The Survey of London (1633): The Thames

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Of the Ancient and famous River of Thames, whence
it deriveth her head or originall, and so conveyeth it selfe on to
the Cities service, being supplyed by divers
other sweet Rivers in her course,
YOV have already heard,
what Rivers, Brookes,
Boornes, Pooles and Con-
duits of fresh water have
liberally afforded (out of
their plenty) most commodious helpe
for the service of so great a Citie. And
yet the River of Thames,
The River of Thames a chife honour to the whole Land, and especially to the Ci-
tie of Lon-
much more fa-
mous than all the reft, yeelding by For-
niers, Conduits, and other meanes of
conveyance, inestimable benefit to the
Citie, we have said little or nothing of
her due worth, neither of her antiqui-
ty, course and originall, all which de-
serve to be more especially respected.
According therefore to the advice of
very wise and learned judgements, and
borrowing such helps as they have glad-
ly lent me, I will begin with the head
or spring of this famous River, and shew
how it glideth along in current, untill it
come to imbrace the bosome of the Sea,
and there to take up her entertainement
in his liquid armes. Giving credit to
such mens writings,
The head or begin-
ning of the Thames out of the side of an Hill in Cotswold, neete to Tetbury.
as have (of set pur-
pose) sought out the Spring of the
Thames, it is faithfully affirmed, That
this famous streame hath her head or
beginning, out of the side of an Hill,
standing in the Plaines of Cotswold, a-
bout a mile from Tetbury, neere unto
the Fosse, (an highway so called of old)
where it was sometime named Isis,
Isis, or the Ouse.
the Ouse, although divers doe (ignorant-
ly) call it Thames even there; rather of a
foolish custome, than any skill, because
they either neglect, or are utterly igno-
rant, how it was named at the first.
From hence it runneth directly toward
the East, (as all good Rivers should doe)
and meeteth with the Cirne or Churne, a
The Cirne called co-
called in Latine Corinium:
whereof Cirncester Towne (by which
it commeth) doth take the denominati-
on in most opinions.
From hence it hasteth unto Creekelade,

The River of Thames.
alias Crekanford,
Lechlade, Radcotebridge,
and Evesham, receiving (by
the way) an infinite sort of small
Beckes, Waters and
Rundels. And here (on this side of the
Towne) divideth it selfe into two cour-
ses, of which one goeth straight to Bot-
and Hinksey; the other passeth by
Godstow, a Village not farre off. This
later spreadeth it selfe also (for a while)
into sundry smaller branches, which run
not farre, before they be reunited, and
then beclipping sundry pleasant Med-
Oxford or Ouseford, so called of the River Charwell.
it passeth at length by Oxford, of
some supposed rather to be called Ouse-
, of this River, where it meeteth
with the Charwell. A little from whence
the originall branches doe joyne, and
goe together by Abbandune (alias Sen-
or Abbington,
Abbandune or Abbing-
as wee call it,) al-
though no part of it (at the first) came
so neere the Towne as it now doth,
Some write that the maine streamè was brought thither, which ran before be-
tweene Andredesy & Culingham.
a branch thereof was led thither from
the maine streame, through the indu-
stry of the Monkes, as (beside the testi-
mony of old Records thereof, yet extant
to be seene) by the decay of Cair Dour,
now Dorchester it selfe, sometime the
thorow-fare from Wales, and the
West Countrey unto London, which
ensued upon this fact,
Cair Dour, Dorchester.
is easie to bee
From hence it goeth to Dorchester,
and so unto Thame, where joyning with
a River of the same denomination, it lo-
seth the name of Isis or Ouse,
Ousenie at Oxford.
Ousennie at Oxford is producted) and
from thence is called Thamesis all along
as it passeth.
Thamesis at Thame, and so forward
From Thame it goeth to
Wallingford, and so to Reding, which (in
time past) of the number of Bridges
Reding sometime Pontium.
was called Pontium. Albeit that
the English name doth rather proceed
from Rhe or Ree, the Saxon word for a
water-course or River: which may bee
seene in Overee,
S. Maryo-
ver Rhee.
or Suthree, for over the
Ree, or south of the Ree; as to the skilfull
doth readily appeare. Yet some hold,
(and not altogether against probability
and likelihood) that the word Sutheree,
is so called of Sudrijc;
Sudrijc the South Kingdom.
to wit, the south
Kingdome, whereunto (in part) the
Thames is a bound. But that holdeth
not in denomination, either of the said
Chruch, or name of the foresaid Coun-
tie. Other affirme likewise, that Reding
is so called of the Greeke word (REO)
which is to overflow.
(REO) Re-
, to o-
Surely, as neither of these conjectures
are to be contemned, so the last com-
meth most neere to mine ayd, who af-
firme, that not only the course of every
water it selfe; but also his overflowing,
The Saxon name to water-courses & over-flowes.
was in times past called Rhee, by such
Saxons as inhabited this Iland. And e-
ven to this day, in Essex, I have oft ob-
served, that when the lower grounds
(by rage of waters) hath beene over-flowne;
the people beholding the same
have said;
All is on a Rhee, All is now a Ri-
All is on a Rhee; as if they
would have said; All is now a River. Al-
beit the word River is derived from the
French, and borrowed by them from the
Latines: but not without corruption, as
it was brought to them. I will not here
give notice how far they are deceived,
which call the aforesaid Church by the
name of Saint Mary Auderies,
S. Mary Auderies, S. Mary over Isis or Ise.
or Saint
Mary over Isis, or Ise: but I will pro-
ceede with the course of this Noble
Streame; which, howsoever these mat-
ters stand,
it hath passed by Reding, and
there received the Kenet,
which com-
meth from the Hills that lye West of
Thetis, cō-
ming from Thetisford.
and then the Thetis,
commonly called the Tide, that com-
meth from Thetisford. It hyeth thence
to Sudlington,
otherwise called Maiden-
Maidenhead Windleshore.
and so to Windleshore, or Windsore,
and then to Chertsey, where Er-
Bishop of London,
builded a Religious House or Cell, as I
doe reade.
From Chertsey it hasteth directly unto
and receiving another Streame
by the way,
Cole. Cole-
called the Cole, (where-
upon Colebrooke standeth) it goeth by
Shene. Sion.
Sion, and Brentford,
or Bregentford:
where it meeteth with
the Brane or the Brene,
another Brooke
descending from Edgeworth.
Brane, Brene.
Vpon this
Brooke also, Sir Iohn Thinne had
sometime a sumptuous and stately
with a marvellous provision to
inclose and retaine such Fish,
as should
come about the same.
From Brentford
it passeth by Mortlach,
Chelsey, Lambeth, and so to
Our famous River being thus brought
to London, and hasting on apace, to
meete with Oceanus her amorous Hus-

The River of Thames.

the first water that it then mee-
teth withall,
Thames be-
yond London, east-
is the Brome on Kent side,
west of Greenwich, whose head is Bromis
in Bromley Perish,
Brome on Kent side.
and going thence to
it taketh in a water from the
East, and so directeth its course forth-
right unto the Thames.
The next water that it meeteth with-
Wolwich. Lee or Luie on Essex side.
is on Essex side, almost against Wol-
, and that is the Lee or Luie. And
being past that, the Darwent also mee-
teth with our Thames on Kent side,
Darwent on Kent side.
miles and more beneath Erith, it rising
at Tanridge. The next River that fal-
leth into the Thames,
The Wany Iles.
is West of the Wa-
Iles, a Rill of no great fame, neither
long course: for, rising about Coring-
, it runneth not many miles East,
and by South, till it fals into the mouth
of this River, which I doe now describe.
Last of all we come to the Medway, a
notable River, in mine opinion, wate-
ring all the South, and Southwest parts
of Kent, in whose description we cannot
(at this time) proceed any further.
Having (in this manner) briefely
touched this Noble River, and such
Brookes as fall into the same: I will in-
sert a word or two,
dities of this noble River.
concerning the com-
modities of the said River, which I will
performe with so much brevity as is
possible; hereby also finding out her
whole tract and course from the head,
to the fall thereof into the Sea. It appea-
reth evidently, that the length thereof
is (at the least) an hundred and eighty
The lēgth of the Thames, frō the head to the fall into the Sea.
if it be measured by the journies
of the Land. And as it is in course, the
longest of the three famous Rivers of
this Ile: so is it nothing inferiour to
them, in abundance of all kind of Fish,
whereof it is hard to say, which of the
three have either most plenty, or grea-
test variety, if the circumstances be du-
ly weighed.
What some other write, concerning
the Rivers of their Countries, it skilleth
not, neither will I (as divers doe) invent
strange things of this Noble streame,
therewith to nobilitate,
An hono-
rable affir-
mation of the River of Thames.
and make it
more honourable: But this will I in
plaine termes affirme, That it neither
swalloweth up bastards of the Celtish
Brood, nor casteth up the right-begot-
ten, that are throwne in, (without hurt)
into their Mothers lappe: as Politian
fableth of the Rhene,
Politian in lib. 8. Epist. Epist. 6.
Epistolarum lib. 8.
. 6. nor yeeldeth clots of gold, as
the Tagus doth: but an infinite plenty
of excellent, sweet and pleasant Fish,
wherwith such as inhabit neere to her
banks, are fed and fully nourished.
What should I speake of the fat and
sweet Salmons,
The great plenty of fat & sweet Salmons taken in the Thames daily.
dayly taken in this
streame, and that in such plenty, (after
the time of the Smelt is past) as no Ri-
ver in Europe is able to exceed it? But
what store also of Barbels, Trowts, Che-
vins, Pearches, Smelts, Breames, Ro-
ches, Daces, Gudgeons, Flounders,
Shrimps, Eeles, &c. are commonly to
be had therein, I refer me to them that
know by experience better than I, by
reason of their daily trade of fishing in
the same. And albeit it seemeth from
time to time, to be (as it were) defrau-
ded in sundry wise,
The spoile and havok of cove-
tous Fi-
of these her large
commodities, by the insatiable avarice
of Fishermen: yet this famous River
complaineth commonly of no want, but
the more it loseth at one time, the more
it yeeldeth at another.
Carps a Fish late brought into Eng-
, and later into the Thames.
Onely in Carpes
it seemeth to be scant, sith (not long
since) that kinde of Fish was brought o-
ver into England, and but of late (to
speake of) into this streame; by the vi-
olent rage of Land-floods, that breake
open the heads and dammes of divers
Gentlemens Ponds, by which meanes
it became somewhat partaker also of
this said commodity, whereof (before)
it had no portion that I could ever
Oh that this worthy River might bee
spared but one yeere from Nets, &c. but
alas, then should many a poore man be
The River choaked up with sands and shelves in many pla-
ces, a matter much pitttied, and requi-
ring re-
In the meane time it is lamen-
table to see, how it is and hath beene
choked of late, with sands and shelves,
by the penning and wresting of the
course of the water for commodities
sake. But as this is an inconveniency
easily remedied, if good order were ta-
ken for the redresse thereof: so now, the
fine or pay set upon the Ballast, some-
times freely given to the Merchants by
Patent, even to the Lands end, (Iusques
will be another cause of harme
to this noble streame: and all through
an advantage taken at the want of an
(i) in the word ponct: which grew
through an errour committed by an

The River of Thames.
English Notarie, unskilfull in the French
tong, wherein that Patent was granted.
Furthermore, the said River floweth
and filleth all her chanels,
The River ebbeth & floweth every 12. houres, for the length of seventy miles.
twice in the
day and night; that is, in every 12. houres
once, and this ebbing and flowing hol-
deth on for the space of 70. miles with-
in the maine Land: the streame or Tide
being alwaies highest at London, when
the moon doth exactly touch the north-
east, and south or west points of the hea-
vens, of which one is visible, the other
under the earth,
The alte-
ration and difference of the tides.
& not in our sight. These
Tides also differ in their times, each one
comming later than other, by so many
minutes as passe, yet the revolution and
naturall course of the heavens do reduce
and bring about the said Planet, to these
her former places, wherby, the common
difference between one Tide & another,
is found to consist of 24. minutes, which
wanteth but 12. of a whole houre in 24.
as experience doth confirme. In like
The just distance between one tide & another.
we see by daily tryall, that each
Tide is not of equall height and great-
nesse. For at the full and change of the
Moone, we have the greatest floods, and
such is their extraordinary course, that
as they diminish from their changes &
fuls, unto the first and last quarters: so
afterwards they increase againe, untill
they come to the full and change.
Sometimes also they rise so high,
The extra-
ordinary rising of the tides, and how caused.
the wind be at the North or North-east,
which bringeth in the water with more
vehemency, because the Tide that fil-
leth the channell, commeth from Scot-
ward) that the Thames overfloweth
her bankes neere unto London: which
hapneth especially in the fuls and chan-
ges of Ianuary and February, wherein
the lower grounds are (of custome) soo-
nest drowned. This order of flowing in
like sort is perpetuall, so that when the
Moone is on the South-west and North
of points, then is the water at London at
the highest. Neither doe the Tides al-
ter, except some rough winds out of the
West or South-west, doe keepe backe
and checke the streame in her entrance:
The streame oftētimes checkt in her en-
trance into the Land.
as the East and North-east doe hasten
the comming in thereof, or else some o-
ther extraordinary occasion put by the
ordinary course of the Northerne Seas,
which doe fill the said River by their
naturall returne and flowing. And that
both these doe happen eftsoones a-
mong, I referre me to such, as have not
seldome observed it: as also the sensible
chopping in of three or foure Tides in
one naturall day, whereof the unskilfull
doe descant many things, according to
their minds.
But howsoever these small matters doe
fall out,
Two seve-
rall times of the Moone, the waters finde their true course
and how often soever this course
of the streame doth happen to be distur-
bed: yet at two severall times of the
Moone, the Waters returne to their na-
turall course and limits of time exactly.
Polydore saith,
The error of Polydore Virgil.
that this River is seldome
increased, or rather never overfloweth
her banks by land-flouds: but he is here-
in very much deceived, as it shall more
apparantly be seene hereafter. For the
more that this River is put by of her
right course, the more the water must
(of necessity) swell with the white wa-
ters, which run downe from the Land:
because the passage cannot bee so swift
and ready in the winding, as in the
straight course.
The Land-flouds also doe greatly
staine the finenesse of the streame,
Land-floods doe much staine the streames finenesse.
somuch that after a great land-floud,
you shall take up Haddocks with your
hands beneath the Bridge, as they float
aloft on the water: whose eyes are so
blinded with the thicknesse of that ele-
ment, that they cannot see where to be-
come, and make shift to save themselves
before death take hold on them.
Thames water as cleere as that of the Sea.
wise, the water (of it selfe) is very cleere,
and, in comparison, next unto that of
the Sea, which is most subtill & pure of
all other; as that of great Rivers is most
excellent in comparison of smal brooks.
The obje-
ction of A-

Although Aristotle will have the salt
water to be most grosse, because a Ship
will beare a greater burden on the Sea,
than on the fresh water, and an Egge
sinks in this, that swimmeth in the o-
ther. But he may easily be answered, by
the quantity of roome, and abundance
of waters in the Sea, whereby it becom-
meth of more force, to sustaine such ves-
sels as are committed to the same, and
whereunto the greatest Rivers are no-
thing comparable.
I would here make mention of sundry
Bridges over this noble streame: of
which, that of London is most chiefely
to be commended: for it is (in a manner)
a con-

The River of Thames.

a continuall street, well replenished
with large and stately houses on both
sides, and situate upon twenty Arches,
whereof each one is made of excellent
free stone, every of them being three-
score foot in height, and full twenty in
distance one from another, as I have of-
ten viewed. In the like manner, I could
entreat of the infinite number of Swans
daily to be seene upon this River, and of
two thousand Wherries and small
Two thou-
sand boats upon the Thames, and 3000. pooremen maintai-
ned by the same, whole gaines come in most in the Terme time.
whereby three thousand poore
Watermen are maintained, through
the carriage and recarriage of such per-
sons as passe or repasse (from time to
time) upon the same. Beside, those huge
Tide-boats, Tilt-boats, and Barges,
which eyther carry passengers, or bring
necessary provision from all quarters of
Oxfordshire, Barkeshire, Buckinghamshire,
Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Middlesex,
Essex, Surrey
, and Kent, unto the Citie
of London.
Having thus farre proceeded in the
description of this famous River, even
from her head and originall, till her im-
bracing the Sea: I thought good to go
on a little further, concerning the extent
of the Thames jurisdiction,
The extēt of the Ri-
ver of Thames un-
der the ju-
risdiction of the L. Maior, Commu-
nalty and Citizens of London.
from a place
called Colnie Ditch, a little above the
Bridge of Stanes westward, to London
Bridge: and from thence to a certaine
place called Yendall, alias Yenland, alias
Yenleete, and of the Water of Medway,
as being matter more proper to the Ci-
tie of Londons Survey, than any other
discourse else whatsoever. For many
yeeres, the authority and jurisdiction of
this River, hath undoubtedly belonged
to the Lord Maior, Communalty, and
Citizens of London, by the sufficient te-
stimony of divers Grants, Charters, and
Confirmations, made by the precedent
Kings and Queenes of this Land,
Acts of Parliamēt for the Ci-
ties prero-
gative on the River.
by our late deceased King Iames of hap-
py memory, besides sundry Acts of Par-
liament ordained to that end.
But because some question appeared
to be not long since made by the Lord
high Admirall of England, concerning
that case of Power or Jurisdiction, a full
and finall conclusion was at length esta-
blished, betweene the Lord high Admi-
rall, and the Lord Maior and Commu-
nalty of London also, concerning the
Prerogative then questioned.
Whereby, as in former ancient pri-
viledges, the right and title hath beene
alwaies evident; so then it appeared a
plaine and manifest case, that the Lord
Maior of London for the time being, and
his successors for ever in that eminent
The Lord Maior of London his title and authority over the River, and to inflict punishmēt on all of-
have full power and authority
over the said Rivers, the Lord Maior
bearing the stile and title of Conserva-
tor or preserver of them, within the
forenamed bounds and limits; Having
absolute power, of inflicting punish-
ment for all unlawfull fishings, eyther
by Fishermen or any other, fishing with-
in the same at any time: yea, and to
search, oversee and punish all such, as
shall abuse his lawfull authority in those
proceedings from time to time. And
because his great and serious imploy-
ments withhold him from such atten-
ding on this important businesse, as the
urgent necessity thereof doth (almost
continually) require:
The water Bailiffe of London, his power on the River under the L. Maior.
he hath a Deputy
or Substitute, named the Water-Bay-
liffe of London, who under his Honours
authority, and by vertue of his more ab-
solute power, doth continually search,
oversee and punish all offenders, that
dare infringe those rights of duty, be-
longing to so famous a River, or make
spoile of that intended for generall be-
And whereas there are a certaine
company of Fishermen,
Tinckermen mighty de-
stroyers of the Frie of Fish.
called Tincker-
, frequenting the River of Thames,
Eastward, who (in times past) not onley
have beene reported, but also manifest-
ly approved, and found out, to make an
infinite destruction of the yong brood
and Fry of Fish, by use of unlawfull
Nets, and unpermittable Engines, fee-
ding and glutting their Hogges with
them, as M. Doctor Dee reporteth: By
the diligent and extraordinary cost and
care of the Lord Maior, his Brethren,
and the rest of the Citizens of London,
as also the vigilant respect of his worthy
Officer the Water-Bayliffe, day and
night attending to cut off such an hor-
rible abuse; those unlawfull Nets and
Engines are now quite supprest, and a
true & orderly forme of fishing brought
into use,
Waste and spoile ve-
ry provi-
dently prevented and cut off.
that such waste and havocke
may no more be made. Through which
restraint of robberie, and application of
continuall providence, our River of

The River of Thames.
Thames (the honour and beauty of this
whole Iland) is become againe most
rich and plentifull, yeelding daily out
of her bountifull bosome, great store of
Fish of all kindes, and at much more
reasonable rate, than in many yeeres
past hath beene seene, as our weekely
Markets in this Honourable Citie, can
better testifie, than I report: a matter
highly to bee commended, and (no
doubt) but will bee as heedfully conti-
Vpon a great complaint lately made
to the Lord Maior,
Timbers in the Thames at Tilbury hope no meane hurt to the River.
concerning Tim-
bers being and standing in Tilbury Hope,
beneath Gravesend, a matter not onely
perillous to passengers upon the River,
but a cause also to destroy (infinitely)
the yong brood and fry of Fish, by the
harmes those Timbers did to Fisher-
mens Nets, by reason of their continuall
standing in the maine course, and spee-
dy current of the streame, which was
mightily annoyed and injured thereby:
his honourable care extended so farre,
that by the paines and diligence of his
Water-Bayliffe, being thereto by his
Office and place warrantably directed,
those grievous hurts and annoyances
were all taken up, and conveyed to the
Guildhall in London, as an example to
all that should dare to offend in the like
nature, or presume to prejudice such an
honourable course of our fishing, as it is
faithfully reported, at every Tide, by
day and night, foure Bushels of small
Fish and Fry, (continually throughout
the whole) are saved and preserved
by this worthy providence,
The bene-
fit ensuing by taking up those annoying Timbers out of the streame.
which other-
wise had remained to the former despe-
rate spoile, and continued a great hin-
drance to the abounding increase now
likely to ensue thereby.
The Lord Maior and Communalty,
not many yeeres since, have caused this
Noble River of Thames westward,
The clea-
ring and clensing of the River westward of stops & hatches.
to be
cleered and cleansed of 79. stops or
hatches, consisting of divers great stakes
and piles, purposely erected by Fisher-
men for their private gaine, and stan-
ding dangerous for passengers neere un-
to the faire deepe: so that none of them
doe now remaine upon the River, but
onely such as stand out of the passable to
faire way, and can bee no prejudice to
passengers. For otherwise, they serve
as a great succour to the young breed
and Frie, being planted at the waters
bottome, and placed so remotely on the
River; that they releeve and comfort
many poore Fishermen thereon dwel-
Some things see-
ming hurt-
full, may be benefi-
ciall as they are used.
Beside, in the great heate and
drought of Summer, when usually wa-
ter is most scanty, these are then the
cause of raising it so high, that Barges
may well and safely passe, with all kind
of goods to our ancient Mother Citie;
whereas else they would be grounded,
how many soever, and be void of pas-
sage, by lownesse of the water.
There are likewise a number of Fi-
shermen belonging to the River of
Tinckermen, Hebbermen, Petermen, Trawlermē, All great abusers of Gods bles-
sings in the River.
some stiled by the name of
Tinckermen, others, Hebbermen, Peter-
men, Trawlermen, &c
. that have lived
(in precedent times) by very unlawfull
fishing on this River, and to the great
injurie of her abounding store. But by
meanes of this wel-provided restriction,
so forwarded in the maine Magistrate,
and followed in the diligent endevour
of the carefull Water-Bayliffe, (making
no spare of his paines at all times what-
soever) their insolence hath beene redu-
ced to a more temperate qualification,
and the awfull hand of civill Govern-
ment appeareth to carry much better
respect, than formerly it did.
Nor let this provident care, both for
the safety of passengers on the River,
Care had of the River of Thames in former times.

and preservation of the Breed, Frie, and
Fish in the River, bee understood as a
matter of novelty, without any prece-
dent example in elder dayes; when it
plainely appeareth, that the very like
course was kept and effected in the time
of King Henry the fourth, the seventh
yeere of his reigne, Anno Dom. 1405.
Also more late in the dayes of King
Henry the eighth, &c. As appeareth by
Records in divers Chronicles, and so
warranted and avouched, as already
hath beene said, and shall (in more am-
ple manner) hereafter appeare.
Concerning the controversiall que-
The end of contro-
versie con-
cerning the Thames and Med-
about the Rivers of Thames and
Medway, all variance and difference was
absolutely concluded, in the yeere 1613
the twentieth day of Mary: Sir Iohn
Knight, being then Lord
Maior, and carefull Conservator of the
said Rivers rights; and Thomas Sparrey,

The River of Thames.

Esquire, his Substiture, and respective
Water-Bayliffe, for the performing of
such a maine trust reposed in him, ap-
pertaining justly unto his place and of-
At eight severall times yeerely,
Courts kept for the yeere-
ly preser-
vation of the River.
in the foure Countries of Middlesex,
Surrey, Kent
, and Essex, the Lord Mai-
or of London for the time then being,
with his Brethren the Aldermen, for
the better maintaining of the Rivers
rights and priviledges, doe sit in per-
son judicially, and charge foure Juries
by oath, to make inquisition after all
offences, committed upon the River of
Thames. And as the verdict (presented
by the said Jurie) maketh appearance,
so doe they accordingly proceed to the
punishment of the transgressors, answe-
rably to the nature of their offences,
and as to Justice shall see me expedient:
Wherein, the Rivers prosperity, safety
of passengers, and generall good of the
Common-wealth, are their chiefest re-
And because it may appeare more
probably unto all men,
A late and honorable testimony what care the Citie hath for the Rivers conserva-
in what worthy
manner the Lord Maior and his Bre-
thren doe proceed in this case, by the
helpe of Master Edmund Howes, Gent.
I have hereto added, the last Courts
that were kept about this Rivers service,
in the time of Sir Iohn Iolles, Knight, to
take away all sinister scruple or doubt,
that can be otherwise alledged. For he
being present in the Journey, (as I my
selfe might also have beene, if my
leasure would have so permitted) ob-
served the course of all that then pas-
sed, and as hee delivered it to mee, so
have I set it downe, with some other
few collections of mine owne, out of
such Antiquities as have come to my
A further testimony concerning the River of Thames,
and of the right and authority of the Lord Maior of London,
to the conservancie of the said River, &c.
IN the yeere 1616. on
Wednesday, being the
third of Iuly, Sir Iohn
, Knight, L. Maior
of the Citie of London,
and Conservator of the
River of Thames,
What Al-
dermen & other went with the L. Maior in the journey.
and waters of Med-
, assisted and accompanied by Fran-
cis Iones, Edward Rotheram, Alexander
Prescot, Martin Lumley
, Aldermen of
London; and William Gore, Alderman,
and Shiriffe (at that time) of the said
Citie; Thomas Iones Esquire, Com-
mon Serjeant of the said Citie, in the
absence of Sir Henry Mountague, Recor-
der of the same Citie, attended by Tho-
mas Sparrey
, Esquire, Subconservator of
the said River of Thames, with fifty Of-
ficers and other servants, tooke Barges
at Belinsgate, and (within few houres)
arrived at Gravesend in Kent, where a
Session for the Conservancie of the said
River was kept, before the said Lord
Maior, and his forenamed Assistants.
At which time and place,
A Iury of Freehol-
ders of the said coun-
a Jurie of
Freeholders of the said Countrie, being
sworne to enquire of all offences com-
mitted in any part of that River what-
soever within the said County; Master
Common Serjeant delivered them a
charge to this effect:
The effect of Mr. Cō-
mon Ser-
jeants charge to the Iury.
forasmuch as there had not
been any Session of Conservancy in ma-
ny yeeres past, kept by any Lord Mai-
or of London in that place: it was pro-
bable and evident, that they could not
be well informed, neither of the Lord
Maiors jurisdiction and power, to re-
forme annoyances and offences there,
and to inflict due punishment vpon the
offenders, nor of the nature of the ser-
vice by them to bee performed, in the
course of their enquirie. And therefore
hee thought it convenient, to make
knowne unto them, both the one and
the other.
And hereupon he shewed them, that
the Jurisdiction of the Citie of London,
The extē-
dure of the Citie of Londons Iurisdictiō in the Ri-
ver of Thames.
in the River of Thames, from Stanes
Bridge Westward, unto the points of
the River next the Sea Eastward, ap-
peared to belong to the Citie, in man-
ner and forme as followeth:

In point of Right

  • 1. By Prescription.
  • 2. By allowance in Eire.
  • 3. By ancient Charters.
  • 4. By Acts of Parliament.
  • 5. By Inquisitions.
  • 6. By Decrees upon Hearing Coram
    Rege ipso, & in Camera Stella-
  • 7. By Letters Patents.
  • 8. By Proclaimations.
  • 9. By Report of the Kings Councell
  • 10. By a Quo Warranto.

In point of Vsage

  • 1. By ancient Ordinances.
  • 2. By punishment of offenders.
  • 3. By Writs and Precepts.
  • 4. By accompts for charges of Searches,
    from 17. R. 2. till 2. Eliz. Regina.
  • 5. By Commissions.
  • 6. By continuall claime ever since 37.
    Hen. 8. when the Lord Admirall
    first interrupted the Citie, to exer-
    cise her authority below London
And to crowne all these points both
of right and usage,
To cut off all contro-
versies in times to come.
Et ad omnem contro-
versiam temporibus futuris tollendam
: the
Citie of London hath King Iames his
most gracious and liberall Charter in
that point granted, in the third yeere of
his Majesties happy reigne.
1. By Prescription.
IT appeareth by an ancient Booke,
Ex Lib. vo-
cat. Dun-
that Civitatis fun-
dationis, aedificationis & constructionis,
causa erat Thamesis Fluvius; quorum vero
Civitatis & fluminis gubernationem tam
Duces, Maiores, Custodes, Vicecomites,
The Ci-
ties go-
ment of the River.
& Magnates Civitatis memoratae
hucus{que} obtinuerunt & habuerunt. So as
the government of the River hath be-
longed to the Citie time out of minde
In 21. H. 3. Iorden Coventry,
Kidels re-
moved by the Shi-
riffe of London, sent by the Maior and Aldermen.
one of
the Shiriffes of London, was by the Mai-
or and Aldermen sent, to remove cer-
taine Kiddels that annoyed the Rivers
of Thames and Medway; who ultra Yen-
land versus Mare
, did take divers per-
sons that were offenders, and impriso-
ned them. Whereupon, complaint be-
ing made to King H. 3. hee tooke the
matter ill at the first, and sent for the
Lord Maior & Citizens to Kennington;
and upon hearing of the matter before
the said King,
The Cities Iurisdicti-
on on the River, ap-
proved be-
fore King Hen. 3.
the Cities Jurisdiction
on the River was set forth and allowed,
and the Complainants convicted, and
every of them amerced at 10. pounds,
and the Amercements adjudged to the
Citie; and their Nets were afterwards
burned, by judgement given by the
Lord Maior and Aldermen in the
37. H. 3.
In the 37-yeere of King Hen. 3.
Eodem Anno, ante Penteco-
stem, Vicecomites London, quia aqua Tha-
misiae pertinet ad London, per praecetum
dict. Dom. Regis, deriverunt omnes alios
gurgites à London us{que} Mare.
1. R. 2. Writs to the Shiriffes of
Kent and Essex,
The Citi-
zens not to be trou-
bled in their li-
reciting the Cities title,
with command, not to suffer the Citi-
zens of London to be molested, contrary
to the liberties formerly granted and al-
lowed unto them.
2. In Eire.
In 41. H. 3. Before Hugh Bigot,
The Ci-
ties Iuris-
diction on the River, called in question.
ing Justice Itinerant, the Shiriffes and
Citizens of London were called in que-
stion, for their jurisdiction exercised on
the Thames. Before whom, it was found
by a Jurie in Southwarke, Quod nullus a-
liquid juris habet in Thamisia, usque ad
novum gurgitem, nisi Cives London
14. Ed. 2. Lib. Antiq. Reg. 156. The
Constable of the Tower was indicted
by divers Wards of
The Con-
stable of the Tower indicted by the Wards of London.
before the
Justices in
Eire at the Tower: De mu-
neris & recep. cove. pro Kidellis in Thami-
sijs. Et Constabularius ad Kidellas respon-
det, quod Iustic. non habent jurisdictionem
extra London, plitum. inde cognoscere cum
praedict. Kidelli sunt in alijs Comitatibus.
Et Iustic, dixerunt, aqua Thamisiae perti-
net ad Civitatem London, usque mare;
& si velit respondeat: who then pleaded,
Not guilty
3. By Charters.
8. R. 1. Dom.
K. Richard the first his Char-
Richardus Rex, filius
Regis Henrici secundi, concessit & firmiter
praecepit, ut omnes Kidelli qui sunt in Tha-
misia amoveantur, ubicun{que} fuerint in Tha-
1. Ioh. Rex concessit & firmiter praece-
K. Iohn his Charter.
ut omnes Kidelli qui sunt in Thamisia
vel in Medway amoveantur, & ne caeteri
Kidelli alicubi ponantur in Thamisia vel
in Medway, super forf. x. li. sterlingorum.

The River of Thames.
Henry the third, sonne to King Iohn,
granted this Charter to the Citie, in
forme following:
HENRY by the Grace of God,
The Char-
ter of K. Hen. 3. as it is recor-
ded in the ancient Booke cal-
led the Customes of London.
of England, Lord of Ireland,
Duke of Normandie and Aqui-
, and Earle of Anjou: Vnto Arch-Bishops,
Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Earles,
Barons, Iustices, Sheriffes, Stewards, Mi-
nisters, and to all Bailiffes, and to all his
true men, greeting: Weteth well, that we,
for the health of our soule, and the health of
the soule of King Iohn our Fader, and the
soules of all our Ancestours; and also for
common profit of our Citie of London, and
of all our Realme, have granted and sted-
fastly commanded: That all the Weares that
beene in Thames or in Medway, where that
ever they be in Thames or in Medway, be
done away: And that from henceforth, no
Weares be set in Thames nor in Medway,
upon the forfaiture of ten pounds. Also wee
claime quite to our Citizens of London, all
that that the Constable of our Tower of
London was wont to take of the said
Weares. Wherefore we will, and stedfastly
command, that no Constable of the aforesaid
Tower, at any time from henceforth forward,
any thing aske, nor any grievance doe to any
of the same Citie, by enchesen of the same
Weares. It is to us knowne enough, and by
our true men doe us to understand, that most
privacie and least profit might fall unto the
same Citie, and to the whole Realme, by en-
chesen of the same weares: which we make
forever firme and stable to the same Citie,
as the Charter of our Lord King Iohn our
Fader, which our Barons of London there-
of have reasonably witnessed. Witnesses,
Eustace of London, Peter of Winche-
ster, Ioceline
of Bath, Richard of Salis-
, Bishops: Hubert of Burgh, Earle of
Kent, our Iustice; Gilbert of Clare, Earle
of Glocester and Hertford; Raufe Fitz-Nichol,
and Richard of Argentine, our
Stewards. Given by the hand of our Wor-
shipfull Fader, Raufe, Bishop of Chiche-
, our Chauncellour, at Westminster,
the 18. day of February, the yeere of our
reigne, eleven.
In the 68. Article also are these words:
Authority of the Ci-
tizens for punishmēt.
And that the said Citizens remene and
doe away all the Weares in Thames and
Medway, and that they have the punish-
ment thereof longing to us.
Likewise in the 68. Article are these
The Con-
stable of the Tow-
er to make no prices of victuals.
And the Constable of the
Tower of London make no prices by
Land nor by water, of vitaile or any o-
ther things whatsoever they beene, of
men of the aforesaid Citie, nor of none
other, comming to the Citie, nor going
out. Nor he shall not arresten by any
manner of way, Ships ne Boats, bring-
ing or leading vitaile or other merchan-
dises to the Citie, or fro the Citie afore-
11. H. 3. Concessimus etiam eisdem Ba-
ronibus nostris,
Anno 11. Hen. 3.
& Carta nostra confirma-
vimus, quod habeant bone & in pace libere
& quiete, omnes libertates suas quibus ha-
ctenus usi sunt, tam in Civitate London,
quàm extra; tam in aquis, quàm in terris
& omnibus aliis locis.
7. E. 3. Volumus & concedimus,
Anno 7. Ed. 3.
dicti Cives amoveant & capiant omnes Ki-
dellas in aqua Thamistae & Medway, &
habeant punitiones ad nos inde pertinentes.
4. By Acts of Parliament.
W. 2. Ca. 47. An. 13. L. 1. No Sal-
mons to be taken,
Against taking of Salmons.
from the nativity of
our Lady, unto S. Martins day, in all
points. Nor none to be taken in Mill.
pooles, from the midst of April, untill
1. Offence,
ment of offenders.
burning the Nets and
2. Imprisonment for a quarter of a
3. For a whole yeere.
13. R. 2. Cap. 19. Confirmes the o-
Anno 13. Ric. 2.
and restraines the taking of yong
Salmons in many waters, from the mid-
dest of April untill Midsummer, upon
the same paine.
None (within that time) to use any
Nets called Stalkers,
Nets cal’d Stalkers.
nor any other En-
gines, by which the Frie may bee de-
stroyed, upon the same paine.
17. R. 2. Cap. 9. Justices of peace shall
be Conservators,
Iustices of peace con-
servators for destru-
ction of the Frie & brood.
and to survey all offen-
ces against the said Statutes, and shall
survey and search all the Weares, that
they be not strait, for the destruction of
the Frie and brood, but of reasonable
ment of under-conserva-
tors, and their charge.
after the old assize. And they
shall punish according to the said Sta-
tutes; and they to appoint under-con-
servators, who shall bee sworne. And
the same Justices shall enquire, as well
ex officio,

The River of Thames.
ex officio, as by information of the under-conservators:
And such as be indicted,
they shall cause to come before them;
and if they be thereof convicted, they
shall have imprisonment, and make fine
after the discretion of the same Justi-
ces. And if the same be at the informa-
tion of any of the under-conservators,
he shall have halfe the fine.
11. Hen. 7. Cap. 15. The like power
is granted to the Maior of London,
Power of the Lord Maior of London, in breaches and creeks▪
Breaches and in Creeks, as in the River,
so farre as it ebbeth and floweth: ex-
cept in the Kings ground, or in the li-
berties and franchises of others.
1. Eliz. Chap. 17. None shall with a-
ny maner of Net,
Against Nets, Weeles, and other Engines, for the de-
stroying of Fish.
Weele, But-eayning,
Kepper, Lymecreele, Raw Fagnet,
Trolnet, Trymnet, Scalboat, Webli-
ster, Sturlamet, or with any other de-
vice or engines, made of cheare, wooll-
bine, canvas; or shall by any heeling-Nets,
or Trimbleboat, or any other de-
vice, engine, cautelles, wayes or means
soever, heretofore made or devised, or
hereafter to bee made or devised, take
and kill any yong brood, spawne, or frie
of Eeles, Salmon, Pike or Pickerell, or
of any other Fish, in any floudgate, pipe
or the taile of any Mill, Weare, or in a-
ny straites, streames, brookes, Rivers,
salt or fresh.
For kil-
ling of Sal-
mons and Trowts out of season.
none shall take and kill any
Salmons and Trowts, not being in
season, being kepper Salmons, or kep-
per Trowts, or shedder Salmons or
shedder Trowts.
Length of Pike, Pic-
kerel, Sal-
mon, Trowt, Barbel, &c.
none shall take and kill a-
ny Pike or Pickerell, not being in length
ten intches Fish, and more; nor any
Salmon, not being 16. intches fish, and
more; nor any Trowt, not being eight
intches; nor any Barbell, not being 12.
intches, and more.
Order for fishing with Nets and Tra-
none to fish with any Nets,
Tramels, Keep, Weare, Helme, Creele;
or by any other Engine, device, wayes
or meanes; but onely with Net or Tra-
mell; wherof every mesh or mash shall
be two intches and an halfe broad; Ang-
ling excepted.
A Provisio,
An Excep-
that this shall not extend
to Smelts, Roches, Minoes, Bulheads,
Gudgeons or Eeles, in place where the
same have beene used to be taken.
Penalty for offen-
The Offenders to lose for every of-
fence 20. shillings, and the fish; and
also the unlawfull Nets, Engines and
The Maior of London (inter alia) shall
have full power and authority by this
The May-
or of Lon-
his power for enquirie, &c.
to enquire of all offences commit-
ted contrary to this Act, by the oathes
of twelve men or more, and to heare
and determine all and every the same.
The paines and forfeitures to be at
the use of every such person and persons
(being no body politick nor corporate,
For the paines & forfei-

or head of the same) before whom such
conviction shall be had: and to the use
of every body politicke and corporate,
that hereafter have lawfully had any
fines, &c. upon such conviction.
5. By Inquisition.
By two Inquisitions,
ons at Raynam & at Graves-
, before the Lord Maior of London, Conser-
vator, &c.
the one taken at
Raynam in Essex, the other at Gravesend
in Kent: 9. Hen. 5. before William Cam-
, Grocer, then Lord Maior of
London, and Conservator of the waiters
of Thames and Medway; it was presen-
ted, That where by the ancient ordi-
nances of London, the Mesches of Nets
should be two intches in the forepart,
and one intch in the hinder-part. And
further, it was thereby found, that the
offences in the same Inquisition, are con-
tra libertates & consuetudines Civitatis
And it was adjudged, that the Nets
should be burned, according to the an-
cient custome in that behalfe provided.
6. By Decrees.
In 8. H. 4. The Maior and Alder-
men of London did exhibite their hum-
ble Petition to the Kings Councell,
The long conserva-
tion of the River of Thames ex-
hibited to the Coun-
cell of K. Hen. 4.
citing that (time out of minde) they
have had the Conservation and corre-
ction of the River of Thames, and of all
Trinckes, Nets and other Engins what-
soever, in the Rivers of Thames and Med-
placed, and have used to make a
Subconservator under them: And com-
plained, that Alexander Bonner, then
Subcōservator, having done his duty in
removing Kiddels,
Abusers of the sub-
conservator of the River.
he was evil entreated
by the owners: the same owners dwel-
ling in Erith, Pratriferry, Barking, Wool-
, and other places in the Counties
of Kent and Essex. And upon hearing of
the matter in Camera Stellata, they were
found guilty, and constrained to submit

The River of Thames.

themselves to the Lord Maior, and or-
dered (alwaies) to bring their Nets to
the Lord Maior, before they should use
them: And that the Kiddels then taken,
should be at the disposition of the Lord
Maior: and the offenders made their
submission accordingly.
7. By Letters Patents.
A Grant made by King E. 4. to the
E. of Pembrooke,
A Grant to the Earle of Pembrooke for buil-
ding of a Weare in the Thames cancelled afterward.
for building a Weare
in the River of Thames: which Grant
was canceled at the request of the Lord
Maior and Aldermen, upon shewing of
their right, for that it was contrary to
their ancient liberties. At which time
the Cities title to the conservacie of
the River of Thames and Medway, was at
large set forth, and is recited to have
beene shewne to the Lord Chancelour,
and to the Earle and his Councell; and
was afterward allowed, and the Patent
thereupon cancelled.
8. By Proclamations.
By Proclamation made by King H. 8.
in 34. of his Reigne,
The con-
servacy of the Thames to the Lord Maior, without interrup-
it is affirmed, that
the Lord Maior and his predecessors,
have had by divers Grants of the Kings
of England, and by Acts of Parliament,
and have also long enjoyed the conser-
vacy of Thames, without interruptiō or
impediment of the said King Hen. 8. or
of any of his Subjects. And by the same
Proclamation it was commanded, that
none should resist, deny, or impugne
the Lord Maior and his Deputy, in do-
ing or executing any thing, for the con-
servacie of the River, and of the Fish
and Frie within the same.
9. By Report.
A Controversie being betweene the
Lord Admirall and the Lord Maior,
For mea-
suring of Coales, and other things on the River of Thames, a contro-
the measuring of Coales and other
things upon the Thames: it then fell in-
to consideration, to whom the conser-
vacie of the said River did belong.
Which cause, in Anno 1597. was by
the Lords of the Queenes most Honou-
rable Privie Councell, referred to the
then Atturney generall, and Solliciter;
who certified (among other things) that
the conservacy of the River of Thames
did, and ought to belong to the Citie
of London.
10. By Quo Warranto.
3. Iacobi Regis,
A Quo Warranto brought a-
gainst the Citie for the Rivers conserva-
A Quo Warranto was
brought against the Citie in the Exche-
quer, to know, by what title they clai-
med the conservacie of the River of
Thames, and of the waters of Medway:
The Citie made their title to the same,
by antient prescription: and judgement
was given for them.
For proofe of Vsage.
1. By ancient Ordinances.
2. By punishment of offenders.
THe Lord Maior and Aldermen
have (time out of minde) made
Times & manner of fishing.
concerning the
good governement of the River of
Thames, for the times and manners of
Fishing beneath London Bridge East-
ward, to be observed upon paines. And
it appeareth, (that from time to time)
from the time of King Hen. 3. and so
ving of all unlawfull Engines for fishing.
the Lord Maior hath re-
moved Kiddels, Weares, Trinkes, and
other unlawfull Engines, and hath re-
formed the disorders of such as have of-
fended in the River of Thames;
ment of offenders.
and pu-
nished offenders, sometimes by impri-
sonment, sometimes by Fine, and by
burning of their unlawfull Nets.
3. By Writs and Precepts.
9. H. 5. Precepts under the Teste of
the Lord Maior,
Precept for the re-
curning of Iuries.
to the Shiriffes of Kent
and Essex, for the returning of Juries
before the Lord Maior, to enquire of
offences done in the River of Thames.
4. By Accompts.
In the accompts of the Chamberlaine
of London,
Accompts of the Chamber-
laine of London.
from 17. of R. 2. to 11. of
Eliz. Reginae, it appeareth, that the Wa-
ter-Bailiffe of London hath made search
for unlawfull Nets, in the waters of
Thames and Medway.
5. By Commissions.
9. H. 5. Commission to the Lord
sion for execution of Acts of Parlia-
to put in execution the Acts of
Parliament, made for the conservacie
of Thames and Medway; and to enquire
of all offences made or done in the said
waters, and to punish the delinquents
for the same.
A like
  • A like Commission 3. H. 6.
  • A like Commission 1. Eliz.
  • A like Commission 1. Iacobi.
And all these, or the like Commissi-
ons in this case, were and are directed
to the Lord Maior for the time being.
6. By continuall claime.
37. H. 8. Letters from the Lord Ad-
A stay mo-
ved for matters in question, by letters from my Lord Ad-
for stay of such matters as were
then in question, betweene his Lord-
ship and the Citie, concerning the Ju-
risdiction of this Citie upon the Thames.
3. Edw. 6. Order, that the Cham-
berlaine should take care,
An order for stay of Inquests.
for stay of
certaine Inquests, charged by vertue of
a Commission, directed to the Lord
Admirall, to enquire of abuses used in
fishing beneath the Bridge.
4. Edw. 6. Master Common Serje-
The Cities authority to pull downe weares in the River.
appointed to repaire to the Duke
of Somerset, and to informe his Lord-
ship of the Cities authority, in pulling
downe Weares within the River of
6. Edw. 6. Order, that suit should be
made to the Kings Majesty and his
nation of the Cities jurisdictiō.
for the determination and al-
lowance of the Cities Jurisdiction and
interest in the River of Thames.
1. Mariae Reginae, A great number of
the Fishermen of the East side of Lon-
, present in the Court of the Lord
Maior and Aldermen,
Obediēce comman-
ded to the Water-Bayliffe.
were comman-
ded to obey the Water-Bayliffe: And
that one Hunter of the Admiraltie,
should be warned to be before the Lord
Maior and Aldermen, at the next Court
to be holden for the same matter.
1. Eliz. Reginae,
tees ap-
pointed a-
bout the contro-
Certaine Commit-
tees appointed to conferre with the L.
Admirall, touching the controversie be-
tweene his Honour and the Citie, con-
cerning the conservacie of the River
of Thames.
3. Eliz.
tees for the jurisdi-
ction of the River.
Certaine Committees ap-
pointed to attend the Lord Admirall,
concerning the Jurisdiction of the Ri-
ver of Thames.
7. Eliz.
For the same cause.
The Lord Admirall to bee
conferred with, touching the Cities Ju-
risdiction in the River of Thames.
8. Eliz.
The Cities right to the con-
L. Admirall to be conferred
with, touching the Cities right to the
conservacy of the River of Thames.
13. Eliz. L. Admirall to be moved,
that the Citie may enjoy their liberties
in Thames and Medway.
The Cities liberty in the River.
17. Eliz.
The Cities title East-
Aldermen and others, to
conferre with the Lord Admirall, for
the Cities title in the River eastward.
23. Eliz.
The Con-
servacy be-
low the Bridge.
Mr. Norton and others ap-
pointed to attend on the Lord Treasu-
rer of England, and to informe his Lord-
ship touching the Cities title to the
conservacie of the River of Thames be-
low London Bridge.
23. Eliz. Sessions appointed for the
conservancie of the River of Thames,
Sessions for the conserva-
cy East-
ninth of October at Barking in Essex, and
on Wednesday following, to be kept at
Woolwith in Kent.
24. Eliz.
Aldermen about the cōservacy.
Certaine Aldermen ap-
pointed to treat with the Lord Admi-
rall, touching the conservacy.
29. Aldermen appointed to the L.
Aldermen againe ap-
pointed about the Cities right.
and to informe his Lordship
touching the Cities right to the conser¦vacie
of the River of Thames, from Lon-
Bridge, to Yenland and the Recul-
In the Letters Patents,
The kings letters pa-
tents to the City.
granted by
King Iames of happy memory, in the 3.
yeere of his reigne; the Cities title to
the conservacie of the River of Thames
and the waters of Medway, is recited and
set downe at large. And therein men-
tion is made, that the Citie hath beene
interrupted in the said office, and a
doubt conceived, that the same did not
belong to his Highnesse Citie of Lon-
. His Majestie therefore (of his e-
speciall grace and favour to the Citie
of London) Ad omnem controversiam in hac
parte temporibus tam praesentibus quàm fu-
turis tollendam, ac omne dubium amoven-
did by those his Letters Patents,
grant, ratifie and confirme to the Citie
of London, the conservacie of the said
River of Thames, and waters of Medway.
So much concerning the Right and
ning the extent of the word cōservacy.
de re ipsa. This word Conser-
vancie, doth extend it selfe to the pre-
servation of the streame, and the banks
of the River; as also the Fish and Frie
within the same. For by the Lawes of
the Land, all navigable Rivers are the
high streames of the King,
Navigable Rivers are as Via Re-
for the pas-
sage of Ships, Boats, &c. As the high-
way is Via Regia, for the people to passe

The Towne-ditch without the Wall.

by. And if the bankes be not kept from
decaying and incroachment: it will not
only be an annoyance to the River it
selfe, by diverting the water, and hin-
dring the Navigation; but will also an-
noy the grounds next adjoyning to the
Due sea-
sons for taking fish
And if the Fish be taken at un-
due seasons, and the Frie not kept and
preserved, the fishing will be soone de-
And first touching the streame:
Enquirie for the streame, Weares, Kidels, En-
gines, &c. in the Ri-
vers for hindring passage.
are to enquire whether any person or
persons have erected any Weares, Kid-
dels, or Engines, or knocked any Posts,
Piles, or Stakes within the Rivers, or a-
ny part thereof, which may (in any sort)
hinder the streame, or the navigation,
or passage of any Ships, Barges, Boats,
or vessels within the same. And whe-
ther any have cast any soyle, dust or rub-
bish, or other filth whatsoever, into the
same. You are to present the persons,
times, and places, touching the com-
mitting of every such offence.
Secondly, you are to enquire of all
encroachments upon the River, and the
bankes of the same:
For en-
crochmēts on the Ri-
ver and bankes.
and of all Bridges,
Flood-gates, Mill-dammes, and such
like annoyances, erected and builded
upon, or neere to the bankes of the same
River; and where, and by whom, and
when the same were done.
For fishing at undue seasons, & with un-
lawfull nets, &c.
for the preservation of the
Fish and Frie within the River, you are
to enquire, whether any Fishermen, or
others, have fished at any undue or pro-
hibited seasons, or with any unlawfull
and prohibited Nets, or Engines: and
when, where, and by whom every such
offence was committed.
Thus much for a generall direction.
But for your more particular instructi-
on, and for the ease of your memories,
here are certain printed Articles,
Articles for more particular instructiō.
you shall have with you; to every one
of which you shall give a particular an-
The like charge was given by the said
Master Common Serjeant, on the next
day following, at Lee, in the County of
Essex; and the like Sessions kept there
for the same purpose.

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MLA citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): The Thames. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,

Chicago citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): The Thames. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 26, 2020.

APA citation

Stow, J., Munday, A., Munday, A., & Dyson, H. 2020. The Survey of London (1633): The Thames. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Dyson, Humphrey
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - The Survey of London (1633): The Thames
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/06/26
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
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RT Web Page
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Stow, John
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Dyson, Humphrey
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 The Survey of London (1633): The Thames
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/06/26
RD 2020/06/26
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">The Survey of London (1633): The Thames</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-06-26">26 Jun. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>

