Survey of London (1633): Portsoken Ward

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The first Ward in the East part.
SEeing that of every of
these Wards I have to
say somewhat, I will be
gin with Portsoken ward
without Ealdgate.
This Portsoken, which
soundeth the Franchise at the gate, was
sometime a Guild,
Lib. Trinit. Knighten Guild.
and had beginning in
the dayes of King Edgar, more than six
hundred yeeres since. There were then
13. Knights or Souldiers, well belo
ved to the King and Realme, for servi
ces by them done, who requested to
have a certaine portion of Land on the
East part of the Citie, being left deso
late and forsaken by the Inhabitants, by
reason of too much servitude. They be
sought the King to have this Land, with
the liberty of a Guild for ever. The King
granted to their request, with conditi
ons following; to wit, That each of
them should victoriously accomplish
three Combates; one above the ground,
one under ground, and the third in the
And after this, at a certaine day in
East Smithfield, they should runne with
Speares against all commers; all which
was gloriously performed; and the same
day the King named it Knighten Guild,
Bounds of Knighten Guild, or Portsoken ward.

and so bounded it, from Ealdgate, to the
place where the barres now are toward
the East, on both the sides of the street,
and extended it towards Bishopsgate in
the North, unto the house then of Willi
am Presbyter
, afterward of Geffrey Tan
, and then of the heires of Clover;
after that, of Iohn Easeby: but since of the
Lord Bourchier, &c. And againe, to
wards the South, unto the River of
Thames, and so farre into the water, as a
Horseman entring the same, might ride
at a low water, and throw his Speare.
So that all East Smithfield, with the
right part of the street that goeth to
Dodding Pond, into the Thames, and al
so the Hospitall of Saint Katharine, with
the Mils, that were founded in King
dayes, and the outward stone
wall, and the new ditch of the Tower,
were of the said Fee and Liberty: for
the said wall and ditch of the Tower,
were made in the time of King Richard
the first
, when he was in the holy Land,
by William Longshampe, Bishop of Ely,
as before I have noted unto you.
These Knights had as then none o
ther Charter, by all the dayes of Edgar,
, and Cnutus, untill the time of
Edward the Confessor, whom the heires
of those Knights humbly besought to
confirme their liberties: whereunto he
graciously granting, gave them a Deed
Lib. Trinit.
as appeareth in the Booke of
the late house of the holy Trinity. The
said Charter was faire written, in the
Saxon letter and Tongue.
After this, King William, the sonne of
William the Conquerour, made a confir
mation of the same Liberties, unto the
heires of those Knights, in these words:
William, King of England, to Mau
, Bishop, and Godfrey de Magum,
and Richard de Parre, and to his faith
full people of London, greeting: Know yee
me to have granted to the men of Knighten
, the Guild that belonged to them,
and the Land that belonged thereunto,
with all Customes, as they had the same
in the time of King Edward, and my Fa

ther. Witnesse Hugh de Buche; at Re
After him, King Henry the first con
firmed the same by his Charter, to the
like effect, the recitall whereof I preter
mit for brevity. After which time, the
Church of the holy Trinity within Eald
of London, being founded by Queen
, wife to the said Henry, the mul
titude of brethren praising God there
in, in short time so increased, that all
the Citie was delighted in beholding
of them: insomuch that in the yeere
1115. certaine Burgesses of London, of
the progeny of those Noble English
Knights; to wit, Radulphus Fitzalgod,
Wilmarde le Devereshe, Orgare le Prude,
Edward Hupcornehill, Blackstanus
, and
Alwine his kinsman, and Robert his bro
ther, the sonnes of Leofstanus the Gold
smith, Wiso his sonne, Hugh Fitzvulgar,
Algare Secusme
, comming together into
the Chapter house of the said Church
of the holy Trinity
Knighten Guild givē the Canōs of the ho
ly Trinity.
gave to the same
Church and Canons serving God ther
in, all the Lands and Soke called in
English, Knighten Guild, which lyeth to
the wall of the Citie without the same
gate, and stretcheth to the River of
Thames: they gave it, I say, (taking up
on them the brotherhood and partici
pation of the benefits of that house) by
the hands of Prior Norman.
And the better to confirme this their
Grant, they offered upon the Altar
there, the Charter of Edward, together
with the other Charters which they had
thereof; and afterward they did put
the foresaid Prior in seisin thereof, by
the Church of Saint Buttolphs, which is
builded thereon, and is the head of that
Land. These things were thus done, be
fore Bernard Prior of Dunstable, Iohn
Prior of Derland, Geffrey Clinton Cham
berlaine, and many other Clerkes and
Laymen, French and English: Orgare le
(one of their company) was sent
to King Henry, beseeching him to con
firme their gift, which the King gladly
granted by his deed.
Henry, King of England, to R. Bishop
of London, to the Sheriffes and Provost,
and to all his Barons, and faithfull people,
French and English, of London and Mid
, greeting: Know ye me to have gran
ted and confirmed to the Church and Ca
nons of the holy Trinity of London, the
Soke of the English Knighten Guild, and
the Land which pertaineth thereunto, and
the Church of S. Buttolph, as the men of
the same Guild have given and granted un
to them: And I will and straightly com
mand, that they may hold the same well, and
honourably and freely, with Sacke and Soke,
Toll and Thea, infangthefe, and all customes
belonging to it, as the men of the same Guild
in best sort had the same in the time of King
, and as King William my Fa
ther, and brother, did grant it to them by
their Writs. Witnesse, A. the Queene,
Geffrey Clinton the Chancellour, and
William of Clinton: at Woodstocke.
All these prescribed witings (saith
my Booke) which sometime belonged
to the Priory of the holy Trinity, are
registred in the end of the Booke of Re
membrances, in the Guildhall of Lon
, marked with the letter C. folio 134.
The King sent also his Sheriffes, to wit,
Aubery de Vere, and Roger, Nephew to
Hubert, which (upon his behalfe) should
invest this Church with the possessions
hereof, which the said Sheriffes accom
plished by comming upon the ground,
Andrew Buchevite, and the forenamed
witnesses, and other standing by; not
withstanding, Othowerus, Acolivillus,
stables of the Tower.
and Ieffrey, Earle of Essex, Con

stables of the Tower by succession, with
held by force a Portion of the said land,
as I have before delivered.
Part of Knighten Guild with-held by the Cōstables of the Tower.
The Prior
and Canons of the holy Trinity, being
thus seised of the said land and soke of
Knighten Guild, a part of the Suburbe
without the wall, (but within the liber
ties of the City) the same Prior was for
him, and his successors, admitted as one
of the Aldermen of London,
Prior of the Trini
an Al
derman of London.
to governe
the same land and soke. According to
the Customes of the City, hee did sit
in Court, and rode with the Maior and
his Brethren the Aldermen, as one of
them in Scarlet, or other livery as they
then used; untill the yeere 1531. at the
which time, the said Priory (by the last
Prior there) was surrendred to King
Henry the eight in the 23. of his reigne,
who gave this Priory to Sir Thomas
, Knight, Lord Chancelor of Eng
, and hee pulled downe the Church.
Sithence the which dissolution of that
house, the said Ward of Portsoken, hath

been governed by a temporall man, one
of the Aldermen of London, and elected
by the Citizens, as by the Aldermen of
other Wards. Thus much for the out
bounds of Knighten Guild, or Portsoken
, and for the antiquity and govern
ment thereof.
Now for the parts therein, this is spe
cially to be noted. First, the East part
of the Tower standeth there, then an
Hospitall of Saint Katharine, founded
by Matilde the Queene, wife to King
, by licence of the Prior and Co
vent of the holy Trinity in London, on
whose ground shee founded it.
Hospitall of Saint Katharines. A second Foundres.
the Queene, wife to King Edward the
, a second Foundresse, appointed to
be there, one Master, three Brethren
Chaplaines, and three Sisters, ten poore
women, and sixe poore Clerkes; shee
gave to them the Manor of Clarton in
Wiltshire, and Vpchurch in Kent, &c.
Queene Philip, wife to King Edward the
, 1351. founded a Chauntry there,
and gave to that Hospitall tenne pound
land by yeere; it was of late time cal
led a free Chappell, a Colledge, and an
Hospitall for poore sisters. The Quire,
which (of late yeeres) was not much in
feriour to that of Pauls, was dissolved
by Doctor Wilson, a late Master there,
the brethren and sisters remaining. This
house was valued at 315. l. 14. s. 2. d.
being now of late yeeres inclosed about
or pestered with small Tenements, and
homely cottages, having inhabitants
English and Strangers, more in number
than in some City in England. There
lye buried in this Church, the Coun
tesse of Huntington, Countesse of the
March, in her time 1429. Iohn Holland
Duke of Excester, and Earle of Hunting
, 1447. and his two wives, in a faire
Tombe on the North side the Quire:
Thomas Walsingham Esquire, and Thomas
Esquire by him 1465. Thomas
Knight, 1466. &c.
On the East and by North of the
Tower, lieth Eastsmithfield and Tower
, two plots of ground so called, with
out the wall of the City, and East from
them both was sometime a Monastery,
called, New Abby, founded by King
Edward the third
, in the yeere 1359.
upon occasion as followeth.
In the yeere 1348. the 23. of Edward
the third
Buriall for the dead prepared in time of pestilence.
the first great pestilence in his
time began, and increased so sore, that
for want of roome in Church-yards to
bury the dead of the City, & of the Sub
urbes, one Iohn Corey Clerke, procured
of Nicholas, Prior of the holy Trinity
within Ealdgate
, one toft of ground neere
unto Eastsmithfield, for the buriall of
them that dyed, with condition that it
might be called the Church-yard of the
holy Trinity
, which ground he caused
by the ayd of divers devout Citizens to
be inclosed with a wall of stone. Robert
, sonne of William Elsing, gave five
pounds thereunto: and the same was
dedicated by Ralfe Stratford, Bishop of
London, where innumerable bodies of
the dead were afterward buried, and a
Chappell built in the same place, to the
honour of God: to the which King Ed
setting his eye (having before in a
Tempest on the Sea, and perill of drow
ning, made a vow to build a Monastery
to the honour of God, and our Lady of
grace, if God would grant him grace to
come safe to land) builded there a
Causing it to bee named Eastmin
nastery, placing an Abbot, and Monkes
of the Cistercian, or white order. The
bounds of this plot of ground, together
with a decree for tithes thereof, are ex
pressed in the Charter, the effect wher
of I have set down in another place, and
have to shew.
This house at the late generall sup
pression was valued at 546. l. 10. d.
yeerely, it was surrendred in the yeere
1539. the 30. of Henry the 8. Since the
which time, the said Monastery being
cleane pulled down, by Sir Arthur Dar
, Knight, and other; of late time (in
place thereof) is builded a large Store
house for Victual, and convenient Ovens
are builded there, for baking of Bisket
to serve his Majesties Shippes. The
grounds adjoyning and belonging to
the said Abby, are imployed in building
of small Tenements.
For Tower-hill, as the same is great
ly diminished, by building of tenements
and Garden plots, &c. So it is of late,
to wit, in the yeere of Christ, 1593. on
the North side thereof, and at the West
end of Hogstreet, beautified by certaine
faire Almes-houses, strongly builded of
Bricke and Timber, and covered with
Slate for the poore, by the Merchant

Taylors of London, in place of some
small Cottages, given to them by Ri
chard Hils
, sometime a Master of that
Company, one hundred loads of Tim
ber for that use, being also given by An
thony Radcliffe
, of the same Society, Al
In these Almes-houses 14. charitable
brethren of the said Merchant-Taylors
then living, caused to be placed foure
teene poore sole women, which receive
each of them of their Founders sixteene
pence, or better, weekely, beside 8. l.
15. s. yeerely, paid out of the common
Treasury of the same Corporation for
From the West part of this Tower
, towards Ealdgate, being a long con
tinuall street, amongst other smaller
buildings in that row, there was some
times an Abby of Nunnes of the order
of S. Clare
, called the Minories, founded
by Edmund, Earle of Lancaster, Leicester
and Darby, brother to King Edward the
, in the yeere 1293. the length of
which Abby contained 15. perches and
seven foot, neere unto the Kings street,
or high-way, &c. as appeareth by a
deed dated 1303. A plague of pesti
lence, being in this City, in the yeere
1515. there dyed in this house of Nuns
professed, to the number of 27. besides
other lay people, servants in the house.
This house was valued to dispend 418. l. 8. s. 5. d. yeerely, and was surren
dred by Dame Elizabeth Salvage, the last
Abbesse there, unto King Henry the 8.
in the thirty of his reigne, the yeere of
Christ, 1539.
In place of this house of Nunnes,
Store-house for Armour.
now builded with divers faire and large
Store-houses for Armour, and habili
ments of warre, with divers workhouses
serving to the same purpose: There is
also a small Parish Church for inhabi
tants of the Close, called, Saint Tri
Neere adjoyning to this Abby,
A farme by the Mi
, wherein hath been sold three pints of milke for one halfe-penny, in memo
ry of men living.
the South side thereof, was sometime a
Farme belonging to the said Nunrie, at
the which Farme, I my selfe (in my
youth) have fetched many a halfe-pen
ny worth of milke, and never had lesse
than three ale pintes for a halfe penny
in the Summer, nor lesse than one ale
quart for a halfe-penny in the Winter,
alwaies hot from the Kine, as the same
was milked and strained. One Trolop,
and afterwards Goodman, were the Far
mers there, and had thirty or forty Kine
to the paile. Goodmans son, being heire
to his fathers purchase, let out the
ground, first for grazing of horses, and
then for Garden plots, and lived like a
Gentleman thereby. He lyeth buried in
S. Buttolphs Church.
On the other side of that street,
Ditch of the City lay open and was cleansed, but now filled up.
the Ditch without the walls of the City
which of old time was used to lye open,
alwaies (from time to time) cleansed
from filth and mud, as need required, of
great breadth, and so deepe, that divers
watring horses, where they thought it
shallowest, were drowned both horse
and man. But now of later time, the
same Ditch is inclosed, and the bankes
thereof let out for Garden plots, Car
penters yards, Bowling Allies, and di
vers houses thereon builded, whereby
the City wall is hidden, the Ditch fil
led up, a small Channell left, and that
very shallow.
From Ealdgate East, lyeth a large
street, and high-way, sometime reple
nished with few, but faire and comely
buildings; on the North side whereof,
first was and is, the Parish Church of
Saint Buttolph
, in a large Cemitery, or
This Church hath beene lately new
builded, at the speciall charges of the
Priors of the holy Trinity, Patrones
thereof, as it appeareth by the Armes
of that house engraven on the stone
worke. The Parishioners of the Parish,
being of late yeeres mightily increased,
the Church is pestered with lofts and
seats for them. Monuments of this
Church are few, Henry Iorden founded
a Chauntery there, Iohn Romany, Olarie
and Agnes his wives were buried there,
about Anno 1408. Richard Chester Al
derman, one of the Sheriffes 1484. Tho
Lord Darcy of the North, Knight
of the Garter, beheaded, 1537. Sir Ni
cholas Carew
of Bedington in Surrey,
Knight of the Garter, beheaded, 1538.
Sir Arthur Darcy, yongest sonne to Tho
Lord Darcy
, deceased at the new
Abby on the Tower-hill, and was buri
ed there.
There is a faire Vault under ground,

purposely made (as appeareth) for the
whole Family. Over which Vault (be
ing in the East end of the Chancell, but
leaning somewhat to the North) is a
faire ancient Tombe of Alabaster, inge
niously wrought: having these lines fol
lowing engraven thereon: Here lyeth Thomas Lord Darcy of the
North, and sometime of the Order of the
Garter. Sir Nicholas Carew, Knight,
sometime of the Garter. Lady Eliza
beth Carew
, Daughter to Sir Francis
, Knight: and Sir Arthur Darcy
Knight, yonger sonne to the above-named
Lord Darcy. And Lady Mary his deare
wife, Daughter to Sir Nicholas Carew
Knight; who had tenne Sonnes, and five
Daughters. Here lye Charles, Willi
and Philip, Mary and Vrsula, Sons
and Daughters to the said Sir Arthur,
and Mary his Wife: whose soules God
take to his infinite mercy. Amen.
On the North side of this Tombe,
there is a small Monument, fixed in the
wall, bearing this inscription: Here lyeth Sir Edw. Darcy, Knight, third
Son of Sir Arthur Darcy, Knight, of the
Privy Chamber to the late Queene Eli
. Hee married the Daughter of
Thomas Asteley, Esquire, by whom he
had fifteene Children. Sir Robert Dar
, Knight, his eldest Sonne, caused him
to bee buried in this Vault amongst his
Ancestors, according to his desire. Hee
dyed at his house called Dartford-Place
in Kent, the 28. day of October. Anno
Dom. 1612
. He being 69. yeeres old.
Another smaller Monument is also
fixed in the same wall, but somewhat
more toward the South, having this in
scription: Here lyeth buried the corps of Robert Tay
, of Silverdale, in the Parish of
Warton in the County of Lancaster,
Gentleman, the Father of Iohn Taylor,
Citizen and Draper of London, and of
this Parish Beere-brewer. He departed
this life, about the age of 80. yeeres, the
15. day of February, An. Dom. 1577.
Vpon the ground, under the head of
the Communion Table, lyeth an anci
ent faire stone, and these lines engraven
theron in brasse: Hic jacet Ioannes, Episc. Bathon. &
Wellensis, qui cum obiissit plures in
sig. Legation. tandem obiit summum in
Legatione Clevensis, in Ianuarii. M. C.
. Cujus animæ propitietur Deus.
Neere unto the place where the Mi
nister readeth Divine Service, there is a
small brasse plate fixed in the wall, a
very unworthy Monument (in my mind)
for a man of so great charity and boun
ty, not having so much as a graven stone
bestowed on him upon the ground. The
Plate containeth these lines following.
Here before this Pew lyeth buried the body
of Robert Dow, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor
of London, with Lettice his
Wife, and Thomas his Son. Which Ro

deceased the ſecond day of May, in
the yeere, 1612
. His age was 89. yeeres.
Who amongst other his charities done in
this Citie, and elsewhere sundry wayes,
as to severall Hospitals abroad and at
home, Prisons, and to nineteene poore
housholders, of the Merchant-Taylors
in perpetuum, gave to this
Parish of S. Buttolphs without Ald

(whereof he was a member) the no
mination of two Almes-women freely re
lieved. And twenty pound yeerely to be
distributed to threescore poore aged and
impotent men and women, by Nobles a
peece upon every S. Thomas Eve for e
ver. Ad gloriam Dei. Per Nepotem ac Hæredem Zachari
Dow, Posthumum.
In the North Ile of the Chancell, ly
eth a faire stone on the ground, with
this inscription upon it, engraven in
brasse: Here lyeth the body of William Cowch,
one of the ordinary Yeomen of her Maje
sties Chamber, Citizen and In-holder of
London. He deceased the 13. day of Iu
ly, An. Dom. 1583
. Who hath given
(after the decease of Ioane his Wife) the
house, called the Crowne, being at the
East end of this Church, called S. But
without Aldgate
, unto Christs
for ever. Out of the which
house after the decease of the said Ioane
his Wife, is to be paid by the Governours
of the said Hospitall, five pound yeerely

for ever, to the poore of Portsoken Ward,
within the said Parish.
In the middle Ile of the Church, be
fore the entrance into the Chancell, ly
eth a faire Grave-stone on the ground,
having this inscription engraven upon
Brasse upon it:
Dies mei sicut umbra declinaverunt,
& ego sicut fœnum aresco.
Here under this Stone lyeth buried the bo
dy of Robert Cockes, late Citizen and
Tallow-Chandler of London: Who by
his last will and Testament, gave to this
Ward of Portsoken (wherein he dwelt)
the summe of one hundred pounds, to be
employed for the use and benefit of the
poore of the said Ward. He departed this
mortall life the 20. day of September,
An. Dom. 1609
. and was here enter
red the 3. day of October next following:
Ætatis suæ. LXVII.
Vixi dum volui, volui dum Christe volebas,
Christe mihi spes es, vita, corona, salus.
In the same Ile, but a little lower, ly
eth another faire grave-stone, having (in
a whiter kind of stone) a coat of Armes
on it, and a description in well formed
letters, speaking thus:
Here underneath this stone, lyeth the body
of Daniel Balgay, sometime an Inhabi
tant of this Parish; of good account and
credit: being a Citizen of this honoura
ble City of London, and free of the wor
shipfull Company of the Mercers
: Who
parted this mortall life the 20. day of
December, in the yeere of our Lord, 1608

being the day of the Nativity of our Lord
Iesus Christ.
Christus mihi vita.
In the Church-yard Southward, and
toward the street, standeth a handsome
Tombe, well defenced over from wea
ther, and a faire Grave-stone upon it.
Beneath, on the outside of the Tombe,
are engraven the Armes belonging to
the Vintners, and the Barber Chirurgi
: upon the Grave-stone is a faire
plate of Brasse, with all these following
lines engraven on it: Here under this Stone lyeth the body of
George Clarke, Citizen and Vintner of
London, who by his last Will and Testa
ment, gave for divers good and chari
table uses, these Legacies hereafter fol
First, for a publike Schoole in the
Vniversity of Oxenford, the summe of
two hundred pounds.
To the use of the poore of the foure
Precincts of the Ward of Portsoken, be
ing in the Parish of St. Buttolps with
out Aldgate
, the summe of 293. pounds
6. shillings, 8. pence.
To the Parish of White Chappell, for
the reliefe of the poore there, the sum
of 230. pound.
To the Parish of S. Leonards in Shor
, to the use of the poore there, the
summe of 106. pound, 15. shillings, 4.
To the Company of the Vintners, he
gave the summe of ten pounds.
And to the poore of Christs Hospi
he gave the summe of 5. pounds.
He deceased the 19. day of April, Anno
Dom. 1606
. And was here buried the
24. day of the ſame next following: Æ
tatis suæ 63
East from this Parish Church, there
are certaine faire Innes, for receipt of
Travellers repairing to the City, up to
wards Hog-lane end, somewhat within
the Barres, and a marke there shewing,
how farre the liberties of the City doe
This Hog-lane stretcheth North to
ward S. Mary Spittle, without Bishops
, and within these 40. yeeres, had
(on both sides) faire hedge-rowes of
Elme Trees, with Bridges and easie
Stiles to passe over into the pleasant
fields, very commodious for Citizens
therein to walke, shoote, and otherwise
to recreate and refresh their dulled spi
rits, in the sweet and wholsome ayre,
which is now (within few yeeres) made
a continuall building throughout, of
Garden houses, and small Cottages:
and the fields on either side bee turned
into Garden plots, Tenter-yards, Bow
ling Allies, and such like; from Hounds
in the West, so farre as White Chap
, and further towards the East.
On the South side of the High-way
from Aldgate, were some few tenements
thinly scattered here and there, with
many voyd spaces betweene them up to

the Barres.1 But now that street is not
onely replenished with buildings out
ward, and also pestred with divers Al
leys, on either side to the Barres; but
to White Chappell and beyond.
Amongst the which late buildings,
one, memorable for the commodity of
that East part of this Citie, is a faire wa
, hard without the gate, the
building whereof, in the yeere 1535.
Sir Bohn Allen being Maior, two fif
teenes were granted by the Citizens, for
the making, and laying of pipes to con
vey water from Hackney to that place,
and so that worke was then finished.
Here I may not omit to tell you, that
although this Water-Conduit was very
beneficiall to the people inhabiting
there round about: yet in regard of the
situation, being then upon the streets
South side, and immediately descen
ding downe many steps or stayres of
stone, it was troublesome to the poore
people fetching water there, in com
ming up laden with their Tubs, Pailes,
anand Tankards. Beside, vntill the turne
of each party came by order and due
course, their Tankards, Tubs, and Pailes
did greatly pester the passage about and
thorow the Gate, endangering divers
personall harmes, and other great incon
veniences. Which since then, at the
taking downe of the old Gate, that a
new might bee builded in the same
place, is exceeding commendably a
mended, to the Cities honour, their
credit that had care for the disposing of
the worke, and great ease of the poore.
Water-bearers, and all passengers. For
now there is a faire spacious Court,
wherein all the Tankards and other ves
sels orderly stand, (without any annoy
ance to the Street:) and the descent to
the Conduit is made very convenient,
free from offending one another in their
labour, the passage to and fro is so aptly
ordered, and the roome so large for
their attendance.
The old ruinous Gate being taken
downe, and order provided for a new
foundation: divers very ancient peeces
of Romane coyne,
The two pieces of Coyne were of Traionus & Dioclesianus Emperors
were found among
the stones and rubbish; which as Mr.
Martin Bond (a Worshipfull Citizen,
and one of the Surveyors of the worke)
told me, two of them (according to their
true forme and figure) he caused to bee
carved in stone, and fixed on eyther
side of the Gates Arch without, East
The rest of these stamped Romane
peeces, were sent for by the Lord Maior
and his brethren to the Guild-hall,
where as yet they remaine to be seene.
Moreover, under his owne hand-wri
ting, he delivered me this briefe note,
which (for mine owne discharge) I have
here set downe.
The 10. day of March, Anno 1607. I
Martin Bond, laid the first founda
tion stone of Ealdgate, Northward.
The bottome of which foundation was
sixteene foot deepe, and eight foot
Now concerning the building of the
Begun to be taken downe in An. 1606. and fini
shed in An. 1609.
what time it was in hand, and the
care and paines taken about it: it would
require a larger explanation, than here
I am limited unto. But the Gate being
very worthily and famously finished, it
may be thus described to posterity.
Eastward, upon the height of the
Gate, standeth a faire golden Spheare,
with a goodly Vane on it. On the upper
Battlements (as vigilant Sentinels, and
kept waking by Fames golden Trum
pet) are placed the shapes of two armed
ancient Souldiers, each holding a great
stone in his hand, as denying the en
trance of any bold enemy, or such as are
not friends to the City.
Beneath, in a faire large square, stan
deth the imaginary figure of our Royall
Soveraigne King Iames, in bright gilt
Armour, at whose feet (on either side)
lye the Lion and golden-chained Vni
corne mildly couching, as expressing
awe and humility in so great a pre
So much for the out-side of the Gate,
with the two Romane Coynes before re
Westward, or within, highest of all,
standeth Fortune, ingenuously carved
and guilded, standing upon her Globe
or Mound, with her Saile spreading
over her head, and looking with a
gracefull and auspicious countenance
upon the Citie.
Beneath her, in a large square, are

placed the Kings Armes, richly wroght
and engraven, bearing the Motto,
And a little lower,
Somewhat lower, and to grace each
side of the Gate, are set two feminine
personages, the one Southward, appea
ring to be Peace, with a silver Dove up
on her one hand, and a guilded wreath
or garland in the other. On the North
side standeth Charity, with a child at
her breast, and another led in her hand:
Implying (as I conceive) that where
Peace, and love or Charity do prosper,
and are truly embraced, that Citie shall
be for ever blessed.
Over the Arch of the Gate is thus
fairely ingraven:
Senatus Populusq; Londinens. fecit, 1609.
And vnderneath:
From Ealdgate Northwest to Bishops
, lyeth the Ditch of the Citie, cal
led Hounds-ditch, because that in old
time, when the same lay open, much
filth (conveyed forth of the Citie) espe
cially dead dogs, were there laid or
cast: wherfore (of later time) a mud wall
was made, inclosing the Ditch, to keep
out the laying of such filth as had beene
Over against this mudde wall, on the
other side of the street, was a faire field,
sometime belonging to the Priory of
the Trinity
, and since, by Sir Tho. Awd
, given to Magdalen Colledge in Cam
. This field (as all other about the
Citie) was inclosed, reserving open
passage thereinto, for such as were dis
posed. Towards the street were some
small Cottages, of two stories high, and
little Garden-plots backward, for poore
bedred people, (for in that street dwelt
none other) builded by some Prior of
the holy Trinity, to whom that ground
In my youth, I remember, devout
Bedred people in Hounds-ditch.
as well men as women of this
Citie, were accustomed oftentimes (e
specially on Fridayes weekely to walke
that way purposely) there to bestow
their charitable Almes, every poore
man or woman lying in their bed with
in their window, which was towards
the street, and open so low, that every
man might see them; a cleane linnen
cloth lying in their window, and a paire
of Beads, to shew that there lay a bed
red body, unable but to pray onely. This
Street was first paved in the yeere
About the latter end of the reigne of
King Hen. 8. three brethren that were Gun-founders,
Brasse ord
nance cast in Hounds
surnamed Owens, gate
ground there to build upon, and to in
cloze for casting of Brasse Ordnance.
These occupied a good part of the street
on the field side, and in short time di
vers others also builded there, so that
the poore bedred people were worne
out, and in place of their homely Cot
tages, such houses builded, as doe ra
ther want roome than rent; which hou
ses bee for the most part possessed by
Brokers, sellers of old apparell, and such
like. The residue of the field was for
the most part made into a Garden, by a
Gardiner named Cawsway, one that then
served the Markets with herbs & roots:
and in the last yeere of King Edw. the 6.
the same was parcelled into Gardens,
wherein are now many faire houses of
pleasure builded.
But as it is fatall to the Suburbs of e
very great Citie,
A matter greatly de
serving reformati
on in Hounds-ditch.
to be infected with
some foule and unclean Birds, that there
build their nests, although not with pro
fessed and ignominious staine of lewd
life; because (within the limits of
Hounds-ditch) dwell many a good and
honest Citizen, that will never endure
such scandalous neighbourhood: yet
there are crept in among them a base
kinde of vermine, wel-deserving to bee
ranked and numbred with them, whom
our old Prophet and Countryman Gyl
The un
nable broking Vsurers their li

called Ætatis atramentum, the black
discredit of the Age, and of place where
they are suffered to live. Or rather (as S.
thinkes it more convenient to
terme them) Baptisatos Iudæos; who
take themselves to be Christians, when
they are worse (iudeed) than the Iewes
ever were for usurie.
The Iewes were ne
ver any such grip
ple Extor
These men, or rather monsters in the
shape of men, professe to live by len
ding, and yet will lend nothing but up
on pawnes; neither to any, but unto

poore people onely, and for no lesse
gaine, than after fifty or threescore l. in
the hundred. The pawne of the poore
borrower, must needs be more than dou
ble worth the money lent upon it, and
the time of limitation is no longer than
a moneth; albeit they well know, that
the money needs not be repayed backe,
untill a twelvemoneths end. By which
time, the interest growes to be so great,
that the pawne, which (at the first) was
better than twice worth the money bor
rowed on it, doth not (in the end) prove
to be valuable to the debt, which must
be prayed, before the poore party can
redeeme it. By which extorting meanes
of proceeding,
Such gaines are the gree
dy Vsurers glory.
the poore borrower is
quite cheated of his pawne, for lesse than
the third part, which it was truly worth
It is a great errour (in my poore opi
nion) that in so ancient and famous a
Citie, abounding (otherwise) in most
Christian Almes and workes of mercy,
that among so many worthy liberalities
bestowed on the poore in divers and di
stinct Parishes,
A publike stocke would doe well for the poore in every Parish.
no order is taken for
such a publicke stocke, for the truely
poore, that when in their urgent neces
sitie, either by want of meanes, sicknesse
and other hinderances, their pawnes
may not goe to the cut-throat Vsurer;
but remaine to their owne good (living
or dying) or to theirs; without any o
ther benefit, than that it may still serve
for the like reliefe.
And let mee not here bee mistaken,
that I condemne such as live by honest
buying and selling, and make a good
conscience of their dealing: no truely, I
meane onely the Iudas Broker, that
lives by the Bagge, and (except God be
more mercifull to him) will follow him
that did beare the Bagge.
On the ditch side of this street, the
mudde wall which was, is also (by little
and little) taken all downe, the Banke
of the ditch being raised, made levell
ground, and turned into Garden-plots,
and Carpenters yards, and many large
houses are there builded, for the uses
before remembred; the filth of which
houses, as also the earth cast out of their
vaults, is turned into the ditch; by
which meanes the ditch is filled up,
and both the ditch and wall so hidden,
that they cannot be seene of the passers
Here, according to my purpose in all
other Wards and Parishes, I meane
not to forget Gods blessings bestowed,
by the hands and mercifull mindes of
charitable Benefactors. In this Parish
of Saint Buttolphs without Aldgate
, these
persons following doe justly deserve
Benefactors to the Poore.
Master William Newton,
For relief of the poore in the Parish of S. But
out Ald
Citizen and
Sadler of London, gave divers Tene
ments in the high street.
Mistris Mary Bristow, gave a Tene
ment to the poore, the yeerely rent be
ing, 3. l. 6. s. 8. d.
Mistris Ioyce Ripton, gave the summe
of 40. l. that fewell may be given thrice
yeerely for ever to the poore.
Master William Cowch (of whom wee
have already spoken) gave 5. l. yeerely
to the poore, and for a Sermon also ten
Mr. Anthony Duffield gave the summe
of 20. l. to have 400. of good Faggots
yeerely given to the poore.
Mistris Ioane Duffield gave 10. l’, to
have 200. of good Faggots given yeer
ly to the poore.
Mr. Iohn Franke gave an annuity of
20. s. yeerely for ever to the poore.
Mistris Margaret Holigrave gave the
like summe of 20. s. and for the like in
tent yeerely to the poore.
Mr. Bernard Williamson gave yeerely
a summe of mony, (which since is made
up twenty pounds) that a load of Char
coales, and a certaine summe of money,
may yeerely for ever bee given to the
Mr. Toby Wood, Esquire, gave a tene
ment of 6. l. rent yeerly; the rent wher
of is quarterly given to the poore, and
for 4. Sermons.
Mistris Anne Clarke, widdow, of
Houndsditch, gave 40. l. to have foure
Sermons yeerely, and a certaine allow
ance of bread given to the poore.
Mr. Henry Iorden, sometime Citi
zen and Fishmonger of London, gave
an annuity of twenty shillings yeerely
for ever, to be given in fewell to the

Mr. George Palin, Girdler, gave 10. l.
for ever, to be imployed for the benefit
of the poore.
Mr. Robert Rogers, late Citizen and
Leatherseller, gave 20. l. to be laid out
yeerely in Coales, that the poore may
have them at a reasonable price in win
Mr. Stephen Scudamour, late Citizen
and Vintner, gave 20. s. yeerely for e
ver, to be given in fewell to the poore.
Mr. Francis Tirrell, late Citizen and
Grocer, gave 10. l. in money to the
poore, and 5. Chauldrons of Coales
yeerely for ever.
Mr. Robert Dow, a great Benefactor,
both in his life time, and for ever after
death: as also Mr. George Clarke, and
Mr. Robert Coxe, wee have spoken of
The li
mits of Portsoken VVard, and of the whole Pa
rish, which extendeth a great way fur
ther than the VVard doth.
concerning the bounds and li
mits, both of the Parish and Ward, and
how far they extend themselves every
way; there can be no better direction
therein, than following the order of
their own yeerly perambulation, which
for avoiding of prolixity, thus I observe.
Walking downe Hounds ditch North
ward, so far as the dwelling house of one
Edward Ansell, Carpenter, they there
crosse the way Eastward into Still and
Hand Alley, passing on along by a Gar
den bricke wall, belonging to a faire
goodly Place, termed sometime, Fishers
. Thence they proceed into Hogge
, in the middle of which lane, is the
partition betweene the two Parishes of
White Chappell and S. Buttolphs. There
they goe on to the Barres2 in the com
mon street, and crossing the way South
ward, goe thorow a now Tavern house,
knowne by the name of the Castle,
where turning backe againe, the bredth
of two small Gardens, they then passe
on right forward (west) to the Minories
wall, untill they come to the Minories
There (at the further end) they turne
downe into an Alley, called Brownes
, to a Wall being by Goodmans
, and so along by that wall, so far
as to Goodmans gate. Where, by reason
of a controversie hapning betweene the
Parish of White Chappell and Saint But
, and a Barne and other buildings
erected in the way, they are constrained
to turne up into the street againe. Then
they goe downe Red-Lion Alley, to the
house of one Darby Morgan, passing on
thence directly into Rosemary lane. Then
downe on the South side, till they come
to the East side of a new Church-yard,
there builded at the Parishes cost, and
for their helpe in times of sicknes. There
they goe thorow an house, then thorow
the Church-yard, and afterward tho
row the house of one Iohn Batcheler.
Thence they goe down Nightingale lane,
on the West side, untill they come to
the middle of a Foord, which sometime
turned Wapping Mill; and there the fore
said two Parishes are divided againe by
that Foord. Then goe they on so far as
M. Duppa, or Duppers house, and so
round about Saint Katharines, till they
come to the signe of the Maiden-head,
and there they fix their marke.
And then passe over Tower-hill, to the
house of one Iohn Atkinson, neere to the
Posterne gate; and then goe directly
Northward up the Minories street, till
they come to the Portcullis under Ald
, where the testimony of their
marke concludeth all.
In these, or the most part of these lat
ter directions, I have beene greatly fa
voured by Master Iohn Brigges, the pain
full and industrious Minister of S. But
, who by the helpe of the Clerke
and Sexton, most lovingly and gently
befriended me.
This Portsoken Ward hath an Alder
man and his Deputy; common Coun
sellours, 6. Constables, 4. Scavengers,
4. for the Wardmore inquest, 18. and
a Beadle. To the Fifteene it is seased at
4. l. 10. s.


  1. The Aldgate Bars. (CH)
  2. The Aldgate Bars. (CH)

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MLA citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. Survey of London (1633): Portsoken Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0, edited by Janelle Jenstad, U of Victoria, 05 May 2022, Draft.

Chicago citation

Stow, John, Anthony Munday, Anthony Munday, and Humphrey Dyson. Survey of London (1633): Portsoken Ward. The Map of Early Modern London, Edition 7.0. Ed. Janelle Jenstad. Victoria: University of Victoria. Accessed May 05, 2022. Draft.

APA citation

Stow, J., Munday, A., Munday, A., & Dyson, H. 2022. Survey of London (1633): Portsoken Ward. In J. Jenstad (Ed), The Map of Early Modern London (Edition 7.0). Victoria: University of Victoria. Retrieved from Draft.

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Provider: University of Victoria
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A1  - Stow, John
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Munday, Anthony
A1  - Dyson, Humphrey
ED  - Jenstad, Janelle
T1  - Survey of London (1633): Portsoken Ward
T2  - The Map of Early Modern London
ET  - 7.0
PY  - 2022
DA  - 2022/05/05
CY  - Victoria
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TEI citation

<bibl type="mla"><author><name ref="#STOW6"><surname>Stow</surname>, <forename>John</forename></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, <author><name ref="#MUND1"><forename>Anthony</forename> <surname>Munday</surname></name></author>, and <author><name ref="#DYSO1"><forename>Humphrey</forename> <surname>Dyson</surname></name></author>. <title level="a">Survey of London (1633): Portsoken Ward</title>. <title level="m">The Map of Early Modern London</title>, Edition <edition>7.0</edition>, edited by <editor><name ref="#JENS1"><forename>Janelle</forename> <surname>Jenstad</surname></name></editor>, <publisher>U of Victoria</publisher>, <date when="2022-05-05">05 May 2022</date>, <ref target=""></ref>. Draft.</bibl>
