Undergraduate student contribution

Bill of Mortality Finding Aid

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Bill of Mortality Finding Aid

About the Bill of Mortality Finding Aid

A † denotes that I have inferred the data. For more explanation of my sources, see the Preface for the Bill of Mortality Finding Aid.



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1603-07-14 1603-09-08 1603 John Windet
  • STC 16743.1
  • ESTC S2794
  • TCP A06257
Harvard University Library None found. EEBO EEBO A generall bill for 8 vveekes; imperfect copy: right-side cut-off.
1603-07-14 1603-07-21 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. EEBO
1603-07-21 1603-07-28 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. EEBO Harvard University Library copy contains arithmetical emendations within the document.
1603-07-28 1603-08-04 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. EEBO Reel 1820:13 (Harvard University Library) in considerably better condition.
1603-08-04 1603-08-11 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. EEBO
1603-08-11 1603-08-18 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC STC: There are 2 settings; in heading: ’neere’ ([British Library]) or ’nere’ ([Harvard University Library]).
1603-08-18 1603-08-25 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC
1603-08-25 1603-09-01 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC STC: There are 2 settings: royal arms with ([Harvard University Library]) or without ([British Library]) ’I R’.
1603-09-01 1603-09-08 1603 Felix Kingston STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC Large difference in typesetting from previous weeks. STC: There are 2 settings; line 3 of heading ends ’to the’ ([British Library]) or ’the Kings’ ([Harvard University Library]). See Court-Book C, p. 8. EEBO does not have a digital surrogate of any Harvard University Library copy for this bill or any following in this STC number.
1603-09-08 1603-09-15 1603 Felix Kingston STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC
1603-09-15 1603-09-22 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO STC STC claims that the printer on this copy (listed on at Harvard University Library) is printed by Felix Kingston. The printer attributed is John Windet.
1603-09-22 1603-09-29 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC
1603-09-29 1603-10-06 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC STC lists this bill only in Harvard University Library, but facsimile is available from British Library.
1603-10-06 1603-10-13 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
  • John Rylands University Library of Manchester
None found. STC Includes all that haue dyed in Weſtminſter, in the Sauoy, in Stepney, Newington, and ſundry other places, ſince the ſickneſſe beganne there. STC: Royal arms with ’I R’.
1603-10-13 1603-10-20 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
  • Guildhall Library
None found. Guildhall Miscellany Includes all that haue dyed in Weſtminſter, in the Sauoy, in Stepney, Newington, and ſundry other places, ſince the ſickneſſe beganne there. STC: (Formerly 16739) Royal arms without ’I R’.
1603-10-20 1603-10-27 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO STC STC: Royal arms with ’I R’.
1603-10-27 1603-11-03 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
  • Guildhall Library
None found. STC STC: (Formerly 16739) There are 2 settings: royal arms with (L, HD) or without (L8) ’I R’. Guildhall Library copy imperfect.
1603-11-03 1603-11-10 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC STC: Royal arms with ’I R’.
1603-11-10 1603-11-17 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC STC: There are 2 settings: royal arms with (L) or without (HD) ’I R’.
1603-11-17 1603-11-24 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC STC: There are 2 settings: royal arms with (HD) or without (L) ’I R’.
1603-11-24 1603-12-01 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC STC: Royal arms with ’I R’. Harvard University Library copy top cropped.
1603-12-01 1603-12-08 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC STC: Royal arms with ’I R’.
1603-12-08 1603-12-15 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC STC: Royal arms with ’I R’.
1603-12-15 1603-12-22 1603 John Windet STC 16743.9
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC STC: There are 2 settings: royal arms with (L) or without (HD) ’I R’.


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1602-12-17 1603-10-03 1603 John Windet Guildhall Library None found. None found. Guildhall Miscellany Falls short of an actual yearly total. Guildhall Miscellany: These figures are included in the bill for the week 27 Oct./3 Nov., 1603.
1602-12-23 1603-12-22 1603 John Windet
  • STC 16739.5
  • ESTC S2790
  • TCP A06251
  • Harvard University Library
  • Huntington Library
TCP EEBO Wilson Facsimile in Wilson, p. 114. Wilson states this is in the Huntington. This copy is from Harvard University Library.
1602-12-23 1603-12-22 1603 John Windet STC 16739.7 British Library None found. EEBO EEBO Type was definitely recast between 16739.5 and 16739.7. This bill may also be in the Guildhall Library. Two facsimiles exist of this exact bill but I have chosen the the reproduction from reel 2313:5a as it is substantially clearer.
1602-12-23 1603-12-22 1625 William Stansby
  • STC 16740
  • ESTC S904
  • TCP A06253
Bodleian Library TCP EEBO Wilson Wilson: The yearly bills for 1603 and 1625 in Bodl. MS. Rawl. D. 859 were printed together on one sheet by William Stansby in 1625 (200). Wilson continues: In the bill for 1603 the weekly totals are given for the whole year (except for the week ending 30 December 1602), but the burials in each serveral parish are given only for the twenty-three weeks from 14 July to 22 December (Wilson 200, n.2).
1602-12-23 1603-12-22 1625 William Stansby
  • STC 16740.5
  • ESTC S125099
  • TCP A72798
Guildhall Library TCP EEBO EEBO It is set in a different type than 16740.5.



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1603-12-29 1604-01-05 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC
1604-01-05 1604-01-12 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC
1604-01-12 1604-01-19 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10 British Library None found. EEBO STC Substantial damage.
1604-01-19 1604-01-26 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO STC
1604-01-26 1604-02-02 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO STC
1604-02-02 1604-02-09 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC
1604-02-09 1604-02-16 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10
  • British Library
  • Harvard University Library
None found. STC
1604-02-16 1604-02-23 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO STC
1604-02-23 1604-03-01 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO STC Copy in M mutilated.
1604-03-01 1604-03-08 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO STC
1604-03-08 1604-03-15 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO STC
1604-03-15 1604-03-22 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO STC
1604-03-22 1604-03-29 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO STC
1604-03-29 1604-04-05 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO STC
1604-04-05 1604-04-12 1604 John Windet STC 16743.10 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO STC
1604-05-24 1604-05-31 1604 John Windet STC 16743.11 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO EEBO One of four bills, covering four weeks from 24 May 1604 to 24 June 1604. Unclear if they were collected at a later date or sold as a set. All collected under one STC number.
1604-05-31 1604-06-07 1604 John Windet STC 16743.11 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO EEBO One of four bills, covering four weeks from 24 May 1604 to 24 June 1604. Unclear if they were collected at a later date or sold as a set. All collected under one STC number.
1604-06-07 1604-06-14 1604 John Windet STC 16743.11 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO EEBO One of four bills, covering four weeks from 24 May 1604 to 24 June 1604. Unclear if they were collected at a later date or sold as a set. All collected under one STC number.
1604-06-14 1604-06-21 1604 John Windet STC 16743.11 Harvard University Library None found. EEBO EEBO One of four bills, covering four weeks from 24 May 1604 to 24 June 1604. Unclear if they were collected at a later date or sold as a set. All collected under one STC number.



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1625-07-14 1625-07-21 1625 William Stansby Bodleian Library None found. None found. Wilson
1625-10-20 1625-10-27 1625 William Stansby Bodleian Library None found. None found. Wilson
1625-08-04 1625-08-11 1625 William Stansby
  • STC 16744
  • ESTC S102940
  • TCP A06265
British Library None found. EEBO Wilson Wilson notes an extant weekly bill for the week ending 11 August at B.M. 1298. m. 11. (18). STC corrobates.


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1624-12-16 1625-12-15 1625 William Stansby
  • STC 16741
  • ESTC S124025
  • TCP A06254
Guildhall Library None found. EEBO Wilson This could possibly be the bill Wilson refers to as the bill from S. P. Dom., Chas. 1. Vol II, Doc 70. Corroborated by Guildhall Miscellany.
1624-12-22 1625-12-23 1625 William Stansby
  • STC 16740
  • ESTC S904
  • TCP A06253
Bodleian Library TCP EEBO Wilson Wilson: The yearly bills for 1603 and 1625 in Bodl. MS. Rawl. D. 859 were printed together on one sheet by William Stansby in 1625 (200). Wilson continues: In the bill for 1603 the weekly totals are given for the whole year (except for the week ending 30 December 1602), but the burials in each serveral parish are given only for the twenty-three weeks from 14 July to 22 December (Wilson 200, n.2).



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1628 1629-12-17 1629 Richard Hodgkinson
  • STC 16742
  • ESTC S2792
  • TCP A06255
Guildhall Library None found. EEBO Wilson Wilson references this bill without giving its location (201). Guildhall Miscellany collects this bill with all years up to 15 December 1636.



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1629 1630-12-16 1630 Richard Hodgkinson
  • STC 16743
  • ESTC S1588
  • TCP A06263
  • British Library
  • Guildhall
None found. EEBO EEBO Wilson and STC tell that another copy of the 1630 bill is in B.M. Egerton MS. 2645, fo. 234.



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1630 1631-12-15 1631 Richard Hodgkinson
  • STC 16743
  • ESTC S1588
  • TCP A06263
  • British Library
  • Guildhall
  • Victoria and Albert Museum
None found. EEBO EEBO STC claims this bill is held in Guildhall Library and the Forster. Page images come from the British Library



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1631 1632-12-20 1632 Richard Hodgkinson
  • STC 16743
  • ESTC S1588
  • TCP A06263
  • Guildhall Library
  • Victoria and Albert Museum
None found. None found. STC



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1632 1633-12-19 1633 Richard Hodgkinson
  • STC 16743
  • ESTC S1588
  • TCP A06263
Guildhall Library None found. None found. Wilson



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1633 1634-12-18 1634 Richard Hodgkinson
  • STC 16743
  • ESTC S1588
  • TCP A06263
Guildhall Library None found. None found. Wilson



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1635-11-26 1635-12-03 1635 Thomas Cotes
  • STC 16744.5
  • ESTC S1341
  • TCP A06264
Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery None found. EEBO (recto|verso) EEBO Lists Diseases and Casualties on verso. May be the bill in the Guildhall Library referred to by Wilson and Sutherland


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1634 1635-12-17 1635 Richard Hodgkinson
  • STC 16743
  • ESTC S1588
  • TCP A06263
Guildhall Library None found. None found. Wilson



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1636-04-28 1636-05-05 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC Lists disease on verso with a tally of women vs. men. Damaged.
1636-05-05 1636-05-12 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-05-12 1636-05-19 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-05-19 1636-05-26 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-05-26 1636-06-02 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-06-16 1636-06-23 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-06-30 1636-07-07 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-07-07 1636-07-14 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-07-28 1636-08-04 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-08-04 1636-08-11 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-08-11 1636-08-18 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-08-25 1636-09-01 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-09-01 1636-09-08 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-09-08 1636-09-15 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-09-15 1636-09-22 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-09-22 1636-09-29 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-09-29 1636-10-06 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-10-06 1636-10-13 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-10-13 1636-10-20 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1636-10-20 1636-10-27 1636 Thomas Cotes STC 16745 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1635 1636-12-15 1636 Thomas Cotes
  • STC 16743
  • ESTC S1588
  • TCP A06263
Guildhall Library None found. None found. Wilson



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1636 1637 1637 Thomas Cotes Guildhall Library None found. None found. Wilson



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1638-05-31 1638-06-07 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-06-14 1638-06-21 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-06-21 1638-06-28 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-06-28 1638-07-05 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-07-05 1638-07-12 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-07-12 1638-07-19 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-07-19 1638-07-26 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-07-26 1638-08-02 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-08-02 1638-08-09 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-08-16 1638-08-23 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-08-23 1638-08-30 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-08-30 1638-09-06 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-09-06 1638-09-13 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-09-13 1638-09-20 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-09-20 1638-09-27 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-09-27 1638-10-04 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-10-04 1638-10-11 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-10-11 1638-10-18 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-10-18 1638-10-25 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-11-08 1638-11-15 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-11-15 1638-11-22 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1638-11-22 1638-11-29 1638 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.3 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1638-12-27 1639-01-03 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-01-03 1639-01-10 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-01-10 1639-01-17 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-01-17 1639-01-24 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-01-24 1639-01-31 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-01-31 1639-02-07 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-02-14 1639-02-21 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-02-21 1639-02-28 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-02-28 1639-03-07 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-03-07 1639-03-14 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-03-14 1639-03-21 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-03-21 1639-03-28 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-03-28 1639-03-04 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-04-04 1639-04-11 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-04-11 1639-04-18 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-04-18 1639-04-25 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-04-25 1639-05-02 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-05-02 1639-05-09 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-05-09 1639-05-16 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-05-16 1639-05-23 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-05-23 1639-05-30 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-05-30 1639-06-06 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-06-06 1639-06-13 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-06-13 1639-06-20 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-06-20 1639-06-27 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-06-27 1639-07-04 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-07-04 1639-07-11 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-07-11 1639-07-18 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-07-18 1639-07-25 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-08-01 1639-08-08 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-08-08 1639-08-15 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-08-15 1639-08-22 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-08-22 1639-08-29 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-08-29 1639-09-05 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-09-05 1639-09-12 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-09-12 1639-09-19 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-09-19 1639-09-26 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-09-26 1639-10-03 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-10-03 1639-10-10 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-10-10 1639-10-17 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-10-17 1639-10-24 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-10-24 1639-10-31 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-10-31 1639-11-07 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-11-07 1639-11-14 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-11-14 1639-11-21 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-11-21 1639-11-28 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-11-28 1639-12-05 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC
1639-12-05 1639-12-12 1639 Thomas Cotes STC 16745.5 Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) STC



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1641-01-07 1641-01-14 1641 Thomas Cotes
  • Serial 222.64104
  • STC 16745.7
  • ESTC S441
Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) Serial
1641-01-14 1641-01-21 1641 Thomas Cotes
  • Serial 222.64105
  • STC 16745.7
  • ESTC S441
Bodleian Library None found. EEBO (recto|verso) Serial
1641-11-04 1641-11-11 1641 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64147 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1641-11-18 1641-11-25 1641 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64149 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1641-11-25 1641-12-02 1641 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64150 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1641-12-02 1641-12-09 1641 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64151 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1641-12-09 1641-12-16 1641 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64152 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1641-12-16 1641-12-23 1641 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64201 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1641-12-23 1641-12-30 1641 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64202 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1640 1641-12-16 1641 Richard Cotes Guildhall Library None found. None found. Guildhall Miscellany



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1641-12-30 1642-01-06 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64146 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1641-12-30 1642-01-06 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64203 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-01-06 1642-01-13 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64204 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-01-13 1642-01-20 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64205 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-01-20 1642-01-27 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64206 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-02-03 1642-02-10 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64208 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-02-10 1642-02-17 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64209 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-02-17 1642-02-24 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64210 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-02-24 1642-03-03 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64211 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-03-03 1642-03-10 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64212 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-03-10 1642-03-17 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64213 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-03-17 1642-03-24 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64214 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-03-24 1642-03-31 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64215 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-03-31 1642-04-07 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64216 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-04-07 1642-04-14 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64217 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-04-14 1642-04-21 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64218 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-04-21 1642-04-28 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64219 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-05-05 1642-05-12 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64221 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-05-12 1642-05-19 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64222 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-05-19 1642-05-26 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64223 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-05-26 1642-06-02 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64224 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-06-02 1642-06-09 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64225 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-06-09 1642-06-16 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64226 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-06-16 1642-06-23 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64227 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-06-23 1642-06-30 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64228 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-06-30 1642-07-07 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64229 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-07-14 1642-07-21 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64231 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-07-21 1642-07-28 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64232 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-07-28 1642-08-04 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64233 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-08-04 1642-08-11 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64234 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-08-11 1642-08-18 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64235 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-08-18 1642-08-25 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64236 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-08-25 1642-09-01 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64237 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-09-01 1642-09-08 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64238 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-09-08 1642-09-15 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64239 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-09-15 1642-09-22 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64240 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-09-22 1642-09-29 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64241 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-09-29 1642-10-06 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64242 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-10-06 1642-10-13 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64243 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-10-13 1642-10-20 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64244 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-10-20 1642-10-27 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64245 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-10-27 1642-11-03 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64246 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-11-03 1642-11-10 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64247 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-11-10 1642-11-17 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64248 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-11-17 1642-11-24 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64249 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-11-24 1642-12-01 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64250 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-12-01 1642-12-08 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64251 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-12-08 1642-12-15 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64252 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-12-15 1642-12-22 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64301 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1642-12-22 1642-12-29 1642 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64302 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1641 1642 1642 Richard Cotes Guildhall Library None found. None found. Wilson



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1642-12-29 1643-01-05 1643 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64303 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1643-01-12 1643-01-19 1643 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64305 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1643-01-19 1643-01-26 1643 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64306 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1643-01-26 1643-02-02 1643 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64307 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1643-02-09 1643-02-16 1643 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64309 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1643-02-16 1643-02-23 1643 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64310 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1643-02-23 1643-03-02 1643 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64311 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1643-03-02 1643-03-09 1643 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64312 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1643-03-09 1643-03-16 1643 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64313 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1643-03-16 1643-03-23 1643 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64314 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1643-09-28 1643-10-05 1643 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64342 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1644-03-21 1644-03-28 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64415 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-03-28 1644-04-04 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64416 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-04-04 1644-04-11 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64417 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-04-11 1644-04-18 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64418 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-04-18 1644-04-25 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64419 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-04-25 1644-05-02 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64420 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-05-02 1644-05-09 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64421 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-05-09 1644-05-16 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64422 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-05-16 1644-05-23 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64423 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-05-23 1644-05-30 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64424 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-05-30 1644-06-06 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64425 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-06-06 1644-06-13 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64426 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-06-13 1644-06-20 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64427 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-06-20 1644-06-27 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64428 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-06-27 1644-07-04 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64429 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-07-04 1644-07-11 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64430 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-07-11 1644-07-18 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64431 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-07-18 1644-07-25 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64432 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-07-25 1644-08-01 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64433 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-08-01 1644-08-08 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64434 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-08-08 1644-08-15 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64435 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-08-15 1644-08-22 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64436 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-08-22 1644-08-29 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64437 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-08-29 1644-09-05 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64438 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-09-05 1644-09-12 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64439 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-09-12 1644-09-19 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64440 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-09-19 1644-09-26 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64441 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-10-03 1644-10-10 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64443 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-10-10 1644-10-17 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64444 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-10-17 1644-10-24 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64445 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-10-24 1644-10-31 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64446 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-10-31 1644-11-07 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64447 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-11-07 1644-11-14 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64448 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-11-14 1644-11-21 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64449 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-11-21 1644-11-28 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64450 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-11-28 1644-12-05 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64451 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-12-05 1644-12-12 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64452 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1644-12-12 1644-12-19 1644 Richard Cotes
  • Serial 222.64453
  • E.258(3)
  • Bodleian Library
  • British Library
None found. EEBO (recto|verso) Serial Facsimile is of the British Library copy from the Tomason Tracts.
1644-12-19 1644-12-26 1644 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64501 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1644-12-26 1645-01-02 1645 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64502 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1645-09-18 1645-09-25 1645 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64540 Harvard University Library None found. None found. Serial



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1646-03-26 1646-04-02 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64615 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-04-02 1646-04-09 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64616 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-04-09 1646-04-16 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64617 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-04-16 1646-04-23 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64618 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-04-23 1646-04-30 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64619 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-04-30 1646-05-07 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64620 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-05-07 1646-05-14 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64621 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-05-14 1646-05-21 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64622 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-05-21 1646-05-28 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64623 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-05-28 1646-06-04 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64624 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-06-04 1646-06-11 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64625 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-06-11 1646-06-18 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64626 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-06-25 1646-07-02 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64628 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-07-02 1646-07-09 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64629 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-07-09 1646-07-16 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64630 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-07-16 1646-07-23 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64631 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-08-06 1646-08-13 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64634 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-08-13 1646-08-20 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64635 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-08-20 1646-08-27 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64636 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-09-10 1646-09-17 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64639 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-09-17 1646-09-24 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64640 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-09-24 1646-10-01 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64641 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-10-01 1646-10-08 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64642 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-10-08 1646-10-15 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64643 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-10-22 1646-10-29 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64645 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-10-29 1646-11-05 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64646 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-11-05 1646-11-12 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64647 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-11-12 1646-11-19 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64648 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-11-19 1646-11-26 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64649 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-11-26 1646-12-03 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64650 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-12-03 1646-12-10 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64651 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-12-10 1646-12-17 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64652 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-12-15 1646-12-22 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64701 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1646-12-22 1646-12-29 1646 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64702 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1646-12-29 1647-01-05 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64703 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-01-05 1647-01-12 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64704 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-01-12 1647-01-19 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64705 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-01-19 1647-01-26 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64706 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-01-26 1647-02-02 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64707 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-02-02 1647-02-09 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64708 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-02-09 1647-02-16 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64709 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-02-16 1647-02-23 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64710 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-02-23 1647-03-02 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64711 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-03-02 1647-03-09 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64712 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-03-09 1647-03-16 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64713 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-03-16 1647-03-23 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64714 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-03-23 1647-03-30 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64715 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-03-30 1647-04-06 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64716 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-04-06 1647-04-13 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64717 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-04-13 1647-04-20 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64718 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-04-20 1647-04-27 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64719 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-04-27 1647-05-04 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64720 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-05-04 1647-05-11 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64721 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-05-11 1647-05-18 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64722 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-05-18 1647-05-25 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64723 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-05-25 1647-06-01 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64724 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-06-01 1647-06-08 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64725 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-06-08 1647-06-15 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64726 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-06-15 1647-06-22 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64727 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-06-22 1647-06-29 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64728 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-06-29 1647-07-06 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64729 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-07-06 1647-07-13 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64730 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-07-13 1647-07-20 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64731 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-07-20 1647-07-27 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64732 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-07-27 1647-08-03 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64733 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-08-03 1647-08-10 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64734 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-08-10 1647-08-17 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64735 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-08-17 1647-08-24 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64736 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-08-24 1647-08-31 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64737 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-09-07 1647-09-14 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64739 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-09-14 1647-09-21 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64740 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-09-28 1647-10-05 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64742 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-10-05 1647-10-12 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64743 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-10-12 1647-10-19 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64744 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-10-26 1647-11-02 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64746 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-11-02 1647-11-09 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64747 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-11-09 1647-11-16 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64748 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-11-16 1647-11-23 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64749 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-11-23 1647-11-30 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64750 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-12-07 1647-12-14 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64752 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-12-14 1647-12-21 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64801 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1647-12-21 1647-12-28 1647 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64802 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1647-12-28 1648-01-04 1648 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64803 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1648-01-04 1648-01-11 1648 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64804 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1648-01-11 1648-01-18 1648 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64805 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1648-01-18 1648-01-25 1648 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64806 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1648-01-25 1648-02-01 1648 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64807 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1648-02-01 1648-02-08 1648 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64808 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1648-02-08 1648-02-15 1648 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64809 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1648-02-15 1648-02-22 1648 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64810 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1648-02-22 1648-02-29 1648 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64811 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1648-02-29 1648-03-07 1648 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64812 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1648-03-07 1648-03-14 1648 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64813 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1648-03-14 1648-03-21 1648 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64814 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1649-03-20 1649-03-27 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64915 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-03-27 1649-04-02 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64916 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-04-03 1649-04-10 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64917 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-04-10 1649-04-17 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64918 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-04-17 1649-04-24 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64919 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-04-24 1649-05-01 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64920 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-05-01 1649-05-08 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64921 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-05-08 1649-05-15 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64922 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-05-15 1649-05-22 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64923 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-05-22 1649-05-29 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64924 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-05-29 1649-06-05 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64925 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-06-05 1649-06-12 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64926 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-06-12 1649-06-19 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64927 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-06-19 1649-06-26 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64928 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-07-03 1649-07-10 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64930 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-07-10 1649-07-17 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64931 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-07-17 1649-07-24 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64932 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-07-24 1649-07-31 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.64933 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1649-12-18 1649-12-25 1649 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65002 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1649-12-25 1650-01-01 1650 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65003 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1650-01-01 1650-01-08 1650 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65004 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1650-01-08 1650-01-15 1650 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65005 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1650-01-15 1650-01-22 1650 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65006 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1650-01-29 1650-02-05 1650 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65008 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1650-02-05 1650-02-12 1650 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65009 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1650-02-12 1650-02-19 1650 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65010 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1650-02-19 1650-02-26 1650 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65011 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1650-02-26 1650-03-05 1650 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65012 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1650-03-05 1650-03-12 1650 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65007 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1650-03-05 1650-03-12 1650 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65013 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1650-03-12 1650-03-19 1650 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65014A Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1650-03-19 1650-03-26 1650 Richard Cotes Serial 222.65014B Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1649 1650 1650 Ellinor Cotes Guildhall Library None found. None found. Sutherland



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1651-02-04 1651-02-11 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65108 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-03-25 1651-04-01 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65115 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-04-01 1651-04-08 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65116 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-04-08 1651-04-15 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65117 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-04-15 1651-04-22 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65118 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-04-22 1651-04-29 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65119 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-04-29 1651-05-06 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65120 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-05-06 1651-05-13 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65121 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-05-13 1651-05-20 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65122 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-05-20 1651-05-27 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65123 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-05-27 1651-06-03 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65124 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-06-03 1651-06-10 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65125 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-06-10 1651-06-17 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65126 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-06-17 1651-06-24 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65127 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-06-24 1651-07-01 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65128 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-07-01 1651-07-08 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65129 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-07-15 1651-07-22 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65131 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-07-22 1651-07-29 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65132 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-07-29 1651-08-05 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65133 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-08-19 1651-08-26 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65136 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-08-26 1651-09-02 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65137 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-09-02 1651-09-09 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65138 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-09-16 1651-09-23 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65140 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-10-14 1651-10-21 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65144 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-10-28 1651-11-04 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65146 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-11-11 1651-11-18 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65148 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-11-18 1651-11-25 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65149 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-11-25 1651-12-02 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65150 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-12-02 1651-12-09 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65151 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-12-09 1651-12-16 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65152 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-12-16 1651-12-23 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65201 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1651-12-23 1651-12-30 1651 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65202 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1650 1651 1651 Ellinor Cotes Guildhall Library None found. None found. Sutherland



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1651-12-30 1652-01-06 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65203 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-01-06 1652-01-13 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65204 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-01-13 1652-01-20 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65205 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-01-20 1652-01-27 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65206 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-01-27 1652-02-03 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65207 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-02-03 1652-02-10 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65208 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-02-10 1652-02-17 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65209 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-02-17 1652-02-24 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65210 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-02-24 1652-03-02 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65211 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-03-16 1652-03-23 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65214 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-05-04 1652-05-11 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65221 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-05-11 1652-05-18 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65222 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-08-10 1652-08-17 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65235 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-10-12 1652-10-19 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65244 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-11-16 1652-11-23 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65249 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-12-07 1652-12-14 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65252 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1652-12-21 1652-12-28 1652 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65302 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1651 1652 1652 Ellinor Cotes Guildhall Library None found. None found. Sutherland



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1653-01-18 1653-01-25 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65306 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-03-22 1653-03-29 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65315 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-03-29 1653-04-05 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65316 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-04-05 1653-04-12 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65317 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-04-12 1653-04-19 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65318 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-04-19 1653-04-26 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65319 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-05-03 1653-05-10 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65321 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-05-10 1653-05-17 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65322 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-05-17 1653-05-24 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65323 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-05-24 1653-05-31 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65324 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-05-31 1653-06-07 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65325 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-06-07 1653-06-14 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65326 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-06-14 1653-06-21 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65327 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-06-21 1653-06-28 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65328 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-06-28 1653-07-05 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65329 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-07-05 1653-07-12 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65330 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-07-12 1653-07-19 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65331 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-07-19 1653-07-26 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65332 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-08-02 1653-08-09 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65334 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-08-09 1653-08-16 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65335 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-08-16 1653-08-23 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65336 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-08-23 1653-08-30 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65337 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-08-30 1653-09-06 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65338 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-09-06 1653-09-13 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65339 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-09-13 1653-09-20 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65340 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-09-20 1653-09-27 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65341 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-09-27 1653-10-04 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65342 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-10-04 1653-10-11 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65343 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-10-11 1653-10-18 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65344 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-10-25 1653-11-01 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65346 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-11-01 1653-11-08 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65347 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-11-08 1653-11-15 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65348 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-11-15 1653-11-22 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65349 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-11-22 1653-11-29 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65350 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-11-29 1653-12-06 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65351 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-12-06 1653-12-13 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65352 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-12-13 1653-12-20 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65401 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1653-12-20 1653-12-27 1653 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65402 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1652 1653 1653 Ellinor Cotes Guildhall Library None found. None found. Wilson



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1653-12-27 1654-01-03 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65403 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-01-03 1654-01-10 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65404 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-01-10 1654-01-17 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65405 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-01-24 1654-01-31 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65407 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-01-31 1654-02-07 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65408 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-02-07 1654-02-14 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65409 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-02-14 1654-02-21 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65410 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-02-21 1654-02-28 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65411 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-02-28 1654-03-07 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65412 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-03-07 1654-03-14 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65413 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-03-14 1654-03-21 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65414 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-03-21 1654-03-28 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65415 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-04-04 1654-04-11 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65417 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-04-11 1654-04-18 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65418 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-05-02 1654-05-09 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65421 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-05-09 1654-05-16 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65422 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-05-16 1654-05-23 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65423 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-05-23 1654-05-30 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65424 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-05-30 1654-06-06 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65425 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-06-06 1654-06-13 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65426 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-06-13 1654-06-20 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65427 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-06-20 1654-06-27 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65428 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-06-27 1654-07-04 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65429 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-07-04 1654-07-11 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65430 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-07-11 1654-07-18 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65431 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-07-18 1654-07-25 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65432 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-07-25 1654-08-01 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65433 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-08-01 1654-08-08 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65434 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-08-08 1654-08-15 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65435 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-08-15 1654-08-22 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65436 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-08-22 1654-08-29 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65437 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-08-29 1654-09-05 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65438 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-09-05 1654-09-12 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65439 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-09-19 1654-09-26 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65441 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-09-26 1654-10-03 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65442 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-10-03 1654-10-10 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65443 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-10-10 1654-10-17 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65444 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-10-17 1654-10-24 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65445 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-10-24 1654-10-31 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65446 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-10-31 1654-11-07 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65447 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-11-07 1654-11-14 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65448 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-11-14 1654-11-21 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65449 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-11-21 1654-11-28 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65450 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-11-28 1654-12-05 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65451 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-12-05 1654-12-12 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65452 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-12-12 1654-12-19 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65501 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1654-12-19 1654-12-26 1654 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65502 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1653 1654 1654 Ellinor Cotes Guildhall Library None found. None found. Wilson



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1654-12-26 1655-01-02 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65503 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-01-02 1655-01-09 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65504 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-01-16 1655-01-23 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65506 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-01-23 1655-01-30 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65507 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-01-30 1655-02-06 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65508 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-02-06 1655-02-13 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65509 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-02-20 1655-02-27 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65511 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-02-27 1655-03-06 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65512 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-03-06 1655-03-13 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65513 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-03-13 1655-03-20 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65514 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-03-20 1655-03-27 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65515 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-05-01 1655-05-08 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65521 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-05-08 1655-05-15 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65522 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-05-15 1655-05-22 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65523 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-05-22 1655-05-29 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65524 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-05-29 1655-06-05 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65525 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-06-05 1655-06-12 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65526 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-06-19 1655-06-26 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65528 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-06-26 1655-07-03 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65529 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-07-03 1655-07-10 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65530 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-07-10 1655-07-17 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65531 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-07-17 1655-07-24 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65532 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-07-24 1655-07-31 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65533 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-07-31 1655-08-07 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65534 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-08-07 1655-08-14 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65535 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-08-14 1655-08-21 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65536 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-08-28 1655-09-04 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65538 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-09-04 1655-09-11 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65539 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-09-11 1655-09-18 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65540 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-09-18 1655-09-25 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65541 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-09-25 1655-10-02 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65542 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-10-02 1655-10-09 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65543 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-10-09 1655-10-16 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65544 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-10-16 1655-10-23 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65545 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-10-23 1655-10-30 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65546 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-10-30 1655-11-06 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65547 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-11-06 1655-11-13 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65548 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-11-13 1655-11-20 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65549 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-11-20 1655-11-27 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65550 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-11-27 1655-12-04 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65551 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-12-04 1655-12-11 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65552 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1655-12-11 1655-12-18 1655 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65601 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1655-12-25 1656-01-01 1656 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65603 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1656-01-01 1656-01-08 1656 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65604 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1656-01-15 1656-01-22 1656 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65606 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1656-01-22 1656-01-29 1656 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65607 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1656-01-29 1656-02-05 1656 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65608 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1656-02-12 1656-02-19 1656 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65610 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1656-02-26 1656-03-04 1656 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65612 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1656-03-04 1656-03-11 1656 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65613 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1656-03-11 1656-03-18 1656 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65614 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1657-03-31 1657-04-07 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65716 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-04-07 1657-04-14 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65717 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-04-14 1657-04-21 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65718 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-04-21 1657-04-28 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65719 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-04-28 1657-05-05 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65720 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-05-05 1657-05-12 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65721 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-05-12 1657-05-19 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65722 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-05-19 1657-05-26 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65723 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-05-26 1657-06-02 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65724 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-06-09 1657-06-16 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65726 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-06-16 1657-06-23 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65727 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-07-07 1657-07-14 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65730 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-07-14 1657-07-21 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65731 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-07-21 1657-07-28 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65732 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-07-28 1657-08-04 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65733 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-08-11 1657-08-18 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65735 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-08-18 1657-08-25 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65736 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-08-25 1657-09-01 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65737 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-09-01 1657-09-08 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65738 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-09-08 1657-09-15 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65739 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-09-15 1657-09-22 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65740 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-09-22 1657-09-29 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65741 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-09-29 1657-10-06 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65742 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-10-06 1657-10-13 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65743 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-10-13 1657-10-20 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65744 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-10-20 1657-10-27 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65745 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-10-28 1657-11-03 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65746 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-11-03 1657-11-10 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65747 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-11-10 1657-10-17 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65748 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial Imperfect.
1657-11-17 1657-11-24 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65749 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-11-24 1657-11-30 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65750 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1657-12-22 1657-12-29 1657 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65802 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1658-01-05 1658-01-12 1658 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65804 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1658-01-12 1658-01-19 1658 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65805 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1658-01-19 1658-01-26 1658 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65806 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1658-01-26 1658-02-02 1658 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65807 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1658-02-02 1658-02-09 1658 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65808 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1658-02-09 1658-02-16 1658 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65809 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1658-02-16 1658-02-23 1658 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65810 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1658-02-23 1658-03-02 1658 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65811 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1658-03-09 1658-03-16 1658 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65813 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1658-03-16 1658-03-23 1658 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65814 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1657 1658 1658 Ellinor Cotes Bodleian Library None found. None found. Sutherland



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1659-03-22 1659-03-29 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65915 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-03-29 1659-04-05 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65916 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-04-05 1659-04-12 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65917 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-05-03 1659-05-10 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65921 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-05-10 1659-05-17 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65922 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-05-17 1659-05-24 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65923 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-05-24 1659-05-31 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65924 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-05-31 1659-06-07 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65925 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-06-07 1659-06-14 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65926 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-06-14 1659-06-21 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65927 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-06-21 1659-06-28 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65928 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-06-28 1659-07-05 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65929 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-07-05 1659-07-12 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65930 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-07-12 1659-07-19 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65931 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-07-19 1659-07-26 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65932 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-07-26 1659-08-02 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65933 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-08-02 1659-08-09 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65934 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-08-09 1659-08-16 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65935 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-08-16 1659-08-23 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65936 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-08-30 1659-09-06 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65938 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-09-06 1659-09-13 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65939 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-09-13 1659-09-20 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65940 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-09-20 1659-09-27 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65941 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-09-27 1659-10-04 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65942 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-10-04 1659-10-11 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65943 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-10-11 1659-10-18 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65944 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-10-18 1659-10-25 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65945 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-10-25 1659-11-01 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65946 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-11-01 1659-11-08 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65947 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-11-08 1659-11-15 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65948 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-11-29 1659-12-06 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65951 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-12-06 1659-12-13 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.65952 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-12-13 1659-12-20 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66001 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1659-12-20 1659-12-27 1659 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66002 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1658 1659 1659 Ellinor Cotes
  • British Museum
  • Guildhall Library
None found. None found. Wilson



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1659-12-27 1660-01-03 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66003 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-01-03 1660-01-10 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66004 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-01-10 1660-01-17 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66005 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial A bill for this week exists also in the Thomason tracts (E.1.079[3]): The form only is printed; the figures for the returns are supplied in MS by Thomason (ii.276).
1660-01-17 1660-01-24 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66006 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-01-24 1660-01-31 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66007 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-01-31 1660-02-07 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66008 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-02-07 1660-02-14 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66009 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-02-14 1660-02-21 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66010 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-02-21 1660-02-28 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66011 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-03-06 1660-03-13 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66013 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-03-13 1660-03-20 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66014 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-03-20 1660-03-27 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66015 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-03-27 1660-04-03 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66016 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-04-03 1660-04-10 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66017 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-04-10 1660-04-17 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66018 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-04-17 1660-04-24 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66019 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-04-24 1660-05-01 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66020 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-05-01 1660-05-08 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66021 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-05-08 1660-05-15 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66022 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-05-15 1660-05-22 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66023 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-05-22 1660-05-29 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66024 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-05-29 1660-06-05 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66025 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-06-05 1660-06-12 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66026 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-06-12 1660-06-19 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66027 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-06-19 1660-06-26 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66028 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-06-26 1660-07-03 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66029 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-07-03 1660-07-10 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66030 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-07-10 1660-07-17 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66031 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-07-17 1660-07-24 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66032 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-07-24 1660-07-31 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66033 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-07-31 1660-08-07 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66034 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-08-07 1660-08-14 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66035 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-08-14 1660-08-21 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66036 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-08-21 1660-08-28 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66037 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-08-28 1660-09-04 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66038 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-09-04 1660-09-11 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66039 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-09-11 1660-09-18 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66040 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-09-18 1660-09-25 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66041 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-09-25 1660-10-02 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66042 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-10-02 1660-10-09 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66043 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-10-09 1660-10-16 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66044 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-10-16 1660-10-23 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66045 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-10-23 1660-10-30 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66046 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-10-30 1660-11-06 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66047 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-11-06 1660-11-13 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66048 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-11-13 1660-11-20 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66049 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-11-20 1660-11-27 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66050 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-11-27 1660-12-04 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66051 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-12-11 1660-12-18 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66101 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1660-12-18 1660-12-25 1660 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66102 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1659 1660 1660 Ellinor Cotes
  • British Museum
  • Guildhall Library
None found. None found. Wilson Sutherland locates this bill in both the British Museum and the Guildhall Library.



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1661-01-01 1661-01-08 1661 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66104 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1661-01-08 1661-01-15 1661 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66105 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1661-01-15 1661-01-22 1661 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66106 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1661-01-22 1661-01-29 1661 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66107 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1661-01-29 1661-02-05 1661 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66108 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1661-02-05 1661-02-12 1661 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66109 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1661-02-12 1661-02-19 1661 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66110 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial
1661-02-19 1661-02-26 1661 Ellinor Cotes Serial 222.66111 Bodleian Library None found. None found. Serial


Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1660 1661 1661 Ellinor Cotes Guildhall Library None found. None found. Wilson



Start DateStart End DateEnd Date PrintedPrinted Printer Identification NumberID No Holding LibraryLibrary Digital Surrogate Facsimile Source Notes
1661 1662 1662 Ellinor Cotes Guildhall Library None found. None found. Sutherland Sutherland does not mark this as excluded in Wilson; however, I cannot find another reference to this bill in Wilson.


Cite this page

MLA citation

Bill of Mortality Finding Aid. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, mapoflondon.uvic.ca/MORT2.htm. Draft.

Chicago citation

Bill of Mortality Finding Aid. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020. https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/MORT2.htm. Draft.

APA citation

2020. Bill of Mortality Finding Aid. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/MORT2.htm. Draft.

RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)

Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
Content: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Bill of Mortality Finding Aid
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/09/15
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
UR  - https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/MORT2.htm
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RT Unpublished Material
SR Electronic(1)
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Bill of Mortality Finding Aid
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/09/15
RD 2020/09/15
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English
LK https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/MORT2.htm

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"> <title level="a">Bill of Mortality Finding Aid</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>, <ref target="https://mapoflondon.uvic.ca/MORT2.htm">mapoflondon.uvic.ca/MORT2.htm</ref>. Draft.</bibl>
