The Survey of London (1633): A Brief on the Indenture of Covenants

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Lordships of Stebunheath, alias, Stepney; and Hackney,
in the County of Middlesex; with the free customes, benefits,
and priviledges to them belonging; and how they are holden by the
Copy-hold Tenants, of the right Honourable, Thomas Lord Went
worth: with some other especiall and remarkeable notes,
both of reverend Antiquity, and moderne memory.
Concerning the Indenture of
Covenants, &c.
WHereas (of late) differen
ces have arisen betweene
the right Honorable Tho
L. Wentworth,
The cause of the now compoun
of the Mannors of Stepney
and Hackney, and his Lordships Copy
hold Tenants of the said Mannors, for
and concerning some of the customes,
benefits, and priviledges of the said
Tenants: It hath now pleased the said
Thomas Lord Wentworth, in considera
tion of three thousand pounds,
The con
sideration given for it.
of law
full money of England, in the thirtieth
yeere of the Reigne of our late Sove
raigne Lady Queene Elizabeth, by the
Copy-holders of the said Mannors, un
to the right Honourable Henry Lord
Wentworth (his Lordships Father) then
satisfied and paid: As also of other
three thousand and 5. hundred pounds
more, to him the said Thomas Lord
Wentworth now paid, by Indenture bea
ring date the 20. day of Iune, in the 15.
yeere of the Reigne of our Soveraigne
Lord King Iames of England, France, and
Ireland, and of Scotland the 50. made
betweene him the said Thomas Lord
The Deed of Cove
Lord of the said Mannors on
the one part, and Sir Iohn Iolles Knight,
and Alderman of London, and divers
other of the Copy-hold Tenants of the
said Mannors (whose names are parti
cularly in the said Indenture recited)
on the other part: for the appeasing and
finall end of the said differences, and
for prevention of the like, and all other
which (in time to come) might happen,
arise or grow, betwixt the said Lord
his heires or assignes, Lords of the said
Mannors, and the said Copy-hold Te
nants, their heires or assignes, to cove
nant, grant, conclude, and fully agree
to the effect following, that is to say:
Imprimis, that the said Thomas Lord
Wentworth is,
The Lord Thomas is seized in Fee.
and untill a perfect Act of
Parliament shall bee had and made,
whereby all the liberties, priviledges,
benefits, customes, immunities, dis
charges, additions, alterations, enlarge
ments, matters and things, in the Sce
dules to the said Indenture annexed,
mentioned; shall be for ever confirmed,
shall be and continue seized of a good,
absolute and indefeazeable estate of In
heritance in fee-simple to him and his

A Briefe of the Indenture

heires for ever in possession, of, & in the
said Mannors, and either of them, and of
the Copy-hold Lands, Tenements and
Hereditaments of the said Copy-hold
Tenants before mentioned, parties to
the said Indenture. And that hee now
And hath power to confirme the follow
ing Arti
and then shall have full power and
lawfull authority, to ratifie, confirme,
establish and make good, all and sin
guler the covenants, articles, alterati
ons, enlargements, free-customes, im
munities, discharges and agreements
contained in the said Indenture and
Scedules, or either of them, to the said
Copy-hold Tenants respectively, and
to their severall and respective heires
and assignes, of and in the severall and
respective Messuages, Lands, Tene
ments, and Hereditaments, whereof
they are seized of any estate by Copy
of Court-Roule.
And that the said Thomas Lord Went
That these Articles for ever be observed.
his heires, assignes, and all other
Lords of the said Mannors, shall for e
ver hereafter observe, performe, fulfill,
allow, ratifie, make good and keepe all
the said Articles, certainty of fines, usa
ges, customes, priviledges, benefits, im
munities, discharges, compositions and
agreements in the said Indenture and
Scedules contained: And shall not at
any time hereafter leavy, take, require,
or demand any other fines, suites, cu
stomes, workes or services, or in any o
ther manner, than in the said Scedules
are specified: And the rents which for
the said Copy-hold Tenements, by the
space of two yeeres now last past, have
beene yeelded and paid by the Copy-hold
Tenants thereof. And also that
the said Tenants, their heires and as
signes, shall for ever hereafter peacea
bly and quietly have, hold, maintaine,
and enjoy their severall and respective
Copy-holds, with their appurtenances,
according to the severall grants thereof
to them made; and under the severall
rents for the same respectively, now
due and payable according to the true
meaning of the said Indenture and Sce
dules, without let, suit, or hindrance,
interruption, alteration, question, or
contradiction whatsoever of him the
said Lord Wentworth, his heires or as
signes, or under any other claiming a
ny estate, right, title, use, interest, office,
profit, charge, or demand, under his
Lordship, his heires or assignes, or un
der the said Henry Lord Wentworth de
And that the said Thomas Lord Went
That here
after none of these Lands shal be severed from the Mannor.
his heires or assignes hath not,
nor hereafter shall grant or conuey, se
vered from the Mannor thereof, the
same is now holden; any of the Messu
ages, Cottages, Lands, Tenements, or
Hereditaments of the said Copy-holders,
for any other estate or terme,
other than by Copy of Court-Roule,
according to the custome of the
said Mannors, except the free-hold
to bee severed, at the desire of such
person, as then shall bee Copy-hol
der thereof respectively: And that the
certainty of sines, free customes, im
munities, liberties, priviledges, arti
cles, discharges, and agreements in the
said Scedules contained, for and con
cerning the severall Messuages, Cotta
ges, Lands, Tenements, and Heredita
ments, whereof the said parties to the
said Indenture are Copy-holders; shall (for ever)
be, and bee had, used, accounted, ad
judged, taken and enjoyed, as the true
customes, usuages, priviledges, im
munities, discharges, and liberties, of
and within the said Mannors, and
either of them not to be violated, alte
red, changed, or denied by the Lord or
Lords of the said Mannors, or either of
them now or hereafter, at any time or
times in any wise being.
That a de
cree shall be had in the Chan
cery, to confirme the now a
Item, that for the better ratifying, e
stablishing, confirming, strengthening;
perfecting, and making good of all and
singuler the said Articles, covenants,
agreements, certainty of fines, usuages,
customes, enlargements, and alterati
ons of usuages and customes, composi
tions, liberties, priviledges, freedomes,
immunities, discharges, matters and
things in the said Indenture and Sce
dules contained, and for the setting
forth of what estate the said Thomas
Lord Wentworth is now, and then shall
be seized of the said Mannors and pre
misses, upon a Bill of complaint against
his Lordship, in his Majesties Court
of Chancery to be exhibited: his Lord
ship will appeare, and make such an
swer, and further such proceedings,

Of Covenants.

that thereupon a perfect decree (with
the free consent and agreement of his
Lordship) may bee had, and there en
rouled against his Lordship, his heires
and assignes. By which the said Arti
cles, covenants, agreements, certainty
of fines, usuages and customes, and all
the compositions, liberties, priviled
ges, freedomes, immunities, dischar
ges, matters and things in the said In
denture and Scedules, or any of them
contained; shall bee decreed, ratified,
established and made good, and put in
ure, used and enjoyed for ever.
That he the said Thomas Lord Went
That an Act of Parlia
ment shall be procu
red, to confirme the same for ever.
his heires and assignes, at his and
their own proper costs and charges, will
procure at the first Session of the next
Parliament of our Soveraine Lord the
Kings Majesty, his heires or successors,
one Statute or Act of Parliament, by
force whereof the said Articles, cove
nants, agreements, certainty of fines,
usuages, customes, compositions, en
largements, and alterations of usuages,
customes, compositions, liberties, pri
viledges, benefits, freedomes, immu
nities, discharges, matters and things in
the said Indenture and Scedules, or ei
ther of them expressed; shall be esta
blished, ratified, enacted and confir
med to be, and to continue for ever of
force, and to be put in ure and used for
ever hereafter, in such state, manner
and forme, quality, condition and de
gree, as the same are in the said Inden
ture or Scedules, or any of them ex
pressed, for and concerning the Lands,
The Te
nants must pay twenty pounds towards the char
ges of it.
and Hereditaments, wher
of they now are Copy-holders, or repu
ted Copy-holders. Towards the char
ges of procuring of which the said Act
of Parliament, the said Tenants are to
pay unto the said Thomas Lord Went
, his heires or executors, within
one moneth next after the obtaining
and passing thereof, the sum of twenty
That he the said Thomas L. Wentworth,
For better assurance within five yeeres.

his heires and assignes, at any time
within five yeeres next ensuing the
date of the said Indenture, before such
Act of Parliament, as aforesaid, had and
obtained, at the costs in the law of the
said Copy-hold Tenants, or some of
them, upon request made unto him the
said Thomas Lord Wentworth, his heires
or assignes, by the said Sir Iohn Iolles,
Knight and Alderman of London, Willi
am Gough, Edmund Barber, Iohn Egles
The names cō
tained in the In
Isaack Cotton, Thomas Best, Richard
Hoskins, George Saris, Henry Dethicke,
Iohn Howland, Thomas Yardly, Iohn Low
den, Richard Cheyney, Gresham Hoogan,
William Palmer, Nicholas Dickens, Ni
cholas Diggins, Peter Summer, Iohn Ben
net, Richard Edwards, Michael Bonner
& Nicholas Hollam, or any ten of them,
or any ten of the Heires or Assigues of
them, shall and will make, doe, ac
knowledge, execute and suffer all and
every such further acts, deeds and assu
rances, for better setling, assuring and
confirming of the usuages, customes,
benefits, liberties, priviledges, immu
nities, discharges, certainty of fines,
compositions, agreements, matters
and things in the said Indenture and
Scedules contained, as by them, or any
ten of them shal be reasonably devised,
advised and required. That every one
of the said Copy-hold Tenants,
That lea
ses may be let for thirty one yeeres and foure meneths without licence.
heires and assignes, shall and may free
ly hereafter from time to time, grant,
lease or demise by deed or otherwise
(without licence or Copy of Court
Roule) such or so much of their said
Lands, Tenements, and Heredita
ments, to such person and persons, and
for such tearme and estate, not excee
ding one and thirty yeeres and foure
moneths, in possession from the time
of the making of any such grant or de
mise; as to them, and every, or any of
them respectively, shall bee thought
fit or necessary, without any forfeit of
estate, seizure, claime, disturbance, de
niall or impeachment of his Lordship,
his heires or assignes, or any of his or
their Officers. So alwaies, that such
grant, lease and leases so to bee made,
be at the first or second generall Court,
(for the Mannor whereof, the Lands
or Tenements so happening to be gran
ted, leased or demised are parcell) to
be holden next after the making there
of, be published in open Court of that
Mannor, before the homage there, and
a remembrance thereof to bee required
to bee made in the Roules of the said
Court, for the date, tearme and quan
tity of Lands, Cottages, or Tenements

A Briefe of the Indenture

so granted, leased or demised. Which
remembrance, the said Thomas Lord
Wentworth convenanteth and granteth
for him, his heires and assignes; to and
with the said Sir Iohn Iolles, and the
rest of the said Copy-hold Tenants, up
on the tender of a certainty thereof in
writing, to the Steward, or Deputy
Steward that Mannour for the time
then being, together with sixe pence in
money, for the entring thereof, shall be
in the Court Roules of that Mannor
duely, and in convenient time, and
without delay enrolled, and a note
thereof delivered by the Steward, or
his Deputy, to the party so leasing, or
any for him, without any other conside
ration, see or reward, to bee given or
paid for the same.
That whereas the said Thomas Lord
Recitall of the Let
ters Pa
tents from the King to my L. concer
ning the Free-hold.
by his Highnesse Letters
Patents under the great Seale of Eng
land, dated the nineteenth day of Iuly,
in the thirteenth yeere of his Maje
sties reign of England, and forty eighth
of Scotland, Hath obtained license to
grant to such of his Majesties liege
people as he shall thinke fit, Messuages,
Cottages, Lands, Tenements, and He
reditaments, parcell, or reputed parcell
of the said Mannors: To hold to them,
their heires and assignes (in free and
common Socage) respectively, of his
said Mannors of Stepney and Hackney, by
such and the same rents and services,
and other profits, as in the conveyan
ces thereof shall be expressed, and not
to hold of the King in Capite, nor of
any of his Majesties Honours, or Man
nors in Knights service, as by the said
Letters Patents more at large may ap
If the Act of Parlia
ment bee not pro
cured, thē the Te
nants (up
on re
quest) shal be made Free hol
Now if the said Thomas Lord
Wentworth shall not at the first Session
of the next Parliament procure such an
Act of Parliament, to bee good and ef
fectuall in law for the purposes afore
said: Then his Lordship will at all
times, after the end of the said first Ses
sion of the said next Paliament, upon
reasonable requests, and at the costs of
the Tenants (whom it shall concerne)
their heires or assignes, make, doe and
execute such reasonable acts, devices,
and assurances in Law; whereby the
said Copy-holders, their heires or as
signes respectively, shall hold and en
joy their, and every of their said Copy-holds,
Messuages, Houses, Lands, Cot
tages and Hereditaments, with the like
wayes, easements, commons and com
modities, as are thereto now belonging,
or now therewith used or enjoyed.
And the free-hold and inheritance
thereof respectively to them and to
their respective heires and assignes for
ever, to be holden of such of the same
Mannors, whereof the same is now
holden in free and common Socage,
for and under the severall & respective
yeerely rents for all services and de
mands, as they or any of them doe now
severally and respectively pay for the
same, as by them, or their Councel lear
ned, shall bee reasonably devised and
That the said Copy-hold Tenants,
For enjoy
ing the Common.

their heires and assignes respectively,
shall and may for ever hereafter, with
out any let, impediment, interruption,
deniall or contradiction of his Lord
ship, his heires or assignes, or any clai
ming under the said Lord Henry Went
deceased, not onely during the
time they shall be Copy-holders, but
also afterwards, when they have obtai
ned the free-hold and inheritance of
their severall and respective Copy-holds;
peaceably hold and enjoy such
and the like Commons of pasture, and
in such manner, in all the Commons,
wastes and common able places of the
said Mannors, as they or any of them
hertofore have had, used, held, taken, or
enjoyed, or might lawfully have taken
or enjoyed. Neverthelesse, it is agreed,
that neither the said Indenture and
Scedules, nor any covenant therein con
The Te
nants not compoun
ding, are excepted from all benefit hereby.
shall in any wise extend or en
ure, to the benefit or advantage of any
other Copy-hold Tenants of the said
Mannors, other than the Copy-hold
Tenants, named parties to the said In
dentures, their heires and assignes, and
that for such and the same Lands, Te
nements, Cottages, and Heredita
ments, with the appurtenances onely,
as they or any of them now hold, or
claime to hold, by Copy of Court-Roule
of the said Mannors, or one of
them, as by the said Indenture (where
unto relation be had) more plainly and
at large appeareth.

Of Covenants.
Memorandum, that the said Inden
ture of the twentieth of Iune, together
with a duplicity thereof, were acknow
ledged by the said Thomas Lord Went
the 21. day of Iuly 1617. before
Sir Mathew Carew Knight,
The en
rolling of the Deed, and where it is left.
to bee en
rolled, and is enrolled in the Chancery
accordingly. The one part of which
Indentures, is left in the custody of the
Company of Goldsmiths in the City
of London, and the other in the custody
of the Brethren of the Trinity house at
Radcliffe: In trust, and to the use of the
said Copy-hold Tenants, named par
ties to the said Indentures.
The ninth day of Iuly 1617. in the
said fifteenth yeere of his Majesties
A Statute of 12000. pounds for perfor
mance of Cove
the said Thomas Lord Went
acknowledged a statute of the
summe of twelve thousand pounds of
lawfull money of England, unto Alexan
der Prescot
and Iohn Gore, Aldermen of
London, Thomas Iones common Serje
ant of London, Francis Fulner and George
Esquires, and Robert Mildmay
Grocer; In trust for, and to the use of
the Copy-holders named in the Inden
tures, and thereof is a defeasance by In
denture, dated the same day to this ef
fect (viz.) That if the said Thomas Lord
Wentworth doe performe the covenants
and agreements,
The defea
contained in the a
foresaid Indenture of the twentieth of
Iune: Then the same Statute to bee
void, and that the said Conusees shall
deliver up the same Statute to the said
Thomas Lord Wentworth, his heires, exe
cutors, administrators or assignes, so
soone as the said Act of Parliament
shall be procured, according to the in
tent and true meaning of the said reci
ted Indenture.
To this end, the said Statute and de
feasance are left in the Chamber of the
City of London,
Where the Sta
tute and Defea
sance are kept.
to bee kept in such sort,
as that the said Conusees may have the
same to bee delivered according to
their Covenant. And the Chamber
lain of the said City hath charged him
selfe with the receit thereof, by order
of the Court of the Lord Maior and
Aldermen 1617. Sir Iohn Leman being
then Maior, and Master Cornelius Fish
In Trinity Tearme, in the said fif
teenth yeere of his Majesties Reigne,
The pro
ceedings in the Chancery.

to a Bill of complaint was by the Co
py-holders, named parties to the said
Indenture of the twentieth of Iune, ex
hibited against the said Thomas Lord
Wentworth in his Majesties high Court
of Chancery; whereto the said Thomas
Lord Wentworth did appeare, and by
his answer confessed the contents of the
said Bill to bee true. Whereupon,
a perfect Decree (with the free con
sent and agreement of the said Tho
Lord Wentworth,
The De
bearing date
the two and twentieth day of July, in
the said fifteenth yeere of the Reigne
of our Soveraigne Lord King Iames)
was obtained. And by the same, the
said free customes, orders, immunities,
&c. and all and whatsoever contained
in the said Indenture of the twntieth of
June, and the Scedules unto the same
Indenture annexed, are for ever esta
blished and confirmed. The said De
cree is likewise there enrolled. The true
Copy of the said Scedules followeth.

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MLA citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): A Brief on the Indenture of Covenants. The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, Draft.

Chicago citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. The Survey of London (1633): A Brief on the Indenture of Covenants. The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020. Draft.

APA citation

Stow, J., Munday, A., Munday, A., & Dyson, H. 2020. The Survey of London (1633): A Brief on the Indenture of Covenants. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.

RIS file (for RefMan, EndNote etc.)

Provider: University of Victoria
Database: The Map of Early Modern London
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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Dyson, Humphrey
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - The Survey of London (1633): A Brief on the Indenture of Covenants
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
PY  - 2020
DA  - 2020/09/15
CY  - Victoria
PB  - University of Victoria
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A1 Stow, John
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Munday, Anthony
A1 Dyson, Humphrey
A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 The Survey of London (1633): A Brief on the Indenture of Covenants
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
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RD 2020/09/15
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
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TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">The Survey of London (1633): A Brief on the Indenture of Covenants</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>, <ref target=""></ref>. Draft.</bibl>

