. 2 114 30 82
Iune. 9 131 43 110
Iune. 16 144 59 90
Iune. 23 182 72 95
Iune. 30 267 158 82
Iuly. 7 445 263 89
Iuly. 14 612 424 88
Iuly. 211 1186 917 50
Iuly. 28 1728 1396 138
Auguſt 4 2256 1922 115
Auguſt 11 2077 1745 110
Auguſt 18 3054 2713 95
Auguſt 25 2853 2539 127
September 1 3385 3035 97
September 8 3078 2724 105
September 15 3129 2818 89
September 22 2456 2195 90
September 29 1961 1732 81
October 6 1831 1641 71
October 13 1312 146 73
October 20 766 642 67
October 27 625 508 75
Nouember 3 737 594 70
Nouember 10 585 442 65
Nouember 17 384 251 64
Nouember 24 198 105 58
December 1 223 102 64
December 8 163 55 72
December 15 200 96 71
December 22 168 74 70
The Totall of all that haue been buried this yeare 38244
Whereof, of the Plague 30578
Chriſtninges 4789
Printer’s Ornament
London within the Walles
Buried in all. Of the Plague
Albones in Woodſtreet 183 164
Allhallowes Lombarſtreet 109 98
Alhallowes the Great 286 250
Alhallowes the Leſſe 227 182
Alhallowes Bredſtreet 33 27
Alhallowes ſtaynings 123 103
Allhallowes the wall 216 174
Allhallowes Hony-Lane 12 5
Alhallowes Barking 390 339
Alphage at Cripplegate 174 152
Androws by the Wardrope 290 256
Androwes vnderſhaft 165 142
Androwes Eaſtcheape 114 108
Annes at Alderſgate 146 125
Annes Black Friers 235 226
Auntlins Pariſh 32 27
Auſtines Pariſh 92 73
Barthelmew at the Exch. 93 63
Bennets at Paules-wharfe 199 136
Bennets Grace-Church 40 30
Bennet Fincke 95 78
Bennets Sherhog 26 24
Buttols Billingsgate 91 73
Chriſt Church Pariſh 334 271
Chriſtophers Pariſ 41 35
Clements buy Eaſtcheape 48 40
Dennis Back-Church 112 88
Dunſtones in the Eaſt 227 197
Edmunds in Lombardſt. 78 67
Ethelborowes Pariſh 163 124
Faythes Pariſh 115 96
Foſters Pariſh 94 81
Gabriell Fan Church 67 56
George in Buttolph Lane 36 30
Gregories by Paules 272 217
Hellens within Biſhopſg. 98 83
Iames by Garlick-hithe 141 110
S.Iohn Euangeliſt 9 5
Iohn Zacharies 131 118
Iohns in the Walbrooke 136 122
Katherins Cree-Church 400 337
Katherine Coleman 190 167
Laurence in the Iury 88 71
Laurence Pountney 161 134
Leonardes Foſter-Lane 230 210
Leonardes Eaſtcheape 54 39
Magnus Pariſh 109 76
Margrets New-fiſh ſtreet 83 61
Margrets Pattons 54 44
Margrets Moiſes 70 60
Margrets Lothbery 106 88
Martins in the Vintrie 258 190
Martins Orgars 90 77
Martins Outwich 39 32
Martins Iremonger Lane 27 19
Martins at Ludgate 199 161
Mary Le Bow 26 24
Mary Bothawe 35 31
Mary at the hill 142 120
Mary Abchurch 124 110
Mary Woolchurch 52 37
Mary Cole-Church 10 8
Mary Woolnoth 99 91
Mary Aldermary 80 68
Mary Aldermanbury 81 70
Mary ſtaynings 49 37
Mary Mountawe 51 45
Mary Sommerſets 197 177
Mathew Friday-ſtreet 16 13
Maudlins Milke-ſtreet 33 30
Maudlins by old fiſhſtreet 126 104
Mighels Baſſieſhaw 141 109
Mighelsin Corne-hill 130 91
Migels in the Riall 100 79
Mighels in the Querne 61 46
Mighels Queene-hith 138 105
Mighels in Crooked Lane 110 97
Mighels in Woodſtreet 156 137
Mildreds in the Poultry 84 62
Mildreds in Bredſtreet 43 33
Nicholas Acons 41 32
Nicholas Col-Abbay 147 103
Nicholas Olaues 83 69
Olaues in the Iury 41 33
Olaues in Hartſtreet 201 171
Olaues in Siluerſtreet 113 92
Pancras by Soper-Lane 20 16
Peters in Corne hill 141 80
Peters in Cheape 58 37
Peters the poore 44 39
Peters at Pauleswharfe 97 88
Steuens in Colmanſtreet 363 315
Steuens in the Walbroke 24 20
Swithins at London-ſtone 120 95
Thomas Apoſtles 86 64
Trinity Pariſh 116 108
London without the Wals, and within the Liberties.
Buried in all. Of the Plague
Androwes in Holborne 1191 1125
Barthelmew the great Smit 195 165
Barthelmew the leſſe Smithf 86 74
Brides pariſh 933 805
Buttols Algate 1413 1280
Bridewell Precinct 108 105
Buttols Biſhopſgate 1228 1094
Buttols without Alderſg 576 508
Dunſtones in the Weſt 510 412
Georges in Southwarke 915 804
Giles without Criplegate 2408 1745
Olaues in Southwarke 2541 2383
Sauiours in Southwarke 1914 1773
Sepulchers pariſh 2223 1861
Thomas in Southwarke 249 221
Trinity in the Minories 40 33
Out Pariſhes adioining to the Citie.
Buried in all. Of the Plague
Clements without Templeh 662 502
Giles in the Fieldes 456 402
Iames at Clearkenwel 725 619
Katherines by the tower 653 585
Leonards in Shordich 871 740
Martin in the Fieldes 505 425
Mary Whitechappel 1539 1352
Magdalens in Barmondſey-ſtreet. 597 562
At the Peſt-houſe 135 135
Buried in all, within theſe 23. weekes 336812
Whereof, of the Plague 290833
Horizontal rule


  1. This Weeke was the Out-Parishes brought in to be ioyned with the Citty and the Liberties.
  2. This total does not equal the sum of all the listed parishes: 34083. (JT)
  3. This total does not equal the sum of all the listed parishes: 29157. (JT)