Interact with the Agas Map

Introduction to the Agas Map

Our new (as of the beginning of 2015) implementation of the Agas Map is based on the OpenLayers library. It presents the map as a zoomable, rotatable tiled image with several hundred locations plotted on it. In the default view, the locations are initially hidden; you can show them by checking checkboxes in the navigation panel which appears at the top right of the map. Locations in the navigation panel are sorted into categories; click on a category name to expand it and see all the locations. Some locations appear in more than one category.

Interacting with the map

  • Zoom in and out using the scroll wheel on your mouse, or the zoom control at the top left. You can also use Control+1 through 9 to jump to some pre-specified zoom levels.
  • Rotate the map using the rotate button at the top left, or by holding down the Shift key and dragging up and down with your mouse.
  • Change the map opacity using the range control at the bottom left.
Apart from this, these are the main things you will want to do with the map:

Find one or more specific locations and show them

This is best done by searching in the navigation panel. Click on the Search button in the caption bar, and then type all or part of a name, and press the return key. Only locations whose names match your search term will be shown. Check the checkboxes for the locations you want to show, then click the target symbol on the right of the location name to zoom the map into that location. When you have finished searching, click the Search button again to go back to the normal view which shows all the locations.
You can also search for a MoEML @xml:id value in the search box, so if you happen to know the id of a location, but not its name, you can find it quickly that way.

Look at one specific type of location

If this is a small category, such as Taverns, you can simply check the checkbox next to the category caption in the navigation panel and turn them all on. However, if it’s a large category (such as Streets), the result may be overwhelming.

Examine a specific area of the map

This is best done by holding down the Control key on your keyboard and dragging a box around the area with your mouse; the map will zoom into that area, and all the locations in that area will be shown. If you’re only interested in a subset of the locations in that area, you can turn off the categories that don’t interest you in the navigation panel.

Map place names in a library text

To see all the places mentioned in a specific text from the MoEML library, enter the URL plus the @xml:id for the library text (see the project index for a complete list of the @xml:ids we use). For example, the URL generates a map of all the places mentioned in Thomas Dekker and John Webster’s Westward Ho!.

Bookmark what you see

If you have shown a selection of locations, and you would like to return to those locations with the map zoomed in to show them as large as possible:
  1. Make sure only the locations you want are showing; uncheck any others in the navigation panel to hide them.
  2. Click on the Bookmark button on the toolbar.
Your browser will be forwarded to a new URL which encodes the instructions for showing these locations. You can bookmark that URL and return to it any time.

Create an image of what you see

Click on the Picture button on the toolbar to take an image shapshot of the map (not including the toolbar, location panel and popups). A PNG image will be created, which you can download or open directly. Note: this will fail on one or two browsers at the time of writing, because they do not yet support the HTML5 @download attribute. It this happens to you, try a more modern browser such as Chrome or Firefox.

Create your own locations

The map also provides an editing environment for our own project team to locate and outline locations. See Add MoEML Locations to the Agas Map for full documentation on these features.

Cite this page

MLA citation

Holmes, Martin D., and Tye Landels-Gruenewald. Interact with the Agas Map. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020,

Chicago citation

Holmes, Martin D., and Tye Landels-Gruenewald. Interact with the Agas Map. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020.

APA citation

Holmes, M. D., & Landels-Gruenewald, T. 2020. Interact with the Agas Map. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from

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Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
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A1  - Holmes, Martin
A1  - Landels-Gruenewald, Tye
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Interact with the Agas Map
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/09/15
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
LA  - English
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RT Web Page
SR Electronic(1)
A1 Holmes, Martin
A1 Landels-Gruenewald, Tye
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 Interact with the Agas Map
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
WP 2020
FD 2020/09/15
RD 2020/09/15
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
LA English
OL English

TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#HOLM3"><surname>Holmes</surname>, <forename>Martin</forename> <forename>D.</forename></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#LAND2"><forename>Tye</forename> <surname>Landels-Gruenewald</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Interact with the Agas Map</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>.</bibl>
