Helen M. Ostovich


Helen Ostovich is professor of English at McMaster University and editor of the journal Early Theatre. Her published work, aside from articles on Jonson and Shakespeare, includes editions of Jonson and Shakespeare, most recently Jonson’s The Magnetic Lady (Cambridge Works of Ben Jonson) and All’s Well that Ends Well (Internet Shakespeare Editions) with Karen Bamford and Andrew Griffin. She is also editing Richard Brome and Thomas Heywood’s The Late Lancashire Witches (Richard Brome Electronic Edition). She is a general editor for The Revels Plays (Manchester UP) and for The Plays of the Queen’s Men (Internet Shakespeare Editions). She collaborated with Elizabeth Sauer (as co-editor) and about 80contributors to produce Reading Early Modern Women(Routledge, 2005).

Roles played in the project

  • Author
  • Encoder

Contributions by this author

Helen M. Ostovich is a member of the following organizations and/or groups:

Helen M. Ostovich authored or edited the following items in MoEML’s bibliography:

  • Howard, Jean E. Other Englands: The View from the Non-Shakespearean History Play. Other Voices, Other Views: Expanding the Canon in English Renaissance Studies. Ed. Helen Ostovich, Mary V. Silcox, and Graham Roebuck. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1999. 135–153. Print.
  • Ostovich, Helen, ed. Early Theatre: A Journal with the Records of Early English Drama. McMaster U. http://digitalcommons.mcmaster.ca/earlytheatre/.
  • Shakespeare, William. All’s Well That Ends Well. Ed. Helen Ostovich. Internet Shakespeare Editions. Open.