The Survey of London (1633): Chelsey College

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Not farre from Westminster, by the River, there is
erected a goodly Building, not yet finished, for Students in Di-
vinity commonly knowne by the name of Chelsey Colledge,
whereof I thought fit to make mention, because I finde
an Act of Parliament made in the seventh yeere of King, Iames,
in the behalfe of the same Colledge, as also a Declaration pub-
lished by Authority in the yeere 1616. containing the Reasons
that moved his Majesty and the State to erect the same which
here followeth.
WHereas his Majesty, of his
most Royall and zealous
care for the defence of
true Religion now e-
stablished within this
Realme of England,
The cause of the e-
rection of the Col-
ledge there.
and for the refuting
or Errors and Heresies repugnant unto
the same, hath been graciously pleased,
by his Letters Patents under the great
Seale of England, to found a Colledge
at Chelsey, neere London, and therein to
place certaine learned Divines, and to
incorporate the same by the name of
the Provost and Fellowes of the Col-
ledge of King Iames in Chelsey,
The name of that corpora-
London, of the foundation of the same
Iames King of England, and hath of his
most gracious bounty and goodnesse,
not onely endowed the same with cer-
taine Lands, Priviledges, and Immu-
nities, but hath also for their further
maintenance and sustentation, given
unto them a capacity and ability to re-
ceive and take from his Majesty, or any
of his loving Subjects,
The abili-
ty thereof to receive Lands.
any Lands, Te-
nements, Hereditaments, Gifts, Be-
nefits, and Profits whatsoever, not ex-
ceeding in the whole the yeerely value
of three thousand pounds, as in and by
the said Letters Patents doth more at
large appeare. And whereas also it is
manifest and evident, that the bring-
ing in of fresh streames of running wa-
ter into the City of London, is very con-
venient, necessary, and profitable, as
well for the private use of such as shall
rent the same, as a helpe for cleansing
the said City in the time of sicknesse,
and preserving the same against all so-
daine adventures of fire: It is therefore
enacted, &c. that it shall and may be
lawfull to the said Provost and Fel-
lowes, their Successors, Deputies, and
Assignes, at all and every such place
and places in the open Fields or Mar-
shes lying betweene the Bridge called
Lock-Bridge, in or neere the Parish or
Hackney, in the County of Middlesix,
and the Bridge called Bow-Bridge, at
Stratfort-Bow in the Parish of Stepney,
in the said County,
The Pro-
vest, &c. may dig a trench out of the River Lee.
(As by the said
Provost and Fellowes, their Successors,
Deputies or Assignes, by and with the
consent and allowance of the occupiers
and owners of the soile in the said place
or places, and in default of such assent
and allowance, by such composition
first to be made with the said occupiers
and owners of the said soile, as by the
Commissioners, by vertue of this Act


to be in this behalfe appointed, shall be
thought fit and convenient) to dig
or cut from and out of the maine River
of Lee, on that side or banke of the
same River which is next unto the City
of London,
Of what quantity.
a ditch or trench not excee-
ding in breadth ten foot, or to scoure,
cleanse, or enlarge unto the breadth
aforesaid, any old ditch or trench there
already made: and the same ditch or
trench either old or new, so to be made
or to be cleansed, to convey by and tho-
row the said Fields and Marshes, in
all places convenient, in such sort as the
same may againe bee returned, and
made to open it selfe into the maine
River, within some such convenient
distance from the mouth thereof, as to
the said Commissioners shall (for the
intents and purposes hereafter expres-
sed) be thought fit: Vpon which ditch
or trench, or places neere adjoyning
thereunto, it shall and may be lawfull
to the said Provost and Fellowes, their
Successors, Deputies, or Assignes, to
erect or cause to bee erected, certaine
They may erect en-
gines, &c.
Waterworkes, or Water-
wheeles, as also houses or couerings re-
quisite for the same, where by the as-
sent of the said Commissioners, the
same shall be agreed upon, to be no let
or hinderance to the ordinary passage
of Barges, Boats, or other such Vessels
upon the said River of Lee, and by and
through the sayd ditch or trench, to
carry and convey so much of the water
of the said maine River, as by the said
Provost and Fellowes, their Succes-
sors, Deputies, or Assignes, shall bee
thought requisite and necessary to bee
used for the working or motion of the
said Engines or Waterwheeles, and
shall also by the said Commissioners be
thought to be no prejudice or hinde-
rance to the ordinary passage of Bar-
ges, Boats, or such other Vessels upon
the same River. And that it shall and
may bee lawfull to and for the said Pro-
vost and Fellowes, their Successors,
Deputies, and Assignes (in all places
apt and conuenient, within a conveni-
ent distance of the said Engines or Wa-
terworkes) to dig for the taking and
further opening of Springs of fresh wa-
ter there found,
They may open Springs, &c.
or to bee found on the
West side of the said River next unto
the City of London, and the water of
the said Springs to carry and convey
by and through certaine little Gutters
or Trenches, or Pots or Pipes under
the ground, into one Pit, Pond, or head
of convenient largenesse, to bee made
by the said Provost and Fellowes, their
Successors, Deputies, or Assignes, in
some places apt for the same. And that
it shall and may bee lawfull to and for
the said Provost and Fellowes, their
Successors, Deputies, and Assignes,
having by Art and sleight of Engines
and Waterworkes, or by any other
meanes or devise raised the water of
the said Springs, and so much of the
water there running in the said Ditch
or Trench as shall be thought necessa-
ry, to such height, and into such place,
Pond, Head, or recept, (as to them
shall seeme in that behalfe requisite) to
convey and carry the same in close
Pipes under the ground from the said
They may convey Pipes under ground.
and the said other pla-
ces of receipt, unto the City of London
and the Suburbes thereof, for the per-
petuall maintenance and sustentation
of the said Provost and Fellowes, and
their successors by the rent to be made
of the said waters conveyed as afore-
said. And that for the convenience of
the said water, it shall and may be law-
full to and for the said Provost and Fel-
lowes, their Successors, Deputies and
Assignes, (in all places convenient be-
tweene the said Waterworkes and the
said City of London) to digge,
They may dig and open ground to make conduit heads.
cut, and
open the ground, to such depth and
breadth as shall be convenient for the
laying in of the said Pipes or Pots, tho-
row which the said water shall passe,
and for making little Conduit heads
for vents unto the same, for the better
passage of the said waters, and the
same ground so opened for the pur-
pose aforesaid, (after the said Pipes
or Pots are layed in and placed) the said
Provost and Fellowes, their Successors,
Deputies and Assignes, shall with
Turfe, Earth, Gravell, and other ma-
terials, againe fill up and cover. And
be it, &c. that it shall and may be law-
full to and for the said Provost and Fel-
lowes, their Successors, Deputies, and
Assignes, from time to time, and at all
times convenient, with their men,


horses, carts, or other carriages, to have
free entry and passage, by, over, and
through any ground or land, in places,
and at times meet and convenient, for
the doing and performing of any thing
They may hare free passage to make, and after to preserve the things rade.
for the making of the said se-
verall passages of waters, or for the do-
ing of any other act or thing concer-
ning the same, authorized by this Act,
as also for the continuall preservation
and reparation of the said workes, as
often as need shall require. And be it,
&c. that the Lord Chancellour, or
Lord Keeper of the great Seale of Eng-
for the time being, by Commissi-
on under the great Seale of England, at
the request and charges of the said Pro-
vost and Fellowes, their Successors,
Substitutes and Deputies, or upon the
complaint or petition of any person or
persons whom it may concerne, shall
nominate, appoint, and authorize by
Commission or Commissions, under
the great Seale of England, seven dis-
creet and sufficient persons, whereof
two shall bee lustices of Peace of the
County of Middlesex, and two of the
City of London, and three others at
the choyce and appointment of the said
Lord Chancellour or Lord Keeper,
every of the said persons having Lands
and Tenements, of the cleere yeerely
value of xl. li. at the least, which said
seven persons, or any foure, or more
of them,
What re-
compence the ow-
ners of the ground shall have.
shall have power to order and
set downe what rate or rates, summe
or summes of money shall be payed by
the said Provost and Fellowes, as well
for satisfaction and recompence of
damages, in making the fore-recited
workes, or any thing belonging to the
same, as also for any manner of dama-
ges to be sustained, in the mending or
reparation thereof, from time to time,
or any other costs or charges sustained
by reason of the same, to the Lords,
owners, and occupiers of the ground
and soile, or to others interessed in the
said River or Waters, for which, com-
position is to be made by the intent of
this Act, if the parties cannot of them-
selves agree, and in what manner the
same shall bee paid.
How they may rece-
ver it.
And that for the
recovery of such money, as shall bee so
ordered and set downe by the said
Commissioners, or any foure, or more
of them, the party or parties to whom
the same money shall be due and pay-
able, by the true intent of the said Or-
der, shall or may recover the same, to-
gether with the reasonable costs and
dammages for the forbearance thereof,
against the said Provost and Fellowes,
by action of Debt, Bill, or Plaint, in
any his Majesties Courts at Westmin-
, wherein no Essoine or Protection
shall be allowed.
What grounds may not be digged▪
Provided alwayes,
and it is further enacted, &c. that the
said water shall not bee conveyed tho-
row the House, Garden, or Orchard
of any person or persons, or thorow any
part thereof, or thorow any Corne-
fields, while the Corne is growing or
standing in the same, without the con-
sent first had of the owners and occu-
piers of the said Houses, Gardens, Or-
chards, and Corne-fields. Anno 7.
Iac. cap
. 9.

A briefe Declaration of the reasons that moved his
MAIESTIE and the STATE to erect a Colledge of Di-
vines, and other Learned men, at CHELSEY, together with
the Copy of his Majesties Letters in favouring the same; and
an addition of some Motives forcible to excite good Christians
zeale to a voluntary and liberall contribution.
VNderstanding by experi-
ence, that want of in-
formation hath much
hindred mens devotion
in contributing toward
the erection and dotation of Chelsey
Colledge, we have thought it very fit,
together with his Majesties Letters,
seconded by my Lord Archbishop of
Canterbury, to declare the reasons that
caused this worke to bee undertaken,
and to adde such Motives, as wee have
supposed may be most effectuall to give
satisfaction to his Majesties desire, and
perfection to this honourable designe.
First it was considered, that the
Popes Agents travelled Sea and Land,
wrote bookes in favour of their faction,
devised lies and slanders, to bring Re-
ligion and the Professors thereof into
hatred, and not sparing any standing
in their way, by falshood and trechery
oppugned Kings and Princes, that
could not endure the Popes tyrannicall
government. And for this end, men
of ready wits, good speech, long expe-
rience, and competent learning, have
beene maintained in Colledges, furni-
shed with Bookes, holpen with Coun-
sell and directions, bound with Lawes
and Oathes, to uphold the Papall Hie-
rarchie and Heresie, and which mo-
veth much, encouraged with great
promises and large rewards.
Whereunto albeit private men pi-
ously affected have from time to time
opposed themselves, yet because they
wanted encouragement to undertake
so great a labour, counsell of their An-
cients to direct them, Bookes and Li-
braries to instruct them, formes of pro-
ceeding to keepe them in compasse,
and rewards to maintaine them, those
excepted that are due for Ecclesiasti-
call cures, it was further advised, that
to make a sufficient defence for the
truth of Religion, and honour of the
State, and a strong and continuall op-
position against the continued lies,
slanders, errors, heresies, sects, idola-
tries, and blasphemies of our Adversa-
ries, it was necessary to unite our for-
ces, and to appoint speciall men, that
without other distraction might at-
tend the cause of Religion and the
State, being furnished with Directi-
ons, Instructions, Counsell, Bookes,
Presses, competent maintenance, and
other necessaries.
This then was the reason why this
Colledge by his Majesty and the State
was first designed, and a corporation
granted with large privileges, viz. That
a select number of Divines and others
should bee gathered together into one
body, and united with one forme of
Lawes, and there maintained, who be-
ing furnished with Bookes, and dire-
cted by men of experience and action,
might alwaies bee ready to maintaine


our Christian faith, to answer the Ad-
versaries Calumniations as well against
Religion as the State, to defend the
Majesty of Kings and Princes, against
the vsurpation of Popes, the liberty of
Christians, against the yoke of Super-
stition, to supply the defect of teaching
where Appropriations have devoured
the Ministery, by teaching and confe-
rence to convince the obstinate Papists
and Atheist, and by all lawfull meanes
to maintaine truth, and discover fals-
This is the Colledge commended
by his Majesty, and intended by the
State, and easily to bee perfected if it
please all true Christians to further it
with their helpe and favour, according
to some proportion of their means. His
Majesties Letters directed to my Lord
of Canterbury, follow in these words:
Right trusty and well-beloved Coun-
cellour, we greet you well.
WHereas the enemies of the
Gospell have ever beene for-
ward to write, and publish
bookes for confirming of erronious doctrine,
and impugning the truth, and now of late
seeme more carefull then before to send
daily into our Realmes such their writings,
whereby our loving Subjects, though other-
wise well disposed might be seduced, unlesse
some remedy thereof should bee provided.
We by the advise of our Councell, have late-
ly granted a corporation, and given our
allowance for erecting a Colledge at Chel-
, for learned Divines to be imployed to
write as occasion shall require for maintai-
ning the Religion professed in our King-
domes, and confuting the impugners there-
of. Whereupon Doctor Suteliffe designed
Provost of the said Colledge, hath now hum-
bly signified unto us, that vpon divers pro-
mises of helpe and assistance towards the
erecting and endowing the said Colledge, he
hath at his owne charge begunne, and well
proceeded in the building, as doth suffici-
ently appeare by a good part thereof already
set up in the place appointed for the same.
We therefore being willing to favour and
further so religious a worke, will and re-
quire you to write your Letters to the Bi-
shops of your Province, signifying unto
them in our Name, that our pleasure is,
they deale with the Clergie, and other of
their Diocesse, to give their charitable be-
nevolence for the perfecting of this good work
so well begunne. And for the better perfor-
mance of our desire, wee have given order
to the said Provost and his Associates to at-
tend you and others unto whom it may ap-
pertaine, and to certifie us from time to
time of their proceding. Therford the
5. of May
These Letters my Lord Archbishop of
Canterbury sendeth abroad to the Bi-
shops of his Province, and secondeth
them in these termes:
NOw because it is so pious and reli-
gious a worke, conducing both to
Gods glory, and the saving of ma-
ny a soule within this Kingdome, I cannot
but wish that all devout and well affected
persons should by your selfe and the Prea-
chers in your Diocesse, as well publikely as
otherwise, be excited to contribute in some
measure to so holy an intendment now will
beganne. And although these and the like
motions have beene frequent in these latter
times, yet let not those whom God hath
blessed with any wealth bee weary of well-
doing, that it may not be said that the ido-
latrous and superstitious Papists bee more
forward to advance their falshoods, then
we are to maintaine Gods Truth. Whatso-
ever is collected, I pray you Lordship may
be carefully brought unto me; partly that
it passe not thorow any difrauding hand,
and partly that his Majesty may bee ac-
quainted what is done in this behalfe.
Your Lordships very loving
Brother G. Canterb.
The like Letters are written to my
Lord Chancellour, and my Lord
Maior of London.
By these Letters it may appeare,
that this Colledge is not an idle pro-
ject of any private man, but a pious
worke projected by the King & State,
and that all that professe Religion, and
desire the continuance and advance-
ment thereof, yea, all that honour his
Majesty, and wish the prosperity of the
State, and desire the increase of lear-
ning, have interest therein, and I hope
shall receive contentment, and good
satisfaction by the same.


Being then a worke of piety for the
maintenance of true Religion, who can
be accounted truly pious and religious,
and yet yeeld no helpe to advance it?
being a project to maintaine the ho-
nour of the State, what good Subject
will not contribute to set forward this
project? but to touch onely the point
of Gods honour, let us remember the
words of the Wise man, Prov. 3. Ho-
nour the Lord with thy substance
. Let us
also consider what the Lord himselfe
saith, 1 Sam. 2. Them that honour me, I
will honour; and they that despise mee,
shall be despised
. Now who can say, hee
honoureth God that suffereth him by
idolatry, superstition, and blasphemy to
be dishonoured, and will give nothing
to suppresse Baals Priests, and is con-
tent that the Pope be worshipped like
the Idoll Bell? can Gods honour stand
with the superstition, heresie, idola-
try, and blasphemy of Papists, prophan-
nesse of Atheists, fanaticall doctrine
of Schismatickes, and idle Novelists?
It is not sufficient for true Christians
to professe true Religion, but they must
with zeale maintaine it, and with heart
abhorre, and with hand suppresse ido-
latry and superstition, Who will rise up
with me against the wicked
, saith the Pro-
phet, Psal. 94. And Psal. 139. he saith,
Hee hated those that hated the Lord with
an unfained hatred
. The Law Deut. 13.
is direct against such as intice us to
serve other gods, our eye may not pity
them, nor may we shew mercy unto
them, no although they bee our bro-
thers, or our wives that lie in our bo-
An odious thing also it is, either to
suffer truth to bee suppressed, or lies to
be received. Saint
Augustine in Epist.
ad Casulanum, saith, It is a fault to hide
truth, as well as to tell lies
; Vterque reus
est, & qui veritatem occultat, & qui
mendacium dicit. Chrysostome Homil. 25.
in Math. doth charge him to be a Tray-
tor unto Truth, that dare not boldly
utter it or defend it
; Non ille solum est
proditor veritatis qui veritatem transgre-
diens pro veritate mendacium loquitur,
sed etiam qui non liberè veritatem pronun-
tiat quam pronuntiare tenetur, aut non
liberè veritatem defendit quam liberè de-
fendere convenit.
Some suppose that Christianity and
Popery may stand together, and them-
selves as Newters stand betweene both,
or as Mediators would reconcile both.
But can Christ bee reconciled to Anti-christ?
there is no concord betwixt
Christ and Belial, saith the Apostle,
2 Cor. 6. Elias told us there is no halt-
ing betweene two Religions: no man
that honoureth any Creature can say
he truly honoureth God, for God gi-
veth not his honour to Creatures, Asa
1 King
. 15. was a good King, yet it is
imputed to him that hee tooke not
downe the high places. The Bishop of
the Church of Pergamus, Apocal. 2. is
reproved for suffering them that taught
the doctrine of Balaam; and the Bi-
shop of Thyatira, for permitting Iesabel
to teach and deceive the people; and
shall the Church of England any longer
suffer the Romish Balamites, and the
false Priests of Baal maintained by the
Romish Iesabel and her Consorts to se-
duce Gods people? The false Priests of
Bel used all art and cunning practices to
deceive, and now will not suffer any
Religion but that of their god Bel, the
Pope; and shall not true Christians use
equall diligence to maintaine truth, and
suppresse Popery, and all other idola-
trous and false Religion? Ingemui fate-
(saith Hierome) minus nobis inesse vo-
luntatis ad propugnandam veritasem,
quam inest illis cupiditatis ad inculcandum
: I sighed (saith he) seeing
lesse desire in us to defend truth, then
in our adversaries to maintaine lies.
This Colledge then being erected
for maintenance of truth and Gods true
service, and a resoiute opposition a-
gainst errors and false worship of God,
it cannot but please God and content
godly men. The same will also bee a
meanes to increase learning, and to sup-
ply the defects of places haunted with
the spirits of Antichrist, the Jesuits,
and Masse-priests, and therefore can-
not chuse but be well approved of all,
that either desire a learned Ministery,
or love learning. Finally, seeing the
Church hath received no greater dis-
honour by any, then by unsufficient and
unlearned Churchmen, I hope this may
bee a meanes to recover some part of
their lost honour.


Wherefore, whether we regard the
service of God, or the honour we owe
to our King, or the love wee beare to
our Country and the State, let us not
shew our selves sparing or backward
in yeelding our ayd to set forward a
worke so religious and profitable for
the Church, so honourable for the
State, so necessary in regard of the ma-
lice of our adversaries, and the defects
and discouragement of our owne for-
ces. Other collections have beene ei-
ther for private persons or strangers, or
places remote, or matters concerning
some particular occasions. This con-
cerneth a generall good, and toucheth
every man both in conscience and ho-
nour. Heretofore wee have endevou-
red to maintaine Religion, and favour
others abroad, let us not therefore neg-
lect our selves, and our owne honour,
profit, and necessary service at home.
Neither let any man thinke it strange,
that a worke of such greatnesse should
be advanced by this weake meanes, or
that a project so necessary should pro-
ceed so slowly. Almighty God, albeit
all-sufficient, yet would have his owne
Tabernable built by the voluntary offe-
rings of his people. Speake, saith God
to Moyses, Exod. 25. to the children of
Israel, that they receive an offering for me
of every man whose heart giveth it freely
And Exod. 36. it followeth, and they
brought still unto Moyses free gifts every
morning, and they ceased not untill they
were stayed from offering
. King Solomon
likewise was greatly holpen in the buil-
ding of the Temple by the contributi-
on of his Subjects, as appeareth by the
words of Scriptures, 1 King. 9. 19. fur-
ther, by voluntary offerings and contri-
butions, the Temple was repaired by
Ioash, 2 King. 12. and by Iosiah, 2 Chron.
. and this hath beene the use and
practice of ancient times in building,
and endowing most famous Churches,
Colledges, Schooles, and other Monu-
ments of Religion and Learning, both
in our owne and other Countries. Our
Adversaries by this course have had
meanes to build many Monasteries and
Colledges, and Schooles for Jesuites
and Friers, as it were propugnacles of
Superstition, Heresie, Idolatry, and
Antichrists tyranny, to uphold and
make good their owne corruptions in
Religion, and usurpations upon the
Magistrates government, and every
Christian mans liberty. And this have
they done not onely in Europe, but also
in the Indies, and not one in every King-
dome, but in the same State divers, and
almost in every great City one. And
shall not this flourishing Kingdome
build and endow one Colledge for the
maintenance of Gods true service, and
the honour of the whole State? It were
a dishonour to our Nation, and the
whole Church and State to thinke
The worke we confesse hath hither-
to proceeded slowly: And no marvell,
seeing great workes are not easily at-
chieved. Noes Arke, Gods Tabernacle
and Temple, and famous Schooles and
Colledges, albeit founded by Kings
and great men, were long in build-
ing, and doe we wonder that this Col-
lege is not yet finished? further it plea-
sed God to deprive us of Prince Henry
our principall hope, and the chiefe
Author of this designe. Lastly, who
knoweth whether God hath appoin-
ted these weake meanes to set forward
a great worke, that his power in our
weaknes might have the whole glory?
Let us therefore, good Country-
men and Christians, hearken willingly
to his Majesties motion, and readily
follow his example. Let it appeare by
our bounty how zealous wee are to
maintaine his everlasting Truth, and
root out error and idolatry. Let us by
effects declare how studious we are to
doe good workes, and to advance our
Countries honour. They that have
much may give of their abundance: the
rest according to the measure of their
meanes. God as well accepteth the
Widowes mite, and poore mans good
will, as the rich mans treasure.
If wee honour God with our sub-
stance, he will honour us and encrease
our substance. If we build a house for
the maintenance of his truth, that it
may continue to our posterity, God
will uphold our houses, restore to us,
and double it to our posterity. Abra-
by offering his sonne, was made a
father of many sonnes, yea of Nations.
And Salomon that shewed his Royall


magnificence in building God a Tem-
ple, in honour and riches passed all o-
ther Kings. How then can wee excuse
our selves, if wee deny God a small of-
fring, that daily offereth to us many
graces, and giveth us all the good
things we possesse. Our soules and bo-
dies are a sacrifice due to him: and
therefore no Christian may deny to
him an offring out of his wordly goods,
if Gods service require it.
As for those that draw backe in this
service, and refuse to concurre in pro-
moting Gods honour, let them marke
the words of our Saviour, Matth. 12.
He that is not with me is against me
. And
the curse of the Angell upon the people
of Meros, Iudg. 5. Curse ye Meros, saith
the Angell, for they came not up to helpe
the Lord
But we hope we shall not need ma-
ny words to move them, that already
are so well perswaded, nor to perswade
men, that in Religion and devotion are
so forward. It is the duty of good
Christians to advance Gods honour,
and represse Superstition, Heresie, I-
dolatry, Blasphemy. It is the office of
good subjects to defend the honour of
the State, against the sycophancies of
English Fugitives, and the secret pra-
ctices of fortaine enemies their adhe-
rents. The adversaries using all their
skill, and joyning their forces against
Religion and the State, it behoveth us
likewise to unite our forces, and to
joyne in consultation how to resist
them. This common businesse requi-
reth common helpe, the practices
of the Adversaries provoke us to use
speed, the quality of the worke being
for defence of Religion and the State,
will move any whose heart is not har-
dened, cheerefully to give. Whoso-
ever shall willingly give, shall receive
of God a full reward in this life, and
when they dye, their workes shall fol-
low them, and then whatsoever they
have given to God on earth, they shall
assuredly finde in Heaven.
Wherefore recommending the Col-
ledge of Chelsey to every religious
Christians devout thoughts, we cease
further to presse them. Only for satis-
faction of those that desire to know
why this Colledge is erected at Chelsey,
and not in one of the Vniversities, this
we thought fit to adde, that this place
was thought most fit to receive directi-
ons from our Superious, to consult
with men of best experience, to ob-
taine intelligence from forraigne parts,
to print Bookes, and to disperse them;
And lastly, to obtaine the favour of the
State and City. Further hereby, as all
emulation may bee avoyded, so the
helpe of both Vniversities may as well
be had by entercourse of our Agents,
as if the Colledge stood in either of the
Vniversities. Thus all things now
stand. God blesse the proceeding of
this worke, and give honour to his
owne name, and a happy issue to this
holy designe. Amen.

Cite this page

MLA citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Chelsey College. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 26 Jun. 2020,

Chicago citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): Chelsey College. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed June 26, 2020.

APA citation

Stow, J., Munday, A., Munday, A., & Dyson, H. 2020. The Survey of London (1633): Chelsey College. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Dyson, Humphrey
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - The Survey of London (1633): Chelsey College
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/06/26
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
UR  -
UR  -
ER  - 


RT Web Page
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Stow, John
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Dyson, Humphrey
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 The Survey of London (1633): Chelsey College
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/06/26
RD 2020/06/26
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">The Survey of London (1633): Chelsey College</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-06-26">26 Jun. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>

