Please note that it is not of publishable quality yet.
A REMEMBRANCE Of the worthy SHOW and SHOOTING BY THE DUKE of SHOREDITCH, ANDHIS ASSOCIATES THE Worſhipful Citizens ofLondon UPON Tueſday the17thof September, 1583. Set forth according to the Truth thereof, to the everlaſting Honour of the Game of Shooting in the Long bow.
Ruled line
By W.M. Ruled lineLondon, Printed in the Year 1682.
[Blank page]
Printer’s ornament.
To the Worthy SHOREDITCH DUKE, And his Two NEPHEWS, Sons to the EARL ofPANCRIDGE, AND To all the Worſhipful Citizens
and Chief Archers of the
City of London: W. H. wiſheth continuance of Health, with
Increaſe of Honour.
BOldly have I preſumed (Right
Worſhipful Members of this Ho
nourable City) to publiſh unto
the Eyes of the World, your late
The Epiſtle Dedicatory.
laudable Work, which not only beauti fied this City, but the whole Realm of England. Rare was the Sight, great was the Coſt, yet greater your good Wills; the Report whereof will be in memory whileLondonlaſteth. Now ſeeing no man taketh in hand to deſcribe the ſame as it deſerved, and pitying greatly it ſhould lye hid den, I conſidered that blind Bayard oft times ſeemeth boldeſt, and there upon my ſelf (though leaſt able of all other) have preſumed, under your Correction, to publiſh the Truth of what I noted in the Train: Therein purpoſing, that though to your own Ears it bringeth no matter of De light, yet the Truth of this ſeemly Show (which Fame hath far ſpread abroad) may through this Realm be expreſſed; as alſo left in Remem brance unto your Childrens Children, and their Poſterity after them: Be ſeeching therefore that your Wiſe
The Epiſtle Dedicatory.
domes would accept my good Will, for which I remain thankful during my Life.
Your Worſhips
In all Humility,
W. M.
[Blank page]
Printer’s ornament.
THE Learned in time paſt
have greatly commended the penning of Hiſtories, becauſe
that by them their Poſterity is certifyed, what hath been
done in the days of their Anceſtors;
40The Duke of Shoreditch
the benefit whereof is greatly conſidered in
the wiſeſt of this Age, and I would it were
unknown to none. Our Elders heretofore
that have regiſtred the great Battels and
Skirmiſhes in times paſt mention that
the Long-Bow hath done great acts, and
been the overthrow of mighty Armies:
Wherefore conſidering what profit and ho
nourour Commonwealth of England hath
gained by the Long-Bow, I have thought
convenient to ſet down in Memory that
moſt honourable Show of Archers, which was at London on the Seventeenth of
tember, 1583. chiefly for two Cauſes: Firſt,
To exhort our Country men to continue at
home this laudable Exerciſe, the better to
diſcourage our Enemies when they haply hear thereof, that by ſo notable a thing
ſhewed but in a Merriment, may the better
conjecture what Engliſh men could do, if neceſſity compelled them to the ſame. Se
condly, To follow the Cuſtome of our An
ceſtors, which is, to leave Enrolled ſuch Matter as is worthy Memory, that ſo good
a Work might ſeem new in ſuch our Succeſ
ſors, and procure them to the furtherance of the like Cauſes in themſelves.
The Prince of famous Memory, King Henry the Eighth, having red in the Chro
41his Shooting.
nicles of England, and ſeen in his own time
how armies mixed with good Archers, have evermore ſo galled the Enemy, that it hath
been great cauſe of the Victory, he being
one day at Mile-end when Prince Arthur
and his Knights were there ſhooting , did
greatly commend the Game , and allowed
thereof, lauding them to their Encourage
This noble King at another time keeping
a Princely Court at Windſor, cauſed ſundry
Matches to be made concerning ſhooting in
the Long–Bow: and to which came many
principal Archers, who being in Game and
the upſhoot given, as all men thought, there
was one Barlo yet remaining to ſhoot, being
one of the Kings Guard; to whom the King
very graciouſly ſaid, Win them all and thou
ſhalt be Duke over all Archers. This Barlo
drew his Bow, and ſhooting won the beſt.
Whereat the King greatly rejoiced, com
mending him for his good Archery; and for
that this Barlo did dwell in Shoreditch, the
King named him Duke of Shoreditch. (A
ſign of a Princly mind to the encouragement
of his poor ſubject.) The memory of all
which, both by Prince Arthur and the Duke
of Shoreditch, hath been greatly revived,
and within theſe five years ſet forward
42The Duke of Shoreditch
at the great Coſt and Charges of ſundry
chief Citizens, whoſe Names I omit. And
now this preſent year 1583. much more
beautified than ever it was, as hereafter is
expreſſed. The worthy Shoreditch Duke,
as Succeſſor to the former Dukes his Prede
ceſſors, gave warning to all his Marqueſſes,
Earls and Barons, with all their Train of
Archers whatſoever, in and about the City of London, to be in a readineſs to accompa ny him into the Field, every one with a
Long–Bowe and four Shafts, upon the Se venteenth of September, and to meet him
in Smithfield, which they did for the moſt
On which Day in the Morning, the Duke
being at Marchant–Taylors Hall,there re
paired unto him all thoſe that were ap pointed for the Conducting of his Perſon to
the place of Meeting, as Barons, and a Mul titude of good Archers under his own En ſign; who, with ſound of Trumpets, Drums,
and other neceſſary Inſtruments for the
beautifying of the ſame, paſſed along Broadſtreet, where the Duke dwelleth,
marching through Moorgate to Finſbury– Fields, and from thence into Smithfield,
where a great many attended for him: then
the black Train, and the Goldſmiths went
forward into Holborn, the Duke and his
43his Shooting.
Company following in a ſeemly order; where
coming againſt Hatton–Houſe, the Gold
ſmiths ſtaid, and caſt themſelves into Ranks,
that the Duke might have fair paſſage be
tween them: So that the Train being now
marching along, and the Duke paſſing by
the Marqueſs Barlo, aliàs Covell, he pre
ſented to his Nobleneſs a Wedge of Gold,
in ſign of good will, which the Duke very
thankfully accepted; then came the black
Train, offering by a Page a Speech to this
effect, That he was ready to aid him with
all his Power, for his ſafety, into the Field: Whereat the Page, out of a Box, flung a
broad, gliſtering like Gold, certain Spangles,
in ſign of Liberality.
Then came the Marqueſs of Clarkenwell
with Hunters, who having been abroad
with their Hounds, did wind their Horns,
ſo that the noiſe of them, together with
the yelling and yelping of the Hounds, and
the whooping and hollowing of their Pa
ges which followed, there was ſuch a delight
taken by the hearers thereof, as is worth
Memory; which Marqueſs coming with his
Foreſter, profered his Service to the Duke,
which he thankfully accepted; which Hun
ters were under the Earl of Pancridge,
whoſe two Sons being Nephews to the
44The Duke of Shoreditch.
Duke, came with their power of Knights,
Barons and Squires, accompanied with ma
ny good and excellent Archers, taking place,
to the honour of the Duke, into the Field.
Then the Goldſmiths took their place be
hind the Duke, whoſe Gunners, when the
Duke was even paſt, gave a worthy Volley
of Shot, which rung in the Air like a Thun
der Clap; and ſo took place in the hindward.
Then went all the Train through Chancery
Sir Owen Hopton her Majesties Lieutenant of the Tow er of Lon don, Sir Rowland Haward, and divers Aldermen of London
and turned towards London down
Fleetſtreet, until they came to Ludgate,
where ſtood ready to receive them into the
the City, certain Knights of great worſhip,
with many other of the Aldermen of
the City, and ſundry principal Commoners in
the ſame, who being men of years, and had
born great good will to the laudable Game of
Shooting, entred with fair large Arrows in
their Hands, in black Gowns, Citizen–like,
and took their place behind the Duke; and
Paul’s School came unto them the Mar
lors in their Gowns, e
very one ha
ving a fair broad Ar
row in their hands
as they yet paſſed through Pauls Church
yard on the South–ſide, there came ſundry
Citizens forth unto them, all in their
Gowns, and took place, every one having
an Arrow, as before, to the better beauti
fying and ſetting forth of the ſame. Thus
paſſed they through into Cheapſide, who by
that time they were come thither, all their
Train was in place, & marched as followeth.
45his Shooting.
Firſt came two Enſigns before the Mar
ſhal of the Field, the Marſhal being clad in
green Velvet and Sattin, with a Trunchion
in his hand: Then followed him forty Fo
reſters, apparelled all in Green, every one
bearing a Bow and four Shafts by their
ſide, with horns at their backs, which they
winded as they went along.
And between every one of them Pages
in Pater
in Pauls
in white Frocks girt unto them, upon which
was ſowed green Oaken Leaves, with
Caps made in the ſame manner, every One
bearing a Tiller Bow or Croſſ–Bow, and
broad Arrows in their hands, to the number
of Forty, all whooping and hallowing when
Theſe green
men were
prepared by Mr. Wood
who being
did both
expreſs his
name, and
the Show.
His Badge
alſo bare a
fair Shield
upon which
ſtood this
Sentence, More ways
than one
to the
the Hunters did wind their Horns. Then
came ſix Trumpets ſounding, with Drums
and Fifes, guarded with Halberds; then came
the Marqueſs of Iſlington with 12 Knights,
and thoſe ſeveral had ſix Gentlemen atten
dant on them, and Pages in white Fuſtian
with black Stripes, and Caps agreeable,
bearing Shields, with a ſeemly ſhow of Ar
chers, wearing about their Necks and Bo
dies green Ribbons, and large green Scarfs.
Next followed a fair, large, red Streamer,
with the red Lion, with Halberds, Drums, &
proper Pages in green, with Taffety Night
caps, bearing Shields & Shafts in their hands.
Next five Swattruttersſtrangely apparal
46The Duke of Shoreditch.
led with great Hoſe down to the ſmall of
their Legs, with ſtrange Caps agreeable,
The Mar
queſs of
brought the
wild men.
bearing on their Necks long Swords, which
ſeemed very ſtearn in Countenance: Then
followed five green men clad in Ivie, with
Clubs on their Necks, which were young
Trees, and the Roots upward; with a
worthy Show of Bowmen, who for the
moſt part wore Ribbons of coloured Orange
Tawny, and Oringes hanging at them.
Then came the reſidue of the Earl of Pancridge’s Train in the Fore–front there
of; the two ſons to the Earl of Pancridge
(himſelf not preſent, but his coſt and
Charges in ſign of a willing mind did large
ly appear,) with a worthy Company of
excellent good Archers acompanied with
Trumpets, Halberds Drums, Enſigns,
and all other things neceſſary to the beauti
fying of the ſame to their great praiſe, for
their large Liberalities, beſides the great
bountifulneſs of the Earl their Father.
Next following the Felowſhip and neer
Neighbours of Ludgate parts; who at the
Furtherance of this Show, had been at great
M. Blamor
chief of
coſt in proviſion of Trumpets, Drums,
Enſigns, Fifes, and other Furniture,
the moſt part were Haberdaſhers of London;
47his Shooting.
who very orderly marched through the
City of London, being ſumptuouſly appa
relled in Velvet Jerkins, and Hats agree
able, with Chains of Gold about their Bo
dies, and Pages bearing their Shields of
fine workmanſhip, and a worthy Train of
good Archers wearing green Scarfes and
Ribbons of the ſame colour. The ſhow of
Feryers proceeded, which was One hun
dred handſome Fellowes with Calivers on
their Necks, all trimly decked with white
Feathers in their Hats; ſo had all their Com
pany of Archers throughout: Then their
Enſign and two Cardinals, wearing broad
Hats of Tawny colour, with two ſilk ſtrings
buttoned under their Chins; the ends hang
ing down to their feet, apparelled in red
Velvet and Satten; next followed two Fri
ers clothed in black Robes, with bald
Crowns and Beads in their hands, ſeeming
to pray very devoutly, and bleſſing them
that paſſed by, cauſing great laughing and ſport.
Then came the whole Inhabitants fol
lowing, beautifying the Show, very coſtly
aparelled, with a Child in the midſt of
them, mounted on a great Horſe richly
trapped, ſounding a Trumpet, to the great
wonder of many the beholders
48The Duke of Shoreditch.
Then followed the Citizens and Inhabi
tants of Fleetbridge, Fleetſtreet, and Tem
plebar, with a Show worth the beholding,
of ſeemly Archers, all bravely apparelled
in Silks and Chains, with their Enſigns,
Drums, Trumpets, and ſuch other Furni
ture. Then the odd Deviſe of Saint Clements
Pariſh, which but ten days before had made
the ſame Show in their own Pariſh, in ſet
ting up the Queens Majeſties Stake in Hol
born fields, which Stakemaſter Knevit, one
of the Gentlemen of her Majeſties Chamber,
gave unto them at his coſt and Charges.
And a Gunn worth three pound, made of
Gold, to be given unto him that beſt de
ſerved it by ſhooting in a Peece at the Mark
The L. of Leiceſter11 gave them 2 Bucks, & 40 s. in mo
ney. The E. of Arundel did lend them his houſe to feast in, be
sides a hogſ
head of wine, and Veniſon, which he gave them.
which was ſet up on purpoſe at Saint Iame’s Wall; whereby was to be ſeen the
great good will of ſo bountiful and worſhip
ful a Gentleman; who hath promiſed year
ly, during his life, to give five ſhillings
more to the ſame; the gift was given for a
year to the Winner, and to the Pariſh for
ever: The liberality of the right honorable
Lords of the Nobility, their Bountifulneſs
towards the feaſting of the whole Pariſh
alſo, is worthy remembrance. The maner
of the Show was, firſt, Saint Clement
wearing a Rochet and a Miter, having a
long gray beard, rid upon a Horſe, with
49his Shooting.
his man before him, between two ham pers full of ſmall white loves, giving of
Bread unto the poor, or any that would
have the ſame: having alſo twelve men
following on foot in white Canvas Caps, and
Canvas Frocks girt to them, with Baſkets
on their ſhoulders, waiting upon him, ha
ving a blew Anchor painted on their breaſts
and backs, finding it ſo regiſtred of him in
their Legendary, That S. Clement was firſt
a Baker, who for his good wit and honeſt
life, was made a Biſhop, and after a Saint.
After this Show came all the young men of
S. Clements Pariſh, very well apparelled
with Chains and ſome Scarfs; every one
having his Page attending upon him in
black Frocks, decked with Silver, with Caps
agreeable with Edgings of white Furrs, ve
ry ſeemly, bearing Shields and Shafts,
which before did carry the Guns of the Bat
chelors, when they went to ſet up the Stake,
and to ſhoot for the gilded Gun. Next fol
lowed the ancient Houſholders of the ſame
Pariſh, with their Pages, having an Enſign, with Drums, and ſuch other Furniture, with
a worthy Show of Archers following.
Then came the Marqueſs of Hogſden
with a ſtately Enſign of red Crimſon Da
maſk, in the midſt of the which Enſign there
50The Duke of Shoreditch.
was a Phenix in ſilver carried by two men
on two Staves, with ſound of Trumpets and
Drums; the Show beautified with Pages as
before, Handſwords to make room, and
Halberds to guide and keep them in or
After them came the Marqueſs of Shackel
well, chief Treaſurer to the Duke, with
his Men, every one with white and green
Ribbons, and Badges in their Hats, be
fore whom was carried a moſt fair and
long Enſign of red Damaſk, in the which
was the Golden Lion: After the Enſign fol
lowed two with Hand–ſwords, to make
room, and then after them two Pages all in
white Jackets, upon the which was paint
ed with poudred Armour, and the one Page
bare a Shield, on the which was painted a
Well, on one ſide of the Well there was
a Leg, and on the other an Arm, both Arm
and Leg ſhackled to the Well, and branches
of Box ſpringing out of the ſame; the other
Page a broad Arrow in his hand.
Next after this Company came the Maſter
Comptroller of the Duke’s Houſe with his
Men, every man having a Bow and four
Arrows as the reſt, and green Ribbons a
bout their Necks.
51his Shooting.
Then came a large Table, wherein was
written a Deſcription of the benefit of
the Shooting in the Long–Bow, and how
ſhooting hath been decayed, and by whom
reſtored; advertiſing men from all unlaw
ful Games, as Dicing, Carding, Tipling in
Alehouſes, and ſuch like, wiſhing to have
the Exerciſe of Shooting to be had in uſe
both by Maſters and Servants to the
ſtrength and commodity of this Realm, as
alſo to the terror of all Forreign Enemies,
beſides two Tables drawn with Inſcriptions
of honeſt Exerciſe: Then came two fair
Enſigns, white and black, with Whifflers
in Chains of Gold, with white Staves, and
Henchmen following them bearing Shields,
every Shield painted with a ſeveral Deviſe;
then came the Duke himſelf, going be
tween two fine Pages bearing Shafts, the
Duke bearing a Standard Arrow in his hand, and being apparalled in a long
Gown, Citizen–like, with a Hat on his
Head, agreeable to the order of the chief
Commoners of the City; then after him
followed Sir Owen Hopton Knight, Lieu
tenant of her Majeſties Tower of London,
Sir Rowland Hayward, with other the
Aldermen and Citizens ofLondon, bearing
Standard Arrows in their hands, with a ſeem
ly Company of Archers: Then came the
52The Duke of Shoreditch.
Earl of Buckley cloſe with Maſter Daye
at Alderſgate,13 with a Show of Marqueſſes
and Barons, accompanied with many
Knights of Archery, beautified with Trum
pets, Drums, Enſigns, and Halberds, all
the Archers wearing green Scarfs; the black
Prince having twelve Knights, and a Troop
of Barons following him in Chains of Gold
very orderly, and between them Pages in
green Jackets and green Taffety Night–caps,
all dropped with Gold and Conceits of rare
Device on their Shields.
Then laſt of his Train came the Baron Stirrop, whoſe coſtly Stake will be in me
mory after he is dead, now ſtanding at Mile
end. This Baron brought a ſeemly Show
of good Archers, all with green Ribbons
about their Neck, and Eſcocheons in their
Caps with the gilded Stirrop, expreſſing the
truth of his Name: Who, beſides his great
Coſt and Charges in Feaſting of his Archers,
did chuſe many good Ringers of his Neigh
bours, who in the Morning early did Ring
at the chiefeſt Churches about London, for
the honour of the Duke and his Company , feaſting them in moſt commendable man
ner for their pains, who in the going out of
the Duke through the City, did alſo Ring
the Bells in many chief Churches all the
53his Shooting.
way he went, and likewiſe at his coming
home, to their great pains and labour.
Laſt of all came the Goldſmiths, accom
panied with ſome other Inhabitants in Cheapſide and elſewhere, that joyned with
them in Company. The Invention of the
Show was worthy noting: Firſt came
Trumpets and Drums, with two Hand ſwords playing, making room, with a fair
beautified Enſign: Then the ancienteſt ſort
firſt in Gowns and Hats, with every one a
fair large Arrow in his hand, expreſſing
Marqueſs Barlo, ali
as Covell was the chief in the Forefront of the Shoo
the good will to the Long–Bow, and now
being aged, do give over that laudable Game
to their Sons and Servants, yet ſtill well
willers to the Action; and every one of
them had his Page ſeemly cloathed in red
Mandilians, ſtriped with ſilver, like broad
Laces, and Caps of red Taffety, edged with
white Furr; theſe carried their Shields of
ſundry Deviſes, in the one of their hands,
and an Arrow in the other hand: Then
came a Ship ready rigged, carried Pagent
wiſe, and cunningly made to toſs and lean
ſometimes on the one ſide, and ſometimes
on the other, with a Sea–fiſh ready to over
throw the ſame, thruſting forth her Head,
and plucking it in again, in the midſt of the
Waves, and two Indians or Blackmores
54The Duke of Shoreditch.
to go near unto it: On the one end of the
Ship ſtood the Unicorne, on the other end
the Maremaid. The Ship ſeemed as
though it had newly come from India, and
by great travel and danger had brought home her burden, laden with Gold and Sil
ver: Then followed the younger Men of
their Train, and for the moſt part apparal
led in Sattin Dublets, ſilk Hats, Chains of
Gold about their Bodies, and ſilk Hoſe, with
a Bow and four Shafts, and every one had
his Page going before him in red Mandili
ans, as before mentioned, and Caps accord
ingly ſutable, ſome bearing Pickers, ſome
Spades, and ſome Hammers, ſignifying as
though they came from the Indies, and had
thence, by great labour, brought home that Treaſure which the Ship carried: And
others carried Wedges of Gold, and ſome
of them Silver, which by Workmanſhip
is made out of the ſame Earth that the
Ship bringeth; and every one of theſe Pa
ges had upon their Mandilions theſe Senten
ces written both before and behind;
Honeſt labour procureth health,
By honeſt labour men come to wealth.
Thus every one had his Page bearing
theſe Tools, like Workmen by whoſe Labor
55his Shooting.
many things are made out of Gold and Sil
ver to the uſe of all men, and to the avoid
ing of Idleneſs. Then upon a Staff was
borne in the midſt of the ſame Show, a
Coronet, whereat hung three Arrows of
Silver, very workmanly made; then follow
ed a Conſort of broken Muſick, playing all
the way, to the great delight of all the Be
holders and Hearers of the ſame: And laſt
of all an hundred Shot, being very ready
and nimble to diſcharge, and theſe were
well appointed with Powder. Thus went
they along through Cheapſide up Cornhill,
and turned by Leaden–hall to Biſhops
gate, where at the end of Houndſditch the
Street was chained in, and there placed the
Image of a monſtrons Giant, which in
times paſt dwelt in that place, being ſtout
ly defended with long Morrice–Pikes, Hal
berds, and Wheel Guns of great ſhot ready
charged againſt the Duke’s Gunners and
Archers, who valiantly ſhot many Arrows
into the Giant, and diſcharged their Cali
vers, which the Giants men would not
put up, but ſhook their Spears, ſhot off
their Pieces in ſhow to defend the Place,
which ſince that Giant lived belonged to
Prince Arthur: Thus for ſport on both
ſides, the Trumpets ſounded, the Drums,
ſtruk up, the Enſigns were toſſed in ſeem
56The Duke of Shoreditch.
ly ſort, and the Fencers with Tanſwords
made room, beginning a Battel in ſeemly
ſhow, the Shot of the Goldſmiths diſcharg
ed their ſhot ſo faſt, and in good order, to
the ſhaking of the Giants Fort, that hardly
the People near hand, might know one a
nother. Thus the Train paſſed to Shore
ditch Church, and then turned down into Hogſdon–fields,into a fair large green Pa
ſture Ground of goodly Compaſs, where
a Tent was ſet up for the Duke and the
chief Citizens, where, when they were
come, they might ſit to ſee the Shooters ap
pointed to ſhoot at the Butt new ſet up for
the ſame, being Sevenſcore and eight
yards from the other end of the Tent. The
true number of Archers that ſhot, was
Thirty hundred: The number that accom
panied him into the Field, of Archers, Ci
tizens, Whifflers, and thoſe which guard
ed them with Bills, was Forty and one
hundred and odd Perſons, beſides Pages
and Henchmen, which was in number
Three hundred and odd. The Attire worn
by all this Company (for the moſt part)
was very gorgeous; ſome in black Velvet
Jerkins, Dublets of Satten, with Hats of
Velvet; the moſt part in Satten and Taffe
ty, and Hats of Taffety, a great many
wearing Chains of Gold. The true num
57his Shooting.
of Chains of Gold worn among the
Company, that I ſaw, was Nine hundred
forty two; the reſt of the Company did all
wear green large Skarfs, ſome white Scarfs,
otherſome green Ribbons, Oringe tawny
Ribbons, ſome black and white, green and
white, but the moſt part was green.
Before they came to the Tent, the Train
marched about the Field in Warlike man
ner, and forthwith caſt themſelves about
and broke their Ray, every one haſting to
the Tent where the Duke purpoſed to begin
ſhooting. Then every Enſign brought in
his Archers, and there with ſound of Trum
pet proclaimed by the Herauld, That every
man ſhould avoid Forty foot from each ſide
of the Butt; otherwiſe to ſtand to their
own perils. Thus went they to ſhooting,
where by then three Enſigns had ſhot, which
was about three of the Clock; word was
brought to the Duke, That certain of Prince Arthur’s Knights was coming into the
Field, deſirous to ſpeak with his Nobleneſs;
having anſwer that they ſhould be enter
tained courteouſly. Forthwith the Gold
ſmiths made forth to meet them, ſtaying at
their own Stake againſt their coming, who
anon came, and then the Goldſmiths En
ſign, and ſome of their Pages very orderly,
58The Duke of Shoreditch.
with ſome of the Archers in Chains of Gold,
went and met theſe courteous Knights,
mounted upon ſtately Palſreys, with ten
Pages alſo on Horſback, and Iriſh Lackies
with Darts running by their Horſes on foot,
beſides a Trumpeter, a Herauld, and a
Meſſenger, upon good Geldings: The
Knights were apparelled in Cloth of Tiſſue,
or Crimſon Silk and Gold; their Pages in
green Silk; having likewiſe a ſeemly Com
pany of Archers very richly apparelled in
Sattin Dublets and Chains of Gold, to the
number of Two hundred, attending on
Foot, half going before, the reſidue coming
behind. (A worthy Show beſeeming ſo
noble a Game). Thus with great reverence
they came near to the Tent, the Meſſenger
clad in a Jacket of black Velvet, with a
black Velvet Cap, and green Sattin Dub
let; pronounced an Oration to the Duke,
the Copy thereof followeth.
Moſt noble Duke, firſt to your good ſelf
and next unto all your worthy Society and
Company in general; I in the behalf of the
moſt noble and renowned Prince Arthur,
and all his noble Knights, gratifie you (and
yours) with the choice of a thouſand com
mendations: Fame blowing abroad, and
in the Court of the Noble Prince Arthur
59his Shooting.
that this day (in this place) ſhould be prac
tized the moſt excellent quality of ſhoot
ing in the Long–Bow. Which news were
no ſooner blazed in that moſt Royall Court,
but by the conſent of their renowned Prince,
theſe noble Knights mounted themſelves
on Horſeback, (calling to mind) the great
courteſie they received of your Nobleneſs, at
the late Royal Show of their famous
Prince. For requital of which your great
Friendſhip, this Troop of noble Knights
(for the honor they owe to the Long–Bow)
are repaired hither to preſent unto your
Nobleneſs a friendly Gift; which is, five
Bows of Gold, and five Silver Arrows;
requiring your Nobleneſs to beſtow them
on five of the moſt valiant, moſt active, and
moſt expert of all your Train, in ſhooting
in the Long–Bow, requeſting (friendly)
we may preſently ſee the delivery of them
to thoſe perſons moſt worthy: hoping you
will accept theſe their friendly Gifts,
ſpringing from well willing minds, loth
to hinder your worthy exerciſe, we omit
for expence of time, that which elſe more
largely ſhould have been diſcourſed. Theſe
actions being finiſhed (we preſume of your
courteſie) we ſhall depart friendly, alwaies
wiſhing the proſperous ſucceſs of your wor
thy Exerciſe.
60The Duke of Shoreditch.
The Duke with hearty thanks accepted
theſe their preſents, promiſing with great
proteſtation to match the Prince every way
in good will and curteſie, wiſhing that
this their amity might long continue.
Then the Knights departed with great
grief to the Duke, becauſe he had provided
a Bankquet for them, which could not be
ſerved in by reaſon of the unrulineſs and
throng of the People.
The Marqueſs Barlo chief of the Gold
ſmiths, to gratify them with ſome Show of
curteſie, beſtowed on them to Jugots or
Wedges, one of Gold the other of Silver;
and after did conduct them into their own
liberties with a Volley of ſhot, which they
very thankfully accepted.
And this one thing is worthy of memory,
that upon the day of Prince Arthur’s ſhoot
ing, which was five weeks before this Show,
The Duke willing to beautifie the ſame
in ſome ſeemly ſort, ſent a Buck of that
ſeaſon by the Marqueſs Barlo, accompa
nied with many Goldſmiths; who coming
in Satten Dublets and Chains of Gold about
their Bodies, with Horns at their backs,
did all the way wind their Horns, and pre
61his Shooting.
ſented the ſame to Prince Arthur, who
was at his Tent, which was at Mile–end
green; he not only accepted the ſame, but
alſo promiſed to have the Dukes curteſie in
mind if God lent him life.
Having now digreſſed in brief, I will re
turn to the Duke, who ſeeing the night draw
on, broke up the ſhooting untill the next
day, which was Wedneſday, where they
all met again to try who could depart Vic
tors of thoſe Games then to bee won.
Which were in value as followeth; The firſt
Fifty three ſhillings four pence, the ſecond
five nobles, the third four nobles,the fourth
Twenty ſhillings, and the fifth ten ſhillings.
Thus every one having one ſhot at the But,
the beſt five were young men; four of the
beſt Games did the Earl of Pankridge’s
men win; the fifth one of the Dukes
men did get. The beſt and the ſecond were won
by two of S. Dunſtans in the Eaſt; the beſt
was a Skinners man, the ſecond a Brewers
man, and he that won the firſt did dwell
in S. Brides Pariſh, being a Sadlers Son, all
which three were brought home in this
manner. Firſt, for that it was dark, they were
brought out of the Field with Torch lights
to the number of two hundred, and the
Winners mounted upon great Geldings, ſent
62The Duke of Shoreditch.
to them from out of thoſe parts where they
dwelled, very ſumptuouſly trapped with
cloth of Silk, and Silver, and another of
Gold, with eight Trumpets Drums and
Enſigns, with ſhot which came from Fleet
ſtreet to fetch them home: and others
with Halbards ſafely to conduct them,
they all three were clad in green; the firſt
in green Taffety, with a white Scarf about
his Body, and a great Chain of Gold about
his neck, with a Cap of Velvet, and a
golden Band about the ſame, bearing an
Arrow in his hand, and a green Ribbon
hanging thereat; And ſo had they all: To
their great laud and honour were they
conducted firſt into Grubſtreet, then en
tred the City at Cripplegate, down Wood
ſtreet, and ſo into Cheapſide, continual
ſhot was beſtowed to bring them home, to
the great delight of the beholders: Thus
marching through Paul’s Churchyard,
they went to Ludgate, and ſo home, where
their Trains was very thankfully received:
Againſt they came home there was prepared
great Banquets by their Maſters and Pa
rents, to the great delight of that Pariſh
where they dwelled, who would not for
mony have loſt the honor of the ſame.
63his Shooting.
Then did the Marqueſs Barlo with all
the Goldſmiths and his convoy of men at
Arms ſafe conduct the Duke home to his
Norrich & Savage both nota table for ſhot in this Train.
houſe, appointing one Jeffery Gates an
ancient Servitor to them, to be the Lead
er, who marched in the forward untill
they came to the Duke’s houſe, where the
Duke was no ſooner entred his houſe, and
the Marqueſs together, with the chief of
the Train, but the Harquebuſſers, at the
appointment of Gates, charged their peeces,
and forthwith did beſtow ſuch a Volley of
ſhot, as cauſed the Glaſs to ſhake forth
of the Glaſs windows; to the honour of
the Duke, and the good liking of them all.
Then every Baron and the whole Com
pany of Governors were brought home to
their joy and comfort, making good chear,
ſhooting off their Peeces, ſounding of
Trumpets, and ſtriking up of their Drums to
delight and comfort.
Thus have I (as perfectly as I may)
deſcribed the manner of the ſame, repor
ting the truth of what I ſaw. Then on the
Monday following, the Duke had provided
a ſumptuous Feaſt, to which all the Ar
chers came, being kept at the Biſhop of Londons Pallace, who for the good will
64The Duke of Shoreditch.
he bore to ſhooting, lent them his houſe
freely, wiſhing that it might be as com
modious to them, as the Show and Sight,
for proviſion of ſo many Citizens in his
houſe was comfortable to him. And for
fear of diſorder, there was unto every
Archer given a token ſtamped with a Broad
Arrow, who at the gate of the Biſhops
Pallace, delivered them to thoſe they
were appointed to receive them.
Which done, every man (for the moſt
part having Ribbons about their necks)
went to thoſe Tables, which by good fore
ſight were provided for them, every man
taking his place vntill the Service was
brought in, the Tables furniſhed before
with Table–clothes, Salt Bread, and tren
chers: The great Hall of the Pallace was
filled, and over the heads of the People
hung the moſt ſumptuous Enſigns, under
which they were before conducted to the
field. There might a man behold the
great proviſion of meat, the Cooks in ſuch
good order dreſſing the ſame in quiet
ſort as was worthy noting. And when the
ſervice of meat was brought in, the Trum
pets ſounded, the Drums ſtruck up, and
every man in very good order placed t o their contentment, ſo that the great Hall,
65his Shooting.
the largeſt Parlor, the Galleries, and
other Rooms in the Houſe were filled
with People, who with great rejoycing
gave thanks to God for his providence
and bleſſings, many wayes beſtowed on
them. Then was there ſerved into one large
Table, which was the higheſt Table in the
great Hall, boyled Capon, roſted Beef,
Veniſon Paſties, Cuſtard, Tart, roſted
Capon and Rabbets, with other Diſhes
neceſſary for the time, with Wine, Beer,
and Ale, and ever was repleniſhed with
ſufficient thereof to their contentation.
The reſt of the Tables had this ſervice to
every’ Meſs. Firſt boil’d Mutton, roſted
Beef, a Paſty of Veniſon, and a roſted, Ca
pon, and ſome had Rabbets, beſides Beer
and Ale which was ſufficient, every Meſs
had a Bottle of Wine ſerved in a Bottel
unto the ſame: There were three hundred
Meſſes of Meat ſerved in, to the great joy
and comfort of thoſe that were there, being
ſerved in ſuch good order as is laudable.
When the Meat was ſerved in, every man
familiarly drunk one to another, and then
the Duke very reverently drank to them
all, whereat the Trumpets founded, the
People hollowed, the Drums ſtruck up,
and ſuch a noiſe was made that it was heard
66The Duke of Shoreditch.
far off. Then the Duke with ſome of his
Knights and Gentlemen, went about the
whole Houſe and viſited every Table,
with Drum and Fife, to the well liking
of them all, ſo that with much melody they
came in again into the great Hall, giving
thanks to the whole Company. Then
ſundry times the Trumpets ſounded, the
Drums ſtruck up, and the Company drank
to the Duke, paſſing away the time un
till Dinner was ended. Then another
Company did wind their Horns, which
in good order of meaſures they did. The
People by this time beginning to depart,
the Duke cauſed the Herald to ſtand up
and make a proclamation, that the people
might be ſilent; which done, he pro
nounced in ſhort ſentence, a thankſgiv
ing to God for our gracious Queen, deſi
ring God to ſend her long Life and Victo
ry over all her enemies; whereat the
People cried Amen; lifting up their Caps,
heaving up the Tables over their Heads, in
ſign of joy of her Majeſty, whereat the
Trumpets ſounded, the Company hol
lowed and ſhowted. Laſt of all they prai
ſed God and ſo departed; giving the rem
nant of the broken Meat to the poor and
needy, of which company a number
gave diligent attendance for the ſame at
67his Shooting.
the great Gate. (A charitable deed in the
knitting up of ſo honorable a matter.)
Thus they declared their courteſies one
to another, to the maintenance of Chri
ſtian unity, which I pray God long con
tinue, that this her Majeſties Realm of
England may be kept ſtill in Peace and
Tranquility, to the maintenance of Gods
Glory, the Fame and perpetual renown of
of her Majeſty; whoſe life, the God and
giver of all life, prolong, that our lives
which depend upon Hers, may the better
be preſerved and continued.
Ruled line
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A Remembrance of the Worthy Show and Shooting by the Duke of Shoreditch.The Map of Early Modern London, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 15 Sep. 2020, Draft.
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A Remembrance of the Worthy Show and Shooting by the Duke of Shoreditch.The Map of Early Modern London. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed September 15, 2020. Draft.
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2020. A Remembrance of the Worthy Show and Shooting by the Duke of Shoreditch. In
J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London. Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.
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A6 Jenstad, Janelle
T1 A Remembrance of the Worthy Show and Shooting by the Duke of Shoreditch
T2 The Map of Early Modern London
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RD 2020/09/15
PP Victoria
PB University of Victoria
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TEI citation
<bibl type="mla"> <title level="a">A Remembrance of the Worthy Show and Shooting by
the Duke of Shoreditch</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>,
edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>,
<publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2020-09-15">15 Sep. 2020</date>,
<ref target=""></ref>.
Junior Programmer, 2018-present. Tracey is a PhD candidate in the English Department
the University of Victoria. Her research focuses on Critical Technical Practice, more
specifically Algorhythmics. She is interested in how technologies communicate without
humans, affecting social and cultural environments in complex ways.
Programmer, 2018-present. Junior Programmer, 2015-2017. Research Assistant, 2014-2017.
Joey Takeda was a graduate student at the University of British Columbia in the Department
of English (Science and Technology research stream). He completed his BA honours in
(with a minor in Women’s Studies) at the University of Victoria in 2016. His primary
research interests included diasporic and indigenous Canadian and American literature,
critical theory, cultural studies, and the digital humanities.
Project Manager, 2015-2019. Katie Tanigawa was a doctoral candidate at the University
of Victoria. Her dissertation focused on representations of poverty in Irish modernist
literature. Her additional research interests included geospatial analyses of modernist
texts and digital humanities approaches to teaching and analyzing literature.
Research Assistant, 2016, 2018. Student contributor enrolled in English 362: Popular Literature in the Renaissance at the University of Victoria
in Spring 2016, working under the guest editorship of Janelle
Data Manager, 2015-2016. Research Assistant, 2013-2015. Tye completed his undergraduate
honours degree in English at the University of Victoria in 2015.
Janelle Jenstad is Associate Professor of English at the University of Victoria, Director
of The Map of Early Modern London, and PI of Linked Early Modern Drama Online. She has taught at Queen’s University, the Summer
Academy at the Stratford Festival, the University of Windsor, and the University of
Victoria. With Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Mark Kaethler, she co-edited Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media (Routledge). She has prepared a documentary edition of John Stow’s A
Survey of London (1598 text) for MoEML and is currently editing The Merchant of Venice (with Stephen Wittek) and Heywood’s 2 If
You Know Not Me You Know Nobody for DRE. Her articles have appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, Renaissance and
Reformation,Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies,
Early Modern Literary Studies, Elizabethan
Theatre, Shakespeare Bulletin: A Journal of Performance
Criticism, and The Silver Society Journal. Her book
chapters have appeared (or will appear) in Institutional Culture in Early
Modern Society (Brill, 2004), Shakespeare, Language and the Stage,
The Fifth Wall: Approaches to Shakespeare from Criticism, Performance and Theatre
Studies (Arden/Thomson Learning, 2005), Approaches to Teaching
Othello (Modern Language Association, 2005), Performing Maternity
in Early Modern England (Ashgate, 2007), New Directions in the
Geohumanities: Art, Text, and History at the Edge of Place (Routledge, 2011), Early
Modern Studies and the Digital Turn (Iter, 2016), Teaching Early Modern
English Literature from the Archives (MLA, 2015), Placing Names:
Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers (Indiana, 2016), Making
Things and Drawing Boundaries (Minnesota, 2017), and Rethinking
Shakespeare’s Source Study: Audiences, Authors, and Digital Technologies
(Routledge, 2018).
Janelle Jenstad authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:
Jenstad, Janelle. Building a Gazetteer for Early Modern London, 1550-1650.Placing Names. Ed. Merrick Lex Berman, Ruth
Mostern, and Humphrey Southall. Bloomington and
Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 2016. 129-145.
Jenstad, Janelle. The
Burse and the Merchant’s Purse: Coin, Credit, and the Nation in Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody.The
Elizabethan Theatre XV. Ed. C.E. McGee and A.L.
Magnusson. Toronto: P.D. Meany, 2002. 181–202.
Jenstad, Janelle. The City Cannot Hold You: Social Conversion in the Goldsmith’s
Shop.Early Modern Literary Studies 8.2 (2002): 5.1–26..
Jenstad, Janelle. The Gouldesmythes Storehowse: Early Evidence for
Specialisation.The Silver Society Journal 10 (1998): 40–43.
Jenstad, Janelle. Lying-in Like a Countess: The Lisle Letters, the Cecil
Family, and A Chaste Maid in Cheapside.Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 34 (2004): 373–403. doi:10.1215/10829636–34–2–373.
Jenstad, Janelle. Public
Glory, Private Gilt: The Goldsmiths’ Company and the Spectacle of Punishment.Institutional Culture in Early Modern Society. Ed.
Anne Goldgar and Robert Frost. Leiden: Brill, 2004. 191–217. Print.
Jenstad, Janelle. Smock
Secrets: Birth and Women’s Mysteries on the Early Modern Stage.Performing Maternity in Early Modern England. Ed. Katherine
Moncrief and Kathryn McPherson. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. 87–99. Print.
Jenstad, Janelle. Using
Early Modern Maps in Literary Studies: Views and Caveats from London.GeoHumanities: Art, History, Text at the Edge of Place. Ed.
Michael Dear, James Ketchum, Sarah
Luria, and Doug Richardson. London: Routledge, 2011. Print.
Stow, John. A SVRVAY OF
LONDON. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description
of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an
Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the
greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ &
nobilitate Londini: written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the
second. Ed. Janelle Jenstad and
the MoEML Team. MoEML. Transcribed. Web.
Programmer at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC).
Martin ported the MOL project from its original PHP incarnation to a pure eXist database
implementation in the fall of 2011. Since then, he has been lead programmer on the
and has also been responsible for maintaining the project schemas. He was a co-applicant
MoEML’s 2012 SSHRC Insight Grant.